Henry VIII: April 1512

Pages 538-552

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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April 1512

See GRANTS IN APRIL 1512, 3 Hen. VIII, No. 1.
1 April.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6). f. 41. R.O.
1125. LADY MARY.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver the Princess of Castile, a crimson satin gown, &c. Greenwich, 1 April 3 Hen. VIII.
1 April.
Sanuto, XIV., 210.
1126. VENICE.
[Note of letters which came by way of Germany, read 11 May 1512.]
From the Ambassador in England, 31 March and 1 April (di ultimo et primo).—Has not money enough to live. All there are in arms and say they will attack France.
From Lorenzo Pasqualigo, the consul, to his brothers, London, 31 March:—After Easter the King will go to Hampton to embark his men. The King told him this and many other things which he will write in cipher by the next. The Emperor is in Aix la Chapelle (? in le acque di Barbante) and will make war on Gueldres. Have not heard whether he has peace or war with Venice. Preparations (described) at Hampton for embarking the Marquis's men and invading France. Will himself go there after Easter to see the review. The French ambassador has been dismissed and Frenchmen throughout the island are fleeing.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 159.
1 April.
Calig. D., VI., 327. B.M.
1127. [3112.] NEWS FROM FRANCE.
The King is going to keep Easter here, and will not leave till he knows the determination of the English, whether they will carry the war into Normandy or Guienne. If into Normandy he will retire into Normandy, whither he is now sending a band of artillery; if into Guienne he will retire thither and has already sent Mons. de Longueville, who is at present at Bordeaux, and a band of artillery. The Queen has made a vow to Our Lady of Follagonum, in Basse Bretagne; and will start as soon as she is well recovered, to protect her duchy of Britanny against the English, and collect troops for the use of the King. The English will repent their rashness. The King some time since sent the Bishop of Reulx ambassador to England, and recently wrote to him to discover why the English were arming; but he is returned, and is at present at Paris, because he has for a long time been unable to see the King, who had learned from the Pope that the French are excommunicated and no better than dogs. The Council told him that England has resolved to succour the Pope and the King of Aragon, and his other allies, who are unnamed, even as France supports the Duke of Ferrara and the Bentivogli of Bologna, who have seized upon the lands of the Church. Nevertheless, French merchants may have free access to England for one or two months till war is declared; but as Henry is entirely swayed by the King of Aragon, his beaupère, he will not be long in taking his advantage.
The ambassador of the King of Aragon has taken leave of the King, to go to Spain. He said that he desired to see his wife, and had leave from his master. The King told him he might go when he liked, and he should tell his master that he found evil brotherhood in him; and when the ambassador wished to excuse his master, the King said he knew the ill turns that were done, for lately he saw letters, intercepted, from the King of Aragon to the Pope, the Emperor, the King of England, the Swiss, and the Ven[etians] against him. The ambassador left on the 24th March, grumbling because he got no present. Mons. de Lange, the French ambassador in Spain, is coming home, and war is probable between the King and those of Aragon and England. The ambassadors of the King are still treating with the Swiss leaguers; but the matter is difficult, because the Kings of Aragon and England, and the Venetians, have ambassadors there to prevent it and enlist them against the King. The Swiss demand Lug[ano], Lucarne, and other lands upon their frontiers [of] the duchy of Milan, with a large sum of money. Hopes they may be won over by money, and then the King will more easily beat his enemies. The Emperor's ambassador is there to maintain his ancient alliance with the Swiss. It is surmised that the Emperor has intelligence with England and Aragon, as he has sent certain lanzknechts to England to drill the English (? pour a prendre lordre aux Angloix). Nevertheless France considers the Emperor his good friend, and has despatched Mons. de la Ghysse towards him and Madame de Savoy. Mons. de Nemours with the King's army left Final on the 24 March, and camped first at Plannere, whence he started in quest of the army of the Pope and the King of Aragon, which was then at Imola intending to retreat into Romagna. At Favenne the Duke of Nemours wrote to the King that he hoped to take their artillery. The Duke of Urbino, the Pope's nephew, quarrelled with the Spaniards, and retired into his duchy with 200 men at arms. He is now allied with the King. The Florentines sent 300 men of arms to Castro Car and other places adjoining Fayence and Romagna to prevent the Spaniards entering their lands; but they are thought to hold intelligence with the Pope and King of Aragon. The Cardinals and Prelates assembled in Council at Milan held their 16th session on the 24 March. They have suspended the Pope, and if he do not appear within 24 days, intend to excommunicate and depose him. The Cardinal of St. Severin, Legate of Bologna, made his triumphal [entry ?] on the 21 March. Blois, 1 April.
French, mutilated, pp. 3. Marked at the head: "5."
5 April.
Sanuto, XIV., 181 and 183.
1128. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 1 May 1512.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 1 and 5 April.—After Easter Day the King will leave for Hampton to embark his men. [Note by Sanuto that recently money was sent to Badoer, with orders to follow the King and solicit him to attack France.] The King has 15,000 men embarked, under the captainship of the Marquis, who will cross this month; and makes 30,000 under the captainship of one Balacut, master of the King's house (fn. 1), who will attack on the side of Normandy. The English ships guarding the Channel had taken four Breton ships, one of which was sunk in battle. The return of the herald sent to France was expected.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 155.
6 April.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6), f. 32. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Josselyn Percy, "our cup-bearer," a velvet gown, &c. Greenwich, 6 April 3 Hen. VIII.
7 April. 1130. THE WAR.
Admiral of the Fleet. See GRANTS IN APRIL 1512, 3 Hen. VIII., No. 6.
Muster of an army. Ib. No. 7.
7 April.
Le Glay, Negoc. entre la France et la l'Autriche, I., 488.
* * * News from England that the movements of arms are much cooled and there is no further talk of war. * * * [Blois, 7 April 1512.]
8 April.
Close Roll 3 Hen. VIII., m. 13 [6]d. R.O. Rymer, XIII., 326.
1132. [3117.] SIR EDWARD HOWARD, Admiral.
Indenture between Henry VIII. and Sir Edward Howard, witnessing that the said Admiral shall command the fleet now ready for sea with 3,000 men of war, over and above the 700 soldiers, mariners, and gunners in The Regent. His wages to be 10s., and every captain's, 1s. 6d. per diem; every soldier's, mariner's, and gunner's, 5s. per month wages, and 5s. per month victuals. Coats of every captain and soldier 4s., of every mariner and gunner 20d. Is to return at the end of three months to Southampton to revictual. His fleet to consist of 18 ships (portage and deadshares of each given); sc. The Regent of 1,000 tons, The Mary Rose of 500 tons, The Peter Pomegranet of 400, John Hopton's ship 400, The Nicholas Reede 400, The Mary John 240, The Anne of Greenwich, 160, The Mary George 300, The Dragon 100, The Lyon 120, The Barbara 140, The George of Falmouth 140, The Peter of Fowey 120, The Nicholas of Hampton ten score tons, The Martenet 9 score tons, The Genet 70 tons, The Christopher Davy 160 tons, The Sabyen 120. To have 2 crayers for revictualling. Conduct money for soldiers, &c., to be 6d. per day, from their homes to the place of shipment, accounting 12 miles for a day's journey. Half the prizes, &c., to be reserved for the King. Dated 8 April 3 Hen. VIII.
Sir Edward appeared to this indenture before the Chancellor, April 20.
Close Roll 3 Hen. VIII., m. 13 [6]d. R.O. Rymer, XIII., 329. 1133. [3118.] SIR EDWARD HOWARD, Admiral.
"Instructions given by the King's highness to his trusty and well beloved knight for his Body, Sir Edward Haward, named and deputed by his Grace to be Admiral of the sea during this voyage and enterprise to be made against the French King in Guyen."
These articles contain very curious and precise directions, not only for musters, victualling, lighting, and the admiral's flag, but against frays among the mariners and sailors, playing with dice and cards, &c.
The fleet is to revictual at the Cowe, betwixt the Isle of Wight and England.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229, f. 46. R.O. 1134. THE FLEET.
"Answer to such articles as Sir Edward Howard hath made," viz.:—
It is appointed that Wm. Keby and Robert Leygtton, yeomen of the Guard, shall muster the mariners in the ships and those coming to them from day to day, marking the days of their entering the ships. Item, the "bursars" shall provide victual for the mariners in the ships during their abode in Tamys and until the soldiers enter; and shall likewise pay the mariners' wages, by controlment of _ (blank). Item, the bursars shall receive victual of Wm. Atclyfe.
In Wolsey's hand, p. 1.
9 April.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 68. (No. 189.) B.M.
1135. [3121.] JAMES IV to JULIUS II.
Against John Duncan and others, "Romanam curiam sequentes," attempting to question before the auditory of the Sacred Palace the rights of his Royal Chapel and especially the provostry of Linclowden attached to the said Chapel and the Bishop's table, notwithstanding the Pope had quashed the suit instituted by the abp. of Glasgow. Linlithgow, v. id. April 1512.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 334. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 60b. (No. 165.) B.M. 1136. [2041.] THE SAME to THE SAME.
James III. built the chapel of St. Triduana, near the church of Restalrig, St. Andrews dioc., and had the collegiate church of the Holy Trinity and the Virgin erected in the time of Innocent VIII., a dean appointed, and the parish church of Leswaide incorporated. He appointed to the said college certain endowments, and prebendaries and chaplains in proportion, with exemption from the jurisdiction of the ordinary; the same privilege to extend to Leswaide; and appointed conservators of these privileges in accordance with the Apostolic bulls. At his death he charged James to fulfil the work; but, on attempting to follow his father's injunction, and complete the foundation, he was opposed by the ordinary and the rector of the parish of Restalrig, who endeavoured to bring the dean, &c., to the jurisdiction of the ordinary, thus infringing the privileges and usurping the emoluments of the College. Requests the Pope to confirm its rights. From our palace near [Edinburgh].
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 335. 2. Another copy. Dated, "ut supra." [Adv. MS. 334 is dated Linlithgow v. id. April 1512.]
Lat., p. 1.
9 April.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 63b. (No. 173.) B.M.
1137. [3122.] JAMES IV. to the CARD. [OF ST. MARK].
Has received his letters from Rome of 12 Jan., stating that the cession of his monastery of Glenluce to Cuthbert Balze (Bailze in § 2) was being prepared. Has sent for Cuthbert, and ordered him to do what is requisite. Begs he will thank the Pope for the determination, expressed in his other letters, to grant the church of Dunkeld on the first vacancy to the Bishop of Murray then ambassador. Linlithgow, v. id. April 1512.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 338. 2. Another copy. Undated.
P. 1.
11 April.
Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I., 490.
* * * The Swiss have prorogued their Diet till after Easter, awaiting this King's resolution. It is said that what he has sent will satisfy most of their demands. Robertet has complained to the writer that German foot are allowed passage through Flanders to the service of those who openly show that they will act against France. A messenger has come from the French ambassador in Spain. The French ambassador who was in England has also come. Can learn nothing as yet, on account of the holydays. Presented the Emperor's letter for her (Margaret's) private matters. The King answered that he would maintain the treaty of Cambray; and referred him to the Chancellor. Blois, 9 April 1512.
P.S.—There is an unusual delay in the coming of news from Italy. The King was leaving to-morrow on a hunting expedition, but has deferred it because the Queen's fever has increased. Blois, 11 April 1512.
12 April.
Eras. Ep. (Edit. Allen), I., 259.
Thanks for a letter. Oxford, pridie Idus April.
12 April.
Revue Internationale, Florence, Première Année (1 libraison), p. 194.
Praising his envoy Dr. Cordier, regretting the discord between the Pope and the French King, &c., and proposing a Council in Germany. Copenhagen, 12 April.
14 April.
Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I., 492.
* * * The Queen has been better these two days and the King has to-day gone hunting and hawking in the woods seven leagues off, taking Lady Claude with him as usual. He despatched La Tremouille, who left yesterday, and hastens to provide against any rupture by the English, not trusting the recent report that their movements had cooled. Spain would break with France but is not ready. One of the towns taken by the French in Italy is named Rosso. It is said that the Duke of Urbino has left the camp and will go home, at which the Pope is displeased. The Pope trusts in a diversion of the French forces on the side of England and Aragon. The French are superior to the Spaniards in foot but inferior in horse. On account of the Queen's illness the King has changed his mind and will not go more than one league away. The prorogation of the Swiss Diet lasts till the 23rd. Blois, 13 April 1512.
P.S.—The Venetian Senate has obtained a subsidy from the city for continuing the war. The Swiss Diet is prorogued to the 24th. Some think that the Spaniards and Papists will be able to make a stand in Faenza, and that they have the Pope's promise that England and Spain will break with France and the Swiss with Milan, and that aid is coming by sea from the King of Aragon. Blois, 14 April 1512.
15 April. 1142. SCOTLAND.
Commission to Dacre and West as ambassadors. See GRANTS IN APRIL 1512, 3 Hen. VIII. Nos. 14, 15.
16 April.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6). f. 6. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver John Floyde, Robert Pen, and Th. Fardyng, gentlemen of "our most honourable Chapel," black velvet for coats, &c. Greenwich, 16 April 3 Hen. VIII.
17 April.
Ib., f. 39. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to pay for making a riding coat of black velvet, &c., including purple velvet for the palms of the King and Queen, and doublets for Sir Charles Brandon and Sir Henry Guldeford. Greenwich, 17 April 3 Hen. VIII.
18 April.
Ib., f. 34. R.O.
1145. HERALDS.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Richmond Herald and Portcules Pursuivant, coats of the King's arms, for the former "of damask beaten with fine gold and `enoyled' fringed with white silk and green," for the latter "beaten with gold upon sarcenet." Greenwich, 18 April 3 Hen. VIII.
18 April.
Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, I., 498.
Describes his interview that day with the King (who was in the fields, hunting) upon her affairs. The King complained of her allowing the King of England to have 3,000 Germans through Flanders and to purchase munitions of war there. Replied that there was no open war with England, and these things might be for use against the Scots; moreover, Flanders was so situated that she must live by trade, and the number 3,000 was exaggerated for he was certified that they were but 400. The King replied that everyone knew the English preparations were against France; it was true that part of the footmen were in the service of the Duke of Gueldres, but he was privately informed that a great part of them were raised elsewhere and a servant of Mons. de Bergues, named Guyot, hired them; even if they were only four such a declaration of favour to the King of England was no small thing. Borgo answered that Messire Robert de la Marche's conducting 1,500 Almains through the country in the way he did was a greater declaration in favour of France. The King replied that that was not done by his commission and he would have been quite pleased if she had stopped them; as for the Emperor's suffering 5,000 lanzknechts to go to the French service in Italy that (and more) was due by the treaty of Blois. * * * Blois, 18 April.
19 April.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 97. R.O.
1147. [5745.] T. [RUTHAL] BP. OF DURHAM to LORD DARCY.
Is so busy in the setting forth of the King's army to the sea that he cannot write often. 10,000 men are being sent into Guienne under my Lord Marquis. Preparations are made for their landing at Fontarabia. John Stile writes that they will be met by 10,000 men provided by the King of Aragon, of whom one half are to be horse. Sir Edw. Howard is gone to sea with 5,000 men very well appointed. My Lord Marquis is to be at Hampton to embark with all the army on 4th May; and the French King makes great preparation against them. The French are so strong in Italy that the armies of the Pope and Aragon dare not meet them; they now lie within five miles. The Venetians have lost 10,000 or 12,000 men slain by the French; and now they make a greater army than ever. The Swiss intend to take the Pope's part; 20,000 of them will shortly enter the Duchy of Milan. Has great hopes the Emperor will at length turn to the defence of the Church. Most part of Christendom is at war by the presumption of the French King; and other countries now at peace are likely to "enter the same dance." These letters now sent to the King of Scots are courteous and honourable. They are in answer to letters in which James declared himself in favour of peace, provided he were well treated in regard to his ships. For this matter Lord Dacre and the Dean of Windsor (West) are about to be sent to Scotland. Trusts the matter will end well. "Daily we provide and put folks in a readiness for great armies." Greenwich, 19 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
20 April.
Lettres de Louis XII., iii., 232.
* * * Everyone here thinks the king of arms (fn. 2) of England has arrived and demands many things, but the Chancellor says he is only on the way hither. * * * Blois, 20 April.
French. Add.: Conseiller et premier secretaire de Madame, &c.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 79. R.O. 1149. [2037.] JOHN TOLEY.
Declaration of "certain misdemeanours" committed by him in his accounts, for 3 Hen. VIII., as auditor of the lands assigned for the charge of Berwick; shewing the wages and fees allowed for Middleham and Richmond, Barnards Castle, Sheriffhutton, Cottingham and the duchy of York, and that a sum of 84l. 5s. 11d. has been charged twice.
Large paper, p. 1. Endorsed.
22 April.
Stowe MS., 146, f. 11. B.M.
Memorandum of receipt (signed by John Shurley) from Mr. Daunce, of 10s., for a reward that was given to a man of Rye bringing writings to the King's Council showing that certain victuallers carrying malt for Calais were driven into Rye haven. Baynerdes Castell, 22 April anno quarto.
Small paper, p. 1. Endd.: Exr. per Dalison.
22 April.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 64b. (No. 176.) B.M.
1151. [3141.] JAMES IV. to JULIUS II.
The church of Lismore, founded in a barren country, poorly endowed among a rude people, has gone to ruin. It has neither bishop nor chapter. It approches are unsafe, and it has no supplies. The suppressed monastery of Sagadul was incorporated with it for the support of the Bishop. Requests, therefore, that the see may be transferred to Sagadul, and a cathedral erected there. Edinburgh, 22 April 1512.
Lat., copy.
Adv. MS., 343. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
Ib., 136. 1152. JAMES [IV.] to [the CARD. OF ST. MARK].
The bpric. of Lismore situated in a mountainous and woody country, brings more trouble than profit to its bishop. The fruits do not suffice decently to support his household. The Cistercian house of Sadaguil within the diocese has been deserted beyond the memory of man and fallen to the use of laymen, the fruits being only 9l. sterling. Is writing to the Pope to commit the case of this neglected monastery to the abp. of Glasgow, who may unite it to Lismore. Edinburgh.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
22 April.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 66. (No. 182.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I., 141.
1153. [3139.] JAMES IV. to JOHN KING OF DENMARK.
Announces the birth of his son on Easter Eve (fn. 3), who was baptized on Easter Sunday. The King will understand by James' messenger of arms, named Murray (Carrik in § 2) the news of the Council; the mission of the French ambassador; the war impending over Scotland and France. Palace near Edinburgh, 22 April 1512. (fn. 4)
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 346. 2. Another copy. Undated.
P. 1.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 69b. (No. 192.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I., 150. 1154. [3140.] JAMES IV. to the QUEEN OF DENMARK.
Announcing the birth of his son, on Easter Eve, and his baptism on Easter Day. Begs her to commend bearer, his officer of arms, to her husband.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 347. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
22 April.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 68. (No. 190.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., 1., 146.
1155. [3138.] SCOTLAND and DENMARK.
"Articuli et mandata Regis Scotorum armorum nuntio Carrik, ut ad illustrissimum Daciæ Regem referet, sibi commissa vigesimo secundo Aprilis, anno duodecimo, &c." To announce the birth of a prince; the General Council and the request of the King of France, by his ambassadors, that Denmark and Scotland should act with him; that James had used all efforts for a reconciliation, and the Bishop of Murray had crossed the Alps several times for that purpose, but the new peace between the Pope, Ferdinand, and the Venetians had hindered his wishes. The King of England has a fleet and army ready to throw into France or invade Scotland, and though he has been asked for redress of grievances, and reparation for the death of Andrew Barton, he has hitherto declined. The danger is all the greater, because the King of Aragon has declared war against France and expects succours from his son-in-law the King of England. Scotland has been asked by France, through the Bishop of Murray, to send information what side they intend to take in the event of his being attacked by England; for in the event of their supporting France, all their expenses shall be repaid, and they shall be supported against their enemies on future occasions. Wherefore James has thought good, for the present, to make proffers of friendship, that the French kings may remember hereafter that they were seasonably befriended by Scotland and Denmark in time of danger, and are under obligations to both. Denmark will remember the treatment he received from England when summoned to give aid to him against the Lubeckers. Advises him therefore to make terms with his enemies, keep his fleet and army under arms, and let Scotland know what aid he can furnish in the event of invasion by England.
Lat., copy, pp. 2.
Adv. MS., 344. 2. Another copy with heading concluded in these words "vigesimo 2o mensis Aprilis anno xijmo. supra millesimum et quingentesimum."
Pp. 2.
23 April.
Anstis, Order of the Garter, I., 275.
There was no serious business for the Chapter of the Order in 4 Hen. VIII.
24 April.
Lettres de Louis XII., iii., 235.
The king of arms (fn. 5) of England arrived the night before last, and had audience yesterday, after dinner, not wearing his coat of arms. Only the King, Dauphin and four or five others were present. Was told afterwards by the King that the message was the same as that brought by his own ambassador, viz., that the King of England could not but help the Pope and King of Aragon but wished to know if merchants might continue trade for two months, even though things came to a rupture. The King said he would make a good answer and was well able to defend himself. Learnt the above from the King, who also made suggestions (given) that the Emperor was becoming unfriendly to him. Results of Ravenna, (fn. 6) etc. * * * Blois, 24 April.
25 April.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 63b. (No. 174.) B.M.
1158. [3146.] LEONARD LOPEZ to JAMES IV.
Has reached England in safety. Waited on the King and explained to him viva voce the subject of his commission, who promised to return an answer by his ambassadors, whom he is sending. Henry is well inclined to peace between the two kingdoms, which has been sanctioned by the strictest pontifical penalties. Urges James to the same. Would have visited the King of France, if he could have done it with safety, and told him James's commission. Will do so when opportunity offers. London, 25 April 1512.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
25 April.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6), f. 37. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Francis Knyf, one of "our trumpets," four trumpet banners "in oyle apon sarsenet paynted with fyne golde apon the same banners." Greenwich, 25 April 4 Hen. VIII.
26 April.
Ib., f. 35. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Francis Knyf, Chr. Papa, John Sturt and Th. Gardyner, "our trumpets of war"; green and white chamlet for coats. Greenwich, 26 April 4 Hen. VIII.
26 April.
Ib., f. 36. R.O.
1161. WAR.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Sir Henry Willoughby, knight for the Body, 200 "pencelles wrought upon buckram, white and green, and upon every of them a red rose with a crown imperial yellow colour inoyled," to be set on the carriage of "our treasure of war" and other carriages to be now sent beyond sea. Greenwich, 26 April 4 Hen. VIII.
26 April.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 98. R.O.
1162. [5746.] JULIERS.
Notification by John first-born son of Cleves, duke of Juliers and Bergen, count of Marck, Ravenspurg and Katzenelnbogen, of the terms of his investiture to certain feudal possessions in Moubach, Hengbach, Zulpe, &c., held of Lewis Count Palatine of the Rhine. Treves, Monday after Misericordia Sunday 1512. Endorsed: Literæ reversales Johannis Clivensis Ducis Juliæ. "No. 4."
* With the above, and apparently included in it, is a declaration by William duke of Juliers addressed to Rupert Count Palatine of the Rhine, relative to the feudal rights of the latter. Utrecht, 26 Jan. 1357. Endorsed, "No. 5."
Lat., modern copy, pp. 5.
27 April.
Lettres de Louis XII., iii., 241.
Treasurer Robertet told him this morning that the King's answer to the English king of arms (fn. 7) was that he had done nothing against the Pope and had no quarrel with Aragon, so that England should have no need to aid either; he would send a herald whom he has in Normandy to learn the King of England's wishes and what he means to do with the men of war he is now preparing. The king of arms surprised Robertet by saying that his master's men were ready for sea and must land somewhere. * * * Robertet said that as to the English request that merchants might trade for two months his master answered that as there was no war they ought to trade as usual and had no need of safe conduct.* * * Blois, 27 April.
28 April. 1164. ABBEY OF SHREWSBURY.
Election. See GRANTS IN APRIL 1512, 4 Hen. VIII., No. 13.
29 April.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6), f. 14. R.O.
1165. LADY MARY.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver John Wellys, "groom of our chamber, who was appointed by our commandment" to attend our sister the Lady Mary, princess of Castell, London russet for "watching clothing." Greenwich, 29 April 4 Hen. VIII.
Ib., f. 33. R.O. 2. The like for Dorothy Lenthorpe, one of the gentlewomen attending the Princess of Castill, to have russet satin, &c. Greenwich, 29 April 4 Hen. VIII.
29 April.
Eras. Ep. XXVIII., 28. [Edit. Allen, I., 260.]
1166. [3158.] ERASMUS to COLET.
Preface to De Duplici Copia.—Commends his disinterested conduct, his foundation of St. Paul's school, his labours, preaching, sacrifices for the good of others. Acknowledges his obligations to Colet;—"itaque duos hos novos De Copia commentarios novæ scholæ nuncupare visum est." Expresses his disapprobation of a work entitled Cicero. London, iii. kl. Maias 1512.
29 April.
Eras. Ep. XXIX., 2. [Edit. Allen, I., 261.]
Sends him certain dialogues of Lucian, partly translated, partly re-edited. No one has so great a claim upon him as the Archbishop, to whom he is indebted for encouragement and reward. London, iii. kl. Maias 1512.
30 April.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6), f. 26. R.O.
1168. THE GUARD.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver bearer "two standerdes being of sufficient largenes to cary in the cootes of our Garde." Greenwich, 30 April 4 Hen. VIII.
Ashmole MS. 1116, f. 116. 1169. [3986.] LANCASTER HERALD'S MISSION.
"Informacions baylle a Thomas Wall dit Lancastre Herault, pere de l'avant dit Thomas Wall dit Rougecroys, au Roy Loys XIIme. de France pour le deffiement de la partie du Roy d'Angliterre l'an 1513 (sic). Le dit Roy Loys estoit a Paris."
Although in the late treaty between Henry and Louis the Pope was a principal confederate, and confirmed it by brief, Louis has since given him and the King of Aragon occasion to ask Henry's help for the Church, the protests he made, at their request, through the late Sieur de Dorizolles and by letter, and finally by a special ambassador, having failed. In pursuance of an appointment made by certain of Henry's Council with the Bishop of Rieux, last ambassador, Wall is charged to say that Henry feels bound to defend the Church and will shortly send out his forces; but has determined that, for two months, French merchants shall not be molested in his dominions, and requests that Louis will allow a like privilege to English merchants.
French. Later copy. A modern facsimile has been placed in R.O. (S.P. Henry VIII., 229, f. 46a.)
1170. GRANTS IN APRIL, 1512, 3 HEN. VIII.
1. Council at the Lateran. Appointment of Silvester bp. of Worcester and, Sir Rob. Wyngfeld, Councillors, as the King's ambassadors at the General Council to be held, 19 April 1512, at the Lateran. Westm., 1 April 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll 3 Hen. VIII. m. 7. Rymer XIII. 325. [3109.]
2. David Burton, gentleman of the Chapel. To be, for life, keeper of the wood of Chestenwod, Kent, vice John Peynde, with 2d. a day out of the fee farm of London and Middlesex, and arrears from 16 Aug. last. Westm., 22 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 April. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10. Vacated on surrender 12 May 10 Hen. VIII. [3110.]
3. Robert Flegge of London, haberdasher. Protection for one year, as he is going in the retinue of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Deputy of Calais. Del. Westm., 1 April 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10. [3111.]
4. John Yong, keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 500 marks, made 6 Jan. last, by Richard Cornwall of Beryngton Heref., William Parre of Horton, Northt., and Giles Capell of London; so far as regards the said Richard not going more than two miles from London. Greenwich, 4 April 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3113.]
5. John Yong, keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 500 marks, made 6 Jan. last, by William Courtney of Est Coker, Somerset, Sir John Audeley of Sofham, Norfolk, and Edward Dune of Horsington, Bucks; so far as regards the said William not going two miles from London. Greenwich, 4 April 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3114.]
6. Sir Edward Howard. To be admiral of the forces now to be retained for succour of Holy Church at the request of the Pope and Ferdinand king of Aragon. Del. Knoll, 7 April 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll 3 Hen. VIII. m. 7. Rymer XIII. 326. [3115.]
7. Musters. Commission to Thomas earl of Surrey, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Hen. earl of Essex, Sir Chas. Somerset of Herbert, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Edw. Ponynges, Sir Hen. Merney, Sir John Husey, and Sir Rob. Poynes, to take musters at Greenwich on 25 April next. Knoll, 7 April. French Roll 3 Hen. VIII. m. 14. [3116.]
8. John Blenerhaysett. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Richard, son and heir of Thomas Hobson. Greenwich, 4 April 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 8 April. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10. [3119.]
9. Richard Coffyn and John Smyth. To be comptrollers, during pleasure, of the ports of Exeter, Dartmouth, Plymouth, and Fowey. Greenwich, 6 April 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 8 April. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10. [3120.]
10. Sir William Sands, knight for the Body. To be constable, during pleasure, of Southampton Castle, with 10l. a year out of the issues of the port of Southampton, on surrender of invalid patent 12 Jan. 1 Hen. VIII., granting him the said office vice Thomas Thomas, deceased; also release of 17l. 2s. 3d. received by him, by virtue of the said patent from John Dawtrey and Richard Palshide, late collectors of customs in the port of Southampton. Greenwich, 8 April 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 9 April. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10. [3123.]
11. Antony Cavallary, merchant of Lucca. Licence to export woollen cloth and woollen cloth called "kerseys," hides, lead, tin and other merchandise not pertaining to the Staple of Calais, to the value of 100l.; and to import cloths of silk or silk and gold, wines called "malveseys," woad, alum and other merchandise to like value; paying customs as paid by denizens. Del. Knoll, 10 April 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll 3 Hen. VIII. m. 15. [3124.]
12. Edward Vaux, yeoman purveyor for the Cellar. To be bailiff of the fee of Richmond, and warrener of Swaffeham, Norf., during pleasure, as held by William Grevy; with 40s. a year as bailiff and 2d. a day as warrener. Greenwich, 28 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 April. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [3125.]
13. Henry Stephenson, gentleman of the Chapel. Corrody in the monastery of Cokkeshall, lately held by Edward Johnes, deceased. Westm., 23 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 12 April. P.S. (in English). [3127.]
14. Scotland. Commission for Thomas lord Dacre of Greystoke, and Master Nicholas West, LL.D., Dean of Windsor, Councillors, as ambassadors to James king of Scots, to receive his oath to the treaty made with Henry VII. 15 April 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Scotch Roll 3 Hen. VIII. m. 11. Rymer XIII. 332. [3129.]
15. Scotland. Commission to Thomas lord Dacre of Greystoke, and Master Nicholas West, LL.D., Dean of Windsor, Councillors, as ambassadors to treat with James king of Scots, or his commissioners, for settling differences. 15 April 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Scotch Roll 3 Hen. VIII. m. 11. Rymer XIII. 333. [3128.]
16. Thomas marquis of Dorset. Wardship of Ralph Racheford of Stoke, Linc., during his phrenzy. Croydon, 18 April. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 12. [3130.]
17. Robert Lytle, groom of the Wardrobe of Beds, and William Monslawe. Grant, in survivorship, of a corrody in the monastery of Wenloke, Salop, surrendered by Walter Lambe. Greenwich, 17 April 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Croydon, 20 April. P.S. (in English). [3131.]
18. Robert Morton. Custody of the lands and wardship and marriage of Leonard, s. and h. of John Cassy. Croydon, 20 April. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 11. [3132.]
1. For William Wilford. Pardon and release as escheator of Devonshire. Undated. S.B. [3133.]
2. For Edward Darell, k[night for the Body ?]. Grant, in fee, of woodland called Leighwode, parcel of the manor of Chilton Foliott; and land lying to the west of the same wood near the manor of the said Edward, called Litelcote; which manor of C[hilton Foliott belonged to the] Duchess of Somerset. Undated. S.B. [3134.]
3. Sewers.
Lincolnshire.—Commission to T. (sic) abp. of York, Th. Dokwray prior of St. John's Jerusalem, Will. lord Willoughby, Sir John Fyneus, Rob. Brudenell, the Abbots of Croyland, Thorney, Bradney, Revesby, and Swyneshede, the prior of Spaldyng, Sir John Huse, Sir Rob. Sheffeld, Sir Will. Tirwhitt, Sir Th. Newporte, Sir Edw. Burgh, Sir Rob. Dymmok, Sir Ph. Tylney, Sir John Skypwith, Th. Burgh, Geo. Fitzwilliam, John Fulnetby, Nich. Upton, Rob. Husee, John Lytelbury, And. Byllesby, Th. Tothoth, Will. Askewe, Will. Hansard, Geof. Paynell, John Hennege, John Robynson, Will. Goderike, Th. Holand, and John Tempest, from the district from Dodyngton Pygott to Tydd Gott. Unfinished (and marked "vacat"). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16d. [3137.]
1172. GRANTS IN APRIL, 1512, 4 HEN. VIII.
1. Dominic Lomelyn. Warrant to William abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, for letters of protection according to Act of the last parliament. Del. Westm., 22 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. French Roll 4 Hen. VIII. m. 11. [3142.]
2. Sir Wistan Brown and William Sidney, esquire for the Body. Licence to export 2,000 sacks of wool from London, Southampton or Sandwich, through and beyond the Straits of Marroke, paying, for all customs and ducs, 5 mks, per sack five years after shipment. Greenwich, 6 April 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 April 4 Hen. VIII. P.S. French Roll 4 Hen. VIII. m. 3. [3143.]
3. Richard Slythurst, yeoman of the Crown, and Thomas Brooke, yeoman usher of the Chamber. To be keepers, in survivorship, of Ewelme park, Oxon., with 2d. a day. Westm., 24 April. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 5. [3144.]
4. Roger Salesbury, yeoman of the Guard. To have the fee of the Crown, being 6d. a day, vice John Whityngton, deceased. Westm., 25 April. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [3145.]
5. John Randell, yeoman of the Crown, dwelling in Kent. Mandate (fn. 8) to repair to the King's presence to do service of war over sea. Greenwich, 26 April. S.B. (King's stamp). [3147.]
6. Robert Thursby alias Thoresby, haberdasher of London. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Lieutenant of Calais. Greenwich, 20 April 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 April. P.S. French Roll 4 Hen. VIII., m. 2. [3148.]
7. Henry earl of Essex. Grant, for life (from the first day of the reign) of the annuity of 40 marks, reserved upon the grant by Hen. VII. to Sir Robert Clifforde and his heirs male, of the lordships of Stokyngflete, Drynghous, Brian Askeham, and Upton, Yorks., on attainder of Francis lord Lovell; which annuity Henry VII. gave to Sir John Everyngham, now dec. Del. Westm., 26 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20. [3149.]
8. John Herte of Tavistoke, Devon, franklin. Pardon for having killed Richard Bagge in self-defence. Westm., 27 April. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 28. [3150.]
9. John Bristall of London, merchant. Protection for one year; going in the suite of Sir Gilbert Talbot. Deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 25 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 April. P.S. [3151 .]
10. Henry Acres. Grant, during pleasure, of the three burgages or messuages and three gardens with appurtenances, in Banbury, Oxon., late of Sir Richard Emson, attainted. Greenwich, p[rimo die Aprilis ?], 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 April. P.S. (mutilated). Pat. 3 (sic) Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 13. [3152.]
11. John Yong, master of the Rolls. To cancel recognizance of 1,000l., made by Thomas marquis of Dorset, 4 March 3 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 28 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3153.]
12. William Hatteclyff, one of the clerks of Green Cloth. To be bailiff and woodward of the lordships and manor of Lee, Shrofolde and Bankers, Kent, lately acquired by exchange with the Marquis of Dorset, with 4d. a day as bailiff and 40s. a year as woodward. Westminster, 21 March 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 April. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [3154.]
13. Shrewsbury Abbey. Assent to the election of Richard Baker as abbot. Greenwich, 24 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 28 April. P.S. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19.
ii. Petition for above. 9 April 1512. [3155.]
14. Nicholas Love, master gunner of the King's ship called the Lyon. To be gunner in the Tower, with 12d. a day from Mich. 3 Hen. VIII., for life. Greenwich, 14 April 3 Hen. VIII. Del. 28 April 4 Hen. VIII. P.S. (in English). [3156.]
15. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Wilts.—Westm., 28 April. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d. [3157.]
16. William Sympson, of Beggranes or Bekestraynes in Castell Soreby, Westmld. or Cumb., yeoman. Pardon for all offences previous to 1 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. Westm., 29 April. Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20. [3160.]
17. Elizabeth Howell late of Bristol, spinster. Pardon. Del. Westm., 29 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (marked Pro Deo. quia pauper. Ad manus Johannis Lloid de Capella Regis lib. fuit 30 Aprilis 4 Hen. VIII. "per mandatum Domini Regis ut idem Lloid Domino Cancellario retulit"). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20. [3161.]
18. John Willoughby and Alianor his wife. Protection for the said John serving in the King's war under Thomas marquis of Dorset. Greenwich, 28 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. [Westm.], 29 April. P.S. French Roll 4 Hen. VIII. m. 2. [3162.]
19. Thomas Vaughan. To be, for life, bailiff of Dover by water and land, with fees, &c., viz.: for every horse, 4d.; every mare, 2d.; every bullock, 2d.; every barrel, 1d.; "every hundred hoppes," 1d.; "every hundred tallow," 1d.; every broadcloth, 5d.; every tun of wine, 8d.; every sheep, ½d.; with the "pounde gilt" and all other profits; in the same manner as the bailiffs of Winchelsea, Rye, or Sandwich. Greenwich, 24 April 4 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 April. P.S. (in English). Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. [3163.]
20. Stephen Coope. Pardon and release as sergeant of the Butlery to Hen. VII., alias sergeant of the Pantry, previous to 1 Oct. as well in 24 Hen. VII. as in 1 Hen. VIII. Westm., 29 April 1 Hen. VIII. (sic). (See No. 449, § 14.) Pat. 4 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4. [3164.]
21. Francis Wygges, of London, yeoman. Pardon. Greenwich, 20 April 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. 30 April. P.S. [3165.]
22. Sir Thomas Cornewall, of Burford, Salop. Certificate to the Lord Chancellor for his protection, in accordance with the Statute, as he is going over sea to serve in the war in the company of the Marquis of Dorset. 30 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Thomas Dorsett). [3166.]
23. Lord Ferrers. Request by the Marquis of Dorset to the Chancellor, that his brother, the Lord Ferers, may have all necessary writs free of fine, according to the Statute, as he is going over sea with the Marquis in the King's service. 30 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Thomas Dorssett). [3168.]
24. James Strangeways. Like request. 30 April 4 Hen. VIII. S.B. (signed: Thomas Dorssett). [3167.]


  • 1. Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury, steward of the Household.
  • 2. Lancaster Herald.
  • 3. April 10th.
  • 4. This date is 1511 in the Epistolæ, which is certainly an error.
  • 5. Lancaster Herald.
  • 6. Two contemporary letters relating to the battle of Ravenna, on 11 April, will be found in the British Museum, Harl. 3,462, f. 150, and Addit. 21,382, f. 43; both, however, are addressed by foreigners to foreign courts.
  • 7. Lancaster Herald.
  • 8. Now filed in 4 Hen. VIII. but doubtless of the following year.