Henry VIII: December 1540, 21-25

Pages 156-162

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 16, 1540-1541. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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December 1540, 21–25

21 Dec. 341. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 21 Dec. Present: Chancellor, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Gt. Admiral, Durham, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Sadler, Chanc. of Augm., Chanc. of Tenths. Business:—The Emperor's ambassador was with the King and Council, and afterwards, with the Council in the Council Chamber, treating of the statutes and proclamations made here and in Flanders. — (blank) was examined touching the state and victualling of Guisnes. Minute of Mason's instructions read.
21 Dec. 342. Prothonotary Monluc to Montmorency.
Ribier, i. 548. * * * * The day before yesterday, Card. Marcellus, now called St. Croix, told him that when in Flanders he had both heard of and ascertained (touché au doigt) the practices for marriage between the Emperor and the king of England; and that the king of England would move war on France as soon as they were settled. * * * Rome, 21 Dec. 1540.
22 Dec. 343. Marillac to Francis I.
R. O.
Kaulek, 249.
London, 22 Dec.:—Seeing the term was past in which the English promised to name their deputies for the affair of the bridge at Ardres, asked Norfolk and the rest of the Privy Council for a definite answer. They said they had not yet determined who should have charge of the affair, Wallop having written that Francis said the deputies of both sides would have time to leave after these holidays; and also they desired to know the quality of the knight of his Order that Francis would send, in order that they might send one of equal dignity. They said this as of themselves, without charge from their master, although they let it be understood that it was the sole cause of their delay. Finally, they said they would notify everything to Francis by their ambassador or Marillac. Presumes it will be by Wallop, lest Marillac should enquire too curiously of the quality of him who shall have this charge; for, although it would be of little consequence, the English are at all times extremely suspicious.
The above answers one point in Francis's letters of the 14th. As for the other, to certify all occurrences, has nothing certain to write. The English show themselves desirous of peace and yet seem to be preparing for war. Their words could not be more friendly, but lately they have sent over to Calais and Guisnes 300 or 400 pioneers, as Marillac notified to M. Dubiez and the Constable, and are raising 200 more to send. Some say the intention is to build a fortress near Guisnes, as near Ardres as possible, some that it is to make a rampart at the place from which Calais obtains fresh water. Artillery and munitions are being sent thither, but there is no levy of men of war nor victualliug of ships.
French. Modern transcript, pp. 4. Headed: Sent by Ferrand.
22 Dec. 344. Marillac to Montmorency.
R. O.
Kaulek, 250.
(Almost the
whole text.)
Ribier, i.
London, 22 Dec.:—Supposes Montmorency will see the letter he now writes to the King. Daily sees the young lords here making provision as if to go to war. The lord Privy Seal, formerly Admiral, keeps in his own hands three ships which he used to let to merchants; and certain of the Chancellor's household have heard their master say he expected war next summer. The Emperor's ambassador, who had not seen the King since he presented his credentials, this morning went to Hampton Court, although he can scarcely drag himself and might have waited until the holidays, when all the ambassadors go and the King keeps open house. The cause must, therefore, have required speed, and Marillac can only think it must have been some answer to what Winchester has gone about to the Emperor. The language the English hold must be intended to put the French off their guard. Thinks the deputies for the matter of the bridge at Ardres will be over sea before he hears their names; but they will not leave before the holidays, and Francis is to be informed, probably through Wallop. As for the pioneers, what he wrote on the 10th was the truth, although the bruit in France that they were 1,500 gave M. de Saint Seval reason to fear a surprise. Hears that some of the greatest men here have said, in Council, that they were sorry they had suffered the French to fortify Ardres, but that there was still time, for it could not be put in a state of defence for a year yet. Asks payment of his extraordinaires.
French. Modern transcript, pp. 3.
22 Dec. 345. The Prince of Chimay.
Balcarres MS.
ii. 72.
Adv. Lib.
Summary of the articles agreed between the duke and duchess of Guise on the one part and the procureurs of the duke of Arschot and the prince of Chimay, his eldest son, on the other, for a marriage between the said Prince and Mademoiselle Loyse de Lorraine, daughter of the said Duke and Duchess. Dated 22 Dec. 1540.
Fr., pp. 4. Endd.: “Traicté de marriage de Madame Loyse.”
23 Dec. 346. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meetings at Hampton Court, 22 and 23 Dec. Present: Suffolk, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Gt. Admiral, Durham, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Sadler, Chanc, of Tenths. No business recorded.
23 Dec. 347. Chapuys to Charles V. (fn. 1)
Calendar, vi.
Pt. i., No. 144.
Describes a visit he paid yesterday, by invitation, to the King at Hampton Court. The King first, in presence of his Council, complained of an edict (fn. 2) in the Low Countries, prohibiting export of goods in English vessels, as contrary to the treaties, and wondered that the Emperor had not written to him earlier of the injury of his subjects by the late ordinances of Parliament. Replied that, as to the last point, the Emperor had done his duty, as the lord Privy Seal and Admiral could testify—which they began to do, but he would not listen to them. As to the other matter, the Emperor was justified because the English had first broken the treaties, which expressly stated that his subjects might reside and trade freely with this country; and the bp. of Winchester had answered his remonstrances by saying the Emperor might do the like in his countries; and further that the treaty of commerce was void, as the English deputies protested against it. The King answered that by the treaty of Cambray all commercial treaties were confirmed, and would not hear of Chapuys' reference to the assembly of deputies (fn. 3) that was held. Finally he said he would not debate things which his Council could explain, but begged Chapuys to get the edict revoked.
The King then dismissed his Councillors, led Chapuys into a window, and said the Emperor neglected his own affairs, since he was indifferent to the doings of the French, who had won over most of the Christian princes and the Turk, through whom they secured Venice and the king of Poland, who had accepted the guardianship of the Waywode's son. They were intriguing in Germany and Switzerland, and even if Milan were restored to them they would still claim Naples and Florence; and now they were soliciting a marriage between Mons. d'Angouleme (fn. 4) and the Pope's granddaughter and fortifying the frontiers, whether against him or the Emperor he could not say. The Emperor had to go into Spain, and would leave his Low Countries without allies, whereas if there was real friendship between him and the Emperor, king Francis would think twice before attacking the latter. He ended by saying he could not but mention the above, but would not do more for fear it should be said he sought to sow dissension; those who needed help should seek it, and he might have made good bargains had he listened to French proposals; once, when he remonstrated with Francis for dealing with the Turk, his reply was that no other prince tendered him help at need. Replied, as he did some months ago to the Privy Seal and Admiral, when they spoke in a similar strain, by asking his opinion as to what the Emperor should do. He answered that the Emperor had in a bad hour proclaimed an edict, which implied that there was no good will between them, although Winchester had written that the Emperor did it unwillingly at the importunity of the Low Countries. As Chapuys made no overtures he had sent Winchester to ascertain the Emperor's inclinations and to explain his last divorce and his views on religion. He had not written to Winchester to ask the revocation of the edict because he trusted more to Chapuys' letters.
His audience ended, Chapuys went to the Privy Council, who gave him a note (enclosed) of the chief points in their “statutes for the regulation and intercourse of trade,” and begged him to insist on the revocation of the edict. Advised them to revoke their statutes, a course which the wisest of them admitted to be just.
A week ago the Admiral dined with him, and had a long conversation about reconciliation with the Holy See. He said his master would not hear of it, and yet no one here advocates it more than the Admiral. Will not speak of it to the King unless incidentally if opportunity occurs. The confusion of this King and his ministers at the edict coming now, when the King would persuade the French that he is on better terms than ever with the Emperor, is to be conceived: and doubtless the French will laugh at the sending of such a solemn embassy to hear the proclamation of the edict—which took place at Antwerp the day Winchester and his colleague (fn. 5) arrived. That embassy was the more inopportune as their difference about the limits of Guisnes and Ardres is still unsettled, and is referred to arbitrators.
Gives his reasons for not insisting more upon the justification of the Emperor's measures, and not urging his subjects here (who are but six) to the non-payment of the tax. In his opinion, now is the time to solicit the abolition of the commercial treaties. It would have been better not to have made the edict than to revoke it; for, he thinks, the English will give in, although hitherto they have spoken confidently.
The king of Scotland, when his Parliament ended, sent Sir John Campbell to France and other courts. He is expected here in two days. Cannot yet learn his mission. London, 23 Dec. 1540.
Original at Vienna.
*** The letter which follows this in the Spanish Calendar, and which is there dated in the margin “23 Dec.,” and at the end “26 Dec. 1540,” seems to be of the 26th Oct. 1541.
348. The Navy.
R. O. “The effect of a statute passed the last Parliament for the maintenance of the navy of England.” [32 Hen. VIII. cap. 14.]
Notes of the chief clauses.
Pp. 4. Endd.: “A note of the Statute for shipping upon strangers' bottoms.”
R. O. 2. “Leffect de lestatute concernant lentretenement et mayntenance de la Navee Dangleterre ordonne au Parlement lan mil vc xl.”
Being a French translation of the above.
French, pp. 3. Endd.: “Th' effect of the Statute for th'entertainment of the Navy of England.”
24 Dec. 349. The Privy Council.
P.C.P., vii.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 24 Dec. Present: Norfolk, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Gt. Admiral, Durham, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb, Wriothesley, Sadler, Chanc. of Tenths. Business:—Letters brought from Treasurer and Comptroller of Calais touching Edm. Smith's complaint and “a certain plat of the keywork at Guysnes decayed.” Torre, who was long an exile in France, and, upon warranty of the late earl of Essex, came in and submitted, declared his proceedings in France and Flanders and handling in Flanders by Philips and Bransetre. Letters sent from the bp. of Norwich's chancellor and Thos. Godsalve of the apprehension of Thos. Whalpole, a seditious “setter forth of a naughty book made by Philip Melanchton against the King's acts of Christian religion.” Two warrants stamped for payments “to sundry persons.” A letter under Stamp written to Justice Marvyn, Sir Wm. Gifford, John Kingsmill, and John Waleston.
24 Dec. 350. Wallop to Henry VIII.
R. O.
St. P., viii.
Received his letters dated Otland, 8th inst., on the 12th, and the day before had the French king's summons to Court for affairs decided in his Privy Council. Marvelling what that should be, went thither next day The King said (quotes words) he reckoned to have been absent three or four days, but, being there, he would show why he had summoned Wallop: a poor Breton had come out of England who had sued in vain there six or seven years, since the time of M. de Tarbes, and desired a letter of marque, which Francis would not grant lest he might displease his “good brother,” but desired Wallop to write that the man might have justice: his Ambassador could get no answer upon the same. The Breton will remain here until Henry's answer arrives, and will be glad of any reasonable appointment rather than sue for a letter of marque. Reminded the King of my lord of Suffolk's two sundry processes, and especially of the matter of George Hampton and La Foyett, (fn. 6) which has been before his Great Council 16 or 17 years. “Comment,” quod he, “cella nest il pas anchore despatche? We, par St. Jean, il sera despache.” The poor Breton kneeled before the Chancellor and Council, praying for justice to be done to English subjects here, or he should have none in England. Thos. Barnabye, who has long sued here, has obtained his process. The Chancellor is inclined to justice, as shown in this matter of Barnabye, by his strait commands to the Council.
Thanked the King on Henry's part for his determination in the matter of Cowbridge and the Cowswade, and for his offer of marble. Asked the names of his commissioners, and said Henry thought the time should be 2 Feb. He said Mons. de Beez, one of his Order, and Mons. Scavoyez, a master of Requests, dwelling at Amiens, should be commissioners. “Comment Sir,” said I, “Mons. de Beez is a borderer and governor of those parties, and in him may be much partiality, as well for himself as for his friends.” He replied that he could not find another so meet for his purpose, for he was doulce and conformable and knew the frontier well. He would command them not to stick at any small matter. He approved of the 2nd Feb. Delivered a remembrance of it to the Chancellor before leaving Court, where he staid three days to see the triumph made by the Dolphin and Mons. d'Orleans.
Describes his entertainment at Court under the care of Mons. de Morrette, and a banquet with the Dolphin and Mons. d'Orleans, who lamented the death of the duke of Richmond and praised much my lord of Surrey, They are two goodly princes and full of activity, especially the Dolphin. Their father delights in them and is himself more lusty than he has been for 12 years past. He dances every night except at this last banquet, when, having been “pricked in the leg with Mons d'Orleans' sword lacking a chape,” he walked with a staff. Wishes he had one of Henry's staves to present to him; for that he had was very gross, like a carpenter's measure. The King, seeing his children so desirous to exercise feats of arms, will run against them at the tilt at Twelfth Tide next.
Returning from Court, met the Admiral, who said he was awaiting Mons. d'Orleans, who rode in post to Paris. His process is not finished, nor will be come to Court until it is. There are many witnesses against him out of Normandy and Burgundy. At the Chancellor's next coming he will be confronted by Moye, his vice admiral. Growing importance of the Chancellor. The Constable's suit, through the card, of Lorraine, for leave to retire home. Reconciliation of the Constable with Madame d'Estampes, and, perhaps, with the Admiral.
Will watch matters between the French and the Emperor and signify them to Winchester. Has been twice with the Queen of Navarre. She thanks Henry for his promise of the pictures. She spoke of the Emperor's late sickness, saying he could feign it if it served his purpose, just as he had raised a bruit that he would send Granvelle hither, only to make the German Princes more conformable at the Diet. (fn. 7) She was sure the Diet would do nothing. As to the marriage of the duke of Cleves with her daughter, she and the King of Navarre would not be hasty, but learn first how the Duke stands with the Emperor. Always finds the Duke's ambassador in her chamber. Madame d'Estampes' intrigues for the marriage of the Duke with the French King's daughter manifested lately upon a dispute between Madame la Dolphine and the King's said daughter. French King's suspicion of the Emperor and practices in Italy, Germany and Denmark, to the King of which he has lately sent his Order.
There is a bruit that some of the Emperor's folk were about to take Hesding and were themselves taken. The Emperor's ambassador knows nothing of it nor of Granvelle's coming hither. He says that the Emperor is whole and has left Valentian, and the Diet shall be kept, and that Winchester has not yet arrived. The Emperor's ambassador asked the cause of Winchester's coming. Said he could not say, unless it was to be at the Diet in case the matter of Lady Anne of Cleves were spoken of. No doubt Henry is well informed of the Emperor's journey, and the King of the Romans' being in Hungary. From Italy is no news but of the Bishop of Rome's schemes for the advancement of his posterity, and his intention to make 12 cardinals, six at the Emperor's nomination and five (including the Chancellor) at the French king's. The French Queen sent the Emperor two horse litters, hearing he was sick of the “eymeroddes” and could not ride. Thanks for his advance of 6 months' diets. Mellune, 24 Dec. Signed.
10. Add. Endd.
25 Dec. 351. The Privy Council.
vii. 97.
Meeting at Hampton Court, 25 Dec. Present: Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Gt. Admiral, Durham, Treasurer, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Sadler, Chanc. of Augm., Chanc. of Tenths. Business:—Letters written to Dr. Spenser, the bp. of Norwich's chancellor, and Thos. Godsalve, to send up Whalpole, taken for setting forth Melancthon's epistle; also to Sir Giles Alyngton, Serjeant Hynde, Ph. Paris, and Thos. Megges, to send up a chaplain called Foxforth, or some such name, and Deryck, servants of the bp. of Ely, accused as setters forth of the same epistle, and search their chambers; and also, if the Bishop seem of counsel, to search his study and charge him to come up.
25 Dec. 352. First Fruits and Tenths.
Lansd. MS.
156, f. 146.
B. M.
A declaration of Sir John Gostwick, knight, treasurer and receiver-general of First Fruits and Tenths, for 6 years from 1 Jan. 26 Hen. VIII. until Christmas 32 Hen. VIII.
i. First Fruits. Received of Thos. Cromwell, chief sec. of the King, and of lord Thos. Audeley, Chancellor, partly in bonds and partly in money, at several times from 1 Jan. that year to 1 Jan. following, 14,034l. 17s. 2d.; from Audeley and Cromwell, and from John Hailes, from 1 Jan. 27 to 1 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII., partly in bonds and partly in money, for composition for first fruits, 21,221l. 7s. 2d.; from Audeley and Chr. Hailes and John Hailes, from 1 Jan. 28 to 1 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII., 13,385l. 5s. 5d. for the above causes; from Audeley, Chr. Hailes, and John Hailes, for compositions from 1 Jan. 29 to 1 Jan. 30 Hen. VIII., 17,645l. 13s. 1[0?]d.; from John Hailes and Chr. Hailes, from 1 Jan. 30 to 1 Jan. 31 Hen. VIII., for compositions, 13,987l. 8s. 11d.; from John and Chr. Hailes and Alex. Courthope, for compositions, from 1 Jan. 31 to 1 Jan. 32 Hen. VIII., 9,794l. 18s. [2d.?] Total charge of first fruits, 90,069l. 10s. 9d.
ii. Tenths. Received of the abp. of Canterbury, the bps. of London, Salisbury, Worcester, Chichester, Norwich, Ely, Bath and Wells, Lincoln, Winchester, Bangor, Exeter, Rochester, Hereford, Cov. and Lichf., Llandaff, St. David's, [St.] Asaph, York, Durham, and Carlisle, for the tenths of their dioceses, from Christmas 26 to Christmas 27 Hen. VIII., 32,018l. 1s. The like from the abp. of Cant., and bps. of London, Salisb., Norw., Ely, Bath and W., Linc., Winch., Bangor, Exeter, Roch., Heref., Cov. and Lich., Llandaff, St. David's, Asaph, abp. of York, bps. of Durham and Carlisle, archdeacons of Sudbury, Suff., and Norf., in Norw. dioc., from 1 Jan. 27 to 1 Jan. 28 Hen. VIII., 30,548l. 15s. 5d. Again of the said abps. and bps., from 1 Jan. 28 to 1 Jan. 29 Hen. VIII., 29,445l. 1s. 11d.; and for the years following, viz., Christmas 29 to Christmas 30 Hen. VIII., 25,970l. 7s. 9d.; from Chrs. 30 to 31 Hen. VIII., 19,857l. 1s. 6d.; from Chrs. 31 to 32 Hen. VIII., 18,412l. 12s. Total of tenths, 156,251l. 19s. 10d.
iii. Subsidies of the Clergy. Received of the said bps., due Chrs. 32 Hen. VIII., 18,299l. 6s. 11d. Of a certain subsidy of the clergy of York province, 6,462l. 13s. For fines assessed by Cromwell for making knights, 1,594l. Fruits of bprics. during vacancy, 2,394l. 6s. 1 (?) d. For escape of collectors (fn. 8) convicted out of the bp. of Lincoln's prison, 700l. Received of Cromwell and others by the King's express commands for foreign employment at several times, 130,711l. 16s. […].
iv. Payments. Fees and annuities to Sir John Baker, Chancellor of the Court of First Fruits, at 400 marks per annum, and to this accountant, 100l., and to others respectively during those 6 years, 2,186l. 12s. 10d. Foreign payments to ambassadors, messengers, purchasers of land, redemption of mortgaged lands, diets of prisoners, &c., 110,415l. 4s. 4d. Rewards, 11,175l. 17s. 7d. Charges of grooms of the Chamber and messengers, 109l. 5s. 10d. Posts, 152l. 16s. 8d. Divers necessary charges of the Court of First Fruits, 60l. 10s. 2d. Disbursements in accountant's office, 640l. 12s. 6d. Allowances by warrant and decree of same court, 14,597l. 12s. 1[0?d.] Monies imprested by several warrants from the King for the transporting of soldiers, carriage of ordnance, &c., 175,591l. 8s. 4d. Delivered to the King's cofferer by special warrants, 59,139l. 18s. [4?d.]. Total allowances, 374,069l. 19s. [5d.], which being taken out of 406,183l. 13s. 11d., there remains due by accountant to the King, 32,113l. 14s. [6d.]; off which is allowed 80l. for a reward to the auditor, and 13l. 1s. 9d. to the Chancellor of the Court for his charge in riding about the King's business. “And so he oweth 32,020l. 12s. [9d.].” In addition to which he is charged with 13l. and 22s. 10d., so that he owes in all 32,034l. 15s. 7d., whereof is respited for various causes 1,810l. 18s. 4d. “And then there remaineth due from him 30,223l. 17s. 3d.; whereof there is charged on several persons, 24,851l. 3s. 11d., and upon the accomptant, 5,372l. 13s. 3d.
Copy of the time of James I., pp.


  • 1. Headed in the Spanish Calendar as if to the queen of Hungary, but the address there quoted is “To the Emperor.”
  • 2. See No. 307.
  • 3. The Diet of Bourbourg in the year 1532. See Vol. V.
  • 4. Meaning Aumale.
  • 5. Knyvett.
  • 6. See Vol. III., No. 2446; and Vol. IV., Nos. 57, &c.
  • 7. Of Ratisbon.
  • 8. So in MS., apparently for “clerks.”