Index: S

Pages 738-758

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 15, 1540. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1896.

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Sabbe, John, 806.

Sabriggeworth. See Sawbridgeworth.

Sabryghtsworth. See Sawbridgeworth.

Sacheverell, Sir Hen., 1029 (8):—p. 558:—g. 282 (4), 613 (27).

-, -, letter from, 1029 (8).

-, Robt., 553 iii.:—p. 567:—g. 1027 (17).

Sackefelde. See Sackville.

Sackville (Sackvyle), Christiane, 608 (3).

-, (Sackefelde, Sakeveilde), Isabel, prioress of Clerkenwell, pp. 541, 546:—g. 436 (1).

-, (Sacvile), J., 14 (p. 6).

-, (Sakevylde), Joan, p. 546.

-, (Sacvile), T., 14 (p. 5),

Sacvile. See Sackville.

Sacramentaries or Sacramentarians, 31, 362, 414, 418 (p. 161), 460, 471, 498 (60), 651, 824, 876:—App. 3.

Sacraments, the, questions and answers about, 826

Saddeler. See Sadler.

Saddlers companies, 769:—g. 831 (32).

Sadler (Sadleyr, Saddeler), Ralph or Sir Ralph, of the Privy Chamber, one of the two principal Secretaries (April 1540), ambassador to Scotland (Feb. 1540), clerk of the Hanaper (26 July 1540), 14 (p. 5), 136, 191, 248–9, 279, 322, 437, 450, 468–9, 492, 505, 541, 642 (1, 2), 719, 735 (p. 356), 791, 792 ii., 880, 883, 900, 966, 1004, 1029 (59):—g. 611 (17), 942 (111), 1027 (7, 40).

-, -, letters from, 191, 248–9, 468, 719, 1029 (59).

-, -, letters to, 450, 469, 492.

-, -, instructions for, 136.

-, -, appointed one of the two Principal Secretaries, 437.

-, -, knighted, 541.

-, -, handwriting of, 735, 792 ii., 880, 883.

Sadler, Thos., g. 282 (54).

Sadlington, Hen., 609 (p. 275).

Sadolet, James, cardinal, bp. of Carpentras, 78, 204, 564.

-, -, letters from, 78, 564.

-, -, letter to, 204.

-, -, his nephews, 204.

Sadolet, Paul, 78, 204.

Saffere, Simon, p. 546.

Sagar, Stephen, abbot of Hailes, a member of Convocation, 19, 139 iv., 861:—p. 551.

-, -, signature of, 861.

Saham, Norf., 834:—g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Saham alias Saham Tony, Norf., g. 436 (40), 611 (10).

St. Albans, Herts, g. 282 (123).

-, abbey (supp.) of, pp. 541, 547:—g. 144 (2), 282 (108), 436 (9, 71), 611 (46), 613 (7, 23), 733 (42, 53), 831 (45, 49), 942 (119).

-, -, abbot. See Stevenage, R.

-, -, pension list, p. 547.

-, the abbot's gaol and liberty, g. 282 (95–6).

-, malt market, g. 733 (53).

-, St. Michael's parish, g. 733 (42).

-, St. Peters, g. 282 (123), 733 (42).

-, St. Stephens, g. 733 (42).

-, woods in and near (named), g. 733 (42).

St. Alkmund, Derb., g. 1027 (17).

St. Amar. See St. Omer.

St. Andrews (Sanctandrois), in Scotland, 714, 892.

-, letter dated at, 703.

-, diocese of, 753, 892.

St. Andrews, cardinal of. See Betoun, D.

St. Anthony, Cornw., house of, cell to Plympton, p. 562.

St. Appolyne, image of, 809 (p. 383).

St. Asaph's (St. Asse, St. As), bp. of. See Warton, R.

-, bpric. of, 642.

St. Asse. See St. Asaph's.

St. Aubyn (Seynt Aubyn), Mary, wife of Thos., sister of Lady Lisle, 1030 (56–8).

-, -, letter from, 1030 (56).

-, (Seyntaubyn, Seyntabyn, Senytabyn), Thos., 1030 (56–8):—g. 282 (5, 52), 942 (41).

-, -, letters from, 1030 (57–8).

-, -, his daughter Phelyppe, 1030 (58).

St. Austell, Cornw., 498 (34).

St. Benet's. See Hulme St. Benet's.

St. Blancard (Syn Blankyrd), Baron, 1030 (18 p. 530).

St. Clere (Synklere), Eliz., p. 547.

-, (Seyncler, Seyntclere), Sir John, 14 (p. 5), 416:—g. 282 (20).

-, -, letter from, 416.

St. David's, bp. of. See Barlow, W.

St. David's beside Exeter, g. 831 (71).

St. David's Down, near Exeter, g. 942 (3).

St. Denis, near Paris, 38 (p. 16).

-, fair of, 786.

St. Denis priory (supp.), in South Stoneham, near Southampton, p. 566.

St. Diger, near Chalons sur Marne, 1022.

St. Dogmael's (Seynt Dogmelis), in Wales, g. 1027 (10).

St. Donat's, co. Glamorgan, p. 564.

St. Erkenwald, image of, 809 (p. 383).

St. Florence, co. Pembroke, g. 613 (5).

St. Fuscien abbey, near Amiens, 208.

-, letters dated at, 168, 177.

St. Gall (S. Gallum), in Switzerland, 137.

St. George's Feast, 560, 615, 652, 657, 664.

St. Gerend, Cornw., chapel to St. Anthony, p. 562.

St. Germain-en-Laye, in France, 429, 480.

-, letters dated at, 674, 677.

St. Godwald, Worc., g. 831 (64).

St. James, prior of (i.e. of St. James's, Bristol). See Cirencester, R.

St. John of Jerusalem, Order (or Knights) of, or of Rhodes, 430, 520–23, 685, 697, 954, 1030 (18 p. 530).

-, ambassadors to be sent to Henry VIII., 523 (p. 234).

-, Council of, 522–3, 531.

-, English tongue, 520, 522 (p. 232).

-, Great Master. See Homedes, J.; L'Isle Adam (1521–34), Du Pont (1534–5).

-, Marshal (died 1540), 522.

-, Turcopolier. See Russell, Sir G.; West, Sir C. (deprived).

-, Vice-chancellor (died 15 Feb. 1540), 522, 523 (p. 234).

-, a Piedmontese knight sent by Charles V. to Persia (about 1526), 38 (p. 15).

St. John of Jerusalem, priory of, in England (at Clerkenwell), and the Order in England, 498 (24), 537 (p. 240), 646–7, 697, 806 (p. 380), 1029 (43, 60):—g. 282 (10), 611 (44).

-, -, Act for its suppression, 498 (24).

-, -, prior. See Weston, Sir W.

-, -, sub-prior. See Mablesteyn, Sir J.

-, -, treasurer. See Sutton, Sir J.

-, -, “abridgment touching money,” &c., at, 646.

St. John of Jerusalem, priory of, in Ireland (Kilmainham, q. v.), and the Order in Ireland, 498 (24).

-, -, prior. See Rawson, Sir J.

-, -, Act for its suppression, 498 (24).

St. John, Sir Wm. Paulet lord, master of the Wards, commissioner at Calais (March and April 1540), 1, 14 (p. 5), 316, 370, 460–1, 471, 495 ii., v., 537, 541 (3), 560, 1026, 1028:—g. 144 (9), 282 (9), 436 (30), 831 (47a), 942 (13, 112).

-, -, signature of, 460–1.

St. John (Seyntjohn), Sir John, 14 (p. 5):—g. 282 (6), 831 (16).

-, John, 498 (36).

-, Oliver, 14 (p. 6).

St. John's, lord of. See Weston, Sir W.

St. Johnstones. See Perth.

St. Lawrence, Essex, g. 611 (8).

St. Lawrence chapel, Devon, g. 611 (12).

St. Leger (Selenger, Sellenger, Sentleger, Seintleger), Sir Anthony, of the Privy Chamber, deputy of Ireland (7 July 1540), 14 (p. 5), 227, 314, 558, 805, 846, 851, 862 bis, 897, 900, 913, 978, 988, 994, 1019:—p. 563:—g. 942 (25, 31, 36), 1027 (39n).

-, -, letter from, 314.

-, -, letter to, 988.

-, -, his oath, 913.

St. Leger (Selenger), young, 14 (p. 6).

-, (Sentleger), Thos., clk, g. 282 (103).

St. Low (Sentlow), Sir John, 14 (p. 5):—g. 282 (9), 942 (13).

-, (Saintlowe), Wm., seneschal of Waterford, 387, 558, 830 (p. 401).

-, -, letter from, 558.

St. Lucar de Barameda, in Andalusia, letters dated at, 45, 384, 859.

St. Malo, in Brittany, 543 (p. 246), 704.

St. Margaret's alias Stansted Thele, Herts, g. 831 (35).

St. Mary (Seyntmary) Church, Devon, p. 557:—g. 436 (19).

St. Mary Overeys. See under Southwark.

St. Mauris, Mons. de, letter from, 968.

St. Michael, Order of, Francis I.'s order, 1024.

St. Nedes. See St. Neots.

St. Neot's (St. Nedes), Hunts, priory (supp.) of, 372:—p. 553.

-, -, pension list, p. 553.

-, -, prior. See Gregory, John.

St. Omer (St. Amar), in Flanders, 457, 687, 751.

St. Osithe (Oysith) alias Chiche, Essex, 416:—g. 611 (8).

-, letter dated at, 445.

-, abbey (supp.) of, p. 542:—g. 282 (36, 56), 611 (8, 35).

-, -, abbot. See Wetherick, J.

-, -, pension list, p. 542.

St. Oswald's priory. See under Gloucester; also Nostell.

St. Paul, knights of, creation of, 879.

St. Pol (Polo), in Artois, 457.

St. Pol, count of, 778 (p. 367).

St. Quentin, in France, 58 (p. 22), 98, 100, 115, 543 (p. 245).

St. Sebastian's, in Spain, 787.

St. Sexburgh. See Minster.

St. Stephen's. See Hackington.

St. Thomas of Canterbury (Becket, “Thomas Bekett”), 721.

-, declared traitor, 954 (p. 485).

-, life of, 395.

-, erasing his name, 407, 619, 633.

-, his staff, 809 (p. 383).

St. Thomas' parish, beside Exeter, p. 559.

St. Thomas, beside Launceston, p. 565.

St. Valeri (Walery) sur Somme, in Picardy, bailly of, 740.

St. Victor's (Synte Vettorys), at Marseilles, 1030 (18 p. 529).

St. Vincent of Besançon, abbot of. See Bonvalot.

St. Walery. See St. Valery.

St. Yngleuert, near Calais, 1030 (27).

Sakeveilde. See Sackville.

Sakevylde. See Sackville.

Sakeworth or Sakworth. See Senekeworth.

Salcey (Sawsy) Forest, Ntht. and Bucks, p. 556.

Salcot, Essex, g. 611 (8 p. 285).

Salcot, John, alias Capon, q. v.

Salerno, abp. of. See Rodolfi, N.

Salerno (Salern), Ferdinand de San Severino prince of, 179, 462 (p. 192), 468–9, 508 (p. 227), 530 (p. 237), 566–7, 626, 651, 811, 813, 837 (pp. 413–14), 838, 847–8, 887, 901 (p. 447), 902, 926, 931.

Salisbury or New Sarum, Wilts, 498 (57), 1030 (18 p. 529):—g. 282 (8).

-, letter dated at, 446.

-, commission of peace, g. 282 (8).

-, mayor of. See Lobbe, R.

-, Cathedral of, p. 540.

-, -, dean of. See Vannes, P.

-, Fisherton Anger gaol in, g. 144 (20), 282 (3).

Salisbury Palace, 1013.

Salisbury, archdeacon of. See Layton, E.

Salisbury, bp. of. See Capon, J.

-, bpric. of, 424.

Salisbury (Sarum), Margaret Plantagenet countess of, daughter of George duke of Clarence and mother of Cardinal Pole, 397, 438, 487, 498 (p. 217), 939 (p. 465), 1030 (60):—g. 282 (73, 100, 112), 436 (11, 36), 611 (12), 612 (1), 831 (2), 942 (54–5).

Salisbury, Hen., 609.

-, John, suffragan bp. of Thetford, dean of Norwich, 861.

-, John, 749 (2).

-, (Salysbery, Sallysbery, Sallubern), Sir Wm., of the Order of St. John (died 1539), 523 (p. 234), 531–2, 685.

-, Thos., g. 613 (29).

Salisbury Hall, Essex, 806 (p. 380).

Salkeld, Lancelot, prior and warden of the cathedral priory of Carlisle, 44, 52, 619, 633.

-, -, letter from, 619.

Sall, Norf., g. 436 (59).

Sallubern. See Salisbury.

Sallysbery. See Salisbury.

Salmon or Salmond, Mr. James, Scottish proctor at Rome, 136 ii., 759.

Salmona, prince of, 591.

Salop. See Shrewsbury.

Salop, archdeacon of (in Hereford dioc.). See Sparchford, Ric.

Salphobery. See Sulph Howbury.

Salsburg. See Saltzburg.

Salt, 583:—pp. 556, 564.

Saltagh Grange, Yorks., p. 566.

Salter, John, p. 547.

-, Thos., p. 542:—g. 943 (83).

Saltern. See Budleigh Salterton.

Saltmershe, Anne, p. 552.

Saltwood, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Saltzburg (Salsburg), bp. of, 797.

Salvage, Eliz., abbess of the Minories, London, p. 543.

Salvyn, Fras., g. 942 (29).

-, Geo., g. 942 (29).

Salyng, Austin, p. 560.

Sampford Arundell, Soms., g. 436 (32).

Sumpford Peverell, Devon, g. 436 (32).

Sampson, Ric., bp. of Chichester, dean of St. Paul's (until 1540), and of the Chapel Royal, 45, 424, 471, 498 (p. 217), 500, 719, 736–7, 747 (p. 354), 758, 767, 792 ii., 936:—g. 282 (64), 831 (13).

-, -, letter to, 45.

-, -, made bp. of Westminster (? “de Valmaister”), 737.

-, -, his mule, 719.

Sampson, Nic., 608 (3).

-, Thurstan, p. 554.

Sampsons, in Peldon, Essex, g. 611 (8 p. 285).

Samweys, John, g. 436 (64).

Sanayge (Panayge, qu. Savage?), John, a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

Sancher (i.e., Sanquhar). See Crichton, lord.

Sanctandrois. See St. Andrews.

Sanctuaries, Act restricting, 498 (12).

Sanctuaries to be abolished, 438.

Sandeherste mede, near Gloucester, g. 612 (5).

Sandelyng, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Sandes (Sands, Sandys), Sir Wm. lord, lord Chamberlain, captain of Guisnes, treasurer of Calais (6 Oct. 1517 to 6 April 1526), 14 (p. 5), 18 (pp. 7, 8), 471, 541, 560 (1, 3), 598 (2), 608 (1, 3, 4 iii.), 609 (p. 276), 697 (p. 326), 707 i., ii., 728, 730, 744, 754, 777, 781 (2), 795, 833, 966, 997, 1014, 1018, 1021:—pp. 539, 541:—g. 733 (6, 30), 831 (10, 11, 47a), 1027 (7).

-, -, letters from, 471, 754, 781 (2), 795.

Sandes or Sands (Sandys), Ant., g. 1027 (37)

-, J., 14 (p. 6).

-, (Sandys), John, 608 (3).

-, Marm., 1029 (24).

-, Ric., 749 (2).

-, Ric., Lisle's servant, 1030 (14).

-, (Sands), T., 14 (p. 6).

Sandford, Hants, g. 611 (43).

Sandford (Sandeford), —, Sir Thos. Wharton's cousin, 16.

-, Joan, prioress of Hevenynges, p. 545.

-, Marg., prioress of Brewood White Ladies, g. 611 (26).

-, Thos., 465 ii.

Sandforth, Barnard, B.C.L., 698.

-, George, g. 831 (37).

-, Ric., g. 831 (37).

Sandgate castle, near Folkestone (Folston), 323, 502 (2), 642 (1, 2):—g. 282 (51).

-, captain of. See Keys, Ric.

-, commission to take up men for the works at, g. 282 (51).

Sandiway (Sondewaye, Sondwey), Chesh., near Vale Royal, pp. 556, 558.

Sand Park, near St. Anthony, Cornw., p. 562.

Sandridge (Sandruge, Sanruge), Herts, g. 733 (42).

Sandruge. See Sandridge.

Sands. See Sandes.

Sandwich (Sandewyke), Kent, 184, 323, 1030 (25, 32):—App. 3:—g. 831 (17).

-, White Friars (supp.), g. 831 (17).

Sandwich, Edm., 1030 (41).

-, Wm., warden of Canterbury College, 452, 488.

Sandwyke. See Sandwich.

Sandy (Sonday), Beds, g. 831 (20).

Sandys. See Sandes.

Sanese, the. See Sienna.

Sanky, Gilbert, a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

San Lucar. See St. Lucar.

Sanruge. See Sandridge.

San Severino, Ferd. de. See Salerno, prince of.

-, Gio. Fran. de, 179.

Santher (i.e. Sanquhar). See Crichton, lord

Santon, Norf., g. 942 (43).

Santon Downham, Suff., g. 242 (43 p. 471).

San Vicente, Mons. de. See Bonvalot.

Sapcottes (Sapcots), Edw., 14 (p. 6), 1029 (2).

-, (Sapcote), Sir Ric., letters from, 65–7.

Saratt, Wm., p. 550.

Sargier, Nic., 884.

Sarmiento, Luys, Imperial ambassador in Portugal, letter to, 956.

Sarret, Wm., 609 (p. 276).

Sarum. See Salisbury.

Saterley, Nic., 859.

Saunder, Chr., p. 547.

-, Gilbert, p. 544.

-, John, p. 546.

-, Wm., p. 553.

Saunders, Blaise, 859.

-, Edm., 393 (2):—p. 554.

-, Edw., g. 282 (67–8).

-, John, 393 (2):—p. 554.

-, (Sawnders), Ric., 498 (36), 1029 (26):—p. 550.

-, -, Thos., Queen's solicitor, 21.

-, (Sawndres), Thos., 609 (p. 275):—g. 613 (26).

-, Wm., g. 436 (80).

-, -, Marg., his wife, g. 436 (80).

Saunderson, John, p. 555.

-, Thos., rector Hastingleigh, letter from, 454.

Saundersoune, Wm., p. 551.

Savage, lady, 1028.

-, (Savege), Edm., g. 282 (34), 733 (63).

-, Geo., g. 942 (70).

-, Sir John, dec., g. 436 (5).

-, John, 609 (p. 276):—g. 436 (5), 1027 (17).

-, John. See also Sanayge.

-, Ralph, p. 544.

-, Remond, chief of Lecale, 12.

-, Robt., p. 543.

-, Thos., 958.

Savell (Sayvell), Sir Hen., g. 282 (21), 612 (14).

-, Thos., g. 613 (19).

Savello (Savelly), Gio. Battista, captain of the Pope's horse, 670, 720, 762.

Saverey, Simon, p. 544.

Saveuses, Anthoinette de, letter from, 126.

-, Jenne de. See Riou, Madam de.

Savigliano (Savilion), in Piedmont, 924 (p. 456).

Savoy, 239, 480, 543 (p. 245), 574, 581, 792, 814.

Savoy, Charles II. duke of, 40, 179, 239, 344, 456, 457 (p. 189), 480, 511, 543 (p. 245), 581–3, 673, 870 (p. 436).

-, -, his son, 457 (p. 189).

Sawbridgeworth (Sabriggeworth, Sabryghtsworth), Herts, g. 611 (1), 733 (24).

Sawell, John, p. 549.

Sawer. See Sawyer.

Sawnders. See Saunders.

Sawston, Camb., g. 144 (10), 613 (1).

Sawsy. See Salcey.

Sawterstall, Isabel, p. 555.

Sawtry (Sawtrey), abbey (supp.), Hunts, g. 831 (83).

Sawyer, Alice, p. 544.

-, (Sawer), Dnnstan, p. 547.

Saxby (Saxbey), Linc., g. 733 (44).

Saxendale. See Saxondale.

Saxham, Suff., p. 562.

Saxondale, Notts, g. 282 (10).

Saxony, 814, 938.

-, Chancellor of. See Burchart.

Saxony, George duke of, of the Albertinian line (died 17 April 1539), 337, 938.

Saxony, Henry duke of, of the Albertinian line, successor to the preceding, 337.

Saxony (Saxe), John Frederic duke of, Elector, High Marshal of the Empire, 14 (2), 22, 91, 123. 145 (p. 55), 188, 233, 242–3, 310, 315, 388, 448, 482–3, 509, 530 (p. 237), 589, 596 (p. 267), 642, 666 (p. 316), 697, 797, 811, 814, 837 (pp. 413–14), 842, 850 (4), 874, 951, 956:—g. 144 (2).

-, -, letters from, 310, 509.

-, -, his marshal. See Doltzic, Sir J.

Saxony. Sibilla duchess of, wife of the preceding, sister of Anne of Cleves, 482.

Saxony, John Ernest prince of, and of Coburg, half brother of the Elector John Frederic of Saxony, 242 (p. 86), 302.

Saxy, John, g. 942 (77).

Sayer, Geoff., g. 942 (42).

Saygood, Eliz., p. 545.

Sayvell. See Savell.

Scaif, Miles, 709.

Scalford, Leic., g. 613 (35).

Scamenden, Robt., p. 543.

Scampton, Linc., 380.

Scarborough (Skarborough), Yorks., 196:—p. 565.

Scarborough (Skerbrough), Asswerus, 609.

Scarlett (Skarlett), John, 21.

Scates, John, p. 545.

Scel, Adrian, 299.

Scellton pasture, Leic., 579.

Scepperus, Dr. Cornelius, of the Emperor's Council, 389.

Schappe. See Shap.

Schapuis. See Chapuys.

Scheaperde. See Sheperd.

Schedinghoo. See Manningtree.

Schellevant, Vincent, 947.

Schelley. See Shelley.

Schentzius, —, 259, 458, 734.

Scheparde. See Shepard.

Schidinghoo. See Manningtree.

Schiedam, in Holland, letter to the town, 963.

Schinc. See Skink.

Schmalkalden. See Smalcalde.

Schore (Score), Dr. Louis, of the Council of Flanders, 389.

Schottores. See Shooters.

Schoulenburg, —, 937.

Scios (Syo), in the Levant, 462.

Scipwith. See Skipwith.

Sclavonia, 134 (p. 43).

Scopwick (Shawpwike), Linc., g. 942 (99).

Score. See Schore.

Scosthorpe (Scothorp), Yorks., g. 436 (18).

Scothorp. See Scosthorpe.

Scotland and the Scots, 2–9, 16, 25, 32, 40, 48, 57–8, 82, 85, 88, 94, 96, 106–7, 114, 119–20, 131, 134 (p. 43), 136, 148–50, 155, 160, 175–6, 191, 198, 213–14, 219, 221, 244–9, 260, 289 (p. 120), 334, 362, 370, 432, 438 (2), 457 (p. 189), 465, 467, 575–6, 580, 618, 630, 632, 634, 637–41, 642 (1, 2), 697 (p. 326), 700–1, 703, 709–10, 714, 752–3, 759, 774, 779, 788–9, 830 (p. 399), 902 (p. 448), 916, 927–8, 933, 938, 945–7, 952, 962–3, 983, 992–3, 1009–10, 1018, 1020, 1022.
-, ambassador to, English. See Sadler, R.
-, Admiral of. See Maxwell, lord.
-, agreement for extradition of rebels, 94.
-, lists of English and Scottish rebels, 96, 160.
-, Cardinal of. See Betoun, D.
-, Chancellor of. See Dunbar, G.
-, clergy of, 114, 136 ii., 248 (p. 90), 249, 714.
-, Council of, 32, 114, 136, 248 (p. 91), 249, 580, 927.
-, -, letter from, 580.
-, Court of, 248 passim, 249, 710.
-, horses conveyed into (Act), 498 (7).
-, Irish envoys in, 670, 710.
-, Isles or Out Isles of, 634, 709 (p. 331), 736, 830 (p. 399), 927, 983.
-, King of. See James V.
-, lords of, 114, 248 (pp. 91–2), 249.
-, Marches of, “the Borders,” 85, 136 (p. 45), 244, 248 (pp. 88–9, 91), 432, 465 (1 ii., 3), 502 (2), 580, 710, 736, 927, 983, 1012.
-, -, English fortifications on, 136 (p. 45).
-, -, murders upon, 432.
-, -, pensioners upon, 27, 465 (1 ii, 3), 702.
-, -, -, list, 465 ii.
-, -, day of truce, 710.
-, -, East, 432, 927.
-, -, -, deputy warden. See Evers, Sir W.
-, -, Middle, 570, 630.
-, -, -, number of horsemen, 630.
-, -, -, deputy warden of. See Widdrington, Sir J., Ratcliff, Sir C. (1540).
-, -, -, Scotch warden of. See Kerr, A.
-, -, West, 16, 52, 119, 131, 219, 284, 632, 709 (p. 331), 1029 (8).
-, -, -, English deputy warden. See Wharton, Sir Thos.
-, -, -, Scotch warden. See Maxwell, Robt. lord.
-, monasteries in, 136 (p 44), 244, 248 (pp. 90, 93).
-, preaching in, 32, 242 (pp. 89, 90, 92).
-, Prince of (born 22 May 1540), 703, 709 (p. 331), 710, 736, 788–9, 965, 1020, 1022.
-, Queen of. See Mary of Guise.
-, Queen dowager of. See Margaret.
-, Secretary of. See Erskine, Sir T.
-, treaties with, 438 (2), 938.
-, vice-admiral of. See Kilmaurs, master of.
-, wild boars for, 58.

Scots, individual, 248 (p. 89), 570:—g. 612 (4).
-, a gentleman of James V.'s chamber, 23.
-, Scottish theologian or “blind Scot.” See Wauchop, R.
-, a destitute exile, 259.
-, gentleman bringing news of the birth of a prince, 736–7.

Scott, Geo., g. 436 (31).

-, Joan, p. 551.

-, (Scotte), John, p. 552 bis:—g. 436 (9, 51).

-, Reynold, g. 282 (61).

-, Walter, g. 831 (41).

Scott. See also Skutt.

Scottisfen, Norf., g. 942 (18).

Scotton, Yorks., g. 282 (21).

Scrafford (Strafford in Vol. XIV.), Edburga, p. 550.

Scragges, John, 498 iii. c. 64.

Scredington, Linc., g. 942 (99? “Skrekington”).

Scriven (Skryvyn), Mr., of Calais, 853 (p. 426), 1030 (35, 37–8, 65).

-, -, his wife, 1030 (65).

Scrobe. See Scrope.

Scrobis, Robt., 221.

Scrope (Scrobe), John lord, of Bolton, 1029 (38):—g. 282 (21), 612 (14), 942 (41b).

Scrope (Scrowpe), Marg., p. 547.

Scrowpe. See Scrope.

Scudamore (Skydmore, Scudamour), John, a receiver of Augmentations, 51, 81, 92, 110, 112, 118, 173, 360, 568, 688, 802, 980:—p. 563:—g. 282 (7), 436 (89), 942 (11, 39).

-, -, letters to, 112, 173, 360, 568, 688, 802, 980.

-, -, signature of, 51, 81, 92, 110, 118.

Seal, Kent, g. 436 (59).

Seall. See Sele.

Seamer (Semer), near Scarborough, Yorks., p. 566.

Seasalter (Sesalter), Kent., g. 942 (61).

Seaton (Seton), Devon, 498 iii. c. 79.

Sedbar. See Sedbergh.

Sedbergh, Yorks., g. 942 (20).

Sedbergh (Sedbar), Adam, abbot of Jervaulx (executed 2 June 1537), 939.

Sedewyck, Giles, 609 (p. 275).

Sedgewick (Sygeswike), Alice, p. 552.

-, (Segeswikk), Marg., p. 552.

Sedgrove, Ric., clk., g. 144 (18).

Seditious songs or rhymes, 428.

Sedyn, John, g. 831 (12).

Seerle, Marg., g. 831 (84).

Segeforde, John, p. 544.

Segeswikk. See Sedgewick.

Seggehull or Seygehull, in Berwick St. Leonard's, Wilts, g. 1027 (23).

Segrave, Nic. de, g. 144 (2).

Segroyt. See Segrwyd.

Segrwyd (Segroyt), in Denbigh, g. 433 (22).

Seighford, Staff., g. 942 (42),

Seintleger. See St. Leger.

Selby, Yorks., g. 1027 (40),

-, abbey (supp.) of, p. 554:—g. 282 (98), 1027 (40).

-, -, abbot. See Roger, R.

-, -, pension list, p. 554.

Selby, John, 465 ii., 840:—p. 548.

Sele, Suss., g. 1027 (30).

Selenger. See St. Leger.

Selhurst (Selherst), Surr., near Croydon, g. 613 (32).

Selkesey. See Selkley.

Selkley (Selkesey), Wilts, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Sellebye, in the bpric. of Durham, p. 565.

Sellenger. See St. Leger.

Selley, Davy, 609 (p. 276).

Sellinghurste, Suss., 498 (37).

Sellwood, Marg., p. 550.

Selmeston, Suss., g. 282 (58).

Seloo, Anne, p. 553.

Selskyr or Selsker. See under Wexford.

Selston, Notts, p. 560.

Selve, George de, bp. of La Vaur, French ambassador with Charles V., 169, 188–9, 203, 258, 397, 429, 448, 457, 462, 472, 480, 508, 543 (pp. 244–5), 573, 582 (p. 260?), 583, 621, 665, 676, 778 (p. 367), 793, 796, 803, 812, 816–17, 837 (pp. 413–14), 847, 876:—App. 4.

-, -, letters from, 169, 189, 397.

-, -, instructions for, 457, 573.

Selwood Forest, Soms., 205, 391 (6).

Selwyn, Robt., alias Frampton, q. v.

Semer. See Seamer.

Semple (Sempel), Robt., a Scottish exile, 634.

Sempringham, Linc., priory (supp.) of, g. 733 (54), 1027 (5).

Sempringham or Sempingham, Order of (of St. Gilbert), g. 282 (124), 831 (73), 942 (19).

Sendrewe tithing, in Melksham, Wilts, g. 942 (110).

Senekeworth alias Sakeworth or Sakworth, Berks, chapel of, g. 282 (109), 436 (37).

Senhouse, John, g. 613 (28).

Senoke. See Sevenoaks.

Senosse or Senesse, Alice, 840:—p. 548.

Sentercase. See under Calais.

Sentlow. See St. Low.

Senytabyn. See St. Aubyn.

Sepuse, John Zapolski count of, waywode of Transylvania, claimant of the Crown of Hungary (“King John,” “the Waywode”), 104, 265, 388, 530 (p. 237), 582, 870 (p. 436), 880, 889.

Sergeauntson, John, g. 436 (18).

Serjeant, Ric., complaint of, 1029 (60).

Serkay. See Serque.

Serle, Thos., g. 942 (30).

Serlys, Robt., clk., g. 831 (65).

Sernehaye, Soms., (near Trull?), p. 561.

Serques (Serkay), in Artois, 222 (p. 79).

Servington, Joan, p. 545.

-, John, 426.

Servyers, Mons. de, envoy from France (in 1539 or 1540), 642 (1, 2).

Seryeant, Edw., of Calais, 479n, 495 (p. 212).

Sesalter. See Scasalter.

Sesey. See Sessay.

Sessay (Sesey), Yorks., g. 611 (33).

Sesscille, Michael de, a Spaniard, 9.

Seth, John, g. 831 (17).

Sethyngborne. See Sittingbourne.

Sevenhampton, Wilts, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Seven Hundreds, the, of Kent, g. 436 (92).

Sevenoaks (Sevnoke, Senoke), Kent, p. 556.

-, St. John's hospital, p. 555.

-, -, master. See Clayton, J.

Severn, the river, g. 942 (35).

Severnstoke, Worc., g. 831 (64).

Seville (Cyvill, Cevylle), in Spain, 281, 859, 977.

-, letter dated at, 977.

-, Inquisition of, alguazil mayor of, 281.

-, Perpetwe prison, 281.

-, Triana castle, 281, 859.

Sevnoke. See Sevenoaks.

Sevynton. See Stevington.

Sewall, Wm., p. 550.

Seward, Ric., g. 436 (34).

Sewell. See Showell.

Sewell, Hugh, M.A., 619, 633.

-, (Suewell), John, 407.

Sewster, Mr., letter to, 372.

-, Eliz., g. 831 (45, 49).

-, John, g. 282 (61, 95–6), 831 (45, 49).

Sextens, Suff. See Westley.

Sexton (Sextyun), Edm., g. 436 (25).

-, Edm., of Limerick, 498 (p. 217), 830 (p. 401).

Sextyun. See Sexton.

Seygehull. See Seggehull.

Seymour, Sir Edw. See Hertford, earl of.

Seymour, Queen Jane (died 24 Oct. 1537), 21 (2), 135, 280, 498 (35):—g. 144 (2 p. 52), 282 (118), 436 (14), 612 (17), 613 (34, 36), 733 (14), 942 (33).

-, -, her household, 21 (2).

Seymour, Sir Thomas, Hertford's youngest brother, 14, 498 iii. c. 78, 617, 900:—p. 560:—g. 611 (34).

Seymour, Edw., Hertford's son, 498 iii. c. 78.

-, Henry, 139 i.

-, Hen., Hertford's brother, 498 iii. c. 78.

-, (Seymer), John, g. 613 (33).

-, (Seymer), Robt., uncle to the earl of Hertford, p. 540.

Seyncler. See St. Clere.

Seyntanbyn. See St. Aubyn.

Seyntmary. See St. Mary.

Sforza, Guido Ascanio, cardinal, chamberlain of the Holy Roman Church, 130, 304 (p. 123).

Shaftesbury (Shafton), Dors., p. 561:—g. 144 (2), 831 (88).

-, nunnery (supp.) of, 498 (37):—p. 543:—g. 144 (2), 282 (14), 733 (4, 25), 831 (88), 942 (72), 1027 (23).

-, -, abbess. See Zouche, Eliz.

-, -, pension list, p. 543.

Shaftesbury, bp. of. See Bradley, J.

Shafto, Cuthbert, 1012, 1018.

-, (Shafthoo), Eliz., p. 551.

Shafton. See Shaftesbury.

Shakeladye, Marg., 93 (2):—p. 551.

Shakerley, Edm., g. 733 (56).

Shales Courte, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Shalford, Essex, g. 611 (8).

Shalvedon. See Chalwedon.

Shalyngford. See Shellingford.

Shannon, the Irish river, 915.

Shap (Shappe), Westmld., p. 563.

-, abbey of, 52, 62, 73:—pp. 551, 563 bis, 567.

-, -, abbot. See Bagot, R.

-, -, pension list, 62 (2):—p. 551.

-, -, surrender, 62.

Shapeley, John, p. 543.

Shapewike. See Shapwick.

Shapter, Wm., p. 544.

Shapwick (Shapewike), Dors., 93.

Shardelowe, John de, g. 611 (2).

-, -, Agnes his wife, g. 611 (2).

-, Thomas de, g. 611 (2).

Sharington, Eleanor, g. 942 (110).

-, Wm., 1029 (61):—g. 942 (110).

-, -, letter from, 1029 (61).

Sharnbrook (Sharnebroke), Beds, g. 436 (42).

Sharneford mills, in Lamarsh, Essex, g. 733 (47).

Sharpe, John, p. 564.

-, Nic., 609.

Sharpewike, Suss., 498 (37).

Sharrod, Geo., g. 942 (50).

Sharysburie, John, 452.

Shatzfelt, —, 937.

Shawe, in Tynedale, 96 (2).

Shawe, Lancelot, p. 552.

-, Wm., 153 (1, 2).

Shawen, John, g. 144 (3).

Shawston, Beds, g. 613 (1).

Shaxton, Nicholas, bp. of Salisbury (resigned in 1539), 424:—p. 541.

Shaye, Ranulph, g. 831 (43).

Shearing (Shering), Essex, g. 613 (38).

Shebden, Ric., p. 552.

Sheen (Shene) or West Sheen, Surr., Charterhouse (supp.) of, pp. 541 bis, 545:—g. 831 (70), 942 (42).

-, -, prior. See Man, H.

Sheep (muttons, wethers), 1, 136 (p. 44), 139 i., 248 (p. 90), 268 ii., 465 (2), 650 (3), 708 (2), 760, 853 (p. 427), 1030 (54):—g. 282 (28, 54), 942 (44).

Sheerness, Kent, 839.

Sheffelde, Alice, p. 554.

-, Edm., g. 733 (27).

Shefford, Beds, g. 613 (1).

Sheldon, Matilda, p. 547.

Shelfhanger (Shelfanger), Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Shelford, Notts, g. 282 (10).

-, priory (supp.) of, g. 282 (10).

-, -, prior, g. 282 (10).

Shelley, Edw., g. 733 (55).

-, Eliz., abbess of St. Mary's, Winchester, 139 i., 296:—p. 550.

-, Joan, g. 733 (55).

-, John, 14 (p. 6).

-, (Schelley), Marg., p. 550.

-, Richard, son of Sir Wm., letter from, 358.

-, Sir Wm., justice, letter from, 358.

Shellingford (Shalyngford), Berks, g. 831 (77).

Shellingford (Shalyngford) alias Blewbury, Berks, p. 558.

Shelney. See Shenley.

Shelton, Mr., 1029 (56).

-, Gabriel, p. 547.

-, Sir John (died 1540), 195.

-, -, his will, 195.

Shenck, Gymmech, 937.

Shene. See Sheen.

Shenfield (Shenfelde), Essex, g. 282 (36, 40, 76).

Shengy (Shyngay, Shenggeye), Camb., commandry of St. John, 498 iii. c. 70.

Shenley (Shelney), Herts, g. 733 (42).

Shenton, Geo., g. 611 (26).

-, Kath., g. 611 (26).

-, Thos., g. 611 (26).

Shepehay or Shyppehey Grange, Devon, g. 436 (19).

Sheperde or Sheparde, Adam, p. 552.

-, John, 609 (pp. 274–5).

-, (Scheparde, Scheaperde), Robt., pp. 551, 553.

-, (Shepard, Shepperd), Thos., abbot of Egglestone, 28 (1, 2):—p. 552.

-, Wm., alias Feversham, 359 (1, 2).

-, (Shepparde, Sheparde), Wm., 884:—p. 551.

Sheperythe. See Shepreth.

Shepey. See Sheppey.

Shepparde. See Sheperd.

Shepperton, Midd., 498 (36).

Sheppescombe. See Shepscomb.

Sheppey (Shepey), Kent, g. 942 (49).

Sheppey (Shepey), Robt., 609.

Shepreth (Sheperythe), Camb, g. 613 (1).

Shepscomb (Sheppescombe), Glouc., near Painswick, g. 1027 (3).

Shepton Montague, Soms., p. 561.

Shepton More, Soms., p. 561.

Sherard or Shererd, Geo., g. 733 (41).

-, Hen., 609 (p. 276).

-, Wm., 609 (p. 276).

Sherborne (Shurborn, Shirborne, Shirbourne, Shyrborne), Dors., abbey (supp.) of, pp. 544, 562:—g. 282 (39), 436 (54).

-, -, abbot. See Barstaple, J.

-, -, pension list, p. 544.

-, prebend of, p. 562.

Sheriff (Shirif), John, barber surgeon, 936 (2).

Sheriffhutton (Sherifhoton), Yorks., g. 612 (11).

-, castle of, 465 (3).

Sherifhoton. See Sheriffhutton.

Shering. See Shearing.

Sheringham. See Sherringham.

Sherington, Wm., g. 436 (40).

Sherlock (Shyrlocke), —, 438.

-, (Shurlock), Jas., g. 611 (14).

Sherman, Edm., g. 831 (38).

-, Edw., g. 831 (38).

-, John, p. 542.

-, Ric., p. 545.

Sherneborne, Wm., p. 545.

Sheroks, Yorks., g. 611 (33).

Sherringham (Sheringham), Norf., 498 iii. c. 73.

Sherwood Forest, Notts, g. 733 (66).

Sherwood, Ralph, p. 551.

Shetland Islands, 962–3.

Shiere (Shyre), Surr., g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Shillinglee, Suss., 498 (37).

Shillyngyelde, Kent, g. 436 (14).

Shinfield (Shiningfelde), Berks, g. 282 (24).

Shingay or Shengy (Shenggeye), Camb., g. 613 (1).

-, preceptory of St. John at, g. 613 (1).

Shingelford. See Chingford.

Shiningfelde. See Shinfield.

Shiphaye grange, in St. Mary Church, Devon, p. 557.

Shipley, Robt., p. 555.

Shipman, Robt., 21.

Ship-owners, 322.

Ships named:—
-, Blakbareque, 9.
-, Galley, Great-, 196.
-, Galley, Small-, 196.
-, Gallion, Little-, 196.
-, Gallyon, of Calais, 61 (p. 2–3).
-, Genet, 196.
-, Great Harry, 196.
-, John Baptist, 1030 (18 p. 529).
-, Lion, 14, 196.
-, Maria, 740.
-, Mary, 1030 (18 p. 529).
-, Mary Fortune, 281.
-, Mary Rose, 196.
-, Matthew, 376–7.
-, Mawdelyn, of Faversham, 61 (p. 23).
-, Mawdlyn Spert, 384.
-, Minion, 196.
-, Peter, 196.
-, Primrose, 196.
-, Rossindelle, 221.
-, St. John, of Portugalett, 426.
-, Salamander, 709.
-, Saulveur, of Dieppe, plundered at Kinsale, 53, 56, 76, 98.
-, Sweepstake, 14, 196.
-, Trinity Harry, 196.
-, Unicorn, 709.

Ships not named, 61, 155, 171, 226, 281, 289 (p. 120), 368, 413, 462, 549, 724, 1030 (18, 58, 65).
-, frequenting Calais, 610.
-, Dutch, seized in Scotland, 963.
-, Emperor's, in the Mediterranean, 489–90, 522:—App. 2.
-, Flemish, acoused of piracy in Ireland, 53.
-, -, hoys of Flushing, 61.
-, -, of Antwerp, 61.
-, -, of Veere, 952.
-, French, 184 (2), 749, 778.
-, -, plundered at Kinsale. See Ships named, Saulveur, of Dieppe.
-, -, galleasses, 778.
-, -, galleys in the Camber, 218.
-, -, ships of Dieppe at Plymouth, 1029 (8).
-, -, of St. Malo's, 704.
-, Hamburg, a hulk of (or of Flanders?), accused of piracy in Ireland, 56, 76.
-, King's navy (“the King's ships,” “ships of war”), 14, 82, 195–6, 289, 502 (2), 600 (p. 270), 642 (1, 2), 697 (p. 326), 736:—g. 942 (104).
-, -, clerk comptroller, g. 942 (103).
-, -, Act for maintenance of, 498 (14).
-, Moorish, 879 (p. 440).
-, Portuguese, 779.
-, of Ragusa, App. 2.
-, of the Order of St. John, 520, 532.
-, Scotch, 263, 287, 570, 632, 634, 709–10, 736, 779, 1009–10.
-, -, wrecked at Bamborough, 25.
-, -, ships of war, 114 (p. 27), 697 (p. 326).
-, Spanish navy, 787.
-, Turkish fleets, &c., 134 (p. 43), 530 (p. 237), 778 (p. 367), 808, 837 (p. 414). See also Barbarossa.
-, Venetian, 46:—App. 2.
-, -, galleys, 46.

Shipton, Robt., p. 550.

Shire, John, priest, g. 733 (22).

Shireoaks (Shirrok), Notts, p. 562.

Shirforde, Warw., g. 733 (67).

Shirif. See Sheriff.

Shirland (Shurland), Wm., 323:—g. 942 (113).

Shirley (Shyreley), Derb., g. 942 (42).

Shirley (Shyreley), Fras., g. 942 (42).

-, Joan, prioress of Brewood White Ladies, g. 611 (26).

-, (Shurley), Sir Ric., 14 (p. 5).

-, (Shurley), Thos., g. 612 (7).

Shirrok. See Shireoaks.

Shirwode. See Sherwood.

Shirwood, Wm., p. 561.

Shitlington, Beds, p. 539.

Shobdon, Heref., p. 563.

Shocte, Thos., p. 547.

Shoeres, Wm., g. 733 (54).

Sholden (Sholdon), Kent, g. 613 (32).

Shooters Hill (Schottores Hell), 14 (p. 5), 18, 23.

Shopland, Essex, g. 611 (8 p. 285).

Shordyche. See under London.

Shoreham (Shorham), New-, Suss., g. 282 (58).

Shoreham, Old-, Suss., g. 282 (58).

Shorne, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Shortesfeld, Suss., 498 iii. c. 80.

Shorthwayte, Wm., vicar of Narburgh, 1029 (36).

Shortwood, near Ayelton (Notts?), 65.

Shoters. See Shooters.

Shottswell (Shotteswell), Warw., g. 436 (29, p. 170).

Shouldham (Showldame), Marg., p. 548.

Shovelstrode, Suss., 498 (37).

Showell (Sewell), Oxon, near Little Tew, g. 436 (29).

Showldame. See Shouldham.

Shrewsbury (Salop), 447, 510:—g. 144 (2).

-, abbey of, 102:—p. 553.

-, -, abbot. See Butler, T.

-, -, pension list, 102 (2):—p. 553.

-, -, surrender, 102.

-, castle, g. 144 (20).

-, St. Mary's College, g. 733 (62).

-, -, dean of. See Lloyd, Thos.

Shrewsbury (Shrusbury), George Talbot earl of, lord steward of the Household (died 1538), 561.

Shrewsbury (Shrophire), Francis Talbot earl of, 1, 444, 500:—g. 282 (10).

Shrewsbury (Shrewisburie), Thos., prior of Dudley 111 (2).

Shripney, Suss., g. 498 (37).

Shropham, Norf., 834:—g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Shrophire, earl of. See Shrewsbury.

Shropshire or Salop, 308, 568:—g. 436 (5), 942 (74, 106).

-, lands in, 102, 111, 695.

Shrusbury. See Shrewsbury.

Shudwik, Berks, g. 436 (34).

Shudy Camps (Citie Campes), Camb., 834.

Shuldame, Marg., 840.

Shuldefordys manor, Kent, p. 560.

Shurborn. See Sherborne.

Shurborne. See Sherborne.

Shurland. See Shirland.

Shurley. See Shirley.

Shurlock. See Sherlock.

Shyngay. See Shengy.

Shyppehey or Shepehay Grange, Devon, g. 436 (19).

Shyreley. See Shirley.

Shyrlocke. See Sherlock.

Sibiton. See Sibton.

Sibley, Edw., p. 547.

Sibsey, Linc., 381.

Sibton (Sibiton), Suff., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Sickness. See Plague.

Sicily (Syssell, Sissill, Sychilya), 480, 489–90, 582, 808 (p. 382), 842.

-, vice-roy of. See Gonzaga, Don F. de.

Siddington, Chesh., g. 733 (18).

Sidenham. See Sydenham.

Sidley, Dorothy, p. 545.

Sidmonton (Sydmanton), Hants, g. 611 (43).

Sidney, Fras., g. 436 (65).

-, Thos., p. 560.

Sidnor, Paul, g. 282 (41).

-, -, Alice, his wife, g. 282 (41).

-, Thos., alias Egerton, 359 (1, 2).

-, (Sidnour), Thos., p. 551.

Sidon, Chr. bp. of, 424.

Sienna, in Italy, 667, 670 (2), 778.

Sienna, Hieronymo of (“the Sanese”), 356.

Signory. See Venice.

Sileham. See Syleham.

Silke, Wm., p. 548.

Silsoe (Sylso), Beds, g. 613 (1).

Silton, Yorks., p. 566.

Silver (see also Plate), 53.

Silverton, Devon, g. 436 (32).

Silvester, —, to be dean of Kildare, 142.

-, John, pp. 551, 561.

-, Robt., alias Pursglove, prior of Guisborough, bp. suffragan of Hull, p. 555.

Simmes, John, p. 542.

Simnell, Ric., p. 542.

Simondson, Chr., p. 544.

Simonetta, James, cardinal (died 1 Nov. 1539), 78.

Simpson (Symson), —, Observant friar, 96 (p. 32).

-, Agnes, p. 554.

-, (Simpsoune), Jas., p. 551.

-, John, prior of St. Margaret's beside Marlborough, p. 545.

-, John, 609:—p. 552.

-, Nic., p. 540.

-, Ric., pp. 553, 567.

-, Wm., under-marshal of Calais, 270, 608, 609 (p. 276), 918, 1014.

-, -, signature of, 918.

Sinclair, Henry, servant to James V., 933 (2).

Sinderton, Thos., p. 554.

Singer, John, clk., g. 1027 (18).

Singleton, Eliz., p. 547.

-, Thos., p. 552.

Sini … (near Lyons?), 523 (p. 234).

Sinnington, Yorks., p. 562.

Sion, Midd., letter dated at, 1030 (43).

-, abbey (supp) of, 498 (i. 36, 37, iii. c. 63, 80), 757n, 840:—p. 548:—g. 144 (16), 282 (11), 733 (55).

-, -, abbess of. See Jordan, A.

-, -, pension list, p. 548.

-, -, receiver's account, 840.

Sissill. See Sicily.

Sittingbourne (Sethyngborne), Kent, 14, 18, 603:—g. 282 (13, 51).

Six Articles, Act of the (31 Hen. VIII., c. 14.), 310, 362, 460, 473, 485, 498 (11, 15).

-, -, commissions under, 498 (15).

-, -, partial relaxation of, 498 (11).

Six Hills (Sixhill), Linc., priory (supp.) of, g. 942 (118).

Sizeland (Syselande), Norf., g. 1027 (35).

Skarborough. See Scarborough.

Skarbrough. See Scarborough.

Skarlett. See Scarlett.

Skawpwike. See Scopwick.

Skawsby Leyse (Yorks? near Roche abbey?), 77.

Skeffington, Sir Wm., deputy of Ireland (died 31 Dec. 1535), 579, 608 (4 ii.), 683, 830 (pp. 399, 400):—g. 942 (65).

-, -, his children, 579.

Skeffington (Skevington), Dame Anne, widow of Sir Wm., 579, 642 (2).

-, -, letter from, 579.

-, (Skevyngton), Wm., g. 611 (26).

Skegbye, Thos., p. 544.

Skekyrke. See Skokirk.

Skellingthorpe (Stelyngthorp), Linc., g. 831 (19).

Skelton, Edm., p. 555.

-, John, 465 ii.

-, Wm., alias Style, q. v.

Skevyngton. See Skeffington.

Skewes, John, g. 831 (47b).

Skeyte, Wm., p. 549.

Skink (Schinc), George, governor of Friesland (died 1540), 238, 243.

Skinner, Mr., 505.

-, Ant., g. 831 (6).

-, -, Joan, his wife, g. 831 (6).

-, J., 14 (p. 6).

-, Jas., 1029 (9).

-, Oliver, 853 (p. 426).

Skipp, John, bp. of Hereford (Hartforde), 14 (p. 5), 424, 500, 663, 826 (19, 20, 23), 860–1, 921:—g. 1027 (21).

-, -, letter from, 663.

-, -, signature of, 861.

Skipper, Christiana, p. 545.

Skipwith, Edm., 14 (p. 5).

-, Edw., p. 559:—g. 733 (19).

-, (Scipwith), Eliz., p. 546.

-, Marg., g. 733 (19).

-, Thos., g. 282 (61, 95–6).

-, Sir Wm., 236.

-, Wm., one of the Pensioners, 14 (p. 5).

-, Wm., g. 282 (123).

Skirbyke, Wm., p. 550.

Sklent, Wille, called Ker, 96.

Skokirk (Skekyrke in Vol. X.) or Tockwith in Bilton, Yorks., priory (supp.) of, cell to St. Oswald's, g. 436 (62).

Skorton grange, in Newburgh, Yorks., g. 831 (84).

Skotte. See Skutt.

Skrekington, Linc., g. 942 (99).

Skremshere. See Skrympshyre.

Skrympshyre (Skremshere), John, 72.

-, (Skremshere), Thos., “secondary” of the King's Bench, 72.

-, (Skrimsher), Thos., g. 942 (40, 42).

Skryvyn. See Scriven.

Skutt (Scott), Sir John, pedigree of, 806 (p. 380).

-, (Skwtt), John, tailor, letter from, 1030 (59).

-, (Skott), John, g. 613 (22).

-, (Skot), Paul, 609 (p. 276).

-, (Skotte), Ric., 806 (p. 380–1).

-, -, pedigree of, 806 (pp. 380–1).

Skydmore. See Scudamore.

Skyrack, Yorks., 600.

Skyres, Nic., 859.

Slamford grange, Staff., g. 242 (42).

Slater, John, g. 733 (54).

Slaye Hill marsh, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Sleaford (Slyford), Ric., p. 550.

Sleddale, Westmld., p. 567.

Slegge, Edw., g. 831 (29).

Sleightwayte manor, Yorks., 628.

Sleyne, Piers, 21.

Slight, Dorothy, 840:—p. 548.

Slindon, Suss., 498 (37).

Slinfold, Suss., 498 (37).

Sloworth, Soms., g. 282 (106).

Sluce. See Sluys.

Sluys (Sluce), the, in Flanders, 864.

Slye, Ric., 166.

Slyford. See Sleaford.

Slymbye, —, 323.

Slythurste, John, p. 553.

Smalcalde (Schmalkalden), in Germany, letter dated at, 509.

-, Diet of the Protestants at (March and April 1540), 310 (p. 126), 390, 419, 509, 533, 666 (p. 316).

Smalcombes, Soms., g. 282 (106).

Smalle, Giles, 553:—p. 557.

Smarthuate, John, p. 552.

Smekergill, Thos., p. 552.

Smethwick (Smethewike), Wm., 21.

Smetenwood, Chesh., p. 562.

Smith or Smythe, Mr., Lisle's auditor, 291.

-, Agnes, p. 548.

-, Alice, p. 553.

-, Anne, g. 733 (31).

-, Benedict, p. 546.

-, Clement, lord Treasurer's remembrancer, g. 733 (37).

-, Chr., 153 (1, 2).

-, Eliz., p. 545.

-, Geo., g. 282 (2).

-, Dr. Gilbert, archd. of Northampton, 605.

-, Hen., 391 (5):—pp. 542, 546, 564:—g. 831 (31).

-, John, clk., 282 (17).

-, John, the Queen's receiver, 21.

-, John, 11, 237, 391 (3), 609 (pp. 274–5)—pp. 544, 547–8, 549 bis, 550, 555 bis:—g. 282 (54, 101), 436 (61), 733 (31), 942 (42).

-, Kath, 93 (2):—p. 551.

-, Marg., p. 554.

-, Marion, p. 546.

-, Nic., 592, 696.

-, Philip, g. 436 (61).

-, Ric., alias Borden, 359 (1, 2).

-, Ric., priest, 252 ii.

-, Ric., surgeon, 1029 (21, 62).

-, Ric., 609 (p. 275), 1031 (3):—p. 551:—g. 436 (89).

-, Robt, 474, 609 (p. 275):—p. 544:—g. 436 (61).

-, Thos., 21, 61 (p. 23), 498 (59):—pp. 542, 545:—g. 436 (9).

-, Sir Walter, 14 (p. 6).

-, Wm., goldsmith, 1029 (21).

-, Wm., curate (late) of Our Lady Church at Calais, 460, 473, 537.

-, Wm., 609 (p. 275), 884, 1014:—pp. 546, 549 bis, 550, 553:—g. 282 (2).

Smithfield. See under London.

Smithwick (Smythwyk), John, 749 (2).

Smythe. See Smith.

Smythesmede, Berks, g. 282 (25).

Snailwell, Camb., g. 942 (19).

Snainton (Swaynton), Yorks., p. 562.

Snainton, Agnes, p. 554.

-, John, g. 733 (54).

Snare-hill, in Thetford, Norf., g. 942 (43).

Snave, Kent, 498 iii. c. 77.

Snede or Sneyde, Mr., dec., 1028 (p. 511).

-, Dr. Ralph, member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

-, Ric., 1029 (9).

-, Wm., g. 282 (60).

Sneinton, Notts., g. 831 (22).

Snell, Nic., g. 282 (62).

-, Ric., g. 282 (54).

Sneyde. See Snede.

Snitterfield (Snyterfeld), Warw., p. 556.

Snitton, Salop, g. 831 (5).

Snodhill or Snowdhill, Heref., g. 436 (47).

Snoring, Magna, Norf., g. 144 (2).

Snowball, Wm., pp. 559, 560.

Snowdhill. See Snodhill.

Snowdon, Hen., 609 (p. 275).

Snowe, Mr., g. 831 (24).

-, Anne, p. 547.

-, Ellen, p. 547.

-, Ric., g. 282 (124).

-, -, Eliz. his wife, g. 282 (124).

-, Wm., prior of Bradenstock, p. 543.

Snyder, Lowys, 937.

Snyterfeld. See Snitterfield.

Soberton (Subberton), Hants, 1030 (63).

Soest (Soste), in Westphalia, 242 (p. 86), 519.

Soham, alias Some, Camb., g. 942 (19).

Soham, Earl- (Soham Comitis), Suff., g. 436 (88).

Soham, Monk- (S. Monachorum), Suff., g. 436 (88).

Soham, Thos., p. 550.

Soingevylle, M. de, 1020.

Soissons (Soyson), Matth. de Longuejoue, bp. of, 574.

Sokeholme. See Sookholm.

Solamsted, near Reading, Berks., g. 436 (34).

Soleman. See Soulemont.

Soleurre, in Switzerland, letter dated at, 533.

Solihull (Sylhill), Warw., g. 282 (110).

Solis, Geo., 393 (2):—p. 554.

Solyman. See Soulemont.

Some. See Soham.

Somer, Frances, p. 543.

-, Robt., p. 553.

Somerby, Yorks., g. 282 (48).

Somerfeld, Kent., g. 613 (32).

Somerfyld or Somerfelde, Kath., 840:—p. 548.

Somerford, Hants, p. 549.

Somerford Keynes, Wilts, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Somergilds, in Leominster, Heref., g. 942 (34).

Somers, Sir Geo. See Somerset.

Somersall, Anne, wife of Godfrey, 1029 (13).

-, Godfrey, 1029 (2, 13).

Somerset, duchess of. See Richmond.

Somerset (Somers), Sir George, 14 (p. 6), 716:—g. 282 (6).

-, -, letter from, 716.

Somerset Sheppen, Soms., g. 436 (32).

Somersetshire, g. 436 (73).

-, commission of peace in, g. 282 (9), 942 (13).

-, lands in, 69, 393, 1030 (13):—g. 282 (102).

-, (and Dorset), sheriff of, g. 144 (2).

Somerton, Oxon, 884 (?), 1021.

-, -, letter dated at, 339.

Somme, the French river, 480, 533, 543 (pp. 244–5), 597.

Sommer, —, a gold clipper, 217.

-, Thos., 609 (p. 275).

-, Wm., p. 551.

Somner, Wm., alias Malling, 359 (1, 2).

Sompnere. See Sumner.

Sompting (Sounting), Suss., 498 (i. 37, iii. c. 80).

Sondallfelde, in Llanwarne, Heref., g. 436 (89).

Sonday. See Sandy.

Sonde, Suss., 498 (37).

Sondewaye. See Sandiway.

Sondwey. See Sandiway.

Sondyford, John, 92:—p. 548.

Sookholm, Sokeholme or Sulkholme, Notts, p. 566.

Soper, John, p. 563.

Sopham, Edw., a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

Sophi, the, or Shah of Persia, 38 (p. 15), 462.

Sopley (Soppeley), Hants, p. 564.

Soppeley. See Sopley.

Sopwell Bury (Sopwelbury), Herts, near St. Albans, g. 282 (123).

Sorage, Cecilia, p. 543.

Sorell, Alice, p. 553.

Soste. See Soest.

Sothebie, Edm., 153 (1, 2).

Sothron, John, p. 552.

Sothwell. See Southwell.

Sotton. See Sutton.

Souche. See Zouche.

Sought, lordship of, in Wales, g. 613 (5).

Soulby. See Sulby.

Souldrop (Suldrope), Beds., g. 436 (42).

Soulemont (Solyman, Soleman), Thomas, clerk of the Parliament, the King's French secretary, 38 (p. 17), 597 (3), 670 (3), 995:—pp. 557, 560:—g. 436 (32).

-, -, handwriting of, 597 (3), 670 (3).

Sounting. See Sompting.

South, Ric., p. 549.

-, (Suth), Robt., g. 282 (3, 8).

-, (Sowthe, Bowthe), Thos., a member of Convocation, signature of, 861.

Southam, Soms., near Bristol, g. 831 (21).

Southampton (Hampton), 385, 426, 704 (p. 329), 1030 (p. 529):—g. 282 (2).

-, letter dated at, 1030 (42).

-, fee farm of, g. 144 (2).

Southampton, recorder of. See Mille, J.

Southampton, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, earl of, lord Admiral (until June 1540), lord Privy Seal (June 1540), chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1, 14 (pp. 4, 5), 18 (p. 8), 38 (p. 17). 42, 181, 295, 313, 316–17, 325, 335, 343, 412, 422, 446, 477, 500, 553 bis, 560 (1, 3), 607, 652, 657 (2), 664, 687, 707 i., ii., 726, 767, 776, 791, 804 (pp. 377–8), 823–45, 844, 845n, 850 (1, 3, 5, 7), 860 (p. 430), 861 (2), 862, 864, 872 (3), 874, 883, 891, 908, 910, 925, 936, 966, 970, 977, 979 (2), 984, 986–7, 991, 994, 1016, 1018, 1026:—App. 7:—g. 282 (9, 19–21, 33, 35, 52, 68, 96), 612 (1, 9, 14), 733 (63), 831 (34, 47a, b), 942 (12, 13, 39–41b, 54, 75, 117), 1027 (7).

-, -, letters from, 295, 317, 335, 412, 845, 874.

-, -, letters to, 42, 313, 446, 844, 883, 977.

-, -, signature of, 925.

-, -, depositions of, 850 (3, 5), 861 (2, 3), 925.

Southbenflete. See Benfleet.

Southbyrlyngham. See Burlingham.

Southcot, near Reading, Berks, g. 436 (34).

Southcote, John, p. 565.

Southcourte manor, Kent, 498 iii. c. 77.

Southend, in Furness, Lanc., p. 566.

Southerne, Thos., 609 (p. 276).

Southfelde, Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Southfleet, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Southfrith, Kent, g. 436 (14).

Southgarth grange, near Lincoln, g. 831 (19).

Southleigh (Sowthleigh), Devon, 498 iii. c. 79.

Southminster, Essex, g. 282 (56), 611 (8, 35).

Southmonden. See Mundham, S.

Southmymmys. See Mims, South-.

Southolt (Southwolde), Suff., g. 436 (88).

Southouse, Hen., 1030 (54).

Southre, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Southsex. See Sussex.

Southstoke. See Stoke, South-.

Southt alias Southtboram, near Hever, Kent, g. 611 (22).

Southward (Southwerk), Surr., 10 (p. 3), 598, 699 (“Zuedvercko”), 806 1029 (29):—g. 612 (6), 613 (32).
-, St. George's, 645.
-, St. Margaret's parish, 498 iii. c. 64.
-, St. Mary Overey, parish of, 498 iii. c. 64.
-, -, priory (supp.) of, 498 (iii. c. 64):—pp. 542, 548, 567:—g. 611 (25), 831 (86), 942 (49).
-, -, -, pension list, p. 548.
-, -, -, prior. See Fowle, B.

-, St. Olave's, 806:—p. 541:—g. 942 (36).

-, -, the Seven Stars, p. 541.

-, -, the Abbot of St. Augustine's house, g. 942 (36).

-, St. Saviour, 498 iii. c. 64.

-, St. Thomas's hospital, 60.

-, -, master. See Thirlby, Thos.

-, -, surrender, 60.

Southwark (Swthearke, Sowthwourkes), Chr., 859.

Southwell, Notts, Collegiate Church of, 971:—g. 282 (10).

-, -, patronage granted to the Crown, 971.

Southwell (Sothwell), Mr., 682, 748.

-, (Sowthwell), Ant., 14 (p. 6):—p. 566.

-, Francis, g. 613 (5).

-, Richard or Sir Ric., a receiver of the Augmentations, 14, 1029 (49):—g. 282 (6), 942 (11).

-, -, handwriting of, 1029 (49).

-, (Sowthwell), Robert, son-in-law of Sir Thos. Nevill, attorney of the Augmentations (resigned in 1540), 19, 24, 49–51, 81, 92, 110, 118, 139, 809 (p. 383), 867–8, 1029 (63):—pp. 539, 567:—g. 144 (1), 282 (84), 436 (56).

-, -, letters from, 19, 50, 1029 (63).

-, -, signature of, 24, 49, 51, 81, 92, 110, 118.

-, -, Margaret, his wife, g. 282 (84).

Southwick abbey (supp.), Hants, 20 (2), 498 (37):—g. 831 (51, 87).

Southwick (Suthwyk), Suss., g. 1027 (30).

Southwold, Suff., g. 942 (43).

Southworth, Sir Thos., g. 831 (12).

Sowe chapel, in Coventry, p. 559.

Sowerby Sherly, Yorks., g. 282 (48).

Sowne, Thos., 609 (p. 276).

Sowtheole, Devon, 498 iii. c. 79.

Soyson. See Soissons.

Spadarde, Joan, p. 549.

Spain and the Spaniards, 38 (pp. 15, 16), 45, 145 (p. 55), 161, 169, 188, 233, 304 (p. 123), 332, 356, 368, 384, 419, 426, 456, 457 (p. 189), 508, 512, 597, 787, 793, 807, 830 (p. 398), 859, 876, 929, 938, 947, 977:—App. 2.

-, Council in, 660, 810, 977.

-, -, letter from, 660.

-, Court of, 787, 977.

-, English merchants in, 38 (p. 16), 161, 169, 188–9, 787, 859.

-, -, persecution of, 38 (p. 16), 45, 281, 859, 977.

-, -, governor of the merchants. See Ostryge, W.

-, -, certificate by, 859.

-, half fruits tax, 512.

-, Holy Inquisition in, 38 (p. 16), 169, 281, 787, 810 (2), 859.

-, -, chief inquisitor. See Toledo, Card. of.

-, preachers in, 38 (p. 16).

-, state papers of, 810 (3).

Spalding, Linc., priory (supp.) of, p. 549:—g. 942 (99).

-, -, pension list, p. 549.

-, -, prior. See Elsyn, Ric.

Spalding, John, p. 549.

Spanby, Linc., g. 942 (99).

Spaniards, individual, 864.

-, in England, 161.

Spanish ambition, 666 (p. 316).

Spanish craft, 315.

Spanish horses. See Horses.

Spanish merchants, 124.

Spanish soldiers (Spaniards), 76, 97, 264, 344 (p. 138), 368, 480, 489 (p. 208), 522, 591, 670 (2), 712, 715, 720, 762, 778.

Sparchford (Sparchfurth), Ric., archd. of Salop, 861.

Sparke, Edw., p. 545.

-, John, 749 (2).

Spechebury. See Spettisbury.

Speke, Hen., g. 831 (12).

-, Sir Thos., 14 (p. 5):—g. 613 (39).

Spelhurst, Nic., 474.

Speller, John, g. 831 (60).

Spelman, Sir John, justice, 241:—g. 144 (20), 282 (20, 61).

-, -, letter from, 241.

-, (Spilman), Thos., a receiver of Augmentations, 359 (1, 2), 378, 553 ii., iii., 809 (p. 383):—p. 560.

-, -, signature of, 359 (1, 2).

Spence, Rog., p. 551.

Spencer, Leonard, g. 942 (84).

Spende, Wm., 610.

Spene, Thos., g. 436 (25).

Spenlowe, Edw., g. 282 (123).

Speny, Thos., g. 436 (25).

Spert, Sir Thos., clerk of the King's ships, 313, 317, 323, 325, 740:—g. 942 (103).

-, -, letter from, 313.

Spettisbury (Spechebury), Dors., 95.

Spetyllande or Spytelland, in Maldon, Essex, pp. 555, 558.

Spicer, John, p. 543.

Spingnell, Master, 54.

Spira. See Spires.

Spirard, John, p. 550 bis.

Spires (Spira), in Germany, 838.

-, Diet at (indicted for 6 June 1540, but transferred to Hagenau, q. v.), 497, 582, 591, 625, 666 (p. 316), 667, 673, 675, 679, 712, 715, 731, 781 (2), 794, 808, 923.

-, -, indiction of, 497.

-, -, memoranda for, 731.

-, -, preliminary diet of the Catholics, 666 (p. 316).

-, -, French ambassador to. See Baif, L. de.

-, -, Papal legate to. See Cervini, Card.; Contarini, Card.

Spires, bp. of, 797.

Splatte, Ric., p. 544.

Spondon, Derb., p. 566.

Sponebed. See Spoonbed.

Spoonbed (Sponebed), near Painswick, Glouc., g. 1027 (3).

Spore, John, g. 831 (16).

Spragon, Wm., abbot of Blanchland, p. 551.

Sprawlesmede. See Burtle House.

Spring, J., 14 (p. 6).

Springfelde, John, 609 (p. 276).

Springwell, Geo., 69 (2):—p. 546.

Sprot, Thos., 609 (p. 276).

Sprotte, Robt., p. 542.

Sprowston, Norf., g. 942 (84).

Sprythill, Wilts, g. 942 (85).

Spytelland or Spetylland, in Maldon, Essex, pp. 555, 558.

Squyer, Nic., 609.

Stable, Alice, p. 551.

Stacye, Ric., p. 543.

-, (Stace), Thos., App. 2.

Stafferton. See Staverton.

Stafford, gaol, g. 144 (20).

Stafford, archd. of. See Heath, N.

Stafford Barnyngham, Norf., 498 iii. c. 73.

Stafford, Henry lord, g. 282 (7), 942 (40).

Stafford, —, 586.

-, George, 875.

-, Humph., 282 (23).

-, Roland, 609 (p. 275).

-, Thos., 118:—pp. 545, 550.

-, Wm., husband of Mary Boleyn (q. v.), 517:—g. 611 (22–3).

-, Wm., 14 (p. 5):—g. 611 (26).

Staffordshire, 87, 111:—g. 436 (5).

-, commission of peace, g. 912 (40).

Stagbatch (Stagbache), Heref., g. 282 (63).

Stagsden (Stagysden), Beds, p. 558.

Staincliff (Steynclyf), Yorks., 600.

Stainer (Steyner), Yorks., g. 1027 (40).

Staines (Stanes), Midd., g. 942 (73).

Stallingborough (Stalingburgh), Linc., g. 733 (19).

Stalworth, John, p. 553.

-, Wm., p. 549.

Stamford (Stampford), Linc. and Ntht, g. 612 (15).

-, St. Martin's, g. 942 (46).

-, St. Michael's nunnery (supp,) near, g. 942 (46).

Stamford, Jas., 21.

Stampford. See Stamford.

Stanbake, Thos., p. 545.

Standeley. See Stanley.

Standgronde, Robt., p. 548.

Standiche, Helen, p. 554.

Standley. See Stanley.

Staneford. See Stanford.

Stanes. See Staines.

Stanes, Suff., g. 942 (44).

Stanewaye, Edw., p. 553.

Stanfeld, Giles, p. 547.

Stanford (Staneford), Beds, g. 613 (1).

Stanford, Norf., g. 942 (82).

Stanford-upon-Avon, Ntht., g. 282 (98).

Stanford Rivers, Essex, p. 560.

Stanford, Robt., p. 550.

Stanhope, Mich., g. 282 (10), 612 (20), 733 (40).

-, -, Anne, g. 282 (10).

Stankford Mill, in Sopwell, Herts, g. 282 (123).

Stanley, Wilts, g. 942 (110).

Stanley Field, Derb., p. 566.

Stanley Manor, in Ingatestone, Essex, g. 282 (16).

Stanley Pontlarge, Glouc., g. 1027 (3).

Stanley Regis. See Kingstanly.

Stanley, —, 1028.

-, (Stanle), Edm., 49:—p. 553.

-, (Standeley), John, 87 (2):—p. 552.

-, Thos., p. 551.

-, (Standleye), Walter, 24:—p. 548.

-, (Standley), Sir Wm., g. 282 (34), 733 (63).

Stanlow, Chesh., priory (supp.) of, cell to Whalley, 1029 (9).

Stanney, John, Joan his wife, g. 613 (13).

Stannyardecote, in Furness, Lanc., p. 566.

Stansby, Dr., 698.

Stanshawe, Robt., g. 282 (12).

Stanstead Abbots, Herts, g. 831 (35).

Stanstead Mountfitchet, Essex, g. 611 (1), 733 (24).

Stansted Thele. See St. Margaret's.

Stanton (Staunton), Suff., g. 436 (31, 75).

Stanton (Staunton) Lacy, Salop, g. 831 (38), 942 (89).

Stanton, Nether-, Suff., g. 436 (31).

Stanton, Over-, Suff., g. 436 (31).

Stanton (Staunton) Prior, Soms., g. 436 (80)

Stanton St. John (Staunton), Oxon, g. 282 (109).

Stanway, Essex, g. 611 (1).

Stanwey, Edw., 49.

Stanworth, Lanc., g. 611 (11).

Staple, Ric., p. 561.

Stapleford (Stapulforth), Linc., g. 942 (99).

Staplegrove, Soms., p. 561.

Staplehurst, Kent, g. 436 (92), 942 (120).

Staples, Edw. See Meath, bp. of.

Stapleton, Alice, p. 552.

-, Sir Brian, g. 282 (4).

-, Brian, g. 282 (10).

-, Dorothy, p. 553.

-, Geo., g. 282 (10).

-, (Stapylton), Ric., g. 144 (1).

-, Wm., p. 544.

Starburgh, Ric., p. 544.

Starkey or Starkye, —, of Stretton, 1028.

-, Cecily, p. 547.

-, Ellen, p. 551.

-, (Sterkey), Geoff., p. 547.

-, (Starkie), Hugh, p. 564:—g. 282 (34), 613 (40), 733 (63).

-, Ric., 21.

-, Wm., 749 (2).

-, Wm., Lisle's servant, 919.

Starre, John, p. 546.

Startforth (Stratford), Yorks., p. 562.

Statilius, John, bp. of Transylvania, q. v.

Staughton (Stoughton) Parva, Beds, g. 831 (16).

Staunter, Lora, p. 545.

Staunton, Oxon. See Stanton St. John.

Staunton, Suff. See Stanton.

Staunton Lacy. See Stanton.

Staunton Prior. See Stanton.

Staunton, Edw., g. 282 (91).

-, Hen., 609 (p. 275).

-, (Stawnton), Philip, g. 611 (26).

-, Ric., 609.

-, (Stawnton), Sibilla, g. 611 (26).

Staveley, Derb., g. 1027 (17).

Staveley Woodthorpe, Derb., g. 942 (70).

Staveley, Ric., 609 (p. 276).

Staverton, Glouc., p. 564.

Staverton (Stafferton) Park, beside Butley, Suff., g. 942 (44).

Staverton (Stafferton), Mr., 166.

-, Ric., g. 611 (25).

Stawnton. See Staunton.

Staxby, Yorks. (in Whitby?), p. 565.

Staxton (Staxston), Yorks., p. 566.

Stayl, —, 937.

Staynesmore, Eliz,, p. 547.

Stearsby (Steresby), Yorks., near Brandsby, p. 564.

Stedham (Stedeham), Suss., 498 (37).

Steeken (Stekyn), in Flanders, 14.

Steel, 599 (2, 3).

Steeple (Stuple, Stypull), Dors., g. 144 (2 p. 52), 733 (29).

Steeple (Steple), Essex, g. 282 (89).

Steeple (Steple) Aston, Oxon, g. 282 (109).

Steeple (Steple) Barton, Oxon, g. 282 (109), 436 (3).

Steepleton (Stepleton), Dors., g. 613 (33).

Steeton (Steton), Yorks., p. 563.

Stefano, M., 130 (pp. 41–2).

Steinsoun, John, 274.

Stekelne, Eliz., 1030 (36).

Stekyn. See Steeken.

Stele, Thos., p. 551.

Stelle, Robt., p. 555.

Stelyngthorp. See Skellingthorpe.

Stephens, John, alias Bradley, abbot of Milton, p. 545:—g. 436 (67).

-, (Stevins, Stephins), Wm., soldier of Calais, 230, 460, 471, 473n, 498 (p. 217), 547, 588, 609, 727–8, 997.

Stephenson, Griffin, p. 549.

-, Hen., p. 540.

-, (Stevynson), John, p. 553.

Steple. See Steeple.

Stepleauyngton, Glouc., 498 iii. c. 71.

Stepleton. See Steepleton.

Stepneth. See Stepney.

Stepney (Stepneth, Stevynheth), Midd., 498 (58):—p. 560.

-, letter dated at, 414.

-, vicarage of, g. 1027 (4).

-, vicar of. See Jerome, W.

Stepney (Stepneth), Joseph, p. 550.

-, (Stepnethe), Thos., g. 282 (108).

Steppe, Peter, letter from, 1030 (60).

Steppingley (Stepyngley), Beds, g. 613 (1).

Stepyngley. See Steppingley.

Sterenger, Thos., 11:—p. 549.

Steresby. See Stearsby.

Sterkey. See Starkey.

Sterley. See Strelley.

Sterr, Ric., p. 555.

Sterre, Barth., p. 544.

Steton. See Steeton.

Stevenage, Herts, 806.

Stevenage, Ric., alias Boreman, abbot of St. Albans, p. 547:—g. 282 (95–6, 108), 436 (71), 611 (46), 733 (42, 53), 942 (119).

Steventon, Berks, g. 942 (91).

Stevington (Sevynton), Beds, pp. 556, 558.

Stevins. See Stephens.

Stevyn, Ric., g. 733 (7).

Stevynheth. See Stepney.

Stevynson. See Stephenson.

Steward, Austin, g. 831 (72).

-, (Stuarde), Mr. 352.

-, (Stuarde), Cecily, p. 554.

-, (Stuarde), Edw., 21.

-, John, 609.

-, (Stuerd), John, g. 282 (116).

Stewardstone (Suerston), Essex, 806 (p. 380).

Stewart, James, natural son of James V. by Marg. Erskine, afterwards earl of Murray, 753.

-, -, holds a priory, 753.

Stewart, Robert, natural son of James V., afterwards earl of Orkney, 753.

Stewkeley. See Stukeley.

Stewken (Stewkyne), John, 840:—p. 548.

Steynclyf. See Staincliff.

Steyner. See Stainer.

Steynson, Wm., p. 544.

Stifford, Essex, g. 282 (36).

Stigelius or Stigel, John, letter to, 985.

-, -, poems by, 143.

Stile, John, 749 (2). See also Style.

Still, Wm., p. 551.

Stirling, in Scotland, letter dated at, 396.

Stirton. See Sturton.

Stisted, Essex, g. 942 (87).

Stixwolde. See Stixwould.

Stixwould (Stixwolde), Linc., g. 942 (99).

-, nunnery (supp.) of, p. 554:—g. 611 (41), 942 (99).

-, -, pension list, p. 554.

-, -, prioress. See Missenden, M.

Stock (Stokk) or Herward Stock, Essex, g. 942 (100).

Stockham (Stockom), Chesh., p. 556.

Stockholm, 952.

Stockingford (Stokynford), Warw., g. 733 (67).

Stockly, Rog., clk., M.A., g. 282 (53).

Stockom. See Stockham.

Stockwith (Stokewyth), Notts, p. 563.

Stockwith (Stokewythe), Hen., p. 563.

Stodelegh, Devon, g. 144 (5).

Stodeley. See Studley.

Stoke, Heref., g. 282 (125).

Stoke, Kent, g. 942 (49).

Stoke, Linc., near Grantham, g. 611 (41).

Stoke, Notts, g. 282 (10).

Stoke, Suss., 498 (37).

Stoke by Clare, Suff., college of, 716.

-, -, dean. See Parker, M.

Stoke Denysse, Soms., 498 iii. c. 79.

Stoke, Earl- (Erlestoke), Wilts, g. 436 (11).

Stoke, East-, Dors., g. 1027 (23).

Stoke, Kirk- (Kyrkestok), Linc., g. 611 (41).

Stoke Lyne (S. Lyle), Oxon, g. 436 (29 p. 170).

Stoke, Nether-, Salop, g. 144 (8).

Stoke, North- (Northstoke), near Grantham, Linc., g. 611 (41).

Stoke or Stoke Poges (Stooke), Bucks, 498 (35):—g. 831 (86).

Stoke, South- (Southstoke), Suss., 498 (37).

Stoke upon Tern, Salop, g. 144 (8).

Stoke upon Trent, Staff., p. 557.

Stoke, West-, Suss., 498 iii. c. 80.

Stoke, Barth., 869.

-, John, g. 613 (37).

-, Thos., pp. 546, 550.

Stokeham (Stokenham), Devon, g. 611 (12).

Stokes, Mr., nephew of the bp. of Bath, student at Louvain and Paris, 583, 622.

-, (Stokys), Kath., p. 554.

-, (Stokys), Robt., p. 547:—g. 942 (99), 1027 (27–8).

-, Wm., pp. 555, 558:—g. 282 (36).

Stokesley, John, bp. of London (died 1539), 758, 1029 (47):—g. 942 (21).

Stokewythe. See Stockwith.

Stokfaston, Wm., p. 548.

Stokoe, Ade, 96 (2).

-, Hen., 96 (2).

-, Miles, 96 (2).

-, Piers, 96 (2).

-, Roger, 96 (2).

-, Wille, 96 (2).

Stokynford. See Stockingford.

Stokys. See Stokes.

Stondon, Beds (near Marston Moreteyne?), g. 613 (1).

Stondon, Nether-, Beds, g. 613 (1).

Stondon, Over- (Overstondon), Beds, g. 613 (1).

Stondon, John, 806 (p. 380).

-, Ric., alias Havyr, 806.

Stone, Kent, g. 831 (44), 942 (49).

Stone, Staff., p. 556:—g. 942 (42).

-, priory (supp.) of, p. 556.

Stone, John, 452:—pp. 545, 549.

-, Thos., g. 831 (24).

Stoneham, John, p. 550.

-, Thos., p. 546.

Stonehouse, John, g. 942 (19).

Stoneleigh (Stoneley), Warw., p. 556.

-, abbey or priory (supp.), p. 556.

Stoner, Mrs., mother of the Queen's maids, 21.

-, (Stonner), John, serjeant at arms, g. 282 (81), 942 (60).

-, Ric., 1031 (3).

-, (Stonour), Sir Walter, 14 (p. 5), 1006 (“Sir Wm.”):—g. 282 (7), 831 (57).

Stonestrete, near Canterbury, g. 942 (61).

Stonewell, John, abbot of Pershore, bp. of Poletensis, 92, 424 (? Ipolitanensis):—p. 548.

Stoney, Mary, p. 545.

Stonner. See Stoner.

Stonour. See Stoner.

Stooke, Bucks. See Stoke Poges.

Stopes (Stopys), Ric., abbot of Meaux, p. 553.

Stopham, Suss., 498 (37).

Stopynton, near Canterbury, g. 942 (61).

Stopys. See Stopes.

Store, Edw., 119–20.

-, (Storre), John, 153 (1, 2).

Storere, Wm., p. 544.

Storford, John, 806.

Storke, Gaven, p. 552.

Stormesworth, Ntht., g. 282 (98).

Stormy grange, co. Glamorgan, g. 831 (62).

Storre. See Store.

Storrett, Thos., g. 282 (37).

Storye, Edw., 393 (2), 632, 634:—p. 554.

-, John, of the Order of St. John, 520, 522, 523 (p. 234), 531 (“bearer”), 532, 739n, 741.

-, -, letter from, 741.

-, -, declaration of his proceedings at Malta, 532.

Stotefold. See Stotfold.

Stotfeld (Stotefold), Beds, g. 613 (1).

Stoughton, Beds. See Staughton.

Stoughton, Suss., 498 (i. 37, iii. c. 80).

Stoughton, Ant., 21.

Stoupe Brow (Stowpebrowe), Yorks., p. 565.

Stour (Stowre), the Dorsetshire river, g. 613 (33).

Stour (Stowre), the Hampshire river, g. 282 (100).

Stour, the Kentish river, 453.

Stourbridge (Sturbridge), Thos., 81.

Stour weir, Hants, g. 282 (100).

Stourton (Stouerton), Staff., near Kinfare, g. 144 (2).

Stourton (Sturton), Wm. lord, 14 (p. 5), 252, 391 (3, 6), 1030 (39):—g. 282 (9, 59), 831 (34), 942 (13).

-, -, letter to, 252.

Stourton, John, abbot of Keynsham, g. 436 (80).

-, (Sturton), Roger, 14 (p. 6):—g. 831 (34).

Stoute, Eliz., p. 552.

Stouton, Devon (near Otterton?), g. 282 (11).

Stouerton. See Stourton.

Stoven, Suff., g. 942 (43).

Stow (Sir R. Grenville's house), letter dated at, 1030 (35).

Stow, Glouc., g. 733 (65).

Stow, Long-, Camb., g. 613 (1).

Stow, North-, Camb., 600.

Stow St. Mary's, Essex, g. 282 (89).

Stowe, archdeacon of. See Derby, E.

Stowe, Bucks, g. 436 (53).

Stowe, West-, Suff., g. 436 (88).

Stowell, J., 14 (p. 6 bis).

-, John, g. 282 (5, 9).

Stowerpaine, Dors., g. 436 (66).

Stowlangtoft (Stowe Langtoft), Suff., g. 436 (31).

Stowpebrowe. See Stoupe Browe.

Stowre. See Stour.

Strabyler, Thos., p. 551.

Stradling, Mrs., 21.

-, Sir Edw., dec., 1029 (3).

-, Fras., g. 831 (67).

-, Thos., g. 282 (9), 831 (34), 942 (13).

-, Wm., 1029 (3).

Strafford, Edburga. See Scrafford.

Stragglethorpe (Stragylthorp), Linc., g. 733 (54).

Stragott, Hen., g. 831 (84).

Stragythorp. See Stragglethorpe.

Strange (Straunge), Ant., g. 282 (35).

-, (Straunge), Eliz., nun of Sion, letter to, 757.

-, Eliz., p. 548.

-, (Straunge), John, p. 550.

Strange. See also Lestraunge.

Strangers. See Aliens.

Stranguishe. See Strangways.

Strangways (Stranguish, Strangwishe), Sir Giles, 14 (p. 5), 95, 391, 560:—p. 562:—g 282 (6), 831 (34).

-, -, letter to, 391.

-, -, signature of, 95.

-, (Stranguish), H., one of the Pensioners, 14 (p. 5).

-, Hen., g. 831 (34).

-, (Strangwysh), Sir James, 125:—g. 144 (9), 612 (14), 733 (20).

-, -, Eliz., his wife, g. 144 (9).

-, (Stranguishe, Strangwyshe), Joan, 840:—p. 548.

Strasburg (Argentoratum, Argentina, Argentaria), 271, 390, 419, 533, 589, 666, 781 (2), 1025:—App. 6.

-, Senate of, 419.

Strasburg, Wm. count of Honstein, bp. of (1506 to 1541), 814, 837 (p. 414).

Stratfield Mortimer, Berks, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Stratford, Warw., g. 831 (64).

Stratford, Yorks. See Startforth.

Stratford-at-Bow, Midd., 806 (p. 381).

-, nunnery (supp.) of, 806 (p. 381).

Stratford Langthorne, Essex, abbey (supp.) of, g. 942 (77).

Stratford St. Mary, Suff., g. 611 (8).

Stratford, Stony-, Bucks, 1004.

Stratford (Stratteforde), John, 95.

Stratteforde. See Stratford.

Stratton, Cornw., 498 (34).

Straunge. See Le Strange, also Strange.

Strayghtbarell, Wm., p. 547.

Streate grange, Devon, near Ford Abbey, p. 559.

Streatham (Stretham), Surr., g. 282 (121).

Street. See Strete.

Strelley (Strylley), Miles, letter from, 1030 (61).

-, (Sterley), Sir Nic., 14 (p. 5).

-, Robt., p. 563.

Strenesham. See Strensham.

Strensham, Worc., 491.

Strensham (Streynesham), Wm., 49:—p. 553.

Strete, Hen., g. 611 (12).

-, (Street), Ric., archd. of Derby, 860–1, 921.

-, -, signature of, 861 bis.

-, Ric., Bp. Roland Lee's surveyor, 562 (1, 2).

Streteforthe, John, 118:—p. 550.

Stretes, —, of Grays Inn, 1029 (56).

Stretham. See Streatham.

Strethampton, Suss., g. 436 (72).

Stretton, Chesh., 1028.

Stretton, Warw., g. 733 (67).

Streynesham. See Strensham.

Strickland (Strykland, Strykelande), Eliz., 840:—p. 548.

-, (Strykland), Walter, 465 ii.

-, (Strikland), Wm., 515.

Strigonia or Gran, in Hungary, bp. of, 530 (? “Ostringensis”).

Strik. See Strick.

Strode. See Stroud.

Strode. Suss., 498 (37).

Strode End, Glouc., g. 1027 (3).

Strode, —, letter to, 1029 (8).

-, Thos., g. 436 (55).

Strongourn. See Laidlaw, —.

Strossio. See Strozzi.

Strothwayte, Wm., or Shorthwayte, q. v.

Stroty, Rog., prior of Wormesley, p. 554.

Stroud (Strode, Strowde), Glouc., parish priest of. See Parsons, A.

Stroud (Strode), Kent, near Rochester, 379 (1, 2).

Stroud (Strowde) Temple, in Stroud, Kent, g. 611 (28).

Strowde. See Stroud.

Strownede, Eliz., p. 545.

Strozzi (Strozza), Filippo, Florentine exile, died in prison (in 1539), 581, 582n.

Strozzi (Strossio, Strossy), Pietro, son of Filippo, 306, 373.

Strudder, Wm., 465 ii.

Strurston. See Sturston.

Strykland. See Strickland.

Strykelande. See Strickland.

Strylley. See Strelley.

Stuarde. See Steward.

Stuarde, Mr., 352.

Stubbington, Hants, 20 (2).

Stubton (Stupton), Linc., g. 282 (10).

Stucley. See Stukeley.

Studley (Stodeley), Oxon and Bucks, g. 282 (109).

-, nunuery (supp.) of, p. 554:—g. 282 (109), 436 (3, 29 p. 170).

-, -, pension list, p. 554.

-, -, prioress. See Williams, J.

Studley (Stodeley), Warw., priory (supp.) of, g. 430 (29 p. 170), 831 (6).

Studley, Ric., 118:—p. 550.

-, Robt., p. 555.

-, -, Elinor, his wife, p. 555.

Stuerd. See Steward.

Stuffa, Pandolfo de, servant to the Dauphin, 373, 412, 415n, 425, 543 (p. 245), 544, 567.

-, -, letter from, 544.

Stukeley (Stewkeley) Magna, Hunts, g. 831 (83).

Stukeley (Stewkeley), Gerard, g. 942 (1).

-, (Stucley), Hugh, 553:—g. 282 (33), 942 (75).

-, (Stewkeley), Matth., g. 942 (1).

-, Sir Thos., g. 282 (33), 942 (75).

-, (Stewkeley), Wm., g. 942 (1).

Stumpe, Wm., g. 282 (35).

Stuple. See Steeple.

Stupton. See Stubton.

Sturbridge. See Stourbridge.

Sturbridge, Thos., p. 551.

Sturgeon, Rog., g. 282 (116).

Sturges, Robt., g. 733 (42).

Sturminster (Sturmyster) Marshall, Dors., 498 iii. c. 79.

Sturry (Sturrey), Kent, p. 560:—g. 942 (61).

Sturston (Strurston), Norf., g. 942 (43 p. 471).

Sturton. See Stourton.

Sturton (Stirton, Styrton), Linc., g. 942 (99, 109), 1027 (27–8).

Sturton, Notts, g. 733 (1).

Sturton, Thos., 49:—p. 553.

Sturye, Mary p. 554.

Stydolff, Thos., 505:—p. 540.

-, -, letter from, 505.

Styele, John, clk., 64.

Style, John, p. 544. See also Stile.

-, Wm., prior of Bridgend, p. 554.

Styleman, Wm., 64.

Stylman, Joan, p. 545.

Stypull. See Steeple.

Styvy, Wm., p. 543.

Suavenius, Peter, of Denmark, handwriting of, 376.

Subberton. See Soberton.

Subsidies before A.D. 1540, receipts, 600.

Subsidy (“grant of the Parliament”) granted by the Parliament of 1540, 22, 195, 438, 498 (i. 23, ii. c. 50), 651, 697, 921, 1004, 1008.

-, Act for the clergy of Canterbury, 498 (23), 499 (3).

-, -, proposed preambles for, 502 (1, 2).

Succession, the Act of (25 Hen. VIII. c. 22), 136 (p. 45), 248 (p. 91), 439.

Succley, Ric., 51:—p. 548.

Sudborne, Suff., 363.

-, Ric. Pereson, rector of, 363.

Sudborough (Sudburgh) Green, Ntht., g. 831 (50).

Sudbury (Sudebery), Suff., 478 (p. 200):—g. 144 (2).

Sudbury or Sudbery, John, p. 546.

-, Thos., 81:—p. 551.

-, Wm., 452.

Sudebery. See Sudbury.

Suerston. See Stewardstone.

Suewell. See Sewell.

Suffolk, 478 (p. 200):—p. 658:—g. 1027 (41).

-, lands in, 69, 211, 393, 498 iii. c. 69.

Suffolk, archdeacon of. See Rivett, W.

Suffolk, Charles Brandon duke of, Great Master of the Household, president of the Council, justice of Forests on this side Trent, 1, 14, 18, 22, 138, 163, 190, 236, 296, 340, 381, 487, 500, 560 (1, 3), 585, 588, 652, 697, 707 i., ii., 719, 791, 823–5, 842, 845, 848 (p. 419), 850 (1, 3, 4), 860 (p. 430), 861 (2), 872 (3), 874, 883, 891, 895, 902 (p. 448), 908, 925, 959, 966, 991, 1016, 1026:—g. 282 (9, 19–21, 33–5, 52, 61, 68, 96), 436 (59), 611 (8), 612 (14), 733 (63), 831 (19, 34, 46, 47a, b), 942 (12, 13, 39–41b, 52, 75), 1027 (7).

-, -, letters from, 163, 190, 296, 340, 585, 845, 874.

-, -, letters to, 588, 883.

-, -, signature of, 925.

-, -, depositions of, 850 (3, 4), 861 (2, 3), 925.

-, -, his daughter. See Frances, lady.

Suffolk, Katharine duchess of, wife of the preceding, 14, 21:—g. 942 (52).

Sulby (Soulby) abbey (supp.), alias Welford Abbey, Ntht., g. 733 (42).

-, abbot. See Arnolde, R.

Suldrope. See Souldrop.

Sulkhome. See Sookholm.

Sully (Syllye), co. Glam., 146:—g. 613 (5).

Sulph-Howbury (Salphobery), Beds, g. 436 (9).

Sulyard, Bridget, 840:—p. 548.

-, Eustace, g. 282 (20).

-, (Suliarde), Susan, p. 547.

-, Sir Wm., of the Welsh Council, justice of Chester and Flint (died 1540), 398:—g 282 (7, 28, 34–5), 1027 (31).

Sumner (Sompnere), Ric., g. 436 (61).

Sunbury, Midd., 498 (36).

Suppression of monasteries, 19, 32, 50, 125, 248 (pp. 90, 93), 259, 280 (2), 281, 370, 383, 401, 412, 478, 485, 498 (24, 59), 697, 726, 747, 804 (p. 378), 859, 932, 954.

Supremacy, the Royal, “supreme head,” 37, 418 (p. 161), 451, 495, 498 (57), 532, 951, 1029 (21).

Surdenall, Ralph, p. 553.

Surgeons and barbers. Act touching, 498 (49).

Surgeons and surgery, 391 (5).

Surrey, g. 1027 (41).

-, lands in, 60, 69, 393, 806 (p. 380).

Surrey, archdeacon of. See Baugh, T.

Surrey, Henry Howard earl of, eldest son of Norfolk, 14 (p. 5), 617, 900:—p. 541.

Surveyor, Mr., [of Calais]. See Lelegrave, W. (died 1536); Lee, R.

Surveyor, John, 92:—p. 548.

Sustead, Norf., g. 942 (43).

Sussex, 539:—g. 1027 (41).

-, lands in, 60, 69, 111, 393, 488.

Sussex (Southsex), Robert Ratcliff earl of, chief commissioner at Calais (March to July 1840), Great Chamberlain of England (3 Aug. 1540), 14 (p. 5), 316, 338, 392, 429, 435, 460–1, 471, 495 ii., v., 500, 507, 536, 547, 583, 588, 595, 623, 643, 682, 687, 707 i., ii., 727, 738, 749 (1, 3), 750 vi., ix., 751, 795, 833, 352–3, 861 (2), 917, 919, 950, 966–7, 984, 986–7, 994, 996–7, 1004–6, 1008, 1011–12, 1016, 1018, 1021, 1026:—g. 282 (20), 436 (30), 612 (14), 1027 (1, 7, 12).

-, -, letters from, 588, 738, 749.

-, -, letters to, 623, 682, 833.

-, -, signature of, 392, 460–1, 967, 1012.

Sussex, Mary [Arundel] countess of, wife of the preceding, 21.

Suth. See South.

Suthwyk. See Southwick.

Sutton, Surr., 498 (36, 37), 505:—g. 144 (18).

Sutton Coldfield, Warw., g. 282 (104), 733 (5).

Sutton, East-, Kent, g. 242 (36).

Sutton Grange, Yorks., g. 831 (73).

Sutton Maddock, Salop, g. 611 (26).

Sutton Scotney, Hants, in Wonston, 20 (2).

Sutton, Ant., 840:—p. 548.

-, David, 849 (p. 420).

-, Edward (“Mr. Dudley”), son of John lord Dudley and Cecily, sister of lord Leonard Grey, 550.

-, Eliz., p. 553.

-, Geo., p. 547.

-, Hamo, g. 942 (12).

-, Hen., p. 549.

-, (Sotton), Sir John, treasurer of the Order of St. John in England, 430, 520–22, 685.

-, -, letters to, 430, 522.

-, John, p. 547.

-, Nic., p. 550.

-, Robt., p. 550.

-, Thos., pp. 564, 567:—g. 144 (20).

-, Thomasina, p. 544.

-, Walt., p. 551.

Suyzer. See Switzerland.

Swadall. See Swaledale.

Swaffham, Norf., 748.

Swaffom, Wm., 806.

Swalclyff. See Swalecliffe.

Swale, East-, Kent, 61.

Swale, Cecily, p. 553.

-, Marjory, p. 551.

Swalecliffe (Swalclyff), Kent, g. 942 (61).

Swale Dale (Swawdell, Swadall), Yorks., 653:—p. 540.

Swallewell, John, p. 552.

Swallowfield, Berks, g. 144 (2 p. 52).

Swallwell, Miles, p. 552.

Swanne, Thos., p. 566.

Swannescombe. See Swanscombe.

Swannyscombe. See Swanscombe.

Swanscombe (Swannyscombe, Swannescombe, Swaynescombe), Kent, g. 436 (14), 612 (17), 942 (49).

Swansto, John, p. 544.

Swanton Court, Kent, 498 iii c. 77.

Swarford, Oxon, g. 436 (29).

Swasey, Wm., p. 548.

Swawdell. See Swale Dale.

Swaynescombe. See Swanscombe.

Swaynton. See Snainton.

Sweden, Gustavus king of, letter to, 3.

Swerder, Wm., student at Paris, Cranmer's servant, 38, 456.

-, -, letter from, 456.

Swete, John, 609 (p. 275).

Swetyng, John, 859.

Swift, Ric., 609 (p. 275).

-, Robt., 553.

Swinden, Yorks., p. 561.

Swine, Yorks., priory (supp.) of, p. 553.

-, -, pension list, p. 553.

-, -, prioress of. See Knight, D.

Swineshead (Swynshede), Linc., g. 611 (41), 942 (44).

Swingfield, Kent, preceptory of St. John at, p. 560.

Swinley (Swynle), Glouc., near Forthampton, 49.

Swinton, Lanc., g. 942 (5).

Swithamley (Swythernley), in Leek, Staff., g. 733 (18).

Switzerland (Suyzer) and the Swiss (Swyssers), 462, 838, 1025.

-, French pensioners in, 462.

-, Lords of the League, 533.

Swthearke. See Southwark.

Swymerton, Humph., g. 611 (26).

Swynebanke, Ant., p. 552.

Swynneshed, Thos., p. 549.

Swynnowe, John, p. 557.

Swynshede. See Swineshead.

Swyte, Hen., p. 556.

Sybertysnoth, Kent, g. 613 (32).

Sychilya. See Sicily.

Sydenham (Sydnam), Agatha, p. 549.

-, (Sidenham), Dorothy, p. 545.

-, (Sydnam), Eliz., prioress of Polslowe, p. 544:—g. 436 (60).

-, (Sydnam), Marg., p. 544 bis.

Sydling, Dors., p. 562.

Sydmanton. See Sidmonton.

Syeston, Thos., abbot of Garendon, g. 733 (42).

Sygeswike. See Sedgewick.

Sylaunda. See Zealand.

Syleham (Sileham), Suff., g. 942 (43).

Sylhill. See Solihull.

Sylkysmore. See Morehall.

Syllye. See Sully.

Symes, Wm., 24:—p. 548.

Symon, Wm., p. 554.

Symonds, Ralph, g. 942 (19).

Symondson, Chr., g. 831 (84).

Symons, Dr. See Matthew, S.

-, Ralph, 14.

Synklere. See St. Clere.

Synte Vettorys. See St. Victor's.

Syntyll, —, 1030 (18 p. 529).

Syo. See Scios.

Sypenham. See Cippenham.

Sypers chest, a, 853 (p. 426).

Syria (Surrey), king of, 686.

Syselande. See Sizeland.

Sysson, Robt., p. 546.

Syston, Linc., g. 436 (29).