Pages 152-156
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 16, 1540-1541. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.
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December 1540, 11–20
11 Dec. | 323. Ralph Gamull. |
Harl. MS. 1991, f. 196. B. M. |
Will of Rauff Gamull, of Buerton, in the parish of Aldelem. 11 Dec. 1540. Proved … March 1540. Signed: per me Randulphum Pengston, curatum ibidem. P 1. Mutilated. |
[12] Dec. | 324. Thos. Whyteney, late Abbot of Dieulacres, to John Scudamore. |
Add. MS. 11,041, f. 70. B. M. |
Upon the letter to my brother to appear before Mr. Auditor and you at Burton upon Trent, the 13th of this December, I prepared to come thither. Coming to Leke on Saturday night, I heard you were departed towards Lichfield and Worcestershire, and considering the danger, by evil weather and floods, I thought best to send my brother after you and spare myself; and I trust you will be good to me for my pension, due at Michaelmas last. I had to borrow 8l. of my said brother: I beg you to repay him and deliver the rest to my servant Ric. Day, who will give you an acquittance and your fee. Also I beg you to send, by Ric. Day, the pensions of my poor brethren that are not able to labour for them, and let me have letters to the bailiffs to pay my pension regularly. Leke, Sunday. Hol., p. 1. Add.: receiver to the King. |
13 Dec. | 325. The Privy Council. |
Nicolas' P.C.P., vii. 89. |
On 23 Nov. the King and Queen accompanied only with the lord Privy Seal, Admiral, Mr. of Horse, and Vice-Chamberlain, of the Privy Council departed to Okyng, and thence on 7 Dec. to Oteland, and thence on 18 Dec to Hampton Court. During that time Wriothesley and the Comptroller remained at Windsor, and the lords of the Council departed home, but assembled sundry times at Westminster as the King advertised them of affairs. Especially there assembled at Suffolk's house, 13 Dec., the Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Durham, Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. Business done: Fras. Haull, of Calais, to be allowed 26s. 8d., a week for diet of Lady Lisle, one priest, and three persons, and the priest's wages, and to be paid for his expenses hitherto at that rate. A letter to be written to Sir Thos. Wharton to punish the Fosters who had written, without his knowledge, to the king of Scots. |
14 Dec. | 326. The Privy Council. |
Nicolas' P.C.P., vii. 90. |
Meeting at Westm., 14 Dec. Present: Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Gt. Admiral, Durham, Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. Business:—Upon long consultation touching lord Leonard, Wriothesley and the Chanc. of Augmentations were appointed to abridge the book sent from the Deputy and Council of Ireland against next day. (fn. 1) Chaundelour, who had put to the King a slanderous bill against Sir Thos. Wriothesley, secretary, appeared and failed to prove it, and was commanded to appear on the 29th inst. for final order. |
14 Dec. | 327. Francis I. to Marillac. |
R. O. Kaulek, 249 (Abstract). |
Fontainebleau, 14 Dec.:—Received his of the 4th three or four days ago. Was pleased to learn the king of England's gracious language touching the deputies to be sent to Ardres and Calais. When Marillac knows their names and the time and place where they are to be found, he must notify it at once. His affairs go well and his health and that of his children could not be better. French. Modern transcript, pp. 2. |
14 Dec. | 328. Montmorency to Marillac. |
R. O. Kaulek, 249. (Abstract.) |
Fontainebleau, 14 Dec.:—Has received his of the 4th, to which the King now replies. Assures him the King is pleased with his despatches. He will be kept informed of occurrences here, but at present there is not much to tell, for he knows of the agreement of the Venetians with the Turk. The diet of Worms bears no fruit, and that of Ratisbon will probably have no better effect. There may yet be some truce in matters of religion, and the Emperor will profit thereby to aid his brother, the king of the Romans, in Hungary, and to contrive some other matters, the issue of which will make us wise. Marillac must notify when the English deputies are ready to cross. The King and all his company make good cheer. French, Modern transcript, pp. 2. |
14 Dec. | 329. Joachim Mollerus to —. |
Corpus Reform, iii. 1209. |
The history of the Diet hitherto is very brief. Two speeches were made, one by Granvelle exhorting to concord, and the other by the bishop of Feltri (Veltrensis). No agreement has yet been come to about the order of debate. Our party could not get our opponents to allow the other envoys, 37 on either side, to be present at the discussion; and, when our men yielded, they again demanded that all the copies taken by the notaries should be sent to the Emperor, whereas our party contend that the Emperor should have two copies and the Protestants two copies. Meanwhile the adversaries make and unmake articles, and do not agree amongst themselves; for those of the Marquis (fn. 2) (Marchici), the Palatine, and Juliers are opposed to manifest errors. Alone in the front rank, Alesius the Scot bravely battles with those sycophants and defends the glory of God. These things they do, in spite of the Emperor's command, in order to impede free suffrage; for they distrust their own cause, and would colour their errors and offer feigned conciliations. This day Eccius presented articles. Worms, 14 Dec. Lat. |
15 Dec. | 330. The Privy Council. |
Nicolas' P.C.P., vii. 91. |
Meeting at Westm., 15 Dec. Present: Chancellor, Norfolk, Suffolk, Hertford, Durham, Wriothesley, Chanc. of Augm. Business:—It was agreed that lord Leonard Gray, through affection to the Garetynes because of his sister's marriage to the late earl of Kildare, had committed heinous offences, in five points, (1) entertaining M'Garet, Ocanour, OMore's sons, and Prior Walshe and his brother, (2) setting up Foranamyn and destroying Maguyre, (3) releasing Tibot Fitzpiers Fitzgarret and the dean of Dirrhey, (4) procuring OMore's sons to spoil the King's subjects, (5) entertaining Edm. Ashebold. Which articles appear more at large in the book in Wriothesley's custody; and unless lord Leonard can make better answer he is in great danger. Robt. Couley, master of the Rolls in Ireland, sent up a book against Wm. Brabazon, but further trial of it was deferred to the return of the Commissioners sent into Ireland “particularly for th'examination of the same.” A device (fn. 3) signed by the Deputy and Council of Ireland for the ordor of Leinster was misliked, as it “appeared to be an institution of a new St. John's Order.” Turlogh Otole, a wild Irishman, repaired hither to submit himself and his brother, Artorge Otole, to the King's mercy and to desire to hold certain lands of the King, whose supplication seemed reasonable. Upon the bp. of Dublin's request for a castle which was his predecessor's, and now won by the King's Deputy from the rebels, it was resolved that all places won should remain the King's. It was agreed that Gascon wines should be priced at 4l. a tun. A letter to the bailiffs of Kingston upon Thames to suffer Joan Norban, wife of Richmond herald, deceased in the Tower of London, to enjoy her lands. |
15 Dec. | 331. Bp. of Feltri to Card. Farnese. |
R. O. |
* * * One Alexander Alesius, a Scot, apostate [and] married, deputy among the Catholics from the elector of Brandenburg, has protested his wish to give his vote in writing apart from the rest, which will not be allowed. As, by his contradictions and clamor, he disturbs and prolongs [matters], Granvelle wishes to exclude him, not as a Protestant among Catholics, but as a rebel of the King of Scotland, the Emperor's ally. * * * Of Alex. Alesius, “he” (fn. 4) urges the Presidents to exclude him from the number of the Catholics, it not appearing convenient that at the consultations of the Catholics upon the monastic vow and celibacy one should be present who in effect has already given his vote and married. As Alesius says it does not concern them, but the Elector who sent him, “he” (fn. 4) urges that at least he may be suspended until a reply shall be had from the Elector, who perhaps does not know these qualities of his. * * * Worms, 15 Dec. 1540. Italian. Modern extract from the Vatican, p. 1. |
17 Dec. |
332. Bishopric of Westminster. See Grants in December, No. 30 and 35. |
333. Bishopric of Westminster. (fn. 5) | |
R. O. |
Erection of Westminster Bishopric, &c., giving the names and salaries of:— The Bishop: — Dr. Thurlebye, Dean: — Wm. Boston, late abbot. Twelve prebendaries:—Simon Haynes, D.D., John Redman, D.D., Ant. Bellices, LL.D., Dr. Bretton, LL.D., Edw. Laughton, clerk of the Closet, Gerard Carleton, B.D., Denis Dolyon, late prior “to abate 20l. of his pension and be a prebendary,” Humph Charite, D.D., Thos. Elfride, Thos. Essex, Wm. Feythe, John Malverne (the last six described as “of the house there”). Ten readers (described), 5 at Oxford, and 5 at Cambridge, viz., Thos. Wakefeld, Hebrew, Ric. Smythe, D.D., divinity, — (blank) Warner, physick, Dr. Glyn, “civill,” Wm. Byll, M.A., Greek (space left for other names). Scholars to be taught grammar (39 named). Master of the grammar school John Adams; usher Odney Heyborne. Twenty students of divinity to be found at Oxford and Cambridge (19 named, one of them, “John Hilpe, late monk of Glastonburie, having 100s. pension by year, and to surrender that” in lieu of this salary; and another, John Gore, “at the request of Sir Edward Baynton”). Twelve petty canons to sing in the choir (8 named). Twelve laymen to sing and serve in the choir daily (9 named). Ten choristers (5 named). A master of the children, “gospeller,” “pistoler,” 2 sextons and 12 poor men decayed in the King's service (all named). Estimate for alms, repairs, and mending of highways, the steward, auditor, 2 porters, 2 butlers (not named), 2 cooks, “catour,” and 6 servants (not named). Riding costs, extraordinary charges, tenths and first fruits. List of possessions “assigned to the King's college at Westminster, their value and the deductions to be taken therefrom.” Signed as examined by Griffith Tyndale. Pp. 12. In margin in a later hand (written early in the reign of Queen Elizabeth) opposite the names of dean and prebendaries, are these names:—Wm. Bell, D.D.; Dr. Barlow “Cicester,” the Queen's Chaplain, Mr. George Carew, Mr. Ric. Wintrer, Mr. Wm. Latamer, Mr. Blake, Mr. Barklei, Mr. Reve, Mr. Alen, [confessor. Late prebendaries] (fn. 6) :—Mr. Newal, [Mr. Weston] (fn. 6), Mr. Alvei, Mr. Parker. |
R. O. |
2. Ecclesia Cathedral' Sci' Petri, Westm.:—Valor of all the possessions assigned to the dean and chapter. Signed as examined by Griffith Tyndale. Latin, pp. 14. |
17 Dec. | 334. The Privy Council to the Lord Chancellor. |
R. O. |
To debate upon letters received from the bp. of Winchester and other matters, the King wills him to be at Hampton Court to-morrow night and to warn my lord Great Master, my lords of Sussex, Hertford and Durham, [Mr. Chancellor of the Augmentations] (fn. 7) and the rest of the Council about London, “saving only m[y lord of Norfolk,] who, for certain his own affairs, hath licence to be absent till Thursday next,” to be there. Further he must desire the Emperor's ambassador to be at Court on Sunday morning. A lodging shall be ready for him at Kingston to-morrow night. Oteland, Friday, 17 Dec. Corrected draft in Wriothesley's hand, p. 1. Endd.: Minute to my lord Chancellor, 17° Decemb. Begins: “After our right hearty commendations,” &c. |
18 Dec. |
335. Gregory Cromwell, lord Cromwell. See Grants in December, No. 34. |
18 Dec. | 336. The Bp. of Modena to Card. Farnese. |
R. O. |
The Emperor's delay in Germany, caused by the Diet to be held at Ratisbon and the affairs of the king of the Romans, who has not yet taken Hungary, and has to fear that, next year, the Turk will aid the bp. of Waradin and king John's son against him. Efforts are made, through the Count Palatine, to have the Diet held here or at Strasburg or Nuremberg, but the writer has warned the Emperor of the danger of holding it in a Lutheran city. Granville says the delay which the English ambassador is making in order not to come to the Emperor unless at the Diet, causes the Emperor to stay in Flanders; for he would by no means have him follow into Germany, knowing that he would make mischief, especially against the Holy See. Thinks the Emperor stays to see the end of this Conference, the failure of which might force him to make peace with France. Many couriers hare passed between him and the king of the Romans for this cause, and, seeing the new accord of the Venetians [i.e., with the Turk] and his ill success in Hungary, perhaps he entertains the practises with France and Germany in order to take that which involves least loss. * * * Worms, 18 Dec. 1540. Signed: Il vescovo di Moda, nuncio. Italian, Modern transcript from the Vatican, pp. 4. Part cipher with decipher. |
18 Dec. | 337. A Spanish Priest. |
R. O. |
Certificate by Peter de Licaola, bp. of Tripoli, on behalf of Alfonso de Castilla, bishop of Calahorra and “Caltraten,” of the admission of Peter de Sant Roman, subdeacon, to deacon's orders, on Saturday Quatuor Temporum after the feast of St. Lucy, 1540, i.e., 18 Dec, in the church of St. Mary de Victoria. Signed: P. Ep's Tripolins'. Countersigned: Gabriel Deviana (?). Lat. Small parchment. |
19 Dec. | 338. The Privy Council. |
Nicolas' P.C.P., vii. 93. |
Meeting at Hampton Court, 19 Dec. Present: Chancellor, Suffolk, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Durham, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Sadler, Chanc. of Augm., Chanc. of Tenths. Business:—Order (described) taken for extraordinary officers' fees at Calais. Letter sent to the Emperor's ambassador to repair to Court. |
19 Dec. | 339. Jo. Poggio, Nuncio, to Paul III. |
R. O. |
The bearer is commissary general of the Observants in Ireland, who has come thence, with danger enough, for his devotion to the Holy See. He hopes to obtain favour to return with some remedy for his country, which is in danger of taking the evil way of the English. He has found the Emperor willing to aid him. Will endeavour to learn what the Emperor thinks of it. Valentiana, 19 Dec. 1540. Italian. Modern transcript from the Vatican, p. 1. |
20 Dec. | 340. The Privy Council. |
Nicolas' P.C.P., vii. 94. |
Meeting at Hampton Court, 20 Dec. Present: Chancellor, Privy Seal, Gt. Chamb., Hertford, Durham, Comptroller, Mr. of Horse, Vice-Chamb., Wriothesley, Sadler, Chanc. of Augm., Chanc. of Tenths. Business:—Thos. Horton, alias Baker, vicar of Cawne, Wilts, sent up by Sir Hen. Long as a suspected papist, for having Thomas Becket's name in one of his books, was thought to have erred through negligence, and was bound in a recognisance (recited). Sir Ric. Riche and Thos. Derby, being at variance, were made friends, and the Council agreed to speak to the King for Derby. — Walsh, of Waterford, brought up as a “naughty person and a vagabond,” but dismissed as not guilty. |