Henry VIII: August 1513, 1-10

Pages 967-972

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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August 1513

1 Aug.
Lord Londes-borough.
Requests her to send a physician to attend upon the King her husband. Windsor, 1 Aug.
1 Aug.
Stowe MS. 146,
f. 89.
Memorandum by John Daunce that he paid, on 1 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII., in presence of Mr. Almoner:—To the lord Walwyn, in reward to the lord Lynyes men for recovering the King's gun, 40l. To Northmen of Lord Darcy's retinue for "scowrwrynge" 4s. To a Frenchman for espial, 40s. To a woman that was spoiled of her victual, 6s. 8d. To a Frenchman that brought the King word "that his enemies were at hand," 6s. 8d. To the nuns beside Arde, 40s. To a messenger from the Prince of Castell, to convey letters to the Emperor, 6s. 8d.; "and also to espye, an other time," 20s. Signed: Thomas Wulcy.
P. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
230, f. 21a.
2. "Paid by me John Daunce," in presence of Mr. Almoner, to Sir Anthony Fretyte, captain of Remyngham, towards his preparation to serve in the King's wars, 1 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII., 100 mks. Signed by Wolsey.
P. 1.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
5, f. 24.
Requests he will order Thomas Spinelly (who dare not otherwise undertake it) to be the bearer of a special message from her to the King.
Hol., French, p. 1. Addressed: "Au Roy mon tres honore frere et cousin, en sa main."
2 Aug.
Lett. de Louis
XII., iv., 189.
Has received her letters of the 30th ult., and executed her commission in such wise that the King has written to Messire Thomas [Spinelly] to come to him, as she commanded. The King showed him her letters, apparently to let him see that she did not trust him. Could only reply that she had not dared to trust the posts on such an important matter. The King came on the first, within five or six bowshots of Terouenne. To-day he will be in the camp. They are determined to do something good ere long Yesterday letters were intercepted from young De Crequy to his father, saying that the enemy had fought hard since Friday, but if they were fools enough to give the assault they should be well received. A cipher also was found, which no one has been able to read. Sends it in the letter of Messire Thomas to see if Marnix can decipher it. From the camp, 2 Aug. Signed.
On a separate paper:—The English are in bad order notwithstanding their high spirits; "et tiens les Français bien mechans qui ne nous font autres venues." Thinks the King very anxious for the Emperor's coming to create order. Doubts if, when he has done so, they will believe it; for there are two obstinate men, who govern everything, the grand esquire [Brandon] and the almoner. The King has just received him joyfully, expecting to see her soon. Begs she will not forget to bring Moricaude. (fn. 2) He will give her a dress, presented to him by the King, if she will wear it.
2 Aug.
Ven. Transcr.,
180, p. 11.
2142. COUNCIL OF TEN to DANDOLO, Ambassador in France.
[Venice,] 2 Aug. 1513.—Received the King's letter of 5 ult. Await a good result of the expedition against the English, hoping that he will immediately take up the enterprise of Italy.
Italian. Modern extract. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 267.
4 Aug.
Hist. MSS.
Com., Rep. XII.
App. 9, p. 438.
Surprised that to her former letters, for the Council's information as to men and harness in that town, are unanswered. Writings and news from the Borders show that the King of Scots means war. Commands them to make their certificate within 15 days. Richmond, 4 Aug.
[The list of musters is preserved with this.]
4 Aug.
Sanuto, XVI.,
2144. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 8 Aug. 1513.]
From the Ambassador at Rome, 4 Aug.—News of 18 to 21 July from France of succour of Terouenne, &c. The Duke of Gueldres had come with aid, and La Trimouille had already left. In Rome, therefore, French reputation was restored and the Spaniards confounded. The Pope says he will shortly recall the men he sent against the Venetians. Answer in the matter of the truce is expected. * * * The Swiss appear to have had 15,000 ducats from the Emperor, sent by the King of England; and, on receipt of the rest from the Pope, they will invade Burgundy. The Emperor was gone to Luxemburg to stop the lanzknechts going to the aid of France. Lucerne, a canton of the Swiss, has been put to sack, because it held to France. The French news is from letters of the abbot of San Martin to Mons. de Loret, the French ambassador, and from other letters of Claude de Aliis and the Bishop of Nantes.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 271.
5 Aug.
Exch. Dipl.
Doct. 1487.
Acknowledgment by Simon de Ferret, the Emperor's ambassador to Henry VIII., and Baptista de Taxis, his master of the Posts, of receipt from John Daunce of 15,000 crs. of gold, being a moiety of 30,000 which remained to be paid to the Emperor (of the 100,000 agreed upon by treaty) within three months after the said Emperor invades France. Camp near Therouenne, 5 Aug. 1513. Signed and sealed (one seal broken).
Parchment, p. 1.
6 Aug. 2146. DEPUTY OF CALAIS.
The office granted to Talbot and Wingfield jointly. See GRANTS IN AUGUST, No. 7.
6 Aug.
Vitell. B. XVIII.,
"I wrote my last letters to your high[ness ... ] the double of the same unto you which I ... unto your gracious hands. And where in the same I advertised your grace that [the Emperor intended] to be nigh unto you as upon Tuesday next com[ing, and at] that time I doubted partly, because [he] intended to ... [to bid his] daughter farewell; but, blessed be God, h[ath been such] good diligence on both sides, that the Emperor [and] she ... even, and it pleased them to have me at supper, and t[he Emperor] is comyn this night to this village of Deysne, 6 l[eagues from] you, so that without fail shall keep his point[ment. The Emperor] hath spoken with the Earl of Nassau, and appointed with him ... to be with him within 15 days, and hath written to the [said Earl] to make haste, with many other good and necessary things [which I] have no leisure to write, and many good things (as [is thought) shall] follow by the Emperor's coming to you, for all such as ... with him, as well the Swissers as others, when t[hat it pleaseth] his Majesty to be personally in France they shall ... make better diligence, and your grace may te ... the French shall have but small trust in such [Almains as] be with them, when they shall hear the Emperor [has come] into your company, for out of doubt the[re is not an] Almain in France that hath any wit ... that dare adventure to be against him ... [Thomas Spinelly hath written to] me this day that he will send you [your artillery,] which shall be at Calais by water within 8 days [if] the wind serve, with your courtawdes, that shall come from [Mal]yns." My Lady of Savoy will not return to Malyns, but will proceed by easy journeys to St. Omer, accompanied by all the great men of these parts, "and many of them be right ille aferde." It is supposed this country will be forced to enter into the war, "which and [it] may be brought about, on the Emperor's part your grace shall be well and justly served, for the Swiss concluded on Sunday last by what way they will enter into France, and set forward strey[ght]." The Emperor expects to hear of them to-night or to-morrow. "As far as I can perceive the Emperor intendeth to come to you as your familiar friend, without looking for any ceremonies, but, after salutations made, to talk of such things as shall be necessary for your enterprise, and especially for ordering your artillery." Thinks that on Wednesday (fn. 3) the two sovereigns may be together. Deysne, 6 Aug. 1513.
Hol., pp. 2. Mutilated.
7 Aug.
S.P. Hen. VIII.,
230, f. 22.
Receipt, 7 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII., from John Daunce, by James Glydo, servant to Sir Andrew Wyndesore, of 7s. 2d. for carrying the hamper with the King's standards, streamers and banners from London to Canterbury. Endorsed with Wyndesore's signed certificate of the items of this expense.
P. 1.
7 Aug.
Galba B. III.,
In behalf of Thomas Spinelly, going to Henry, for whom she begs credence. Audenarde, 7 Aug. 1513. Signed.
French, p. 1. Add.
7 Aug. 2150. LOUIS XII. to the CHAPTER OF BOURGES.
In behalf of Bp. Forman. See Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, Vol. XIII, pref. clvii.
8 Aug.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 230, f. 23. R.O.
Wolsey's signed order to Daunce to pay Lord Darcy 4l. which he delivered by the Council's command, viz. 40s. "to a certain that saved divers victuals of the King's" and 40s. "to an espial resorting to Mr. Comptroller." In the siege nigh Tirwyn 2 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII.
Subscribed with Harry Gale's receipt, on Darcy's behalf, dated 8 Aug. 5 Hen. VIII.
P. 1.
8 Aug.
Hist. MSS. Com., Rep. on Various Collections, Vol. II., p. 317
The King's pleasure is that he send 1,000l. to William Copland, who is in Flanders making provisions for the King. At the King's field before Tiroan, 8 Aug.
8 Aug.
Calig. E. I. 17 [127]. B.M.
2153. [4395.] MONS. DE WALHAM.
Disbursements of Mons. de Walham [for the King of England] . . 18 July, 1513, to the 8th Aug., for payment of 100 pioneers.
French, mutilated, p. 1.
9 Aug.
Sanuto, XVI., 607.
2154. VENICE.
[Copy of a letter, made 11 Aug. 1513.]
From "vostro servitor senza nome" to Count Guido Rangone, Calzina, 9 Aug.—* * * Merchants who came from France in company with the French army, and left their artillery within a day's journey of Susa, report a rout of the English; and this is confirmed by a merchant of Mirandula, and by Don Allexandro who came from Savona on his way to France but is detained by illness. The latter says that the French army, animated by news of their King's coming, and too impatient to wait for him, gained the battle with slaughter of 26,000 English and took prisoner the English Viceroy; also that Prejam has routed the English fleet and killed its captain. The merchants say that 700 English men of arms were killed. A courier from the Emperor's Court says that all there are dispirited. Probably the reason is this reverse of the English. As for Milan, the Duke is in Milan ill of a quartan and Dom. Andrea dal Borgo manages everything. The Duke has sent an ambassador to the Viceroy and the Bishop of Gurk, together with Augustino Somenza, to say that the Duke is coming to Cremona and would have them come to a diet at Mantua or Caneto beside Asola. * * *
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 272.
10 Aug.
Roman Transcr., I., 1, f. 166. R.O.
2155. LEO X. to PATRICK PANITER, Abbot of Cambuskenneth.
By other letters appointed him to the abbey of Cambuskynet, then in a certain way destitute of an abbot, with dispensation from taking the habit and making the regular profession until one year after his obtaining peaceful possession. As he has represented that, being first secretary of James king of Scots, he cannot well take the habit, &c., within that term, the Pope hereby prolongs it for another year; and in respect both of that abbey or any other benefices dispenses with his taking the orders of subdeacon and priest for two years from the end of the one year allowed by law.
Latin. Modern transcript, pp. 2.
Adv. MS. 31. 2. Copy of the above. Dated Rome, 10 Aug. 1513.
Pp. 2.
Navy Records
Soc., X. 176.
A herald (fn. 4) despatched by the King of Scotland on the 27th ult. has just brought word that his fleet has left Scotland and should now be at Brest. The Queen's three ships there and eight other ships are to be prepared immediately to sail with the Scots and join the ships of Normandy for some enterprise. They must be prompt, as the season passes.
French. From a Bibl. Nat. MS.


  • 1. From Moore's sale-catalogue. (Puttick and Simpson, April 1856.)
  • 2. Note by the Editor of the Lettres:—"C'etoit, comme on croit, sa fille."
  • 3. August 10th.
  • 4. Lyon.