Henry VIII: March 1538, 26-31

Pages 223-250

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 13 Part 1, January-July 1538. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1892.

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March 1538, 26-31

26 March. 601. Cromwell to Sir Roger Towneshend and Sir John Heiydyng, (fn. n1) Knights.
R.O. They are to examine and settle the complaint made to the King and Council by Robert Burbek, of Great Riborough, Norf., that one Robert Townesend, esquire, has dispossessed him of ground called Sennowe, which he occupied on lease, withholds from him 8l. awarded by arbitrament, has procured the two sons of one William Androwe, of Great Riborough, to lie in wait for him, and has otherwise molested him. St. James, 26 March 29 Henry VIII. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
26 March. 602. Henry Lord Stafford to Wriothesley.
Vesp. F. xiii.
B. M.
Thanks him for his great gentleness,—begs credence for the bearer for lack of time to write. Requests him to further his suit with my lord Privy Seal. Tuesday, 26 March.
Hol., p.1.Begins: Master Wrysley.
26 March. 603. William Lucy to Cromwell.
R. O. Has lately received Cromwell's letters, dated 12 March, expressing surprise at Lucy's warning Thomas Oldnayll, in whose favour Cromwell wrole, to quit his farm of Hersham on Lady Day now past. Explains par-ticulars. Before his mother's death, had promised the farm to a servant who has been with him, both here and beyond sea, ever since he was ten years old. Gave Oldnayll, as he has already written, two whole years before requiring him to quit. Olduayll evidently would show "all the wordle" that he can hold and enjoy it in spite of Lucy. When last in London he would have waited on Cromwell; but it chanced that one of the sons of his father-in-law, with whom he was staying, died of the plague. He, however, wrote to the bishop of Worcester, to inform Cromwell of what he and his fellow commissioners had done in the cases they were to inquire into. 26 March.
Hol., pp. 4. Endd.
26 March. 604. Sir John Markham to Cromwell.
R. O. Of late one Mr. Lytherlande, (fn. n2) vicar of Newark upon Trent, made a sermon in the church there, this bearer being present, which appeared to me to "rise and sourde" of a cankered and corrupt mind. Thought it best to send the bearer to make relation thereof; he is a man of credit. 26 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
R. O. 2. Articles against Master Lytherland, vicar of Newark upon Trent, referring to two sermons, on Candlemas Day and the Sunday following.
He never in these sermons or before taught or declared to the people the King's title to be Supreme Head, but "faintly" named him so in desiring them to pray for him. He never spoke of the usurped authority of the bp. of Rome. He bade his hearers pray for souls in Purgatory. He condemned English books of the Scriptures, and warned them to take heed of those published with the King's privilege, for he never read them, nor ever would do, "for I myself never regarded nor set by English books." He said it was heresy to say that our fathers were in darkness, for they had the true light. There was never more need to pray for the King's Council than now. He inculcated the worship of the Virgin Mary, exhorting the people to call upon her, and commanded his parishioners to offer to and kiss images, saying they were heretics that would take any images down. Among the opinions attributed to him are that outward circumcision puts away sin, that it is heresy to say there is an error in our Lady's matins, that holy water drives away the devil. He commanded the women to offer a lamb or its price when churched, and ld. or ½d. to be offered at weddings, priest singings, or buryings, and magnified and praised greatly the guilds. Signed by Will. Leveret.
Pp. 3. Headed (perhaps in a different hand), 1538. Endd.
26 March. 605. Ralph earl of Westmoreland to Cromwell.
R. O. Thanks Cromwell for his kindness to his son. Is bound to him next to the King and my lord Prince. Reminds him of his old suit for the suppressed houses and lands of Rossedale and Keldham, which the King granted him by Cromwell's means, that he may have it under the broad seal Brancepeth, 26 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
26 March. 606. William Wise to Cromwell. (fn. n3)
Lamb. MS.
602, f. 105.
The King has brought many things to light by sending these four Commissioners. James FitzJohn of Desmond has taken oath of obedience, and now sends over his son Thomas, "whose mother is the lord Roche's daughter, yet being alive and unmarried, whom he hath put away, and now occupieth O'Karoll's daughter, by whom he hath issue." The said James lately took his brother Maurice prisoner, and now has all that quarter at his command. He is said to be true of word and deed. Waterford county, whereof the Deputy and Council have made me sheriff, will be the sooner reduced by his staying. No man there impedes justice so much as Gerald McShane, a right Geraldine, whom I trust lord Butler will either reclaim or reduce. Dublin, 26 March.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd. From Carew Calendar, No. 143.
27 March. 607. Sir Thos. Nevyle to Cromwell.
R. O. This Wednesday morning John Warcope, bailiff of Aylsforde, gave him the papers that were set up on a post there on Tuesday last before day, and which remained till the steward came to keep the court of the leet. The people thought them to be the King's proclamation with the statutes. Sends the papers. Has not discovered who set them up. From my poor house, 27 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
27 March. 608. Henry lord Stafford to Cromwell.
R.O. At my late being with your Lordship, you showed me I might continue where I am till my wife were brought to bed, and meanwhile you would learn the King's pleasure whether I should remove out of Sussex or nay. Desires "the rather" to know the King's pleasure; now is the time to make provision, and his wife will not be brought to bed till three weeks before Whitsuntide, which shall be too late. If he knew he must return to Staffordshire, would let the house and grounds here and resume now at Lady Day the demesnes he let there on coming away. Rowghaye, 27 March. Signed.
Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: my lord of Stafford.
27 March. 609. Sir John Markham, John Hercy, and John Babyngton to Cromwell.
R. O. Have executed the King's commission and Cromwell's instructions, and wish to know his Lordship's further pleasure by Geo. Lassells, the bearer, their fellow in this commission. Priory of Lenton, 27 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
27 March. 610. P. earl of Ormond and Ossory to Henry VIII.
R.O. Has consulted, for the reformation of abuses, with the Commissioners, and has exerted himself to reform Kilkenny, Waterford, and Tipperary. Thanks on behalf of himself and his son James. Waterford, 27 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
27 March. 611. Francis I. and Charles V.
Add. MS.
23,590, f. 140.
B. M
Statement of the French ambassador [to the Emperor's Council] in pursuance of instructions brought by Lesleu, secretary of the Constable of France, as to the proposed meeting in the Islands of Eras (Hieres), which Francis waives in favour of the interview at Nice. Francis will restore Savoy when he gets Milan, and Hesdin when he gets Tournay, &c.
Spanish, modern copy, pp. 3. Endd.: What the French ambassador said at Barcelona, 27 May, and the answer made to him by the Emperor.
[See Spanish Calendar V. ii., No. 195.]
R. O. 612. [The Duchess of Milan]. (fn. n4)
(1.) First it must be known what dower the Duchess hath out of the Dukedom, how assigned, and whether it be the f[ull] part that the l[a]we there would give her. (2.) What assurance she has for payment thereof, and how it shall be levied and conveyed hither. (3.) What the Emperor will besides give her in money as dote. (4.) What her part of her father's patrimony amounts to yearly; "how it shall be levied and paid to the King's Highness' use." (5.) Whether the Emperor will be bound that the count Palatine will surrender his interest in the kingdom of Denmark. (6.) What aid the Emperor will give the King if he should enterprise the recovery of the said kingdom. (8.) The Emperor to be at the charges of her traduction hither, with limitation of the time for the same. (9.) The King to give her as large dowry as any Queen of England hath had.
P. 1. In Wriotheslcy's hand.
23 March. 613. Chester.
Harl. MS.
2,071 f. 11.
B. M.
Grant by Henry VIII. to John, the abbot, and the convent of Chester of the keeping of the keys of the two little doors in the walls of the town lying between the east and north gates upon condition that the "muragers" shall have free passage through them to view or repair the said walls. Chester (sic), 28 March 29 Hen. VIII..
Lat. Later copy, with a trick of the King's privy seal subjoined,p. 1
28 March. 614. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
R. O. I have received your sundry letters by the bearer. I deserved no such thanks, for it would have been my duty to have done much more if it had been in my power. The party you suspect never motioned me one word, whatever he may have done elsewhere. I trust he and others shall find no occasion hereafter to say anything against your Ladyship. I have nothing more to write about your weir. I think Coble's weir will cost him money, and be pulled down in spite of his teeth. Your gentlewoman is not yet come. When she comes I will send her to you immediately, and meanwhile try and get a sad woman to wait upon you. I never thought of sending Mrs. Hartforde; it was Mrs. Reynold's motion. I sent your book by John Teboro bound in black velvet. He that hath the travers is not yet come home. I will send the sayes by the first that goes. I will go thorough about Soperton according to my Lord's command. I am thorough with Hyde for 120l., and send the writings signed and sealed by the bearer. I trust it is sure enough during my Lord's life. I will not meddle with Kybworth till my Lord's coming over. Mrs. Oxynbridge's sister, who is coming to your Ladyship, is called Mary. Mrs. Anne's pearls must not be forgotten. You had better send over Mr. Bassett if they begin to die there, for there is no mortality about Lincoln's Inn. Your priest will come over in 10 days. Mrs. Frances's gown is in band. At my going to Soberton I will examine the matter with Robt. Amner's wife, and if I find it due Mr. Windsor will allow it to her. London, 28 March.
My lord Privy Seal thanks you heartily for the pasties. Mr. Aylmer was here at the making up of the books. My lady of Sussex is delivered of a goodly boy. The King, my lord Privy Seal, and Sir John Dudley are godfathers, and my lady Mary godmother. Lady Kyngston was deputy to lady Mary, and Sir John Russell for the King. Mr. Judd will make search for the colours of silk you wrote to him for.
Hol.,pp. 2. Add.
28 March. 615. The Royal Supremacy.
R.O. Examination of John Luke, ropemaker, and John Tomkyns, saddler, both of Branktre, Essex, and Ric. Stapilltone, of Bockyng, tailor; made before Sir Giles Capell, 28 March 29 Hen. VIII., concerning words spoken against the King by Wm. Smyth, of Shalford, servant to Sir Roger Wentworth. The circumstances deposed to are as follows:—On Wednesday, 27 Feb., at Branktre, being market day, in John Luke's victualling house, William Hunte, minstrel, of Finchingfield, exhorted Tomkyns to read and learn the New Testament, but he replied that being unlearned he would not meddle therewith. Thereupon Smyth "checked" Hunt, telling him not to make other people as bad as himself, and blamed him for singing a song at a bridal, a song railing against saints, and calling their images but idols. Hunt defended himself, saying, they were set up in times past by the bp. of Rome, but now the King is Supreme Head, and the bp. of Rome has nothing to do here. Smyth asked if previous kings had not been as wise as this King, and yet they obeyed the Pope, and all other kings do so still, and he wished to know who gave the King leave to put the Pope down. The depositions are signed by the witnesses, the tailor's sign manual being a pair of shears.
Note by Sir Gyles Capell: The premisses considered I attached Smith and confronted him with his accusers. He denies it. I, therefore, send him to your good Lordship to make his trial before the Council. Rayne, 28 March. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal.
28 March. 616. Thomas Rowland alias Penticost to Wriothesley.
R. O I have received your kind letters, and accordingly set my hand and seal to a bill "concerning the Rye, the which I am agreed shall stand, so that you be contented." Is ready to comply with Wriothesley's other request, as Mr. Serjeant can inform him. Comnor, 28 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
28 March. 617. Rowland Morton to Cromwell.
R. O. Sends back the bearer who carried his former letters to Cromwell, to whom he cannot give credence; desiring Cromwell to hear him for the King's interest and also for the writer's petition for the park of Boussheley, which, although it be passed in gift, Morton would like a lease of from Cromwell's servant, his countryman, at the old rent, which the bearer will disclose, or otherwise at Cromwell's "taxation," which he will stand to "in alto et basso." Begs favour. "At my poor house at Twynnyng," 28 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Lord Cromewell, lord Privy Seal Endd.
28 March. 618. Right of Sanctuary
R. O. A file of interrogatories and depositions taken by Sir Anthony Fitzherbert and Reginald Digby with the Commission under which they acted, viz.:—
i. Their commission directing them to take final order for restitution to the King's chaplain, Dr. Croke, of the sums of which he was robbed by Hugh Hervye, who took sanctuary at Knolle, Warw., where he still remains, although he was indicted for robbing his master, a case in which the law allows no such privilege. The King's previous letters to the officers of the sanctuary having been disregarded, the Commissioners are to order obstinate persons to appear before the Council. Westm., 28 March 29 Henry VIII.
ii. A set of 53 interrogatories "upon the behalf of Richard Yoman, innholder and owner of the Gote Inn, Strand by London."
iii. Depositions in reply to the preceding by Henry Horley, Wm. Barneshurst, Sir Ralph Marshall, priest, Thos. Averye, constable, of Knoll, Thos. Goodale, of Balsall, Thos. TrusselJ, Ric. Archard or Archer, Thos. Hawe, sen., Rob. Croke, of Colshull, brother of Dr. Croke, and Wm. Cull, and Rob. Butler. The main point at issue seems to have been whether Harvey had been attached for felony before claiming privilege of sanctuary. By the joint deposition of Rob. Croke and Wm. Cull, it appears that he was attached, in Henry Whorley's honse at Knoll, by Rob. Bury, for robbing his master Ric. Yoman, as well as Dr. Croke's servant Simon Gelinge, in Yoman's house, the Goat Inn in the Strand, on which he desired of Will. Pynnocke, of Knoll, privilege of sanctuary for the stolen goods; and that Pynnocke called Wm. Barnehurst, of Knoll, and told him that as the bailey's deputy he ought to take the felon's confession privily and give him privilege of sanctuary.
Thirty one leaves, of which one is blank. Each leaf of the depositions is signed either by Fitzherbert or Digby, or both.
28 March. 619. Jame (fn. n5) White to Cromwell.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 561
Intends to do earnest service in the office of justice in county Wexford, whereto Cromwell has preferred him. Waterford, Kilkenny, and Tipperary have not been quieter these 100 years. Ossory and lord Butler have sent the King and Cromwell devices for their future government. Has, with the King's solicitor, Mr. Cowley, lately perused these counties and assessed the Twentieth and the First Fruits. Was at Waterford the first Sunday in clean Lent, when Dr. Sail, a grey friar, said in his sermon, "No man have authority to break or put down churches and make them profane places, as they do nowadays in divers places, or else St. Paul is a liar." The mayor immediately had him put in security and certified the Deputy and Council, upon whose letter he now lies in Dublin Castle. Now, for fear to preach their old traditions and ill will to preach the verity, all is silent; but thank God the King has one Catholic city and one champion, lord Butler, against their pharisaical ceremonies, &c. It is pity to hear of the discrepancy between the Council and the Deputy, who, following the counsel of those who were about the earl of Kildare and his sister, has alienated from him the King's true subjects. Will not write further of affairs, as Mr. Sentleger, "a father of discretion," and his fellows, and others of the Council who know the state of the land, repair thither now. Dublin, 28 March.
Hol. Add.. Lord Privy Seal.
28 March. 620. Bp. of Yvrea, Nuncio in France, to the Constable Montmorency.
Ribier I., 139. On arriving here at Lyons yesterday evening I found that a servant of mine was advertised, in a letter of the 16th inst. from Rome, of a certain practise between the Emperor and the king of England. I send a copy of the passage (capitolo) as it stands. As it could not but be to the prejudice of the Pope and the French king, I declare it and beg for any information about it. Lyons, 28 March 1538.
ii. Enclosure.
Here (at Rome) it is said that the Emperor practises continually with the king of England to give the State of Milan to the Infant Don Luys of Portugal, who shall marry the King's daughter, whose dowry, 800,000 ducats, shall be paid to the Emperor, and the King shall bind himself to defend Milan against the French. They say this matter goes forward and is much dreaded by the French king, and it might lead to war with England and make him leave the war in Italy and defend his own kingdom. It is added that the king of England marries the queen Mary, governess of Flanders, and sister of the Emperor, and that the practise is already concluded.
28 March. 621. Edmond Harvel to Henry VIII.
R. O. Has never written to the King before, but writes now to thank him for a licence tor wools, and a stipend which he hears from Cromwell has been granted him. Expresses his gratitude and determination to serve the King. Venice, 28 March 1538.
Hol., p. 1. Add Endd.
29 March. 622. Epistle of Stukmius.
Morison's translation of the Epistle of Sturmius sent to the cardinals and prelates that were chosen and appointed by the bishop of Rome to search out the abuses of the Church. 29 March 1538.
Printed by Berthelet, London, 1538.
29 March. 623. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 32. [London], 29 March:—Tarbes being gone, the King and Council ask for a new power permitting Castillon to treat alone. Also they require the negociations to be in writing. (fn. n6) [Cannot think this is with a good object.] The lord Privy Seal said to him, "We are at peace and you at war; if we contribute to it you have many quarrels to settle, we have none. Thus our money would put us out of peace and make us espouse a long and perhaps perpetual war. As to defence, seeing that your kingdom is large and bordering on many and powerful personages, and we are here far from everyone, having only one neighbour who is not too strong for us, we must look that the mutual assistance to be given is reasonable, so that everything may be considered on both sides." Was about to reply, but they stopped him, saying it was useless until he had a sufficient power and leave to put things in writing.
Went yesterday to see the King, and remained long alone with him, and as lately (fn. n6) [he has been marvellously high-handed, did not propose the marriage of lady Mary, as he was charged, through Tarbes, to do].... Till yesterday I know not "comment je me suis congratule avec luy," and to show him I use every means to maintain the amity, I proposed, as of myself, that as he was so sure of the Emperor, and that the delay in the restitution of Milan lay in the tender age of the wife they wished to give M. d'Orleans, he should get the Emperor to allow his daughter Mary, who is his near relation, to be put in place of the other, and thus all three would remain good friends, and he would be not only third contrahent but perhaps arbiter of the peace. He remained quiet and looked pleased Asked if he thought this overture good. He answered Yes, if Francis found it so. Afterwards he spoke more graciously, but said that formerly this marriage was proposed, and Francis would not hear of it, and upon Castiilon's overture he could not well put it forward; and when he knew Francis' wishes "qu'a I'heure il regarderoit comme il auroit affaire;" that if Francis approved of it, he should say something about it to Winchester, or else write to Castillon; but if he meant it he need not go to this meeting, by which he would gain nothing. He intends still to deliver her as a bastard, though he says he has the power from his country, if his son should die, to appoint his successor, (fn. n6) [and it would be known then who was most able to succeed, a legitimate daughter approved by the Holy See or a bastard declared by the country of England].
His messenger from Spain has arrived, but there seems no great rejoicing thereat. Certainly the Emperor's ambassadors are here every day at the Council. The King also said that he was informed of the Emperor's intention, whatever the Pope and his legates pretend, not to meet Francis at Nice until the Pope assures him that, seeing the youth of M. d'Orleans and the king of Hungary's daughter, Francis will leave him Milan for at least three years, which is reasonable, as he is feudal lord of it; moreover, that the Pope will persuade Francis to restore what he has conquered from Savoy, so Francis would neither get Milan nor the lands of Savoy. He prayed Castillon to inform Francis of this, not as coming from him, but as a thing he knew on good authority.
French extract.
*** A modern transcript, omitting the parts in cipher, is in R.O..
29 March. 624. Bp. Roland Lee to Cromwell.
R. O. Where of late your Lordship wrote me, by Mr. Pakyngton, touching the Morgans, and I made answer; eftsoons I hare received your letters of the same effect by Mr. Russell. To make sure that my former letters reached your Lordship, 1 enclose a copy of them. Where also of late your Lordship wrote by Mr. Justice Porte for this Council to examine the affray between Chomley and Manweryng, of Cheshire; as Chomley would not find sureties to keep the peace, according to the order of this Council (copy enclosed), we committed him to Wigmore Castle, where he has remained since Christmas, until at this time he has found sureties (copy of the obligation enclosed), and is enlarged. Now my lord Chancellor has written his letters to me (copy enclosed) to send up the said Chomley, or take sufficient sureties for him to appear before the King's Council in the Star Chamber at Westminster, "quinzen of Pasche," which shall be done. But, as this Council intend to be in Cheshire, at the Holte and at Chester, from Easter till Midsummer, the matter should be redressed there "to the example of other." Your Lordship shall know further by my bill of instructions enclosed. Shrewisbury, 29 March. Signed.
P. 1
R. O. 2. Copy of his letter of 16 March, omitting the last sentence and the date.
Pp. 2. Headed: The copy of my former letters.
R.O. 3. Instructions to the lord Privy Seal from the lord President of the King's Council in the marches of Wales.
Encloses the examination of Edward ap David ap Rice, of Mollesdale. The words were spoken in the afternoon lor he "cannot well at that time of the day away with ale by reason of a great wound upon his head." This shows what ruffling the earl of Derby makes with his tenants in that lordship.
Item. One—— (fn. n9) Madstone was foreman of the inquest that acquitted the Morgans and reviled Mr. Holte, one of the Council, then sitting on the bench of assizes, when he spoke to them for their unjust verdict and acquittal.
Item. Sends copy of the order for Chomley and of his obligation to keep the peace against Randulph Manweryng. This Council will further examine the matter.
Item. Sends Thomas Haverd's letter concerning Guy Dobbyns, who, if he is not reformed, will make evil example to others.
Item. His Lordship to move the King for 6 fother of lead, from the late abbey of Basingwerk, towards repairing the castle of Holte, during our abode there.
Item. The rymer that railed against his Lordship whom Jankyn Lloyd took, is dead, and he that let him to liberty in ward at Shrewsbury. Signed: Roland Co. et Lich.
P. 1. Add.: Lord Cromwell, lord Privy Seal.
ii. Information by John ap Rees alias John ap Jenkyn, clerk of Oxford, deposed before the King's Commissioners.
On Friday last, 16 March, (fn. n10) in the house of Ellice ap Gruffith ap Jenkyn, at Molesdale, in company with Hoell ap John, David ap Ethell, and John Benet, of Flintshire, John ap Robert, and Robert ap Rees, he heard Edward ap David ap Rees, beadle of Molesdale, say in Welsh "I am heir of all the land in Wales and I ought to rule it and I will rule it, &c."
On Monday last, 11 March, the said defendant and five others, armed, went o 12 houses in the said lordship, and caused the inhabitants to come out, nade crosses on the doors and charged them not to enter again.
Copy, p. 1.
iii. Examination of John ap Robert, aged 16, upon the preceding information. Salop, 23 March 29 Henry VIII.
Saith that, 16 March, he was in the house of the former deponent Robert (sic) ap Rees, in compmy of Gruffith ap Ellice, of Molesdale, Hoell ap [John] (fn. n11) of Tedgey ngell, and John Benet, of Flintshire, when he heard Edward ap David ap Rees, "being then somewhat aly," say me ve see hayre of Molesdale a holthe Comery, i.e., I am heir of Molesdale and of all Wales.
Copy, p. l.
iv. Depositions taken at Shrewsbury, 28 March 29 Henry VIII.
Gruffith Ellice, clerk, of MolesdaJe. Knows nothing of the first article. To the 2d says that, on the day and time mentioned, Edward ap David ap Rees, ringilt of Molesdale, Rees ap Jevan, escheator there, David Lloide, mayor there, Jevan Lloide, under bailiff, Alex. Parker, and John Ellice, were drinking in the house of Nic. ap Howell of theMoulde, and sent for this deponent to come and drink with them, when Rees ap Jevan, the escheator, said he had command from the earl of Derby, lord of Moulesdale, to "seisin" the houses of John ap
Robert, Ll'n ap Rees, Robert ap Howell ap Ellice, David ap Meredith, Ric. ap Tona, and others, to the use of the said Earl; and assembled the company to accomplish the same. Rees ap Jevan, the escheator, also reported how he went with the 5 others and made seisin of the houses in the accustomed manner, without turning out the tenants.
Hoell ap John and John ap Penet, of Flintshire, heard Edw. ap D'd ap Rees say to the said informer, in Welsh, "I am head here."
Copy, pp. 2. Endd.: Instructions from the lord President. Information by John Apryse to the King's Commissioners.
v. Copies of the order and obligation for Chomley and Manweryng.
(1.) Ric. Chomley, of Chomley, Cheshire, esq., Sir Ric. Brereton, of Harneyge Grange, Salop, Philip Eggerton de Eggerton, Cheshire, esq., and John Conwaye, of Rudlande, Flintshire, esq., are bound in 1,000/. as sureties for the said Ric. Chomley to keep the peace against Rondolph Maynweryng, son of Rondulf Maynweryng of Caryngham, Cheshire.
P. 1.
29 March. 625. Sir Richard Ryche to Cromwell.
Harl. MS. 604, f. 73.
B. M.
Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries182.
Thanks him for expedition of his matter of Syon. Intends, before his return, to suppress Bynham, which pretends to be a cell of St. Albans; but has fines levied and leases made, not naming the abbot of St. Albans. Also intends to suppress Beeston, "which pretend themselves to be friars," but are canons and so apparelled and known. They consume the goods and chattels. He and others have sent a general letter of their proceedings. Wood Rysing, 29 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
30 March. 626. William Butte.
R. O. Copy of a grant of the manor of Thornham in Norfolk to Wm. Butte and Margaret his wife. From the Originalia Roll, 29 Hen. VIII., Rot. 147 Westm., 30 March. [See Grants in March, No. 69.]
31 March. 627. Prisoners in the Tower.
R. O A list of prisoners [in the Tower?] with dates (qu. of committal?) opposite each name except the first, viz.:—
Wm. Delapoole, Ralph Bullmere, 20 June 29 Hen. VIII.; Sir Thomas Dingley, 18 Sept.; William Hollande, 8 Oct.; John Heron, 22 Oct.; Margaret Terrell, 5 Dec.; George Ardren, 20 Dec.; John Hebbardyn, 22 Dec; William Burton, priest, 24 Dec.; John Weston, 12 March; William Button, 22 March; Thomas Wyndam, 31 March: ail in 29 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2. Endd.: Names of certain prisoners.
31 March. 628. The Council to Gardiner.
Add. MS. 25,114, f. 288.
B. M.
On Thursday last the French ambassador, after earnest suit, obtained a secret audience with King, and after discoursing about his desire for universal peace, made of himself this overture, that, as the union of the King, the Emperor and the French king would be the only sure means to effect this, he thought the best way would be for the King to agree to a marriage between the duke of Orleans, who shall have Milan, and the princess Mary. This overture is touched in one of Gardiner's letters to toe King. The King replied, that he could not listen to the matter, unless it should be set forth by one who had sufficient authority, or by the French king himself to his ambassador; that if Francis intended him to listen to it he must do two things: first, abstain from the meeting appointed between him, the Emperor and the bp. of Rome, and second, commission his ambassadors to put their overtures and demands in writing. The ambassador first treated these conditions as reasonable, but afterwards doubted if the French king could abstain from the meeting without offending the Emperor. The ambassador was also asked whether the French king would observe the promises in his letters touching peace and the Council, to qualify which the bp. of Tarbes was sent to England, who, to all appearance, finding no pretext on which he might ground his purpose, said in manner nothing about it. The ambassador replied that his master would rather exceed his promises rather than fall short of them. Gardiner is to demand of Francis whether he will fulfil those promises and advise him to do so, as means of procuring other things. Is to hear his answer without speaking of the new overture, unless the French king himself do so, in which case he may say that the King refused to listen to it, except as above specified; that the King has great offers made to him on the other side which he will have to forego if he listen to this, and that Francis' going to or abstaining from the meeting will, in Gardiner's opinion, quite determine the matter. Westminster, 31 March 29 Hen. VIII. Signed: T. Cantuar.,—Thos. Audeley, k., Chancellor,—Charles Suffolk,—Thomas Crumwell.—E. Hertford,—Robt. Sussex,—W. Southampton,—Edward Hereforde,—Ric. Cicestr,—William Poulet,—J. Russell.
Pp. 4. Add.: My lord of Winchester, the King's ambassador in France. Endd.
31 March. 629. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 34. [London], 31 March:—The King has begged Castillon to communicate to the Council the suggestions he made to him yesterday. (fn. n12) The Council were very much astonished that he made this overture, and begged him to tell them who moved him to put forward this marriage, which formerly Francis had refused to listen to. Replied he could not think by what honourable means his master could recover Milan, which would end the war, and that, knowing the good will of Francis I., he knew no better way to establish, between Francis, the Emperor and Henry, that peace and amity which, for his love to Henry, be desired as if he were an Englishman born. Finally they said if he accomplished this he would do no small thing. Knows the thing pleases them vastly, and if they hear that Francis approves it they will make such instance to the Emperor that if he does not accord the said marriage with the duchy of Milan "ce ne sera pas pour estre amys ensemble." This affair upsets many designs here. They beg to know as soon as possible if Francis approves of the overture and they will then consult upon it.
As to the point in his letter of the 29th, (fn. n13) that Francis need not go to this assembly, Castillon said that if this marriage was to be considered it would not do to displease the Emperor; and whoever moved the King otherwise could not wish the matter to succeed. They promised to speak to the King. Now the lord Privy Seal has said to Castillon that it would be best if Francis were not at this assembly, and sent a packet to be fowarded to Winchester which probably contains the plot of this proposal. Thinks Francis should say a word to Winchester so that Henry may know that Castillon made the overture to Francis as he did to Henry.
French extract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
31 March. 630. Castillon to Montmorency.
Kaulek, 35. [London], 31 March:—Has nothing to add to his letter to the King. A bruit runs that the king of England will after Easter go [to Calais] (fn. n14) to see the duchess of Milan.
French abstract.
***.A modern transcript is in R. O
31 March. 631. Castillon to Francis I.
Kaulek, 35. Since his letter this morning the King has sent for him and they have had a long conversation "in a private gallery," as the English say. Castillor learned his good will better than before. Instead of saying that when he knew Francis' intention he would consider what to do, be now promises a satisfactory reply, and says he knows the Emperor will not surrender Milan at once, but he will make such instance for it that Francis shall know he has done his best in the matter. After desiring to know as soon as possible if Francis intends this overture, he again repeated his wish that Francis should not meet the Emperor. Replied as before. Got to this point that if the Duchy is recovered by this marriage he would have the Dauphin give up his right therein to his brother.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
31 March. 632. Castillon to Montmorency.
London, 31 March:—Asks how to conclude the affair detailed in his letter to the King.
French abstract.
*** A modern transcript is in R. O.
31 March. 633. Anthony Rous to Cromwell.
R. O. According to Cromwell's letters, dated 27th inst., sends up Dr. Croucaer, (fn. n15) parson of Denyngton, who preached that the priest is bound to conceal treason revealed to him in confessions. At his departing he affirmed that all the clergy would agree with him who have not utterly in contempt the cure of man's soul. Thanks Cromwell for his kindness shown to his brother at his late departing towards Venes. Denyngton, 31 March 1538.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
31 March. 634. W. Barlow, bp. of St. David's, to Cromwell.
Cleop. E. iv. 117. B.M.
Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 183.
Thanks for his goodness in getting his debts to the King respited, as shown by his Lordship's letter and Dr. Barnes' report. Had corrected the abuse of the taper of Haverford West before receiving his letters. But has since chanced on another more shameful, called Our Lady's taper of Cardigan, which he sends with instructions. On St. David's Day the people wilfully solemnised the feast and set forth relics in defiance of his admonition and the King's injunctions. They consist of two heads of silver plate enclosing two rotten skulls and a worm-eaten book covered with silver plate. The bearer, a minister of the same church, can report the negligence of the canons and the "ungodly disguised sermon preached in the cathedral on Innocents' Day to 300 or 400 persons. He has part of the sermon in writing to show. Urges the transference of the See from St. David's to Kermerddyn. It will tend to abolish superstition and annoy none but four or five. Is the more urgent owing to the over sumptuous expenses the canons have "interprysed" in rebuilding their cathedral, which ere it be finished will consume the small residue of the Church treasure in their custody, only "to norysh clatteringe conventycles of barbarous rurall persons, the deformed habitacions of the pore collegyans in soch beggarly ruyne, and so wrechedly decayed that honestye will abhorre to beholde them." To correct this, wishes a grant of the Grey Friars' place at Kermerddyn, where the King's grandfather (fn. n16) is buried, where both the poor collegians and the canons can be accommodated and do much more good than in a "desolate corner" at St. David's. Can provide for every one of the friars competent to minister. Could settle his consistory at Kermerddyn, the most frequented place in the middle of the diocese, maintain a free grammar school and a daily lecture of Holy Scripture which would civilise the Welsh rudeness. Kermerddyn, 31 March. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.
Ib. f. 118. Wright, 186 2. "The examination of Thomas Hore, prior of Cardigan, donative of the late monastery of Chersey, concerning the preterised taper of our Lady there."
Has been prior five years. (fn. n17) Never saw the taper within, but the nether end appeared to be wood. Esteemed it a holy relic until he saw it opened. The image in Cardigan church, now used for a great pilgrimage, was found "standing upon the river of Tyve, being an arm of the sea, and her son upon her lap, and the same taper burning in her hand." It was carried thence to Christ's church in Cardigan, but would not tarry there, and was found three or four times in the place where the church of our Lady now is. The taper continued burning nine years until "one foresware himself thereon and then it extincted and never burned after." It was then enclosed and so worshipped and kissed and used to swear by in difficult matters that the profits amounted to a great sum, 20 nobles of which went as pension to the abbot of Chertsey.
ii. Examination of Sir Morgan Meredeth, vicar of Our Lady Church.
Has been vicar 21 years. Prior John Frodsham put the tree beneaih because the people carried the wax of the taper away.
iii. Injunctions given to the prier and vicar, 16 March, by Royal authority.
To preach alternately and declare the Gospel or Epistle in the mother tongue, and explain to the people the abomiaable idolatry and deceitful juggling of their predecessors in worshipping and causing to be worshipped a piece of old rotten timber. They shall so preach every Sunday and holy day between this and Dominica in Albis, and shall take the clothes, figured wax, &c, and convert them to the use of the poor.
31 March. 635. Sir Cuthjbert Ratcliff to the Earl of Westmoreland.
Calig. B. III. 231. B. M By commandment of the president of the council of the North, his cousin Sir Ph. Dacres, himself, and others appointed for redress at Tynedale, have met at Hexham. According to command, they had filed the bills, as the spoilers would not come in and disprove them. They had been delivered to Gilbert and Sir Reynold Carnaby. Part he keeps himself. Dylston, 31 March. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Tunstall: The letter of Sir Cuthbert Ratclitf, and the answer of Tindalmen in it. Endd. also by Wriothesley: Cuthbart Rackliffe to my lord of Duresrne (this name struck out).
31 March. 636. Calais.
R. O. Licence, by the deputy o† Calais, addressed to the parson or parish priest of Sentercase, for Simon Semes, labourer, who has paid his fine for denizenship, to marry Marryon, maiden servant, born in the county of Guisnes. Calais, 31 March 29 Hen. VIII. Signed by lord Lisle.
P. 1.
31 March. 637. Lord Butler to Henry VIII.
R O.
St. P. II. 568.
The Commissioners consulted with his father and him and others of the Privy Council here for the common weal. Nothing; is more necessary than to preach the word of God and expose the abuses of the papistical and Pharisaical; and this the a bp. of Dublin has "by many predications very fruitful now of late dilated more than ever I heard in this your Grace's land." Dublin, 3t March. Signed.
Add. Endd.
March. 638. [Cromwell to the Abbot or Prior of.——]
R. O. My friend Dr. Boner is willing to transfer, for my sake, an annuity of 40s. which he has of you, to Thomas Sherle, late in his and now in my service. Begs him to confirm it under the convent seal. St. James' beside Westminster, —— (blank) March.
Draft in Bonner's hand, p. 1, on the back of a letter addressed to John Yong, Master of the Molls, which address is obliterated. Begins: My lord. Endd.
March. 639. Richard bp. of Chichester to Cromwell.
R.O. "I have even now, my good lord, received these letters enclosed, from Bye, and, as your Lordship may perceive, like unwise persons they have sent the parties to me." I have charged the bringers of these persons to present them to your Lordship.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lord Privy Seal. Endd.: "Marc."
[March?] 640. The Duchess of Milan and the Princess Mary.
Vitellius B. xxi., 220. B. M [Instructions for English Commissioners.] (fn. n18)
First, if the D[uchess]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rights in Mi[lan]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . what the same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .certainty of it. Th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the thirds.
"Then must it be known what . . . . . . . . . . . in either case for the yearly payem[ents] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .requiring that it may be assigned over f. . . . . . . . . . payment into the Low Parties.
"And likewise what order shall be taken for the . . . . . . . . .of the 100,000 cr. which in either case she mua[t] . . . . . . . have paid for a part of her dote in marriage alr[eady] granted for Milan, which by that pact is h . . . . . . . . . . .and not given with her."
It must be further pacted that the Emperor may receive the pension of dowry there, and the King and she to have assignment, on bond, with good assurance of land and obligation of towns and signories in Flanders, Brabant, and Zealand.
"Second.—Where they speak now of her partage, the certainty thereof must be demanded. The saying of Cov[os and] Grandvela, who promised absolutely whole de. . . . . . . . . must be laid earnestly to them," and show the variations between their sayings here and the sayings of the Emperor and his councillors have displeased his Majesty. They should be pressed to procure the Emperor to cause Frederick to reno[unce a]ll his title to the King, [and] . . . . . . . . . his Majesty in the recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aid to be set forth in certainty . . . . . . . . . . appear that there shall be no gratuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . des here on the Emperor's part, which seem . . . . . . . .al."
If they deny or qualify this, as they did the last day, it must be demanded, how her part of her patrimony must be levied, and the certainty thereof, as is before touched; whether the Emperor will cause Fryderich to resign his interest by a day prefixed for a recompense; what the recompense should be: to drive them, if possible, to take it from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, or Holtz, as the King thinks best; what aid Fryderich would give to the recovery of Denmark in consideration of the recompense; and what aid the Emperor would give.
"Third, concerning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . things meet for . . . . . . . . . charge.
"Fourth, to set forth how much it dis[pleaseth the King's Majesty] to see them in the offer for the [marriage of the lady Mary] seem to have so little estimation of her [as to make for her an] offer so exile, that with one quarter of the . . . . . . . . . . . . . for her dote, his Majesty could marry her [and give her a] better living within his own realm. For [it hath been the] custom in such cases to give jointure of the . . . . . . . . . of the money given in dote. It appeareth [therefore] a mock to offer but the 20th part, seeing the [money] would purchase so much as the same should amount [unto.]"
As it is reported in Rome that the Emperor has determined to give the duchy of Milan to Don Lewys, on his marrying the lady Mary, an overture may be set forth whether he will be bound to do so.
Whereas it was alleged the last day that them[peror] reserved a portion for the investiture, it may be answered that though he should so do, "y[et] . . . . appointing endowment to the lady Mary after th[e] proportion of the rest, his Majesty, upon knowledge [of] the certainty of that rest, woll augment the sum [of] money for her dote after the rate of the 4th pa[rt] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . example of the dower appointed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .French queen, his Grace's sister . . . . . . . . . . . follow that rate and proportion . . . . . . . . . . . giving of the dote."
If the Emperor shall refuse to invest him in Milan, then it shall be asked whether he will be bound to give an inheritance to Don Lewis and my lady Mary of as much as the King lately gave to the duke of Richmond, his only bastard son, and as much to be appointed for her dower as should be thought convenient. In that case the King will give proportional dote.
If the French king should allege that the treaty of perpetual peace is broken or withdraw his pension from the King, that then the Emperor shall bind himself to help the King to recover it.
The Council would fain know what treaties should be confirmed and what new articles added, "and further upon that to declare unto them both their minds and what were meet for the King's Majesty to demand."
"Item, if they ob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to be answered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for two years at the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . shall release him in the . . . . . . . . . . .
"Item, for the contrahent.
"Item, whether in case both marriages cannot be agre[ed without] difficulty of the conditions of either, they ca[n be content to] go through with the King's Highness' marriage which [is in] most towardness, and leave the other till a further consu[tation] with the Emperor."
Item, whether they will send for more ample commission during this conference, as they have not sufficient power to treat of any matter between the King and Duchess, or else the King to stand at liberty until the Emperor's confirmation come.
Item, whether, if they will not come off roundly and plainly somewhat to the purpose, we shall break from them and leave them in hope, or put them in some fear of our shrinking from all together.
Pp. 5. Mutilated.
R. O. 641. Ireland.
"Remembrances for Mr. Wriothesley for the matters of Ireland for the despatch of the Commissioners."
1. That they have a commission comprehending the effect of the Deputy's letters patent with full authority to order the army, parley with Irishmen, and grant lands to them, especially to Ochonour, his brother Cahir, McGilpatric, and Omore. 2. At their first coming, to consult with the Deputy for his departure, and take over custody of the Irish hostages he shall have. 3. As one of the greatest qualities of a governor of Ireland is activity and experience in war, a chieftain must be appointed to defend the country during the Deputy's absence. 4. After the Deputy's departure, Stephen Aparrie and other lewd fellows of the Deputy's retinue should be discharged. 5. A secret council to be appointed, and all those of the Geraldine sept excluded. 6. A new chancellor to be appointed who shall be neither Geraldine nor of Irish birth. 7. The bp. of Meath, now that the baron of Delven is dead, had better remain to lead the shire of Meath; for he is in good credit with the borderers and, as to being a papist, he used himself otherwise at the Parliament. 8. The wages of the soldiers being insufficient, they oppress the people. The King keeping only 300 men in garrison, should raise their wages, i.e., horsemen from 8/. to 10/. yearly, and foot from 4l. to 5l. 6s. 8d., Irish money. To meet this the Commissioners to be authorised to suppress abbeys to the yearly value of 2,000 mks. 9. Also to suppress abbeys in Kilkenny, Tipperary, Wexford and Waterford, and assign the revenues to the administration of justice there. 10. The prior of Kilmainham is an old impotent man, and has done good service. He should be licensed to depart thence and permitted to enjoy his commandry in England with a convenient pension out of Ireland; and the King immediately to enter into his priory there. 11. A parliament must be held to confirm the last parliament and the suppression of the abbeys. 12. The Commissioners to be authorised to make leases of the King's lands for years or for life. 13. Sir John Style's account to be sent into Ireland and process made upon it for arrears of the King's debts. 14. As the treasurer has no money to disburse and the army remains unpaid, 1,000l. should be sent from hence to be used partly in prest to the soldiers and partly as emergencies arise. 15. The great hall of Dublin Castle to be repaired or the justices will be compelled to sit upon hills, like Irishmen, and the majesty of the law suffer. 16. Artillery (bows, arrows, &c.) to be sent with speed. 17. The King to appoint commissioners to exercise ecclesiastical jurisdiction and grant dispensations, so that the country shall not need to run to Rome.
"Finally, what order shall be taken with James of Desmond upon his submission?"
Pp. 3. Endd. by Wriothesley: "Certain instructions concerning the demeanour of certain persons in Ireland."
R. O. 642. Charles, duke of Suffolk, to Cromwell.
I beg you to "be a mean" to the King that I may have the leads of Barlenges and Cressted (Kirkstead): this is in the bill I put to the King at first for the exchange, and I thought his Highness was content therewith. It was also in the bill that I should have the monasteries of Horesbe (?) and Butlay, and the King asked their value, and I said, in the books of tenths ("bokees of tenes") 500l. Now the King wants for them 280l. with 120l. "of a wanssemeynt mor dyn was in the bukes of the tenes"; so that I shall have but 400l. and must pay in pensions yearly for term of lives 430l. Since the first bill the King's pleasure is to have my house of Henam (?) which cost me 2,000l., so that I am left without a house, and trust the King will relieve me with somewhat to build one. The King was informed that the leads of Barlenges and Cressted were worth 4,000l., but Mr. Pollard will certify there is but 400 fodder which is not above 1,600l. J trust the King will consider that he shall have by this exchange two houses which cost me 14,000l., and eight parks with the timber.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Lord Privy Seal. Endd
Original Letters (Parker Soc.), 605 643. John Finch to Conrad Humpard.
When he expressed his intention of returning to his own country, Humpard desired that he would inform him somehow of the state of their affairs, both here and in England, so far as they can be learned from the merchants and booksellers. Is told by a German merchant that all the images that used to work miracles in England by the artifices of the monks, friars, fisheaters, &c., were conveyed on horseback to London by command of the bps.; that a sermon was preached at St. Paul's and an image called the Rood of Grace in Kent first exhibited, and after the imposture (described) had been exposed, was broken to pieces. Then bp. Latimer in the western part [of St. Paul's] (fn. n19) carried a small image in his hand, which the country people had said eight oxen could not move, and flung it out of the church. Salutations to Bucer, Capito, Sturmius, and Bedrot, &c.
Original Letters (Parker Soc.), 604. 644. William Peterson to Conrad Pulbert.
The images which used to work miracles in England are now broken to pieces, one (fn. n20) especially which used to move its mouth and eyes, weep, nod, &c.
Please forward letters either by the merchant or by John Butler, who is studying literature in the house of Master Sapidus. Salute Bucer and Capito for me.
R. O. 645. The German Protestants.
"Confederati et Protestantes, Rex, principes et status Imperii in causa religionis":—King of Denmark. Elector of Saxony, John Ernest and Henry dukes of Saxony, Hen. Duke of Mecklenburg, George and John marquises of Brandenburg, Ernest, Philip and Francis [dukes] of Brunswick and Luneburg. (fn. n21) The landgrave of Hesse. The duke of Wirtemburg. Berninus and Philip dukes of Pomerania. Wolfgung, John, George, and Joachim, princess of Anhalt. William count of Nassau. Gebhard and Albert, counts of Mansfelt. John Henry count of Schwartzburgk, Henry count of Schuartzburgk, Conrad count of Deckelburgk, Jodocus and Eric counts of Hoy, &c.
Cities :—Argentina (Strasburg), Augusta (Augsburg), Ulma, Frankfordia, Constancia, Nurimburg, Hallis Suevorum (Halle in Suabia), Weissenpurgia (Weissembourg), Eslingia, Reutlingia, Memmingia, Kempta, Linda, Biberachium, Isnia, Magdeburga, Brema, Braunschuigia (Brunswick), Goslaria, Hanubria, Gottingia, Einbecka, Hamburga, Lubecka, Minda, Soist, &c.
In Mont's hand, pp. 3. Endd.
R. O. "The States of Germany which were at Brunswick assembled."
John Frederick duke of Saxony, Ernest and Francis dukes of Brunswick and Lunenburg. Philip landgrave of Hesse. Philip duke of Brunswick. Albert and Gebhard counts of Mansfeld. William count of Nassau and Catzenelenbogen. William count of Nassau and Sarbrucken. Heinrich count of Schwarzburgk and Neustadt. Wolfgang, George "Dumbprobst," (fn. n22) Joachim and Hans, princes of Anhalt. Duke Ulrich of Wurtemburg. Dukes of Pomerania.
Stedte Oberlendisch :—Augsburg, Strasburg, Ulm, Frankfurt, Costance, Reutlingen, Memmingen, Kempten, BibrachT Linden, Essling, Isin.
Saxon towns :—Magdeburg, Bremen, Brunswick, Gosslar, Hamburg, Eimbeck, Hanover, Gottingen, Minden.
Kings of Denmark and Sweden, marquis Albert duke of Prussia, marquis George of Brandenburg, count Conrad of Teckeleburg, count Hans Henry of Schwarzburg, marquis Hans of Brandenburg. Nuremburg, Weyssenburg on the Neckar, Heilbron, Soest, &c.
Gwman, pp. 3. Endd. as above.
Grants in March, 1538.
1. Geo. Garrarde, of London, yeoman. Pardon, for having, in Bishopesgate Strete, in the parish of St. Helen, ward of Bishopesgate, London, killed Thos. Ax of London, " syngyngman " in self defence, as appears by an inquisition taken in the above parish before John Wylford, the coroner, and Rob. Pachett and Will.Bowyer, sheriffs of London. Westm., 1 March. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25.
2. Hen. Holbech, prior of the cathedral church of Worcester, S. T. P. Appointment as bishop of Bristol, suffragan of the see of Worcester; the said Henry being one of two presented to the King by Hugh, bp. of Worcester, according to the statute 26 Hen. VIII. Westm. Palace, 22 March 29 Hen. VIII. (sic). Del. Westm., 2 March. — P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 31. Rym. XIV., 586.
*** In the P.S. the words "et Radulphum Bradford" follow the the name of Holbeche and have been cancelled. Most probably, therefore, Bradford was the other nominee of the Bishop.
3. John Gostwyke and Joan his wife. Grant in fee (for 471l. Ms, 4a.) of the reversion of the lands in the following leases, with the rents reserved thereon, viz.:—
(1.) By Augustine, formerly abbot, and the convent of the dissolved monastery of Warden, Beds., 20 Aug. 17 Hen. VIII., to Will More, of Ravensden, Beds., yeoman, of the manor or grange in Ravensden and meadows called Gedsey mede in Rouhall, Beds.; and Kyngys mede near the river side in Bydenham-erga-Bromeham, Beds.; 20 acres of arable land in Thurlye; a meadow called Tholmes iu Thurlye; and two acres of arable land in Wylden, Beds.: with tithes, &c.; with reservation of the rent of one messuage and two acres of laud called Castellmyllelande, a grove called Shepecote Grove, and lands called Tulwyke; for 40 years from Mich. A.D. 1527, at 13l. 10s. rent.
(2.) By the same, 14 Sept. 14 Hen. VIII., to Rob. Bulkeley, of the lands called Tulwyke, in the parish of Ravensden, late in the tenure of Will. Harte; with reservation of warrens; for 80 years from Mich. A.D. 1527; rent. 28s. 4d. and three capons or 9d.
(3.) By the same, 6 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII., to Stephen Lawpache, of Castell milles, Beds., of a house and three water-mills under one roof in the parish of Goldyngton, Beds., and a little meadow called "le Mylne close" on the north; land called "le Castell close" on the west; seven acres of land abutting on the highway there on the north, and upon the "Castell close" on the south; a meadow called Midsomer mede, in the parish of Couple, Beds., on the east side of the said house; and two "lez holmez," with willows and osiers growing therein, in Goldyngton, on the south side of said house; for 31 years at 10l. rent.
Also grant of the seven acres called Castell-mylle-lande, now in the tenure of John Pyke, in Rouhall, belonging to the said late monastery; the grove of wood called Shepecote Grove, in Ravensden, belonging to the said late monastery; the close of pasture called Patnames Close, late in the tenure of the prior of Newenham, in Ravensden; and the common of sheep belonging to said late monastery in Beeston Lesue, in the parish of Norrell, Beds.
Annual value of 26l. 4s. 5d., rent, 52s. 6d. Del. Westm., 2 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 21.
4. Commission of sewers.
Hants: John, bp. of Bangor, Thor., abbot of Bewely, Will, prior of St. Swithin's, Sir Peter Philpott, Sir John Kaileway, Ric. Poulett, John Norton, Thos. Wellys, John Wyntershull, Will. Waite of Wymeryng, Edw. More, clk., warden of the "New College nygh Wynchester," Walter Chandeler, and Thos. Dabrigecourt; for the river running from a place in the soke and city of winchester, called Balkbrig, to the port, town, and haven of Southampton. Westm., 2 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 4, m 17d.
5. The monastery or cathedral church of Coventry. Assent to the election of Thos. Camswell, Benedictine monk, as prior, void by death. Hampton Court, 2 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Mar.—P.S. Pat.p. 3, m. 38.
ii. Petition for the above by the president and chapter, dated in the chapter house of the monastery, 28 Jan. 1537.
6. Geo. Baynham, esquire of the Royal Body. To be bailiff of the lordship of Lydney and keeper of the woods in Dean forest, parcel of the earldom of Warwick. On surrender of Pat. 20 Nov. 19 Hen. VII., granting the same during pleasure to John Conne, one of the yeomen of the Crown. Hampton Court, 1 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 March.—P.S. Pat. p. 4, m. 23.
7. Sir Ric.Riche, Chancellor of the Court of Augmentations, and Elizabeth his wife. Grant in fee of the reversion of the lands and rent reserved upon a lease by Thomas, the prior, and the convent of the suppressed monastery of St. Mary, Pritwell, Essex, 11 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII., to Will. Frende, of Magna Schobury, Essex, yeoman, of the manor of Magna Schobury and Mustull Grondage; for 30 years; at 40l. rent. Also grant of liberties in Schobury and the advowson of the parish church of Magna Schobury. Annual value, 40l., rent, 4l. 2d. Del. Westm., 5 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, in. 38.
8. Philip Lentall. To be anditor of the possessions, in England, Wales, Calais, Hamys (Hammes), Quysnes (Guysnes), or the marches thereof, belonging to the King by the forfeiture or attainder of Sir Thos. lord Darcy, Sir John lord Husey, John Passlowe, late abbot of Whalley, Lane, Adam Sedbar, late abbot of Jervaux, Yorks., Will. Wodde, late prior of Byrlyngton, Yorks., Matthew Makerell, late abbot of Barlyngs, Linc., Ric. Haryson, late abbot of Kyrkested, Linc., Sir Rob. Constable, Sir John Bulmer, Sir Francis Bygod, Sir Stephen Hamerton, Sir Thos. Percy, Geo. Lumley, Thos. Moigne, John Wywell, Geo. Huddeswell, and Rob. Aske; with fees of 20l. a year, and the same diets, expenses, liveries, &c, as the anditor of the duchy of Lancaster in the Southern parts enjoys. Del. Westm., 7 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 32.
9. Thos. Nevill, of Holt-super-Montem, Leic. Grant in fee (for 372l. 5s. 10d.) of the house, ground, site, &c., of the suppressed priory of Bradley, Leic.; the church, &c. thereof and 120 acres of pasture in Bradley and Bleyston, Leic., in certain closes (named and described), in Blayston and Bradeley, and a windmill in Eston juxta Welland, Leic.; and all possessions of the said priory in Bradley, Bleyston, Holte, Halyok, Eston, Slawston, and Hallow ton, Leic., and with the same liberties as John. Overdell, the late prior, enjoyed therein. Annual value, 20l. 13s. 9½d.; rent, 41s. 8d. Westm. Palace, 6 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 Mar. —P.S. Pat. p.5, m. 32.
10. Rob. Bocher, one of the grooms of the Privy Chamber. Grant for life of the reversion of the lands and rent reserved upon a lease by John, late lord Husey, attainted, to one Jas. Carter, for a certain term of years at a rent of 16l. 13s. 4d., and 40 coneys: viz., a granary called Westhouses in Westgate, Grantham, Linc., with certain meadows, &c. enclosed in a field called Erlesfeld, and another enclosure called Jakson close, and the coneys therein. Westm. Palace, 17 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII. Del Westm., 7 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.
11. William, earl of Southampton, Great Admiral of England. Annuity of 200l. for life, out of the petty customs and the subsidy of tonnage and poundage in the port of London. Westm. Palace, 20 Feb. 29 Hon. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.
12. Ric. Williams, alias Crumwell. Grant in fee of the site of the suppressed priory of Hynchyngbroke, Hunts.; the church, steeple, churchyard, and house of the same; and all messuages, &c., of the same priory in Hynchyngbroke, Huntyngdon, and Brampton; and all possessions of the said priory in Hinchyngbroke, Huntyngdon, Stewkley Magna, Stukeley Parva, Turkyngton, Houghton, Elyngton, Auconbury, Paxton Magna, Paxton Parva, Haleweston, Waresley, alias Wiresley, and Bawynhoo, Hunts.; Eltesley, Botesham, and Boxworth, Camb.; Staplowe and Dewlow, Beds.; Hameldon Parva, Rutland; and Stoke Doyle and Okeley, Northt., as held by——(blank), the late prioress. Annual value, 19l., rent, 40s. Del Westm., 8 Mar. 29 Hen, VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 30.
13. William, lord Howard, and dame Margaret his wife. Grant in tail of the house and site of the suppressed priory of monks of St. Mary Magdalene, Barnestapoll, alias Barstaple, Devon; the church, steeple, and churchyard of the same; the manors of Barnestapoll, Pylton, Strechton, and Ingestowe, alias Instowe, Devon, belonging to the said late priory; the rectory, advowson, and vicarage of the parish church of Barnestapoll; two water-mills called Port Mylles, in Barnestapoll and Pylton; woods called Monkewood, in Marwode, and Yernewode, in Pylton; and all lands and tenements in Ingestowe belonging to the same late priory; annuities of 100s. from the vicarage of Barnestapoll, 100s. from the rectory of Georgeham alias Ham St. George's, 30s.from the rectory of All Saints, Fremyngton, and 40s. from the castle, lordship, or manor or borough of Barnestapoll, which used to be paid to the same priory; and all other possessions of the priory in Barnestapoll, Pylton, Bradford, Strechton, Wetherige, Delbrige, Fullyngcote, Nethercote, Instowe, Collecote, Marwode, Crede, Georgeham, alias Ham St. George's, West Austy, Wolley, Downe, Shyrewell, Heawnton Poncherdon, Est Hikenden, Berynarber, Chalocombe, Langtre, Kyntesbury, Keymelond, Stoke Ryvers, Potyngdon, and Fremyngton, Devon, or elsewhere, in as full manner as Rob. Thorne, the late prior, held the same.
Also the rectory, advowson, and vicarage of the parish church of Totenham, Midd., belonging to the late priory of Holy Trinity, London; and all messuages, houses, &c., of that priory in Totenham and Edelmeton, Midd., in as full manner as Nic. Hancok, the late prior, held the same. Annual value, 155l. 4s. 6d., rent, 21l. Del. Crystchurche, 9 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. P. 1, m. 30.
14. Ric. Bover, alias Bower alias Booer, of Bradford, Yorks., sherman. Pardon of all treasons, &c., committed before 10 June last. Westm., 9 March. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 2, m. 20.
15. Rob. Wyngfeld. To be auditor of the possessions in England, Wales, and the Marches thereof, late of Margaret, countess of Rychmond and Derby, the King's grandmother, now in the King's hands by the death of Henry, late duke of Richmond and Somerset; with the usual fees, in as full manner as Thos. Hobson and Geo. Quarles enjoyed the same. Hampton Court, 25 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Mar.— P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 33.
16. Sir John Alen, alderman of London. Mortmain licence to alienate the manor of Stoke-upon-Tyern, and the advowson of the church of Stoke-upon-Tyern, Salop, to Ric. Hyll, mercer, of London. Westm., 10 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 5, m. 42.
17. The Cistercian priory of St. Mary, Arthyngton, York dioc. Exemption from suppression. Eliz. Hall to be prioress. Del. Westm., 11 Mar, 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 30.
18. The Cistercian priory of St. Mary, Hampall, Yorks. Exemption from suppression. Isabella Arthyngton to be prioress. Del. Westm., 11 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 29.
19. The Augustinian abbey of St. Mary, Rossetur, Cov. and Lich. dioc. Exemption from suppression. Will. Grafton to be abbot. Del. Westm., 11 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 34.
20. Thos. Avery. To be master of the hunt of deer in Bussheley Park, Worc, and keeper or parker of the same, vice Walter Walsshe, dec.; with the usual fees, as enjoyed by the said Walter and Will. Tracy, and the herbage and pannage of the said park; also a cottage and half a virgate of land thereto adjoining in Bussheley called Strippeling Place, which the said William formerly held for life by grant of Henry VII. Del. Westm., 11 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.
21. John Hygforde, a sewer of the Chamber. Reversion of the offices of bailiff of the manor of Chellysmore, in the county of the city of Coventry, and keeper of the manor and park of Chellesmore, which were granted to John Dingley, a sewer of the Chamber, by Pat. 6 Feb. 15 Hen. VIII.; with fees of 2d. a day, and the herbage and pannage of the said park. Del. Westm., 11 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 39.
22. Will. Lawson. To be bailiff of the lordship or manor of Raskell, Yorks, and keeper and paler of Raskell Park, with the "owtewods" there, vice Edw. Huddeswell, deceased, with the usual fees, in same manner as the said Edward or Ric. Cholmeley held the said offices. Westm. Palace, 10 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del Westm., 11 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 35.
23. Thos. White, and Thos. Wriothesley, a clerk of the Signet. Grant, in survivorship, of the reversion of the offices of coroner and King's attorney in the King's Bench, granted to Will. Fermour by Pat. 1 June I Hen. VIII.; on surrender of Pat. 4 Jan. 27 Hen. VIII., granting the reversion to the said Thos. Wriothesley alone. Del. Westm., 11 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 37.
24. John Walker, clk. Grant of the perpetual chantry in the manor of Woodestok, vice Thos. Lye, clk., deceased ; with a salary of 10 marks a year, eight cart loads of fuel, and a lodging in the manor, as enjoyed by the said Thos. Lye or Thos. Phillippes or John de Monte Valore. Westm. Palace, 1 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Mar. —P.S. Pat p. 1, m. 28.
25. Hen. Mallett, clk. Presentation to the rectory of Methley, York dioc., void by death. Westm. Palace, 6 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 15.
26. Lancelot Harryson and Bob. Langdon, yeomen of the Guard. Grant, in survivorship, of a tenement with four acres of arable land and half an acre of underwood called "a kar. of wood" belonging to the said tenement, and the term of years yet unexpiredin a tenement called Kades, lying in the vill and fields of Olde Walsingham, Norf., now in the King's hands by the attainder of one Ralph Rogerson; the said tenement not exceeding the annual value of 20s. Westm. Palace, 1 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Mar.—P.S. Pat p. 5, m. 35.
27. Commission of the peace.
Northumberland: Sir Thos. Audeley, Chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Thos. lord Crumwell, Ralph earl of Westmoreland, Hen. earl of Cumberland, Will, earl of Southampton, Sir Rob. lord Ogle, Chr. Jenney, King's serjeant-atlaw, John Hynde, King's serjeant-at-law, Th. prior of Durham cathedral, Sir Thos. Clyfford, Sir Thos. Tempest, Sir Will Evers, Sir John Wytheryngton, Sir Cuthbert Ratclyff, Sir Will. Hylton, Sir Will. Heron, Sir Thos. Wharton, Sir Reginald Carnabye, Sir Th. Hylton, Sir Rob. Elerkar, Sir Ralph Fenwyke, Sir Will. Ogle, Sir John Fenwyke, Roger Lasseles, John Norton, Rob. Bowes, Rob. Colyngwood, Lionel Grey, Cuthbert Ogle, clk., John Swymbourn, Chr. Mitford, Rob. Mennell, Rob. Claveryng, Hob. Horseley, Cuthb. Horseley, Thos. Stranguys, John Bedenell, and John Bentley. Westm., 11 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 4 m. 4d.
28. John Jenvns. To be one of the foresters in Galtres forest, Yorks., vice Ant. Fenton, dec, with 4d. a day and all profits, as enjoyed by the said Fenton or by Sir Thos. Curwen. Del Westm., 12 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 33."
29. Commission of Gaol Delivery.
[Newgate Gaol?] to be delivered at the Guildhall, London. Sir Ric. Gresham, mayor, Sir John Aleyn, Sir Roger Cholmeley, recorder, Sir Ralph Waren, Sir John Champneys, Sir John Daunce, Sir Edm. Walsyngham, Chr. Jenney, King's serjeant-at-law, John Hynde, King's serjeant-at-law, and Rob. Chydley. Westm., 12 Mar. Pat 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 19d.
30. Commissions of the Peace.
Cambridgeshire: Sir Thos. Audeley, Chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Th. lord Crumwell, John earl of Oxford, Will, earl of Southampton, T. bp. of Ely, Sir John Baldwyn, Sir Ric. Lyster, Sir Michael Fyssher, Sir Giles Alyngton, John Hynde, King's serjeant-atlaw, Ric. Crumwell, Philip Parys, John More, Edw. North, John Goodryke, Hen. Goodryke, Th. Checheley, Will. Everarde, Th. Hutton, Rob. Tylney, Th. Rudston, Thos. Castell, Thos. Dunnoll, and Chr. Burgoyn. 12 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 5d.
31. Liberty of Fourneys, Lanc.: Sir Th. Audeley, Chancellor, Thos. lord Crumwell, Ric. Crumwell, Sir John Lamplewe, Sir Marmaduke Tunstall, Sir James Leybourne, John Twaytes, Ric. Kyrkeby, Hugh Flemyng, Thos. Carus, and Will. Sandes. Westm., 12 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 5a.
32. Hunts.: Sir Thos. Audeley, Chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Th. lord Crumwell, Will, earl of Southampton, J. bp. of Lincoln, T. bp. of Ely, John lord Mordaunt, Sir John Baldewyn, Sir Ric. Lyster, Sir Walter Luke, Sir John Russell, sen., Sir Will. Husey, Sir John Seynt John, Sir Will. Gascoign, Sir Laurence Taylerd, Sir Rob. Kyrkham, John Hynde, King's serjeant-at-law, Edw. Mountague, King's serjeant at-law, Ric. Crumwell, John Gostwike, John Gooderike, Hen. Gooderike, Rob. Tyrwhitt, Thos. Hall, Rob. Aprice, Oliver Leder, Thos. Wawton, Thos. Downolde, and John. Sewster. 12 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 5d.
33. Sussex: Thos. abp. of Canterbury, Sir Thos. Audeley, Chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles, duke of Suffolk, Th. lord Crumwell, Will, earl of Arundel, Will. Earl of Southampton, Arthur viscount Lysley, Hen. lord Mountague, Hen. lord Mautravers, Sir Th. West lord La Warr, Chr. Hales, M.R., Sir Ric. Lyster, Sir John Spelman, Sir Will. Shelley, John Barber (sic), Attorney General, Sir Owyn West, Sir Th. Nevell, Sir John Audeley, Sir John Hales, Sir John Gage, Sir Edw. Nevell, Sir Geoff. Poole, Sir Geo. West, Sir Alexander Culpeper, Sir Roger Copeley, Sir Hen. Owen, Sir Will. Pelham, Sir John Dawrey (Dawtrey), Sir, Ric. Shirley, Sir Edw. Bray, Sir Anth. Wyndesore, Sir Will. Goryng, Gregory Crumwell, John Sakevyle, John Dawtrey, jun., Ric. Belynghain, Ric. Sakevyle, John Gooderyke, Ric. Covert, Chr. More, John Belyngham, sen., Giles Fenys, John Palmer, Will. Waller, Will. Wybarne, Will. Erneley, Th. Thaccher, John Shelley, Thos. Darell, Walter Hendley, John Michell, John Covert, Rob. Oxenbrigge, John Parker, Ambrose Wolley, John Ledys, Th. Sherley John Curill, Edw. Scott, John Gunter, John Aysley, and Nic. Tufton. Westm., 12 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 4d.
34. John Baker, attorney-general. Grant in fee of the reversion of the lands and the rents reserved upon a Crown lease, 1 July 29 Hen. VIII., to Sir Geo. West, of the house and site of the suppressed priory of Newpriory, near Hastynges, Sussex, with certain closes (extent detailed) called Sawpytt close, Marlyngffelde, and Connyngyerthfelde, Wyldeffeld land, Barneffeld, Mossham, Cokshote, Hemffeld, Clobberlande, Pyrryefeld, Pellam garden, le Deane, Boddesland, Webbe and Hoigglattes, Kychyn Wyshe, Tyrrypknoll, and Babryde, and a water-mill with a elose called Steven Croche; the manor of Haseldon in Dalyngton, Sussex, and a close called Savyne, a field called Ropselleswyshe, a parcel of land near Stonyhurste in Dalyngton, and lands, meadows, and pastures called Chylthurst in Horsemounserst and Watlynge, Sussex, belonging to the said priory; with reservations; for 21 years; at 14l. 10s. 8d. rent.
The patent further grants him, along with the house and site of the priory and the manor of Haselden, as above, the rectories of Assheborneham and Tysehurst, Sussex, and all the possessions of the priory in Newpriory, Burwesshe, Horsemounserst, Watlyng alias Wartlyng, Dalyngton, Tysehurst, Assheborneham, Warbylton, Mayfelde alias Maghfelde, Hastynges, Holyngton, Bexhill, Westham, Wyllyngdon, Ewerst, Brede, Odymere, Wynchelse, Ikelsham, Gestlynge, Farelegh, Westfeld, and Crowherst, Sussex, and elsewhere in England ; in as full manner as Thos. Harmer, the last prior, enjoyed the same. Annual value, 53l. 10s. 7d.; rent, 5l. 6s. 1d. Del. Westm., 13 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—D.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 28.
35. Eliz. Vaux, widow. Lease of two closes of pasture called "le Great Pylwades" and "le Lytele Pylwades," in the lordship of Cotingham, Yorks., parcel of the lands of the late countess of Richmond and Derby, with reservations; for 21 years; at 53s. 4d. rent and 12d. of increase. Del. Westm., 13 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. b. Pat. p. 5, m. 35.
36. Commission of the Peace.
Berks: Sir Thos. Audeley, Chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Thos. lord Crumwell, Will, earl of Southampton, N. bp. of Salisbury, Hugh abbot of Redyng, John abbot of Byssam, Sir John Porte, Edw. Mountague, King's serjeant-at-law, Sir John Daunce, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir Will. Essex, Sir Walter Stonour, Sir Humph. Forster, John Cheyny, Edw. Fetiplace, Hen. Brigges, Th. Warde, Th. Essex, Walter Chalcote, Th. Edgare, Ric. Briggis, Chr. Assheton, Th. Vachell, John Latton, Ric. Stafferton, and Will. Hyde. Westm., 13 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII. p. 4, m. 4d
37. Sir Ric. Sapcott. Grant in fee of the messuages, lands, &c., in Saperton, Linc., which came to the King's hands by reason of attainder of John lord Hussey, of Sleford, Linc. Westm. Palace, 10 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Mar.— P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 25.
38. Geo Woylfet, doctor in decrees. Licence to hold incompatible benefices to any annual value, and to be non-resident. Del. Westm., 14 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.— S.B. Endd. For the clerk of our Closet.
39. Sir Edw. Braye. Grant in fee of the reversion and rent reserved upon a lease granted by John B urges, formerly abbot, and the convent of the suppressed abbey of St. Edward de Novo Loco alias de Leto Loco, alias Leteley or Lettele (Netley),near Southampton, Hants., 28 May 17 Hen. VII. to John Redforde and Thomasina his wife, of the manor of Gomeshulve, Surrey, and all lands and rents of his tenants in Ledered (Leatherhead), Surrey, with groves and trees and the underwood in Kyngeswood; for 70 years; at 15l. rent.
Annual value, 15l.; rent, 30s.; the grantee to be free from payment of an annuity of 60s. claimed by John Wynterhull and Thos. Pate in right of the office of chief steward of the said manor, and also of another annuity of 26s. 8d. claimed by the said Thomas, as bailiff or collector of rents of the said manor and other premises. Del. Westm., 15 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 32.
40. Stephen Foxe. Lease of a house and an orchard with a croft thereto adjoining, called Lasyngby grange, a field and fields and closes (nature and extent not detailed) called Morefeld, Dranffeld Garthes, "the West Shepe," "Est Shepe," Westnorth close, Estnorth close, "Nyen acre close," Newclose, Whithanglhe, Parkeclose, Addilmyre, Southclose, "Parke Flagge" and "le Dukett Garth," parcels of the lands of the monastery of Jarvaux, York, now in the King's hands by reason of the late abbot's attainder; with reservations; for 21 years; at the annual rent of 43l. 15s.; as extended by the survey of Ric. Pollard. Westm., 15 March.— S.B.b. Endd.: Westm., 14 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. .per Wriothesley. Pat. p. 5, m. 26.
41. Commission of the Peace.
Cumberland: Sir Th. Audeley, Chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Th. lord Crumwell, Hen. earl of Cumberland, Will, earl of Southampton, Chr. lord Conyers, Chr. Jenney, King's serjeant-at-law, John Hynde, King's serjeant-at-law, Sir Th. Clyfford, Sir Thos. Tempest, Sir Th. Wharton, Sir Th. Curwyn, Sir John Lowdre, Rob. Bowes, Edw. Eglyamby, John Thwaytes, Chr. Wharton, John Irton, Ric. Beaulyeu, Thos. Dalston, Ric. Barwys, Rob. Briscowe, Will. Bentley, and Lancelot Salkeld. Westm., 16 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 5d.
42. Agnes the abbess, and the convent of the Augustinian monastery of St. Saviour and St. Mary and St. Bride, Syon, Midd. Mortmain licence to alienate by charter the lordships and manors of Felsted alias Felsted Bury and Grauntecourtes, Essex; the messuage in Felsted in which Roger Wentworth dwells; 40 messuages and certain lands, meadow, &c. in Felsted, Barneston, Stebbynge, Plecy, Magna and Parva Dunmowe, Magna and Parva Waltham, Magna and Parva Lighes, Magna and Parva Reyne, Alba and Nigra Notley, Branktre, Bokynge, Maplested, [High Ester and Tyltey] (fn. n27) Essex, with view of frankpledge in Felsted and the advowson of the vicarage of the parish church there, to Sir Ric. Riche, chancellor of the Court of Augmentations. Del. Westm., 17 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 36.
43. Nic. Fortescu, one of the grooms of the Chamber. To be keeper of Malwike park in the lordship of Denbigh, N. Wales, vice Roger Radcliff, dec.; with the herbage and pannage of the said park and the usual fees. Del. Westm., 18 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. —S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 27.
44. John Mylsent . . . . . . . (fn. n23) Camb. To be clerk of the peace and clerk of the Crown in co. Camb. Westm., 18 Mar. Pat. 29, Hen. VIII. p.1, m. 34.
45. Lancelot Alford, page of the Wardrobe of Beds. Lease of the granges of Killegramhowe and Heyney, Yorks., with certain closes of meadow, &c. (named and described), thereto belonging; and the herbage of the woods called Rothemyre, Lytell Hell, Medelskewe, Brugeworth and Cowpe; parcel of the possessions of the monastry of Jervaux, Yorks., in the King's hands by reason of the attainder of Adam, the late abbot; at rents of 26l. 4d. for Killegramhowe, 6l. 4s. 10d. for Heyny, and 30s. 4d for the herbage, according to the extent made by Ric. Pollard. Del. Westm., 18 Mar 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. b. Pat. p. 5, m. 38.
46. Commissions of the Peace.
Somersetshire: Sir Th. Audeley, Chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Th. lord Crumwell, Hen. Marquis of Exeter, John earl of Bath, Edw. earl of Hertford, Will, earl of Southampton, J. bp. of Bath and Wells, Hen. lord Mountague, Hen. lord Mautravers, John lord Audeley, Will, lord Stourton, Hen. lord Dawbeney, Walter lord Hungerford of Heytesbury, Sir John FitzJanies, Sir Th. Wylloughby, Sir Will. Pawlett, Sir Nic. Wadham, Sir Hen. Longe, Sir Edw. Gorge, Sir Andrew Luttrell, Sir Anth. Hungerford, Sir John Seyntlowe, Sir Thos. Arundell, Sir Hen. Capell, Sir John Stowell, Tho. Speke, Th. Clerke, Edw. Rogers, John Newton, Will. Portman, Th. Stradlyng, Ric. Phelyppys, David Broke, Alexander Popham, Anth. Gylbert, John Brown, Roger Bosyng, Geo. Gylbert, Hugh Malett, Will. Vowell, and John Porter.— Westm., 18 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 5d.
47. Dorset: Sir. Th. Audeley, Chancellor, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Th. lord Crumwell, Will, earl of Southampton, N. bp. of Salisbury, Hen. lord Mountague. Hen. lord Mautravers, John lord Audeley, Hen. lord Dawbeney, Sir John FitzJames, Sir Th. Willoughby, Sir Giles Strangwayes, Sir Th. Trenchard, Sir Th. Arundell, Sir Th. More, Sir Will. Uvedale, Sir Edw. Wylloughby, John Rogers, Edw. Rogers, Geo. Lynde, Th. Stradlyng, Roger Stourton, Ric. Phelypps, John Williams, John Orynge, Will. Hody, Nic. Willoughby, Hen. Assheley, Hen. Strangways, and Will. Thornell. Westm., 18 Mar. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII, p. 4, m. 5d.
48. Commissions of Sewers.
Norfolk:—Th. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Hen. earl of Surrey, Sir Hen. Radclyff, lord Fitzwater, Sit John Spilman, justice, Sir Roger Townesend, Sir Will. Paston, Sir John Haydon, Sir John Shelton, Sir Thos. Bedyngfeld, Sir Edw. Chamberleyn, Sir Th. Strange, Sir Edm. Bedyngfeld, Sir James Boleyn, Sir John Jenny, Sir Chr. Haydon, Sir Francis Lovell, Sir Francis Calthrop, Sir John Tyndall, Sir Gilbert Hubbart, Chr. Jenny, King's serjeant at-law, Ric. Southwell, Robt. Holdyche, John Clere, Will. Conysby, Philip Calthrop, Hen. Benyngfeld, Will. Fermour, jun., John Goodrike, John Rybsard, Roger Woodhouse, Edw. Cokett, John Wotton, Nic. Strange, Will. Yelverton, sen., Rob. Townesend, Will. Yelverton, jun., Rob. Curson, Th. Clere, Philip Barnard, Ric. Baynyard, Hen. Hunston, Humph. Barwell, Rob. Segrave, Th. Dereham, and Anth, Gurney.
49. Suffolk (fn. n24) :—Th. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, Th. lord Wentworth, John abbot of Bury St. Edmund's,
Grants. Ric. Shelton, master of Metyngham, Sir Chr. Wylloughby, Sir Geo. Somersett, Sir Arthur Hopton, Sir Anth. Wyngfeld, Sir John Henyngham, Sir Thos. Tyrrell of Gippewich, Sir Humph. Wyngfeld, Sir John Wylloughby, Sir Th. Tey, Sir Will. Rows, Sir John Cornwalys, Sir Will. Walgrave, jun., Sir John Jernyngham, Sir John Wyseman, Sir Th. Jermyn, Sir Will. Drurye, Sir Walter Hubbart, Sir John Glemham, Anth. Rous, Ric. Warton, John Sprynge, Lionel Talmage, John Sulyard, Geo. Colte, Philip Barnard, Rob. Downes, Rob. Crane, John Hervy of Ulton, Rob. Rockewood, Rob. Broun, John Harman, jun., Edm. Lee, Will. Rede, Thos. Danyell of Sudbury, John Southwell, Hen. Doyle, Th. Sekford, Walter Wadland, Rob. Reynold. Rob. Rycc, Clement Higham, Hen. Hubberd, Will. Forster, Robt. Talmage, Will. Cardynall, Th. Jermyn, John Tasborough, John Crofts, Edm. Poley, Ralph Everard, Chr. Playter, and John Drury of Rowham. Westm., 18 Mar.
Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 18d.
50. John Kechyn. To be receiver of the lands late of the monastery of Whalley, Lanc., in the King's hands by the attainder of John, the late abbot; with fees of 10l. a year and 20s. on every 100l. paid by him to the King's use. Del. Westm., 20 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 3, m. 38.
(Vacated, on surrender for an annuity of 20 marks granted by another patent.)
51. Sir John Nevyll, or Nevell. To be chief steward of the possessions in cos. Yorks., Linc, and Notts., which came to the King by the attainder of Thos. lord Darcy; with fees of 6l. a year. Westm. Palace, 17 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—P.S.—Pat. p. 5, m. 36.
52. Edw. Aglandby, one of the customers or collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Licence to perform his office by deputy, and to absent himself from the said port, notwithstanding the Acts 1 & 4 Hen. IV. Colchester, 20 March. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 4, m. 13.
53. John Wyngfyld, one of the esquires for the Royal Body. Licence to export 400 tuns of beer. Del. Westm., 20 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
54. The Benedictine cathedral of Coventre. Restitution of the temporalities on the election of Thos. Camswell, S.T.B., as prior of that house or priory, confirmed by Rouland, bp. of Coventry and Lichfield. Westm. Palace, 21 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p. 3, m. 39. Rymer XIV. 586.
55. Sir John Brugges, knight of the Royal Body. To be keeper of the castle and park of Sudeley, Glouc., and master of the hunt of deer in said park, with the herbage and pannage of the same park; with the usual fees, as enjoyed by Walter Walsshe or Sir Will. Compton, deceased, and fees of 30l. a year payable by the abbot and convent of Wynchecombe, alias Wynchelcombe. Del. Westm., 21 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 32.
56. Thos. Babington. Livery of lands as son and heir of Sir Anth. Babington and Elizabeth his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of John Ormond and Joan his wife, sister and heir of Thos. Chaworthe. Westm. Palace, 14 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p 1, m. 35.
57. Sir Thos. Audeley. Licence to alienate a tenement with a little garden, shop, cellars, &c., in the parish of St. Katherine Cristchurche within Algate, London, to Nic. Taverner, of London, and Mary his wife. Pat. 29 Hen. VIII., p. 5, m. 42.
58. John Averey, one of the officers of the King's Cellar. To be keeper of Dunclen park, Worc., and bailiff of the lordship of Kyddermyster foren, Worc., lately held by John More, deceased, and since by Walter Walsshe, deceased, in the King's gift by reason of the minority of Henry lord Bergevenny; to hold during the minority of the said Henry. Del. Westm., 22 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 4, m. 20.
59. Kenelm Dygbye, son and heir apparent of Everard Digbye. Reversion of the office of steward of the manors of Preston, Uppingham, Barowdowne or Baroughdon, and Gretham, Rutland, and Esenden or Escenden, Line., and all other lands and tenements which belonged to George late duke of Clarence in co. Rutland; which office was granted to the said Everard by Pat. 18 May 9 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 4, m. 19.
*** This has been enrolled also (p. 5, m. 25) as delivered 22 May. See Vol. XII. I. 1330 (53).
60. Will. Saxyey, clk. Licence of nonresidence and to hold two incompatible benefices with the two which he now has. Westm. Palace, 19 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 31.
61. Sir Thos. Seymour. Grant in fee of the late monastery of Coggeshall alias Coxhall, Essex; the principal or chief site and church, &c., of the same; the rectories and advowsons of the churches, vicarages, and rectories of Childerdich and Coggeshall alias Coxhall, and the advowson of a perpetual chantrey in the parish church of Coggeshall, belonging to the said late monastery; and all other manors, messuages, &c, in Coggeshall alias Coxhall, Magna and Parva Childerdich, Tillyngham, Thorndon, Wakeley, Brondewodde (Brendewode elsewhere), Spryngfeld, Chelmesford, Borham, Tolshunt Tregoz, Tolshunt Major, Inworth, Messing, Wakering, Fulnes, Fering, Kelden, Bradwell, Patteswike, Stysted, Revenhale, Colne Comitis, Halsted, Magna Tey, Magna Braxsted, Canewdon, Burnham, Aldern and Fulnes, Essex, Wyston, Suff., the parishes of All Hallows ad Fenum in the ward of Dowgate and St. Boltulph without Algate London, and elsewhere in England and Wales which belonged to the said late monastery. Rent, 25l. 2s. 2½d.
The premises came to the King's hands by virtue of a fine, levied in the Octaves of St. Hilary 29 Hen. VIII. between the King and Hen. More, abbot and perpetual commendatory of the said Cistercian monastery of St. Mary, Coggeshall, of the manors of Coggeshall alias Coxhall, Chylderdiche, Tyllyngham, Kewton Hall Lyons, Tolshunt Major, Chedingsell, Tutwyke, Bonseys alias Bonseys Holfeld graunge and Busshy gatehouse, and certain messuages in Coggeshall and other places before mentioned, and the advowson of the chantry above mentioned; the manor of Honyley graunge alias Wiston graunge and certain messuages in Wiston, Suff., and certain messuages, &c., in the parishes of All Hallows ad Fenum in Dowgate ward and St Botulph without Algate; and also by virtue of a charter of the said abbot and convent of the said monastery, London dioc., dated 5 Feb. 29 Hen. VIII., granting the said monastery and site to the King. Westm. Palace, 18 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. 23 Mar.—P. S. Pat. p. 5, m. 44.
(2.) S.B. for the same, mutilated at the beginning.
62. James Whitney. Annuity of 15l. issuing from the manors of Cortishelton, marches of South Wales, late of Will. Griffith or Gruffith, deceased, in the Kind's hands by the minority of George, brother and heir male of the said William, and of Anne, daughter and heir female of the said William; with wardship and marriage of the said heirs. Del. Westm., 23 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 31.
63. Sir Thos. Palmer, chief porter and one of the King's Council at Calais. Annuity of 50l. Addressed to Sir Rob Fowler, vice-treasurer of Calais, and lord Edm. Howard, comptroller there. Westm. Palace, 21 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Mar.—P.S.
64. John, the abbot, and the convent of Feversham, Kent. Licence to alienate 144 acres of land, 204 acres of fresh marsh, and 10 acres of salt marsh in the parish of St. Thomas, in the Isle of Hartey, near the Isle of Shepey, Kent, to Sir Thos. Cheney. Westm. Palace., 18 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 32.
65. Will. Fynche, late prior of Bremar. Appointment as bp. of Taunton, suffragan of the see of Bath and Wells; the said William having been nominated along with Ric. Walshe, prior of St. John the Baptist, Bridgewater, by John, bp. of Bath and Wells. Westm. Palace, 20 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 23. Rym. xiv., 587.
66. Tho. Adyngton, citizen and leatherdresser, London, and serjeant of the King's peltry. Grant in fee of the reversion and rent reserved upon a lease granted by Roger Beverley, formerly abbot, and the convent of the late monastery of St. Mary, Tyltey, Essex, to Will. Baker, of Eppyng, Essex, carpenter, dated 16 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII., of the manor or grange called Chigwell Grange, in the parish of Chigwell, Essex, with reservation of the second moiety of the profits of the court upon the same, for 31 years from Mich. A.D. 1532; at 3l. 10s. rent; which reversion and rent came to the King's hands by virtue of the Act 27 Hen. VIII. To hold the premises, with wood, &c., thereon, as above, in as full manner as the said Roger or John Palmer, the late abbot, held the same. Annual value, 3l. 10s. 10d.; rent 7s. 1d. by way of tenth. Westm. Palace, 14 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del Westm., 26 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p. 5, m. 22.
67. Walter Herbert. Lease of all the mills in the lordship of Brecon, S. Wales, viz.: the mills of Devynok, Lluell' Crey, Senny, Eetradvelt, Glyntawy, and Pollgough; and the leirwite and the avisage of pigs in the forest there, and fishery of the waters of Neth and Tawy; all which are parcel of the lands called Bukyngham's lands, S. Wales; for 21 years; at 42l. rent. Del. Westm., 27 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B.b. Pat p. 3, m. 20.
68. Hen. lord Matraverz. Grant, in tail male, of the lands which were leased to him, for 21 years, by indenture dated 16 June 29 Hen. VIII., viz.: the house and site of the late priory of Tortyngton, Sussex, and the following lands, &c., thereto belonging, viz.: a field of arable land before the gate of the said priory, other fields called le Longfeld, le Woodhey, le Estfeld, Hunger Downe, and Parkefeld, another field and a marsh called Tymbley marshe, another marsh called Townebroke mershe, certain fields, a croft, one acre of meadow and a close at Knolls, and a close there called Culver feelde, a field called le Bernefeld, another called le Highfeelde, a pasture called le Reycrofte, and the herbage of two groves of wood, two meadow called le Longmedes, a piece of land called Tarrebrookes, a piece of land at Bromehill, a piece of land called Gorgis lande, a piece of land called Counferlond, a field called Cannonfelds, and other fields and crofts specified; with tithes of corn and other tithes in Madehurst and Trynebarne; with reservation of woods and of the advowson of the vicarage of Madehurst. To hold by the annual rent of 41s. 4d. instead of the annual rent of 20l. 13s. 4d.
specified in the lease. Westm., 27 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII. Del. 28 Mar.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 22.
69. Will. Butte and Margaret, his wife. Grant, in survivorship, of the manor of Thorneham, Norf., lately belonging to the dignity or see of the bp. of Norwich; and all messuages, lands, &c., in Thorneham, Magna and Parva Ryngsted, Stanhowe, Brankester, Holme, Dokyng, Sowthemere, and Chesull, or elsewhere in said county belonging to the said manor, in as full manner as Richard, late bp. of Norwich, or his predecessors, held the same. The premises came into the King's hands by virtue of the Act 27 Henry VIII. Annual value 36l .16s. 9d. To be held as above, with remainder in tail male, to Thos. Butte, son of the said William, at a rent of 74s. by way of tenth. Del. (fn. n25). . . . . , 30 Mar. 29 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 5, m. 22.
Howard's Let 312. 647. A. lady Kingston to Wriothesley.
Sent to know the King's pleasure whether my Lady's grace (fn. n26) should leave wearing of black this Easter or not. Received for answer she might wear what colour she would. "My Lady's grace desireth you now to be a suitor to my lord Privy Seal to speak to the King's grace for her wearing her whiten taffaty edged with velvet, which used to be to his own liking, whenever he saw her grace, and suiteth to this joyful feast of our Lord's holy rising from the dead."
648. The German Protestants
R. O. Answer of the duke of Saxony, Ernest duke of Brunswick and Lunenhurg, Philip landgrave of Hesse, &c, to the articles (mandata) of Henry king of England, laid before us, in the Assembly at Brunswick, by Chr. Mont, the King's envoy.
We desire the said envoy to thank the King in our names for his good will and congratulate him on his health and the tranquillity of his realm. We, the duke of Saxony and the landgrave of Hesse, remember how we wrote to the King that if he wished to confer with us about a Council and future dangers we would at our next assembly consult about sending a suitable embassy to him. He replied that he would first send an embassy to us to explain his views. We thank him for sending Chr. Mont, from whom we heard with pleasure of the King's zeal for the Gospel. When Paul III., the Roman bishop, indicted a Council at Vincentia, just as he did at Mantua, we decreed at Brunswick to stick to our former refusal. We are glad the King has read the letter of refusal we published last year. We much approve of the King's excellent writing about the Council, and rejoice that there is such a testimony to the bp. of Rome's impiety and tyranny which, under the authority of the King's name, will move even other nations. The Council would only establish the bp. of Rome's tyranny, and the place is as dangerous as Mantua. The report that we agreed, in the assembly at Ratisbon, that the Pope should indict a Council, is utterly false; we did not subscribe to that decree made by the Emperor and princes of the bp. of Rome's faction. Our friend the abp. of Canterbury, who at that time spoke with the duke of Saxony at Nuremburg, remembers that some of the princes urged us to defer the peace lest some war should arise between our own Churches. Where the King, to save time when our embassy shall come to him, wishes to know by this messenger what princes and peoples are confederate in the cause of religion, what are the articles of the league, and whether it be only for defence of religion, or if it be also offensive for other causes:—it would be difficult for this envoy to explain the several articles, and to write them seems dangerous. We have determined therefore to send shortly two of our councillors to explain it to the King and discuss doctrine, so that when our more ample legation is sent its work will be simplified. That legation will, if this Pontifical Council is deferred, be sent shortly; but if the Council proceeds we must retain our learned men with us.
Latin, pp. 18. Endd.
R. O. 649. The German Protestants.
"Capita eorum quae primo congressu sereniss. et potentissimo Regi Angliae exponenda sunt."
1. The ambassadors shall greet the King in the name of the Princes in the most friendly and dutiful manner. 2. They shall declare how pleasing was the message brought by Chr. Mont, who was lately at Brunswick, of the King's zeal for the Gospel. God will not desert him, and he may be sure the Princes will never again submit to the tyranny of Rome. 3. They shall explain why the ample legation mentioned in the letters of the Princes is not sent at this time. 4. The king of Denmark, who has received the Gospel and abolished popish tyranny in his kingdoms, lately, at Brunswick joined their league and would like to send ambassadors to Henry with theirs; which has been one cause of the delay of the more ample legation. 5. Cause and character of their league. 6. That the King, having established the true doctrine and abolished impious abuses, would endeavour to promote the Gospel among other kings also. 7. Explain the decree of Brunswick for the preservation of true religion. 8. The Princes hope the King, after agreement come to about religion, will join them in an honourable Christian league. 9. That the King will deign to signify his opinion about the Council, and whether he finds any deficiency in the confession and doctrine of the confederates. To all these let suitable petitions (petitiones) be appended.
10. That the Princes have committed further things to the ambassadors to be declared when convenient. 11. Lastly, they shall again offer the King the dutiful regards of the confederates.
Latin., pp. 4. Endd.: Instructions of the ambassadors of the duke of Saxon.
Cleop. E. vi.
B. M.
2. Another copy.
Pp. 2.
Harl. 296,
f. 179.
B. M.
3. An English translation of the preceding, headed "The points as shall be to the King's Majesty at the first access."
650. German Ambassadors to Henry VIII.
Cleop. E. vi.
B. M.
Have been sent with credentials from John Frederic, duke of Saxony, and Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, in their own names and in that of Ernest duke of Brunswick and Luneberg. These princes doubt not but the King has heard by his envoy, Chr. Montanus, who was lately with them at Brunswick, how joyfully they received his message and learned of his zeal for the Gospel and his abrogation of the impious ceremonies of the bp. of Rome. Henry may rely on their being equally steadfast never to submit to that Bishop's yoke again. Montanus has doubtless also explained the reasons why the Princes have not yet been able to send that ample embassy of which they wrote to the King three months ago. For as the bp. of Rome has indicted the Council again at Vicenza, they may have need of their own learned divines, some of the chief of whom they had intended to send to Henry:—not that they mean in any case to agree to the Council even if it proceed, for they will assuredly stand by their allies in the refusal of it which they made last year, and they have renewed their protest at the late diet of Brunswick; but if the Council proceed the bp. of Rome will seek the Emperor's aid against them, and they will require their divines at home to publish writings in their defence.
2. The king of Denmark and Norway joined their league lately at Brunswick and wished to send his ambassadors to Henry along with theirs, which has been another cause of the delay of the embassy.
3. The Princes, though they would have had no difficulty in replying to Henry's inquiry about the objects and conditions of the league, have thought best to send some of their intimate councillors with a commission to explain the matter. For though they are ready to yield all due obedience to the Emperor whom they acknowledge as their lord, the bp. of Rome has got him to support his impious tyranny, and various leagues have been made of late years by the papal party against them. They must therefore unite with other States of the Empire professing true evangelic doctrine. The King will see that their league is entirely defensive, otherwise opportunities have not been wanting for offensive action. They hope therefore he will be the protector of it. Are ready to send him a Latin translation of the decree made at the late diet at Brunswick.
As to the Council again indicted at Vicenza, Henry by his letters, dated Greenwich, 2 Jan., proposed to send ambassadors to the Princes to explain views; on which he wished them to send an honourable embassy containing some learned men among them. But the King only sent the said Chr. Montanus, whose message did not explain his views about the Council, which they are anxious to know before sending the embassy; and first whether he think there is anything wanting in the articles of their doctrinal confession or ceremonies. They therefore send this embassy in the first place, as the other cannot at present be sent, not only to explain the conditions of their league, but to ascertain the King's views. They also request the King (1) not to be displeased at their delaying the fuller embassy; (2), to go on in the purification of doctrine and ceremonies, otherwise the authority of the bp. of Rome will never be extirpated and perpetual heresies are to be apprehended; (3), say whether the king of Denmark's ambassadors may come with theirs; (4), whether Henry will join the league as its protector and defender; and (5) finally to declare his views about the Council and their own Confession and Apologia.
Latin, pp. 21.


  • n1. Sic.
  • n2. Henry Lytherland. See Vol. XII., Pt. I., Nos.537 and 741, which are probably both of this year.
  • n3. Wrongly placed in the year 1540 in the Carew Calendar. 68C14.
  • n4. This paper seems to have been drawn up just before the conference between the Imperial ambassadors and some of the King's Council, on the 27th March". See No. 756.
  • n5. so he signs his name.
  • n6. Orig in cipher.
  • n9. Blank.
  • n10. The 16th was a Saturday in 1538.
  • n11. Omitted.
  • n12. "Yesterday." In orig. "la veille." But the reference is doubtless to his interview with the King on the 28th. See No. 623.
  • n13. 30th in the transcript in R. O.
  • n14. Omitted in the R. O. transcript.
  • n15. Robert Croukar, S.T.D., rector of Dennington,"—Valor Eccl. III. 410.
  • n16. Edmund Tudor, first earl of Richmond.
  • n17. As prior he abjured the bishop of Rome in 1534". See Vol. VII., p. 396.
  • n18. Apparently from the abp. of Canterbury, the lord Chancellor, Suffolk, the earl of Southampton, and two bishops. See Chapuys' letter to the queen of Hungary, 13 April"
  • n19. These words are supplied by the translator, for what reason does not appear.
  • n20. The Rood of Boxley.
  • n21. Ernest and Francis were brothers, of the House of Brunswick-Luneburg, but Philip belonged to what is known as the "Old House of Brunswick."—Anderson's Royal Genealogies, 517, 521.
  • n22. Provost of Magdeburg Cathedral.
  • n23. Pat. roll gall-stained and illegible
  • n24. "Suffolk" is in the margin and appears to be right; but "Norfolk" is the name in the clause opposite the bracket, which professes to be an extract from the text of the Commission."
  • n25. Place illegible.
  • n26. The Princess Mary.
  • n27. These names added in an after clause.