Henry VIII: March 1512

Pages 526-537

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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March 1512

1 March.
R.MS., 13 B. II., 59b. (No. 160.) B.M.
1084. [3033.] JAMES IV. to [CARDINAL OF ST. MARK].
The priory of St. Mary's Isle, of the order of St. Augustine, dioc. Galloway, was erected by the ancient kings of Scotland, as a cell to the monastery of Holy Rood, on condition that the abbot of Holy Rood should appoint or depose the prior at his pleasure. In process of time this uncertainty of tenure was disliked, and the priors procured appointments for life. As the priory ceased to be visited it fell into neglect and ruin, and cannot be reformed unless the original authority be restored. Begs, on the death of John, the present prior, it may again be connected with Holy Rood, or at least, on its voidance, George abbot of Holy Rood may hold it in commendam, and restore it. Edinburgh, 1 March, 1511.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 316. 2. Another copy. Undated.
P. 1.
4 March. 1085. THOMAS MARQUIS of DORSET.
See later, under 28 March.
5 March.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6). f. 42. R.O.
1086. LADY MARY.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Alex. Duwes and John Tremayle, "grooms of the Chamber with our dearest sister the Princess of Castile," broad cloth gowns, &c. Westm., 5 March 3 Hen. VIII.
5 March.
Le Glay, Negoc. entre la France et l'Autriche. I., 481.
* * * Mons. de Longueville, hearing that the English were proceeding coldly, returned here. The King, however, wishes him to draw towards the frontiers of Calais and he leaves to-morrow. Blois, 5 March.
6 March. 1088. ABBEY OF ABINGDON.
Election. See GRANTS IN MARCH, Nos. 16, 18, 23.
6 March.
Harl. MS., 1244, f. 97. B.M.
James IV's offer of league with France, in ten articles (as in Nos. 1207 and 1287). Edinb., 6 March 1511, a.r. 24 Jac. IV.
Modern copy from the Tresor des Chartes, Paris, Pp. 20. Headed: Lettre de Jacques IV., roy d'Ecosse, par laquelle il s'allie avec le roy Louis XII. ez guerres quil avoit contre le roy d'Angleterre.
Add. MS., 30,666, f. 150d. B.M. 2. Another modern copy.
Pp. 17.
8 March.
Lettres de Louis XII., iii., 185.
* * * The King has to-day sent by water to the country of Guyennes, against the English, all the artillery he had in this castle, and to-morrow Longueville is leaving, who ought to have left a week ago, for Guyennes and the frontiers of England. The King said of the English, yesterday, "I fear them not at all, for I have 2,000 men of arms and 20,000 foot to set at their heels." * * * Blois, 8 March.
9 March. 1091. MASKING.
Wardrobe stuff used at masks from Christmas to 9 March 3 Hen. VIII.
See Vol. II, p. 1497.
11 March.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6). f. 45. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Th. Sextyn, gentleman of the Chapel, a gown, &c. Westm., 11 March 3 Hen. VIII.
13 March.
Sanuto, XIV., 94.
1093. VENICE.
[Note of letters read 13 April.]
From Andrea Badoer, England, 13 March.—Some barques have come to Hampton to carry 15,000 English archers to Spain, to join the King's camp in attacking France. The King of England will also attack.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 154.
13 March.
Vitell. B. II., 22. B.M.
1094.[3066.] JULIUS II. to HENRY VIII.
Learns from Card. Bainbridge that there is some dispute between the abp. of Canterbury and the bp. of Winchester, which they have referred to his Majesty. Hopes he will put an end to the difference, and so the cause between them, now in the Roman Court, may be stopped. Rome, 13 March 1512.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
13 March.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 96. R.O.
1095. [3067.] MAXIMILIAN to MARGARET.
Since writing has heard that the Venetians refuse the peace with the Emperor proposed by the Pope and King of Aragon; on which account the latter will no longer have them in their League and are ready to join him against them. Is waiting to hear what assistance the Pope and Aragon will give. Thinks that the Venetians, in view of the loss they have since suffered, will soon talk otherwise.
French, p. 1. Extract in the hand of Spinelly's clerk headed: A Trery le xiijme. de Mars.
14 March.
Corp. Ch. Coll. MS., 114, p. 4. Cambridge.
1096. [3068.] JULIUS II. to HENRY VIII.
Requesting aid of the King for the defence of the Apostolic See against the French king. 14 March 1512, pont. 9.
Lat., copy, pp. 2.
16 March.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6), f. 40. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Wm. Hylton, groom of the Chamber, a London russet gown, &c. Westm., 16 March 3 Hen. VIII.
16 March.
Exch. Dipl. Docts., 738. R.O. Rymer, XIII., 324.
1098. [3797.] ENGLAND and ARAGON.
Additional article to the league between England and Aragon of 17 Nov. 1511, to the effect that the English force to be sent to Aquitaine in April next shall be augmented by 500, and on the part of Aragon the men at arms by 1,500 and the light horse by 1,500; the augmentation to be at the expense of England. 16 March 1512.
Signed by L. Carroz.
* This is more fully described in Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 65, from a draft at Simancas of which there is a modern transcript (pp. 4) in R.O.
16 March.
Stowe MS., 146, f. 22. B.M.
Bill of exchange drawn by Ldo Freschobald et Compa. in favour of Giovanni Lucha Spinola, for 266¼ cr. (?), and addressed to Ghulielmo Gianson, Inghilese, in Londra. Dated, 16 March 1512.
Italian. Small paper, p. 1.
16 March.
R.MS., 13 B. II., 63. (No. 171.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., I., 135.
1100. [3104.] JAMES IV. to JULIUS II.
Received on 2 March the apostolic brief, dated 7 Jan., and read it with great regret. What can be worse than that a Holy Father and a Christian son should level their swords at each others throats? As in the dictatorship of the great Julius, all authority was consolidated in the monarchy, so, under Julius, Christ's vicar, he trusts Christendom will rise to a man at the command of the Church. Had instructed the bp. of Murray to urge reconciliation, but in vain. He has informed the King, in presence of the prelates and nobles, of his most just demands for peace, and his failure. James and all Christian princes with whom he has relations are interested in using every effort to secure peace, and a crusade against the Infidels. Has resolved to exhort the King of France to return to his obedience; let Bologna be replaced, Ferrara restored, the new Council cease. Will use his efforts, if recourse be not had to arms, with the King of France, and perhaps will succeed better by peaceful means, provided only the Pope will look upon him as his most Christian son. Holyrood, "ultimo Marcii sexto decimo supra, &c."
P.S. in the King's own hand.—Thanks the Pope for the privilege granted to his chapel, for the confessional, for the kindness shown his ambassador. Wishes to know if the Pope desires his services with the King of France. If the Pope bids him, will try to bring France over, whatever the result may be.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 325. 2. Another copy giving no indication that the postscript was in the King's own hand, but reading the date "sexto decimo Marcii anno undecimo supra millesimum et quingentesimum."
Pp. 2.
17 March.
Galba B. III., 102. B.M.
1101. [3077.] SPINELLY to HENRY VIII.
Wrote last on the 14th. Sends him a copy of an article (fn. 1) which came in letters from the Emperor last night. Bannisis has also written and sent the copy (enclosed) of the protest made against the Venetians by the ambassadors of the Pope and Aragon. Affairs are in better condition, as the Venetians condescend to the truce and my Lady thinks that, if the Pope dismiss their ambassador and recal his from Venice, they will accept the peace, and the Emperor receive some money from them. She wishes Henry would urge the Venetian ambassador to write to his masters in that behalf. Letters have been received stating that the French in Brescia [had committed great] disorders. There were killed 14,000, and both secular and spiritual persons pillaged and outraged, and all over eight years old were made prisoners and put to ransom. The Emperor is at Treves. Madame expects him here before Easter. Nassou, Dysylstein, De Walem, Zevomberg and De Wassene, in Gueldres with 3,000 foot and 500 horse, have burnt all the land of Bommel and now mean to do the like about Nymeghe. The Emperor has written threatening letters to the Council about it, which Spinelly thinks not à propos. On the 20th the Estates are to make answer to the proposition made to them. It is said that Ghent demands peace. If so the rest of Flanders will do the like. (A passage unintelligible touching the assault of Brescia.) [No news] of the appointment of the Swiss with the French. Madame thinks the King very slow in his preparations, and has told Spinelly that many thought the King would do as much as the late King Edward and his own father, but she believes the contrary. They are awaiting the arrival from France of Andreas de Burgo. Though four posts have come from Germany, does not even know where Sir Robert Wingfield is. Malines, 17 March.
Hol. French. Mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
17 March.
Sanuto, XIV., 36.
1102. VENICE.
[Note of letters read 18 March 1512.]
From Paulo Augustini to the Proveditor Capello, Mantua, 17 March.—The French say that the King of England has declared war on France. The Spaniards remain where they were, and the French have moved the bridge from Revere to La Stella, intending to cross the Po and attack Padua and Treviso unawares.
From the said Proveditor, Vicenza, 17 March:—Forwarding the above. The King of the Romans has by his ambassador made four requests to the King of France, viz., to give him (1) Padua and Treviso, (2) 80,000 ducats, (3) Bologna and Ferrara, and (4) certain castles in the borders of Burgundy. If this be true he seems to seek a quarrel with France. Verona.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 149.
18 March.
Close Roll 3 Hen. VIII., m. 18d.
Indenture, 18 March 3 Hen. VIII., between the King and Sir Thomas lord Howard for a loan of 2,000 Howard, to enable him honorably to accomplish his journey in the King's wars beyond sea to which he and others are appointed. Recognised 27 March.
18 March.
Sanuto, XIV., 48.
1104. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 23 March 1512.]
From the Ambassador at Rome, 18 March.—The Pope's gout better. Fresh letters from England report great preparations to attack France on 1 April. The Pope complains that the Spaniards will do nothing unless an agreement is made between Venice and the Emperor, and he has no answer from either. War movements about Bologna.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 151.
19 March.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6). f. 43. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Chr. Rochester, Wm. Gower, John Dyngley and Nicholas Carew, "grooms of our Privy Chamber," tawny chamlet gowns, &c. Westm., 19 March 3 Hen. VIII.
19 March.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 61. (No. 166.) B.M.
1106. [3083.] LEONARD LOPEZ.
"Mandata et instructiones Regis Scotorum dilecto sibi Leonardo Lupez, utriusque juris doctori, prothonotario Apostolico, Catholici Regis in præsens oratori, credita et commissa quartodecimo kalendas Aprilis anno undecimo supra millesimum et quingentesimum; quæ ad serenissimum et potentissimum Angliæ Regem primum, inde ad Regem Catholicum Aragonum, Siciliarum et Jerusalem, idem orator referet."
To say that he has been graciously heard and answered; that James desires peace between the Pope and Most Christian King, and the subsequent Crusade; that he has read articles in the same spirit transmitted to James by the French King; that James prays the Kings to use every effort to make peace and promote the Crusade; and that the Queen continually invites him to observe the friendship of the Pope and both Kings.
Latin, copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS., 329. 2. Another copy (faulty).
20 March.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6). f. 46. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Ric. Smyth, yeoman of "our Wardrobe," a violet grown, &c. Westm., 20 March 3 Hen. VIII.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 61b. (No. 167.) B.M. Ep. R. Scot., I., 131. 1108. [3081.] JAMES IV. to FERDINAND KING OF ARAGON.
Received on the 8 Jan. (March in § 2), by Leonard Lopez, LL.D., prothonotary apostolic, his letters dated Burgos (Brugorum oppido) the 6 Nov., expressive of the ancient amity between the two kingdoms, and how Ferdinand, with a view to extend Christianity, had in the previous summer furnished a fleet for Africa. Ferdinand has been summoned by the Pope, under his new title of The Catholic, to protect the Church, and by virtue of that office has entered the league and invites Scotland to do the same. At his request James was induced to make peace and affinity with Henry VII. As, therefore, it is the distinguished privilege of Ferdinand to be the promoter of peace, begs he will use his influence to reconcile Lewis and the Pope, and induce them to lay down their arms. The King of France is much more likely to return to his allegiance by this way than by war, and all Christian princes ought to labor to this end. Has despatched Ferdinand's ambassador to appeal to him and freely dissuade him as King Catholic from drawing his sword against a Catholic soldier. Has sent to the King of England for the same purpose, who has hitherto been studious of peace.
Lat., p. 1.
Adv. MS., 324. 2. Another copy. Dated "Edinburgh, ut supra." (fn. 2)
R. MS., 13 B. II., 62. (No. 168). B.M. Ep. R. Scot., I., 133. Has received his letter by Lenoard Lopez, who presented also one from the King of England, bespeaking her favor. Her husband is entirely bent on peace, and invites England to join. Holyrood, xiv. kal. Aprilis 1511.
Lat., p. 1.
Adv. MS., 326. 2. Another copy, dated 13 kal. Aprilis 1511.
20 March.
Ib., 327.
To the same effect as No. 1030, but dated Edinburgh, 20 March 1511.
20 March.
Ib., 328.
On the same subject, "Ex palatio nostro ut supra."
20 March. 1112. JAMES IV. to JOHN KING OF DENMARK.
See No. 1116.
22 March.
Lettres de Louis XII., iii., 201.
* * * Is told that the ambassador who is in England, to learn whether that King will maintain amity or make war, gives good hope that war will be avoided; but in any case France is ready to defend herself. * * * Blois, 22 March.
23 March. 1114. ABBEY OF SHREWSBURY.
Election. See GRANTS IN MARCH, No. 55.
23 March.
Exch. Accts., 417 (6), f. 44. R.O.
1115. LADY MARY.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Anne Jernyngham, gentlewoman, attending the Princess of Castile, black satin for a gown, &c. Westm., 23 March 3 Hen. VIII.
25 March.
R. MS., 13 B. II., 63b. (No. 172.) B.M. Ep. Reg. Scot., 1511. I., 137.
1116. [3086.] JAMES IV. to JOHN KING OF DENMARK.
Has detained Andrew Jenson in order to furnish masts for his fleet. Can find none fit for the purpose in the North of Scotland, and has been obliged to send to Norway. Edinburgh, 20 March 1511.
Lat., p. 1.
Adv. MS., 330. 2. Another copy. Dated "25 March 1511."
25 March.
Ib., 331.
Requests that he will allow Andrew Jensoun to obtain timber for masts in Norway. From the palace, "ut supra." [No. 1116 (2).]
Lat., copy, p. 1.
[26 March.]
S.P. Hen. VIII., 229. f. 45. R.O.
I sent you 10s. by John Wyttyngton and now by Th. Tattersawll, my brother Lytster's servant, send you 8s. and as much as he can get from your tenants, to whom I sent word to meet him by the way. Let me know what they pay and I will collect the rest; "and be you a good husband and apply your bank, and ye shall do well, by God's grace." Written at Elston "on Fryday last past."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: in Clementys Hyn vythe howte the Tempull Bar, at London. Subscribed: Hanc litteram recepi in festo sancti Aldelimi anno r.r. H. viijthi tercio.
27 March.
Sanuto, XIV., 75.
1119. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 2 April.]
From the Ambassador at Rome, 23 to 27 March.—Negociation with the Spanish ambassador, in presence of the Pope, for a truce between the Emperor and Venice pending the making of a peace. On the 24th arrived, on his way to the camp, a Spanish captain who left the court at Burgos on the 6th and says that his King will certainly attack France at Fontarabia on 15 April. Letters of the 6th from England report the King's men ready to invade France and encamp at Boulogne, and the ships prepared. The Spaniards in the camp are eager, but the Pope has written to them not to give battle till his reinforcements come up. The King of France has dismissed the Spanish ambassador resident.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 152.
28 March.
Close Roll 3 Hen. VIII., m. 3d. and 10d.
Confirmation by Thomas Marquis of Dorset, to Henry VIII., of the manors of Lee, Bankers, and Shroffolde, Kent, in exchange for other lands, in pursuance of an indenture dated 4 March. 28 March 3 Hen. VIII.
See Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, V, p. 505.
30 March.
Journals of the House of Lords, I., 10–17.
Record of the daily business of the House of Lords from 4 Feb. to 30 March 3 Hen. VIII., when Parliament was prorogued to 4 Nov. following. John Tayler, clerk of the Parliament.
The King was present on 4 and 6 Feb.; but the attendance of members is only noted for 6 Feb., when the names given seem to be those of all who were summoned (except Ogle) although it is evident, from the day's business, that the bishop of Carlisle was not there. (See No. 963, but the names are here in another order, i.e., of precedence ?) The entry ends with a note that the subsequent prorogations of this Parliament are entered in another book, of 4 Hen. VIII. They have not been printed.
Eras. Ep. (Edit. Allen), I., 258. 1122. COLET to ERASMUS.
Had been in the country with his mother, to console her on the death of his servant whom she loved like a son, and received Erasmus' letter on the night of his return to town. Relates, as a joke, that a certain wise bishop has said in a large company that Colet's school was a house of idolatry—apparently because the poets are taught there. Franciscus came back for the book but Dominus Johannes wished me to keep [it]. Sends a little book containing the oratio. (fn. 4) Reminds him of the Carmina for the boys, and the second part of the Copia.
1123. GRANTS IN MARCH, 1512.
1. Roger, son and heir of Sir Roger Touneshend. Pardon of all the King's demands upon him by the attainder of Edmund Dudeley, 1 Hen. VIII., in consequence of two indentures dated 3 Dec. 24 Hen. VII., between him and the said Edmund, for the marriage of John Touneshend, his s. and h., or his sons Robert and Roger, with Helena Asburnham, or any other relative of the said Edmund. S.B. (without note of delivery). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19 (dated Westm., 1 March). [3034.]
2. John Downyng of Lincoln, gaoler. Pardon for escapes of felons and others from his custody. Westm., 25 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6. [3035.]
3. Peter Fevers, armourer. Annuity of 10l. during pleasuré. Tutbury Castle, 28 Aug. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 March. P.S. (in English). [3036.]
4. Jacob De Watt alias Copyn Watt, armourer. Annuity of 10l. during pleasure. Tutbury Castle, 28 Aug. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 March. P.S. (in English). [3037.]
5. George Fraunceys, gentleman usher of the Queen's chamber. To be bailiff of the lordship of Martok, Somerset, for life. Westm., 13 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. 3 Feb. (sic). P.S. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6 (dated Westm., 3 March). [3038.]
6. For Henry Trecarell and Nich. Oppy. Commission to inquire in co. Cornwall as to possessions held on 22 June 12 Hen. VII., by Wm. Antron of Antron, Cornw., attainted by Act of Parliament of 19 Hen. VII. Westm., 3 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 2d. [3039.]
7. Henry Wyat, master and keeper of the Jewels. Annuity of 20l. from Mich, last, out of the Exchequer, on surrender of patent 22 May 1 Hen. VIII., granting it out of Norwich Castle. Del. Westm., 4 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11. [3040.]
8. Ralph Chamberleyn, esquire for the Body. To be esquire for the Body, for life, and have an annuity of 50 marks on surrender of patent 27 Aug. 1 Hen. VIII. by Sir John Carewe. Del. Westm., 4 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. (mutilated). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 6. [3042.]
9. Thomas Cheyny. To be, during pleasure, constable and porter of the Castle of Queneborough, Kent, and steward of the lordship or manor of Middelton and Merden, and hundred of Middelton, lately held by Sir Francis Cheyny, deceased, from Michaelmas 3 Hen. VIII., with fees from the petty custom of London. Westm., 1 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [3043.]
10. Hugh Culme. Wardship and marriage of Philip, son and heir of John Courteney. Westm., 3 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [3044.]
11. Roger Hungate, John Bloxwich, Rob. Skern, and Percival Skern, fishmongers, of London. Mortmain licence to alienate lands in Charlton near Islepe alias Charlton-upon-Otte-more, Oxon., held of the priory of Jesus of Bethlehem, Shene, as of his manor of Charlton, Oxon., to the annual value of 60s., according to inquisition before Will. Fetiplace, escheator, to John Joborne, now prior, and the said house, in pursuance of patent 4 Aug. 20 Edw. IV., confirmed 20 Feb. 1 Hen. VIII., granting licence to acquire lands to the annual value of 100l. Westm., 4 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [3045.]
12. Sir Nicholas Vaus, John Tresham, John Halley, Edw. Villiers and John Wattes. Commission of inquiry in co. Northampton, as to possessions, heir, &c., of John Norwich, deceased. Westm., 4 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13d. [3046.]
13. Henry Tame and Henry Kemys. Commission of inquiry in co. Glouc., as to possessions, heir, &c., of Will. Cassey of Compton, deceased. Westm., 4 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13d. [3047.]
14. Commissions of the Peace. See Appendix.
Somerset.—Westm., 5 March.
Westmoreland.—Westm., 5 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7d. [3048.]
15. Sir Nic. Vaux and Sir Thos. Parre. Inspeximus and innotescimus of the following documents:—
i. Letters missive to Sir Th. Lovell, treasurer of the Household, dated 26 Oct. 1 Hen. VIII., stating that, by indenture 10 July 22 Hen. VII., between the said Sir Thomas, Sir Hen. Wyot, and Edm. Dudley on the King's part, and Sir Nich. Vaux and Sir Th. Parre on the other, in consideration of a pardon, &c., to be granted to Anne wife of Sir Nicholas Vaux, and Maude wife of Sir Thomas Parre, daughters of Sir Th. Grene, deceased, Vaux and Parre agreed to pay 9,000 marks, 2,450 of which had been paid; and the said Sir Th. Lovell is now directed to release Vaux and Parre of the residue.
ii. Same to Sir Henry Wyat.
iii. Letters missive of same date to Ric. bp. of Winchester, stating that Giles lord Daubney, deceased, Chas. Somerset lord Herbert, and others, in 24 Hen. VII., recovered property against Sir Nich. Vaux in Warw., Camb., Beds, and Bucks, and against Sir Th. Parre in Westm., and Cumb., and against Anne and Maud Grene in Northt., Linc., Leic., Bucks, York, Kent, and Notts, for the payment of 7,000 marks, of which 450 were paid; and as the said parties have been pardoned of the residue, the bishop is directed to make to them estates of all property recovered against them.
iv. Same to lord Herbert, chamberlain.
v. Same to Sir Th. Lovell, treasurer of the Household.
vi. Same to Sir Hen. Wyat. Westm., 6 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6. [3049.]
16. Abbey of Abingdon. Warrant to Richard bp. of Winchester, keeper of the Privy Seal, to direct letters under the Privy Seal to the Lord Chancellor, commanding him to make writs for the restitution of the temporalities of the monastery of Abendon, Salisb. dioc., on the election of Thomas Rowlande as abbot, vice John Covyntre, deceased. Westm., 6 March, 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3050.]
17. Victualling of Army.
Commission to John Birle to provide corn, bakers, bolters, treaders, laborers, mills, vessels, &c., for the army, for six weeks. Westm., 6 March.
ii. Same to Hynkyn John, Hankyn John, John Skerne, and Will. Bancrofte. Same date.
iii. Commission for Anthony Nele, and _ (blank), to procure transport ships, craiers, &c., for the army for three months. Westm., 6 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8d.
iv. Commissions for John Edwards and Robert Byrde to procure material and men for making barrels, for six weeks. Westm., 6 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12d.
v. Commissions to Ric. Malyn and Th. Knyght, to provide empty casks until 7 Sept. Westm., 7 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 8d. [3051.]
18. Abbey of Abingdon. Warrant to the abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to make writs of Dedimus potestatem to the abbot of Dorchester, William Besilles, and Thomas Randolf, clk., or two of them, to receive the fealty of Thomas Rowland, abbot elect of Abingdon. Westm., 8 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3052.]
19. Edward Hatteclyff, clerk of the Signet, appointed surveyor of the "earldom of the marches of Wales." Warrant for his inclusion in a commission to be made to the bp. of Lincoln and others, now commissioners in those marches. Westm., 20 Feb. Del. Westm., 9 March, 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). [3054.]
20. Wales. Commission of oyer and terminer to William bp. of Lincoln, Chas. Both, clk., Sir William Uvedale, Peter Newton, Geo. Bromley, Th. Lynom, and Edw. Hatteclif for Wales and the marches, with power to array the heges to assist them if necessary. Westm., 9 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 5d. [3055.]
21. Mr. Edward Hyggyn, clk. and Councillor. Letters missive desiring the abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to admit him to the room of a master of Chancery now void by death of Mr. Thomas Cowley. Westm., 9 March. S.B. (slightly mutilated. The paper backed with parchment containing the commencement of a denization for Christinus Take, native of Gueldres). [3056.]
22. Sir Peter Eggecombe, late sheriff of Cornwall. Pardon and release; and discharge to his sureties Robert Bowryng of Bowryngesley, Lewis Bury of Uggeburgh, Richard Heydon of Auterey, Devon, and Elizabeth widow and executrix of Roger Holand, of their recognizance made 28 Jan. 21 Hen. VII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 4 (Westm., 9 March). [3057.]
23. Abbey of Abingdon. Writ to the escheators of Oxon. and Berks, Middx., Glouc., and the marches of Wales, for restitution of temporalities on the election of Thomas Rowland as abbot. Westm., 9 March.
ii. Mandate to the tenants of the Abbey. Same date. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. [3058.]
24. John Hamond. To be one of the King's gunners, with 8d. a day, for life. Westm., 28 Feb. 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7. [3059.]
25. For Henry Roper, yeoman of the Queen's beds. Corrody in the monastery of Bokfast, Devon, vice Henry Assheton, deceased. Westm., 1 March, 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 March. P.S. (in English). [3060.]
26. Sir John Carewe and William Compton. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of steward of the manors of Canford, Corff, and Poole, and the hundred of Cokden, Dorset; master of the hunt in the parks or laund of Canford; constable of the castle of Corff; and master of the hunt in Isle of Purbeck, Dorset; steward of the possessions of Margaret countess of Richmond and Derby, deceased, in Somerset and Dorset, in the King's hands as parcel of the duchies of Somerset and Exeter; steward of the lordships of Somerton, Chedsey, and Donyate, and all other lands in Somerset and Dorset, called Salisbury's lands; and master of the hunt there. Westm., 6 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7. [3061.]
27. _ (blank) Darell. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Ch. 20 Dec., 1 Edw. III. (to Hugh de Frene, free warren in Calhull, Chert and Charring, Kent).
Westm. 10 March [3 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 46, No. 1.
28. Thomas Leson, clk. Presentation (addressed to Thomas Dalby, archdeacon of Richmond) to the church of Bentham and Ingleton, archdeaconry of Richmond, void by death and at the King's disposal by the minority of William, son and heir of Sir John Pikeryng. Westm., 9 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7. [3062.]
29. William Toft, minister of the Chapel. Grant of the prebend and canonry of Pencriche in the collegiate church of Pencriche, void by death and in the King's gift by voidance of the see of Dublin. Westm., 9 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15. [3063.]
30. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Dorset.—Westm., 12 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 7d. [3064.]
31. Nic. Carter, yoeman purveyor of the Acatry. Fiat for his appointment, till 12 August next, to take oxen and sheep for the Household. Del. 12 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. (subscribed as addressed to the clerk of the Crown by John Shurley, cofferer).
ii. Philip Tailor, yeoman purveyor of the Acatry. The like. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15d. [3065.]
32. Barbers and surgeons of London (John Poerson, Wm. Kyrkeby, Thomas Gybson and Thomas Martyn, masters). Inspeximus and conf. of:—
Pat. 5 Dec. 15 Hen. VII., conf.:—
Pat. 24 Feb. 1 Edw. IV. (p. 4, m. 21).
Westm., 12 March [3 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 44, No. 4.
33. Town of Ipswich. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 20 Jan. 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 16, No. 14), conf.:—
Ch. 18 March 3 Edw. IV., conf. with additions:—
Ch. 26 Feb. 3 Ric. II., cf.:
Ch. 10 Aug. 2 Ric. II., conf. with additions:—
Ch. 1 July 12 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 20 May 10 Edw. II., conf. with additions:—
Ch. 23 June 19 Edw. I., conf.:—
Ch. 25 May 1 John.
Ch. 15 April, 40 Hen. III.
B. Pat. 25 Nov. 3 Hen. VIII.
Westm., 12 March 3 Hen. VIII. Conf. roll 47, No. 4.
34. William Atwater, dean of the Chapel. To be prebendary and canon of St. Stephen's, Westminster, vice Thomas Cowley, deceased. Westm., 14 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7. [3069.]
35. Richard Jernegan, one of the King's spears. To be esquire for the Body, for life, vice William Parre, with 50 marks a year. Westm., 4 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [3070.]
36. Commissions of the Peace. See Appendix.
Salop.—Westm., 15 March.
Hants.—Westm., 15 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d. [3071.]
37. Sewers.
York.—Commission to Edm. abbot of St. Mary's, York, Sir Marm. Constable, Sir Rob. Constable, Sir Ric. Chomley, Sir Edw. Savage, Sir Rob. Sheffeld, Sir John Gower, Humph. Conyngesby, Will. Fayrefax, Brian Palmes, serjeant-at-law, Ralph Rokeby, Th. Fayrefax, Will. Eleson, Philip Constable, Th. Stray, Alex. Aynger, Th. Clerke, Ric. Wright, and Will. Smyth; for the "Merssheland" between the Ouse, Don, Eyre, and Went, in Yorksh., and of the Don, Mardike, and Trent, in Linc., Westm., 15 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16d. [3072.]
38. John Sharp, groom purveyor, and John Uvedale, yeoman. Commissions to provide carriage for the stuff of the Household until 15 Sept. next. Westm., 15 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15d. [3073.]
39. Master Ralph Holand, clk. Presentation to the church of Ufford, Linc. dioc. Westm., 10 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [3074.]
40. J. bp. of Carlisle, Rob. abbot of Holme Coltren, and Will. Bewlay. Commission of inquiry in co. Cumberland, as to possessions, heir, &c., of Goo. Kyrkebryde, dec. Westm., 16 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p 2, m. 14d. [3075.]
41. Thomas Greves, yeoman porter. Annuity of 5l., during pleasure, lately held by Robert Radiche, deceased, out of the lordship of Dynbigh, North Wales. Westm., 12 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [3076.]
42. Weavers of Lincoln. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 23 Oct. 5 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 17), confirming:—
Pat. 9 May 1 Ric. II., conf.:—
Pat. 23 April 22 Edw. III.
Westm., 17 March [3 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 44, No. 6.
43. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Surrey.—Westm., 18 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10d. [3078.]
44. John Yong, keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel two recognizances; 1st, of 500l., made by James Pount and Francis Pansano, merchants of Genoa, and William Davy of London, mercer; 2d. of 100 marks, made by the said James Pount, 30 Oct. 23 Hen. VII. Westm., 18 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. [3079.]
45. John Yonge, keeper of the Rolls and Records in Chancery. To cancel six recognizances of 80l. each, and one of 200 marks, made by John abbot of the monastery of St. Mary, Redyng, 6 Dec. 4 Hen. VII.; it appearing by examination before certain of Henry VII.'s executors in presence of other of our Council that the abbot was unjustly bound. Westm., 18 (?) March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. (countersigned: Ri. Wynton, Ric. London, T. Duresme, Jo. Roff., T. Surrey, Jo. Fyneux, Ri. Rede, John Cutte. In the presence of G. Shrouesbury, Harry Marny, T. Englefild, John Heron). [3080.]
46. Roger Radclyf, gentleman usher of the Queen's Chamber. To be, during pleasure, keeper of the launde of Benefeld, in Rokkingham forest, and of the outwoods called Thornehaw and Wodehaw, lately held by Edmund Huntwade, with wages from the money paid to the ranger of the forest "out of your monastery of Petreborow for castle ward." Del. Westm., 19 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [3084.]
47. Roger Radclef, gentleman usher of the Queen's Chamber. To be, during pleasure, keeper of the game in Gratton woods, in Rokyngham forest. Del. Westm., 19 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [3085.]
48. William Caterike. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 20 Nov. 14 Edw. III. (p. 3, m. 22), confirming:—
Grant of John de Britannia earl of Richmond to Thomas de Fencotes, and his heirs.
Westm., 19 March [3 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 46, No. 8.
49. Robert Wasshyngton, serjeant-at-arms, and Anne his wife. Grant, in survivorship, of the manor of Westhorp, Suff., with advowson and park, forfeited by Edmund De la Poole late earl of Suffolk; at the annual rent of one red rose at Michaelmas. Westm., 17 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., [x]x. March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [3087.]
50. John Rooper of Eltham, Kent. Grant of lands forming part of the manor of Eltham in exchange for lands used for enlarging the stables for the King's coursers or added to the park at Eltham, lately valued by Sir John Rysle. Del. Westm., 20 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. (defaced: filed in 2 Hen. VIII.). Pat. 4 (sic) Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15. [3088.]
51. Sir John Pecche, knight for the Body. To be steward of the manors of Lee, Bankerdes, and Shroffold, in Kent, with 40s. a year, during pleasure. Del. Westm., 20 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7. [3089.]
52. John Lloyd, gent[leman of the Chapel]. Corrody in the monastery of St. Austen [Bristol], (fn. 5) lately held by Edward Johns, deceased. Westm., 20 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., ... March. P.S. (mutilated). [3091.]
53. Jordan Worseley, clk. Presentation to the church of Hothom, York dioc., void by death of Thomas Atkinson. Del. Westm., 21 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [3090.]
54. Commissions of the Peace. See Appendix.
Notts.—Westm., 22 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10d.
Surrey.—Westm., 22 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d. [3092.]
55. Prior and convent of Shrewsbury. Congé d'élire on the death of Richard Lye, late abbot. Westm., 22 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 23 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15.
ii. Petition of the convent for the above; presented by Wm. Castell prior, and Laurence Greneleeff. 11 March 1511. [3093.]
56. Giles Duwes, keeper of the King's library. Annuity of 10l., for life, from Mich. last, out of the customs of Bristol; and release of 20l. received by him from John Greene and John Bartilmew, late collectors of the customs of the said port, by virtue of patent 20 Sept. 1 Hen. VIII. Westm., 13 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 13. [3094.]
57. Henry Suthworth and Henry Pikeman. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of bowmaker (archifector), surveyor of the bowmakers, and keeper of the bows in the Tower of London, with power of keeping, making and providing the King's bows and bowstrings in the Tower of London, the Tower of Ireland and elsewhere; with 6d. a day, a mansion in the Tower of London, with a garden thereto adjoining, situated between "le Rounde Towre of the Artrye" on the west, and a tower called "le Kinges lodeging" on the east; and a livery like that of a yeoman of the Chamber. Westm., 16 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 March. P.S. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 13. [3095.]
58. Thomas marquis of Dorset. Grant, in fee (in exchange for the manors of Lee, Bankers, and Shroffolde, with advowson of the church of Lee, and all other possessions of the marquis in Lee, Bankers, and Shroffolde, excepting a messuage, &c., in Lee, late belonging to John Mathewe), of the lordship and manor of Whitewyke, with appurtenances in Whitewyke, Swanyngton, Whitington, Donyngton, Hokelscote, Neuton Buthank (sic), Bocherdeston, Roteby and Markefeld, in Leic., late of Wm. lord Beaumont, with the advowson of Markefeld, reserving Bardon park. Del. Westm., 26 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 11. [3096.]
59. Master Peter Roderico, clk. Presentation to the church of Toft, Ely dioc. Westm., 27 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [3097.]
60. George Hoggekinson, yeoman of the Guard. To be, during pleasure, keeper or walker of Fermyng wood, in Rockingham forest, vice Th. Jonys, deceased. Westm., 27 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [3098.]
61. John Cavalary. To be warden of the Hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem, London. Del. Westm., 27 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10. [3099.]
62. Walter Devereux, lord Ferrers. Grant, for life, in reversion, of the offices of steward of the lordships of Sutton and Colfeld, Warw. and Staff., master of the hunt of Sutton park, and the chase there; and surveyor and governor of the waters in the same manor, park and chase, which Henry VII. granted to Sir Henry Willoughby, knight for his Body, by patent 15 Nov. 20 Hen. VII. Del. Westm., 27 March 3 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 9. [3100.]
63. Robert Penne, gentleman of the Chapel. Corrody in the monastery of Abbottisbury, vice Edward Jones, deceased. Westm., 21 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 March. P.S. (in English). [3101.]
64. Commission of the Peace. See Appendix.
Herts.—Knoll, 28 March. Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10d. [3102.]
65. Charles Brandon, squire for the Body. To be keeper of the manor and park of Wanstede, vice Hugh Denys, dec., from Mich. last, for life, with 2d. a day. Westm., 24 March 3 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 March. P.S. (in English). Pat. 3 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 10. [3103.]


  • 1. See No. 1095.
  • 2. But the preceding letter in the MS. is undated and, evidently, of a later year.
  • 3. Regi, MS., doubtless an error for viceregi.
  • 4. See No. 1049.
  • 5. See Vol. II. No. 730.