Henry VIII: May 1510

Pages 281-298

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 1, 1509-1514. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1920.

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May 1510

1 May.
Sanuto, x., 458.
450. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 25 May 1510.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 30 April to 1 May.—The King of Hungary. Dissuaded the King from sending a doctor to the Pope, as the bp. of York was doing well; and advised his sending to the Emperor. The King acquiesced, but would send a knight (fn. 1), not a doctor. An ambassador of Portugal has arrived. No news of French armata. The King of Scotland's wish to be the Signory's captain general. Has arranged a secret conference on the Borders. Cannot get the treaty, but sends copy of the article touching the galleys (recited as in Rymer XIII. 270).
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 66.
3 May. 451. PARLIAMENT.
Printing the Statutes. See GRANTS IN MAY, No. 4.
Denization. See GRANTS IN MAY, No. 7.
5 May.
Exch. Accts., 417 (3), f. 99. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Sir Th. Knyvet, knight for the Body and Master of the Horse, or George Lovekyn, clerk of the Stable, horse harness. Greenwich, 5 May 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
10 May. 454. SCOTLAND.
Lieutenants of the Middle Marches. See GRANTS IN MAY, No. 26.
11 May.
Sanuto, x., 459.
455. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 29 May 1510.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 11 May.—Return of the herald from the Emperor, who insists on recovering his towns. The King displeased, and sending the said (fn. 2) knight, who is a worthy man and italianado, with whom any Venetian agent who might be with the King of the Romans incognito might confer. Madame Margaret trying to raise money for her father. In England the treaty with France is held invalid because the King is under 21, and needs ratification; and Monsem Joam (sic) was to go to France to ratify it (fn. 3), but there is no talk of this. It is even said that the King of France has been duped. The King of Scots for the captainship. Giustinian, Molin and Da Ponte going through France. The King says the Signory should remember Vicenza. Winchester a good friend.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 66.
12 May.
Venetian Transcr. 176, p. 84. R.O.
12 May 1510.—Wrote on the 10th of the prohibition, by the Cardinal of Pavia, of Signor Chiapin Vitello's men. Commend his dealing with the English ambassador; which is to be continued both with that ambassador and others who can induce the Pope to study his own and the Church's safety.
Italian. Modern transcript, ½ p. See Venetian Calendar, II No. 62.
14 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 43. R.O.
457. [1668.] THE HOUSEHOLD.
Acknowledgment by Edward Weldon, servant to Master Cofferer, of receipt from John Lewes, of 109 "tailles," in three bags, containing 4,200l. 18s. 8½d., besides one tally of the custom of Chichester, containing 33l. 6s. 8d. 14 May, 2 Hen. VIII.
Small paper, p. 1.
14 May.
Le Glay, Corresp. de Max. et de Marg., I., 264.
* * *
As for the mission to England will himself send one of his servants here, who will inform her of his charge and the Emperor's intention therein. Augsburg, 14 May 1510.
16 May.
Exch. Accts., 417 (3), f. 94. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to pay for white satin, &c. (described). Greenwich, 16 May 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
Election of abbot. See GRANTS IN MAY, No. 52.
Ruthal appointed ambassador. See GRANTS IN MAY, No. 51. But the date of the actual commission, as appears by the treaty, was "20" May.
18 May.
Adv. MS. 13.
The King of Scots' chaplain, Henry, has at last arrived, saying he is commissioned to inquire the success of Denmark against Lubeck. Sends him back with Norge King of Arms, who will explain the state of affairs. Desires James to show favor to Henry in his suit touching his benefice of Langforgum. Copenhagen, 18 May 1510.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
18 May.
Sanuto, x., 504.
463. VENICE.
[Note of letters received 4 June 1510.]
From S. Piero Pasqualigo, ambassador and Vincenzo Guidoto, secretary, dated Strigonia, 18 May.—The Cardinal of Strigonia has shown him letters which the King of the Romans writes to the King of Hungary and a letter written by the King of Spain to the King of the Romans. The Cardinal said he was in great straits, and afterwards spoke of the King of France having written and sent an ambassador, Ludovico Eliano, who had been there before, announcing peace made with England and the secret league of the Pope, Emperor, Spain and France to ruin the Venetians and reinstate the Emperor; and advising the King of Hungary to recover Dalmatia.
Ib., 542. ii. [Note of letters received 9 June 1510.]
From Andrea Badoer, London, 18 May.—In writing to the Emperor, the King followed Bodoer's advice so much that Winchester and Durham were quite jealous, so he appeased them. The King thinks himself duped by France in the treaty, the article touching the galleys not being what he wished, and another article, binding France to do no more against Venice than give the Emperor the men stipulated by the League of Cambray, being left out. Hears by way of Flanders that France is sending two solemn ambassadors, Mons. di Ravasten, who was captain of the French fleet (armata) at Metelim, and Mons. di Pim, who was ambassador there before. Names Carmeliano, secretary of the King, who will do all for the Signory.
Italian. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 67.
20 May.
Exch. Accts., 417 (3), f. 98. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Sir Robert Wyngfeld, knight for the Body, gown of crimson velvet &c. (described). Greenwich, 20 May 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
See above, No. 461.
20 May.
Sanuto, x., 418.
466. VENICE.
[Note of letters read 25 May 1510.]
From the Ambassador at Rome, 20 May.— * * * The English ambassador has told him that if France attacks the Pope his King will move war [on France], as not bound by the agreement made. * * *
Harl. MS. 69,
f. 5b. B.M.
Whereas it has ever been the custom in this realm for gentlemen to pass the summer season in "disportes," as in hunting and hawking and other pastimes; and because all such sports be not ready in May and June, to eschew idleness, the ground of all vice, and give honorable and healthy exercise, "two gentlemen, associating to them two other gentlemen to be their aids" beseech the King's licence to furnish certain feats of arms, as follows:—
A green tree shall be set up in the "lawnd" of Greenwich park on 22 May, bearing a white shield on which those who accept this challenge may subscribe their names. On Thursday, the 23 May, and every Thursday and Monday until 20 June, the said two gentlemen and their aids will on foot meet all comers "at the feat called the barriers" with casting spear (headed with "the morne") and target and with bastard sword (point and edge rebated) from 6 a.m. till 6 p.m.
Later copy, p. 1.
24 May.
Exch. Dipl. 732. R.O.
468. [1059.] TREATY WITH SPAIN.
Concluded by Louis Carroz de Vilaragut (power dated Valladolid, 6 Jan. 1510) and Thomas [Ruthal] bp. of Durham (power dated Westm., 20 May 2 Hen. VIII.), between Ferdinand, Henry VIII., and Johanna of Castile. London, 24 May 2 Hen. VIII.
Lat. Large parchment signed and sealed by Carroz.
Sp. Transcr.,
Ser. I., 5, ff. 96, 108. R.O.
* In the Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, Nos. 38–40, is a fuller abstract made from the copy at Simancas signed by Ruthal. There is also a Spanish translation at Simancas, and modern transcripts in R.O., both of the copy (pp. 24) and the translation (pp. 9).
25 May.
Sp. Transcr., Ser. I., 5, f. 114. R.O. Bergenroth, Sp. Cal., Suppl. to Vols. I. and II., p. 34.
469. DIEGO FERNANDEZ, the Queen's Chancellor, to FERDINAND, KING OF ARAGON.
All this time he has not dared to write of the Queen's condition. Describes her miscarriage on 31 Jan. last and subsequent pregnancy, as learnt from the King himself and the doctors. Will take instructions from Don Luiz Carroz, and be ready to return to his convent whenever Ferdinand orders it. Greenwich, 25 May 1510.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 3. Printed in full (with translation) in Spanish Calendar.
25 May.
Add. MS. 24, 206, f. 13. B.M.
Has received his letters and those of the general of Normandy, and thanks him for his diligence. Approves his decision to take the way of Vicenza. As for la voye de fait which has been made by certain Gascons, they are to be rigorously punished, even if they are the captains. Mollart, Maugiron or the Capdet de Bon Repos are not to be spared if guilty, and indeed the said Capdet is said to have been five or six times condemned by the Parliament of Toulouse to be hanged. As for the money for which the Emperor asks, the instructions are to be observed. Has come into Dauphiné, stag-hunting; so as to be ready to provide as affairs require. Coulombiers, 25 May. Signed. Countersigned: Robertet.
French, pp. 2. Add. Endd.: 1510.
26 May.
Exch. Accts., 417 (3), f. 55. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver the Princess of Castile, the King's sister: gowns, &c. Greenwich, 26 May 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
27 May.
Sp. Transcr., Ser. I., 5, f. 117. R.O.
Has not written lately, having no news; but takes this occasion, as the Spanish ambassador is returning to Spain, to write that he and his Queen are happy and his kingdom tranquil. Heard with pleasure what the newly appointed Spanish ambassador communicated, and commissioned some of his chief Councillors to negociate; which has already led to a satisfactory result. Greenwich, 27 May.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 42.
Latin. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 4.
27 May.
Ib., f. 119.
Was delivered of a daughter, still-born, an event which in England is considered unlucky, and therefore she has not written sooner. She and her husband cheerful. Thanks God for such a husband. When in labour vowed a rich head-dress to St. Peter the Martyr, of the Franciscan Order; and sent it by a niece of the Treasurer Morales who wishes to become a nun of that Order. The girl's father has detained both Katharine's letter to the Prioress and the head-dress, as his daughter's property. Begs Ferdinand to reprimand the father. Considers favours done to her confessor as done to herself. Greenwich, 27 May.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 43.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 3.
28 May.
Ib., f. 122. R.O. Bergenroth, Sp. Cal., Suppl. to Vols. I. and II., p. 36.
Describes how he is hampered by the Friar (fn. 4) in his dealings with the Queen. The man's mind is certainly deranged. Here is a servant of the Queen, named Francisca de Caceres, married to Francisco Grimaldo, but by the Friar forbidden to enter the Palace. Suggests that King Ferdinand should send him two letters of recommendation, to the King and Queen, with which he might either persuade the Queen to take her back or get the King to take her for Madame Mary; and once in the Palace she would be of great service in obtaining information. Lately there lived in the Palace two sisters of the Duke of Buckingham, both married (fn. 5), one a favourite of the Queen and the other said to be sought after by the King. One Conton, who had been the late King's butler, carried on the intrigue. The Queen's favourite having apprised the Duke and the two husbands of this matter, the Duke met Conton in his sister's chamber and quarrelled with him. For this the King spoke angrily to the Duke, who left the Palace that night and did not return for some days. The lady's husband, too, carried her off to a convent 60 miles hence, and then the Queen's favourite and her husband, as having caused all this, were turned out of the Palace by the King, who would have turned off some other women, also suspected of tale-bearing, but that he thought the scandal too great. All the Court knew that the Queen was vexed with the King, and he with her; but the Friar denied the whole matter. Fears that as he is thus prevented by the Friar from advising the Queen she may act unwisely, as she has done already by showing ill-will to Conton. For this the King is annoyed with her, and perhaps with the Friar too. Asks whether to write about such matters. The Lord Chamberlain has told him to write of all that happens.
News of the Queen's being enceinte. London, 28 May 1510.
Spanish. Modern transcript, pp. 9. Printed in full (with translation) in Spanish Calendar.
29 May.
Exch. Accts., 417 (3). f. 21. R.O.
Warrant to the Great Wardrobe to deliver Peter Malvesey and John Vaughan, grooms of the Chamber, and Th. Carvanell, page of the same: hunting coats, &c. (described). Greenwich, 29 May 2 Hen. VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
29 May.
Sp. Transcr., Ser. I., 5, f. 128. R.O.
This courier arrived on 5 May, but, as the Council remained in London until the 7th, the writer deferred going to the King. The King's desire to have the treaty of stricter alliance passed immediately; and appointment of his secretary, the bp. of Durham, to négociate. Neither the bp. of Winchester, who is Privy Seal, nor the Treasurer being in Court, the King sent other Councillors to assist; from whom he learnt that the matter had been already discussed and agreed in Council. Next Saturday, Winchester and Durham brought a draft of the treaty, which has now been passed. The King is most frank, but the Councillors by their slowness made him suspicious. Describes how he gained the assistance of Durham and Winchester by persuading them that Ferdinand would get them made cardinals, as well as the English ambassador at Rome, whom the Pope intends to create cardinal. The King also took up a suggestion to negociate with the Pope for English cardinals to counteract the French. The King, who thinks the Emperor dissuaded from peace with the Venetians by Councillors of the French faction, has sent a gentleman (fn. 6) to negociate with the Emperor upon this and the alliance with Prince Charles, Spain and England. The English wish that alliance kept separate from this alliance with Spain. The King's warning that only Winchester could be trusted with French affairs. Many other Councillors are Frenchmen at heart. Their excuse for concluding the treaty of peace with France in the way they did,—which Madame Margaret knew. On speaking for the first time with the King about France and the Venetians, was referred to Winchester; who, on his part, said he would answer after Easter. But Easter has passed without mention of it, and now the writer is ordered not to broach the subject. The treaty with France was concluded, say the Councillors, on 23 March; not on 14 March, as Ferdinand has been informed from France. The King of England did not wish it, but some of his most intimate Councillors insisted so much upon it that he gave way. The Duke of Buckingham and many others hate the French. Not John Stile, but a person sent expressly, shall witness Ferdinand's oath to the treaty; and the English wish it kept secret until that with the Emperor is made. London, 29 May 1510.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 44.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 9.
29 May.
Ib., f. 133. R.O.
The despatch from Zaragoza, 22 April, arrived 5 May, but the writer could not conclude the business sooner. The King and Queen glad of the victory (fn. 7) in Africa. Description of the jousting in which the King is engrossed. Encloses letters from King and Queen. London, 29 May 1510.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 45.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 3.
29 May.
Ib., f. 135. R.O.
This courier delayed a week because the Queen wished to write her news to her father in her own hand. To-morrow Robert Wingfield departs ambassador to the Emperor,—to see Madame Margaret by the way. Cost of living. Copies of treaties delivered by the bp. of Durham. The Count de Camarata, travelling for education, has arrived and leaves in a week for Flanders and Germany. London, 29 May 1510.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 46.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 4.
29 May.
Ven. Transcr. 176, p. 85. R.O.
479. DOGE AND SENATE OF VENICE to their AMBASSADOR with the Pope.
Two letters, viz.:—25 May—Remind him to keep favourable the Cardinals of Naples, St. George and Regino and the English ambassador. 29 May—If the King of France shall condescend to promise what the Pope has asked, it is only because of his danger. That ceased, he knows there is nothing to prevent his deceiving the Pope and carrying out his evil designs. In witness of this we have Nicolo da Ponte, who has come from England through France.
Italian. Modern extracts. See Venetian Calendar, II, No. 65.
31 May.
S.P. Hen. VIII., 2, f. 2. R.O.
480. [1065.] JOHN MAN, Prior of the HOSPITAL of ST. JOHN, CANTERBURY.
Acknowledgment of receipt from John Huet, of Canterbury, executor of Th. Childmell, of Sturrey, of 3s. 4d., in full payment of 33s. 4d. bequeathed by Chyldmell to the brethren of the hospital. 31 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Sealed.
Small paper, p. 1.
Add. MS. 28, 572, f. 86. B.M.
Learns from Rome by letters of the 6th, and from France of the 9th May inst., that the King of France is marching to Italy with such an army that, doubtless, he intends to conquer Venice and Siena and make a new Pope. Wishes peace with France, but if the Pope is oppressed or his own dominions attacked, he and his son the King of England are determined to declare war on France; and upon pretext of war with the Moors he has things prepared and Count Pedro Navaro at the head of 8,000 men. The Vice-roy must pretend the greatest friendship for France, but, on pretext of searching for prohibited merchandise, intercept all ciphered letters.
Spanish. Modern copy, pp. 3.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 47; where also (No. 48) is described a letter (fn. 8) from Ferdinand to Vich, his ambassador at Rome, apparently in the beginning of June, giving a full account of the French projects here mentioned.
Sp. Transcr.,
Ser. I., 5, f. 139. R.O.
As it is a long time since letters have been received from the King and Queen or from him, and he wrote long ago that the Queen had taken to her apartments, so that her confinement might be expected in May, this courier is sent expressly for news.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 49.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 2.
Answered all his letters by despatch from Zaragoza, 22 April, ordering him to conclude the alliance without delay. Its conclusion is most important, as the chief remedy if France should really attempt anything against Spain, but he must be careful not to let the English suspect any fear of war or they will make difficulties. Gives a forecast of the French projects in Italy, for which their army is now preparing, viz. to subjugate Venice and Siena and, indirectly, get possession of Ferrara and Mantua; then march to Rome, dethrone the Pope and elect another (process described). The ruling men in France expect their King thus to become monarch of Christendom. French intrigues in Italy, the main object being to get the Emperor to assist the King of France, in the hope of recovering the Imperial cities from the Venetians and being crowned at Rome. As the French are always quick in execution of their undertakings, resistance must be speedily organised. Not until the treaty of alliance is concluded are these French designs to be communicated to the King. Gives directions for persuading the King of the necessity of gaining the Emperor and getting the Pope to reconcile himself with the Emperor, and the latter with the Venetians. The French may not attack either Spain or England at present, but they only delay hostilities until they may finish their other enterprises. The deposition of the Pope by France would be a greater offence to all Christian princes than an attack on themselves; but if a General Council, duly convoked, undertook to reform the Papal Court and the Church, the duty of Spain and England would be to see its measures enforced.
Caroz must be careful that the French know nothing of this matter. If the King is disinclined to undertake anything against France, the Queen must be asked to persuade him; and if she refuses, the Friar, her confessor, is to be used to persuade her.
See Spanish Calendar, Vol. II, No. 50.
Spanish. Modern transcript from Simancas, pp. 9.
Adv. MS., 286.
R.MS. 13 B. II. 47. (No. 115.) B.M. Ep. R. Scot. I., 106.
Received yesterday her letter of the 18th April, from Bruges, complaining that Andrew Marrex, Arent de Bladel, and Eurax Brachost, Flemish merchants, were plundered, when on their way from England, by pirates under Andrew and John Bertoun. Finds that John Barton was not then at sea, and Andrew, who had but one ship, did not even see the parties who were robbed.
Lat., copy, p. 1.
Adv. MS. 286. 2. Another copy, naming a fourth merchant, viz., Barth. Merchens.
Pp. 2.
485. GRANTS IN MAY, 1510.
1. William Ive. To be, during pleasure, gunner in the Tower of London, keeping watch and ward there, at 6d. a day from the first day of the reign. Greenwich, 24 April, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 May. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [1028.]
2. Guernsey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 6 Feb., 1 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 8, No. 9), enforcing
Bull of Pope Sextus IV., dated 1483, 3 Kal. Marcii.
Westm., 1 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Confirmation roll 38, No. 6.
3. Merchant Tailors of London. Warrant to William, abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to pass under the Great Seal all grants and confirmations of grants made by Henry VII. and other kings to the merchant tailors of London, by whatsoever names they be called. Greenwich, 2 May, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). [1029.]
4. Parliament. Warrant to the abp. of Canterbury, Chancellor, to deliver to Richard Pynson, the King's printer, a true copy of the statutes lately passed in Parliament, that he may print them. Greenwich, 3 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Sealed. S.B. (in English). [1030.]
5. Sir John Pecche, knight for the Body, and John Sharpe, the King's servant. Grant, in tail male, of the reversion of the manors of Edelmeton, alias Sayesbury, and Diphams, with the lands called Claverynges in Edelmeton, Middlesex, which belonged to Sir Richard Charleton, attainted 1 Hen. VII.; of the manors of Swalcliffe and Covelehall, with lands in Woxbrigge, and lands called Hercies, Litell Helyndon and Greate Helyndon, in Helyndon, Middlesex, which Elizabeth, wife of the said Richard, now deceased, held for life. The first two manors, &c., and the reversion of the two last, were granted, in tail male, by patent 7 March, 1 Hen. VII., to Sir Thomas Bourgchier, jun., who now holds them, and to Agnes his wife, now deceased. Del. Westm., 4 May, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5. [1031.]
6. Roger Salesbury, yeoman of the Guard. To be, during pleasure, bailiff of the town of Barton upon Humbre, Linc. Greenwich, 31 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 May, 2 Hen. VIII. P.S. (in English). [1032.]
7. Lady Katharine Gorden, a native of Scotland. Denization. Greenwich, 25 April, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 May. P.S. (mutilated). [1033.]
8. Thomas Morwell, clk. Grant, for life, of the free chapel of St. Cecilia at Mynster Lovell, Oxon. Greenwich, 26 March, 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 May, 2 Hen. VIII. P.S. [1034.]
9. Ralph Eggerton. Lease for 20 years of the manors of Aldeford, Echels, and Alderleghe, in cos. Chester and Flint, at the annual rent of 100l., from 21 Nov. last. Greenwich, 28 April, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 May. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. [1035.]
10. Thomas Robertson, merchant of the Staple of Calais, of Algerkyrk, Linc., alias of Fosdyk, Linc., alias of Boston, alias of London. Exemption, for life, from serving on juries, or as sheriff, escheator, &c. Greenwich, 28 April, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 May. P.S. [1036.]
11. Burton Lazars. Inspeximus. See below.
12. Nunnery of Deneye. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 10 Dec., 3 Hen. VII., conf.:—
Pat. 1 Nov., 6 Hen. VI. (p. 1, m. 11), conf.:—
a. Pat. 8 Nov., 1 Hen. V., cf.:—
Ch. 27 June, 3 Hen. IV. cf.
Pat. 8 April, 10 Edw. III.
Pat. 12 April, 10 Edw. III.
Pat. 14 April, 13 Edw. III.
Pat. 27 Sept., 15 Edw. III.
Pat. 24 Feb., 16 Edw. III., conf.:—
Ch. of Mary Countess of Pembroke, Friday in the Feast of Conversion of St. Paul, 1341, 15 Edw. III.
Pat. 13 May, 20 Edw. III.
Pat. 7 Oct., 16 Edw. III.
Pat. 21 Aug., 18 Edw. III.
Ch. 20 July, 34 Edw. III.
Pat. 1 Dec., 38 Edw. III.
Ch. 6 Nov., 42 Edw. III.
Pat. 20 May, 16 Edw. III.
b. Pat. 16 Jan., 14 Edw. III. exemplifying:—
Pat. 6 April, 6 Edw. III., exemplifying:—
Ch. 15 Aug., 1 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 12 June, 37 Hen. III.
c. Pat. 30 Oct., 1 Hen. V. cf.
Pat. 10 May, 21 Ric. II.
Westm., 5 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 41, No. 2.
13. Dean and chapter of Hereford.
Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Ch. 6 Jan., 2 Hen. V., confirming:—
a. Ch. 20 June, 37 Hen. III.
b. Ch. 30 Nov., 6 Ric. II. conf.:—
Ch. 15 July, 8 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 18 Dec., 6 Edw. II., confirming with additions:
Ch. 1 March, 25 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. 7 Sept., 4 John.
c. Pat. 21 Nov., 13 Ric. II. (p. 2, m. 27).
d. Pat. 16 May, 17 Ric. II. (p. 2, m. 4), conf. with additions:—
Two compositions between Peter bp. of Hereford and the citizens (one dated Tuesday in Easter week, A.D. 1262).
e. Ch. 2 Sept., 18 Ric. II.
Westm., 5 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Conf. roll 41, No. 9,
14. Priory of Hautenprise. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
at. 7 Oct., 1 Edw. III. (P. 3, m. 16.)
Pat. 17 Feb., 1 Edw. III. (P. 1, m. 32.)
Pat. 28 Feb., 1 Edw. III. (P. 1, m. 23.)
Pat. 30 Jan., 5 Edw. III. (P. 1, m. 38.)
Pat. 2 Mar., 5 Ed. III. (P. 1, m. 25.)
Pat 20 July, 5 Ed. III. (P. 2, m. 27.)
Pat. 24 Mar., 6 Ed. III. (P. 1, m. 16.)
Pat. 25 June, 12 Ed. III. (P. 2, m. 23.)
Pat. 5 Aug., 12 Edw. III. (P. 2, m. 7.)
Pat. 5 Aug., 12 Edw. III. (P. 2, m. 6.)
Pat. 7 July, 13 Ed. III. (P. 2, m. 31.)
Pat. 7 July, 13 Edw. III. (ib.)
Pat. 26 April, 14 Ed. III. (P. 1, m. 10.)
Pat. 26 May, 14 Ed. III. (P. 2, m. 22.)
Pat. 23 June, 14 Ed. III. (P. 2, m. 8.)
Pat. 15 July, 15 Ed. III. (P. 2, m. 31.)
Pat. 12 Oct., 16 Edw. III. (P. 2, m. 5.)
Pat. 4 Jan., 20 Edw. III. (P. 3, m. 7.)
Pat. 5 May, 24 Edw. III. (P. 1, m. 11.)
Pat. 3 Sept., 35 Edw. III. (P. 2, m. 2.)
Pat. 6 July, 5 Edw. III. (P. 2, m. 31.)
Pat. 26 June, 15 Edw. II. (P. 2, m. 4.)
Pat. 26 June, 15 Edw. III. (the above repeated).
Pat. 28 Dec., 18 Edw. II. (P. 2, m. 36.)
Pat. 28 Dec., 18 Edw. II. (Ib., m. 39.)
Westm., 5 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 43, No. 7.
15. James Berkcley, gentleman usher of the Chamber. To be, during pleasure, constable of Berkeley castle and keeper of the park there, as held by John Walsshe. Greenwich, 3 Dec., 1 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 May, 2 Hen. VIII. P.S. [1037.]
16. Thomas Fenys lord Dacre, Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 30 Oct. 19 Hen. VII., conf.:—
Ch. 3 Dec., 8 Edw. IV. (liberties in Perpoynthurst, &c., within the rape of Lewes.
Westm., 6 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 37, No. 10.
17. Newcastle. Inspeximus. See below.
18. Master Richard Staynbank, M.A. Presentation to the church of Winwoo, dioc. Lland., void by resignation of Master Edmund Staynbank, clk. Greenwich, 1 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 May. P.S. [1038.]
19. Nicholas Pyrwyt, groom of the King's "hakneis." Annuity of 5l., during pleasure, lately held by John Bunbry, deceased, out of the lordship of Dynbigh. Greenwich, 23 April, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 May. P.S. (in English). [1039.]
20. Town of Plymouth. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 13 Nov., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 10, No. 2), confirming:—
Ch. 25 July, 18 Hen. VI.
Westm., 7 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 34, No. 15.
21. Newham abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 12 June, 1 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 9, No. 3), confirming:—
Pat. 24 July, 2 Edw. IV. (p. 6, m. 17), confirming:—
Pat. 18 Oct., 17 Ric. II., conf.: Ch. dated at siege of Bordeaux, 31 (sic) Hen. III. Westm., 7 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 34, No. 16.
22. Abbey of Peterborough. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 20 Nov., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 13, No. 3), confirming:—
a. Ch. 20 June, 1 Edw. III., confirming (with additions):
(1) Ch. 1 April, 7 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. 13 June, 28 Edw. 1., conf.:—
Ch. 17 March, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 12 June, 37 Hen. III.
Ch. 12 June, 37 Hen. III.
(2) Ch. 28 May, 11 Edw. II.
b. Ch. 20 Sept. 6 Edw. III. conf. with additions:—
Ch. 5 Dec., 1 Ric. I.
Ch. 22 March, 1 Ric. I., renewed 15 Sept., 10 Ric. 1.
c. Pat. 20 March, 2 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 10).
d. Pat. 19 Sept., 3 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 3).
B. Ch. 10 March, 25 Hen. VI.
C. Pat. 27 June, 8 Hen. VII.
Westm., 7 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 58, No. 3.
23. Canons regular of St. John de Valle de Crokestona. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. 16 March, 11 Hen. III., conf.:—
Ch. (undated) of Ric. I.
Chs. (2) 16 March, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 24 Nov., 12 Hen. III.
Ch. 14, Sept. [ ] Ric. I.
Chs. (2) 17 Sept. [ ] Ric. I.
Ch. 26 Jan., 32 Edw. I.
Pat. 13 July, 30 Edw. III.
[Pat. 8 Oct., 40 Edw. III. (p. 2, m. 27), exemplifying:—
Pleas at Lancaster, 20 Edw. I.] (fn. 9)
Westm., 7 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Conf. roll 43, No. 5.
24. Glastonbury abbey. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 20 April, 1 Hen. VII., confirming:—
Pat. 4, Dec., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 6, m. 21), confirming:—
a. Ch. 31 March, 4 Edw. III.
b. Pat. 12 Feb., 4 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 25 March, 1 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 3 April, 6 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. 26 May, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 26 June, 8 Edw I.
c. Pat. 5 March, 1 Ric. II., confirming:—
Pat. 27 Feb., 3 Edw. III.
B. Pat. 2 May, 17 Hen. VII., conf.: Ch. 14 Aug., 25 Hen. VI.
Westm., 8 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 34, No. 14.
25. Abbey of Holmcoltram. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. 3 Dec., 1 Ric. I., renewed 11 Nov. 10 Ric. I.
Pat. 14 Oct., 11 Hen. VI. (p. 1, m. 28), confirming:—
Ch. 19 April, 11 Hen. III.
Ch. 12 May, 16 Hen. III., conf.:—
Ch. of John Francigena, parson of Caldbeck.
Ch. 5 Sept., 39 Hen. III.
Pat. 5 April, 6 Edw. [III.] (Not enrolled. Licence to Gilbert Haltclo).
Ch. 25 May, 9 Edw. I.
Pat. 10 Sept., 11 Edw. II. (p. 1, m. 27).
Pat. 1 May, 13 Edw. I. (m. 23, dated 30 April).
Pat. 7 Aug., 14 Edw. II. (p. 1, m. 21).
Ch. 1 May, 33 Edw. I.
Pat. 4 May, 17 Hen. VII., conf.:—
Ch. 28 March, 33 Edw. I.
Pat. 20 Oct., 34 Edw. III. (p. 2, m. 8), exemplifying:—
Pleas of the forest 13 Edw. I., exemplifying:—
Ch. (undated) of Ric. I.
Ch. of Hen. II.
Pat. 6 Feb., 4 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 21, No. 6) confirming:—
Pat. 28 Oct., 16 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 7), confirming:—
Pat. 24 Oct., 14 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 5), exemplifying:—
Pat. 14 Feb., 2 Hen. VI., confirming:—
Pat. 21 May, 5 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 3 Dec., 1 Ric. I., renewed 11 Nov., 10 Ric. I.
Ch. 25 July, 20 Ric. II.
Chs. of Walden son of Gamell (witnessed by Ricardus Rufus, "tunc vic. de Appelby," and others), John de Veteri Ponte (witnessed by Gilbert de Kyrketon, "tunc vic. Westmerl," andothers), Adam son of Edward (witnessed by Ralph de Feritate, "tunc temporis vic.," and others), Adam son of Thomas, Hugh de Moricheb', Gilbert son of Gilbert de Culwenne (witnessed by Wm. de Mulcastre, "tunc vic. Cumbr," and others).
Pat. 2 Nov., 10 Edw. II. (p. 1, m. 8).
Pat. 10 July, 12 Hen. IV. (m. 9).
Pat. 14 July, 17 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 8).
Ch. 26 May, 19 Hen. VI.
Westm., 8 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 35, No. 1.
26. Sir Edward Radcliff, knight for the Body, and Roger Fenwyk, esquire for the same, lieutenants of the Middle Marches towards Scotland. Grant, during pleasure, in consideration of their expenses in the King's affairs on the Marches, of the fee farm or annual rent of 10l. from the lordship and port of Newbigging, near Wod-horne; lands forfeited by Thomas Sawles, in Ley Hewghe, near Stanforth-dame, of the annual value of 30s., and 31s. of free rent in Ulston near Hawk-well; the hamlet or manor of Rypling-ton near Whalton, of the annual value of 30s.; the fee farm or cornage of the towns of Creswell and Ellington (3l.); of the lordships of Halton and Whittington (4l.); of the barony of Morpeth (4l.); and of the lordship of Edlingeham (30s.); the rent of lands called Schirlandes, near Thropton, of the annual value of 20s.; the rent or cornage of the town or lordship of Toggesden (20s.); of the town of Dennom (10s.); and of the lordship of Colwell (40s.); the fee farm or cornage of the towns called the Three Middiltons (30s.); and of the barony of Bottell (30s.); the rent, socage or cornage of the barony of Bywell (4l.); the rent or cornage of the barony of Dalevale (26s. 8d.); the fee farm, socage or cornage of the barony of Mitford (5l. 0s. 4d.); the fee farm or cornage of two towns called Bustons (40s.); and of the barony of Heppell (23s.); the fee farm, socage or cornage of the barony of Alnewik (3l. 18s. 4d.); the fee farm or cornage of Stamforth and Emyldon (9s.); and of the towns of Branxston and Bowlsden (40s.); a parcel of land called Kinges Medowe, of the annual value of 40s.; the fee farm or cornage of the towns of Belsoo and Trewyk (13s. 8d.); the fee farm, socage or cornage of the barony of Boltby alias Langle (5l.); the fee farm or cornage of Schawden (10s.); and of the towns of Calole and Yetlington (30s.). All these places are in the county of Northumberland. Greenwich, 8 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 May. P.S. (mutilated) and defaced Pat.. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18. [1040.]
27. Bristol. Inspeximus. See below.
28. Lynn. Inspeximus. See below.
29. Burgesses of Dartmouth. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 10 Dec., 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 15, No. 1) confirming:—
Pat. 23 June, 3 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 19), cf. (with additions):—
A. Pat. 14 Dec., 2 Ric. II., cf. Ch. 14 April, 15 Edw. III.
B. Ch. 5 Nov., 17 Ric. II.
Westm., 10 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 38, No. 4.
30. Priory of Beauvale. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 17 Feb., 1 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 8, No. 5), confirming:—
A. Pat. 3 Dec., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 6, m. 36), conf. with additions:—
Ch. 22 June, 2 Ric. II., cf.
Ch. 20 March, 19 Edw. III.
Pat. 6 Sept., 37 Edw. III.
B. Pat. 2 April, 5 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 13).
Westm., 10 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 39, No. 10.
31. Thomas Salter, sewer of the Chamber. Grant, for 20 years, of the farm of the manor of Kilford, "with the demayne lands of the same and Rekwall, with the herbage of Kylford Park," in the lordship of Denbigh lande, lately held by Sir Thomas Salisbury; at the usual rent. Greenwich, 8 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 May. P.S. (in English). Pat). 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [1041.]
32. Master John Brereton, clk. Presentation to the wardenship of the chapel or chantry of Elmeley Castle, Worc. dioc., void by resignation of John Yotton, clk. Greenwich, 9 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 May. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19. [1042.]
33. Sir Thomas Wortley, knight for the Body, and Sir Henry Clifford, jun. Grant, in survivorship, of the lordship or manor of Kymberworth, Yorkshire, forfeited by the attainder of George, Duke of Clarence, on surrender of patent 28 Aug., 3 Hen. VII., granting the same to the said Thomas alone. Del. Westm., 12 May, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4. [1043.]
34. Provost and College of St. Mary of Eton near Windsor, Bucks. Licence to acquire lands in mortmain to the annual value of 20l. Greenwich, 10 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4. [1044.]
35. Edward Vaux, yeoman purveyor of the Cellar. To be, for life, clerk of Gawtresse forest, co. York. Greenwich, 2 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 May. P.S. (in English). [1045.]
36. For the Prior and Convent of Friars Preachers, Bristol. Inspeximus and confirmation of pat. 30 Nov., 18 Hen. VII., inspecting pat. 24 June, 19 Ric. II., granting them a moiety of the prises of fish in Bristol. Westm., 12 May. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10. [1046.]
37. Thomas Robertz and John Peryent. To be auditors, during good conduct, of the possessions of Jasper late Duke of Bedford in England and Wales, of Will. late Earl of Huntingdon in cos. Somers. and Dors., and of the barony of Kemmes, the lordships and manors of Uske, Karlion, and Narbarth and all lands in South Wales within the receipt of Sir Rees Ap Thomas, chamberlain of S. Wales; in same manner as Will. Reynolde. Vacated on surrender, 19 June, 7 Hen. VIII., for the grant to be made in survivorship. Westm., 12 May. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 3, m. 3. [1047.]
38. Commissions of the Peace. (See Appendix):—
Cumberland.—Westm., 12 May. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4d. [1048.]
Gloucestershire.—Westm., 12 May. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4d. [1049.]
39. Fraternity of St. John Baptist of the Tailors of Exeter (Robert Smyth, master, and Thomas Hewster, John Ferman, Arnold Brendon and Chr. Partriche, guardians). Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 17 Nov., 6 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 10).
Westm., 12 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 34, No. 11.
40. The Port of Bristol. Commission to the mayor, and John FitzJames, recorder, Nicholas Broun, Roger Dawes, John Vaghan, Richard Hoby, John Jay, John Popley, John Rowlond, John Elyot, John Colas, Robert Thorne, William Geffreys, William Edwardes, and John Edwardes to act as commissioners for the office of Admiral of England in Bristol. The boundaries (as set forth in the charter of 8 Aug., 47 Edw. III., making the town of Bristol a county) and the gist of the patent of [1] Edw. IV., exempting the town from the jurisdiction of the Admiral of England, are recited, both having been confirmed by patent 10 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Westm., 13 May. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12 to 14d. [1050.]
41. Commission of the Peace. (See Appendix):—
Bedfordshire.—Westm., 13 May. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4d. [1051.]
42. John Yong, keeper of the Records in Chancery. To cancel a recognizance of 100l. made by Eliz. Strikland, of Saysargh, Westmor., widow, Sir Thomas Curwen, of Workyngton, William Penyngton, of Newton, and Sir John Penyngton, of Monkastre, 3 Dec., 22 Hen. VII., to Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir Richard Emson, Sir John Huse, Edmund Dudely, and Thomas Lucas, for payment of 100 marks. Greenwich, 14 May, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. [1052.]
43. Roger Bedell, yeoman of the Ewry. To be, for life, bailiff of the lordships of Gedlyng and Shelford, Carleton, and Stoke, Notts; lately held by Richard Maynell. Greenwich, 2 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 May. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5. [1053.]
44. William Coope, esq. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Ch. 18 Nov., 20 Edw. III. (granting to Ralph de Bestwode (sic, for Restwolde), free warren in Crowemerssh and La Lee).
Westm., 14 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 41, No. 7.
45. Priory of Langeley. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 10 Feb., 13 Hen. VII. (m. 25), confirming:—
Pat. 14 July, 6 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 11), conf. with additions:—
a. Pat. 24 May, 11 Ric. II., confirming:—
Pat. 20 Dec., 2 Edw. II.
Pat. 3 June, 8 Edw. II.
Pat. 8 Nov., 20 Edw. III.
Pat. 10 April, 32 Edw. III.
Pat. 10 April, 32 Edw. III.
b. Pat. 12 Feb., 17 Ric. II.
c. Pat. 12 Feb., 17 Ric. II.
d. Pat. 24 April, 22 Ric. II.
B. Pat. 24 Nov., 4 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 19, No. 9), confirming:—
Pat. 20 Feb., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 6, m. 35), confirming:—
Pat. 20 Nov., 4 Ric. II., cf.:
Pat. 12 April, 32 Edw. III.
Westm., 14 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Conf. roll 41, No. 8.
46. Abbey of Evesham. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. [12 May, 3] (fn. 10) Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 16, No. 9), confirming:—
A. Pat. 18 Nov., 7 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 4) confirming:—
Ch. 10 May, 28 Edw. III.
Ch. 20 Jan., 3 Ric. II. cf.:—
a. Ch. 7 Jan., 3 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 3 March, 25 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. of Hen. I.
Ch. 29 April, 26 Hen. III.
Ch. 7 May, 26 Hen. III.
Ch. 26 March, 30 Hen. III.
Ch. 10 July, 35 Hen. III.
b. Pat. 26 Jan., 6 Edw. III.
B. Pat. 16 May, 17 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 13), confirming:—
Pat. 26 June, 9 Edw. II.
C. Pat. 19 March, 5 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 16).
D. Pat. 12 Jan., 17 [18] Edw. IV. (18 Edw. IV., p. 2, m. 2.)
Westm., 15 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 43, No. 8.
47. Bishop of Rochester. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 26 June, 1 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 9, No. 11), confirming:—
Pat. 15 June, 1 Hen. VII. (p. 4, m. 17), exemplifying:—
Ch. 20 July, 25 Hen. VI., conf. with additions:—
Pat. 1 June, 4 Hen. V., conf.:
Pat. 3 Oct., 33 Edw. III. (p. 3, m. 19), conf. with additions:—
Composition between Boniface abp. of Canterbury and Laurence bp. of Rochester, 14 Kal. Aug. 43, Hen. III.
Pat. 13 July, 30 Edw. III., exemplifying:—
Pleas (at Canterbury, 21 Edw. I. and 6 Edw. II.
Westm., 15 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 43, No. 12.
48. Thomas Appilby. Constat and exemplification of pat. 17 July, 1 Hen. VII., which granted him, for life, the hermitage and chapel of St. Mary Magdalene within the parish of Gaynforth, Durham dioc. Westm., 16 May. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14. [1054.]
49. St. John's of Jerusalem. Inspeximus. See below.
50. College of St. Mary de Otery. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Ch. 23 March, 1 Ric. II.
B. Pat. 15 Feb., 8 Hen. IV., conf.:
Pat. 5 Dec., 21 Ric. II., conf.:
Pat. 29 May, 32 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. of the dean and chapter, 13 June, 1335, approved by the abp., 27 June, 1335.
Ch. of John de Grandisson bp. of Exeter, 24 Dec., 1337.
C. Pat. 28 Nov., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 2, m. 2).
Westm., 16 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 41, No. 6.
51. Thomas [Ruthal] bp. of Durham, Councillor. Appointment as ambassador to conclude a treaty of confederation between Henry VIII. and Ferdinand, King of Aragon, and Johanna, Queen of Castile. S.B. (undated, but now filed under 18 May). French roll, 2 Hen. VIII. m. 13 (dated Westm., 18 May). [1055.]
52. St. Augustine's, Canterbury. Congé d'élire to the prior and convent on the death of John, late abbot. Greenwich, 13 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 May. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4.
ii. Petition for the above, to be presented by Thos. Hampton, D.D., and Wm. Holyngborne. 13 May, 1510. [1056.]
53. Sir Charles Somerset Lord Herbert, Chamberlain. Grant, for life, in reversion, of the office of chief steward and all other offices in the lordship of Abergavenny now held by Robert Jones. Del. Knoll, 20 May, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4. [1057.]
54. Elnestowe nunnery. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 19 July, 26 Edw. III.
Pat. 8 Feb., 42 Edw. III.
Pat. 10 March, 51 Edw. III.
Ch. of Hen. II.
Ch. of Henry son of Hen. II.
Ch. of Hen. I.
Pat. 20 Nov., 19 Ric. II., exemplifying:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
Pat. 23 Nov., 3 Hen. [V. ?] conf.:—
Ch. of Hen. I.
Ch. of Hen. II.
Westm., 20 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 37, No. 8.
55. Westminster Abbey. Inspeximus. See below.
56. Retford. Inspeximus. See below.
57. Thomas Stokton. To be, during pleasure, chief porter in the Tower of London, vice John Jerveys, with 12d. a day, a house in the Tower, and a robe as worn by other esquires of the Household, from the Great Wardrobe. Greenwich, 17 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 23 May. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1. [1058.]
58. John Buttes and John Toly. To be auditors, in survivorship, of the duchy of York and the earldoms of Warwick and Salisbury, beyond Trent. Del. Knoll, 24 May, 2 Hen. VIII. S.B. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1; vacated as far as relates to John Toly, who surrendered his portion 2 April, 4 Hen. VIII., when the King granted another patent to the said John Toly with John Metcalf and Roger Metcalf.
59. Robert Litle. To be, for life, "porter of two gates" in Carlisle castle, as held by Thomas Ewen, with fees from the issues of co. Cumb. Greenwich, 19 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 27 May. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1. [1061.]
60. Hugh Lewes, clk. Presentation to the church of Llanvehengell, dioc. Llandaff, void by resignation of John Monmouth, clk. Greenwich, 17 May, 2. Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 27 May. P.S. Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1. [1062.]
61. Master and college of Higham Ferrers. Inspeximus and conf. of:—
A. Pat. 4 July, 8 Hen. VII., conf.:
Pat. 5 Dec., 6 Hen. VI. (p. 2, m. 21), confirming:—
Pat. 7 Nov., 6 Hen. VI. (p. 2, m. 24), conf.:—
Pat. 2 May, 10 Hen. V. Indenture between Abp. Chichele and Wm. Chichele and Joan Doreward, dated Monday in Easter week, 1 Hen. VI.
Pat. of Henry bp. of Winchester and others, 12 Dec., 2 Hen. VI.
Pat. (of foundation), of Abp. Chichele, 16 Aug., 1427.
Pat. of Abp. Chichele, 28 Aug., 1425.
Pat. of Abp. Chichele, 4 Aug., 1426.
B. Pat. 8 Nov., 2 Hen. VII., conf.:
Pat. 12 May, 12 Hen VI., conf:
Pat. 11 May, 4 Hen. V., cf.:
Ch. of Hen. I. (to the men of St. Audoen of Rouen).
Knoll, 27 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 40, No. 6.
62. Edward Hatteclyf. To be during good conduct, surveyor and approver of the lordship of Denybegh lande, in Wales, as held by Piers Newton. Greenwich, 18 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 28 May. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1. [1063.]
63. Edward Hatteclyf. Grant of the fee farm of all the King's escheat lands, waters, and mills in the lordship of Denybegh land in Wales, for 60 years, at the same rent as was paid at the late King's death. Greenwich, 18 May, 2 Hen. VIII. Del. Knoll, 30 May. P.S. (in English). Pat. 2 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 1. [1064.]
11. Master of Burton Lazars. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 4 July, 1 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 8, No. 1), confirming:—
A. Pat. 10 Dec., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 5, m. 24), confirming:—
a. [Pat. 15 Feb., 2 Hen. IV. (p. 2, m. 26), confirming (fn. 11) ]:—
Pat. 1 Dec., 2 Ric. II., confirming:—
A. Ch. 22 Feb., 2 Edw. III., confirming with additions:—
Chs. (2) of Hen. II.
Ch. 25 March, 13 Hen. III.
B. Pat. 10 March, 18 Edw. III.
b. Ch. 30 Nov., 4 Edw. III., confirming:—
Chs. (2) of Hen. II.
c. Pat. 4 April, 27 Edw. I.
B. Pat. 17 July, 1 Edw. IV. (p. 4. m. 8).
Westm., 4 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 43, No. 4.
17. Burgesses of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 7 Dec., 1 Hen. VII., confirming:—
Pat. 26 Feb., 6 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 3), confirming:—
A. Ch. 27 April, 1 Hen. IV., confirming:—
a. Pat. 9 April, 1 Ric. II., confirming:—
A. Ch. 10 May, 31 Edw. III., confirming, with additions:—
a. Ch. 8 Dec., 22 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. 2 July, 18 Hen. III.
Pat. 18 Oct., 36 Hen. III.
b. Ch. 12 Nov., 12 Edw. II., confirming, with additions:—
Ch. 28 Jan., 17 John.
B. Ch. 28 Jan., 7 Edw. III.
b. Ch. 20 Dec., 27 Edw. I.
c. Ch. 10 June, 1 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 1 May, 45 Edw. III., exemplifying:—
Pat. 20 Oct., 16 Edw. III., confirming:—
Sealed writings by the town dated Friday before St. Valentine, 16 Edw. III.
d. Pat. 25 Jan., 14 Ric. II.
B. Pat. 16 Aug., 4 Hen. IV.
C. Pat. 12 Feb., 6 Edw. IV., confirming:—
Pat. [16 Feb., 19] (fn. 12) Hen. VI., confirming:—
Ch. 23 May, 1 Hen. IV.
Ch. 11 July, 22 Hen. VI.
Westm., 6 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 39, No. 1.
27. Burgesses of Bristol. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 5 Feb., 3 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 17, No. 11), confirming:—
a. Ch. 14 Dec., 1 Edw. IV., confirming:—
Ch. 1 April, 19 Ric. II., confirming, with additions:—
(1) Pat. 8 Feb., 1 Ric. II. (p. 4, m. 17), confirming:—
a. Pat. 20 Dec., 47 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 8 Aug., 47 Edw. III.
Pat. 30 Oct., 47 Edw. III., exemplifying:—
Perambulation made 47 Edw. III.
b. Pat. 24 April, 21 Edw. III.
(2) Pat. 28 Feb., 1 Ric. II. (p. 4, m. 22), confirming:—
Ch. 16 Oct., 5 Edw. III., confirming (with additions):—
Ch. 28 July, 31 Hen. III.
Ch. 17 Feb., 15 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. 28 March, 28 Edw. I., confirming (with additions):—
a. Ch. of John (when Count of Mortain).
b. Ch. 1 May, 11 Hen. III., confirming:—
Ch. of Hen. II.
c. Ch. 17 Aug., 36 Hen. III.
d. Ch. 24 July, 40 Hen. III.
b. Pat. 22 Oct., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 3, m. 12).
c. Pat. 12 Feb., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 7, m. 7).
B. Ch. 17 Dec., 15 Hen. VII.
Westm., 10 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 33, No. 10.
28. Mayor and burgesses of Lenn. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
Pat. 21 Feb., 1 Ric. III. (Conf. roll 1, No. 15), confirming:—
Ch. 16 July, 14 Edw. IV., confirming:—
A. Pat. 9 Feb., 1 Ric. II. (p. 3, m. 15), confirming:—
Ch. 1 April, 9 Edw. III., confirming (with additions):—
Ch. 16 May, 6 Edw. II., confirming (with additions):—
a. Ch. 29 Nov., 9 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. 14 Sept., 6 John.
Ch. 26 March, 52 Hen. III.
b. Ch. 5 April, 33 Edw. I.
B. Pat. 4 May, 51 Edw. III. (m. 16), confirming:—
Pat. 10 July, 12 Edw. II.
Westm., 10 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 34, No. 13.
49. Priory of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Inspeximus and of. of:
Pat. 4 Nov., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 11, No. 4), confirming:—
Pat. 12 Feb., 1 Edw. IV., (p. 5, m. 2), confirming:—
A. Pat. 12 May, 1 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 1 July, 34 Edw. III., exemplifying:—
Ch. 10 Feb., 2 Edw. III., exemplifying:—
Ch. 30 June, 1 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 22 Sept., 2 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. 8 June, 8 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. 20 June, 37 Hen. III.
Ch. 23 June, 37 Hen. III.
B. Ch. 10 April, 4 Ric. II.
Westm., 16 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 39, No. 8.
55. Abbey of Westminster. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Pat. 1 Sept., 2 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 11, No. 12), confirming:—
a. Pat. 14 Oct., 1 Edw. IV. (p. 7, m. 28), confirming:—
(1) Ch. 29 Nov., 3 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 26 May, 9 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. of Edward the Confessor, 5 Kal. Jan. A.D., 1066.
Ch. of William I.
Ch. 10 Nov., 50 Hen. III.
(2) Ch. 29 Nov., 3 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 28 May, 9 Edw. III., confirming:—
A. Ch. 15 Aug., 32 Hen. III.
B. Ch. 24 Nov., 9 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. 16 July, 19 Hen. III.
Ch. 22 May, 25 Hen. III.
Ch. 18 June, 27 Hen. III.
Ch. 16 Oct., 32 Hen. III.
Ch. 5 Sept., 34 Hen. III.
Ch. 25 Sept., 36 Hen. III.
Ch. 4 Feb., 39 Hen. III.
Ch. 30 Jan., 50 Hen. III.
C. Ch. 26 Nov., 9 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. 1 July, 19 Hen. III.
D. Ch. 29 Nov., 9 Edw. I., confirming:—
Ch. 18 March, 39 Hen. III.
E. Ch. 30 Oct., 20 Edw. I.
F. Ch. 22 Oct., 27 Edw. I.
(3) Pat. 29 Nov., 3 Ric. II., confirming:—
A. Ch. 26 May, 9 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 20 June, 23 Hen. III.
Ch. 20 April, 26 Hen. III.
Ch. 11 May, 26 Edw. I.
Ch. 10 Jan., 20 Edw. I.
Ch. 25 Oct., 20 Edw. I.
Pat. 18 Feb., 14 Edw. I.
Pat. 27 Oct., 27 Edw. I.
Pat. 11 Dec., 46 Hen. III.
B. Pat. 30 March, 39 Hen. III.
C. Ch. of Stephen.
(4) Pat. 10 July, 4 Ric. II., confirming:—
A. Pat. 12 June, 25 Edw. III., exemplifying:—
Pat. 23 April, 11 Edw. III.
B. Ch. 1 March, 36 Edw. III.
(5) Pat. 8 March, 20 Ric. II.
(6) Pat. 8 Nov., 21 Ric. II.
(7) Pat. 5 July, 17 Ric. II.
(8) Ch. 18 Dec., 17 Ric. II.
(9) Ch. 29 Nov., 3 Ric. II., confirming:—
Ch. 1 Dec., 34 Edw. III., confirming:—
Ch. 16 July, 32 Hen. III.
(10) Ch. 17 Oct., 21 Ric. II.
(11) Ch. indented 23 April 22 Ric. II.
(12) Ch. indented 23 April, 22 Ric. II.
(13) Pat. 28 April, 22 Ric. II.
(14) Ch. 1 May, 22 Ric. II.
b. Ch. indented 20 July, 3 Edw. IV., conf. (with additions):—
Ch. indented 9 July, 23 Hen. VI.
c. Pat. 4 Aug., 11 Edw. IV.
d. Pat. 12 Oct., 16 Edw. IV.
e. Pat. 14 June, 22 Edw. IV.
B. Pat. 23 July, 18 Hen. VII. (St. Martin's le Grand).
C. Pat. 8 Aug., 18 Hen. VII.
D. Pat. 23 July, 18 Hen. VII. (Playdon chapel).
E. Pat. 23 July, 18 Hen. VII. (Tickhill chapel).
F. Pat. 26 July, 18 Hen. VII. (Tickhill chapel).
G. Pat. 23 July, 18 Hen. VII. (Up Lambourne).
H. Pat. 26 July, 18 Hen. VII. (Up Lambourne).
I. Pat. 8 Aug., 18 Hen. VII. (Torneburgh).
J. Pat. 8 Aug., 18 Hen. VII. (Dodford).
K. Pat. 12 June, 18 Hen. VII.
L. Pat. 20 March, 15 Hen. VII.
M. Pat. 2 July, 19 Hen. VII.
N. Pat. 17 July, 19 Hen. VII.
O. Pat. 13 July, 19 Hen. VII.
P. Pat. 13 July, 19 Hen. VII., confirming:—
Pat. 16 Nov., 5 Hen. VII. (Conf. roll 22, No. 16), confirming:—
Pat. 10 Nov., 2 Hen. VII., exemplifying:—
Pat. 23 March, 8 Edw. IV. (p. 1, m. 3), conf. (with additions):—
Ch. 13 March. 20 Hen. VI., confirming (with additions):—
Pat. 13 Feb., 1 Hen. VI., confirming:—
Ch. 5 June, 2 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. of William I., (to St. Martin's le Grand, in Latin and English) A.D. 1068, made at Christmas and confirmed the following Whitsuntide.
Ch. 5 June. 2 Edw. II., confirming:—
Ch. 4 Feb., 15 Hen. III. (to St. Martin's le Grand).
Westm., 20 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf roll 38, No. 1.
56. Borough of Retford. Inspeximus and confirmation of:—
A. Ch. 24 Nov., 7 Edw. II.
B. Pat. 20 May, 1 Ric. II. (p. 6, m. 32), exemplifying:—
Pat. 4 March, 27 Edw. III., exemplifying:—
Pleas de quo warranto 3 Edw. III.
C. Pat. 18 Nov., 2 Hen. VI. (p. 1, m. 17), confirming:—
Pat. 7 Feb., 2 Hen. V., confirming:—
Pat. 18 Feb., 2 Hen. IV., confirming:—
Pat. 20 May, 1 Ric. II. (p. 6, m. 32), confirming:—
a. Ch. 16 Oct., 3 Edw. III., confirming:—
A. Ch. 27 Nov., 7 Edw. II., confirming (with additions):—
Ch. 12 Nov., 4 Edw. I.
B. Pat. of the burgesses of Nottingham.
b. Ch. 22 June, 46 Edw. III.
D. Ch. 27 May, 27 Hen. VI.
Westm., 21 May [2 Hen. VIII.]. Conf. roll 37, No. 3.


  • 1. Sir Robert Wingfield.
  • 2. See No. 450, which this entry immediately follows in Sanuto.
  • 3. The printed edition of Sanuto's Diaries runs "perchè questo re à anni 21 e bisogna la retification et si doveva mandar in Franza," etc., but a selection of extracts in R.O. (Venetian Transcr., 126) reads the passage "perche questo Re [non ?] a anni 21 et bisogna la ratification et Monsem Joam (sic) doveva andar in Franza," etc., which, in view of Badoer's subsequent letter of 8 June (q.v.), seems more likely to be correct.
  • 4. Diego Fernandez.
  • 5. The Duke's sisters were Elizabeth, wife of Robert Ratcliffe, afterwards Lord Fitzwalter, and Anne, wife of George Hastings, afterwards Earl of Huntingdon.
  • 6. Sir Robert Wingfield.
  • 7. See No. 345.
  • 8. A transcript of this letter is in R.O. (Sp. Transcr., Ser. I., 5, f. 137.)
  • 9. These copies are confused and unintelligible.
  • 10. Date omitted.
  • 11. Omitted in the inspeximus clause.
  • 12. Omitted in confirmation clause.