Journal, March 1716: Journal Book R

Pages 119-130

Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 3, March 1715 - October 1718. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1924.

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Journal, March 1716

March 1. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison.


Plantations General.

Mr. Carkesse at the board.


Mr. Carkesse [fo. 369] Secry. to the Commrs. of His Majesty's Customs, attending, acquainted the Board in answer to the letter writ him yesterday, that the same drawbacks were allowed upon goods re-exported from this kingdom to Newfoundland and His Majesty's other plantations as to any foreign countries—and upon some discourse with him he said, there was no drawbacks upon foreign iron ware and cordage, and the reason as he believed, why such of those commodities, which are imployed in the Newfoundland Fishery were not excepted, was because of all sorts of European goods being carried from thence to His Majesty's other plantations— that there is a preventive Custom House Officer at Newfoundland, but without power to seize—that there is great want of a Court there and some steps have been formerly made towards settling one, but the difficulty was how to maintain the charge of it—and being asked in relation to the Duties upon train oil, he said the oil made by English ships paid nothing, and that by planters or inhabitants 3sh. per tun.

March 2. Present:—Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.



The draught of a repn. [fo. 369] to His Majesty's about preventing abuses in the Trade and Fishery of Newfoundland, which was ordered to be transcribed on Wednesday last, was signed; as likewise a letter wherewith to transmit the same to Mr. Secry. Stanhope.

Nova Scotia.


Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Isle of May &c.

Another letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope in answer to his of the 26th of January last [fo. 334], relating to the Isle of May, and to Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, was signed.

March 6. Present:—Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.

Plantations General.


Letter from Mr. Carkesse.

Acts for settling fees.

A letter from Mr. Carkesse [fo. 383] of yesterdays date, signifying the desire of the Commrs. of His Majesty's Customs to be informed what Acts are passed in Jamaica and other plantations now in force for the settling of fees, and whether the Officers of the Customs are contained therein, was read; whereupon ordered that search be accordingly made and extracts prepared of such part of any Acts wherein the said Officers fees are settled, in order to be sent to Mr. Carkesse pursuant to his said letter.



Letter from Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Mr. March &c.


A letter from Mr. Secry. Stanhope of the 1st instant, referring to the Board a memorial [fo. 375, 378] from the South Sea Company, relating to an imposition on their negroes by the Assembly of Jamaica, was read; whereupon ordered that a letter be writ to Sir James Bateman Sub. Govr. of the said Company to desire him to inform the Board, whether they have anything to add to the said memorial. Further ordered that Mr. Francis March [fo. 376] and Mr. Richard Harris be acquainted, that their Lordships desire to speak with them upon this subject, and any other gentlemen lately come from Jamaica at ten of the clock on Thursday morning next.


Letter from Mr. Secretary Stanhope.



Address stores of war.

A letter from Mr. Secretary Stanhope of the 1st instant, referring to the Board an address from the Lieut. Govr. Council and Assembly of Nevis to His Majesty with several depositions and other papers relating to the capitulation with the French for that Island in 1705/6, as also another address &c. relating to an ingineer, and stores of war wanting there were read.

Letter from Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Hostages at Martinique.

A letter from Mr. Secretary Stanhope of the 5th October last, with a petition and several papers from two English hostages at Martinique, were likewise read.

Last address to be re-considered.

Whereupon their Lordships resolved to take the said address &c. relating to an ingineer and stores of war, into consideration at the first opportunity.

Capitulation &c.

sent to Sir Nath.


And as to the address and papers relating to the said capitulation; ordered that copies of the letter and papers therein referred to, which were sent to Sir Nathaniel Lloyd the 29th of July last, as also of his report thereupon, be now transmitted to him together with the forementioned original address and papers upon the same subject for his opinion upon the whole.

Their Lordships then agreed to set apart Tuesday and Wednesdays for proceeding on plantation business.



Woollen manufactures.

The draught of a repn. [fo. 382] relating to the Woollen Manufacture of this Kingdom, being laid before the Board, a progress was made in the consideration thereof.

March 7. Present:—Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Molesworth.

New York.

New Jersey.

Letters from Hunter &c.


The two letters from Brigadier Hunter, Govr. of New York and New Jersey, dated the 21st of May, and mentioned in the minutes of the 9th [fo. 210] August, and 10th of Novr. last, as also his letter of 25th of July, mentioned in the minutes of the 31st of August [fo. 234], were again read, and directions given for preparing an answer thereto.

Letter to Attorney General.

Naturalization Act.

Ordered that the Secry. write to Mr. Attorney General, to remind him of the letter writ to him the 6th of Decr, last [fo. 297], and to desire his opinion as soon as may be, upon the Act past at New York the 5th of July, 1715 for a General Naturalization.

Letters from Hunter to be considered.

Then their Lordships resolved to proceed on Friday next in considering the rest of Brigadier Hunter's letters unanswered.


South Sea Company at the Board.


Sir Wm. Chapman, Mr. Robert Chester, Mr. Fellows &c. Directors of the South Sea Company attending, they were asked, whether the Company had anything to add to the memorial [fo. 372] referred to this Board by Mr. Secry. Stanhope's letter, mentioned in yesterdays minutes, relating to an imposition on their negroes at Jamaica; whereupon they said that their agents, having had a hearing before the Assembly of that Island, the issue of it was yet uncertain; but they desired that if any Act for such imposition should be transmitted hither the same might be repealed or annulled as soon as possible.


Inspector General.


Woollen manufactures.

Mr. Martyn [fo. 359], Inspector General of His Majesty's Customs, having brought to the Office an account of the Woollen Manufactures, exported from London to foreign countries from Christmas, 1711 to Christmas, 1713 in distinct years pursuant to the letter writ him the 23rd of the last month, the said account was laid before the Board.

March 8. Present:—Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.


Mr. Marsh and Kelly.

Duty on negroes.

Memorial for the Assembly.

Mr. March with Mr. Kelly [fo. 372] and other gentlemen lately come from Jamaica, as also Mr. Harris, attending as desired the 6th instant, they were desired to inform the Board what they knew concerning a Vote of the Assembly of that Island, or any Act passing there for laying an imposition upon negroes exported; whereupon they said, they heard that a Bill had passed the said Assembly wherein among other things a duty of 40sh. a head was laid on negroes exported, but that by an amendment from the Council it was reduced to 20sh. per head, and some of the said gentlemen presented to the Board a memorial [fo. 340] in vindication of the Assembly in this affair, which was read.

Mr. Harris and the forementioned gentlemen further said, they were sorry for such an imposition, but that the necessity of raising money, and the Govr. of Jamaica's recommending it, were reasons for this proceeding; besides that 20sh. per head was no higher duty than had been laid on negroes for 20 years, except an interval of the two last years, and that the money arising thereby, was applicable to the supplying what His Majesty's other Revenue there might fall short of the contingent charges of that Government; that they were not certain whether the said Bill was passed, but that in a few days there might be some account of it by a ship now arrived, which when read, they promised to communicate to the Board.

March 9. Present:—Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.



Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Memorial South. Sea Company.

A letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, in answer to his of the 1st instant, upon a memorial from the Directors of the South Sea Company [fo. 372], relating to a Vote of the Assembly of Jamaica for laying a duty upon negroes, exported from that Island, was signed.

New York.

Letter from Brigadier Hunter.

Then the letter from Brigadier Hunter Govr. of New York, dated the 12th of Novr. last, was read, and the papers therein referred to laid before the Board, which are as follows, vizt.
Papers referred.
A. List of the Palatines settled on Hudsons River.
B. Account of Palatines Stores remaining in New York.
C. Propositions of the five Sachems of Indians to the Commrs. for Indian Affairs at Albany the 2nd Septr., 1715.
D. Copy of the prepositions by the messengers from the 5 Nations to the Commrs. of the Indian Affairs at Albany the 3rd Octr., 1715, and the Commrs. message thereon to them the 6th Octr.
E. Copy of Cors-Croms letter the 17th Octr., 1715 about the Sesqueshannah Indians.
N.S. Proposal for furnishing the Navy with masts &c.
F. Proceedings in a Court of Admty. relating to the Eagle Brigantine and European goods &c.
G. List of ships and vessels belonging to New York with their mariners.
S.T. Account of stores sold, and remaining in New York &c.
A list of vessels cleared outwards at New York, from the 24th June, 1715, to the 29th Septr. next, following.
A list of vessels entered inwards at New York from 24th June, 1715, to the 29th Septr. next following.

Appeal Eagle Brigantine.

Sir Nathaniel Lloyd writ to.

And their Lordships reconsidered his letters [fo. 269], dated 13th Augt. and 29th of Septr. both mentioned in the minutes of the 10th Novr., 1715, as likewise that of the 10th Octr. [fo. 309] mentioned in the minutes of the 28th Decr, last, which were again read; and upon Paragraph D of his said letter of 29th of Septr. relating to an appeal upon the Condemnation of the Eagle Brigantine at New York; ordered that the Secry. write to Sir Nathaniel Lloyd [fo. 384], His Majesty's Advocate General to be informed whether the said appeal has been yet heard, and if it has, what has been the issue thereof.


Mr. Johnson councillor.

Further Ordered that the draught of a repn. be prepared, humbly proposing to His Majesty's that John Johnson Esqr. [fo. 384], be appointed of His Majesty's Council in New York, in the room of Samuel Staats Esqr. deceased, according to Brigadier Hunter's recommendation of him.

Presents to Indians.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

A new fort.

Augmenting forces.

Upon Paragraph D of the forementioned letter of the 12th Novr. last, relating to presents for the 5 Nations of Indians, a letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope to remind him of what this Board writ to him [fo. 278], the 18th of that month, on the same subject, and to desire to know His Majesty's Pleasure relating thereto, as likewise about erecting a new fort and augmenting His Majesty's Forces in the province of New York, was signed.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Naval stores.

Clothing sent thither.

And their Lordships gave directions for preparing a letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, upon Paragraph G of Brigadier Hunter's said letter of 12th Novr., 1715 [fo. 384], relating to Naval stores, upon Paragraph I relating to the decrease of the trade of New York to the Spanish Coast, since the peace, whence our ships are kept off by those of the Spaninards and some French under Spanish Commns. &c., and upon Paragraph P, relating to the clothing sent to New York some time ago by General Nicholson.

Copper money.

As to what the Brigadier writes in Paragraph N of the said letter relating to copper money to be coined out of the mines in New York, the Board resolved to consider the same on Wednesday next.

Stores of war.

Champante summoned.

Ordered upon Paragraph O of the same letter, relating to stores of war at New York, that Mr. Champante be desired to attend the Board at ten of the clock on Wednesday morning next.

March 13. Present:—Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.



Woollen manufacture.

Their Lordships made a further progress in considering the draught of a repn. [fo. 374, 392]; relating to the Woollen Manufacture of this Kingdom, mentioned in the minutes of the 6th instant.

Leeward Islands.

General Carpenter for Captain Matthew's absence.

General Carpenter attending, and acquainting the Board that Capt. Matthew, Lieutenant General of the Leeward Islands desired, leave for six months absence from the said Islands, in order to settle some private affairs, after General Hamilton, His Majesty's Govr. in Chief should arrive there. The Board were pleased to signify to him, that if he wrote their Lordships a letter to that purpose, with the reasons for such desire, the same should be represented to His Majesty.

March 14. Present:—Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.

Plantations General.

Letter to Mr. Carkesse.

Acts about fees in the Plantations.

A letter to Mr. Carkesse [fo. 372] Secretary to the Commrs. of His Majesty's Customs, inclosing an account of what Acts are in this Office for the regulating or establishing of fees in His Majesty's Plantations, as desired by his letter of the 5th instant, was agreed, and ordered to be sent.

New York.


Mr. Johnson councillor.

A representation ordered to be prepared the 9th instant, humbly proposing to His Majesty, that John Johnson Esqr. [fo. 380, 422] be appointed of the Council of New York in the room of Samuel Staats Esqr. deceased, was signed.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Naval stores &c.

The draught of a letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, ordered at the same time to be prepared, upon what Brigr. Hunter writes relating to our trade in America, to Naval stores and to the clothing [fo. 381, 385] sent to New York by Colonel Nicholson, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.

Letter from Sir Nathaniel Lloyd.

Appeal Eagle Brigantine.

A letter from Sir Nathaniel Lloyd, His Majesty's Advocate Genl. of the 13th in answer to one writ him the 9th instant [fo. 381], relating to an appeal upon the condemnation of the Eagle Brigantine at New York was read.

Letter to Brigadier Hunter.

Then their Lordships agreed the draught of a letter to Brigadier Hunter Govr. of New York [fo. 385], and ordered the same to be transcribed.

March 15. Present:—Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison.

New York.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Naval stores &c.

The draught of a letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope upon what Brigr. Hunter writes relating to our trade in America, to Naval stores [fo. 384], and to the clothing sent to New York by Colonel Nicholson, mentioned in yesterday's minutes, was signed.

Letter to Brigadier Hunter.

The draught of a letter to Brigadier Hunter Govr. of New York [fo. 384, 387], mentioned likewise in yesterday's minutes, was signed.

March 20. Present:—Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.


Letter from Lord Townshend.

Treaty of commerce.


Mr. Goodfellow.

Governor and others summoned.

A letter from the Lord Viscount Townshend [fo. 393], of the 13th instant, referring to this Board the project of a Treaty [fo. 395] of Commerce between His Majesty and the Czar of Muscovy, was read, whereupon ordered that the several papers in this Office relating to the Trade of this Kingdom in the Dominions of the Czar, be looked out and laid before the Board. Further ordered that Mr. Goodfellow [fo. 391] be desired to attend their Lordships at ten of the clock on Thursday, and the Govr. [fo. 393] with any other members of the Muscovia Company at the same hour on Friday morning next.

New Jersey.

Letter from Brigadier Hunter.

A letter from Brigadier Hunter to the Board, relating to His Govmt. of New Jersey, dated the 27th Augt., 1714, was read and the Acts and papers therein referred to, were laid before the Board as follows vizt.
Twenty three publick and fifteen private Acts passed in New Jersey in 1714, according to the List thereof.
Minutes. Council.
Minutes of Council from the 30th Novr., 1713 to the 17th April, 1714.

Private Act sent to Attorney General.

Whereupon ordered that the Act to naturalize Peter Bard, native of France, be sent to Mr. Attorney General for his opinion in point of Law.

Answer to Brigadier Hunter.

Then the letter from Brigr. Hunter to the Secry. of the 21st May, 1715 (mentioned in the minutes of the 9th of August) as likewise those of the 9th and 14th Novr., 1715, all relating chiefly to the affairs of New Jersey, were likewise read, and directions given for preparing an answer to these [fo. 389], as also to that abovementioned to the Board; and in the meantime their Lordships agreed and signed, a postscript to their letter to Brigr. Hunter of the 15th instant [fo. 385], upon what he writes in his said letter of the 9th Novr. relating to the failure of an experiment in preparing some trees at New York for tar.

Leeward Islands.

Letter from General Carpenter.

Leave for Captain Matthew's absence.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

A letter from Lt. Genl. Carpenter dated 17th instant, desiring the Board to move that Captain Matthew, Lieut. General of the Leeward Islands &c. may have leave to be absent from thence for 6 months after General Hamilton's arrival there, was read; where upon directions were given for preparing a letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, signifying that this Board have no objection, why Capt. Matthew may not have His Majesty's leave as desired.

March 21. Present:—Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Molesworth.

Leeward Islands.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Captain Matthew's absence.

A letter ordered yesterday to be prepared to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, upon General Carpenters desire that Capt. Matthew, Lieutenant Genl. of the Leeward Islands, may have leave to be absent from thence for six months after General Hamilton's arrival in those Islands, was signed.

New York.

Two Acts sent the Attorney General.

Ordered that copies of the two Acts passed at New York the 4th of Septr., 1714, entituled, An Act for shortning of Law Suits, and regulating the practice of the Law, and An Act for preventing the Multiplicity of Law Suits, be sent to Mr. Attorney General for his opinion thereupon in point of Law.

New Jersey.

Letter to Brigadier Hunter.

Then the draught of an answer to Brigadier Hunters letters, mentioned in yesterday's minutes [fo. 387, 392], relating to New Jersey, was agreed and ordered to be transcribed.


Letter from Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Board of Ordnance.

A letter from Mr. Secry. Stanhope [fo. 392], of the 19th with one from the Board of Ordnance to himself, dated the 6th instant, were read and the following papers therein referred to, were laid before the Board, vizt.
A list of papers relating to Newfoundland.
Papers referred to.
1. Representation relating to Newfoundland from the Board of Ordnance to Mr. Secry. Stanhope, a copy whereof was sent to Mr. Horneck, Engineer, for his information, that he might return from thence with his report thereupon, pursuant to His Majesty's Order of the 14th of May, 1715.
2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Draughts of what is humbly proposed by the said engineer for the security of the Harbour of Placentia.
7. Abstract of the present establishment and demand for rebuilding and repairing the old fortification compared with what is now proposed.
8. Abstract of the estimate of the quantity of materials to be sent from hence and New England, and the manner proposed for transporting them thither.


And directions were given for preparing the draught of an answer to Mr. Secry. Stanhope thereupon.

March 22. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.


Mr. Goodfellow.

Treaty of commerce.


Mr. Goodfellow, [fo. 386] attending, as he had been desired the 20th instant, and being acquainted that their Lordships had under consideration some matters relating to a Treaty of Commerce with Muscovy, and being asked whether he had any particular hardships to complain of, upon our trade there, that might be remedied by a Treaty of Commerce, or whether he had anything to offer that might be of advantage to our trade in those parts, he said, that he was afraid he could not remember particulars, all the letters which he writ when he was Counsul in Muscovy, being in the Company's hands, who therefore were better able to give their Lordships satisfaction than he could, and if their Lordships pleased he would wait on them tomorrow with the said Company—he added that he believed the Muscovites would never come into a Treaty of Commerce advantagious to us, and his reason was, that the Muscovites will not agree that the several species which are in the Czars hands are monopolies, tho' they really are so, and that there are 18 species of such goods.

New Jersey.

Letter to Brigadier Hunter.

The draught of a letter to Brigadier Hunter [fo. 389], relating to the affairs of New Jersey, ordered yesterday to be transcribed, was signed.



Woollen manufactures.

Then their Lordships agreed the draught of a repn. relating to the Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdom [fo. 382, 394], mentioned in the minutes of the 13th instant, and ordered the same to be transcribed.


New York.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.


The draught of an answer ordered yesterday to be prepared to Mr. Secry. Stanhope's letter of the 19th instant [fo. 389], upon several papers from the Board of Ordnance, about fortifying Placentia, was signed.

March 23. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.


Sir Benjamin Ayloffe about commerce with the Czar.



Sir Benjamin Ayloffe Govr. [fo. 386] and several other members of the Muscovy Company attending, as desired the 20th instant, they were desired to inform the Board, what they might have to offer, that would be of advantage to their trade, and proper to be stipulated in a Treaty of Commerce with the Czar; whereupon they said, they lay under great difficulties, and had several grievances to complain of [fo. 395], which they would draw up and bring their Lordships in writing, but that it would be some time before they could be ready, and the Board pressing that the same might be done with all convenient speed, these gentlemen promised it accordingly.

Letter to Lord Townshend about Treaty of commerce with the Czar.

A letter to the Lord Viscount Townshend [fo. 386, 407], giving an account of what has been done by the Board upon his Lordships letter of the 13th instant, relating to the project of a Treaty of Commerce with the Czar, was signed.

Bahama Islands.

Order of Council.

Commission and instructions.

Roger Mostyn.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

An Order of Council of the 10th instant upon a repn. of this Board, of the 14th of Decr., 1715, relating to the Bahama Islands, and requiring the draught of a commn. and instructions to be prepared for Roger Mostyn Esqr. to be Govr. of the said Islands, was read, and directions given for preparing a letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope thereupon.

March 24. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Molesworth.



Woollen manufacture.

A repn. [fo. 392, 396], relating to the Woollen Manufacture of this Kingdom, agreed the 22nd instant, was signed.

Bahama Islands.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Commission and instructions.

Roger Mostyn.

A letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope directed yesterday to be prepared, upon the Order of Council of the 10th instant, relating to a commn. and instructions for Roger Mostyn Esqr. to be Govr. of the Bahama Islands, was signed.

March 26. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison.


Treaty of Commerce Muscovy.

Letter from Lord Townshend.

Grievances at Riga.

Mackenzies remarks.

Letter from late Lord Bolingbroke.

Mr. Whitworth's proposals.

Letter to Sir Benjamin Ayloffe.

Their Lordships took again into consideration the project of a Treaty of Commerce with Muscovy [fo. 386], mentioned in the minutes of the 20th instant; and a letter from the Lord Visct. Townshend of the 2nd of Novr., 1714, referring to the Board some grievances of the British Factors at Riga, with Mr. Mackenzies remarks thereupon, were read; as likewise a letter from the late Lord Bolingbroke of the 18th of July, 1712, and some points proposed by Mr. Whitworth, Her late Majesty's Ambassador to the Czar, about a New Treaty of Commerce; whereupon the Board being informed that the Muscovite Ambassador here is to go away in a few days before which their Lordships Report is desired upon this subject; a letter was writ to Sir Benj. Ayloffe [fo. 393, 398], to press for what the Muscovia Company may have to offer on Wednesday next.


Letter to Lord Viscount Townshend with representation about woollen manufacture.

A letter to the Lord Viscount Townshend, wherewith to transmit to His Lordship a copy of the repn. [fo. 394] of this Board to His Majesty, dated the 24th instant, relating to the Woollen Manufacture was signed.

March 27. Present:—Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.

New York.


Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

Papers about Palatines for the House of Commons.

A letter from Mr. Secry. Stanhope [fo. 409] dated yesterday, signifying His Majesty's Pleasure that some of this Board do forthwith lay before the House of Commons, all papers relating to the Palatines, who were sent to the West Indies, pursuant to their address to His Majesty, was read, and directions given for preparing copies of such of the said papers, as are not already before the House.


Goods exported to Flanders.

Then a list of the names of the Principal commodities exported to Flanders prepared by Mr. Martyn, Inspector General of His Majesty's Customs, was read.

March 28. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Cokburne, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.

Nova Scotia.

Letter from Major Caulfield.

A letter from Major Caulfield Lieut. Govr. of Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, dated the 23rd of Novr. last, was read, and the papers therein referred to, were laid before the Board vizt.
Papers transmitted.
Letter from Mr. Winnet to Major Caulfield Lt. Govr. of Annapolis with a memorial against Captain Armstrong.
Memorial from Mr. Winnet to Major Caulfield complaining of abuses received from Captain Armstrong at Annapolis Royal and praying Major Caulfield's protection.

The following papers, relating to Annapolis Royal and the province of Nova Scotia, were likewise read, vizt.

Letter from Mr. Shirreff.

A letter from Mr. Shirrif, of the 14th Febry., 17 15/16 relating to the necessities which the garrison of Annapolis Royal lies under.

Memorial from Colonel Vetch.

A memorial from Col. Vetch [fo. 358], relating to the state of Annapolis Royal and province of Nova Scotia.

Letter from Mr. Pulteney.

Letter to Mr. Secretary Stanhope.

A letter from Mr. Pulteney, His Majesty's Secretary at War, dated the 5th instant, in answer to the letter writ him the 7th Febry. last [fo. 343], relating to the state of Annapolis Royal; whereupon a letter to Mr. Secry. Stanhope upon that from him of the 26th of January, 1715/16, relating to the state of the garrison at Annapolis Royal, was agreed and signed.


Mr. Hawys.


Muscovy Company.



Mr. Hawys, Secry. to the Russia [or Muscovia] Company [fo. 395] attending presented to the Board a memorial from Sir Benjamin Ayloffe Govr. in behalf of the said Company, with several heads of grievances in their trade within the Czars Dominions, which they desire may be redressed, and the same were read; and Mr. Hawys being desired to explain the Second Article, relating to monopolies, he said it was intended against all monopolies, as well those arising from the Czars ingrossing several commodities himself, as against the consequent monopolies by one persons buying the whole of any sort of goods from the Czar's Treasury, as a British Factor had lately done that of ising-glass.

The Company to attend.

Mr. Hawys then acquainting the Board, that the Company or any of their members would be ready to attend their Lordships to explain the forementioned memorial or heads of grievances as might be thought necessary, he was desired to acquaint the Company, that the Board should be glad of speaking with some of their members at ten of the clock tomorrow morning thereupon [fo. 401.]

Letter to Sir Nathaniel Lloyd.

Article of the project.

In the meantime a letter [fo. 400] was writ to Sir Nath. Lloyd His Majesty's Advocate General for his opinion, whether by the 13th Article of the project of a Treaty of Commerce with Muscovy, mentioned in the minutes of the 20th instant, the subjects of the Czar may not pretend to be exempted from Aliens Duties here, should the same take place.

March 29. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Chetwynd, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Addison, Mr. Molesworth.


Letter to Lord Townshend.


Austrian Low Countries.

A letter to the Lord Viscount Townshend [fo. 368], upon the tarif or declaration of the Duties of Import and Export payable in the Austrian Low Countries, transmitted with His Lordship's letter of 28th Febry. was signed, and the original tariff ordered to be returned according to His Lordships desire.

Sir Nathaniel Lloyd's answer to query.

Sir Nathl. Lloyd [fo. 399], His Majesty's Advocate General attending, presented to the Board his answer to the letter writ him yesterday upon the 13th Article of the project of a Treaty of Commerce with Muscovy, which was read.

Muscovy Company.

Their observations on grievances.

Then Sir Joseph Martyn, Mr. Goodfellow [fo. 399] and several other members of the Muscovy Company, attending, as they had been desired, the Articles of the Heads of Grievances in their trade, which they desire may be redressed, as mentioned in yesterday's minutes, were again severally read, and
Article 1st.
Our seamen deserting.
1st. Upon the first Article relating to Our Seamen's deserting the British Service for that of the Czar's; they said, that the Czar now fits out great fleets for war, and gives such encouragements for manning his ships, as are a great temptation to our seamen, tho' indeed he had formerly given directions for returning such of our men as were found on board his ships— that our voyages to Archangel are not performed in less than a year, and if our men were forced or seduced, the whole voyage for that season would be frustrated, there being no opportunities as in many other parts of Europe to procure men for supplying such loss.

17th Article.

Treaty commerce.

Spain 1667.

Then the 17th Article of the Treaty of Commerce with Spain concluded in 1667 being read, these gentlemen declared their opinion that such a clause would answer their intent upon this point with the Czar.
Article 2nd Monopolies.
Upon the 2nd Article relating to monopolies, they explained themselves to the same purpose, as Mr. Hawys had done yesterday, and further said that the Czar's subjects are not permitted to sell any goods to others till those of the same species in the Czar's own possession, are first sold—that applications had been made against the evil, but ineffectual.
Provided for by the Treaty.
The 9th and 10th Articles of the forementioned project of a Treaty of Commerce with Muscovy being read, the said gentlemen concurred that this head was thereby provided for.
Article 3rd.
A Braack.
in the Project.
Upon the 3rd Article of the Company's grievances, relating to the establishing of a Braack or Wraak in the Czar's Ports like that of Riga and other places, a clause to be inserted in the said project of a Treaty was read, which the members of the Company approved for that purpose.
Article 4 and 9.
Protection of debtors.
In relation to the 4th and 9th Articles, concerning the protection of debtors, and a deposit before Justice could be obtained, they said that formerly there was the quickest and best Justice in Muscovy, but at present disputes are protracted. That within these 7 or 8 years the merchants or Factors complaining have been obliged to deposit 10 per cent., and this last year 20 per cent. of the value in contest for answering the charge of prosecution, which 20 per cent. is never returned by the Czar's officers, but the charge of it falls upon the party cast in the suit—that the Company desire but the same justice as formerly, that the Custom House Books, where all bargains are registered may be allowed as sufficient evidence for them according to ancient practice, without their being obliged to any deposit— and that they may have power to summon their debtors to the place of trade.
Article 5th.
Registry of goods.
As to the 5th Article relating to the Registry of Goods in the Czar's Custom Houses at higher rates than they are bought at. The said gentlemen acquainted the Board that there is annually sent to Archangel a New Commr. of the Customs, who chuses the highest price, which any goods have been bought or sold at, and by that regulates the Czar's duty upon all, tho' in Moscow, bargains for the same commodity, have been made at different prices, and where goods have been bought by some of our merchants at the lower prices, the vendors upon finding entries of higher rates at the Custom House, have obliged the buyers to pay them the surplus according to those rates; wherefore the Company desired yt. the exact prices which all goods were bona fide bought at in Muscovy, and no higher, might be registered in the Custom Houses there.
Provided for by the project.
It being thereupon observed that the 9th and 10th Articles of the foresaid project, provide in part against this complaint, these gentlemen acquiesced therein.
Articles 6th and 7th.
Pilots Port charges.
Upon the 6th and 7th Articles relating to pilots and port charges, the members of the Company said that the Office of the former was farmed out by the Govrs. &c. who did not maintain a sufficient number of pilots, and as to the port charges they said, that former orders given upon that subject had not been complied with, whereupon they were acquainted that some of these and other grievances might properly be redressed upon application by His Majesty's Minister.
Article 8th.
Provided for by the project.
In regard to the 8th Article of the Company's grievances concerning liberty to contract and to register such contracts as bonds, it was agreed, upon reading the 8th and 10th Articles of the foresaid project, that they provide against this inconvenience.
Article 10th.
Quartering soldiers.
Upon the 10th Article relating to the quartering of soldiers, they said that some, particularly the Tobacco Merchants, were exempt from that burthen; but that others had once been turned out of their houses for the Czars Troops.
Article 11th.
Seizing books and goods.
The 11th Article against seizing the books and goods of Factors without legal tryal being considered, some members of the Company said they knew an instance of that kind, whereupon the 31st Article of the Treaty of Commerce concluded with Spain in 1667, was read, and 'twas agreed that such an Article in the present project with the Czar would be proper to remedy the evil here complained.
Articles 12th, 14th, 15th.
Carrying goods to Inland towns.
Provided for by the project.
As to the 12th, 14th and 15th Articles relating to coin and the liberty of carrying goods from the ports of importation to inland towns and places in the Czar's Dominions, it was observed that these are provided for by the 7th, 9th, 10th and 13th Articles of the foresaid project.
Article 13th.
Want of warehouses.
With regard to the 13th Article of the Company's grievances, which relates to the want of warehouses, which since the increase of trade were not sufficient, whereupon they desired liberty might be obtained for them either to hire others or build their own warehouses.
Article 16.
Exemption from taxes and excise.
Upon the 16th Article relating to British subjects continuing exempt from taxes and excise in the Czar's Dominions, these gentlemen said they were at present exempt, and desired only to continue so.
Article 17th.
Different weights.
As to the 17th Article, they said that the Muscovites buy frequently by one weight and sell by another, which they desire may be redressed.

March 30. Present:—Sir Jacob Astley, Mr. Cooke, Mr. Docminique, Mr. Molesworth.


Letter to Lord Townshend.

Treaty of commerce.


A letter to the Lord Viscount Townshend [fo. 393], in answer to his Lordsps. of the 13th instant [Jour. S. fol. 19], upon the project of a Treaty of Commerce with Muscovy, mentioned in yesterday's minutes was drawn up and signed.