Index: T

Pages 758-767

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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Taberd, John, g. 436 (75).

Tables, playing at, 495 (p. 212), 539.

Taborowe. See Teborow.

Tackley (Takeley), Oxon, g. 282 (109).

Tacolneston, Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Tadcaster, Yorks., g. 436 (50), 611 (33).

Tade, the post. See Thadeus.

Tadlowe, Camb., 806 (p. 380):—g. 613 (1).

Tagliavia, Peter, bp. of Girgenti, afterwards abp. of Palermo and cardinal, 932 (p. 461).

-, -, his brother, marquis of Terra Nova, 932 (p. 461).

Tailboys (Tailbush), George lord, a minor, 14 (pp. 4, 5).

Taillefer. See Telfer.

Taillor. See Taylor.

Takeley, Essex, g. 611 (1), 733 (24).

Takeley, Oxon. See Tackley.

Talaugh. See Tallagh.

Talbot, Sir Gilbert, deputy of Calais (until 1513), 729.

-, Sir John, g. 282 (7).

-, Robt., a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

-, Wm., 609 (p. 275), 1031 (3).

Talbye, John, g. 611 (12).

Talentyre, Thos., g. 942 (96).

Talfern, Cornw. See Arundell, of Talfern.

Tallagh (Talaugh), co. Dublin, letter dated at, 692.

Talley, Thos., a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

Talmage (Talmach), Lionel, 14 (p. 6).

Talvan, co. Glamorgan, g. 831 (27).

Talworth Wratting. See Wratting.

Tame, Sir Edm., 14 (p. 5), 406:—g. 282 (7, 35).

-, Dame Eliza, widow, 768 (1, 2).

-, T., 14 (p. 6).

Tamps, Madame de. See Estampes.

Tamworth, Staff. and Warw., g. 144 (2) 1027 (18).

Tamworth, John, son of Thomas, 405n.

-, John, g. 282 (19).

-, Thos. (died 1538), 405n.

Tamys. See Thames.

Tanfield (Tanfylde), Yorks., parson of. See Tunstall, J.

Tangatt, John, p. 545.

Tangelust grange, co. Glamorgan, g. 831 (62).

Tangham, Suff., near Butley, 190.

Tangmere, Suss., 498 (37).

Tankard, Robt., p. 563.

-, (Tankerd), Wm., g. 282 (21), 942 (41b).

Tanner, Edw., 21.

-, (Tannar), Ric., 1029 (53).

-, Wm., g. 436 (89).

Tannington (Tatington), Suff., g. 436 (88).

Tanto. See Tende.

Tapestry and hangings, 249, 686.

Taplow, Bucks, 498 (35).

Tappessier, Tilman, 937.

Tapster, Thos., g. 942 (19).

Tarbes (Therbes), bp. of. See Castelnau, A. de.

Tardebigg (Terdebyg), Worc., g. 611 (26).

Tarrant Crawford or Crawford (Crafford) Parva, Dors., p. 563.

Tarrant Gunville, Dors., g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Tarrant Keynestone (Kayneston), Dors., p. 563.

Tarrant (Tarraunte, Torrante) or Tarrant Monkton, Dors., abbey (supp.) of, 498 (37):—pp. 545 bis, 563:—g. 436 (66) 613 (32).

-, -, abbess. See Russell, M.

-, -, pension list, p. 545 bis.

Tarrasfoot (Terresfote), in Liddisdale, 160.

Tartyngton. See Tortington.

Tasburgh, Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Tatam, Jas., p. 552.

Tate, Richard, ambassador to Charles V. (April 1539 to Jan. 1540), 38 passim, 188, 337.

Tate, Thos., spear of Calais, 608 (3 bis, 4 iii.), 609 (p. 276).

Tatington. See Tannington.

Tattenhall (Tattnall), Hen., pp. 556, 558.

Tattnall. See Tattenhall.

Tatton, Marg., 93 (2):—p. 551.

-, Robt., g. 733 (63).

Taunton (Tawnton), Soms., p. 563.

-, priory (supp.) of, pp. 544, 561:—g. 436 (32).

-, -, pension list, p. 544.

-, -, prior. See Williamps, W.

Taunton, archdeacon of. See Henneage, G.

Taunton, West-, Cornw., 498 (34).

Taunton (Tawnton), Thos., p. 542.

Tavell, Eliz., p. 552.

Tavera, Juan de, cardinal of Toledo president of the Council of Castile Chief Inquisitor in Spain, 38 (p. 16), 84, 100, 293.

-, -, letter from, 84.

-, -, letters to, 100, 293.

Tavernor, John, letter from, 628.

Tavistock, Devon, 180, 426.

-, abbey (supp.) of, p. 542.

-, -, abbot. See Peryn, J.

-, -, pension list, p. 542.

Tawe, John, g. 831 (47b).

-, Mich., g. 611 (12).

Tawnton. See Taunton.

Tawton, North-, Devon, g. 282 (103).

Taxation, rumoured, 592.

Taylor (Tailor, Taylour), Alice, 93 (2):—p. 551.

-, (Taylour), Chr., p. 554.

-, (Taillor), John, of Rye, 1016.

-, (Tayler), John, of St. John's College, Cambridge, dean of Lincoln, 297, 860–1, 921.

-, -, letter from, 297.

-, -, signature of, 861.

-, (Tayler), John, 87 (2):—pp. 552, 556, 558 bis:—g. 733 (54).

-, (Taylard), Sir Laur., g. 282 (6).

-, Laur., g. 611 (27).

-, (Taylour), Margery, 93 (2):—p. 551.

-, (Tayler), Ric., p. 544.

-, (Tayler), Robt., pp. 556, 558 ter.

-, Roland, a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

-, (Taillor), Wm., 391 (5), 1029 (37):—p. 555.

Tayngate, Eliz., p. 552.

Teborow (Taborowe), John, 335.

Tedder, John, 1029 (43).

Tedstyll, Salop, g. 611 (26).

Tedstyll, Thos., g. 611 (26).

-, Wm., g. 611 (26).

Teesdale (Tyesdale), Dham., p. 565.

Teifi (Tyve), the Welsh river, g. 1027 (10).

Teko, le seigneur, 926.

Telfer (Taillefer), Geo., a Scot, 9.

Telton, Suss., g. 282 (58).

Temmes, Joan, abbess or prioress of Laycock, p. 542:—g. 942 (110).

-, (Themmys), John, p. 545.

Temmesforde. See Tempsford.

Tempest, John, g. 613 (42).

-, Nic. (executed in 1537), 939.

-, Sir Thomas, 57, 131, 361, 428:—g. 282 (19, 21), 612 (12), 942 (20, 41 b).

-, -, signature of, 131, 361, 428.

Temple, Beds, g. 613 (1).

Temple Brewer (T. Bruerne), Linc., hospital of St. John of Jerusalem at, g. 282 (10).

Templehurst, Yorks., 1007.

Templetown, co Wexford, 558.

Tempsford (Temmesford), Beds, g. 613 (1).

Tenaunte, Alice, p. 554.

Tendalle. See Tynedale.

Tende (Tanto), Claude comte de, seneschal of Provence, 1030 (18 p. 529).

Tenderden. See Tenterden.

Tendering. See Tendring.

Tendill. See Tynedale.

Tendring (Tendering), Essex, g. 611 (8).

Tennand, Kentigern, a Scot, 263.

Tenterden (Tenderden), Kent, g. 436 (92), 613 (32), 831 (44), 942 (61).

-, letter dated at, 542.

Tenths, the, receipts of, 642.

Tenths, Act touching, 498 (41).

Tenths and First Fruits, Chancellor of. See Baker, Sir J.

-, treasurer of. See Gostwick, Sir J.

Terdebyg. See Tardebigg.

Terling, Suss., grant dated at, 1027 (30–3, 35–7).

Terouenne (Turwyn, Terwane, Therouenne), in Artois, 472, 529, 597.

-, letter dated at, 1030 (11).

Terra Nova, marquis of, 932 (p. 461).

Terresfote. See Tarrasfoot.

Terwane. See Terouenne.

Teryll. See Tyrrell.

Teryngham, Robt., g. 613 (10).

-, Thos., g. 613 (10).

Teshe, Tristram, receiver of the attainted lands in Yorkshire, 27, 465 (1, 3), 702.

-, -, letter from, 27.

Teston (Testen), Kent, g. 942 (49).

Tetbury (Tutbury), Glouc., g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Tetcher. See Thatcher.

Tetworth (Camb.?), g. 613 (1).

Tetyndon, Oxon, g. 282 (109).

Tevedall. See Teviotdale.

Teviotdale (Tevedall), in Scotland, 107.

Tew, Little-, Oxon, g. 436 (29).

Tewe, Wm., 609.

Tewin (Tewynge), Herts, g. 282 (108).

Tewisdaie, John, p. 552.

Tewkesbury (Tewkysbury), Glouc., 183:—p. 564.

-, letter dated at, 47.

-, abbey of, 19, 139 iv.:—pp. 553, 555, 564 bis:—g. 733 (3).

-, -, abbot. See Wakeman, J.

-, -, pension lists, 49, 139 iv.:—p. 553.

-, -, surrender, 139 iv.

-, tolbooth at, 183.

Tewkesbury or Tewkysbury, John, 49:—p. 553.

-, Thos., p. 551.

Tewynge. See Tewin.

Tey (Toye), Sir Thos., 14 (p. 5).

-, Thos., g. 282 (20), 611 (8 p. 285).

Teynton, Thos., 49:—p. 553.

Thacham. See Thatcham.

Thacker, Robt., p. 549.

-, Thos., Cromwell's servant, 1029 (55):—p. 560.

Thadeus (Tade), the courier (Thadeus Bonela), 864.

Thakwood, near Stamford, g. 612 (15).

Thames (Tamys, Temys), the river, 720, 1029 (40):—pp. 541, 560:—g. 144 (1, 7), 436 (25), 611 (25), 942 (105).

-, -, water bailiff of the upper river, g. 144 (7).

Tharfield, Herts, g. 733 (57).

Thatcham (Thacham), Berks, g. 282 (44, 88).

Thatcher (Tetcher), J., 14 (p. 6).

-, Jas., 609 (p. 275).

-, (Theccher), John, g. 942 (17).

-, Robt., 609 (p. 275).

Thaxstede, Wm., p. 546.

Thaxted (Thaxstede), Essex, g. 144 (2).

Theabold (Tybalt), Thos., 217.

Theccher. See Thatcher.

Theddingworth, Leic., g. 733 (42).

Themmys. See Temmes.

Themysbury. See Timsbury.

Theodore. See Bibliander.

Theodorus, Vitus, letter to, 1003.

-, Controversy about doctrine, 566.
-, German articles sent to England, 509 (2).
-, Articles for a compromise in Germany, 712 ii.

Therbes. See Tarbes.

Th'Ermitage. See Hermitage.

Therouenne. See Terouenne.

Thersell, Yorks., g. 733 (66).

Thetford, Norf. and Suff., 716:—g. 942 (43).

-, priory of St. Mary, 211:—g. 942 (43).

-, -, prior. See Burdon, Wm.

-, -, surrender, 211.

-, St. Mary, g. 942 (43).

-, St. Nicholas, g. 942 (43).

Thetford, bp. of, suffragan of Norwich. See Salisbury, J.

Thicket (Thikbede, Thykehede) priory, Yorks., near West Cottingwith, 431:—pp. 551, 563.

-, pension list, 431:—p. 551.

-, prioress. See Beckwith, A.

Thikhede. See Thicket.

Thimbleby, Yorks., g. 831 (64).

Thimbleby (Thymolby), Sir John, g. 282 (4). 942 (12).

Thirbie, Robt., p. 545.

Thirkell, Chr., 465 ii.

Thirlby, Thos., LL.D., archd. of Ely, master of St. Thomas's in Southwark, bp. of Westminster (designate in July 1540), 60, 826 (19, 20, 23), 860–1, 921, 936 (2):—g. 942 (90), 1027 (20, 45).

-, -, signature of, 861 bis.

Thirne, Yorks., 555.

Thirsk, Yorks., p. 566.

Thirsk (Thriske), Hen., p. 544.

Thistilworth. See Isleworth.

Thoby, Essex, near Ingatestone, g. 831 (25, 80–82).

Tholes. See O'Tooles.

Thologh in Ofelynne. See Tullaghphelim.

Tholymson, Thos., clk., g. 831 (23).

Thomas, Hen., p. 562.

-, Leonard, g. 282 (71).

-, Lewis, abbot of Margam, g. 831 (62).

-, Sir Wm., g. 942 (39).

-, Wm., 210, 688.

-, -, letter from, 688.

Thomeow. See Tomeo.

Thomeston. See Thompson.

Thomley, Bucks, g. 282 (109).

Thomlynson. See Tomlinson.

Thomond, in Ireland, 830 (p. 398)

Thompson (Thomson, Thomeston, Thompston), Norf., 834.

-, College of, 716, 834:—g. 611 (2).

-, -, master. See Audeley, R.

-, -, surrender, 834.

Thompson, Chr., p. 555:—g. 733 (54).

-, (Thomson), Edw., g. 733 (54), 831 (29).

-, Janet, p. 553.

-, (Tompson), Joan, prioress of Nun-cotton, pp. 546–7.

-, John, master of the Maison Dieu at Dover, surveyor of the King's works there, 193, 1016.

-, (Thomsone), John, of Carlisle, 619, 632, 709.

-, -, letters from, 632, 709.

-, John, p. 552:—g. 733 (54).

-, (Thomson), Lance, 96 (2).

-, (Tompson), Marg., pp. 546, 552.

-, Nic., 609 (p. 276).

-, (Tompson), Peter, p. 551.

-, (Thomson, Tompson), Ric., pp. 543, 554.

-, Robt., g. 733 (54).

-, (Thomson), Rog., p. 555.

-, (Thomson), Steph., 153 (1, 2).

-, (Thomson), Thos., p. 553:—g. 436 (18).

-, (Tompson), Wm., pp. 552–3:—g. 611 (25), 733 (54).

-, -, Eliz., his wife, g. 611 (25).

Thompston. See Thompson.

Thomson. See Thompson.

Thomwode, Thos., p. 539.

Thorlishope, in Liddisdale, 160.

Thormerton. See Farmington.

Thornbury, Glouc., 614.

Thornbury, Thos., 49.

Thorncombe, Devon, g. 831 (68).

Thornden (Thorneden), Dr. Ric., warden of the manors of Christchurch, Canterbury, prb. of Canterbury, 254, 452, 861.

-, -, signature of, 861.

Thornden Wood, Kent, g. 942 (61).

Thorndon (Thornedon), Suff., p. 542.

Thorne, Kent, in Aylesford, g. 942 (49).

Thorne, Eliz., p. 553.

Thornebarr, Thurstan, g. 611 (11).

Thorneburye, Thos., p. 553.

Thornell. See Thornhill.

Thorne Margaret, Soms., g. 436 (32).

Thornethwaite, Westmld., p. 563.

Thorney, Camb., abbey (supp.) of, p. 549:—g. 436 (52), 733 (64), 942 (44).

-, -, pension list, p. 549.

Thorney, John, g. 942 (50).

Thornhill (Thornull, Thornnyll), Sir Thos., of the Order of St. John, 520 (pp. 230–1), 522 (pp. 231–2).

-, (Thornell, Thornhull), Wm., 95:—g. 282 (5), 831 (4, 34).

-, -, signature of, 95.

Thornton, Linc., g. 831 (46).

Thornton or Thornton Curtis, Linc., 153 (1, 2).

-, priory and college (in 1540) of, 153:—p. 548.

-, -, abbot of, 153.

-, -, pension list, 153 (1, 2):—p. 548.

-, -, prior. See Hobson, W.

Thornton (Thorneton), Yorks., 554.

Thornton in the Beans, Yorks., g. 831 (64).

Thornton on the Hill, Yorks., p. 567.

Thornton le Street, Yorks., g. 831 (64).

Thornton (Thorneton), Alice, p. 553.

-, (Thorneton), John, 609.

-, (Thornetone), Robt., p. 547.

-, Wm., alias Dente, abbot of St. Mary's, York, 197:—p. 552:—g. 611 (32).

-, (Thorneton), Wm., p. 549.

Thornull. See Thornhill.

Thorold, Wm., g. 831 (18).

Thoroughley, John, 452.

Thorpe, Leic., g. 613 (35).

Thorpe, Suff., g. 436 (31).

Thorpe, Suff. See Ixworth Thorpe.

Thorpe, Yorks., g. 1027 (40).

Thorpe Hall, Norf., near East Wretham, g. 436 (31).

Thorpe Underwood, Yorks., g. 613 (16).

Thorpe, John, pp. 542, 555:—g. 942 (41b).

-, Thos., p. 551.

-, Wm., p. 549:—g. 282 (5, 27), 831 (47a), 942 (14).

Thoulouse. See Toulouse.

Threkeston. See Thrextan.

Threwleigh. See Throwley.

Threxton (Threkeston), Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Thriske. See Thirsk.

Throgmerton (Frogmerton, Throkmartin), Sir Geo., 14 (p. 6), 776:—p. 563.

-, (Throckmerton), Geo., p. 564.

-, (Frogmortun, Throgmerton), Michael, Card. Pole's steward, 721, 939 (p. 465).

-, (Throgmerton), Ric., 118:—p. 550.

-, (Throgmerton), Robt., 14 (p. 6).

Throp or Throppe, Ric., 44 (2):—p. 554.

Throstyll, Geo., p. 553.

Throwley (Threwleigh), Kent, 498 iii. c. 63.

Throwley, John, g. 611 (26).

-, Wm., g. 611 (26).

-, -, Marg., his wife, g. 611 (26).

Thrugalande, Thos., p. 547.

Thrupp (Thropp). near Abingdon, Berks, p. 563.

Thrymston, Hen., g. 942. (118).

Thrynscoo. Thurnscoe.

Thumley, Oxon, g. 436 (29).

Thurforde. See Thursford.

Thurgarton, Notts, p. 567.

-, priory (supp.) of, p. 567:—g. 611 (44).

-, -, prior of, g. 611 (44).

Thurgood, John, 806 (p. 380).

Thuringia, g. 144 (2).

Thurlande, Marg., p. 554.

Thurnscoe (Thrynscoo), Yorks., g. 436 (62).

Thurrock, Greys-, Essex, 498 iii. c. 75.

Thursby, Thos., 14.

Thursford (Thurforde), Norf., g. 144 (2).

Thurston, Suff., g. 436 (58).

Thurston, Geo., p. 542.

Thurton, Norf., g. 1027 (35).

Thurton, Suff., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Thurveston, Nether- (Nethrethrowghmaston), Derb., g. 942 (42).

Thwaite (Thwaytey), Norf., g. 1027 (35).

Thwaite, cell of (qu. near Welton, Linc.?), belonging to Thornton Curtis priory, 153.

Thwaytes or Thwaites, Ant., g. 942 (11).

-, Jas., prior of Pontefract, p. 554.

-, John, 465 ii.

-, Wm., p. 562.

Thykehede. See Thicket.

Thyklyppes, Hen., g. 942 (95).

Thymolby. See Thimbleby.

Thynne, John, g. 611 (47).

Thyrstill, Mr., 1029 (9).

Tibbes, Thos., alias Charde, q. v.

Tichet. See Touchet.

Tichfelde. See Titchfield.

Tickenham (Tyknam), Soms., 756.

Tickhill (Tykhyll), Yorks., Friars (supp.) of, p. 557.

Tidcombe (Tytcombe), Devon, g. 282 (17).

Tidder, Wm., g. 733 (51).

Tidworth (Tudworth), North-, Wilts, g. 613 (20).

Tilbury, Essex. (See also Hermitage), g. 144 (2 “Aylbury”).

-, the bulwark at, 196, 323, 502 (2).

-, Johns bulwark near, 323, 502 (2).

Tildesley, Berks. See Ilsley.

Tildesley, Ric., p. 545.

-, (Tyldisley), Thurstan, 1028:—g. 942 (5).

-, -, his daughter Anne, 1028.

-, Wm., p. 568.

Tilehurst, Berks., g. 436 (34).

Tiler, Adam, p. 551.

Tilleye, Radigund, p. 544.

Tillingham, Essex, g. 611 (34).

Tillington (Tollyngton), Suss., 498 (37).—g. 733 (52).

Tilly, Thos., g. 141 (7).

Tilly or Thilly, Pierre, a Breton robbed by pirates near St. David's (in 1535), 902 (p. 448), 995.

Tilney, Mrs., 21.

-, John, 61.

-, Philip, 609 (p. 275).

-, Robt., 442.

Tilton (Tyleton), Leic., g. 611 (8 p. 285).

Timahoe (Tymothowe), co. Kildare, vicar of, 830 (p. 399).

Timberlache, John, 609.

Timberscombe (Imbercombe), Soms., g. 282 (106).

Timberwood, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Timsey, Thos., g. 942 (95).

Timsbury (Themysbury), Hants, g. 282 (120).

Timworth, Suff., g. 436 (57, 74, 90).

Tin, 426.

-, mines of, g. 436 (64).

Tingnagellis, in the Low Countries, 861 (p. 433).

Tingrith (Tynegeythe), Beds, g. 613 (1).

Tinhead (Tynhed), near Edington, Wilts, 1029 (61).

Tinkar, Hen., p. 546.

Tipping, Thos., 62 (2):—p. 551.

Tirley, Turley or Trinley, Glouc, p. 564.

Tirlington, Wm., p. 548.

Tirrell. See Tyrrell.

Tirrey, Dominic, bp. of Cork and Cloyne, 994.

Tirringham, Bucks, 708 (2).

Tirringham, Mr., 708 (2).

Tisbury, Wilts, g. 831 (88).

Tiseley. See Twizell.

Tisted, West- (Westysted), Hants, g. 942 (82).

Tisteldermot. See Castledermot.

Tichbourn (Tychebourn), Nic., 14 (p. 6):—g. 831 (47a).

Titchett. See Touchet.

Titchfield (Tichfelde), Hants, p. 564.

Tithes, payment of (Acts), 498 (8, 22).

Titles, Act against buying, 498 (11).

Titley, Marg., p. 554.

Tiverton, Devon, g. 282 (17).

Tochett. See Touchet.

Tockenham (Tokenham), Wilts., g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Tockwith, Yorks., g. 436 (62).

Tod, John, p. 552.

Toft, Staff., g. 611 (5).

Tofte, Wm., p. 550.

Tofts priory. See under York.

Toiles. See O'Tooles.

Tokenham. See Tockenham.

Tokor. See Tucker.

Toledo, Cardinal of. See Tavera.

Toledo, treaty of (not to treat with the King of England, 12 Jan. 1539), 320.

Toledo, Eleanor de, daughter of Pedro, wife of Cosmo de Medici duke of Florence, 778.

Toledo, Ferdinand de. See Alva, duke of.

Toledo, Pedro de, marquis of Villa Franca, vice-roy of Naples, 46, 591, 712, 715, 778, 929.

Toles. See O'Tooles.

Tollercrike, in the Debateable Ground, 107.

Toller Fratrum or Little Toller, Dors., g. 436 (64).

Tollesbury, Essex, g. 611 (8).

Tolleshunt Bushes, Essex, g. 611 (8 p. 285).

Tolleshunt Darcy, Essex, p. 566.

Tolleshunt Knights, Essex, g. 611 (8 p. 285).

Tollhuis, drossart of. See Buren, J.

Tollyngton. See Tillington.

Tolpudle, Thos., p. 543.

Tolye, John, p. 555.

Tomeo (Tomewe, Thomeow, Tomyowe), Ric., Cromwell's servant, clerk comptroller to Anne of Cleves (July 1539), 262, 642 (1, 2):—g. 436 (34).

Tomlyn, Eliz., p. 550.

Tomlinson (Thomlynson), Agnes, p. 553.

-, (Thomlynson), Alice, p. 552.

-, Dorothy, p. 553.

-, Rog., p. 552.

-, (Thomlynson), Wm., p. 554.

Tomsoun, Wm., canon of Hoogstraten, 213.

Tomyowe. See Tomeo.

Tonge, Kent, g. 436 (14), 733 (14).

Tonge, in Ulcombe, Kent, g. 942 (36).

Tonges, John, p. 555.

Tonnye, —, Observant friar, 96 (2).

Tonstallus. See Tunstall.

Tooles. See O'Tooles.

Tooting Grove (? Tutyngraven), Surr., p. 561.

Tope, Robt., p. 544.

Toppe, bed called the, 686.

Toppon. See Charleton, Gerry.

Toppyng, Thos., p. 551.

Toppys, Denis, p. 564.

Topsham, Devon, 140.

Tor (Torre) abbey (supp.), Devon, pp. 543, 557, 568:—g. 436 (19, 32), 831 (71).

-, abbot. See Rede, S.

-, pension list, p. 543.

Tor, John. See Torre.

Torbay (Torre Bay), Devon, 502 (2).

Torkington, Hen., g. 942 (1).

-, Kath., g. 942 (1).

Tor Mohun (Torremoham, Torre Mohom), Devon, p. 557:—g. 436 (19), 831 (71).

Tornay. See Tournay.

Torner. See Turner.

Tornowe. See Tournon.

Torrante. See Tarrant.

Torre. See Tor.

Torre or Tor (Tors), John, Wallop's servant, 188, 203, 285, 322, 642 (1, 2), 778 (p. 367).

Torre Bay. See Torbay.

Torre Mohom. See Tor Mohun.

Tors. See Torre.

Torte, Matth., p. 544.

Tortington (Tartyngton, Tottington), Suss., 498 (37).

-, priory (supp.) of, 498 (37).

Torture, use of, 438, 859.

Tor Wood (Torrewood), Devon, p. 568:—g. 831 (71).

Toseland (Towysland), Hunts, g. 831 (69).

Tostock (Tostok), Suff., g. 436 (31).

Totham (Totteham), Magna, Essex, g. 942 (71).

Totington. See Tottington.

Totness (Tottenes, Totneys), Devon, g. 144 (2).

-, priory (supp.) of, g. 942 (53).

Totness (Totton), archdeacon of. See Carew, G.

Totteham. See Totham.

Tottenes. See Totness.

Tottenham, Midd., g. 436 (1).

Tottington (Totington), Norf., g. 942 (43).

Tottington, Suss. See Tortington.

Totton. See Totness.

Tottyn, Thos., 1030 (18 p. 529).

Totyngton, Hants, g. 436 (72).

Touchet (Tochett), —, 1028.

-, (Tytchet, Titchett, Tutchet, Tichet, Tuchet), Thos., of Calais, 498 (p. 217), 588, 608 (3, 4 ii.), 609 (p. 275), 727, 750 v., 751.

Toulouse (Thoulouse), in France, 123–4, 151–2, 171–2.

Toulencourt, letter dated at, 1030 (20).

Touneshend. See Townesend.

Tournament (of May 1540), 401, 460 (p. 191), 461, 485, 566, 616–17.

-, the challenge, 616.

-, names of those who took part, 617.

Tournay (Tornay) and the Tournesis, in the Low Countries, 457.

Tournay (Torney), Hen., of Calais, 609 (p. 275).

Tourner. See Turner.

Tournon (Tornowe, Tournowe, Turnowe, Turnon), François de, Cardinal, 574, 842, 870 (p. 436), 890, 960.

Tournor. See Turner.

Tournour. See Turner.

Towehide, in Damerham, Wilts, g. 282 (54).

Towers, Nic., 609.

Townesend or Towneshend, Agnes, p. 547.

-, (Townsend), Edm., 64.

-, Elena, p. 546.

-, (Tounesend), Robt., serjeant at law, g. 242 (11).

-, Robt., 14, 86, 553:—p. 550.

-, (Touneshend, Townysende, Tounesend), Sir Roger, 14, 86, 682, 748, 755, 1029 (49):—g. 282 (6), 942 (11).

-, -, letters from, 86, 755.

Townley (Towynley), Mr., dec., 514.

Townstall, Devon, g. 942 (58).

Townysende. See Townsend.

Towse, Joan, p. 543.

Towy, the Welsh river, g. 1027 (10).

Towynley. See Townley.

Towysland. See Toseland.

Toye. See Tey.

Tracarell. See Trecarell.

Trace. See Tracy.

Tracy (Trace), Anne, p. 542.

-, Ric., 14 (p. 6).

-, Wm., g. 831 (58).

Trafford, Wm., prior of London Charterhouse, g. 436 (61), 942 (86).

Traford, Margery, g. 733 (18).

-, Sir Robt., 1829 (38).

-, Wm., g. 733 (18).

Traheron. See Treheron.

Trani, John Dominic de Cupis abp. of, Cardinal, 933 (2).

Transubstantiation (the “Real Presence”), 137. See also Theology.

Transylvania, John Statilius, bp. of, 870 (p. 436), 880, 889.

Trappes, or Trappis, Robt., goldsmith, 895.

-, Thos., goldsmith, 809 (p. 383).

Travers, John, master of the Ordnance in Ireland, 74–5, 82, 199, 206, 327, 341–2, 355, 441, 553 iii., 1019.

-, -, signature of, 74–5, 82, 199.

Travylyan. See Trevelyan.

Treason and traitors, and seditious words and rumors, 32, 38 (p. 16), 64, 136 (p. 45), 167, 183, 308, 318, 339, 414, 416, 447, 473, 498 (i. 56–60, ii. c. 49), 562 (2), 592, 598, 629, 657, 664, 689, 696–7, 736–7, 747–8, 755, 765–7, 770, 776, 792, 801, 804, 811, 824, 830 passim, 847, 916 (p. 454), 939, 953–4, 981, 1029 (21, 49):—g. 613 (34).

-, a woolwinder accused of, 339.

-, list of attainders, 939.

Treavez. See Treves.

Trebarowe. See Treborough.

Treborough (Trebarowe), Soms., g. 282 (106).

Trecarell (Tracarell), Hen., g. 282 (52), 942 (41).

Treffry, Thos., letters from, 426, 1029 (8).

Tregannire, Cornw., 498 (34).

Tregaron (Karon), in Wales, g. 1027 (12).

Tregonwell, John, LL.D., commissary general of tho Admiralty, 11, 153 (1, 2), 860 (p. 430), 861, 979 (2):—p. 566:—g. 282 (90).

-, -, signature of, 11, 153 (1, 2), 861.

Tregonwell, Robt., clk., g. 436 (26).

Treheron (Traheron), Barth., 383, 458.

-, -, letter from, 383.

Trelowia, Cornw., 498 (34).

Trelugon, Cornw., 498 (34).

Tremaen (Tremeyn), co. Cardigan, g. 282 (108).

Tremagnon, Cornw., 498 (34).

Tremanyon, Cornw., 498 (34).

Tremeyn. See Tremaen.

Trenchard, Sir Thos., 95:—g. 831 (34).

-, -, signature of, 95.

-, Thos., 14 (p. 6):—g. 282 (5), 436 (66–7).

Trendall, Gregory, g. 436 (40).

Trent, the river, p. 560.

Trent, in the Tyrol, 480, 591.

-, bp. of, 797.

Trentham, Staff., g. 611 (5).

-, priory (supp.) of, g. 611 (5).

Trentham, Wm., p. 549.

Treryse, Cornw. See Arundell, of Treryse.

Tresham, Clemens, 840:—p. 548.

-, Sir Thos., 14 (p. 5):—g. 831 (50).

-, Wm., member of Convocation, signature of, 826 (14, 19, 20, 23), 861.

Tresmeer (Trysmere), Cornw., p. 565.

Trevalyon. See Trevelyan.

Trevanion (Trevavyon), Sir Hugh, g. 282 (5, 52), 942 (41).

Trevelyan (Travylyan, Trevalyon), Humph., g. 282 (52), 942 (41).

Trevenna, Trevinna, Trevenyon or Trevina, —, Lisle's servant, 1030 (56–8), 1031 (3).

-, -, his father's lands, 1030 (57).

Trevenyon, —, Lisle's servant. See Trevenna.

Treveren. See Treves.

Treverparke. See River Park.

Trevers. See Treves.

Treves (Treveren, Treavez, Trevers), John van Mekenhausen abp. of, elector of the Empire (died 22 July 1540), 781 (2), 797, 814, 842, 932.

Trevethan, Thos., letter to, 180.

Trevina. See Trevenna.

Trevithen Courteney, Cornw., 498 (34).

Treworthgye, Cornw., 498 (34).

Triana castle, at Seville, 281.

Trigell, Paschasius, p. 545.

Trilldill, Simon, 749 (2).

Trim, co. Meath, 199.

-, letters dated at, 683–4.

Trimletision, John Barnewall lord, chancellor of Ireland (died in Aug. 1538), 830 (p. 400).

Trimletiston (Trymleteston), Sir Patrick Barnewall lord, 635–6.

-, -, signature of, 635–6.

Trinitarian Friars, General minister of the Order, 992–3.

-, -, letter to, 992.

Trinity term, Act touching, 498 (21).

Trinley. See Tirley.

Tristram, Ph., g. 282 (75).

Trollopp, Marg., p. 552.

-, Margery, p. 552.

-, Thos., p. 551.

Troston, Suff., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Troublefield, Geo., 14 (p. 6).

Trowe, Joan, p. 543.

Trowell, Thos., parson of Avening, 406–7.

Trowys, John, g. 436 (75).

Trueman (Truman), Robt., 1029 (20).

-, -, his wife and children, 1029 (10).

Trull, Soms., p. 561.

Truman. See Trueman.

Trumbill. See Turnbull.

Trumpington, Camb., g. 613 (1).

Trundbill. See Turnbull.

Truro, Cornw., 426.

Tryll, in Clifton Maubank, Dors., g. 436 (54).

Trynneley. See Tirley.

Trysmere. See Tresmeer.

Tscheni. See Cheyney.

Tubbe, John, g. 282 (52). 942 (41).

Tubbert, Nic., 609 (p. 276).

Tubbs (Tubbis), —, 181.

Tuchet. See Touchet.

Tucker, John, abbot of Buckland, p. 544.

-, (Tokor), Ric., 587.

-, Vincent, 609 (p. 275).

Tuderleigh, Devon, 498 iii. c. 79.

Tudheys alias Mynchyn Home (near Colyton?), Devon, g. 436 (60, 69).

Tudwell, Devon, near Otterton, g. 282 (11).

Tudworth. See Tidworth.

Tuffeld. See Nuffield.

Tufnall, Thomasina, p. 546.

Tugby, Leic., p. 558 (“Tugbye, Staff.”).

Tuke, Sir Brian, treasurer of the Chamber, 14 (p. 5), 321–2, 354, 398, 429 (?), 562 (2), 600, 1016:—g. 282 (20), 831 (47b).

Tulce, John, p. 549.

Tullaghphelim (Thologh in Ofelynne), co. Carlow, 830 (p. 401).

Tunbridge (Twnebryche), Kent, 281.

Tunis (“townnes,” Tunyzy), 778, 838, 961.

Tunstall (Tonstallus), Cuthbert, bp. of Durham (Durans, Duresne, Derem), 1, 14 (p. 5), 31, 38 (p. 16), 125, 136 (p. 45), 267 (see Errata), 486, 500, 747 (p. 354), 758, 791, 804 (p. 378), 823–4, 826 (20, 23), 850 (1, 3), 856, 860, 861 (1, 2), 890, 908 (p. 451), 910, 921, 938, 966 970, 984, 986–7, 994, 996–7, 1004–6, 1008, 1011–12, 1016, 1018, 1021:—g. 282 (21), 612 (14), 942 (41b), 1027 (7).

-, -, signature of, 861, 1012.

-, -, depositions by, 850 (3), 861 (2, 3).

-, -, handwriting of, 267 (see Errata), 850.

Tunstall, John, parson of Tanfield and of Haughton le Skerne, 26, 31.

-, -, examination of, 31.

-, -, signature of, 31.

-, Sir Marm., g. 282 (21).

Tunyzy. See Tunis.

Turbervyle, Geo., g. 436 (66).

Turbott, Walt., p. 549.

Turges, Wm., S.T.B., vicar of Stepney(1540), g. 1027 (4).

Turin, in Piedmont, 902 (p. 448).

Turkey, 38 (p. 15), 46, 358, 577.

Turkey carpets, 852.

Turks, and the Grand Turk (Grand Signor) 46, 84, 100, 104, 130, 134 (pp. 42–3), 145, 155, 178, 223, 265, 276, 304, 306, 315, 320, 337, 357, 368, 388, 401, 418, 448–9, 462–3, 480, 489–90, 511, 530, 543 (pp. 244, 246), 581, 591, 666 (p. 316), 712, 715, 742, 762, 768, 778, 787, 792, 794, 808, 814, 837 (pp. 413–14), 838, 842, 880, 889, 932, 968, 1030 (18 p. 530):—App. 2.

-, ambassadors to:—
-, French, 522, 543 (p. 244). See Rincon; Mayo.
-, Venetian (despatched 9 Jan. 1540), 46, 104, 315 (p. 128), 522, 582.

-, projected expedition against (“the Armada”), 84, 133, 188, 656.

Turley. See Tirley.

Turling, Wm., 840.

Turnbull, Trumbill or Trumbill, —, of Cragwode, 96.

-, Ade, 96.

-, Jame, 96.

-, Pait, called Catle, 96.

-, Peter, 96.

-, Wm., 96.

Turnecole or Turneclose marsh, Essex, g. 282 (56).

Turner (Torner), —, Cromwell's servant, 227.

-, (Torner), —, 1030 (18 p. 529).

-, Cecily, p. 547.

-, Eliz., prioress of Holy Stone, p. 552.

-, (Turnour), Joan, g. 942 (70).

-, (Turnour, Tournor), John, 806:—g. 282 (67–8).

-, (Turnor), Ric., p. 567.

-, (Tournour), Robt., 1029 (19).

-, (Tourner, Turnor), Thos., g. 436 (21), 942 (95).

-, (Turnour), Wm., 553 iii.:—pp. 540, 566.

Turners Piddle (Turnarspudell), Dors., p. 566.

Turneys, in Over Wroughton, Wilts, g. 733 (3).

Turnowe. See Tournon.

Turnworth (Turneworth), Dors., p. 561.

Turpin, Ric., 609 (p. 275).

Turren, John, 609 (p. 276).

Turtell, Thos., 609.

Turtylby, Agnes, p. 551.

Turvey, Beds, g. 613 (1).

Turwhitt. See Tyrwhit.

Turwick, Suss., 498 (37).

Turwyn. See Terouenne.

Tuscany, 670 (2).

Tusmore (Tyrsemore), Oxon, g. 436 (29 p. 170).

Tutbagge, Peter, p. 555.

Tutbury, Glouc. See Tetbury.

Tutbury (Tuttebury), Staff. and Derb., priory (supp.) of, 771:—pp. 559, 566:—g. 282 (105), 942 (42, 56).

-, -, prior. See Meverell, A.

Tutchet. See Touchet.

Tuttebury. See Tutbury.

Tutyll, Thos., p. 552.

Tutyngraven. See Tooting.

Tweden, in Liddisdale, 160.

Twesell, Thos., 21.

Twete, Norf., g. 1027 (35).

Twickenham (Twygnam), Midd., 806 (p. 380).

Twidale, Kent, 498 iii. c. 77.

Twin, Robin the. See Hetherington.

Twining (Twynnyng), Thos., 49:—p. 553.

Twisell (Twesell), Edw., g. 436 (24).

-, Geo., g. 436 (24).

-, Joan, g. 436 (24).

-, John, g. 436 (24).

Twisilles. See Twizell.

Twizell (Tiseley, Twisilles), Dham., g. 831 (64).

Twnebryche. See Tunbridge.

Twyford, John, 1029 (19, 47).

Twygnam. See Twickenham.

Twynham. See Christchurch.

Twynnyng. See Twining.

Twyselworthe Marsh, Essex, g. 282 (56).

Tyas, Eliz., p. 553.

-, John, 628.

-, Kath., p. 554.

Tybalt. See Theabold.

Tybye, Wm., p. 553.

Tychebourn. See Titchbourn.

Tydde, Wm., p. 550.

Tye, Thos., priest, 562 (2).

Tyesdale. See Teesdale.

Tykhyll. See Tickhill.

Tyknam. See Tickenham.

Tyllesley, Berks. See Ilsley.

Tymberden, Kent, g. 831 (61).

Tymbeth. See Tynbygh.

Tymothowe. See Timahoe.

Tyms, Thos., 609 (p. 276).

Tynbygh (Tymbeth), Wm., a former prior of London Charterhouse, g. 436 (61).

Tyndale. See Tynedale.

Tyndall, Sir John, g. 282 (6), 942 (48).

-, John, 936.

-, Marg., p. 545.

-, (Tyndale), Thos., 14:—g. 831 (7), 942 (48).

Tynedale (Tendill, Tyndale, Tendalle), Nthld., 57, 85, 94, 106–7, 119–20, 160, 198, 284, 362, 467, 570, 630, 984, 986–7, 1008, 1018, 1021.

-, garrison. See Heron, John.

-, keeper of. See Heron, John.

-, number of horsemen in, 570.

-, submission of, 986, 1008, 1012, 1018, 1021.

Tynegeythe. See Tingrith.

Tynemouth (Tynmouth), Nthld., p. 556.

-, castle, Nthld., 196.

-, priory (supp.) of, p. 556.

Tyngate, Alice, p. 552.

Tyngeley grange, Oxon, g. 831 (14).

Tynmane, John, g. 733 (54).

Tynmouth. See Tynemouth.

Tynton, Cornw., 498 (34).

Tyrell. See Tyrrell.

Tyrrell, —, captain of Tyrrell's country (slain in 1538), 830 (p. 400).

-, (Tyrell), Edw., 14 (p. 6):—g. 282 (20).

-, Hugh, g. 144 (2).

-, Humph., 14 (p. 6):—g. 144 (1).

-, (Tyrell), Sir John, g. 282 (20).

-, (Tirrell), John, 14 (p. 6):—p. 541:—g. 942 (100).

-, Marg., wife of Wm., 498 (i. 57, ii. c. 49).

-, (Tyrell), Mary, p. 547.

-, Ric., 763:—p. 562.

-, (Teryll), Sir Wm., knight of St. John, 430, 520–1, 1030 (18 p. 530).

-, -, letters from, 430.

-, Wm., of Essex, 498 (i. 57, ii. c. 49):—p. 542.

Tyrsemore. See Tusmore.

Tyrwhit (Turwhitt), Mr., 538.

-, Mrs., 21.

-, (Tirwytt), Robt., 14 (p. 6), 553.

-, Sir Robt., g. 282 (4), 733 (26).

Tysense, John, 548.

Tyson, Wm., 609.

Tytchet. See Touchet.

Tytcombe. See Tidcombe.

Tyve. See Teifi.

Tyvyton, Oxon, g. 282 (109).

Tywardreth priory (supp.), Cornw., 498 (34).