Index: W

Pages 770-785

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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Wabendon (qu. Wavendon, Bucks?), g. 613 (1).

Wachtendonck, Herman a, marshal to the duke of Cleves, 800, 870, 960, 970.

Wacton (Waketon), Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Waddesdon (Wodeseden), Bucks, g. 282 (111), 611 (7).

Waddon. See Whaddon.

Waddys, Roger, 609 (p. 276).

Wade, Peter, p. 547.

-, Ric., a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

Wadeham, Ellis, 749 (2).

Waderst (i.e., Wadhurst), W., alias Nicholas, q. v.

Wadham, And., 21.

-, Sir Edw., g. 282 (7, 35).

-, John, 30, 9.5:—g. 831 (34).

-, -, signature of, 95.

-, Sir Nic., 30:—g. 282 (5, 9), 942 (13).

-, -, letter from, 30.

-, Wm., 884.

Wadlocke, Joan, p. 550.

Wager, Thos., p. 547.

Waight, Margery, p. 550.

Waingroves (Wyndegrevys), Derb., p. 567.

Wake, Anne, p. 547.

-, John, p. 545.

Wakefield, John, g. 282 (21).

-, Ric., p. 546.

-, Thos., a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

Wakeham, Ric., p. 542.

Wakeley. See Weekley.

Wakeman, John, alias Wiche, abbot of Tewkesbury, 49, 139 iv.:—p. 555:—g. 733 (3).

Waketon. See Wacton.

Walberton (Wallerton), 498 (37):—g. 436 (72).

Walcombestowe. See Walthamstow.

Walcomstowe. See Walthamstow.

Walcott (Walcote), Linc., g. 942 (99).

Walda, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Waldby, Dr. Marm., 382.

Waldeck (Waldyk), young earl of, 195.

Walden. now Saffron Walden, Essex, Lord Chancellor Audeley's place, 321n, 322, 456.

-, letters dated at, 351, 402.

-, grants dated at, 350:—g. 436 (31–6, 38–40, 42–60, 62–4, 66–72, 74–85, 87–92), 611 (1–3), 831 (5), 1027 (7).

Walden, lord. See Audeley.

Waldingfield Magna, Suff., g. 282 (15).

Waldingfield Parva, Suff., g. 282 (15).

Waldon. See Maldon.

Wales, 241, 494, 562 (2).

-, letters patent in (Act), 498 (30).

-, marches of, council or commissioners in, 129, 398, 447, 476, 502 (2), 562 (2), 765n:—g. 282 (28–30).

-, -, -, president. See Lee, Roland.

-, shire grounds in, 494.

-, treasons in, Act touching, 498 (4).

-, North, 93.

-, -, acting chamberlain of. See Bulkeley, Sir R.

-, South, 93.

Waley, Chas., 359 (1, 2):—p. 551.

Walgraunge, in Leek, Staff., g. 611 (5).

Walgrave, Joan, p. 543.

-, John, 717.

-, Sir Wm., 14 (p. 6).

Walham, Suss., 498 (37).

Walkeley, Thos., 609.

Walker, Ambrose, g. 942 (99, 109).

-, John, g. 733 (66).

-, Marg., 840:—p. 548.

-, Ric., p. 555.

-, Thos., p. 555:—g. 611 (21).

-, Wm., clk., g. 436 (85).

Walkington, Helen, g. 831 (79).

Walkley, Thos., Lisle's servant, 1031 (3).

Wall, John, 102 (2).

-, (Waulle), Ric., 609 (p. 275).

-, Roger, 884.

-, Wm., clk., g. 733 (69).

Walle, John, p. 553.

Waller, Ric., p. 566.

Wallerton. See Walberton.

Walles, Alice, p. 552.

-, John, p. 553.

-, Wm., g. 831 (53).

Walley, John, p. 550.

Wallingford, Berks, 498 (34), 1006:—g. 611 (29).

-, castle, g. 831 (57).

-, college, dean of. See London, J.

Wallington (Walyngton), Herts, g. 831 (45, 49).

Wallonde, in Romney Marsh, Kent, g. 733 (7).

Wallop (Valop), Sir John, lieutenant of Calais castle, ambassador in France (21 Feb. 1540), 37, 186, 188, 208, 224, 240, 253, 270, 285, 322, 332, 334, 343, 418, 429, 459, 472, 480, 487, 539, 543–4, 560, 574, 604, 608, 609 (p. 276), 614, 642 (1, 2), 644, 704, 720, 728, 737, 739, 740–1, 765, 773, 778, 785–6, 792, 801, 804, 816, 828–9, 842, 848 (p. 419), 870, 881, 890, 903–5, 908n, 914, 930, 955, 961, 990, 994–5, 1030 (1, 64):—g. 831 (47a).

-, -, letters from, 186, 270, 343, 418, 429, 480, 543, 574, 720 iv., 778, 792, 842, 870, 890, 904, 914, 961.

-, -, letters to, 285, 332, 459, 704, 765, 801, 828–9, 881, 903, 905, 908n, 930, 990, 995.

-, -, signature of, 253, 739.

-, -, his secretary, 418, 459, 543, 574, 904, 930.

-, -, his steward, 914.

-, -, his wife, 429, 604.

Wallys, John, p. 542.

-, Wm., g. 831 (17).

Walmer, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Walney (Waynowe) Island, Lanc., p. 566.

Walpole, John, p. 549.

-, Robt., g. 282 (19).

-, Thos., deposition of, 1029 (49).

Walred (Nalred in Vol. XIV.), John, p. 546.

Walsall, Staff., g. 733 (15).

Walseye, Alice, p. 546.

Walsham-le-Willows, Suff., g. 436 (31).

Walshe, —, 994.

-, Ant., letter to, 307.

-, Hugh, g. 942 (11).

-, (Welshe), Sir John, 14 (p. 5):—g. 282 (7).

-, John, clk., g. 942 (59).

-, (Welshe), John, g. 282 (7).

-, (Welsshe), Marg., pp. 542, 554.

-, Packe, of Youghall, 387.

-, Prior, 830 (pp. 398–9, 400).

-, (Walsche), Ralph, 609, 1031 (3).

-, Ric., clk., g. 436 (28).

-, Robert, brother to Prior Walsh, 704n, 830 (pp. 398–9).

-, Robt., master of St. John's hospital in Bridgewater, p. 544.

-, Robt., p. 542.

-, Thos., baron of the Exchequer, commissioner to Ireland (Aug. 1540), 978, 988:—g. 942 (77).

-, (Welshe, Walysshe), Thos., 609 (p. 276):—pp. 545–6.

-, Wm., standard bearer to the 9th earl of Kildare, 830 (p. 398).

Walshebekenor. See Bicknor, Welsh.

Walsingham, Norf., 86.

Walsingham, Great-, Norf., p. 560:—g. 144 (2).

Walsingham, Little-, Norf., p. 560:—g. 144 (2).

-, priory (supp.) of, p. 560:—g. 436 (59).

Walsingham, Sir Edm., lieutenant of the Tower, 14 (p. 6), 438:—g. 144 (1).

-, John, p. 546.

Waltam. See Waltham.

Walter, John, 748, 755:—p. 557.

-, Kath., g. 611 (26).

-, Wm., g. 611 (26).

Waltham (Essex?), 347.

Waltham, or W. Holy Cross, Essex, petition of the inhabitants, 394.

-, abbey of, 393–4, 809 (p. 383):—p. 554:—g. 831 (20).

-, -, abbot. See Fuller, R.

-, -, pension list, 393 (2):—p. 554.

-, -, surrender of, 393.

-, parish church of, 394.

Waltham (Walteham), Suss., 498 (37).

Waltham, Much-, or Great Waltham, Essex, 20 (3), 498 iii. c. 66:—g. 831 (41).

Waltham-on-the-Wolds, Leic., g. 613 (35).

Waltham (Waltam), Eliz., p. 547.

Walthamstowe (Welcomstowe), Essex, 806 (p. 380):—pp. 557–8.

-, almshouse at, 806.

Walthewe, Thos., p. 559.

Waltho, Roger, 609 (p. 275).

Walton, Leic., 1029 (2, 13).

Walton-on-the-Hill, Surr., 498 (36).

Walton-on-Thames, Surr., 498 (36):—g. 733 (48).

Walton alias Wood Walton, Hunts, g. 436 (20), 831 (45).

Walton, Magdalen, p. 554.

-, Wm., p. 552.

Walweyn or Walwyn, Ric., g. 282 (7), 831 (39), 942 (39).

Walworthe, John, p. 552.

Walwyn. See Walweyn.

Walyng, Robt., g. 282 (121).

Walyngton. See Wallington.

Walys, Hen., 11:—p. 549.

Walysshe. See Walshe.

Wanborough (Wanburgh), Wilts, g. 612 (16), 613 (20).

Wandhagg, Yorks., g. 611 (33).

Wandsworth, Surr., 498 (36).

Wandsworth (Wannysworth), Thos., prior of Bodmin, p. 546.

Wandysforthe, Chr., p. 567.

Waneman. See Wayneman.

Wangford, Suff., priory of, cell to Thetford, 211:—g. 942 (43).

Wannysworth. See Wandsworth.

Wanstead, Essex, letter dated at, 1029 (39).

Wantage (Wantyng), Berks, 64.

Wanthwayte, Cumb., g. 831 (53).

Wantyng. See Wantage.

Waplode, Linc., g. 611 (9).

Waplod, Ric., p. 550.

Wapnam. See Wappenham.

Wappenham (Wapnam), Ntht., 1021.

Warblington, Hants, letter dated at, 1030 (60).

Warborough, Notts, g. 733 (66).

Warbott, Wm., p. 550.

Warboys (Wardeboys), Hunts, g. 436 (20).

Warburton (Werberton), Sir Piers, 1028.

-, -, his daughter, 1028.

-, -, Eliza, his wife, 1028.

Warcop, Geo., g. 611 (18).

-, (Warcoppe), Joan, prioress of Watton, p. 552.

-, John, 465 ii.

-, Leonard, Carlisle herald, g. 282 (48).

-, Robt., g. 611 (18).

Ward, Ric., g. 611 (41).

Wardale, Robt., p. 544.

Warde, John, pp. 547, 550.

-, Robt., p. 551.

-, Wm., 11:—p. 549:—g. 611 (26).

Wardeboys. See Warboys.

Warden, lord. See Cheyney, Sir T.

Warder, Marg., p. 549.

Wardlaw, Ric., 1009.

Wardram, John, g. 733 (9).

Wardrobe, the. See under Henry VIII.

Wards and wardships, 433, 439, 503, 525:—g. 1027 (8).

-, Court of (established 1540), 438:—g. 942 (112), 1027 (8, 9, 15).

-, -, establishment of (Act), 498 (40).

-, remembrance for, 503.

Wards, Master of the. See St. John, lord.

Ware, Herts, g. 282 (112).

Ware, Ric., p. 543.

Wareham (Warham), Dors., g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Warehorne, Kent, 498 iii. c. 77.

Warelburgen (i.e., Marlburgensis), bp. of. See Morley, T.

Waren. See Warren.

Warewyck. See Warwick.

Wareyn. See Warren.

Warfe. See Wharfe.

Warham. See Wareham.

Warham (Warram), Norf., 498 iii. c. 73.

Warham, William, abp. of Canterbury (1504 to 1532), 37.

Warham, Edw., g. 942 (35).

-, (Warrhame), John, prb. of Canterbury, 452.

-, Ric., g. 942 (35).

-, Roger, g. 942 (35).

-, Wm., dean of Chester-in-the-Street, letter from, 711.

-, Wm., g. 831 (47a). 942 (35).

Wark-upon-Tweed (Werk), Nthld., 580:—p. 565.

-, castle, 196.

-, -, captain. See Carr, J.

Warketon, Ralph, p. 546.

Warkworth castle, Nthld., 196.

Warley Magna, Essex, g. 282 (36).

Warley Parva, Essex, g. 611 (34).

Warley, Thos., Lisle's servant, 217, 749 (2).

-, -, letter from, 217.

Warlingworth. See Worlingsworth.

Warmecombe, Ric., g. 282 (7), 611 (20), 942 (11, 39, 115).

-, -, Anne, his wife, g. 611 (20).

Warmeston. See Wormstone.

Warneford, John, 64.

Warner, Agnes, p. 552.

-, Barth., letter from, 704.

-, Edw., g. 282 (4, 67–8).

-, John, g. 831 (41).

-, Ric., teller of the Exchequer, g. 942 (103).

-, Wm., 64.

Warnham (Warneham), Suss., g. 282 (84).

Warram. See Warham.

Warren (Waren), Edw., g. 733 (63).

-, John, p. 544.

-, Marg., p. 545.

-, (Wareyn, Waren), Sir Ralph, g. 831 (47b), 1027 (44).

-, Thos., 393 (2):—p. 554.

Warrenner, Robt., p. 542.

Warrington (Weryngton), Lanc., 1028.

-, Austin Friars (supp.) of, g. 831 (43).

Warryton, John, 102 (2):—p. 553.

Warter (Wayrter), Yorks., p. 565.

Warton, Heref. See Wharton.

Warton, Robert, bp. of St. Asaph, abbot of Bermondsey, 14 (p. 5), 424, 500, 585, 860–1, 921:—p. 545:—g. 942 (49).

-, -, signature of, 861.

Warton, Hen., 609 (p. 276), 1031 (3).

-, Castle, g. 144 (20).
-, St. Mary's College, g. 733 (69).
-, -, dean. See Carvanell, J.
-, St. Sepulchre's priory (supp.), p. 556.

Warwick, earldom of (“Warwyke landes”), g. 436 (40), 611 (10).

Warwick (Warewyck), John, 118:—p. 550.

Warwickshire, g. 942 (68), 1027 (41).

-, lands in, 695.

-, (and Leic.), sheriff of, g. 144 (2).

Warwyke landes. See Warwick, earldom of.

Warylowe, Thos., g. 942 (42).

Washbrook (Wasshebroke), Suff., g. 282 (15).

Washington (Wassyngton), Suss., g. 282 (58), 613 (11, 12).

Washington (Wesshyngton), Ric., pp. 561, 563 bis.

Wasperton, Warw., g. 611 (26).

Wassemberg. See Hoengen, J. ab.

Wassingley, Hunts, near Folksworth, g. 144 (22).

Wassyngton. See Washington.

Wast, in the Boulognois, 34, 184 (2).

Wastle, Alice, 110:—p. 550.

Wasto. See Guasto.

Waterdyche, Kent, near Folkestone, p. 560.

Waterfall, Staff., p. 555.

Waterford, in Ireland, 143, 455, 704, 915:—g. 611 (14).

-, letters dated at, 455, 857.

-, mayor of, 142.

-, St. John's beside, letter dated at, 387.

Watergate, Suss., 498 (37).

Waterhouse, John, g. 733 (43).

-, Thos., rector of Ashridge, p. 550:—g. 733 (43).

Watersyde, Linc., g. 942 (99).

Waterton, Thos., g. 282 (21).

Wateville. See Watiéville.

Watflatte, in Furness, Lanc., p. 566.

Watford, Herts, g. 733 (53), 942 (119).

Watiéville (Vatteville, Batefyll, Vateville, Wateville), in the Dep. of the Somme, 778, 904.

-, letters dated at, 955, 975.

Watkins, Richard, prothonotary, 28 (2), 36, 44 (2), 52, 62 (2), 87 (2), 102 (2), 111 (2), 821, 861 (1, 2 p. 433), 979.

-, -, signature of, 28 (2), 36, 44 (2), 52, 62 (2), 87 (2), 102 (2), 111 (2).

-, -, attestation by, 861 (1, 2 p. 433).

Wats. See Watts.

Watson, —, “passenger” of Dover, 449.

-, Eliz., g. 436 (10).

-, Hugh, 62 (2):—p. 551.

-, Jane, p. 554.

-, John, pp. 551–2.

-, Oliver, p. 544.

-, Ralph, 62 (2):—p. 551.

-, Ric., p. 552.

-, Robt., p. 555.

-, Roger, p. 544.

Wat, John, 1030 (18 p. 529).

Watt, Jacob, armourer, 1031.

Wattes. See Watts.

Wattis. See Watts.

Wattesfeld. See Wattisfield.

Wattisfield (Wattesfeld), Suff., g. 436 (31).

Watton, Norf., Munkewik in, g. 942 (43).

Watton, Yorks., priory (supp.) of, 362:—p. 552.

-, -, pension list, p. 552.

-, -, prioress. See Warcoppe, D.

Watton at Stone (Watton Attstone), Herts, g. 733 (56).

Watton, John, g. 733 (66).

Watts (Wattes, Wattis), Friar, a preacher imprisoned by Cranmer, 31, 259, 438.

-, Alice, p. 543.

-, (Wattys), John, p. 544.

-, (Wats), Thos., 650 (2).

Wauchop (Vaucop), Dr. Robert, Papal administrator of Armagh (“blind Scottish theologian”), 136 ii., 244–6, 637–9, 759, 933 (2).

Waugh (Wawgh), Barth., 160.

-, (Wawgh), Geo., 160.

-, Pait, 96.

-, (Wawgh), Thos., 160.

Waughan, —, 711.

Waulle. See Wall.

Wavendon, Bucks. See Wabendon.

Waveryng, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Wawmesley, Jas., g. 611 (11).

Wayland (Weylond), Norf., g. 611 (11).

Waymouth. See Weymouth.

Wayneham (Waneman), T., 14 (p. 6).

-, Thos., g. 282 (7).

Waynowe. See Walney.

Wayrter. See Warter.

Wayte, Joan, p. 550.

Wayward Marks, beside Winchester, g. 613 (2).

Waywode, the. See Sepuse, count of.

Weaveley (Weveley), Oxon, g. 282 (109).

Weaverham (Weverham), Chesh., p. 567.

Webbe, Hen., 21:—p. 561.

-, John, 391 (3, 5, 6):—pp. 542–3.

-, Ric., 426.

-, Thos., 252 ii.

-, Walter, 61.

-, Wm., archd. of the Sanctuary of Westminster, 1029 (22).

-, Wm., g. 282 (3, 8), 733 (3).

Webley. See Weobley.

Webster, Thos., p. 552:—g. 942 (99), 1027 (28).

Wedon, John, p. 553.

Weekley (Wekeley, Wakeley), Ntht., g. 436 (52).

Weeley (Wyleghe), Essex, g. 611 (8).

Weete. See Whete.

Wegglescote, Wilts, g. 613 (20).

Weinlaub, Jo., letter to, 982.

Wekeley. See Weekley.

Wekis. See Wyke.

Welbeck (Welbeke), Notts, p. 563:—g. 1027 (27).

-, abbey (supp.) of, g. 282 (105), 942 (70, 118), 1027 (17).

-, -, abbot. See Bentley, R.

Welbeke, Frith, p. 550.

Welborne, Thos., p. 545.

Welburn (Welborne), Yorks., p. 557.

Welcomstowe. See Walthamstow.

Weldon or Welden, —, student at Paris, servant of Ric. Pate, 38.

-, Ant., g. 1027 (11).

-, Edw., g. 612 (17), 1027 (11).

-, Eliz., g. 612 (17).

-, Thos., 553:—g. 831 (31).

Wele, John, pp. 542, 544.

Welfelde, Bucks, g. 612 (7).

Welford, Berks, 806 (p. 381):—g. 733 (48).

Welford (Welneford), John, 49:—p. 553.

Welles. See Wells.

Wellesley, Walter, bp. of Kildare (died Oct. 1539), 892.

Wellifed, Mrs., 1029 (24).

Welling, Kent, g. 611 (25).

Wellingore, Linc., g. 733 (54).

Wellington, Hen., 884.

Wellis, Thos., 610.

Wellisborne. See Welsborne.

Wellntham. See Welnetham.

Wells (Welles, Wellys), Norf., 86, 498 iii. c. 73:—g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Wells (Welles), Soms., 1029 (67):—g 612 (19).

-, Cathedral, 1029 (67).

-, -, deanery of, 498 (60), 1029 (67n).

-, -, a chantry in, 371.

-, sanctuary at, 498 (12).

-, St. John's priory or hospital (supp.), pp. 543, 557.

-, -, master. See Clerkson, Ric.

-, -, pension list, p. 543.

Wells, archdeacon of. See Virgil, P.

Wells or Welles (Wellys), Humph., g. 942 (40).

-, (Wellys), Jas., p. 548.

-, John, clk., g. 831 (23).

-, (Welles, Wellys), John, alias Bridges, q. v.

-, John, p. 555.

-, (Welles), Robt., prior of Ely, p. 550.

-, (Welles), Robt., p. 543.

-, (Welles, Wellys), Thos., 609 (p. 275), 748:—p. 545:—g. 831 (33, 47a).

-, (Wellys), Wm., p. 546.

Wellys. See Wells.

Wellysburn. See Welsborne.

Wellyton, John, 102 (2):—p. 553.

Welneford. See Welford.

Welnetham (Wellntham) Magna, Suff., g. 436 (88), 613 (22).

Welnetham (Whelnetham, Wellntham), alias Whelwetham Parva, Suff., g. 436 (31, 88), 613 (22).

Welsborne (Wellisborne, Wellesborne, Wellysburn), John, of the Privy Chamber, 14 (p. 5), 553:—pp. 539, 565:—g. 733 (35), 942 (8).

Welshe. See Walshe.

Welshman, tale of a, 508 (p. 227).

Welshmen in Ireland, 668.

Welsshe. See Walshe.

Welton, Linc., 153.

Welwyn (Welwen), Herts, the Boreshedd and the Frithe in, g. 436 (9).

Welys, Jas., 92.

Wendam. See Wyndham.

Wendey. See Wendy.

Wendlebury (Wendelbury), Oxon, g. 282 (109 p. 116), 436 (29).

Wendover, Bucks, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Wendover, John, p. 547.

Wendy (Wendey), Camb., g. 613 (1).

Wenlock, Much-, Salop, g. 942 (35).

Wenlock priory, Salop, 52, 111, 568:—p. 551:—g. 942 (35).

-, pension list, 111 (2);—p. 551.

-, prior. See Bailey, J.

-, surrender. 111.

Wenlock, John, 609 (p. 275).

-, Thos., 102 (2):—p. 553.

Wentforth. See Wentworth.

Wentiworth. See Wentworth.

Wentworth (Wentiworth), Thomas lord, 14 (p. 5), 225, 286, 560.

-, -, letters from, 225, 286.

-, -, his wife, 286.

Wentworth, —, 380.

-, Sir John, g. 282 (21).

-, John, 14 (p. 6):—g. 436 (16).

-, Sir Roger, g. 436 (16).

-, Roger, g. 831 (41), 942 (87).

-, -, Alice, his wife, g. 942 (87).

-, Sir Thos., captain of Carlisle Castle, 219:—g. 282 (21).

-, -, his wife, Lady Wentworth, 219.

-, (Wentforth), Thos., constable of Carlisle Castle, 633.

-, Thos., of Wentworth, g. 282 (21).

-, Ursula, p. 547.

Wenyat Downe, near St. Anthony, Cornw., p. 562.

Weobley (Webley), Ric., 51:—p. 548.

Werberton. See Warburton.

Were, Ric., p. 545.

Werk. See Wark.

Werrington or Worrington (Wurlyngton), Devon, p. 565.

Werstane, Reynold, 51:—p. 548.

Weryngton. See Warrington.

Wescot, Glouc., g. 282 (109).

Wesel, in Westphalia, 242.

Wesshyngton. See Washington.

West, the, re-edifying towns (Act), 498 (19).

West, Council in the, 95, 180, 502 (2).

-, -, president of. See Russell, lord.

-, -, secretary of. See Derby, T.

West, Sir Clement, Turcopolier of the Order of St. John (deprived in 1539) in prison at Malta, 430, 489, 520, 522–3, 531–2, 741.

-, -, story of his troubles at Malta, 523.

West, Sir Geo., 498 iii. c. 74:—g. 831 (59).

-, Joan, p. 543.

-, John, p. 544.

-, Leonard, 498 iii. c. 74:—g. 831 (59).

-, Sir Owen, 498 iii. c. 74:—g. 831 (59).

-, Thos. See Delaware, lord.

-, Sir Wm., 14 (p. 6):—g. 1027 (17).

-, Wm., 609 (p. 275).

Westacre, Norf., priory (supp.) of, p. 540.

Westbarne, Soms. (near Witham?), p. 559.

Westbere (Westebere), Kent, p. 567 bis.

Westborough (Westburghe), Linc., g. 282 (10).

Westbroke, Robt., p. 549.

Westbury, Salop, g. 282 (29).

Westbury, Wilts, g. 613 (48).

Westby, Jas., 553.

-, Marg., p. 554.

-, (Westbe), Thos., archd. of York, 860–1,921.

-, -, signature of, 861.

Westchayham. See Cheam, West-.

Westchester. See Chester.

Westcote in Waddesdon, Bucks, g. 282 (111), 611 (7).

Westcote, Chr., 1008.

Weste, Agnes, p. 554.

-, Alice, p. 554.

Westergate, Suss., 498 (37).

Westerham (Westram), Kent, g. 1027 (34).

Westerton, Suss., g. 436 (72).

Westgate, Kent, p. 567:—g. 613 (32).

Westgate, John, p. 546.

Westgrange in Pipwell, Ntht., pp. 555, 558.

Westhaldon. See Chaldon, West.

Westhall, Oxon, p. 567.

Westham, Essex, g. 942 (55).

Westham, Suss., g. 942 (17).

Westhampnett. See Hampnet.

Westharptre. See Harptree.

Westlakkes, Lanc., g. 942 (5).

Westley, Camb. (W. Waterless?), g. 613 (1).

Westley, alias Sextens, Suff., g. 436 (74).

Westley, Robt., 609 (p. 276), 1031 (3).

Westman's Wynde fishery, in the Thames, g. 436 (25).

Westmeath, in Ireland, 830 (p. 398).

Westminster (Wyssmestre), Midd., 171–2, 498, 541, 776, 850 (14):—pp. 566–7:—g. 282 (121).

-, letters dated at, 180, 233–4, 251–2, 536, 569, 658, 663, 784, 805, 883, 925.

-, grants, &c., dated at, 283, 294, 729, 772, 846, 860–1, 921, 938 (2):—g. 144 (1), &c., passim.

-, bailiff of, 1030 (14).

-, searcher of, 1029 (14).
-, Abbey of St. Peter, 69, 70, 498 (36), 514, 860:—p. 546:—g. 611 (25), 942 (91, 100), 1027 (25, 34).
-, -, abbot. See Boston, Wm.
-, -, pension list, 69 (2):—p. 546.
-, -, prior. See Dalyons, Dennis.
-, -, surrender, 69.
-, Canon Row, 514, 860 (p. 430).
-, Durham Place, 617.
-, Kingstreet, 1029 (21).
-, Palace, 560, 617, 686, 804, 860, 1029 (10,21).
-, -, wardrobe stuff at, 686.
-, St. James's palace, 686.
-, St. Margaret's p. 561.
-, St. Stephen's college, 806.
-, -, master or dean of. See Chamber, J.
-, Sanctuary at, 498 (12).
-, -, archdeacon of. See Webbe, W.
-, Staple, the, 806.
-, -, the mayor, &c., of, 1018.
-, Star Chamber, 128.
-, Westminster Hall, 502 (2).
-, Whitehall, “court of the Whitehall,” 45, 384, 936.
-, York Place, letters dated at, 216, 229.

Westminster, bp. of, 737 (? “de Valmaister”):—g. 942 (90).
-, See Sampson, Ric. Thirlby, T.

Westminster (Westmester), Wm., p. 545.

Westmoreland, 52, 219.

-, lands in, 44, 62.

Westmoreland, Ralph Nevill earl of, 382, 493, 500, 560 (1, 3), 707 i., ii.:—g. 282 (21), 612 (12, 14), 942 (20, 41b).

-, -, letter from, 382.

-, -, letter to, 493.

Westmoreland, Katharine, countess of, wife of the preceding, sister of the duchess of Norfolk, 493.

-, -, her daughter Dorothy, 493.

Weston, Sir Wm., prior of St. John's of Jerusalem in England (“my lord of St. John's,” died 7 May 1540), 430, 520, 531–2, 647, 1029 (60).

-, -, mortmain licence to, 647.

Weston, Leic. See Whetstone.

Weston, Soms., g. 831 (15).

Weston Colvile, Camb., g. 436 (41), 1027 (16).

Weston-on-the-Green, Oxon, g. 436 (25).

Weston Zoyland, Soms., g. 282 (87).

Weston, Mr., 311, 1029 (50).

-, Christina, p. 543.

-, Sir Richard, treasurer of Calais (6 April 1526 to 1528?), 14 (p. 5), 608.

-, Thos., 118:—p. 550.

Westonhanger (Ostynghanger, Hostrynghangar), Kent, g. 1027 (23).

-, letter dated at, 1030 (51).

Westover, near Wherwell, Hants, g. 436 (72).

Westover (Westhover), Soms., 498 iii. c. 78.

West Taunton, Cornw., 498 (34).

Westus, Chr., letter from, 1030 (63).

Westowe, Suff., g. 436 (75).

Westow, Yorks., p. 568.

Westram. See Westerham.

Westrydgefeldes, in Doddinghurst, Essex, g. 831 (25, 82).

Westwell, Kent, g. 631 (32).

Westwell, Oxon, 1029 (61):—g. 831 (25).

Westwick (Westwyke), Herts., g. 733 (42).

Westwyke, Essex, g. 611 (8).

Westwike, Suff., g. 942 (43).

Westwood, Lanc., g. 942 (5).

Westwodd, Staff., g. 942 (42).

Westychenor. See Itchenor.

Westysted. See Tisted, West-.

Wetherall, Cumb., abbey (supp.) of, p. 562.

Wetherall, Eliz., p. 554.

-, (Wetherell), Wm., g. 831 (79).

Wetherden, Suff., g. 436 (31).

Wetherden, Edm., p. 546.

Wetherick (Witherik), John, abbot of St. Osith's, p. 542.

Wethering, Suss., 498 (37).
-, See also Wittering.

Wetherington. See Widdrington.

Wetnall, Joan, p. 546.

Wette, Mr., 1030 (68).

Wetton, Staff. and Derb., g. 942 (42, 56).

Wetton, Wm., g. 942 (42).

Weveley. See Weaveley.

Wever, Thos., g. 282 (54).

Weverham. See Weaverham.

Wexford, in Ireland, 82, 558, 594.

-, letter dated at, 516.

-, seneschal of. See St. Low, W.

-, Selskyr monastery (supp.), 516, 558.

Wexham, Bucks, g. 831 (86).

Weyete. See Wyatt.

Weylond. See Wayland.

Weymouth (Waymouth), Dors., 1030 (18 pp. 528–9):—g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Whadborough (Whadburgh, Whateborough), Leic., g. 611 (8 p. 285).

Whaddon, Bucks, g. 942 (33).

Whaddon (Waddon), Camb., g. 613 (1).

Whaddon, Wilts, p. 540.

Whaley (Whalley), Derb., near Bolsover, g. 942 (70).

Whalley, Derb. See Whaley.

Whalley, Lanc, g. 611 (13).

-, abbey (supp.) of, 939, 1029 (9):—g. 282 (72), 436 (68), 611 (11, 13, 31), 831 (12), 942 (4, 5, 7, 67).

-, -, abbot. See Paslewe, J.

Whalley, Eleanor, silkwoman, wife of John, letters from, 1030 (64–5).

-, (Walley), Jas., 840.

-, Joan, p. 546.

-, John, paymaster at Dover (died in Sept. 1537), 1030 (65).

-, (Walley), John, 840:—p. 549.

-, Ric., p. 563:—g. 942 (41b), 1027 (27).

Whaplod, John, priest, 428.

-, Marg., letter from, 1029 (65).

-, Ric., 1029 (65).

Wharfe (Warfe), the Yorkshire river, g. 436 (50), 611 (33).

Wharton (Warton), Heref., near Leominster, g. 282 (63).

Wharton (Whartton), Westmld., p. 560.

-, letter dated at, 88.

Wharton, Sir Thomas, deputy warden of the West Marches, 16, 48, 52, 88, 106–7, 119–20, 131, 160n, 175–6, 191, 198, 219, 284, 432, 632–4, 709, 730:—p. 560:—g. 612 (14).

-, -, letters from, 88, 106–7, 119–20, 191, 198, 219, 284.

-, -, letters to, 16, 48, 176, 632–4, 709.

-, -, horsemen in his rule, 709 (p. 331n).

Wharton, Gilbert, 465 ii.

Whateborough. See Whadborough.

Wheat. See Grain.

Wheathampstead (Whethampsted), Herts, g. 733 (42).

Wheatley (Wheteley), Notts, g. 733 (1).

Wheelton (Wheleton), Lanc., g. 611 (11).

Wheler, John, p. 556:—g. 436 (44), 613 (43).

-, Ric., g. 942 (118).

Wheleton. See Wheelton.

Whelnetham. See Welnetham.

Whenby, Yorks., p. 557.

Whepstead, Suff., g. 282 (116).

Wherstead (Whestede), Suff., g. 733 (50).

Wherwell (Wherewell), Hants, g. 436 (72).

-, nunnery of, 139 i. (3):—p. 550:—g. 436 (72).

-, -, abbess. See Kingsmill, M.

-, -, pension list, 139 i. (3):—p. 550.

-, -, surrender, 139 i. (3).

Whery or Whirrye, Wm., g. 612 (9).

Whestede. See Wherstead.

Wheston. See Whetstone.

Whete (Weete), Hen., minister of Donnington Crossed Friars, p. 544.

Wheteacre, Robt., g. 613 (48).

Wheteley. See Wheatley.

Wheteley, Hen., p. 554.

-, Ric., p. 551.

-, Robt., 553.

Whethers, Wm., p. 543.

Whethampsted. See Wheathampstead.

Whethamsted, John, p. 547.

Whethill (Whetthell), —, 264.

Whetley, —, 1030 (68).

-, Agnes, 592.

Whetna or Whetnoo, Mary, 840:—p. 548.

Whetstone (Wheston, Weston), Leic., g. 733 (42).

Whiddon, John, g. 282 (33), 942 (75).

Whilshire. See Wiltshire.

Whippe, Peter, p. 553.

Whirrye. See Whery.

Whitaker, Joan, 936.

-, John, 936.

Whitborne, Ric., prior of Great Malvern, 51:—p. 548.

Whitby, Yorks., pp. 565, 567.

-, abbey (supp.) of, p. 551, 553, 565 bis, 566 bis, 567.

-, -, abbot. See Davell, H.

-, -, late abbot of, 515.

-, -, pension lists, pp. 551, 553.

Whitbye, John, p. 550.

-, Roger, p. 544.

-, Thos., p. 555.

Whitchurch, Bucks, 395.

Whitchurch, Hants, g. 611 (43).

Whitchurch hundred, Dors., g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Whitchurch (Whytcchurche), near Llandaff, g. 613 (5).

White, Eliz., p. 545.

-, (Whyght), Henry, priest (“Sir Henry”), 365, 367, 578.

-, -, letter from, 578.

-, (Whyt), Sir John, constable of Dublin castle, 635–6.

-, -, signature of, 635–6.

-, John, pp. 545, 558:—g. 831 (47a), 942 (64, 121).

-, (Whyte), Nic., 380.

-, Patrick, baron of Exchequer in Ireland, signature of, 912.

-, Ric., p. 549:—g. 282 (18), 733 (54).

-, Robt., g. 733 (54).

-, Thos., chaplain, g. 942 (107).

-, Thos., 650:—pp. 545, 547:—g. 613 (23).

-, Wm., S.T.B., master of Balliol College, 443.

-, Wm., a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

-, Wm., captain in Ireland, 862.

-, Wm., g. 436 (21).

White Bonnet. See Ainsley, W.

White Cliff (Whytleyff), Glouc., near Berkeley, 1029 (30).

Whitefeld, Marg., p. 553.

Whiteforde, Ric., monk of Sion, p. 548.

Whitegate, Chesh., p. 567.

Whitehed or Whithedd, Austin, g. 613 (13).

-, Eliz., 93 (2):—p. 551.

-, Geo., dec., g. 613 (13).

-, -, Joan, his wife, g. 613 (13).

-, Hen., g. 942 (95).

-, Isabel, p. 553.

-, Ric., 87 (2):—p. 552.

White Knight, the (John Fitzgerald), 455.

Whiteley. See Whitley.

Whitesbury, Wilts, g. 942 (88).

Whitestone hundred, Soms., g. 611 (48).

Whitewaie, John, 609.

Whitewell, Wm., g. 942 (19).

Whitford, Flintsh., g. 613 (40).

Whitford, Hugh, 524.

-, Ric., 840.

Whitgift, Yorks., g. 282 (31).

Whithedd. See Whitehed.

Whithern (Quhithirn), in Scotland, monastery of, 274.

-, -, Malcolm, prior of, 274.

-, -, Ninian, late prior of, 274.

Whithern (Candida Casa) or Galleway diocese, in Scotland, 274.

Whithyll, Marg., p. 554.

Whiting, Richard, abbot of Glastonbury (executed 15 Nov. 1539), 259, 269, 371, 383, 939 (p. 465):—g. 282 (54, 62, 87, 102, 113–4), 436 (6, 35, 43, 55), 611 (48), 613 (39), 733 (2, 46), 831 (15, 30), 942 (62, 121), 1027 (39).

-, -, a chaplain of, 371.

Whitley (Whiteley), Berks, near Reading, g. 436 (21, 34).

Whitley, Wilts, g. 942 (110).

Whitlock, Robt., alias Gibbs, prior of Montacute, p. 543.

Whitmore Grange, near Coventry, p. 559.

Whitney or Witney, Jas., 164.

-, John, g. 733 (18).

-, Robt., g. 282 (35).

Whitof, Wm. (Whyttal in Vol. XII.), 1029 (9).

Whitrede, Wm., p. 550.

Whitreson (Whytereson), Mr., 450.

-, Hen., 1029 (47):—g. 831 (47b).

Whitstable, Kent, 61.

Whittington (Whytyngton), Thos., 14 (p. 6).—g. 282 (35).

Whittlesford (Wytford, Witlesford), Camb., g. 613 (1).

-, letter dated at, 442.

Whitwell, Yorks., p. 568:—g. 733 (61).

Whitwell (Whytewell), John, p. 548.

-, John, a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

Whorwood, Wm., solicitor-general, g. 282 (7), 611 (26), 942 (40).

-, -, Margaret, his wife, g. 611 (26).

Whychecote, Thos., g. 942 (12).

Whyght. See White.

Whyteroodyng. See Roothing.

Whythorne, John, 884.

Whytleyff. See Whitecliff.

Whytnell in Chewton, Soms., p. 557.

Whyttall, Wm. See Whitof.

Whytwell, Camb., g. 613 (1).

Wiate. See Wyatt.

Wiche, John, alias Wakeman, q. v.

-, Wm., 81.

Wick (Wyke), Suss., 498 (37).

Wicken (Wyken), Camb., g. 942 (19).

Wicken (Wyken), Ntht., g. 942 (118).

Wickham (Wikham, Wikeham), Kent, g. 611 (25).

Wickham (Wykam), Jas., p. 543.

Wickhamford (Wykewanford), Worc., p. 563.

Wicklow, in Ireland, 82.

Wicks, Gilbert, clk., g. 1027 (20).

Wickwar, Glouc., g. 282 (57).

Widdrington (Wydderyngton), Nthld., letter dated at, 630.

Widdrington (Wetherington, Withrington, Wytherington), Sir John, deputy Warden of the Middle Marches, 94, 465 ii., 630, 1011–12:—g. 612 (14).

-, -, letter from, 630.

Widford, Essex, g. 942 (100).

Widford (Wydeford), Oxon, 498 iii. c. 73.

Widney, Warw., near Knowle, g. 282 (110).

Widrafte, Ric., g. 282 (121).

Wieto. See Wyatt.

Wigame, Edy, 160.

Wigborough (Wygbarugh), Essex, g. 611 (8).

Wigenholt. See Wiggonholt.

Wiggington, Oxon, g. 831 (77).

Wigglesworth, Yorks., g. 611 (31).

Wiggleye, John, 427.

Wiggonholt (Wygenholt), Suss., 498 (37):—g. 733 (55).

Wighell, John, g. 612 (11), 831 (84).

Wight, Isle of, 438 (2):—g. 942 (14).

-, works or fortresses in. See Cowes.

Wightham. See Wytham.

Wighthill, Oxon, g. 282 (109).

Wighting. See Wighton.

Wightley, Oxon, g. 282 (109).

Wighton (Wighting), Norf., g. 144 (2).

Wiginghall. See Withginhall.

Wigmore, Heref., 587.

-, letters dated at, 447, 510, 546, 557, 562, 690.

-, abbey (supp.) of, g. 831 (5).

Wigmore, —, 755.

-, John, 24:—pp. 548, 554:—g. 942 (106).

-, Wm., p. 563.

Wigston (Wigeston), Young, 14 (p. 6).

-, Roger, g. 282 (4, 7, 34–5), 733 (63 bis), 942 (39–40).

Wikeham, Kent. See Wickham.

Wikham. See Wickham.

Wilberfosse nunnery, Yorks., 431:—p. 553.

-, pension list, 431:—p. 553.

-, prioress. See Lorde, E.

Wilberfosse, Dorothy, p. 552.

Wilberton, Thos., p. 550.

Wilcoke, John, p. 546.

Wilcox (Wylcockes), Thos., p. 544.

Wildblood, John, p. 556.

Wilde, Hen., g. 942 (49).

-, Wm., g. 831 (79).

Wildecote, John, g. 611 (26).

-, brwes, 853 (p. 426).
-, gulls, 1030 (56).
-, herons (herynshawes, harnsews), 542, 1030 (57).
-, partridges, 1018, 1030 (20).
-, -, Act touching sale of, 498 (9).
-, pheasants, Act touching sale of, 498 (9).
-, puffins, 1030 (58).
-, quails, 853 (p. 426).
-, ravens, 1030 (57).
-, St. Cuthbert's fowl, 648.
-, shovellers, 542.
-, swans, 1018:—p. 561:—g. 1027 (40).

Wildmore, Hants, 498 iii. c. 68.

Wildweir, Hants, g. 282 (100).

Wilecot, —, 1030 (30).

Wilegh. See Weeley.

Wilford, Hugh, 958.

-, Thos., g. 1027 (37).

-, (Wylfort, Wyllforde), Wm., 859.

Wilfred (Wylfride), Thos., 452.

Wilkinson, Adam, p. 547.

-, Anne, g. 282 (31).

-, Edw., p. 549.

-, Jas., g. 611 (11).

-, John, 96 (2).

-, (Wylkenson), Ric., p. 552.

Wilksley (Delkesley, Wylkesley), Chesh., pp. 558, 562.

Wilkyn, Agnes, p. 554.

Will, John, pp. 543–4.

Willaton, Chesh., g. 611 (31).

Willesdon, John, 446.

William, Count. See Furstemberg.

William, lord. See Howard, lord W.

William, Philip, 164.

Williamps, Wm., prior of Taunton, p. 544.

Williams, Sir John, master of the Jewels, 14 (p. 5), 498 (56), 809:—p. 540:—g. 282 (42), 436 (25, 37), 612 (7).

Williams, Hen., of Hampton Court, 1029 (10).

-, Henry, dean of Lichfield, 860–1, 921.

-, -, signature of, 861.

-, Hugh, alias Rawlins, 183.

-, Joan, prioress of Studley, p. 554:—g. 282 (109).

-, John, 95, 608, 609 (p. 276):—p. 561:—g. 831 (34).

-, -, signature of, 95.

-, Philip, g. 942 (95).

-, Reginald, 14 (p. 6):—g. 831 (47a).

-, Ric. or Sir Ric. See Cromwell.

-, Ric., p. 549.

-, Robt., 609 (p. 275).

-, Wm., 498 (59):—pp. 542, 561.

Williamson, Bowen, 609, 1031.

-, -, petition of, 1031.

-, Cornelius, p. 542.

-, Gregory, 99.

-, John, 153 (2), 1029 (66):—g. 831 (53), 942 (27–8).

-, Robt., cellarer and co-guardian (1540) of Thornton Curtis priory, 153.

-, Nic., g. 831 (53).

Willingale Doe, Essex, g. 144 (16).

Willingale Spain, Essex, g. 144 (16).

Willingham, Camb., in Carleton, g. 436 (41), 1027 (16).

Willingham, Linc., g. 611 (32), 942 (118).

Willington, Beds, g. 436 (9), 613 (1).

Willington, Derb., p. 560.

Willington, W., 14 (p. 6).

Willoby. See Willoughby.

Willoughby, —, g. 942 (52).

-, Baldwin, g. 942 (102).

-, Christiana, p. 545.

-, Sir Chr., letter from, 1029 (9).

-, (Wyllughby). Edw., 95:—g. 282 (5).

-, -, signature of, 95.

-, Sir Edw., 14 (p. 5), 410:—g. 831 (34, 47a).

-, -, letter from, 410.

-, Geo., g. 282 (7).

-, Hugh, brother of Sir Edw., 410.

-, Sir John, 14 (p. 6):—g. 282 (10), 942 (52).

-, (Willoby), John, g. 831 (17).

-, Mary, widow of Wm. lord W. of Eresby, g. 942 (52).

-, Mary, p. 550.

-, (Wylughby), Nic., 95:—p. 566:—g. 282 (5), 831 (34).

-, -, signature of, 95.

-, Thos., 609.

-, Sir Thos., g. 144 (20), 282 (3, 5, 8, 9, 27, 33, 52), 831 (34, 47a), 942 (13, 41, 75).

-, Wm., lord, of Eresby, dec., g. 942 (52).

Willowes, Marg., p. 552.

Wills, 439.

Willys, Thos., p. 547.

Wilmslow (Wylmeslowe), Chesh., g. 733 (18).

Wilsey, Agnes, p. 546.

Wilson, near Cardington, Salop, g. 831 (36)

Wilson, Bridget, g. 942 (27).

-, Edw., 609 (p. 275).

-, (Wylsoun), Eliz., p. 542.

-, Hen., g. 282 (71), 613 (42).

-, Jas., g. 613 (3).

-, John, prior of Mountgrace, 25, 32, 125, 747:—pp. 553, 555:—g. 733 (20).

-, -, signature of, 125.

-, -, deposition of, 125.

-, John, g. 831 (53), 942 (27).

-, Miles, g. 942 (27).

-, Dr. Nicholas, dean of Wimborne Minster, 125, 498 (p. 217), 736, 747, 792 ii.

-, -, letter from, 747.

-, Ric., a refugee in Scotland, 96 (2).

-, (Wylston), Thos., 859:—g. 831 (53), 942 (27).

-, Wm., 609 (p. 274, 276):—g. 612 (7).

Wilstone, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Wilton, Heref., p. 563.

Wilton, Wilts, abbey (supp.) of, pp. 540, 543, 545.

-, -, abbess. See Bodenham, C.

-, -, pension list, pp. 543, 545.

Wilton, lord Grey of. See Grey.

Wilton, Wm., p. 543.

Wiltshire, 19, 50, 69, 139:—g. 436 (73), 733 (8), 831 (4), 1027 (41).

-, lands in, 393, 743:—g. 282 (102),

Wiltshire, Sir Thos. Boleyn, earl of (died 1539), 561, 707:—g. 282 (119), 436 (40, 59), 611 (10, 22–3), 831 (61).

Wiltshire (Whilshire), Sir John, comptroller of Calais (in 1510), 729.

-, Wm., p. 545.

Wimbisshe, Miles, 936.

Wimbledon, Surr., 498 (36).

Wimborne Minster, Dors., dean of. See Wilson, N.

Wimborne (Wymeborne), Ric., 49:—p. 553.

Wimpole, Camb., g. 613 (1).

Winchcombe or Winchelcombe, Glouc., 183.

-, abbey of, 19, 139 iv., 183:—p. 549: g. 831 (14).

-, -, abbot. See Munslow, R.

-, -, pension list, 139 iv.:—p. 549.

-, -, plate from, 183.

-, -, surrender, 139 iv.

Winchcombe, John, 14 (p. 6):—g. 282 (44, 88).

-, Thos., 49:— p. 553.

-, Wm., p. 551.

Winchelsea, Suss., works at, 598 ii., 642 (1, 2).

Winchenden (Wynchyndon), Bucks, g. 282 (109), 436 (3).

Winchenden (Wynchyndon), Lower-, Bucks, p. 559:—g. 282 (111).

Winchenden, Over- (Overwynchyndon), Bucks, g. 282 (111).

Winchester (Hoyncester), bp. of. See Gardiner.

Winchester, Hants, g. 613 (2).

-, letter dated at, 336.

-, mayor See Haycroft, W.
-, castle, g. 144 (20).
-, gaol, g. 282 (27).
-, Holy Trinity cathedral, 139 end.
-, New College beside, 336.
-, -, warden. See More, E.
-, St. Bartholomew's parish, g. 613 (2).
-, St. Mary's nunnery near, 139 i., 296:—p. 550.
-, -, abbess. See Shelley, E.
-, -, pension list, 139 i.:—p. 550.
-, -, surrender, 139 i.
-, St. Swithin's cathedral priory, 139, 809:—p. 548.
-, -, pension list, 139 i.:—p. 548.
-, -, prior. See Basing, W.
-, -, surrender, 139 i.
-, St. Swithin's Cathedral, 321–2.

Winchester, bp. of. See Gardiner, S.

Winchester, Jas., 749 (2).

Windbank (Wyndebanke), Ric., 609 (p. 276), 750:—g. 831 (18).

Windhill manor, Kent, 498 iii. c. 77.

Windle, Wm., p. 549.

Windsor, Berks, 127, 158, 657, 664, 809 (p. 383), 850 (3), 984, 986–7, 994, 997, 1016, 1029 (54).

-, letters dated at, 127, 158, 422, 664, 983, 988–90.

-, a priest of, 1016, 1018.

-, castle, 196, 901 (p. 447), 1016, 1018:—g. 831 (31).

-, -, annexations to (Act), 498 (35).

-, college of, dean, 560 (2), 657. See Franklin, W.

Windsor, Andrew lord, keeper of the Wardrobe 14 (p. 5), 17, 560, 1029 (68):—g. 282 (6), 831 (47b).

-, -, letter from, 1029 (68).

-, -, signature of, 17.

Windsor, Broad-. See Broad Windsor.

Windsor (Wynssor), Sir Ant., lord Lisle's agent and receiver in Hampshire, 14 (p. 6), 181, 230, 1030 (55).

-, (Wyndesor), Edm., 1008.

-, (Wyndesore), Marg., prioress of Sion, 840:—p. 548.

-, (Wynsore), Wm., p. 545.

-, (Wyndisor), Sir Wm., 14 (p. 5).

Wine, 108, 335, 384, 419, 576 (? “Wynde”), 812, 889, 932, 1030 (18, 22, 30, 44, 49):—p. 564:—g. 733 (58).

-, Auxerrois, 1030 (49).

-, Beaune, 1030 (49).

-, Burgundy, 1030 (49).

-, Gascon, 215–16, 959 (2).

-, Spanish, 53.

Winfarthing, Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Winford or Winford Eagle, Dors., g. 436 (64).

Winfrith, Dors, g. 1027 (23).

Wingate, Kath., p. 547.

Wingendall, near Bruges, 356.

Wingfeld, Berks. See Winkfield.

Wingfield (Wynkefelde), Sir Anthony, captain of the Guard and Vice-chamberlain, 10 (14 p. 5), 18, 553, 560, 804, 925, 966, 984, 986–7, 994:—g. 942 (89), 1027 (7).

Wingfield, Sir Robert, deputy of Calais (6 Oct. 1526 to 27 Mar. 1531), 729:—g. 942 (10).

Wingfield, Charles, 14 (p. 5).

-, H., 14 (p. 6).

-, (Wyngfeld), Sir Humph., 14 (p. 6):—g. 282 (6, 20), 613 (18).

-, John, 14 (p. 5), 381, 872 (3):—g. 942 (82).

-, -, grant to, 381.

-, -, Dorothy, wife of, 872 (3).

-, (Wyngfeld), Sir Ric., deputy of Calais (6 Aug. 1513 to 15 May 1519), g. 942 (10).

-, Ric., g. 613 (18).

-, Robt., g. 282 (68).

-, (Wynkfelde), Thos., comptroller of the King's works at Dover, 193, 323, 1030 (21).

Wingham, Robt., prior of Hilbre, 87 (2):—p. 552.

Winkfield (Wingfeld), Berks, g. 611 (41).

Winsham, Soms., g. 831 (68).

Winshurste, Berks, g. 282 (25).

Winslow, Bucks, p. 541.

Winslow, Ric., 391 (6).

Winstone (Wynston), Glouc., g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Winter, Edm., g. 1027 (23).

-, (Wynterus), Thomas, Wolsey's son, archd. of Cornwall, provost of Beverley, 860–1, 921.

-, -, signature of, 861 bis.

-, Wm., p. 542.

Winterbourne, Wilts, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Winterborne Martin or Martin's Town, Dors., g. 436 (64).

Winterborne Musterton. See Muston Winterborne.

Wintershull, John, g. 282 (5, 27), 831 (47a), 942 (14).

Winterslow (Winterslawe), Wilts, p. 540.

Wintney nunnery (supp.), Hants, 498 iii. c. 68.

Winton, Westmld., p. 565.

Winton abbey. See Winchester, St. Mary's.

Winwick, Ntht. and Hunts, g. 831 (83).

Wirkesop. See Worksop.

Wirksworth (Wrexkesworth, Workesworth), Derb., g. 831 (48),

Wirlingworthe. See Worlingsworth.

Wirtemberg, bp. of, 797.

Wirtemberg (Wurtemberg), Ulric duke of (expelled in 1519, and restored in 1534), 797, 814.

Wisbeach (Wysbyche, Wysbich), Wm., pp. 549–50.

Wisborough Green, Suss., 498 (37).

Wiscettour. See Worcester.

Wise (Wysse), Grace, p. 554.

-, Harry, 387.

-, Thos., priest, letter from, 1030 (66).

-, Wm., of Waterford, letters from, 387, 403.

Wisedale, Wm., p. 555.

Wiseman, John, 827, 998:—pp. 553, 564:—g. 613 (35).

-, -, letter from, 998.

Wiseton, Notts, g. 733 (1).

Wishford (Wysshford) Magna, Wilts, g. 282 (59).

Wistaston, Chesh., g. 733 (36).

Wistendeyn, John, 210.

Wistowe, Hunts, g. 436 (20).

Wistow (Wystoo), Yorks., g. 1027 (40).

Wiswell (Wiswold), Lanc., g. 611 (13).

Wiswold. See Wiswell.

Witham (Wyttham), Soms., p. 559.

-, charterhouse (supp.), of, 353 (1, 2), 391 (3):—pp. 544, 559.

-, -, pension list, p. 544.

-, -, prior. See Mitchell, J.

Witham, Wm., 555.

Witherik. See Wetherick.

Withginhall alias Wiginghall, Herts (in Watford?), g. 942 (119).

Withmedes, Essex, 806 (p. 380).

Withnell (Wythinhyll), Lanc., g. 611 (11).

Withrington. See Widdrington.

Withstonhall, Essex, g. 611 (8).

Witney. See Whitney.

Witney, Robt., 14 (p. 6).

Wittenberg, 589, 814.

-, assembly to be at, 264.

Wittering (Wethering), Suss., 498 (37).

Wittersham (Wytresham), Kent, g. 831 (44).

Wittington (Wittenton), Worc., g. 831 (64).

Witton, Lanc., g. 831 (12).

Witworthe, Thos., 609 (p. 276).

Wiveton, Norf., 498 iii. c. 73.

Woad, from Toulouse, 123.

Woburn (Woborn, Wobourne), Beds, g. 282 (91).

-, abbey (supp.) of, 939 (p. 465):—g. 282 (91), 436 (29 p. 170).

-, -, abbot. See Hobbes, R.

Wod. See Wood.

Wodall, Mrs., 1030 (68).

-, Wm., p. 546.

Wode, Wm., p. 545.

Wodeham. See Woodham.

Wodehyll, Beds, g. 613 (1),

Wodeseden. See Waddesdon.

Wodlocke, Ric., p. 546.

Wodlow, Wm., 183.

Wodlyff, Robt., 393 (2).

Wodmans, Alex., p. 552.

Wodmenston. See Woodmancy.

Wodstok. See Woodstock.

Wodyer, Suss., 498 (37).

Wogan, John, g. 1027 (10).

Wogelsberger. See Vogelsperger.

Wokefield, Berks, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Woking (Oking), Surr., 541 (3).

Wolberd, Wm., g. 831 (79).

Wolbryge. See Wool Bridge.

Wolden. See Woolden.

Woldham, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Wolf (Woolfe), Morgan, goldsmith, 809 (p. 383).

-, Reyner, the printer, 269, 458.

Wolford, Warw., g. 831 (51).

Wolfreton, Yorks., p. 565.

Wolfspett. See Wolspett.

Wolker. See Woller.

Wollakys in Inglewood, Cumb., g. 942 (96).

Wolland, Dors., g. 282 (90).

Woller (Walker, Wooller, Wuller, Ollare), John, servant to lord Lisle, 365, 367, 478 (1, 2, 4), 479, 495, 498 (p. 217), 507 (2, 4), 539, 697n.

-, -, examination of, 495.

Wolles. See Woolas.

Wolley, Jas., p. 548.

Wolmer, Ric., g. 282 (19).

Wolsaye. See Wolsey.

Wolsey, Cardinal, 686, 721, 766:—g. 282 (41).

-, -, a chaplain of, 552.

Wolsey (Wolsaye), Thos., p. 565.

Wolspett (Wolfspett), John, p. 546 bis.

Wolston, Glouc., p. 564.

Wolstye or Wolstye Cowbyre, Cumb., p. 557.

Wolvercote. See Woolvercote.

Wolverhampton, Staff., g. 611 (5, 26).

-, letter dated at, 360.

Wolvescroft. See Ulvercroft.

Wolveton, Dors., near Charminster, g. 436 (67).

Wolwyche. See Woolwich.

Wonnerch, Eliz., p. 550.

Wonston, Hants, 20n.

Wood and timber, 108, 184, 237, 268, 347, 420, 610.

Wood, Woode, or Woodd, Agnes, p. 553.

-, Alex., g. 282 (33), 942 (75).

-, Eleanor, p. 545.

-, John, p. 544.

-, (Woodde), Ric., pp. 542, 552.

-, Wm., prior of Bridlington (executed in 1537), 939:—g. 942 (45).

-, Wm., p. 564.

Woodall, Ric., p. 550.

Woodcats (Woodsettes, Woodceyts), in Norton, Derb., p. 562:—g. 1027 (17).

Woodchurch, Kent, g. 831 (44).

Woodcock, Thos., prior of Beauvale, p. 546:—g. 282 (105).

Woodcote, Suss., g. 436 (72).

Woodegate, Wm., 542.

Woodes, Hugh, priest, 498 (59).

Woodford, Eliz., p. 547.

-, (Wodforde), Thos., 1029 (68).

Woodhall, Suff., g. 144 (2).

Woodhall, Alice, p. 554.

Woodham Ferris, Essex, g. 282 (89).

Woodham (Wodeham) Water, Essex, g. 942 (71).

Woodhouse, Notts, g. 942 (70).

Woodhouse farm, Bucks, g. 831 (86).

Woodhouse, near Leeds, Yorks., p. 562.

Woodhouse (Wodhowse), Mr., 1029 (15).

-, (Wodhowse), —, serjeant, letter to, 1029 (15).

-, Robt., p. 551.

-, Roger, g. 942 (11).

Woodlande, Christina, p. 545.

Woodlock, Jas., g. 611 (14).

Woodlyffe, Robt., p. 554.

Woodmancy (Wodmenston), Wm., a refugee in Scotland, 96 (2).

Woodnett, Ric., p. 544.

Woodowes, John, g. 942 (52).

Woodrising (Risyng), Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Woods (growing), 65–7, 205, 379 (2), 515.

Woodsettes. See Woodcats.

Woodstock (Wodstok), Oxon, 339:—g. 831 (51).

-, mayor of, 339.

Woodstrete, Dors., g. 1027 (23).

Woodvall, Thos., 609.

Wood Walton, See Walton.

Woodward, Bridget, p. 547.

-, Marg., p. 543.

-, Ric., p. 551.

-, (Wodward), Robt., 749 (2).

Wool (Woole), Dors., g. 1027 (23).

Woolas (Wolles), Yorks., in Appleton, 174, 197.

Wool Bridge (Wulbrige, Wolbryge), Dors., p. 559:—g. 1027 (23).

Woolden (Wolden), Magna and Parva, Lanc., g. 611 (31).

Woolfe. See Wolf.

Wooller. See Woller.

Woolvercote (Wolvercote), Oxon, g. 436 (81).

Woolwich (Wolwyche), Kent, p. 560:—g. 611 (25), 942 (77).

Wootton (Wotton), Beds, g. 613 (1).

Wootton (Wotton), Oxon, 600:—g. 831 (51).

Wootton (Wotton) Basset, Wilts, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Wootton (Wotton), Old-, Wilts, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Wootton (Wotton) Underwood, Bucks, g. 831 (58).

Woper Broke mines, co. Flint, g. 613 (29).

Worcester, 308, 695.

-, letter dated at, 183.

-, Castle, g. 144 (20), 613 (26).

-, Cathedral priory, 81, 866–9:—p. 551.

-, -, pension list, 81, 866–9:—p. 551.

-, -, prior. See Holbeche, H.

-, St. Wolstan's hospital, 695, 726:—g. 831 (64).

-, -, master. See Morison, R.

-, -, surrender, 695.

Worcester (Wiscettour) diocese, 183, 737.

-, archdeacon of. See Vannes, P.

-, bp. of. See Bell, J.; Latimer, H.

Worcester (Wiscettour), Henry Somerset earl of, 500, 560.

Worcester (Worceter), Hen., 49:—p. 553.

Worcestershire, 19, 50, 87.

-, custos rotulorum of, 1021.

-, lands in, 695.

Wordale, Wm., p. 544.

Workesworth. See Wirksworth.

Worksop (Wirksopp, Workesoppe), Notts, p. 562:—g. 942 (99), 1027 (27–8).

-, priory (supp.) of, pp. 559 bis, 563 bis, 564:—g. 942 (99).

Worlingsworth (Warlingworth, Wirlingworth), Suff., g. 436 (88).

Wormesel. See Wormshill.

Wormesley, Heref., priory (supp.) of, 688:—p. 554.

-, -, pension list, p. 554.

-, -, prior. See Stroty, R.

Wormewell, Eliz., p. 563.

Wormgay, Norf., g. 942 (18).

Worminghall (Wornehall), Bucks, g. 282 (109).

Worminghurst, Suss., g. 733 (55).

Wormington Magna, Glouc., g. 1027 (2).

Wormley (Wormeley), Herts, g. 733 (64).

Worms, in Germany, 666 (p. 316).

-, Diet at (indicted for 28 Oct. 1540), 923.

Wormshill (Wormesel), Kent, 498 iii. c. 77.

Wormstone (Warmeston), Bucks, g. 611 (7).

Wornehall. See Worminghall.

Worsley, Eliz., p. 545.

-, Mary, p. 546.

-, Ralph, 21:—g. 942 (14).

Worsoppe, John, g. 831 (52), 942 (81).

-, (Woursop), Letitia, silkwoman, 642.

Worthe, —, 217 (p. 77).

-, John, 553, 609:—pp. 541, 557.

-, Thos., 611 (35).

-, Wm., p. 548.

Worthen, Salop, g. 282 (29).

Wortheton, Eliz., p. 543.

Worthiall, John, archd. of Cbichester, 860–1, 921, 936.

-, -, signature of, 861 bis.

-, John, clk., g. 282 (64).

Worthorpp. See Wothorpe.

Worthy Mortimer, Hants, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Worthye, Alice, p. 544.

Worton, Oxon, g. 282 (109).

Wothorpe (Worthorpp), Ntht., near Stamford, g. 943 (46).

Wotton, Beds. See Wootton.

Wotton, Oxon. See Wootton.

Wotton, Wilts. See Wootton.

Wotton under Edge, Glouc., 629.

Wotton (Wutton), Mr., 682.

-, Edm., 24:—p. 548.

-, Sir Edw., sent to Calais (in July 1540), and nominated for treasurer there, 833, 862, 918, 948, 1014.

-, -, signature of, 918.

-, John, g. 942 (11).

-, Matth., member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

-, Dr. Nich., archd. of Gloucester (so described 9 July 1540 in No. 861), ambassador with the duke of Cleves (despatched 25 Jan. 1540), 68, 242–3, 289 (p. 120), 302–3, 309, 389, 460, 482–3, 519, 537 (p. 240), 552, 581, 583, 596–7, 623, 642, 678, 721, 735, 765, 781, 823–4, 850 (3), 861 (1, 2), 908, 943 (2), 970.

-, -, letters from, 242–3, 302–3, 309, 389, 482–3, 519, 581, 596–7, 781, 970.

-, -, letters to, 735, 908.

-, Robt., 729.

Woursop. See Worssopp.

Wragby, Yorks., p. 565:—g. 436 (62).

Wrastlyngworth. See Wrestlingworth.

Wratting (Tallworth Wratting), Suff., g. 144 (2).

Wraysbury (Wyrardisburie), Bucks, 498 (35).

Wren, Martin, p. 553.

Wrestlingworth (Wrastlyngworth), Beds, g. 613 (1).

Wretchwick (Wretchewyke), Oxon, g. 831 (55).

Wretham, West- (W. Wrotham), Norf., g. 436 (31).

Wrexkesworth. See Wirksworth.

Wright, Mr., letters to, 868–9.

-, Edm., p. 560.

-, Jerome, 609 (p. 275).

-, John, pp. 546–7:—g. 942 (49).

-, Wm., of Balliol College, 443.

-, Wm., 28 (2):—p. 552.

Wrinehill, Chesh., g. 733 (36).

Wrington, Wm., p. 549.

Wriothesley (Wrythesley, Wysley), Thos. or Sir Thomas, one of the two principal secretaries (April 1540), letter from, 874.

-, -, letters to, 271, 302, 390, 550, 813, 883, 1029 (37).

-, -, handwriting of, 16, 35, 145 (p. 55), 332, 440, 459, 463, 469, 473, 662, 720, 765, 775, 784, 821 (1, 3), 822 (1, 2), 828–9, 850 (10), 865, 872, 391, 899, 925 (2), 983 (2).

-, -, other references, 10, 14 (p. 5), 188, 297, 352, 429, 437, 480, 541, 642 (1, 2), 791, 795, 821, 822 (2), 850 (1, 10, 11), 860 (p. 430), 861 (2), 872 (3), 891, 900, 908, 925, 938 (?), 966, 984, 986–7, 994, 996–7, 1004–6, 1008, 1011–12, 1016, 1018, 1021, 1029 (7, 67):—p. 564 bis:—g. 282 (100), 611 (17), 831 (24, 47a), 942 (113), 1027 (7).

-, -, depositions by, 850 (11), 861 (2, 3), 925.

-, -, signature of, 1012.

-, -, appointed one of the two Principal Secretaries, 437.

-, -, his “jewel.” See Philips, Harry.

-, -, knighted, 541.

Wriothesley, lady, 21.

Writle. See Writtle.

Writtle (Writle, Wryttell), Essex, g. 942 (100), 1027 (1).

Wrothe, Mr., 464.

-, Robt., dec., g. 613 (9).

-, Thos., g. 613 (9), 733 (64).

Wrotham, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Wrotham, Norf. See Wretham.

Wrottesley, Walter, g. 282 (7), 942 (40).

Wroughton, Wilts, g. 613 (20).

Wroughton, Over-, Wilts, g. 733 (3).

Wroughton, Mrs., 21.

-, W., 14 (p. 6).

Wroxall, John de, g. 144 (2).

Wroxton, Oxon, g. 282 (109 p. 116).

Wrythesley. See Wriothesley.

Wulbrige. See Wool Bridge.

Wullavington. See Lavington.

Wuller. See Woller.

Wullferston, Thos., g. 942 (15).

Wurlyngton. See Werrington.

Wurtemberg. See Wirtemberg.

Wurtwale, Norf., g. 942 (2).

Wutton. See Wotton.

Wyatt (Hoyet, Wyate, Wieto, Weyete), Sir Thomas, ambassador to Charles V. (returned April 1540), 38, 68, 97, 145, 161–2, 169, 188–9, 203, 222 (p. 79), 235, 239, 257, 264, 285, 289, 320, 322, 337, 343–4, 388, 419, 448–9, 462, 468–9, 478 (2), 486–7, 498 iii. cc. 75, 77, 507 (pp. 225–6), 508, 519, 530, 552, 566–7, 581–3, 589, 651, 781–3, 839, 931:—g. 613 (32), 942 (49, 51).

-, -, letters from, 38, 97, 161–2, 188, 203, 264, 320, 337, 344, 388, 448, 462, 508, 530, 783.

-, -, letter to, 589.

-, -, his “jewel.” See Brancetour, R.

-, -, his livery of lands, 188.

Wyatt, —, son of Thos., the King's ward, 464.

-, (Wiate), Mrs., widow, 464.

-, (Wyott), Eliz., p. 547.

-, Sir Henry, treasurer of the Chamber (in 1524), g. 942 (103).

-, (Wiate), Thos., dec., 464.

-, Thos., son of Sir Thos., 498 iii. c. 77.

-, -, Jane, his wife, 498 iii. c. 77.

-, Wm., p. 547.

Wycambe. See Wykeham.

Wyche. See Droitwich.

Wyche, Wm., p. 551.

Wycht, Alex., of Dundee, 952.

Wycliffe (Wickliff), John, the Reformer, 714.

Wydcombe, Dors., g. 282 (90).

Wydeford. See Widford.

Wye, the Herefordshire river, p. 567.

Wye, Kent, college of, p. 560.

Wye, Eliz., p. 542.

-, Robt., 406–7:—g. 282 (7, 35).

-, -, letter from, 407.

Wyershall, Essex, g. 611 (8).

Wyett, Philip, 49.

Wygbarugh. See Wigborough.

Wykam. See Wickham.

Wyke. See Wick.

Wyke, near Abingdon, Berks, p. 563.

Wyke, Berks, in Faringdon, g. 436 (76).

Wyke, Dors., p. 562:—g. 144 (2 p. 52), 436 (54).

Wyke, Wilts, g. 942 (110).

Wyke (Wekis), Nic., 14 (p. 6).

Wykeham, Leic., g. 613 (35).

Wykeham (Wycambe) nunnery, Yorks., 431:—p. 553.

-, pension list, 431:—p. 553.

-, prioress. See Neudyke, K.

Wykeham, West-, Linc., g. 942 (118).

Wyken. See Wicken.

Wykes, Gilb., clk., g. 144 (4).

-, Morgan, g. 282 (54).

-, Nic., 1029 (31):—g. 282 (35).

-, Steph., p. 542.

Wykewanford. See Wickhamford.

Wykey, Warw., g. 733 (67).

Wykham, Oxon, near Adderbury, g. 436 (29).

Wylcotys, Wm., g. 144 (2).

Wyleghe. See Weeley.

Wyllburg, Nic., of Wells, letter from, 1029 (67).

Wyllick, Adolph de, of Cleves, 80.

Wyllughby. See Willoughby.

Wylop, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Wylston. See Wilson.

Wylughby. See Willoughby.

Wyly. See Weeley.

Wyman, George, 799.

Wymond, John, p. 544.

Wymondham or Wyndham, Norf., abbey (supp.) of, p. 541.

Wynall, beside Coventry, Warw., pp. 557, 559.

Wynchepe, near Canterbury, g. 942 (61).

Wynchepe, Wm., 452.

Wyndegrevys. See Waingroves.

Wyndham, Sir Edm., 14.

-, Edm, g. 282 (6).

-, (Wyndame), George, archd. of Norwich, 861.

-, (Wyndam), John, g. 282 (106), 942 (13).

-, -, Eliz., his wife, g. 282 (106).

-, (Wendam), Thos., captain in Ireland, 328, 440–1.

-, Thos., p. 555:—g. 282 (124).

Wyndhull, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Wyndisor. See Windsor.

Wynebancke. See Windebank.

Wynford, Ric., g. 942 (39).

Wynkfelde. See Wingfield.

Wynne, John, p. 552.

Wynnaway, Wm., g. 282 (43).

Wynsore. See Windsor.

Wynssor. See Windsor.

Wyott. See Wyatt.

Wyrall Park, Soms., g. 613 (39).

Wyrall, Hugh, g. 282 (21).

Wyrardisburie. See Wraysbury.

Wyrley, Wm., g. 942 (40).

Wyrrall, Chesh., p. 561.

Wysden Waterynges, Essex, g. 144 (1).

Wysley. See Wriothesley.

Wysse. See Wise.

Wysshefeldes, in Doddingburst, Essex, g. 831 (25, 82).

Wyssmestre. See Westminster.

Wyter, Robt., g. 613 (47).

Wytford. See Whittlesford.

Wytham (Wightham), Berks, g. 436 (25), 613 (23).

Wytham, Wm., p. 563.

Wytresham. See Wittersham.

Wyvell, Wm., g. 436 (77).

Wyvold, Marm, g. 942 (41b)