Index of Persons and Places: Y

Pages 593-594

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 12, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.

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Yalding, co. Kent, Bockingfold in, q.v.

Yapham, Yapum [in Pocklington parish], co. York, church, 94.
-, ……, Archer of, q.v.

Yapton, co. Sussex, Bilsham in, q.v.

Yarcombe, co. Devon, Peterhayes in, q.v.

Yarde, Robert atte, 269.

Yardley, Yerdeleye, co. Worc., manor, 326 (p. 306).

Yarm, Jarum in Clyveland, co. York, N.R., manor, 240 (p. 219).

Yarmouth, Great, co. Norf., Elys of, q.v.

Yarnwick, Yarnewyk [lost place, in Kirklington parish], co. York, N.R., 160 (p. 139).

Yate, Zate, John atte, of Arlingham, 116.
-, ……, …., John son of, 116.
-, ……, John ate, 260.

Yatemynstre, Yatmynstre, co. Dorset. See Yetminster.

Ybroke, co. Sussex. See Ibrook.

Yeadon, Jedon [in Guiseley parish], co. York, W.R., 242 (p. 224).

Yedelton, co. Devon. See Ilton.

Yeovil, Yevele, co. Somerset, inquisitions taken at, 226 (p. 200), 448.

Yerdeleye, co. Worc. See Yardley.

Yerdhill, Yerdill, co. N’humb. See Earle.

Yeselham, co. Camb. See Isleham.

Yetminster, Yatemynstre, Yatmynstre by Ryme, co. Dorset, church, 262.
-, ……, rector of, 262.

Yevele, co. Somerset. See Yeovil.

Yeye, co. Salop, 140.

Ylkeston, co. Derby. See Ilkeston.

Ynglewod, co. Cumb. See Inglewood.

Ynglis. See Englyssh.

Yokkessale, Henry de, escheator in Lancashire, 159.

Yolaundes [? co. Pembroke], 384.

Yonge, John, 378.
-, ……, William le, of Weston, co. Salop, 186.
-, ……, …., Joan (de Stoke), wife of, 186.

Yore, the river, co. York. See Ure.

York, co. York, 181, 242 (p. 222), 406 (p. 395), 416 bis.
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 47, 59, 125 (p. 98), 160 (p. 136), 202 (pp. 181, 182), 242 (p. 231), 312, 316, 334, 355 (p. 342), 360, 406 (p. 395), 434.
-, ……, proof of age taken at, 179.
-, ……, abbey of St. Mary in, abbot of, 125 (p. 99), 134, 160 (p. 138), 242 (p. 224), 355 (p. 342).
-, ……, archbishop of, 110, 160 (p. 134).
-, ……, burgage tenure of, 160 (p. 142).
-, ……, castle, inquisitions taken in, 118, 121, 134, 147, 242 (p. 222), 340, 397 (p. 385).
-, ……, …., proofs of age taken in, 257, 263.
-, ……, cathedral church of St. Peter in, canon of, named, 242 (p. 231).
-, ……, …., chantry in, 242 (p. 227).
-, ……, church of Holy Trinity in, inquisition taken in, 416.
-, ……, church of St. Mary, Castlegate, in, advowson of, 242 (p. 227).
-, ……, hospital of St. Leonard in, master of, 57, 134, 242 (pp. 223, 224 bis, 225).
-, ……, Jubbergate, Jubretgate, in, 416.
-, ……, priory of St. Andrew in, prior of, 160 (p. 138).
-, ……, St. Saviour’s Street in, 202 (pp. 181, 182).
-, ……, Acastre of, q.v.

York, county, county court, 202 (p. 181), 242 (p. 222).
-, ……, escheator in. See Raygate.

Yorton, Richard de, chaplain, 411.

Yuttes, William, of Little Paxton, 346 (p. 335).

Yve. See Ive.

Yvyngho, co. Buck. See Ivinghoe.

Ywade, co. Kent. See Iwade.

Ywon, John, of Westbrook, Isle of Wight, 183.