Index: V

Pages 768-770

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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Vachell, Thos., of Reading, bailiff of Leominster, 14 (p. 6), 266, 475–6. 996:—g. 282 (7, 115).

Vadianus, Joachim, consul at St. Gall, letter to, 137

Vaghan. See Vanghan.

Valantyne, John, p. 546.

Valaunce, Bridget, p. 554.

Vale, George, 1031 (3).

-, Joan, p. 556.

Valenciennes (Valentienne, Valencianes, Valentia), in Flanders, 68, 98, 121–2, 794, 812.

-, letter dated at, 100.

Valencuelo, Francesco de, comendador, 591.

Valentia, in Flanders. See Valenciennes.

Valentyne, Loy, 609.

Vale Royal abbey (supp.), in Whitegate parish, Chesh., 553 iii.:—pp. 556–7, 558 bis, 560, 563–4, 567.

Valle, Robert, and another gentleman of Gascony offer, in Flanders, to serve Henry VIII., 161.

Valmaister (qu. Westminster?), bp. of, 737.

Valop. See Wallop.

Van. See Vannes.

Van Croche, Lone, g. 436 (77).

Vandenon. See Andalot.

Van der Gracht, Balthazar, letter from, 201.

Van der Impell, Wilhelm, 861 (2).

Vandevall (Van the Walle, Van de Wall), Peter, jeweller, 686, 838.

Vane (Fane), Mr., 188 (p. 69).

-, (Fane), Joan, prioress of Dartford, p. 545:—g. 282 (15), 436 (31).

-, (Fane), Ralph, 14 (p. 5), 281 (1, 3), 498 iii. c. 77, 1029 (65).

-, -, letter to, 281 (1, 3).

Van Gymnych, Warner, g. 1027 (24).

Vannes (Van), Peter, Latin secretary, dean of Sarum, and archd. of Worcester, 14 (p. 5), 313, 544 (p. 247), 860–1, 921:—App. 1.

-, -, signature of, 861.

Van Straet, Giles, 662.

Van the Walle. See Vandevall.

Van Vermonde, Johan, letter from, 1030 (62).

-, -, his servant, Frederick, 1030 (62).

Vanzelles, George de, commander of La Tourrette, letter from, 685.

Varnam. See Vernham.

Varskaf, John, 764.

Vatteville or Vateville. See Watiéville.

Vauchier, Jehan, alias Noyrelet, 1030 (68).

Vaucop. See Wauchope.

Vaughan (Vawghan), Stephen, ambassador to the Regent of Flanders, 68, 161–2, 188, 264, 1029 (64).

-, -, letters from, 68, 1029 (64).

Vaughan (Vaghan), Mr., 338, 661.

-, Agnes, g. 612 (7).

-, Davy, 609 (p. 276).

-, Edw., 14 (p. 5):—g. 611 (39), 942 (1).

-, Emma, g. 942 (1).

-, Hugh, g. 436 (10).

-, Jas., g. 942 (39, 115).

-, John, of Calais, 608 (4 iii.)

-, John, g. 436 (47).

-, Morgan, g. 1027 (10).

-, Sir Ric., g. 942 (39).

-, Ric., 609 (p. 276), 806 (pp. 380–1).

-, Anne, his wife, 806 (p. 380).

-, Thos., sergeant at arms, g. 942 (60).

-, Thos., 609 (p. 275).

-, Wm., clk., g. 733 (62).

Vaulde, marquis de, 1020.

Vaux (Faux), Eliz., p. 548.

Vavasor, Dorothy, p. 552.

-, Eliz., p. 553.

-, Ric., p. 554.

-, Wm., warden of Black Friars, York, p. 542.

Vawghan. See Vaughan.

Vayvode, the. See Sepuse, Count.

Vazquez de Molina, Juan, Charles V.'s secretary, letter from, 956.

-, -, letter to, 951.

Veere, Ter Veere, or Campvere, in Zealand, 213, 952.

Veer. See Vere.

Vele, John, g. 611 (12).

-, Michael, g. 611 (12).

Velechurch, Suff. (near Washbrook), g. 282 (15).

Velierscosterez. See Villers Cotterets.

Venables, Ric., serjeant at arms, g. 282 (65).

-, Sir Wm., g. 282 (34), 733 (63).

Venberghe. See Berg.

Venceslaus, a learned German, 814.

Vendôme, Anthony duke of, son of duke Charles, afterwards (1555), king of Navarre, 115, 1030 (24).

Vendome, Mary of Luxembourg, countess of, widow of count Francis, mother of Duke Charles and of Anthoinette duchess of Guise, 374.

Venice, city of, 306, 315, 320, 368, 530, 762, 778.

-, letters dated at, 46, 104, 349, 358, 369, 548:—App. 2.

Venice, Government of (the Signory, the Venetians), 46, 68, 104, 115, 134, 145, 155, 265, 315, 344, 368, 401, 448, 462, 480, 489–90, 522, 582, 715, 762, 778, 794, 797, 808, 842, 933, 968, 982:—App. 2.

-, ambassadors at:—
-, English. See Harvel, E.
-, French. See Montpellier, bp. of.

Venice, Gulf of, 1030 (18 p. 530).

Venison, 435, 781 (p. 369), 795.

Venloo (Venloe), in the Low Countries, 699.

Vennett, John, 21.

Venycom, Ric., 592.

Ver Anenyan, Peter, 662.

Verdeley, Suss., 498 (37).

Vere (Veer), Hugh de, g. 144 (2).

-, (Veer), John, earl of Oxford, q. v.

-, (Veer), lady Margaret, 380.

Vergara, Captain Juan de, letter from, 577.

Verity (Veryte), Wm., 69 (2):—p. 546.

Verney, Sir Ralph, 14 (p. 5).

Vernham (Varnam), —, 1030 (18 p. 529).

-, (Vernam), Hen., 610.

Vernon, George, 546:—g. 613 (27).

-, John, of the Welsh Council, 546:—g. 282 (34–5), 733 (63), 942 (39, 40).

-, John, g. 613 (27).

-, Thos., p. 567:—g. 282 (7), 42 (106).

Verona, in Italy, 78, 204.

Veronne, —, 905.

Vertue. See Virtue.

Vervig (Berwyke), co. Cardigan, g. 282 (108).

Vervins, Jacques de Coucy, sieur de, lieutenant of Boulogne, 1030 (26).

Veryte. See Verity.

Vestell, John, p. 549.

Veynar, —, 708 (2).

Vicar General, office of, 804 (p. 378).

Vicarie, Wm., 609 (p. 275).

Vicegerent, lord. See Cromwell, Thos.

“Victuallers, the sect of the,” 259.

Vienna, 932.

Vienna, bp. of. See Faber, J.

Viermonlet, —, of Cleves, 80.

Villandri, Claude le Breton, sieur de, secretary of Francis I., 222.

Villencourt, Mons. de, 571.

Villers (Villars), Sir John, 14 (p. 5):—g. 282 (23), 733 (41).

Villers, Sir Ph. de. See L'Isle Adam.

Villers Cotterets (Velierscosterez), in France, letter dated at, 58.

Vincennes, or Bois de Vincennes, near Paris, 842.

Vincent, David, page of the Wardrobe, 917, 967.

-, -, signature of, 967.

-, Geo., g. 733 (12, 41).

-, (Vynsante), John, p. 543:—g. 942 (95).

-, Sibilla, p. 543.

Vine, the, lord Sandes' place in Hampshire, letter dated at, 471.

Vine, Morpheta, p. 550.

Virgil (Virgilius), Polydore, archd. of Wells, 860–1, 921.

-, -, signature of, 861.

Virtue (Vertue), Robt., 118:—p. 550.

Visitations of the clergy, 183, 248 (p. 90).

Vitarba. See Viterbo.

Vitello (Vitelly), Alessandro, 591, 762.

Viterbo (Vitarba), in Italy, 490 (p. 209).

Vivaldi, Ant., 1029 (6n).

Vlatten, Provost, of the duke of Cleves's council, 242 (p. 86), 519.

Vlatten (Ulatten), Reyner de, a gentleman of Cleves, 80.

Vnkes. See Unkys.

Vogelsperger (Wogelsberger), Sebastian, a German leader of mercenaries, 271, 797, 842 (“Count Guillaume's lieutenant”).

Vorcifall (Forsewylle), Nic., letter to, 699.

Vowell, Wm., p. 544:—g. 282 (9), 942 (13).

Vows, religious, 125, 310.

Vresvydour, Groisbeck, 937.

Vrient, William de, letter from, 238.

Vuerden, Sir John a, of Dantzic, 855.

Vyncenti, John. See Aquaviva.

Vyne, Mr., 650 (3).

Vynes, John, 749 (2).

Vynisians, the. See Venice.

Vynsante. See Vincent.

Vyvyan, Robt., g. 282 (5, 52), 942 (41).