Pages 335-340
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 4, November 1718 - December 1722. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.
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Journal of the proceedings of Her Majesty's Commissioners for promoting the trade of this Kingdom, and for inspecting and improving her plantations in America and elsewhere, from the ninth of January, 1721/22, to the twentieth of December, 1722.
Journal, January 1722
January 9. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Plummer.
New Jersey.
New York.
Letter from Mr. Burnett.
A letter from Mr. Burnett, Governor of New Jersey and New York, dated the 1st of August last, was read, and the several papers, therewith received, were laid before the Board, viz.—
The Governor's speeches and Assembly of New Jersey's addresses, etc. in 1721.
Minutes of Council of New Jersey, from April 2nd, 1720, to the 4th of July, 1721.
Acts of New Jersey, from 1703 to 1719.
And their Lordships thereupon taking into further consideration the three Acts, passed in the province of New Jersey in 1713–14, intituled:
An Act for shortening law suits and regulating the practice of the law.
An Act for acknowledging and recording of deeds and conveyances of land within each respective county of this province; and
An Act for enforcing the observation of the ordnance for establishing fees within this province.
The draught of a representation to His Majesty, in order to the repeal of the said Acts, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.
Mr. Newport.
Ill conduct, President Cox.
Mr. Newport attending with Mr. Marsh, and desiring their Lordship's consideration of a memorial from seven of the Council of Barbados, dated the 2nd of November last, complaining of the arbitrary conduct and proceedings of Mr. Cox, President of the said Council; they were called in, and the said memorial read. Whereupon their Lordships observing that the said memorial refers to a representation to His Majesty from the said councillors on the same subject, Mr. Newport was asked whether that representation was received here and presented, who acquainted the Board that the same was lodged with one of His Majesty's principal secretaries of State for that purpose.
Letter from Mr. Carter,
Mr. Cox's proceedings.
Mr. Newport on this occasion produced to their Lordships a letter from Mr. Carter, Attorney General of Barbados, stating several particulars of the said President Cox's arbitrary and unjust proceedings, which was read.
And these gentlemen desiring to have copies of any complaints from Mr. Cox or others against any of the said seven councillors, in order to their justification, their Lordships agreed to let them have copies, as desired, and also ordered that such persons, as appear in behalf of Mr. Cox, may have copies of any complaints against him.
Mr. Gee.
Letter to Mr. King.
Iron mines.
Mr. Joshua Gee attending, presented to the Board the copy of a letter from Virginia to Mr. King, a merchant at Bristol, relating to Colonel Spotswood, the Lieutenant Governor of that colony, taking to himself in other names, great quantities of land, where there are iron mines, was read; whereupon Mr. Gee was acquainted that the same would be reconsidered, when any proofs of the allegations in the said letter should come before them.
January 10. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Plummer.
New Jersey.
Three acts.
A representation, [vide fol. 2], to His Majesty, in order to the repeal of three Acts passed in the province of New Jersey in 1713–14, as agreed at the last meeting, was signed.
New York.
Letter to Lord Carteret, Stores of war.
The draught of a letter, [vide journal W. fol. 36], ordered the 20th of the last month to be prepared, to the Lord Carteret, in relation to stores of war for the garrisons at New York, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.
Letter to Mr. H. Walpole.
Presents for the Indians.
A letter, [ride ditto], from the secretary of this Board to Mr. Horatio Walpole, one of the secretaries to the Lords of the Treasury, concerning presents for the five Nations of Indians at New York, was likewise agreed and ordered to be sent.
January 11. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Plummer.
Letter from Mr. Cox.
A letter from Mr. Cox, President of the Council of Barbados, dated the 29th of August last, was read, and the papers, therewith received, were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Minutes of Council, from the 12th of April to the 8th of August, 1721.
Minutes of Assembly, from the 7th of June to the 22nd of August, 1721.
Another letter from Mr. Cox, without date, was read, and the papers, therewith received, were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Minutes of Council of the 5th and 6th of September, 1721.
Copy of the deposition of Richard Byrch against Captain John Swan, taken the 6th of September, 1721.
An Act to keep inviolate and preserve the freedom of elections, etc., passed 18th July, 1721.
A third letter from Mr. Cox, dated the 11th of October last, was read, and the papers, therewith received, were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Petition of Francis Lee and Joseph Fowle, junior, Esq., against Edmond Sutton, Esq.
Four depositions against William Carter, Esq., in October, 1721.
Petition of several persons, plaintiffs in the Court of Common Pleas, for the precinct of St. Michael, in behalf of themselves and others, relating to the administration of justice at Barbados.
A fourth letter from Mr. Cox, dated the 8th of November last, was read, and the papers, therewith received, were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Minutes of Council, from the 9th of September to 24th October, 1721, inclusive.
Copy of two petitions to Judge Sutton and proceedings thereon, relating to the quashing an outcry for the sale of certain negroes, for satisfaction of judgments for debt.
Letter to Lord Carteret.
Then their Lordships gave directions for preparing the draught of a letter to the Lord Carteret, one of His Majesty's principal secretaries of State, as well upon the memorial of seven of the Council of Barbados, [vide fol. 2], which was read the 9th inst., as upon the forementioned letters from Mr. Cox, relating to the present disorders in Barbados.
January 12. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Plummer.
New York.
Report from Ordnance.
Stores of war.
A report from the Board of Ordnance to the late Lords Justices, dated the 1st July, 1720, with an estimate of stores of war desired by Mr. Burnett, Governor of New York, for the use of the garrisons in that province, being communicated to this Board by Mr. Delafaye, the same were read, and copies ordered to be taken thereof. Whereupon their Lordships agreed to reconsider the draught of a letter to the Lord Carteret, mentioned in the Minutes of the 10th inst., relating to stores of war for New York.
January 16. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Plummer.
Leeward Islands.
Letters from General Hamilton.
A letter from General Hamilton, Governor of the Leeward Islands, dated the 31st of August last, was read, and the Act and other papers therewith received and undermentioned, were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Copy of a letter from the Lieutenant Governor and Council of Antigua to the Assembly, with their answer.
Abstract taken from the Council books of Antigua relating to the following Act.
An Act for raising a tax for paying the public debt due to his Excellency, Walter Hamilton, Esq., Captain General of His Majesty's Leeward Charibbee Islands in America, passed 1st August, 1721.
Copy of General Hamilton's letter of licence for Colonel Byam, to be absent from Antigua for six months. Whereupon their Lordships, taking into consideration the said Act and what General Hamilton writes in his said letter relating thereto, the draught of a representation in order to His Majesty's confirming the same, was agreed, transcribed and signed.
Letter to Lord Carteret.
Their Lordships then taking into consideration the draught of a letter, ordered the 11th inst. to be prepared, to the Lord Carteret, one of His Majesty's principal secretaries of State, relating to the present disorders in Barbados, the same was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.
Reference from Lord Carteret.
Duke of Montagu's petition.
St. Lucia and St. Vincent.
A reference from the Lord Carteret, of the 11th inst., upon the petition of the Duke of Montagu to His Majesty, for a grant of the islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, was read, together with the said petition. Whereupon the secretary was ordered to signify to his Grace the Board's desire to have the honour of speaking with him at twelve of the clock on Thursday next.
Letter from Mr. Moore.
A letter from Mr. Samuel Moore, one of His Majesty's Council of Jamaica, dated the 11th inst., signifying his being willing that his name be struck out of the list of the said Council, was read.
January 17. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Plummer.
Letter to Lord Carteret.
A letter to the Lord Carteret, one of His Majesty's principal secretaries of State, relating to the present disorders in Barbados, as agreed at the last meeting, was signed.
Plantations General.
New Hampshire.
Mr. Newman's memorial.
Naval stores.
A memorial from Mr. Newman, agent for New Hampshire, relating to a Bill now depending in Parliament for the further incouraging the importation of naval stores from the Plantations, was read; whereupon directions were given for preparing some copies thereof for the Right Honourable the Earl of Westmorland, to be made use of at the House of Lords, as there may be occasion.
New York.
Mr. Kennedy summoned.
Ordered that Mr. Kennedy, lately arrived from New York, be acquainted that the Board desire to speak with him at eleven of the clock to-morrow morning.
January 18. Present:—Earl of Westmorland, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Plummer.
Letter from Mr. Burnett.
Additional companies.
A letter from Mr. Burnett. Governor of New York, dated the 2nd of the last month, relating to two additional companies of soldiers, which he desires may be sent thither, was read, and the papers, therewith received, as undermentioned, were laid before the Board, viz.:—
Store-Keeper's account of stores remaining in the garrison at New York, on the 1st of December, 1721.
Store-Keeper's estimate of stores wanted in the garrisons at New York, Albany etc., on the 1st of December, 1721.
Mr. Kennedy.
And Mr. Kennedy, who lately brought the said letter, attending, as desired, their Lordships had some discourse with him concerning the present condition of the four Independent Companies of Foot in the said province; and several questions being asked him on that subject, he said, that they are at present divided into five small garrisons, two hundred of them being at the city of New York in the fort there, and the rest at Albany, Schenectady, Fort Hunter and Saraitago, that the said soldiers are without cloths fit for them, and are constantly forced to lye upon straw, having no beds; and that there are many invalids among them; that the said Companies and the forts at New York have hitherto been provided with necessaries and stores from this kingdom, the Assembly there having never been prevailed with to defray any part of the charge thereof.
Mr. Kennedy was then desired to attend the Board again, in relation to the supplies desired for the forces at New York.
Duke of Montagu.
St. Lucia, St. Vincent.
Manor of Beaulieu.
Lord Belhaven.
Captain Evans's petition.
The Duke of Montagu coming to the Board, his petition to the King, mentioned in the Minutes of the 16th inst., praying for a grant of the islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, as likewise the reference thereupon, were again read; and his Grace being asked what particular priviledges they were, which he desired, as now possessed by him in his manor of Bewley, his Grace said, they were only the common priviledges of a lord of a manor, and promised to communicate to the Board the grant of the said manor. The Board then represented to his Grace that in such grants, as he now prays for, it would be necessary there should be some restrictions, such as were directed by His Majesty in an additional instruction to the late Lord Belhaven in reference to the island of Tobago; which instruction being read, his Grace did not object to any of the restrictions or regulations therein, but desiring a copy thereof, the same was ordered accordingly. His Grace was further acquainted that upon a petition from Captain Evans for a grant of the said island of St. Lucia, the Board had lately represented in favour of the said Captain for such part of the said island as His Majesty should think fit. Whereupon his Grace acquainted the Board that Captain Evans had been with him in relation to that affair, and would attend their Lordships to signify his being content to have a grant under his Grace.
January 17. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Plummer.
Abstract of Grant.
Manor of Beaulieu.
An abstract of the grant from the Crown of his Grace the Duke of Montagu's manor of Bewley, referred to in his petition for a grant of the islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, as mentioned in the Minutes of the 16th inst., being communicated to the Board from his Grace, the same was read, and their Lordships made a progress in the consideration thereof.
New York.
Mr. Kennedy.
Supplies. Forces.
Mr. Kennedy attending again, in relation to the supplies desired by Mr. Burnet for the forces in his Government of New York, their Lordships had some further discourse with him on that subject, and desiring him to put into writing the whole of what he had to offer relating thereto, and to lay it before the Board, he promised to do it accordingly.
January 23. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Plummer, Sir John Hobart.
Duke of Montagu's grant.
St. Lucia. St. Vincent.
His Grace the Duke of Montagu coming to the Board, their Lordships had some further discourse with him on the subject of his petition for a grant of the islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent; and his Grace proposing, in consideration of an absolute grant of the soil of those islands from the Crown, to send over five hundred white people at the least, to make a settlement or settlements on the said islands within three years after the date of such grant, the government with all regal and sovereign authority being reserved to the Crown, and agreeing to the like restrictions as were prescribed by His Majesty's instruction to the late Lord Belhaven, with relation to the island of Tobago; their Lordships gave directions for pre paring the draught of a representation upon the Duke of Montagu's said petition.
January 25. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Plummer, Sir John Hobart.
New York.
Mr. Kennedy's memorial.
Additional companies.
Letter to Lord Carteret.
A memorial from Mr. Kennedy, relating to two additional companies of soldiers for the province of New York, and necessaries and stores of war for the garrison there, was read, and their Lordships made a further progress in considering the draught of a letter to the Lord Carteret thereupon.
January 26. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Plummer.
Letter from Mr. Molesworth.
Woollen manufactures.
Letter from Monsieur Pasme.
A letter from Mr. Molesworth, His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary at Turin, dated the 24th of January, 1722, N.S., relating to the production and price of hemp in Piedmont, with observations on the woollen manufactures, as they stand charged by the tariff of his Sardinian Majesty's Customs, and the difference therein between the duties charged on those of France and those of England, was read; as likewise the copy of a letter from the Comptroller General Pasme to Mr. Molesworth, relating to the quantities of hemp annually produced in Piedmont.
Order of Council report.
Lords' Committee Council.
Duke of Portland's instructions.
An order of Council, of the 20th inst., upon a report from the Lords of the Committee of the Privy Council, touching two draughts of instructions prepared by this Board for his Grace the Duke of Portland, appointed Governor of Jamaica, approving that draught, which particularly relates to the Acts of Trade and Navigation, and directing some alterations to be made by one of His Majesty's principal secretaries of State in the draught of general instructions for the Government of the said island, was read.
Letter from.
Mr. Latimer.
Hemp. Flax.
A letter from Mr. Latimer, relating to the production of hemp and flax in a province not yet known, was read; and the secretary was ordered to acquaint him that the Board is ready to receive and consider any proposals he may have to offer in writing on that subject.
January 31. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Dominique, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Bladen, Mr. Plummer, Sir John Hobart.
Duke of Montagu's petition.
St. Lucia. St. Vincent.
Their Lordships taking into consideration the draught of a representation upon the Duke of Montagu's petition for a grant of the islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent, the same was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.
Mr. Bennett's memorial.
To Mr. West.
A memorial from Mr. Bennet, agent for Colonel Bennet, Lieutenant Governor of the Bermuda islands, praying the Board to consider and report upon an Act of those islands passed there in November last, intituled: An Act to supply the deficiency of several funds in these islands for finishing and compleating a house for the present and succeeding Governors, and repairing the castle and other fortifications, and for defraying the other publick charges of these islands, was read; whereupon ordered that the said Act be sent to Mr. West for his opinion thereupon in point of law.