Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 103-152

Pages 35-49

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1987.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 103-152

Writ 28 June 1400.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Maldon. 8 July.
He held in fee tail:
Bradwell juxta Mare, 1 messuage, 1 ruined windmill, 100 a. arable, 4 a. meadow, 2 a. pasture, 40 a. external marsh, 1 broken weir and 10s.4d. rent, of the king in chief as a third part of a knight’s fee and by the service of providing 1 lance, price 2s., when the king goes to Wales, annual value 60s.
Down, view of frankpledge yearly in Bradwell on the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle by a rent of 12d. payable by the sheriff, annual value 12d.
Bradwell juxta Mare, 1 messuage, 100 a. arable, 5 a. meadow, 10 a. external marsh, 1 a. wood, 5 old broken weirs and 12s. rent of Joan Lady Swynbourne in scutage (scuagium) and fealty, annual value 78s.6d.; 3 a. of John Cook by a rent of 2d., annual value 12d.; 1 messuage, 60 a. arable, 1 a. pasture, 30 a. external marsh and 5s. rent, of Henry Percy, knight, of his manor of Bradwell by a rent of 20s.2d., annual value 35s.10d.; and 30 a. of Bartholomew Bourghchier, knight, by a rent of 7s., annual value 10s.
Asheldham and Steeple, 80 a. arable and 3 a. meadow, of the prior of Stanesgate by a rent of 14s., annual value 26s.8d.; 100 a. of Bartholomew Bourghchier, knight, and John Bodenyk, service unknown, annual value 33s.4d.; and 5 a. of the bishop of Winchester, by a rent of 1 lb. pepper, annual value 20d.
He died on 26 June. John his son and heir is aged 32 years and more.
C 137/7, no. 43
E 149/73, no. 8
Writ 18 Oct. 1399.
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Wells. 11 March 1400.
Long before he died he held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Camerton with the advowson, and lands and tenements in Doulting, and enfeoffed Alan Benet, rector of Morleigh, William Radewell, rector of Hemyock, John Axhard, rector of Clyst Hydon, and John Wrosell, and gave them seisin that they might give the issues to himself for life, and afterwards re-enfeoff the next and right heirs of the blood of Margaret his wife to herself and her heirs. Robert Palton is her kinsman and next heir.
The manor is held of the bishop of Bath and Wells by knight service, annual value £10; and the lands in Doulting are held of the abbot of Glastonbury, and extend within the said sum of £10.
He died without heirs on 8 Oct.
Writ 18 Oct. 1399.
DEVON. Inquisition. Sampford Peverell. 3 Jan. 1400.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Sampford Peverell, the manor and borough with the advowson, of the king in chief, annual value £30 2s.0 1/2d.
Boehill and Leonard Moor, certain parcels of land, of Richard Warre of his manor of Burlescombe by knight service, annual value £6 3s.
‘Pratteslonde’, a parcel so called, of William Aishford of his manor of Ashford by knight service, annual value 22s.
‘Preston’, the land of, of the heirs of John Welyngton of their manor of Uplowman by knight service, annual value 30s.
Ash Thomas, lands and tenements of John Dauney of his manor of Woodbeer by knight service, annual value 40s.
Sutton, 1 messuage and 1 carucate, of John Dorcestre, annual value 60s.
Colyford, lands and tenements, of the same of his manor of Halberton by knight service, annual value 20s.
Halsewood, a parcel of land so called, of the same of the same manor by knight service, annual value 4s.
Halberton, the hundred, in alternate years, of Lord Despenser of his honour of Gloucester, annual value 6s.8d.
‘Pechecroft’, a parcel so called, of John Dorcestre of his manor of Halberton by knight service, annual value 8d.
Aller, the manor, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £13.
With Margaret his wife, and in her right in his demesne as of fee, he once held the manors of Hemyock and Clyst Hydon and the hundred of Hemyock. They gave them to John Dynham, knight, John Wattecombe, parson of Hemyock, Walter Salterne, parson of Sampford Peverell, and Richard Michel, chaplain. By a fine of 1390 [CP 25(1) 44/66, no. 13] John Dynham and the others granted them to William and Margaret and the heirs of their bodies, failing them to the heirs of the body of Margaret and in default of such heirs with reversion to John Dynham and the others. Margaret died without heirs of her body, and William likewise.
Hemyock manor was held of Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon, of his castle of Plympton by knight service, annual value 38 marks; the hundred of the same earl and castle by knight service, annual value 26s.8d.
Clyst Hydon manor was held of the same earl of his manor of Okehampton by knight service, annual value £20.
William Astorp also held to himself and his heirs certain lands in Yarnscombe of Robert Chalouner, knight, of his manor of Torrington, annual value 40s.
He died on 8 Oct. He was a bastard and died without heirs. The escheator took his lands into the king’s hands.
Writ, plenius certiorari, as to how and by what service his lands were held. 20 Aug. 1400.
DEVON. Inquisition. Bradninch. 16 Sept.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Boehill, 15 a. arable, 6 a. meadow, 10 a. wood and alder, and 2s.4d. annual rent, of Richard Warre of his manor of Burlescombe as half a knight’s fee and by the service of 1 … at Easter.
‘Pratteslond’, 30 a. arable, 1 a. meadow and 1 a. wood, of William Aisshford, as an eighth part of a knight’s fee and by a rent of 4s. at Michaelmas.
Ash Thomas, 40 a. arable and 3 a. wood of John Dauneye of his manor of Woodbeer as a quarter of a knight’s fee and …8d. rent at Michaelmas.
Colyford, 2 messuages, 1 curtilage … 1 1/2 roods of meadow, of John Dorcestre and Margaret his wife in the right of Margaret of the manor of Halberton by the service of … part of a knight’s fee and 9s. annual rent payable at the four principal terms.
Halsewood, 24 a. wood, and ‘Pechecroft’, 3 a. arable, held of the manor of Halberton in right of Margaret his wife by a rent of 16d. at Michaelmas.
Yarnscombe, … and 40s. rent, of Robert Chalons of his manor of Torrington by knight service.
Halberton, the hundred, in alternate years, of Lord Despenser of his honour of Gloucester.
[Headed] Nulla inde fiat liberacio absque deliberacione consilii regis, Hill.
Writ, plura, 12 July 1402.
DEVON. Inquisition. Crediton. 15 Sept.
He held no more than was stated in the former inquisition, but William Jocens of Trobridge and Joan his wife held of him, in right of Joan, 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Trobridge in the parish of Crediton by knight service, and he held them of Edmund, bishop of Exeter, by homage, fealty, suit of court at the bishop’s court at Crediton every 3 weeks, and the service of half a knight’s fee.
He was a bastard and died without heirs.
C 137/7, no. 44; 33, no. 41
E 149/74, no. 17
Writ 12 Feb. 1400.
YORK. Inquisition and extent. York. 25 April.
He held to himself and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of Brian de Stapulton, knight, his father:
Wighill, the manor with the hamlet of Easedike, of lord de Moubray by homage and fealty, annual value £10.
Clifford, the manor, of the earl of Kent by homage, annual value £4.
Farlington, two parts of the manor, of the earl of Westmorland by suit of court at Sheriff Hutton, and if by other service the jurors do not know of it, annual value £12.
Little Langton, the manor, of the earl of Richmond, service unknown, annual value £7.
Skelbrooke, a parcel of land, of whom held and by what service is unknown, annual value 5s.
Firby, 1 messuage and 3 a., of whom held unknown, annual value 6s.8d.
Askham Bryan, lands and tenements, of Lord Grey of Rotherfield and Miles de Stapilton, knight, by a rent of 5d., annual value 22s.
Carlton by Snaith and Camblesforth, lands and tenements, of the heir of Brian Stapulton, knight, his father, by a rent of 13s., annual value £10.
He died on 6 Feb. last. John his son and heir is aged 32 weeks.
Writ, plenius certiorari, as to his status in the lands, of whom and by what service they were held. 9 July 1419.
YORK. Inquisition. Clifton. 7 Sept.
He held to himself and his heirs male Wighill manor with the hamlet of Easedike; Clifford manor; Farlington, two parts of the manor; Little Langton manor; Skelbrooke, a parcel of land; Firby, 1 messuage and 3 a.; Askham Bryan, lands etc.; all with remainder in default of male heirs to the right heirs of his father, Brian de Stapulton, knight.
He also held, by the grant of Agnes Arundell, sister and heir of Richard de Boynton, formerly rector of Binbrook, lands and tenements in Carlton by Snaith and Camblesforth, of the heirs of Brian de Stapulton, knight, deceased, by a rent of 13s.
The messuage and 3 a. in Firby are held of the heirs of Lord Deincourt and of Miles de Stapulton, knight, and the parcel in Skelbrooke of Peter del Hay, both services unknown.
Writ 22 Feb. 1400.
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Kessingland. 5 May.
He held the manor of Kessingland and 52s.6d. rent in Cretingham and Ashfield of the king in chief by knight service, to himself and his heirs male, with remainder to the right heirs of his father, Brian de Stapulton, knight, annual value £8.
Date of death as above. John his son and heir is aged 33 weeks.
Writ 22 Feb. 1400
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Loddon. 7 May.
He held nothing in Norfolk.
Date of death and heir as in last.
Writ 22 Feb. 1400.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Horncastle. 11 May.
He held in his demesne as of fee 3 messuages, 2 cottages and 1 carucate in Baumber, of Henry son and heir of John de Bello Monte, knight, a minor in the king’s ward, service unknown, annual value £4.
Date of death and heir, aged 34 weeks, as above.
Writ 1 May 1400.
YORK CITY. Inquisition. 17 May.
He held of the king in burgage as is all the city of York:
In Bishophill, 4 cottages, annual value 32s.; 4 other cottages, 30s.; 4 cottages, 31s.; 2 cottages, 33s.4d.; the reversion of a messuage and garden held for life by William de Sheffeld, 40s.; and the reversion of 14 cottages held by William Blenkansopp and Agnes his wife for the life of Agnes, 40s.
In Finkle Street, the reversion of 1 messuage, held by the same for the life of Agnes, annual value 15s.
In the suburbs outside Micklegate, 4 cottages, 8s.
Date of death and heir, aged 35 weeks, as above.
Writ, plenius certiorari, as to his status in the cottages, and who should have them in default of male heirs. 9 July 1419.
YORK CITY. Inquisition. 4 Sept.
He held 14 cottages on Bishophill and 4 others in the suburbs outside the Micklegate, as stated in the writ, with remainder in default of male heirs to the right heirs of his father, Brian de Stapulton, knight.
Writ 22 Feb. 1400.
CUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Carlisle. 20 March.
He held to himself and his heirs male with remainder to the right heirs of Brian, his father:
Oughterby, the manor with the hamlet of Bampton, of Thomas de Dacre at a cornage rent of 7s., annual value 100s.
Crosby on Eden, a quarter of the manor, of the bishop of Carlisle by homage and a rent of 11s., annual value 60s.
Cumwhinton, 1 messuage and 12 a., of William de Aglaby, by a cornage rent of 5 1/2d., annual value 5s.
Carlisle, 4 burgages and 3 a., of the king by house-gavel, annual value 16s.
Hornsby, a quarter of the vill, of Thomas de Dacre by homage, annual value 6s.8d.
Date of death and heir, aged 27 weeks, as above.
C 137/8, no. 45
E 152/345, 356–7
Writ 11 June 1400.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Babraham. 18 June.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Fulbourn, 1 rood, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 2d.
Shardelowes manor in Fulbourn, of the Earl Marshal and of the tenants of ‘Souches’ manor in Fulbourn, service unknown, annual value 10 marks.
Fulbourn, 3 roods, of the tenants of Colvyll manor, by knight service, annual value 6d.
He died on 19 July 1399. John his son and heir is aged 1 1/2 years and more.
[The Exchequer copy is the same except for the date, 26 June 1400, but adds]: Margaret his widow held the lands from the Saturday when he died to Michaelmas, and should answer for the profits.
Writ 29 June 1400.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Castle Hedingham. 4 Nov.
He held in his demesne as of fee 20 a. arable, 12 a. meadow and 6 a. pasture in Ashen, Birdbrook and Ridgewell, of William Bateman of his manor of Little Sampford by suit of court every 3 weeks, annual value 40s.
Date of death and heir, aged 2 1/2 years and more, as above.
C 137/8, no. 46
E 149/72, no. 9
Writ 18 Nov. 1399.
LONDON. Inquisition. 6 March 1400.
He held in his demesne as of fee a tenement with houses, shops and a plot of land in the parish of St. Michael Bassishaw, of the king in burgage as all the city is, annual value 6 marks.
He died on 1 Nov. 1342. Alice atte Brome is his heir, being the daughter of Ralph his brother, aged 58 years.
After his death Agnes his wife, who held jointly with him for her life, occupied them and took the profits until she married Hugh Jentill. He then held them until he died. Then she married John London, who held them for her life. She died. Then John London married a certain Lucy, and they held them. By his will he left them to Lucy for life, and then to pay for a chaplain to pray for the souls of Lucy and himself in St. Michael’s church. After his death the parishioners of that church took possession in accordance with his will, occupied them and took the profits until Simon Standish, chaplain, was inducted into a perpetual chantry. He held the property and took the profits until Robert London and Thomas London, claiming to be the heirs of John London, entered and took possession. They alienated to a certain John Walesby, and he to William Belhome, who now holds and takes the profits.
C 137/8, no. 47
Writ 3 Aug. 1400
KENT. Inquisition. Kenardington. 11 Aug.
He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Kenardington, comprising 13 1/2 a. arable; 2 a. meadow; 164 a. pasture; 5 a. 1 rood wood; £6 assize rents from free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas; 33 cocks, price 1 1/2d. each and 82 hens at 2d. at Christmas; 600 eggs at Easter, 2s.; 6 geese at Michaelmas, 3d. each; 1/2 lb. pepper at Christmas, 5d.; 6 lb. wax at Easter at 5d. the lb.; and the advowson of the church of Kenardington, £10 when it occurs.
A third part of the site of the manor and 37 a. of the said 164 a. are held by the service of a rent of 10s. for the guard of Dover castle. The rest of the site and of the 164 a., and the meadow, wood and rents are held of the archbishop of Canterbury, the abbot of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury, and the prior of St. Gregory’s, Canterbury, separately by various services. The site is worth nothing annually, each of the 164 a. and 13 1/2 a., 6d., the 2 a. meadow 2s., and the wood nothing because no profit can be taken from the timber.
With Agnes his wife, to them and the heirs of their bodies, he held:
Iffin, the manor, of the prior of St. Gregory’s, service unknown, annual value 5 marks.
‘Elmeslemersch’, the pasture so called, of whom held unknown, annual value nil because waste.
Cockread, the manor, in Romney marsh, of the master of the hospital of Dover, service unknown, annual value £6.
Silwell by Ruckinge, all the lands so called which Reynold de Basynges held, comprising 18 a. arable, held of Henry de Horne, service unknown, annual value 30s.
Stone in the Isle of Oxney, the lands which Walter Alayn held, comprising 25 a., annual value 30s., and 20s. rent from the lands of Stephen de Pysenden in that parish, held of the abbot of St. Augustine’s, service unknown.
Redbrook in the parish of Kenardington, 20 a. which John Merscher, senior, held to farm, of the same abbot, service unknown, annual value 40s.
Appledore, 5 a. which Thomas Sedelide held at farm in the town, annual value 7s., of the prior of Dover, service unknown.
Snargate, 20 a. which John Merscher, junior, held, of the same abbot, service unknown, annual value 30s.
Kenardington, various lands in the parish: 10 a. which Thomas Horne held next to the mill, of the archbishop, service unknown, annual value 21s.; 10 a. which John Wille held at farm in ‘Lytellarkemede’ and ‘Bettewildeslonde’, of the same abbot, service unknown, annual value 15s.; 2 a. and a windmill standing on them which William Caliot held at farm by ‘Pykhelle’, of the archbishop and of William Spaket separately, service unknown, annual value 2 a. 2s., the mill nil because ruinous; 8 a. which William Horne held at farm called ‘Dygenesland’ and ‘Boles’, of the prior of Dover, service unknown, annual value 8s.; 2 a. which Thomas atte Reche held at farm by ‘Kelchesbregge’, of the same abbot, service unknown, annual value 5s.; 16 a. called ‘Baytones’ and ‘Boltesland’ next to the messuage formerly of Walter Alayn, of the same abbot, service unknown, annual value 12s.; and 40 a. called ‘Horsteghe’ and ‘Kyngesmanland’ and other pieces of land which William Benet held at farm, of the archbishop, annual value 38s.
Appledore, all the wood called Park Farm in the parish, annual value 10s., and the pasture there 3s.4d.
He died on 29 July. John his son and heir is aged 24 years and more.
C 137/8, no. 48
E 357/14, m.37
SURREY. Inquisition ex officio. Guildford. 14 Aug. 1400.
He held the manor of Gomshall for life of the king, and he died on 2 Aug.
There are within the moat a hall, 2 chambers, 1 grange, 1 byre and 1 stable, annual value nil; and in the manor 100 a. arable at 4d., a watermill 4 marks, £11 8s. assize rents payable at the four principal terms, 40s. from various customary works, 20 a. underwood at 1d. and view of frankpledge twice yearly, with the perquisites of court every 3 weeks, annual value beyond the fee of the steward 13s.4d. Thomas Clerk atte Hoo has held the whole manor since the day of his death, and has taken the profits.
E 149/74, no. 19
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Bridgwater. 28 Aug. 1400.
She held the manor of Huntspill of the king in chief by knight service. Fulk, son and heir of Fulk Fitzwaryn, has the reversion by inheritance, is the next heir, and is under age in the king’s ward.
William Cogan, knight, formerly lord of Huntspill, granted and confirmed by his deed now shown to the jurors, dated 20 July 1371, to John Elys, vicar of Meare by Glastonbury, who still lives, an annual rent of 10 quarters of corn for life from his lands in Huntspill, comprising at All Saints 2 qr. wheat and 2 qr. barley and at Candlemas 4 qr. beans and 2 qr. oats, with the carriage of it to a place that the vicar’s boat could conveniently reach, and he bound himself and his heirs to warranty by his deed.
In the manor are assize rents of free tenants and villeins at the four feasts, £39 18s.; a close called ‘Calvenhey’; a small garden by the court, 2s.; 100 a. meadow in ‘Goselese’ in separate plots, worth from Candlemas until the hay is cut 8d. per a., after that nil because common; the hay was harvested long before Elizabeth died; in the meadow called Huntspill ‘mede’ 50 a. meadow from Candlemas to the hay harvest, 6d. an a.; in the field called ‘La Harth’ 140 a. arable, in that called ‘West Yalworth’ 10 a., to the north of the court 15 a., in the one to the west 22 a., and in the one called ‘Wolsshecrofte’ 24 a., all worth 8d. an a.
Robert de Haryngton, late husband of Elizabeth, leased the lands from Michaelmas for the following year to various tenants for 8d. an a. payable at Lammas, which he collected and it is in his hands for the past year. There is a pasture called ‘Gossehull’, annual value 4s., another south of the court 3s., one called ‘Cothampmede’ comprising 100 a. at 12d., a dovecot 40d., and pleas and perquisites of the court, with a certain gift on the 2 law-days, 36s.
She died on 19 Aug.
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Montacute. 13 Oct. 1400.
She, who elsewhere held of the king in chief, held in dower a third part of the manor of Wigborough, of whom is unknown, annual value 5 marks.
She died on 19 Aug. Fulk son and heir of Fulk Fitzwaryn, in the king’s ward, is next heir, aged 15 years and more.
E 149/74, no. 16
Writ, for fees, 5 Feb. 1400.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Braintree. 20 Dec. 1399 [sic: 1 Henry IV].
He held in his demesne as of fee the advowsons of the churches of Barnston and South Fambridge, annual values when they occur 10 marks and 100s. He held no fees or other advowsons.
Writ 4 Nov. 1399.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Aylesbury. 24 Jan. 1400.
He had an annuity of £20 payable by the sheriff and held nothing else in the county.
He died on 8 Sept. 1397. Anne, wife of Edmund earl of Stafford, and Joan, of full age, 17 and 15 years, and Isabel, aged 13, are his daughters and heirs. From the time of his death Richard II took the annuity by the sheriff.
Writ 28 June 1402.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Stony Stratford. 15 Aug.
He held in his demesne as of fee an annuity of £20 payable by the sheriff, granted to him and his heirs by Richard II by letters patent, on the day of his coronation.
He died on 8 Sept. 1397. His daughters, Anne wife of Edmund earl of Stafford, Joan and Isabel were his heirs. Joan died seised of the annuity because it was taken into the king’s hands and then assigned to her. She died on 16 Aug. 1400. Anne and Isabel were her heirs, and it was in the king’s hands on account of the minority of Isabel and the deaths of Thomas and Joan. Isabel was professed a nun of the order of Minoresses in the suburbs of London on 23 April last, when she was aged 16 years and more. Anne wife of Edmund earl of Stafford is her heir, aged 20 years and more.
C 137/10, no. 50, mm.11, 12, 24; 11, no. 50, m.25; 33, no. 51
Writ 3 Oct. 1399.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Grantham. 26 Jan. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee the manor of Long Bennington of the honour of Richmond, service unknown. There are several buildings, annual value nil; a dovecot, 40d.; 5 carucates with meadow and pasture, £20; £50 annual rent of free tenants and villeins, payable at the four terms, Michaelmas £30, Christmas £7, Easter £7 and Midsummer £6; customary works of villeins, nil beyond the payment which the lord makes to them according to the custom of the manor; perquisites of court held every 3 weeks, beyond expenses of the steward 60s.; and 2 watermills, £4.
She died on 3 Oct. last. Her daughters and heirs are Anne wife of Edmund earl of Stafford, of full age, 17 years and more; Joan, also of full age, 15 years and more; and Isabel, aged 13 on 23 April last.
Writ 3 Oct. 1399.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Braintree. 20 Dec.
She held in her demesne as of fee of the king in chief, service unknown:
Pleshey, the castle and manor with the advowson of the chapel in the castle, annual value 100s.
Great Waltham, the manor, annual value £50.
High Easter, the manor with 30s. assize rent from the manors of Hellesdon and Oxnead in Norfolk, annual value, including the 30s., £50; and the court of the honour, annual value £4.
Shenfield, the manor, annual value £20.
Chishall, view of frankpledge, annual value 3s.4d.
She held in her demesne as of fee of William Bourgcher, knight, service unknown, the manor of Wix, annual value £26 13s.4d.
She also held an annuity of £40 10s.10d. payable by the sheriff by halves at Easter and Michaelmas; the office of constable of England, as elder daughter of Humphrey Bohun, earl of Hereford, and her husband held it as of her right all his life; and in her demesne as of fee, in chief, service unknown, the manor of Farnham, annual value 20 marks.
Date of death and heirs as above.
[Exchequer copy] Total extent, apart from fees of the constable, £169 10s.
HERTFORD. Inquisition. Bishop’s Stortford. 19 Feb. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee of the king in chief, service unknown:
Nuthampstead in Barkway, a third part of the manor, annual value 73s.4d.
Hoddesdon, as part of the barony of the county of Essex, view of frankpledge, and court of the honour of Hertford, annual value 17s.4d., namely frankpledge 4s., court 13s.4d.
Farnham in Essex, 40 a. in Hertfordshire as part of the manor.
Date of death and heirs as above.
Writ. 3 Oct. 1399.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 26 Jan. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee, of the king in chief, view of frankpledge in Sawston, which should be held once yearly on the morrow of St. Barnabas, annual value 5s.
Date of death and heirs as above.
Writ. 3 Oct. 1399.
OXFORD. Inquisition. Oxford. 17 Feb. 1400.
She held in fee tail by a grant of Edward III to William de Bohun and the heirs of his body:
Kirtlington, the manor, of the king in chief as a third part of a knight’s fee, annual value 20 marks.
Deddington, the manor, of the king in chief as a third part of 2 fees, annual value 20 marks.
Great Haseley, the manor and advowson, of the honour of Wallingford by knight service, annual value 40 marks.
Pyrton, the manor, similarly held, annual value £16 13s.4d.
By a grant of Richard II [CChR V, p.291, 1384] she held in her demesne as of fee view of frankpledge in Haseley and Pyrton, annual value 40s.
Date of death and heirs as above, except that Anne’s age is given as 18, not 17.
BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Abingdon. 23 Feb. 1400.
She held two parts of the manor of Woodspean of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £6.
Date of death and heirs as above, Anne aged 18.
Writ 3 Oct. 1399.
HEREFORD AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Weobley. 25 Feb. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee of the king in chief, service unknown, the castle and lordship of Huntington in the Welsh march, annual value 43 marks.
Date of death as above. Anne, Isabel and Joan are her daughters and heirs, ages unknown.
Writ of privy seal to John Mauns, escheator. The earl of Stafford and Anne his wife have complained that certain escheators, including the escheator for Herefordshire, have failed to do their office in response to writs of diem clausit extremum, because, as they say, they have been told by the council not to perform it without special order. Order to proceed as the law and custom of the realm requires, 7 March 1400.
HEREFORD AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Hereford. 26 April.
Findings exactly as last, with different jurors.
Writ 3 Oct. 1399.
GLOUCESTER AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Chipping Sodbury. 16 Feb. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee of the king in chief:
Wheatenhurst, the manor, service unknown, annual value £21 7s.
Caldicot castle and Shirenewton, by baron service, annual value 40 marks.
Date of death as above. Her heirs are Anne countess of Stafford, Joan and Isabel, aged 18 years and more, 15 years and more, and, on 23 April last, 13.
Writ 3 Oct. 1399.
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition. Kneesall. 5 March 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee of the king in chief the manor of Kneesall, service unknown, comprising several ruinous buildings, annual value nil; 180 a. arable with meadow and pasture, £4 13s.4d.; an enclosed park, with herbage, 13s.4d.; a windmill, 6s.8d.; 21s.7 1/2d. assize rents payable equally at Martinmas and Whitsuntide, and £13 19s. payable at the four principal terms; 1 lb. cumin at Martinmas; and 1 lb. pepper at Whitsun.
Date of death and heirs as in last.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
HUNTINGDON. Inquisition. Kimbolton. 29 Jan. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee the advowson of the priory of Stonely. The temporalities are valued at 10 marks yearly.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Whittlesford. 14 June 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee the following knight’s fees:
Chippenham, 1/2 fee held by the abbot of Walden.
Fulbourn, 1 fee held by William Fulbourn.
Thriplow, 1/2 fee held by John Barynton.
Sawston, 3 fees held by John de Huntyngdon.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Devizes. 13 Feb. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee the advowson of the priory of Monkton Farleigh, the temporalities of which, when they occur, are worth 40 marks annually.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Braintree. 20 Dec.
She held in her demesne as of fee the following advowsons:
Debden, annual value when it occurs £20.
Shenfield, £8.
Pleshey, free chapel in the castle, 100s.
Great Baddow, free chapel, 20s.
West Thurrock, £13 6s.8d.
Pleshey, college of Holy Trinity, temporalities, £10.
Wix, priory, temporalities, 20 marks.
She held no other advowsons and no knight’s fees.
HERTFORD. Inquisition. Bishop’s Stortford. 19 Feb. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee:
Farnham, [Essex], 1 fee formerly held by Walter Arderne.
North Mimms, 1 1/2 fees once held by Thomas de Swanlond and 1 1/2 fees formerly held by William de Kestevene, clerk.
Shenley, 3/4 fee formerly held by Richard Salman.
Bushey, 1 fee once held by Geoffrey Jarpevylle and 1/10 fee once held by Aubrey de Bissheye, both formerly held by Edward prince of Wales.
Hoddesdon, 1 fee once held by Thomas de Bassyngbourne.
Thorley, 1 1/5 fees once held by Thomas Chirberge, knight, and 1/4 fee once held by the prior of Merton.
Stapleford, 1 fee formerly held by Walter atte Lee.
Ayot, 1 fee formerly held by Richard de Penbrigge, knight.
Enfield, [Middlesex], and Sawbridgeworth, 1 fee formerly held by Jordan de Elsyng and 1 fee formerly held by John Wroth.
Gilston, 1/20 fee formerly held by John Davy and 1/2 fee held by John le Deyghere.
Sawbridgeworth, 1 fee formerly held by Hamelin de Martham.
Bishop’s Stortford, 1/2 fee once held by John Boys.
Bollington, [Essex], and Farnham, [Essex], 1/2 fee and 1/4 fee formerly held by Fulk de Ba a.
Sawbridgeworth, 1/2 fee held by Geoffrey de la Mare.
Hyde by Sawbridgeworth, 1/2 fee held by Geoffrey Josselyn.
Hunsdon, 1/4 fee held by John Goldyngton.
Barkway, 1/2 fee held by Edmund de Lancastre.
Hinxworth and Ashwell, 1 fee formerly held by John Gildesburgh.
Bushey and Digswell, 1 fee formerly held by Alice de Perrers.
Gilston, 1/2 fee formerly held by the heirs of John de Roos, 1/2 fee held by William Armurer and 1/10 fee held by Peter de Goldyngton.
Digswell, 1/2 fee formerly held by the heirs of William Melksop.
Berden, [Essex], 1/4 fee held by the heirs of Lawrence Tany.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Grantham. 26 Jan. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee:
Holbeach in Holland, 2 1/2 fees in the manor, once held by William son of Hugh de Dacre, knight, which manor was formerly of Thomas de Multon.
Little Ponton, Great Ponton and Ganthorpe in Kesteven, 2 1/2 fees held by John de Haryngton, knight, formerly of Philip de Pauncton, £7 10s.
South Thoresby in Lindsey, 1 1/2 fees held by Thomas de Hethe, knight, in right of Alice his wife, daughter and heir of John de Caltoft, knight, once of John de Segrave.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Ilchester. 12 Feb. 1400.
She held in chief 1/3 fee in the manor of Pury, held of her by John Erleigh.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Aylesbury. 24 Jan. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee the advowson of the abbey of Notley. The temporalities are worth £40 yearly when a vacancy occurs. She held no knight’s fees or other advowsons.
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Biggleswade. 26 Jan. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee the advowsons of Pertenhall, value £8 yearly when it occurs, and of Tilbrook, £10.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
GLOUCESTER AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Extent. Chipping Sodbury. 16 Feb. 1400.
She held no knight’s fees but in her demesne as of fee the advowsons of:
Barnsley, which extends at 20 marks yearly.
Shirenewton in the Welsh March, 20 marks.
Caldicot, the free chapel in the castle, 20s.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
KENT. Inquisition. Deptford. 3 Feb. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee:
Harbilton in Harrietsham, 1 fee of the honour of Mandeville, formerly held by William de Pympe and John Tistede, annual value when it occurs 75s.
Swingfield, 1 fee once held by William Swynefeld.
Otterden, 1/4 and 1/10 fee once held by William de Otrenden.
Sevington, 1/4 fee once held by John Satrendon.
Maytham in Rolvenden, 2 fees once held by William Pympe.
Rolvenden, 2 fees once held by Richard atte Lese and the heirs of Henry Aucher.
Benenden, 1 fee once held by Richard atte Lese, knight.
Dodingdale, 1 fee in the manor, 50s.
Rolvenden, 1/2 fee formerly of Hawise de Mayhamme, once held by William Pympe, and 1 fee once held by Roger de Cassyngtham.
Saynden, 1/4 fee held by the heirs of Joce de Otrenden.
Lossenham, 1/4 fee once held by Henry Fitzaucher.
Lowden in Rolvenden manor, 3 fees once held by Richard atte Lese, knight.
Knock and Ockley, 1/2 fee held by the abbot of Robertsbridge.
Staplehurst, 1/4 fee held by Robert de Marke, once held by John Somery.
Swingfield, 2 1/2 fees once held by William Aboke.
In the county, 2 fees held by the prior of Bilsington.
MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Tottenham. 4 Feb. 1400.
She held in her demesne as of fee:
Greenford and Stickleton, 2 fees held by John de Bealmont and the prioress of Ankerwyke.
Enfield, 1/4 fee once held by Jordan de Elsyng and John de Rana, 20s.; and 1/4 fee once held by Jordan de Elsyng and formerly by Thomas Fescamp, 20s.
Northolt and Ickenham, 1 fee less 1/20 once held by Roger de la Doune, and formerly by Adam Fraunceys.
South Mimms, 1 fee once of Arnold Maundeville, and held by the heirs of Roger Leukenore.
Stickleton, Islington and Hatton by Hounslow, 1/2 fee held by the heirs of Robert de Norhthampton, and once held by Richard de Norhthampton.
Stickleton, 1 fee once of Hugh de Messinden, and now held by the nuns of Ankerwyke.
Islington, 1 fee held by the heirs of John de Berners.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
OXFORD. Inquisition. Oxford. 17 Feb. 1400.
She held:
Kingham, 1/2 fee held by the lady of Langley, and 1/2 fee held by the heirs of John Beaufo.
Wendlebury, 1 fee held by Amery de Sancto Amando.
Stonor, 1 fee formerly held by Edmund de Stonhore.
Latchford, 1/2 fee held by William Pippard.
Great Haseley, the advowson, £40.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Robertsbridge. 1 May 1400.
She held:
Wigsell, 1 fee once held by Thomas Colepeper.
Ore, 1 fee held by Robert de Ore.
SURREY. Inquisition. Southwark. 29 April 1400.
She held:
Clapham, Carshalton and Wanborough, 4 fees of the honour of Mandeville, once of Sybil de Boleyn, held by Ralph de Morton and John de Bures.
Horsley manor, 1 fee held by the heirs of John Berners.
Writ, for fees, 11 Oct. 1399.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Northampton. 20 Jan. 1400.
She held:
Northampton, 2 fees, once held by the heirs of Robert de Norhthampton.
Hinton, 2 fees held by Henry de Hynton.
Aynho, 1 1/2 fees held by Ralph Neville.
Aston le Walls, 1 fee once held by Ralph Morton and John Bures.
Culworth, Croughton, and Leckhampstead, 2 fees once held by Hugh de Messynden.
‘Compton’, 1 fee once held by the heirs of the Earl Marshal.
Hinton in the Hedges, 2 fees once held by William de Hynton, £12.
Aston le Walls, 1 fee once held by John de Sutton.
Hinton by Woodford, 1 fee once held by John de Hinton.
[List of knight’s fees and advowsons]
BUCKINGHAM: Newton Longville priory and Notley abbey, advowsons.
BEDFORD: Pertenhall and Tilbrook churches, advowsons.
HAMPSHIRE: Fordingbridge church, advowson.
NORTHAMPTON: Hinton, Aynho, Aston le Walls, Culworth, Croughton and Leckhampstead, ‘Compton’, Hinton in the Hedges and Hinton by Woodford, knight’s fees [as above, no. 151].
OXFORD: Kingham, Wendlebury, Stonor and Latchford, knight’s fees, and Great Haseley, advowson [as above, no. 148].
STAFFORD: Spittal Pool, advowson of the chapel.
Rendcombe and Hardwicke, 2 1/2 fees held by Thomas de la Mare and Robert de la Mare.
Doynton, 2 fees held by William Tracy.
Charfield, 1 fee held by Robert de Veel.
Eastleach Turville, 1 fee held by the heirs of William Lecch.
Tytherington, 1 fee held by William de Clynton.
Badgeworth and Little Shurdington, 1 fee formerly held by Richard Talbot and 1 fee held by Lord Daudeley.
Eldersfield, [Worcs], 1 fee held by Thomas Berkeley of Coberley.
Chaddesley Corbett, [Worcs], 1 fee once held by William Corbet.
Oxenton and Aston on Carrant, 1/2 fee once held by Lord Tiptoft.
Kemerton, Aston on Carrant and Boddington, 1 fee once held by William de Bello Campo.
Mangotsfield, 1/2 fee formerly held by Edmund Blount.
‘Bykynton’, 1 1/2 fees held by Matthew Gournay.
Kemerton, 1 fee once held by John de Bures.
Dixton and Alderton, 1 fee once held by John de Akelyston.
Little Shurdington, 1/5 fee held by William Cropet.
Dodington, 1 fee held by the heirs of Maud Cantelo.
Shenington, [Oxon], 1/5 fee formerly held by John Pecche, 1/5 fee held by Ralph de Stafford and 1/5 fee once held by Lambert de la More.
Bentham, 1/2 fee once held by Henry de Harletre.
Lydney, 1/5 fee once held by Robert de Lydon.
Sutton, 1/5 fee once held by Richard de Sutton.
Walcot, [Oxon], 1/2 fee once held by the heirs of Seman Walcote.
Walton Cardiff, 1 fee once held by Edward de Kerdyff and 1 fee held by the abbot of Tewkesbury.
Reddington, 1 fee once held by Simon Basset.
Crowell, [Oxon], 1 1/3 fees once held by Alan de Crawell.
Hethe, [Oxon], 1/2 fee once held by the heirs of Baldwin de Insula and 1/8 fee once held by Thomas Tey.
Enborne, [Berks.], 1/15 fee once held by Andrew de la Roche.
C 137/10, 11, no. 50, mm.1–10, 13–24, 26–50
E 149/72, no. 5
E 142/355, 356