Henry VIII: August 1513, 11-20

Pages 972-984

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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August 1513

11 Aug.
Harl. MS. 2,252, f. 41. B.M.
The 11 day of August, 1513, the King being in his rich tent, the herald of the King of Scots was brought to him and gave his message (recited) that, having now besieged Turwyn two months without being fought with and having, by his invasion, caused the King of France to recal his army from Milan, Henry should be content and return home without making further war. "The King, standing still with sober countenance, having his hand on his sword, said 'Have ye now your tale at an end?' The herald of arms said 'Nay.' 'Say forth then,' said the King. 'Sir, he summoneth your Grace to be at home in your realm in the defence of his ally.' Then the King answered and said 'Ye have well done your message; nevertheless it becometh ill a Scot to summon a King of England. And tell your master that I mistrust not so the realm of England but he shall have enough to do whensoever he beginneth; and also I trusted not him so well but that I provided for him right well, and that shall he well know. And he to summon me, now being here for my right and inheritance! It would much better agreed with his honour to have summoned me being at home; for he knew well before my coming hither that hither would I come. And now to send me summons! Tell him there shall never Scot cause me to return my face. And where he layeth the French King to be his ally it would much better agreed and become him, being married to the King of England's sister, to recount the King of England his ally. And now, for a conclusion, recommend me to your master and tell him if he be so hardy to invade my realm or cause to enter one foot of my ground I shall make him as weary of his part as ever was man that began any such business. And one thing I ensure him by the faith that I have to the Crown of England and by the word of a King, there shall never King nor Prince make peace with me that ever his part shall be in it. Moreover, fellow, I care for nothing but for misentreating of my sister, that would God she were in England on a condition she cost the Schottes King not a penny.' The herald answered and said 'If your grace would give her your whole realm she would forsake it to be entreated as she is.' The King said 'I know the contrary and know what all this matter meaneth; the King your master has [been?] (fn. 1) anointed with the crowns of the sun, but I trust ere it be long the French King shall have enough to do to keep his crowns for himself.'"
Pp. 2. Headed: "The message that was done by Ilay [Lyon] (fn. 2), Scottish herald, to our sovereign lord," &c.
11 Aug.
Galba B., 89b. B.M.
Has received his letters of the 8th, the one speaking of the Sieur de Castre, and the other respecting money (du fait des monnoyes). Has sent his letters to the Emperor, to whom these affairs belong. Begs the King will speak or write to him about it, and that he will send Thomas Spinelly as soon as he can, to communicate the news. Oudenarde, 11 Aug. 1513. Signed.
French, mutilated, p. 1. Add.
11 Aug.
Sanuto, XVI., 627.
2159. VENICE.
[Note of letters seen 15 Aug. 1513.]
From Vetor Lipomano, Rome, 11 Aug.—The French ambassador reports that the French have killed 4,000 English and taken certain artillery. They magnify their deeds so that the Signory may not make agreement (fn. 3) against them. Spaniards no longer boast as they were wont. The French certainly captured one great piece and nearly captured the King of England. Letters from Spain, of 28 July, announce a four years' truce between the Emperor and Duke of Gueldres. Turks have made a landing in Puglia.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 273.
12 Aug.
Sanuto, XVII., 9.
2160. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 10 Sept. 1513.]
From Antonio Bavarin, [London,] 12 Aug—As yet here are no shipments made for Venice, and it is not known whether any will be made, owing to the troubles of the Signory with Spain and the Emperor. Probably Germans will make some. Here is news of ambassadors again sent to beg the Pope to attempt peace. It would have been made already but for the agreement with France, "che mai _" (blank). We promise you, they have more ado than they have had these 500 years, with our King encamped at Terouenne with 60,000 combatants. The town is very large and immeasurably strong, and is the key of Picardy. It is bombarded day and night and must shortly fall. The French army of 1,000 horse and 16,000 foot is eight miles distant and dare not show itself. The Emperor and his daughter now give out that they are with our King. They have 1,500 horse and expect as many more.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 283.
12 Aug.
Harl. MS. 787, f. 58. B.M. Rym. XIII. 382. Halliwell's Royal Letters, I. 216. Hall's Chronicle, 547.
2161. [4397.] HENRY VIII. to JAMES IV.
Has received his writing dated Edinburgh, 26 July, by his herald Lyon, the bearer. His taking part with the French King and breaking the perpetual peace to which he has sworn, especially dishonourable in Henry's absence, is provided against; and Henry is confident, assisted by his allies, of being able to resist the malice of all schismatics and their adherents by the General Council excommunicate. His demeanour has given cause for his disherison from the possibility he claims in Henry's realm, and he should take example by the King of Navarre who, for assisting the French King, is now a King without a realm. As the other griefs surmised in his writing have all been answered, will only say that he should have had the safeconduct if his herald would have taken it with him, like merchants' safeconducts heretofore; for Henry has never refused safeconduct "to come unto us and no further to pass." Camp before Tyrwyn, 12 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII.
Contemporary copy, pp. 2.
Harl. MS.
4,808, f. 98. B.M. Harl. MS. 2,252, f. 42. B.M.
2. Modern copy of the above.
Pp. 8.
3. Another copy referring to James' writing as dated 16 July and his herald as Ilay (altered to Lyon). Undated.
Pp. 3.
S.P. Scotl.,
Hen. VIII., vol. 1, f. 16. R.O.
4. [4397(2).] Contemporary copy referring to James's writing as dated 16 July. Undated.
P. 1. Headed: The copy of the answer made to the King of Scots' letter.
Calig. B. VI., 49
. B.M.
5. Another contemporary copy of § 4.
Pp. 2.
Roxburgh Club,
1825 (No. 37)
6. Reprint of a contemporary Latin translation of § 1 as printed at Rome [in 1513].
13 Aug.
Calig. D. VI., 93. B.M. Ellis, 1 S. I. 82.
Received both his letters by Copynger and John Glyn. Was glad to hear the King passes so well "his dangerous passage," and trusts he will always have the best of his enemies. Was troubled to hear the King was so near the siege of Terouenne until Wolsey's letter assured her of the good heed he takes "to avoid all manner dangers." With his health and life nothing can come amiss to him; without them, "I can see no manner good thing shall fall after it." Begs Wolsey to write frequently, remembering she is without any other comfort. They are not so busy with war in Terouenne as she is encumbered with it in England; they are all there very glad "to be busy with the Scots, for they take it for [a] pastime. My heart is very good to it, and I am horribly busy with making [of] standards, banners, and badges." Pray send word "whether ye received the letters that I sent unto you to t[he ambassador] of the King my father, and what answer he gave you to it." Richmond, 13 Aug. Signed.
Slightly mutilated, p. 1. Add: "Master Almoner."
14 Aug.
Lit. Cantuar. (J. B. Sheppard) III. 435.
2163. WARHAM to the QUEEN.
Whereas the King wrote to her, by letters from Calais, 16 July last, to call the writer before her and certain of his Council here and he was before her on St. Laurence Even, Sir Th. Lovell and Sir Th. Inglefelde being present; his answer to the contents of the said letters is as follows:—
The bp. of Winchester's surmise to the King that the writer has cited and vexed one John Incent, his commissary, is untrue; and he has expressly commanded his officers not to vex any of the bp.'s officers. He need not be commanded to surcease troubling Incent, for he never began; and, unless they begin to interrupt the right of his church of Canterbury, he will meddle with none of the bp's officers. Has already made as resolute answer to the articles contained in the King's letters as he and his learned counsel could devise, but if Winchester can show anything wherein he has not so answered he will make a more resolute answer if he can. Marvels that Winchester troubles the King beyond sea and the Queen and Council here, in a time of so great business, with such untrue surmises as this concerning the commissary. All is done in order to bring Warham out of favour and make the matter appear to pertain to the King. Trusts the King will stand indifferent between them, the rather for the devotion that he and his noble progenitors have borne to St. Thomas of Canterbury ever since the time of Henry II. Lamehethe, 14 Aug. (A.D. 1513.)
14 Aug.
Sanuto. XVII., 27.
2164. VENICE.
[Copy of letters seen 8 Sept. 1513.]
From Roberto Acciaiolo, Florentine ambassador in France, to his Signory, 10 Aug.—Redoubled bombardment of Terouenne and hastened preparations of France. The King going to Amiens and thence to the camp—to try battle if the Duke of Gueldres comes. Cost of the armies. Payment of 50,000 fr. to the King of Scots. The Emperor at Brussels.
P.S., 11 Aug.—News from the camp of Captain Fonterailles' throwing supplies into Terouenne, which can now hold out till Lady Day in September. This morning the King left for Amiens. In all encounters the English are worsted. Bicluves, 11 Aug.
P.S., 14 Aug.—This morning the King told him the Emperor had been' in the English camp and returned to Flanders. A marriage of the King of England's sister to the Emperor himself instead of the Archduke is being negociated. The Scotch herald who took the defiance to the English camp returned this morning but has not yet seen the King.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 290–2.
15 Aug.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. v. p. 639.
Inventories of the personal estates of John Erskine of Dun and Sir John Erskine, younger, of Dun, [who were killed at Flodden]. Each dated 15 Aug. 1513.
15 Aug.
Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 192.
The Emperor and the King of England dined together yesterday before Therouenne, and showed such cordiality that one might suppose them father and son rather than brothers. The Swiss have written to the Emperor that they will have 16,000 men in his service at Besançon on the 27th, with banners displayed. They have also written to the King of England on the same subject. The King of Scots has sent a defiance to the King of England, who, however, was prepared before his departure. Though the Emperor, experienced in war, makes many difficulties about assaulting Therouenne, the King of England desires to head the attack, promising to make sufficient breaches in three days. It is hard to keep them back. The French frequently show themselves and retire. Before Therouenne, 15 Aug.
16 Aug.
Stowe MS. 146, f. 90. B.M.
2167. CABLES.
Bill, headed "M. Blewbere," for the cost of shipping cables, ropes and harness, mainly at Hydokes key, Bottalles key and Mr. Tattes place, between March and Whitsuntide. The cables were mostly "rolled down to the water side" and the harness went to Greenwich, "to the King's place." Total, 4l. 5s. 6d. Endorsed with mem. of receipt of this money from Sir (sic) John Daunce, 16 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII., by William Botham. Pp. 2.
Stowe MS. 146,
f. 91. B.M.
2. Bill showing the cost of hire of two cellars from Michaelmas to Lady Day last and the distribution of numerous parcels of cables and ropes to the King's ships. Headed: "Thys byn the perselles owyng to Roger Dell for selerag and cranag of the Kynges gabulles at Botoll warff."
ii. Subscribed with Dell's receipt for 7l. 17s. 6d., in payment of the above, from Sir (sic) John Dawnce 16 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2.
16 Aug
.Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 195.
2168. [4401.] BAPTISTE DE TASSIS, Master of the Posts, to MARGARET OF SAVOY.
Early in the day the Emperor and the King of England encountered 8,000 French horse; the Emperor, with 2,000 only, kept them at bay until four in the afternoon, when they were put to flight. A hundred men of arms were left upon the field, and more than a hundred taken prisoners, of the best men in France; as the Sieur de Piennes, the Marquis de Rotelin, and others (not named). Aire, the 16th, 7 o'clock.
16 Aug.
Sanuto, XVI., 674.
2169. VENICE.
[Extracts from letters out of France in August 1513.]
(1) Beauvais, 8 Aug.—The English who have been six weeks before Therouenne boast that they will make the assault to-day or to-morrow and if they cannot take it they will go to Montreuil or St. Quentin. The French are strong enough to fight but will risk nothing until the Duke of Gueldres arrives on the 13th. The King of Scotland has declared for our King and sent a herald to defy the King of England in his camp. He will invade England by the 16th inst. with 60,000 men.
(2) Lyons, 14 Aug.—Enclosing the above. The King enters Amiens to-day. The King of the Romans runs to and fro, and can obtain nothing from the Flemings any more than he could from the Princes of the Empire.
(3) Amiens, 16 (sic) Aug.—The English are about to retire and there is no doubt that the King will have the victory because Therouenne holds out and is well victualled. Lion herald, in the name of the King of Scotland, has made protest to the King of England and delivered the letter. The King of England answered that his amity and relationship existed before that of the King [of France]. The King of Scotland is to invade England to-day. He has sent 24 ships to help France and will invade with 60,000 men. Numbers of French army. The Emperor has come with 80 horse into the English camp and is treating for an agreement with the King [of France] by means of the marriage of Madame Zenevre (i.e. Renée) with his grandson. The King of France is at Beauvais and going towards Therouenne.
(4) From the Ambassador Dandolo, 14 Aug.—Succour has been put into Therouenne and 300 English killed. The King of France is 40 miles from Therouenne. "Item, he writes in cipher that the King has few footmen, in number 20,000."
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, Nos. 279–81.
17 Aug.
Le Glay, Négoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I., 531.
Yesterday morning, after he and the Emperor had crossed the Lys, which passes before Terouenne, towards Guinegate, news came that all the French horse at Blangy were moving, some toward Guinegate, the others to the place where Lord Talbot was stationed before Terouenne to cut off supplies. A skirmish took place and there were taken on his side 44 men and 22 wounded. The French, thinking that the English were still beyond the Lys, considered they would not be in time to prevent them revictualling the town. The English horse however passed by Guinegate and confronted the French, who were three times their number. Several encounters took place and men were wounded on both sides. After this, in the Emperor's company, advanced straight against the French, causing the artillery to be fired at them, whereupon they immediately began to retire, and were pursued for 10 leagues without great loss to the English. Nine or ten standards were taken and many prisoners, among whom are the Duke of Longueville, Marquis of Rothelin, Count de Dunois, Messire René de Clermont, Viceadmiral of France, and others whose names are enclosed. It is said that Lord Fiennes is killed, for his horse is in the English camp. The standard bearer of the "grand escuyer de France," Count Galeace de St. Severin, is also taken. De La Palice is said to be either wounded or killed. The Emperor has been as kind to him as if he were his real father. At the camp at Gynegate before Terouenne, 17 Aug. 1513.
17 Aug.
Lettres de Louis XII., iv., 196.
The King is writing to her, with the names of the prisoners taken on Tuesday, among whom was the Duke of Longueville, "un tres honneste jeune prince," whom he would pity if he were not a Frenchman; must pity himself that he had not left the camp for five weeks, fearing to miss the sight of the action, and when it took place he had gone to St. Omer to procure arms, because the King had told him that he would give the assault in two days. The King urges the Emperor to hasten Margaret's coming. The Grand Ecuyer, Lord Lisle, offers her his services; she is aware he is a second king, and it would be well to write him a kind letter, for it is he who does and undoes. Before Therouenne, Wednesday.
Add. 21,382,
f. 52. B.M.
The Duke of Longueville, Marquis of Ruthelin, Count of Dunois; René de Cleremont, Viceadmiral of France; Capt. Bayart, Ramon de Lisle, archer of the guard; John de Lalu, Willm. de la Calege, Jehan Bourne, bastard, and one named Quiery, men of arms; John de la Ryue, George Beule and Willm. Dorvey, archers of ordnance; Pierre de la Rocque, man of arms, René de Cely, ensign bearer of the Duke d'Alençon's company, Wodiot Perison, demilance, Jean Gramato, man of arms, Estienne Shaw, gentleman of the Duke of Longueville, Hugues de Montclare, man of arms, Jehan Marny, Chr. de Maunesyn, man of arms, Jehan Michel, Ant. Bartholomeus, Guise de Gamesak, Chr. de Monsha, Gabriel de Melyn, demylance, Henry de Change, Giles Sanglier, Ant. de Sainthourance, Jehan de Lusynen, Plecy Gyllon, man of arms, Guille de Tybetot, Jacques Bourgeois, and others whose names are not yet known.
French, p. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
230, f. 24. R.O.
2. Draft of an undertaking to be signed by François Espenon, standard bearer to the Grand Ecuyer of France (who was taken, 16 Aug., near Terouenne, and has been delivered by the grand marshal of the army of the King of England to Sir Thos. Darcy, K.G., lord Darcy) to be true prisoner and not leave without ransom made or leave given.
French, p. 1. In Darcy's hand.
A printed book. (A translation of the German portion of this will be found, under date, in the Appendix.)
"Copia. Von der erlichen und kostlichen enpfahung ouch früntliche erbietung desz Küngs von Engelland Keyser Maximilian in Bickardy gethon, Und von dem angryff und nyderlegung do selbs vor Terbona geschähen. Ouch was un wy vyl volck do gewäsen, erschlagen, und gefangen. Ouch die Belägerung der stat Bornay (sic) vnd ander seltzam geschichten."
Two woodcuts below on title page, the one, to the left, representing the royal and imperial meeting, the other a battle scene in which the Emperor (with his crown on) takes part.
Description of text:—Account of the Emperor's coming to Aery in Artheis on "the said" (benanten) day of August, (fn. 5) his meeting with the King about half way between Aery and the English camp on the 11th, when it rained the whole day, their courtesies, embraces, &c., They had a short and secret conversation apart, at a little distance from the people; and then took leave of each other. The King of England would have conducted the Emperor as far as Aeri, but the Emperor would not allow him; so the latter returned to the town and the former to his camp. The Emperor's company rode in [winter] (fn. 6) mantles on account of the weather. "Aber der Künig von Engellandt ist ein gerade person von lydmosz (fn. 7) gantz wolgeschickt, ein frölich wolgestalts (fn. 8); angesicht, wolredende jederman früntlich vnd gütlich zusprechende vnd vernünfftig, vnd zu siner jungheit käck vnd streitbar vnd desz xxxiij (sic) jars seins alters nit. (fn. 9) Er reit in sinem kuresz sonder desz Helm gantz angethon, darüber mit einem guldin tuch bekleidet, sin Har in eir (sic, ein in § 2) kostlichen guldin Huben (Hauben, § 2) dar inn vyl kostlich edel gestein ingesetzt war ingebunden, welch mit eim roten zotteten Hüt mit vil roten fädern bedeckt war. Sasz vff einem hübschen brunen Hengst, der zaum vnd gezeuge mit luteren geschlagenen gold blächen belegt war. Hiengen an den fürbiegen (fn. 10) vnd gesmeid vyl guldin glocken der eine vngeuorlich ij lot hielt, (fn. 11) der etlich waren leisz angemacht (fn. 12) wanner er den Hängst liesz springen so viel der selben glocken ye eine ab so rufften die selben einem tütschen vff zu heben vnd zu behalten, (fn. 13) vnd siner leüt dorfft keiner keine vffheben. Nach jm giengent xiiij hübscher Hängst allerley farben, deren zum vnd geschmide mit beschlagenem silber belegt, auch dar an silberin glocken gemacht die an dem riten grossen Hal gaben, vff welchen xiiij knaben sassen, derjeder mit einen guldin stuck bekleit was, vnd hatten daruber regens halb ein scharlach mantel mit grünen sammet gebrempt. (fn. 14) Und an den halten wann sie ein teutschen sahen, der ire Hängst mit verwundern ausahe so rissen sie ein glocken ab vnd gaben im die, der wigt eine ongeuorlich drithalb oder zwey lot gut silber, vnd wurden also der selben glocken vyl desz Keysers lüten gegeben vnd sonderlich den Trabanten. Vyl desz Küngs von Engellandt diener vnd herren die mit im rittent warent eins theils ire röck mit gantzen guldin vnd silberin geschlagnen blächen vberzogen, vnd an stat der nant (fn. 15) mit ringen zu samen gebunden eins teyls in ander guldin ouch (tuch, (fn. 16) 2) samèt vnd kostlich bekleidung vnd mit hübschen hängsten versähen§, vnd hat als man das vberschlüg vff den selben tag bisz vff xxv hundert pferd jm solde. (fn. 17) So hat K.M. mit jm vsz der stat riten vff M. Pferde. Dar nach an den xiiij tag jst K.M. widerhin ausz gezogen; vnd do sein keiserlich maiestat ungeuorlich uff halben wäg zu dem engelschen läger kommen ist, do ist der Künig mitt ettlichen sinen herren vnd edlen Keiserliche M. entgegen kommen vnd widerumb vnderthäniglich entpfangen vnd hat nit vyl reysige sunder sein Trabanten oder artschier bey jm gehabt, Deren by dryhundert all in ein farb gekleidet, die sind mit jm zu fusz gelauffen." This time the weather was fair and the English had put on fine clothes. The two princes (Herren) rode about the camp to the monastery close by Terbona. And going up the tower which commands a view of the town the King showed the Emperor "was eygenschaft sie hät." (fn. 18) Then they again mounted their horses.
"Die wyle beide Herrn vff dem Thurn warendt, hat der Künig all sein volck so in dem läger lag in gassen weisz all wegen dry oder fier hindereinander gestelt. (fn. 19) Do durch furt er K.M. das zu besehen, sein werlich grosz starck leüte. Habent allwegen hundert ein Houptman vnd ire fanen an einem langen spiesz, als vnser reysigen pflegen zu tragen, den tregt er in beyden Henden vor im vornen an der brust. Ouch haben eins theils engelsch bogen, eins theils handbogen, (fn. 20) etlich streitkolben an langen schäfften, vnd etlich lang spiesz, vnd sind fast all in weisz lang wopenröck gekleidet mit grünen tuch ver premdt, vnd fast all brüst vnd jsenhut vff ire hoüpttern. Und für jre feldspyle haben sie ein schalmien vnd sackpfeiffer die machen zusamen. (fn. 21) Als nun K.M. durch das folck vszgeritten was (fn. 22) furt in der Küng in sein läger, da selbs er etlich gezält die all miteinander verhengt warent mit einem wisen mantel, Und im ingang der gezält stünden für und für Trabanten und einer mit einen blossen schwerdt, vnd wart die ordnung der gezält gleich angesehen wie ein schlosz oder stätlin. Wo man zu dem thor der gezält hin eingieng, so gieng man under den gezälten ye in ein gezält, dann ein ingang do zwüschen dann wider ein gezält mit golde für und für bedeck bitz wider in desz Küngs gezält, das was in zimlicher grössin. In wendig allenthalben von dem grund bitz in den gybel (bisz in den gypffel, §2) mit roten guldin vnd lutern gezognen ducaten belegt (fn. 23) vnd golde beschlagen. Es sind ouch dar inn für und für ein schön vergült Credentz von fast grossen schalen vnd fläschen darunder etlich ganz guldin trinck geschirre, der pflegent etlich die dar zu geordnet sind. Und wer hyn yn kam, der ward vereret mit wein und engelschem biere. Uszwendig was das gezelt gleicher weisz von dem grund bisz in den knopff mit guten gold ouch vberzogen, (fn. 24) dz ein elen (das ein eln, § 2), als K.M. schnider geschetzt haben vngeuorlich für xxxiij gulden, so vyl kostet jeglich elen bissz in den knopff. Oben stund ein gantzer guldner löw habend in sinen pfoten das engelsch wopen (fn. 25) vnd was lenger dan zwo spannen mit siner proportion. In dem selben gezelt asz K.M. das nachtmal, das ye durch jren koch bereit ward. Ausz dem gezelt geet man durch ein gang der inwendig vnd uszwendig von guldin ouch gemacht ist, (fn. 26); in ein ratzhüsel, (fn. 27) das man zerlegen, vnd zerlegt wider vff schlahen musz; das selbig ist inwendig (auszwendig, § 2) mit roter farb angestrichen, und inwendig mit einer guldin tapetery vmbhengt. Darinn stund desz Küngs beth das was umbhengkt mit einer döckin fast kostlich guldin tuch, vnd was das holtzwerck vergült geschnitte vnd fast wol zu gericht. Solich gezelten vnd Credetz schenckt der Künig von Engellandt K.M. mit hohen erbieten. Und als sein K.M. geessen vnd geredt wie den sachen zethun wer, (fn. 28) das sich dan bisz in die xj stund in die nacht verzoge, fügt sich K.M. fürter wider in die stat.
"Am xvj tag ist K.M. wider in das feld gezogen vnd den Künig von Engellandt bewegt, das er in der nacht ist vffgebrochen allein mit sinem läger, auch den läger der dütschen knecht, vnd uber das wasser gezogen do selbs vff der Höhin (Hayden, § 3) sein gezelt vnd läger schlagen lassen, vnd etwa zwo stund vor tag, do mit das läger sicher geschlagen werden möcht, hat er das folck ordnen vnd vff ein ander Höhin (eyn andre hehe, § 3) rucken lassen. Ungeuorli[ch] vmb zwölff vren haben sich die frantzosen mit mit trey Huffen vff ein ander Höhin, dann do selbst für und für kein bühel oder thäler sind sehen lassen, (fn. 29) vnd als bald solichs K.M. zu wissen worden, ist sein maiestat vff gewesen vnd nach den teutschen rütern geschickt, der vff elffthalb (annderthalb, § 2) hundert nit gewäst vnd der burgundischen der ouch ob M. (zway tausent, § 2) pferd nit gewäst, befolhen das folck zu besichtigen vnd die teutschen by jm behalten. Haben sich die frantzosen zesamen (sic) gethon in ein Hauffen bisz vff die x. M. (siben tausent, § 2) gerüster pferd by einander gehalten jr ordnung gemacht vnd das geschütz vff K.M. rüter lassen abgon; das aber alles zu hoch gangen, (fn. 30) vnd niemandts kein schaden gethon. Also haben die burgunder vnd ettlich vngleich (Englisch in § 3) troffen, vnd als sie sich gewandten, und die K.M. gesehen das die burgundischen hertiglich gelitten, vom stund an die teutschen rüter (hartt ligen wollt, zu stunden den teutschen rewttern, in § 3) dar nach ein theil in die syten zu treffen befolhen; ee sie traffen haben sich die frantzosen gewendt mit ir ordnung vnd die flucht genommen, die vnsern rüter sind inen also nach gefolgt bisz vff ein kleine myle in ir läger, vnd mit inen gefangen vnd paner gebracht, (fn. 31) wie här nach verzeichnet sind. Also do K.M. solchs sahe das inen nit witer ab zu brechen vnd sie iram läger dar inne dan noch ob xx M. knecht lagen zu nahet waren, keret K.M. mit allen volck in guter ordnung vnd zoch in das läger vn beleib die nacht jm felde; vnd in solchem scharmutzel ward von den engelschen kein ander geschrey dann Burgundia. (fn. 32)
ii. Translation of Henry VIII.'s letter to Margaret. (No. 2170.)
iii. List of prisoners taken; and of the generals and forces of France and England.
iv. Brief notes of the razing of Terbona, siege of Tournay, defeat of the Scots in England and the Portuguese victories in India.
v. List of the generals and forces of the Venetians and, of the Emperor, opposed to them.
2. A printed book. (fn. 33) "Newe gezeitigung ausz romischer kaiserlicher Maiestat und des Künigs von Engellandt Here vor Terebona In Bickhardia. Was eer erbietung der Künig von Engellandt der kayserlichen Maiestat in irer zukunfft erzaigt. Was sich auch sonst gegen des Künigs von Franckreich Kriegs übung begeben hat."
1513. (Shield with Imperial double eagle below.)
The first part of the text is almost verbally the same as in § 1. But there is an additional paragraph describing the capitulation of Terouenne on St. Bartholomew's Eve, and the entry of the Emperor and the King of England into the town on the following day. The King remained there while the Emperor left by night for St. Thomas. Next day they began to beat down the walls, towers and fortifications.
ii. Then follow the names of the French prisoners taken &c.
R.T. 149, f. 211. R. O. 3. A brief account of the Battle of Spurs, almost verbatim the last paragraph of § 1 i.; followed by the list of prisoners taken, viz.—The Duke of Langafilla who is Marquis of Rottelnn. The captain of the hundred gentlemen of the King of France's bodyguard. The hoffmeister of the aforenamed Rottelnn. Twenty of the hundred gentlemen [of the King of France]. The Lord of Claramonte, vice-general (Vice-admiral, § 2) of the King and captain of the "angelein volk" (i.e. Duke of Angoulême's men) (des Angelems und Delphin Volcks, § 2). Angoulême's standard bearer (omitted in § 1). [From this point in § 2 the variations in the names are extraordinary.—"Vitri" captain of the Duke of Langirs' men, "Anykort" captain of the hundred lances; Russi, a captain of 100 lances; Bauir, capt. of 100 lances, deputy of the Lord of Mey; Lord vonn Bry Armonia, capt. of 50 lances; standard bearer of the Marshal Armonia, capt. of 200 lances; standard bearer of Galeatzen Mogmi Sentifer, der kron von Fraukreich Hauptmann, over 100 lances; standard bearer of the Lord von Framefelbo, etc.] The Lord of Staygetha (Vagetta, § 1, i.e. la Fayette), captain of the men of war of the Duke of Lasann (Lessen, § 1, i.e. Alençon). The Lord of Hubrekerrt (Culcert, § 1, i.e. Ymbercourt), a captain of 100 lances. The Lord of Wusse (Fusse, § 1, i.e. Bussi), captain. The Captain Wayardt (Wigart, § 1, i.e. Bayard) of 400 lances and deputy (stadthalter) of the Lord of Moy (Mey, § 1). The Lord of Brye in Normandy, captain of 50 lances. The standard bearer of Maréchal Armoniary (Armonici, § 1), captain of 50 lances. The standard bearer Lord Galratzay de Sancto Sevarino (i.e. Galeazo di San Severino), captain of 100 lances. The standard bearer of the Lord of Franrosolo (i.e. Framozelles). The standard bearer of the 100 gentlemen of the House of France. The standard bearer of Lord Ruprecht von Arenberg. Besides 200 gentlemen and archers. A herald and trumpet are released.
Among the dead are the Bastard of Vandayma, and a hundred gentlemen and archers. The lord of Breniss (Pionaes, § 1, Penna, § 2), chief deputy (oberster statthalter) of the King is dead or severely wounded. A gentleman (fn. 34) of the Lord of Bergen captured the Lord of Belitza (Palissa, § 1), who surrendered and gave his sword (which the gentleman still has) but did not keep promise. Of thirteen (fourteen, § 1) standards the French lost nine.
The above is sent in writing to the bishop of Gurk by Melchior Pfintzing.
German. Modern copy from Königsberg, pp. 3.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., II., 238. 2174. MARGARET OF SAVOY to MAXIMILIAN.
Sends by an esquire letters from the Sieurs De Fyennes, Du Reulx and De Nassau giving news of the siege of Théroanne and the state of the French; also a drawing of the said siege. He will understand her impatience at being so near him and yet unable to see him; but, knowing that it was his desire, she refrained from coming to him.
Ib., 239. 2175. THE SAME to THE SAME.
After the governor of Bresse left she received his letters telling of the victory gained by him and the King of France and England. As such things are not conducted without great danger she begs him to be careful; also to send news of himself by the governor of Bresse. The 50 archers he desired arrived yesterday.
18 Aug.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 25. R. O.
"Paid by me John Daunce" to the Lord Walwyn, in presence of Mr. Almoner, 18 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII., in reward for making trenches before the gate of Seynt Sprytte, 6l. 13s. 4d.
ii. Likewise to "those men which made the King's trench in the field besides Turwyn" 40s.; and to Mons. Elcisten's servant, in reward, 20s.
P. 1. Each entry signed: Thomas Wulcy.
18 Aug.
Sanuto, XVII., 38.
2177. VENICE.
[Note of letters read 10 Sept. 1513.]
From Zuan Badoer, ambassador in Spain, Valladolid, 18 Aug.—The King told him the Signory ought to agree with the Emperor and give up Verona; and that he was doubtful what would become of France if the English were victorious. The King's natural daughters and wife. He sends Don Alfonso, son of the Abp. of Valencia, to Italy as coadjutor of the Vice-roy and has detained the Duke of Alva who was going on pilgrimage to St. James. An ambassador of the King of England, who has left, came to take leave of Badoer and spoke very blandly. The King's chaplain who went to France to treat the agreement has returned. The King has gone to a Hieronomite monastery for rest.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 296.
18 Aug.
Ven. Transcr., 180, p. 11. R. O.
[Venice,] 18 Aug. 1513.—Wrote in their last of the instance made by the Pope for the agreement with the Emperor. Pleased to hear by his last, of the 19th, the preparations made against the English, and the security of Terouenne. He must beg the King not to delay resuming the enterprise of Italy, or at least making a demonstration. Long to hear from him (the ambassador) some certain news of the English and of Scotland.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 275.
19 Aug.
Stowe MS. 146, f. 92. B.M.
2179. THE ROBES.
Payments by Richard Smith, of the Robes, for conveying a close car, a chariot and a cart from London to Sandwich, including 1s. for "a guide from my Lord of Purgaynis place to Feversam." Also for conveying the King's robes and stuff from Calais to St. Thomas, by Sluse, Gravelyn and Burborow, including payments to two spears of Calais who accompanied it and 6d. for a guide from Burborow to the ferry at St. Thomas. Total 4l. 5s. 3d. Subscribed with Smith's receipt for the above amount from John Daunce, 19 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2.
19 Aug.
Galba B. III., 87. B.M.
Has received his letters dated from the camp at Therouanne, announcing the victory he had gained. No one can be more delighted. The Emperor will be as willing to support him as if he were his father, and will not spare his own person. Hopes that both will be preserved from danger. Lisle, 19 Aug. 1513. Signed.
French. Mutilated. Pp. 2.
20 Aug.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. on Various Collections, Vol. II., p. 317.
Wrote lately that he should send 1,000l. to Wm. Copland in Flanders, but now understands by his letters that he has not so much. He shall send all he has. Siege of Tiroan, 20 Aug.
20 Aug.
Le Glay, Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I., 534.
Yesterday morning presented her letters and declared his credence to the Emperor whom he found at dinner in a little fort near the camp. Dined with him and then went to Henry's tent and presented her letters. Intended to return directly, but the Emperor has ordered him to stay to assist in the conclusion of the affair between Henry and the King Catholic. The garrison in Terouenne will not believe the defeat of the French nor the arrival of the Emperor and show no signs of capitulating. Arrangements will shortly be made for an assault. If taken, it will be rased and made into a village which will be a good thing for her nephew. Writes no news as the Emperor and Henry have both done so. The prisoners are found to be much more numerous than was supposed. Commissioners are going round to each captain to discover the names of those he has taken. Maroton is also writing. Will visit the camp and tell her about the conduct of the army on his return. The King has introduced him to the Duke de Longueville "un treshonneste personnaige" who desires to be recommended to her. Henry will send him to England to the Queen where he will be well treated. The camp before Terouenne, Friday, 19 August.
The King says he is surprised at Isselsteim's delay and will be glad if he will make haste, as he promised. The Emperor is content with what she bade him say of the affair of Gueldres, by Mons. de Ravestain. He will write to her and to Ravestain.
Postscript, 20 Aug.—The King this morning moves his camp nearer the town. Hopes the assault will take place in a day or two News came this evening that Angoulême and Bourbon have arrived with 400 lances. The Emperor has news that the French King is at Aussy, which belongs to the son of Fiennes. He has also told Lord Reulx to go to the King of France on Margaret's behalf, to recommend to him the lands of her nephew. Thinks he has written to her to send letters of credence to him. Reulx asks that she will write to the King of France that his men have committed great damages and pillage.
20 Aug.
Vitell. B. II. 48b. B.M.
If he had known that the Emperor was to have had an interview with Henry VIII. would never have allowed his secretary resident with the Emperor to come without a special commission. Has now sent him these credentials. Milan, 20 Aug. 1513. Signed.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add.


  • 1. Word omitted.
  • 2. This written over the word Hay (as an alternative ?).
  • 3. With the Emperor.
  • 4. See also No. 2053 (6iii).
  • 5. 9 August according to § 2.
  • 6. Supplied in § 2.
  • 7. glydmasz in § 2.
  • 8. wolgefarbt, § 2.
  • 9. "hat das dreyundzwaintzigist Jar seines alters nich erraicht was in seinem kürrusz, sonder des Helmelein gantz abgethan, § 2.
  • 10. furbögen, § 2.
  • 11. wigt, § 2.
  • 12. der etlich waren dermassen leisz angemacht, § 2.
  • 13. so müsten die selben ein Teutscher auffheben vnd behalten, § 2.
  • 14. verbrembt.
  • 15. not, § 2.
  • 16. furschen, § 2.
  • 17. im feld, § 2.
  • 18. "was er geschossen het," § 2.
  • 19. "drey oder vierhundert an ainander gestelt," § 2.
  • 20. Hellenparten, § 2.
  • 21. die zusamen gemacht, etlich ain Trumeten, § 2.
  • 22. durch all gassen des volcks geriten ward, § 2.
  • 23. mit reichen guldin tüchern von lauterm gezogen gulden Treten belegt, § 2.
  • 24. mit guten reichen gulden tüchern uberzogen und bedeckt, § 2.
  • 25. ein gantzer gulder leb halten in seiner branckhaiten des Englischenn wapen, § 2.
  • 26. von gute kostlichen gulden tüchern gemacht ist, § 2.
  • 27. in ein Rot heüszlin, § 2.
  • 28. vnd Retten wid den sach en zuthun were gehabt het.
  • 29. kleine schuss sehen lassen, § 2; but § 3 has it, in parenthesis, "(dann daselbst fur und fur klein teller und buhel sind) sehen lassen."
  • 30. —gemacht. Also ist das geschütz auf die Frantzosen gangen, aber als (alles in § 3) zu hoch gangen, § 2.
  • 31. § 2 adds "auch todt beliben."
  • 32. wardt von den Teötschen, Burgundern und Englischen, kein ander geschray dan Viva Burgundia, § 2.
  • 33. Reprinted, by E. Weller, in Bibl. Literar. Verein., 1872, Bd. 111, s. 22 from a copy very different in spelling from this.
  • 34. Called Jacques de Chimes in No. 2237.