Journal, February 1722: Journal Book Y

Pages 341-344

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 4, November 1718 - December 1722. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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Journal, February 1722

February 1. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Plummer, Sir John Hobart.



Duke of Montagu's petition.

St. Lucia. St. Vincent.

Letter to Lord Carteret.

A representation upon the petition of his Grace the Duke of Montagu for a grant of the islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, as agreed at the last meeting, was signed, together with a letter for inclosing the same to the Right Honourable the Lord Carteret, in order to be laid before His Majesty.

February 6. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Plummer, Sir John Hobart.

New England.

Letter from Colonel Shute.

A letter from Colonel Shute, Governor of the Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, dated the 13th of December last, was read, and the papers, therewith received, were laid before the Board, viz.:—


Minutes of Council in Assembly of New Hampshire, from the 23rd of August, 1720, to the 25th of April, 1721.

Account of powder expended at Fort William and Mary, from the 28th of May, 1720, to the 28th of May, 1721.

Copy of an additional instruction about passing Acts.

Letter to Lord Carteret.


French and Indians.

Whereupon a letter for inclosing to the Lord Carteret, one of His Majesty's principal secretaries of State, an extract of so much of Colonel Shute's said letter as relates to the conduct of the French and Indians, and copy of paragraph D of Colonel Shute's late letter, without date, on the same subject, was signed.

February 8. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Plummer.

New Hampshire.

Letter from Mr. Newman.


Powder Money.

Additional instruction.

Letter to Colonel Shute.

A letter from Mr. Newman, agent for the province of New Hampshire, dated the 2nd inst., inclosing the extract of one from Colonel Shute, Governor of the said province, relating to the Act passed there in 1702, about powder money, was read, as likewise the copy of an additional instruction to the said Governor, inclosed in Mr. Newman's said letter, relating to the passing of Acts in the Plantations, of extraordinary and unusual nature and importance. Whereupon directions were given to the secretary for signifying to Colonel Shute the opinion of this Board, that the said instruction refers to future Acts thereafter to be passed, and not to any Acts which, before that instruction was given, had received the Royal Assent.


Mr. Samuel Moore.

Will not return.


William Cockburn.


Upon further consideration of the letter from Mr. Samuel Moore, one of His Majesty's Council of the island of Jamaica, mentioned in the Minutes of the 16th of the last month, signifying his determination not to return to Jamaica these three or four years, and that he is willing to have his name struck out of the said Council list, a representation recommending William Cockburn, Esq., to be of His Majesty's said Council upon the said Mr. Moore's discontinuance in that imployment, was agreed and signed.

February 9. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Plummer.

New England.

Letter from Mr. Armstrong, Surveyor.

The copy of a letter from Mr. Armstrong to Mr. Burniston, Surveyor General of the woods in America, dated in New Hampshire the 20th of October last, being communicated to the Board by the said Mr. Burniston. was read; whereupon ordered that the late representation of this Board, relating to the waste committed in the woods on the continent of America, be laid before their Lordships.

February 13. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Plummer.

New Hampshire.

Letter to Colonel Shute.



The draught of a letter from the secretary of this Board to Colonel Shute, Governor of New Hampshire, as directed the 8th inst., relating to an Act of that province about a Powder duty, was agreed and ordered to be sent.


Letter from Lord Carteret.

Duke of Portland's memorial.



A letter from the Lord Carteret, dated the 10th inst., referring to the Board a memorial from the Duke of Portland relating to the laws of Jamaica. which are near expiring, was read, together with the said memorial; whereupon directions were given for preparing the draught of a representation to His Majesty on that subject.

February 14. Present:—Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Plummer.

New York.

Letter to Lord Carteret.

Kennedy's memorial.

Additional companies.

Garrison. Stores.

A letter to the Lord Carteret upon Mr. Burnet's late letter and Mr. Kennedy's memorial, relating to two additional companies of soldiers for the province of New York, and stores for the garrisons there, was signed.

February 15. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Plummer.


Letter from Mr. Horatio Walpole.

Sir Charles Cox's memorial.

President's salary.

A letter from Mr. Horatio Walpole, dated the 13th inst., signifying the desire of the Lords of the Treasury to have the opinion of this Board upon a memorial from Sir Charles Cox, in behalf of his brother, the President of His Majesty's Council of Barbadoes, praying payment to him of a moiety of the Governor's salary of that island, was read, together with the said memorial. Whereupon ordered that Sir Charles Cox be acquainted that the Board desire to speak with him at eleven of the clock on Tuesday morning next.

Letters from Mr. Cox.


Mary Haselton.

Letter to Horatio Walpole.

A letter from Mr. Cox, President of His Majesty's Council of Barbadoes, dated the 20th of December last, relating to his suspending the payment of the forfeiture upon a recognizance of Mary Haselton of that island, to appear upon a prosecution for living incontinently with John Bently, Esq., was read, and directions given for sending a copy of the said letter and the substance of the instruction, therein mentioned, to Mr. Horatio Walpole, to be laid before the Lords of His Majesty's Treasury, for their Lordship's orders thereupon.

Another letter from the said Mr. Cox, dated the 20th of December last, relating to his own conduct in the Government of Barbados, and to the behaviour of some of the Council and others, was read, and the papers, therein referred to, were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Minutes of Council, from the 28th of October, 1721, to the 19th of December following.
Minutes of Assembly, from the 5th of September, 1721, to the 5th of December following.


Letter from Sir Nicholas Lawes.

A letter from Sir Nicholas Lawes, Governor of Jamaica, dated the 28th of August last, was read, and the papers, therewith received, were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Address and representation of the Assembly of Jamaica to His Majesty, with his Excellency the Governor's answer.
Copy of an Act to enable certain trustees to sell the estates and interest of William Bowles and Charles Bowles his son, an infant, for the discharge and payment of debts and purchasing lands in the kingdom of Great Britain, to certain uses.
Proceedings of the Court of Admiralty at Jamaica, for trying of pirates, in 1720.

Letter to Mr. West.

Whereupon ordered that the postscript of Sir Nicholas Lawes's said letter, relating to the Act to incourage the settling the north east part of the island, together with the printed copy of the said Act, be sent to Mr. West, for his opinion thereupon in point of law.

February 16. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen.


Letter from Sir Nicholas Lawes.

A letter from Sir Nicholas Lawes, Governor of Jamaica, dated the 30th of October last, was read, and the papers, therewith received, were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Sir Nicholas Lawes's speech.
Account of the fortifications, from the 25th of March to 29th of September, 1721.
His Majesty's account current, from the 25th of March to 29th of September, 1721.

Duke of Portland's memorial.


Revenue. Act.

Letter to Mr. West.

Their Lordships then taking into further consideration the Duke of Portland's memorial, mentioned in the Minutes of the 13th inst., relating to the laws of Jamaica near expiring, which depend upon the Revenue Act of 1703; directions were given for sending the state of a case and query to Mr. West on that subject, for his opinion thereon, as soon as may be.

February 20. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen.


Sir Charles Cox. Memorial.



Sir Charles Cox attending, their Lordships took into further consideration his memorial, referred to this Board by Mr. Horatio Walpole's letter, read the 15th inst., relating to the payment of a moiety of the salary of the Governor of Barbados to Mr. Cox, President of His Majesty's Council there, and after some discourse with Sir Charles, he was acquainted that he should have notice, if the Board had occasion to speak with him again on that subject.

Nova Scotia.

Lieutenant Colonel Armstrong.

List of vessells, etc.


Lieutenant Colonel Armstrong, lately arrived from Nova Scotia, attending, presented to the Board a list of the masters of vessels that came to make fish at Canco whilst he commanded there the last year, with the names, burthen, and quality of the vessels, number of men, their owners and arms, with the quantity of fish exported, and to what markets, as also account of the families who intended to settle there; which list was read.

February 21. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Pelham.

New Jersey.

Order of Council.

Repealing three Acts.

Letter to Mr. Burnet.

An Order of Council, of the 20th, upon a representation of this Board of the 10th of the last month, for repealing three Acts passed in His Majesty's province of New Jersey, in March, 1713–14, was read; whereupon directions were given for preparing a letter to inclose the same to Mr. Burnet, Governor of New Jersey.

February 22. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen.

New Jersey.

Letter to Mr. Burnet.

Order of Council.

Repealing Acts.

A letter, as directed yesterday to be prepared, for inclosing to Mr. Burnet, Governor of New Jersey, an Order of Council, of the 20th of the last month, for repealing three Acts passed in that province in March, 1713–14, was signed.

February 27. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham.


Mr. Fielding.

Duke of Portland's memorial.

Revenue Act.

Letter to Mr. West.

Mr. Fielding, from the Duke of Portland, attending, and desiring their Lordships would please to dispatch their report as soon as possible, upon his Grace's memorial relating to the Revenue Act of Jamaica, and the other Acts depending thereon; directions were given for writing to Mr. West, one of His Majesty's counsel at law, to hasten his answer to the secretary's letter of the 17th instant, on that subject.