Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 51-102

Pages 20-35

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1987.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 51-102

STAFFORD. Inquisition. Trysull. 10 July 1400.
Henry Power and William de Broughton by a fine of 1344 [as in last] granted the manors of Patshull and Overton to William son of William de Shareshull, Joan his wife, and the heirs of his body. By another fine of 1344 [CP 25(1) 210/15, no. 26] the same Henry Power and William de Broughton, with Thomas Costey, granted the manor of Shareshill to them and the heirs of their bodies. The grantees held the manors for life and had issue William and Elizabeth, and the younger William held them for life.
William the father also held for life to himself and the heirs of his body the manors of Great Saredon and Little Saredon, and two parts of the manors of Coven and Brinsford. They descended to William the son, who held them for life.
He therefore held in his demesne as of fee the manors of Overton, annual value 40s., Great Saredon, 4 marks, Little Saredon, 4 marks, two parts of Coven and Brinsford, 30s., and the manor of Shareshill, £10, of the earl of Stafford, service unknown, except 6 a. called ‘Rudyngfeld’, 4 a. wood called ‘Rudyngfeldesmore’ and 1 a. meadow, parts of the manor of Shareshill, of the king in chief by knight service; also the manor of Patshull of the prior of Kenilworth, service unknown, annual value 10 marks.
Date of death and heirs as above.
Writ 23 June 1400.
OXFORD. Inquisition. Chipping Norton. 25 Aug.
He held in his demesne as of fee, to himself, his heirs and assigns, by a fine of 1390 [CP 25(1) 289/56, no. 208] the manors of Rousham and Dornford, and also the manors of Patshull, Shareshill, Great Saredon and Little Saredon, and two parts of the manors of Coven and Brinsford, in Staffordshire, and the manor of Boningale in Shropshire, from Richard Fauley, clerk, to William Shareshull and Margaret his wife, with remainder, failing heirs of the body of William, to Richard Harcourt and Margaret his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing them to the right heirs of William. Accordingly William and Margaret Shareshull held these manors. Margaret Shareshull died. Richard and Margaret Harcourt had issue Isabel, and Margaret died. William died seised of the manors of Rousham and Dornford, leaving no heirs of his body, and they should therefore remain to Richard Harcourt.
Rousham is held of the prince [of Wales] of his honour of St. Valéry, service unknown, annual value £10; Dornford of the king of his manor of Wootton by service at the hundred court of Wootton every three weeks, annual value, apart from 5 marks which John Poyle has for life, 66s.8d.
He died on 17 May. Elizabeth his sister had three daughters; the first, Joan, had a daughter Joan, wife of William Lee, aged 21 years and more; the second, Margaret, married Richard Harcourt and their daughter Isabel is aged 4 years and more; the third, Katherine, aged 21 years and more, is married to Roger Wililey.
C 137/4, no. 19
E 357/14, m.8
Writ 23 Oct. 1399.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 27 Jan. 1400.
He held by the feoffment of William Forde, clerk, John Knyghteleye, Thomas de la Lee, Thomas Skynnere of Shrewsbury, Robert Rikedon, John de la Hide, clerk, William Halle, clerk, William Corleygh, clerk, Thomas Cru, Robert Russell, Brian de Harleye, Thomas Shabdon, and William de la Lee, to himself and the heirs of his body, the manor of Swavesey with the advowsons of the priory and chapel there, and the manor called ‘Zouchesfee’ in Fulbourn. Both manors are held of the earl of Richmond: Swavesey in socage, annual value 40 marks; ‘Zouchesfee’, service unknown, annual value 20 marks.
By the feoffment of Thomas Morys, William Crouch, William Aleyn and Richard Leverer, he held the manor called ‘Manersfee’ in Fulbourn for life with remainder to John Hyde, parson of Handsworth, William Corlegh, parson of Great Cheverell, John Stratton by Westbury, chaplain, Thomas Lee, Thomas Skynnere, John Borley and William Lee, and their heirs and assigns. It is held of the bishop of Ely by knight service, annual value 10 marks.
He died on 4 July last without heirs of his body. Joyce wife of Hugh Burnell, knight, is his kinswoman and heir, being daughter of John Botourd, son of Joyce, sister of Alan, the father of Hugh, and aged 30 years and more.
Writ 23 Oct. 1399.
LEICESTER. Inquisition. Ashby de la Zouch. 17 Dec.
He held the manor of Ashby de la Zouch in his demesne as of fee to himself and the heirs of his body by the feoffment of William Forde, clerk, and others [as in last]. Except for 7 1/2 virgates in Kilwardby, parcel of the manor, it is held of Lord Beaumont, service unknown. The 7 1/2 virgates were held of Richard II in chief of the crown as a quarter of a knight’s fee, annual value 57s.4 3/4d.
In the manor are 1 capital messuage, annual value nil; 120 a. arable in the common fields, annual value 24s., and no more because one third lies fallow each year; 12 a. meadow in the common fields, 20s.; a park with pasture, nil beyond the sustenance of the game; a dovecot nil because ruinous; a pond nil because unstocked; rents of the town of Ashby, £4 2s.1 3/4d. payable by equal parts at St. Thomas the Apostle, Easter and Midsummer; rents of free tenants and villeins, £11 7s.5 1/2d. payable at Martinmas, Lady Day and Midsummer; 1 watermill and 1 windmill, 53s.4d.; a common oven 13s.4d.; tolls of the market every Saturday, with a fair of 5 days at Holy Rood Day, 26s.8d.; and pleas and perquisites of court 13s.4d.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 23 Oct. 1399.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Midhurst. 5 Apr. 1400.
He held the manors of River and Nutbourne with the advowson of the chapel of River jointly with Joan his wife, who survives him, to them and the heirs of his body, by the gift of William Forde, clerk, and others [as above].
In River there is a capital messuage, annual value nil; 180 a. arable at 3d., 45s.; 10 a. meadow at 10d., 11s.8d. [sic]; 18 a. several pasture, 4s.; a watermill, 13s.4d.; a park, nil beyond the keeping of the game and wages of the parker; assize rents of free tenants, villeins and cottars, £10 1 3/4d. payable at the four terms; and pleas and perquisites of courts, 6s.8d. It is held of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, of the manor of Petworth, service unknown.
In Nutbourne £12 6s.8d. in rents of free tenants and villeins at the four terms; 3 ruinous watermills, nil; and pleas and perquisites of court, 4s. It is held of the heirs of Robert de Tateshale, as the jurors understand.
He also held to himself and the heirs of his body, by the gift of the same William Forde, clerk, and others, the advowson of West Chiltington; 100s.8d. rent from free tenants and villeins there at the four terms, of the king in chief by the service of a quarter of a knight’s fee; and pleas and perquisites of court there, annual value 12d. The rent of 100s.8d., except for wards, marriages, reliefs and escheats, he granted long before his death to Thomas Monerpilers for life for the rent of a rose, with reversion to himself and his heirs.
The following knight’s fees are held of the manor of River: Stopham, Linch, Barecourt and Yapton, 2 1/2 fees by the heirs of John Darundell, knight; West Marden, 1/2 fee by Thomas de Arundell; Lurgashall and Coates, 1 fee by Alice Seynt Johan; Rumboldswyke, 1 fee by John Loghteburgh.
Date of death and heir as above.
[Cf. CCR 1399–1402, p.144].
C 137/4, no. 20
E 149/72, no. 4
E 152/361, 363
Writ 14 April 1400.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Rothwell. 23 April.
She held for life of the inheritance of Edmund, bishop of Exeter, son and heir of Richard de Stafford, the manor of Sibbertoft, in fee tail, by the grant of Henry de Tymmore, Richard Lorymer and John Whitynton, clerks, to Richard and Maud and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Richard, father of Edmund, by a fine levied with royal licence [CPR 1370–4, p.151; CP 25(1) 178/84, no. 643]. It is held in petty serjeanty by a rent of 53s.1 1/2d. payable by the sheriff, annual value £12 9s.0 1/2d.
She and Richard her husband died without heirs male, and it should descend to Edmund, who is aged 53 years and more. She died on 30 March last, but who is her heir and of what age is unknown.
Writ 14 April 1400.
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition. Winchcombe. 26 April.
She held for life of the inheritance of Edmund, bishop of Exeter, son and heir of Richard de Stafford, in fee tail:
Chipping Campden, half the manor and half the advowson, by the grant of John Whytynton, formerly parson of Naunton, and Richard de Drayton, formerly parson of Seckington, Warwickshire, by a fine [CPR 1377–81, p.272; CP 25(1) 78/78, no. 13], to Richard, Maud and their heirs male. They are held of the king in chief as a quarter of a knight’s fee, annual value £20.
Aston Subedge, the manor with the advowson, by the grant of Hugh de Hopewas, Henry de Tymmore and Nicholas de Yvyngho, chaplains, by a fine [CP 25(1) 78/72, no. 424]. It is held of the bishop of Worcester, service unknown, annual value £10.
Charingworth, the manor, by the grant of John Goldyng and Maud his wife by a fine [CP 25(1) 78/73, no. 434]. It is held of John Lovell, knight, service unknown, annual value £10.
Ullington, the manor, by the grant of Thomas de Hampton, held of Robert Corbet, knight, by knight service, annual value 40s.
They died without heirs male of their bodies, she on 30 March. Edmund the son and heir of Richard is aged 53 years and more.
[Cf. CIPM XV, nos.417–8].
C 137/4, no. 21
E 149/74, no. 9
E 152/355
Writ 29 Aug. 1400.
HEREFORD AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Leominster. 9 Sept.
She held jointly with John, formerly her husband:
Boughrood and Eaton Tregoes, the castle and hamlets, with member, namely Trewarne, of the king in chief by a rent of 6d., and if by any other service it is unknown.
Burghill, 1 messuage, 1 carucate, 4 a. meadow, 4 a. wood, and 36s. rent payable at Lady Day and Michaelmas, of the king of the honour of Brecknock, of the inheritance of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford, by the service of a third part of a knight’s fee. They were granted to John and herself and the heirs of John by Robert Whyteney, clerk, and Thomas de Hampton.
Alice widow of Thomas Oldecastell is cousin and next heir of John de Penbrugge, being the daughter of John, brother of Edward, father of John, aged 28 years and more; but who is the next heir of Elizabeth is unknown.
The castle is worth nothing annually. At Boughrood with its member are 1 carucate of demesne lands, 3 a. meadow and 7 a. wood, annual value 40s.; rents of £4 5s. payable at Lady Day and Michaelmas; 2 mills, 1 grinding and 1 fulling, 5 marks; and pleas and perquisites of court, 40s. At Eaton Tregoes are 1 carucate and 10 a. meadow, 60s.; and 33s.6d. rent payable at the same terms. The holdings at Burghill are valued at 30s. annually, beyond the rent.
She died on 23 Aug. last.
C 137/4, no. 22
Writ 30 Jan. 1400.
DEVON. Inquisition. Winkleigh. 19 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of King’s Nympton with the advowson, of Richard Seymour, knight, of his manor of North Molton by knight service, annual value £20.
He died on 17 Jan. last. Richard his brother and heir is aged 30 years and more.
Writ 30 Jan. 1400.
HEREFORD AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Leominster. 19 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee various hamlets: Oatcroft, Titley, Cascob, Wapley, Combe and Rodd, with their appurtenances in Lugharness in the Welsh March, with pleas of court and rents. These hamlets are parcels of the castle and town of Stapleton, held of the king in chief of the barony of Burford, annual value £8 5s.
William atte Boure and Maud his wife hold half the manor of Rochford for life, by the grant of Brian, with remainder to his right heirs. It is held of Robert Clifford by the rent of one sparrowhawk, annual value 40s.
Date of death and heir, aged 33 years and more, as above.
Writ 30 Jan. 1400.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief:
Burford, the manor, parcel of the barony, as 2 1/2 knight’s fees, annual value £18.
Overs, the hundred, at fee farm, by a rent of 6s.8d. payable by the sheriff, annual value 20s.
Stapleton, the castle and vill, with the hamlets of Frodesley and Willey in the Welsh March, with pleas and perquisites of court, as members of the barony of Burford, annual value £12.
Roger Wiggemore has an annual rent of 100s. for life in Leintwardine, Kington, Burrington, and Adforton in Wigmoreland, by the grant of Brian, with reversion to his right heirs. William atte Boure and Maud his wife hold for life an annual rent of 40s. in Whitton, Rockhill and Stokesay, also by the grant of Brian, with reversion to his right heirs.
Date of death and heir, aged 33, as above.
Writ 30 Jan. 1400.
WORCESTER. Inquisition. Upton on Severn. 23 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee half the manor of Ham, but of whom and by what service is unknown. There are 1/2 carucate, annual value 13s.4d.; 4 a. meadow, 13s.4d.; and assize rents of 20s. payable at Lady Day and Michaelmas; total 46s.8d. Similarly he held the manor of Carton, of whom and by what service is unknown, annual value 26s.8d.
William atte Boure and Maud his wife hold for life 1 messuage in Little Sutton, granted by Brian, with reversion to his right heirs. It is held of the earl of March by a rent of 1d., annual value 13s.4d.
Date of death and heir, aged 30, as above.
Writ 30 Jan. 1400.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Daventry. 24 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee 1 messuage, 1 carucate and 4 a. meadow in Thrupp by Daventry, annual value 30s.; and 1 carucate in Welton, annual value 13s.4d., of whom all are held and by what service is unknown.
On 8 Jan. 1396 by the name of Brian de Cornewaille, knight, lord of Burford and Stapleton, he granted by his charter to William Wysham, knight, Robert Lodelowe, Roger Butley, John Baddeshawe, Nicholas Baker, rector of Burford, John Sturmy, John Sondon, and Robert Gyles their heirs and assigns the manor of Norton by Daventry. It is held of Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, by the service of a half a knight’s fee, annual value 10 marks.
He died on 7 [sic] January, heir, aged 33, as above.
C 137/5, no. 25
E 149/74, no. 14
Writ 20 Feb. 1400.
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Dunstable. 28 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee at Woodcroft in Luton a third part of a messuage, 80 a. arable and 3 a. pasture, annual value 40s., and £4 assize rents, payable at the four principal terms, of the king in chief as a twelfth part of a knight’s fee.
He died on 12 Feb. Reynold Lucy, knight, his son and heir, is aged 36 years and more.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Chelmscott. 27 Feb. 1400.
He held the manor of Cublington in his demesne as of fee of the earl of Stafford of the honour of Gloucester by knight service, annual value £10.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 20 Feb. 1400.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Northampton. 28 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Dallington, the manor, of the abbot of Peterborough by knight service and 20s. rent, annual value £19.
Slapton, the manor, of the earl of Chester by knight service, annual value £10 6 1/2d.
Date of death and heir, aged 40 years and more, as above.
Writ 20 Feb. 1400.
HERTFORD. Inquisition. St. Albans. 28 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee 1 messuage, 102 a. and 33s.4d. rent in Little Gaddesden, of the rector of Ashridge, as a quarter of a knight’s fee, annual value 53s.4d.
He also held the manor of Wigginton of the prince of Wales, of the honour of Berkhampstead, as a quarter of a knight’s fee, annual value 65s.3d.
Date of death and heir, aged 40 years and more, as above.
C 137/5, no. 26
E 149/74, no. 10
E 152/349, 362
Writ 6 Oct. 1399.
YORK. Inquisition. Doncaster. 5 May 1400.
He held nothing when he died, but he had held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Hooton Pagnell. He married Hawise, daughter of Philip le Despenser, knight, who survives him, and they had a son Andrew. He gave the manor to Andrew and Joan his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, by licence of Richard II [CPR 1377–81, p.318]. It is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 20 marks 6s.8d.
He died on 6 Sept. 1399 and his son died on 31 Dec. 1397. Joan, wife of the younger Andrew, being already dead, the manor descended to Geoffrey their son, who is under age. Wardship was granted to Oliver de Staveley by letters patent. He granted it to Henry de Grene, knight [CPR 1396–9, pp.329, 332], by whose forfeiture it came into the king’s hands. Geoffrey is next heir of Andrew Loterell, junior, and aged 13 years and more. Andrew the son held the manor until he died, then Oliver de Staveley had the profits until Whitsun last, and Henry Grene from Whitsun so long as he lived.
C 137/5, no. 27
E 152/345
Writ 3 Nov. 1399.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Rothwell. 18 Nov.
He once held the manor of Gretton of the king in fee farm by a rent of £25 payable at the exchequer and the service of half a knight’s fee. He had licence [CPR 1396–9, p.338], shown to the escheator, to grant it to Ralph Parles, Henry Hertewell and Lawrence Quynton, and for them to regrant it to him for life, with remainder to Winmer, the son of his son Hugh, Isabel wife of Winmer, and the heirs of their bodies, and failing such heirs the right heirs of Winmer. Its annual value is £12.
He died on Monday in St. Luke last [sic, but 18 Oct. was a Saturday in 1399]. Winmer, son of his son Hugh, is heir and aged 17 years and more.
C 137/5, no. 28
Writ 8 Aug. 1400.
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Swaffham. 14 Oct.
He held the manor of Newton by Castle Acre of the honour of Aumale, by the service of a pair of gilt spurs, price 6d., or 6d. annually at Midsummer, annual value 100s.; and 2 tenements in Cawston and Oulton of Michael de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, of the manor of Cawston, by a rent of 8s. at Michaelmas and Easter, annual value 40s.
He died on 29 July. Katherine wife of John Wesebech, his sister and next heir, is aged 24 years and more.
Writ, plenius certiorari, as to his status in the manor of Newton. 30 May 1403.
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Hilborough. 5 July.
He held in his demesne in fee tail, to himself and the heirs of his body, the manor of Newton by Castle Acre, by the grant of Richard Holdych by his charter, sealed with his seal and shown to the jurors, dated at Newton on 3 April 1385, to Sybil wife of Nicholas de Leche for life, with remainder to William son of Nicholas and the heirs of his body, and failing such heirs to Katherine, daughter of Nicholas and sister of William, who married John Wysebech, and her heirs.
He also held in his demesne in fee tail, to himself and his heirs by Katherine formerly his wife, 2 tenements in Cawston and Oulton, according to the custom of Cawston manor, by feoffment of Richard Holdych, with remainder to the right heirs of Nicholas.
C 137/5, no. 29
E 149/77, no. 1
Writ 12 Oct. 1399.
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition. Sutton on Trent. 6 Nov.
He held nothing in the county, but long before he died, by a charter of feoffment, he gave to Nicholas Rys, clerk, to hold to himself and his heirs, the manor of Sutton on Trent, which is held of the earl of Richmond, of the honour of Richmond in socage, annual value £10.
He died on 5 Oct. last. Bertram his son and heir is aged 4 years and more.
Writ 12 Oct. 1399
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne castle. 18 May 1401.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Jesmond, a sixth part of the manor with the advowson of the chapel of St. Mary there, and a third part of a watermill called ‘Thrysmylne’, of the king by the service of a sixth part of a knight’s fee, annual value 5 marks.
Shieldfield in the lordship of Byker, 7 a., of Richard de Arundell, knight, in socage, annual value 16s.8d.
Heaton by Newcastle upon Tyne, 2 husbandlands, of John Musgrave in socage, annual value 10s.
He died on 6 Oct. last. Bertram his son and heir is aged 8 years next Michaelmas.
Writ 12 Oct. 1399.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Ticehurst. 4 Feb. 1400.
He held of the king of the honour of Richmond by knight service:
Hammerden, the manor. There is no chief messuage, but there are 130 a. arable at 4d.; 120 a. wood at 1d.; £10 9s. assize rents, of which 43s.6d. is payable at Easter and £7 4s.6d. at Michaelmas; and 1 court, 13s.4d.
Filsham, the manor, comprising 178 a. of arable at 4d.; 120 a. pasture at 2d.; 4 a. wood at 2d.; and assize rents, £7.
Cortesley, the manor, comprising 16 a. meadow, annual value 16d.; 26s. assize rents, of which 13s.4d. is payable at Easter and 12s.8d. at Michaelmas; and a rent of 1800 red herrings from certain tenements at Christmas.
Morley, the manor, in which are 47s.3d. assize rents payable at Michaelmas.
He died on 3 Oct. last. Bertram his son and heir is aged 4 years and more.
Writ, plenius certiorari, as to his status in the above manors. 8 June 1401.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Ticehurst. 28 Aug.
His status in the manors of Hammerden, Filsham, Cortesley and Morley, is to himself and his heirs in fee simple.
Writ 12 Oct. 1399.
YORK. Inquisition. Richmond. 6 March 1400.
He held nothing in the county.
He died on 25 Sept. Bertram his son and heir is aged 9 years and more.
C 137/5, no. 30
E 152/345, 363
Writ 30 Aug. 1400.
SHROPSHIRE. Inquisition. Alveley. 11 Sept.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief 1 messuage, 1 watermill, 1 carucate, 1 nook of land, 1 a. meadow, 1 a. pasture, 1 a. wood and 30s. rent in Astley and Nordley by the service of finding a horse serjeant with a habergeon (haubergellus) to go with the king when he goes with his army into Wales, annual value 48s.4d.
He also held 1 carucate in Romsley of Andrew de Dodmoston, service unknown, annual value 6s.8d.; 1 croft and 1 a. in Alveley of Henry Haggeley, service unknown, annual value 12d.; and 1 nook and 8 a. in Nordley of Roger atte Lee, service unknown, annual value 2s.
He died on 16 July last. Giles Fylilod is his uncle and next heir, being the brother of John his father, and aged 30 years and more.
[Note by Exchequer] 58s. yearly from Friday after [recte before] St. Margaret, 23 July to 15 Nov., 16 weeks and 4 days, 18s.8d.
Writ 30 Aug. 1400.
WORCESTER. Inquisition. Worcester. 6 Nov.
He held 3 messuages, 40 a. arable and 4 a. meadow in the manor of Kidderminster of William Beauchamp, knight, Lord Abergavenny, in socage by a rent of 12d., annual value 20s.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 30 Aug. 1400.
WARWICK. Inquisition. Warwick. 13 Nov.
John Meaux, knight, held half the manor of Shrewley in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief, and enfeoffed Nicholas Fylilod, William Fylilod his brother, and the heirs of William. By letters patent of 6 June 1364 [CPR 1361–4, p.508] Edward III pardoned the transfer without licence. Nicholas held the half for life and died on 24 Aug. 1382. John, kinsman of William brother of Nicholas, that is the son of John son of William, was then 8 years of age. It was taken into the king’s hands and so remained because John did not sue for it after he came of age. It is held of the king in chief by the service of finding an armed man in war for 40 days, annual value 33s.4d.
Date of death, and heir, aged 32 years and more, as above.
Writ 30 Aug. 1400.
WARWICK. Inquisition. Warwick. 13 Nov.
Jurors and findings as last, adding only: The escheator took the profits from 24 Aug. 1382, when Nicholas died, until Michaelmas following. From then until 10 Nov. 1387, John Horewode had them. Then they were granted by letters patent [CFR 1383–91, p.203] to Giles Fililode of Staffordshire on certain conditions. He still holds.
[Cf. CIPM XV, no. 494].
C 137/6, no. 31
E 149/74, no. 13
Writ 10 May 1400.
WARWICK. Inquisition. Coleshill. 3 June.
She held the manors of Kingsbury and Plumpton for life by the grant of Nicholas Ryvell, John de Conyngesby, clerk, William de Halughton and Humphrey de Halughton his brother, to Ralph, herself and the heirs of Ralph. They are held of the prince [of Wales] of his manor of Cheylesmore by knight service, amount unknown, annual value £60.
She died on 22 April last. Ralph is son and heir of both Ralph and herself, and was 21 years of age on 1 Feb.
WARWICK. Inquisition. Coleshill. 3 June.
Jurors and findings as last, except that the annual value is given as £40 instead of £60.
Writ 10 May 1400.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Bracebridge. 9 June.
She held the manors of Southall in Bracebridge, Buslingthorpe and Wrawby for life, by the grant of Nicholas Ryvell and others [as above, no. 81]. The manor of Southall in Bracebridge is held of the king in chief of his manor of Bourne, formerly of the earl of Kent but now in the king’s hands, by the service of half a knight’s fee, annual value 100s. Buslingthorpe is held of William Ryse of his manor of Ludborough by Fulstow, service unknown, annual value 10 marks. Wrawby is held of Lord Bardolf of his manor of Shelford in Nottinghamshire, service unknown, annual value 5 marks.
She died on 22 April. Her husband died on 11 Aug. 1395, heir as above.
C 137/6, no. 32
E 149/74, no. 3
Writ 15 April 1400.
RUTLAND. Inquisition. Lyndon. 26 April.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief the manors of Lyndon and Tickencote, as a third part of a knight’s fee, annual value 25 marks.
He died on 11 April. John his son and heir is aged 25 years and more.
C 137/6, no. 33
E 149/74, no. 11
Writ 12 Feb. 1400.
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Lowestoft. 22 June.
Owing to the madness of Thomas Assheman of Somerleyton 1 messuage, 20 a. arable and 2 a. marsh in Somerleyton and Oulton were taken into the king’s hands under Richard II, and so remain. The messuage, 11 a. and the marsh are held of Michael de la Poole, earl of Suffolk, of the hundred of Lothingland in socage by a rent of 12d., annual value 10s. One other acre is held of the heir of Henry Ingelose of the manor of Ashby by a rent of 4d.; and 8 other a. of John Gernegan of the manor of Somerleyton by a rent of 4s.; annual value 3s.4d.
He died on 3 July 1393. John Assheman, son of Walter, brother of John, father of Thomas, is cousin and heir and aged 40 years and more.
C 137/6, no. 34
Writ 15 June 1400.
KENT. Inquisition. Ospringe. 22 Sept.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief:
Buckland, the manor and advowson, of the castle of Leeds, as a third part of a knight’s fee, annual value £6 17s.7 1/2d.
Luddenham, the manor, of the castle of Dover, paying 10s. every 20 weeks for the guard of the castle, annual value £8 13s.5d.
He died on 14 June last. William his son and next heir is aged 2 years and more.
C 137/6, no. 35
Writ 22 March 1400.
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Winchester. 5 April.
He held of the king in chief half the manor of Barton Stacey, half the profits of the hundred, and 1 messuage, 4 a. arable, 3 a. meadow, 6 a. wood., and 1 watermill in Forton, belonging to the half manor, as half a knight’s fee, annual value 100s.
He died on 13 March last. William his son and next heir is aged 24 years and more.
C 137/6, no. 36
Writ 11 Feb. 1400.
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Southampton. 28 March.
He held, jointly with Christina his wife, 1 messuage and 1/2 a. in the town and field of Lymington, of the earl of Devon, service unknown, annual value 9s.3d.
He died on 12 Jan. last. John Swalwe his brother and next heir is aged 22 years and more.
[Cf. CIM VII, nos.121–2, 129].
C 137/6, no. 37
Writ 17 Sept. 1400.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 20 Sept.
She held a third part of the manor of Little Shelford in dower after the death of Robert Frevyll, her husband. It is held partly of the king in chief as three quarters of a knight’s fee, partly of the bishop of Ely as 1 1/2 fees and partly of the earl of Richmond as a quarter of a fee, annual value of the third part £10 and 2 loads of hay, price 6s.
She also held 1 messuage and 16 a. in Little Shelford of the earl of Richmond for life by the grant of Robert Frevyll, service unknown, annual value 13s.4d.
She died on 9 Aug. John Cotill her son and heir is aged 24 years and more.
Writ, melius sciri, as to whom the holdings should descend. 24 Sept. 1400.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 27 Sept.
The third part of the manor of Little Shelford and 1 messuage and 16 a. are of the inheritance of Thomas Frevyll, son and heir of Robert. He still lives, aged 40 years and more, and they should descend to him.
C 137/7, no. 38
E 149/72, no. 7
E 152/344
Writ 14 Aug. 1400.
DORSET. Inquisition. Wimborne Minster. 10 Sept.
He held the manor of Ranston in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief as half a knight’s fee, annual value 16 marks.
He died on 12 Aug. last. Maurice his son and heir is aged 14 years and more.
Writ, for fees, 14 Aug. 1400.
DORSET. Inquisition. Wimborne Minster. 10 Sept.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief half a knight’s fee in Ranston, which is in the king’s hands owing to his death.
Writ 14 Aug. 1400.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford. 3 Sept.
He held the manor of South Ockendon in his demesne as of fee of the countess of Hereford, by the service of 1 1/2 knight’s fees, annual value £40.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, for fees, 14 Aug. 1400.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford. 3 Sept.
He held in his demesne as of fee the advowsons of South Ockendon, annual value when it occurs 25 marks; and of the free chapel of St. John the Baptist in Brook Street, annual value of temporalities, when it occurs, 100s.
Writ 14 Aug. 1400.
KENT. Inquisition. Deptford. 10 Sept.
He held the manor of Beckenham with the advowson to himself and the heirs male of his body, and failing them to William Marny, knight, and his heirs male. It is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 10 marks.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 14 Aug. 1400.
HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Stockbridge. 22 Sept.
He held:
Godshill, 1 close, 20 a. arable, 8 a. meadow and 100 a. heath, of the king in chief, of the manor of Lyndhurst, by the service of rendering yearly 3 arrowshafts or 3d., annual value 32s.8d.
Fordingbridge, the manor, in his demesne as of fee, of the countess of Kent, lady of Bedhampton, as 1 knight’s fee, annual value £16 12s.
Rowner, the manor and the advowson, jointly with Elizabeth his wife, who still lives, by the grant of John Martham, parson of Beckenham in Kent, by his indenture dated 24 Feb. 1393, with remainder, in default of heirs male of Ingram to William Marny, son and heir of Robert de Marny, knight, and his heirs male. They are held of the king by a rent of 40s., annual value of the manor £10 and of the advowson when it occurs 10 marks.
Date of death and heir as above.
C 137/7, no. 39
E 149/74, no. 1
E 152/354
Writ 12 Sept. 1400.
KENT. Inquisition. Wye. 15 Sept.
He held the manors of Trimworth and Fanscombe for life by a grant of Richard II [CPR 1388–92, pp.122–3]. Afterwards Richard II granted the advowson of Crundale with the reversion of the two manors after the death of Henry Yevele to the master and chaplains of the college of Maidstone, and the king confirmed this on 6 March 1400 [CPR 1396–9, p.27; 1399–1401, p.230]. The manors should remain to the college in free alms, annual value £20.
He died on 21 Aug. Richard Yevele his kinsman and next heir is aged 30 years and more.
C 137/7, no. 40
Writ 8 May 1400.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Northampton. 28 Aug.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief the manor of Horton called ‘Wyttelberyesplace’, service unknown, annual value £4; and 1 messuage in Blakesley, annual value 26s.8d.
He died on 21 April. Aubrey his son and heir is aged 26 years and more.
RUTLAND. Inquisition. Oakham. 22 July.
He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Whissendine called ‘Wyttelberymaner’ of the king in chief of the honour of Huntingdon by knight service, annual value £10; and 3 messuages and 3 virgates in Empingham of Oliver Malyverer, knight, service unknown, annual value 40s. [‘3 marks’ over erasure in E 149/74].
Date of death and heir as above.
C 137/7, no. 41
E 149/74, no. 8
Writ 7 Aug. 1400.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 19 Aug.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief 2 messuages, 120 a. and 1 fishery in Quy, as parcel of the manor of Quy, annual value £7 3s.
Long ago he enfeoffed John Warde, clerk, and Ralph Pokelyngton in his manor of Quy, except for those lands and tenements in the manor which were held of the king in chief. Ralph died. John Warde, rector of Northill, conveyed it to Reynold de Grey, lord of Wexford and of Ruthin, Gerard Braybroke, knight, junior, Reynold Ragoun, John Hervy, and John Herteshorn, to hold on certain terms contained in his charter. It is held, except for the above 2 messuages held in chief, of the bishop of Ely, service unknown, annual value 10 marks.
He died on 18 June last. Reynold is his son and heir, aged 22 on 15 July.
Writ 7 Aug. 1400.
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Bedford. 12 Aug.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Northill, the manor and advowson, of the king in chief by knight service; annual values, manor 20 marks, advowson 40 marks.
Wootton Hoo, the manor, of Robert de Todynham by suit at his court at Bedford every three weeks, annual value nil because he granted an annual rent of £6 from it to John Herteshorn, now deceased, and Alice his wife for the term of their lives.
Ravensden, various lands and tenements, of the heir of Thomas Moubray, duke of Norfolk, a minor in the king’s ward, service unknown, annual value 100s.
Long before his death he enfeoffed Gerard de Braybrok, lord of Odell, Gerard de Braybrok, knight, junior, and Edmund Hampden in his manors of Yelden and Chellington, to them, their heirs and assigns, and all the tenants attorned to them. They are held of the earl of Stafford, Yelden by a rent of 13s.4d., annual value 40 marks, Chellington, service unknown, annual value £10.
Also long before his death he enfeoffed by his charter Reynold de Grey, lord of Wexford and Ruthin, Gerard Braybrok, knight, junior, John Warde, rector of Northill, Reynold Ragoun, John Hervy and John Herteshorn in the manor of Carlton, for the life of Joan his wife, who survives, and all the tenants attorned. It is held of Amery de Sancto Amando by knight service, annual value 10 marks.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, for fees, 7 Aug. 1400.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Northampton. 14 Aug.
He held in his demesne as of fee the advowson of the church of Woodford by Thrapston in right of patronage there, annual value £10.
Date of death and heir, aged 22 years and more, as above.
C 137/7, no. 42
E 149/72, no. 1