Pages 174-175
Journals of the Board of Trade and Plantations: Volume 10, January 1754 - December 1758. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.
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Journal, September 1755
Tuesday, September 16. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Grenville.
Ordered, that the Secretary do give notice to the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa to attend the Board on Thursday next and to come prepared to lay before them an exact account of the actual state of defence of the respective forts and settlements upon the coast of Africa.
Wednesday, September 17. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Grenville.
Plantations General.
Ordered, that the Secretary do write to the Governors of his Majesty's several colonies and plantations in America, requiring them to prepare and transmit an account of their present state of defence, and of the ordnance and other stores of war in each colony respectively.
A representation to his Majesty proposing the establishment of pacquet boats between this kingdom and the American colonys was agreed to and ordered to be transcribed.
Read a letter from Mr. Clevland, Secretary to the Lords of the Admiralty, dated the 18th of August, 1755, inclosing a copy of the state and condition of the several forts on the coast of Africa transmitted by Captain Edwards of his Majesty's ship the Gosport.
Read an anonymous letter to the Board, dated the 5th of August, 1755, relating to the defenceless state of the fortification at James Fort in the River Gambia.
Ordered, that the Secretary do send for the writer of the said letter and inform himself as to the particulars therein contained.
Read a letter from Mr. Knowles, Governor of Jamaica, to the
Board, dated the 10th of May, 1755, transmitting:—
Lists of vessels that have entered and cleared at the port of
Kingston in Jamaica between the 25th of December, 1754,
and the 25th of March, 1755.
Thursday, September 18. Present:—Earl of Halifax, Mr. Pitt, Mr. Grenville.
Their lordships being informed that the Committee of the Company of Merchants trading to Africa were attending without, pursuant to their lordships order of the 16th instant, they were called in, and being desired to lay before the Board some account of the actual state of defence of their forts and settlements upon the coast of Africa, with their opinion of what might be further done for their security, Mr. Poole in the name of the Committee acquainted the Board that the forts were in general in very indifferent repair; that Gambia however was the only place likely to be attacked by the French in case of a rupture, as the others would with difficulty be attacked by a sea force, and that the only effectual method of defending the coast of Africa was by having a superior naval force in those seas. The Committee having nothing further to offer were ordered to withdraw.
Nova Scotia.
Ordered, that Mr. Kilby, agent for the settlement of Nova Scotia, do with all possible dispatch prepare an account, in the usual manner, of the expenditure of the money granted by Parliament for the service of Nova Scotia for the year 1754, in order to be laid before the House of Commons at their next meeting.
Ordered, that the Secretary do write to Mr. Knowles, Governor of Jamaica, recommending to him to appoint Mr. Ford to be Attorney General of that Island. till his Majesty's pleasure be known, in case that office shall become vacant by the death, resignation or removal of the person now executing it.