Pages 580-593
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 12, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1938.
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Wacedale, Wacedalheved, co. Cumb. See Wasdale.
Wachesham, Wachisham, co. Suff. See Wattisham.
Wachesham, Wachisham, Robert de, 114.
-, ……, …., Joan wife of, 114 ter.
-, ……, …., Gerard grandfather of, 114.
-, ……, John de, 114 bis.
-, ……, …., Margery wife of, 114 bis.
-, ……, John son of Robert de, 114 bis.
-, ……, Robert de, 457 (p. 432).
Waddelay, Robert de, 242 (p. 225).
Waddingham, Wadyngham, co. Linc., 233 (p. 207), 398.
Waddon, co. Buck. See Whaddon.
Waddon, Whadden, Nicholas de, chaplain, 428 bis.
Wade, John, 27, 375.
-, ……, …., clerk, 184.
Wadingham. See Wadyngham.
Wadyngham, co. Linc. See Waddingham.
Wadyngham, Wadingham, John son of John de, 233 (p. 208).
-, ……, …., Richard his son, 233 (p. 208).
Wailond, co. Norf. See Wayland.
Wainhope, Waynhop Park, Waynhop Syde [in Falstone parish], co. N’humb., 327 (p. 314).
Waisbourne, co. Devon. See Washbourne.
Waithe, Wathe, co. Linc., 127 (pp. 103, 104).
Wake, Thomas, Alice (de Pateshull), wife of, 241.
-, ……, Thomas de, knight, 19, 121.
-, ……, lady de, 173, 218 bis, 321 (pp. 293, 294), 342.
Wakering, Little, Little Wakeringge, co. Essex, ‘Shelwerde’ and ‘Barnflet’ marshes in, 61.
-, ……, …., Barrow in, q.v.
Walberton, co. Sussex, 42, 344.
-, ……, hundred, 42.
-, ……, manor, 42.
-, ……, vicar of, Robert, 42.
Walbotel, Walbotle, co. N’humb. See Wallbottle.
Walcot near Falkingham, Walcote, co. Linc., 321 (p. 294).
Walcote, Edward de, 383.
Walden, Brook, Brok Walden, co. Essex, inquisition taken at, 217 (p. 192).
-, …… [in Aysgarth parish], co. York, N.R., 160 (p. 139).
Walden, Alice wife of John, 247.
-, ……, Thomas son of Andrew de, 184.
-, ……, Alice wife of John, Thomas son of, 247.
-, ……, John de, 247.
-, ……, Thomas de, chamberlain of London, 294.
Walderby, co. York (p. 226). See Baldersby.
Walderne, co. Sussex. See Waldron.
Walderton, Walterton [in Stoughton parish], co. Sussex, 457 (pp. 431, 433).
Waldesshef, Walter, 193.
-, ……, …., Isabel daughter of, 193.
Waldron, Walderne, co. Sussex, 405.
-, ……, manor, 404 (p. 391).
Wales, prince of, 216, 321 (p. 292).
-, ……, ….. See also Edward.
-, ……, princess of, 321 (p. 292).
Wales, war in, tenure by service in, 146 (p. 120), 411.
Waleys, Walleys, Gregory, 113.
-, ……, John, knight, 413.
-, ……. Cf. Galeys; Walssh.
Walgor, John, or John de, chaplain, 218, 334 bis.
-, ……, …., …., of Castle Bytham, 218.
Walker, John le, of Caton, 26.
-, ……, Richard le, 26.
-, ……, William le, 26.
Walkynton, Robert de, clerk, 395.
Wallbottle, Walbotel, Walbotle [in Newburn parish], co. N’humb., hamlet, 160 (p. 136), 242 (p. 230).
Wallere, Edmund, 264.
-, ……, …., Robert son of, 264.
Walleys. See Waleys.
Wallingford, Wallyngford, co. Berks, honor, 28.
Wallok, Roger, ‘upholder,’ 247.
-, ……, …., Alice and Juliana, daughters and heirs of, 247.
Wallop, Over, Overwallop, co. Hants, manor, 333 (p. 323).
Walman, William,107.
-, ……, …., William father of, 107.
-, ……, …., Alice mother of, 107.
-, ……, …., Agnes wife of, 107.
-, ……, …., Margery wife of, 107.
Walmesford, co. N’hamp. See Wansford.
Walmore [in Westbury on Severn parish], co. Glouc., 116 bis.
Walplowe, co. York. See Wapley.
Walrond, William,426.
-, ……, …., Joan de Shotesbrok, sister of, 426.
Walsh. See Walssh.
Walsham [le Willows], co. Suff., manor, 424 (p. 409).
Walsham, Thomas, 268.
-, ……, …., Joan mother of, 268.
Walsingham, Walsyngham, co. Norf., manor, fair and market, 332 (p. 320).
-, ……, Little, Walsingham, co. Norf., prior of, 457 (p. 432).
Walssh, Walsh, John, goldsmith, churchwarden of St. Swithin’s, London, 273.
-, ……, Nicholas le, Elizabeth sister of, 23.
Walsyngham, co. Norf. See Walsingham.
Walter, Thomas son of Thomas son of, 458.
-, ……, …., John brother of, 458.
-, ……, John son of, 160 (p. 138).
Walter, John, 184, 376.
-, ……, …., Robert son of, 184.
-, ……, …., Roger son of, 376.
Walterton, co. Sussex. See Walderton.
Waltham [Holy Cross], co. Essex, abbot of, 212, 228 (p. 204).
-, …… Cross, co. Hertf., 264.
-, ……, co. Kent, Ashenfield in, q.v.
-, ……, co. Linc., 127 (pp. 103–105).
-, ……, manor, 127 (pp. 103–105).
Walthamstow, Welcomstowe, Welcumstowe, co. Essex, inquisition taken at, 326 (p. 308).
-, ……, church, 449 (p. 425).
-, ……, Higham in, q.v.
-, …… High Hall, Welcomstowe, co. Essex, manor, 326 (p. 308).
-, …… Low Hall, Welcomstowe Bedyk, co. Essex, manor, 326 (p. 308).
Walton Cardiff, Walton Kerdyf, co. Glouc., manor, 366.
-, ……, East, Est Walton, co. Norf., 128.
-, ……, co. N’humb. See Whalton.
-, …… [Head, in Kirkby Overblow parish], co. York, W.R., 242 (pp. 222, 223), 406 (p. 395).
-, ……, …., manor, 242 (p. 227).
Walton, John de, Margaret (de Bygtwayt) wife of, 26.
-, ……. Cf. Wauton.
Walworth, William, sheriff of London, 234 (p. 214).
Wampool, Wampole [in Aikton parish], co. Cumb., 311.
Wandsworth, Wandlesworth, co. Surrey, 299.
Wansford, Walmesford, co. N’hamp., inquisition taken at, 4.
Wanstead, Wansted, Wanstede, co. Essex, manor and advowson, 228 (p. 204).
……, rector of, John, 228 (p. 204).
Wanstrow, Wondestre, co. Somerset, 333 (p. 324).
Wapley, Walplowe [in Loftus parish], co. York, N.R., 242 (p. 225).
Warbelton, Margaret de, 83.
Warde, Hugh, 420.
-, ……, Richard le, 87.
Warden, co. Bedf., abbot of, 173.
-, ……, Wardon, co. N’humb., 17 (p. 17), 233 (p. 208), 374 (p. 361).
-, ……, Fourstones in, q.v.
-, ……, Haydon and Haydon Bridge in, q.v.
-, ……, Owmers in, q.v.
Ware, co. Hertf., inquisitions taken at, 113, 139 (p. 115).
Ware, Giles atte, 335 (p. 327).
-, ……, Hugh de, 430.
-, ……, …., Alice wife of, 430.
-, ……, John atte, 389.
Wareham, Warham, co. Dorset, borough, 332 (p. 317).
Warenna, John de, earl of Surrey and Sussex, 459.
Wareyn. See Waryn.
Wark upon Tweed, Werk, co. N’humb., baron of, 248.
-, …… in Tindale, Werk in Tyndale, co. N’humb., inquisitions taken at, 308 (p. 280), 327 (p. 313).
-, …… …., liberty. See Tindale.
-, …… …., manor, 308 (p. 281 bis), 327 (p. 314).
-, …… …., …., lady of. See Philippa, queen.
Warkworth, Warkeworth, Werkworth, co. N’humb., castle and manor, 242 (p. 230 bis).
-, ……, chapel of St. Mary, advowson of, 242 (p. 231).
-, ……, manor, 160 (p. 136), 406 (p. 396).
-, ……, Acklington in, q.v.
-, ……, Birling in, q.v.
-, ……, Buston, High, in, q.v.
-, ……, Chevington, East and West, in, q.v.
-, ……, Morwick in, q.v.
-, ……, Togston in, q.v.
Warmwell, co. Dorset, Watercombe in, q.v.
Warnborough, South, Suthwarnebourne, co. Hants, manor, 403.
Warner, Thomas, Isabel (de Overton), wife of, 400.
-, ……. Cf. Waryner.
Warre, John le, and Joan his wife, Richard their son, 259.
-, ……, Roger, or Roger la, 375.
-, ……, …., lord of Manchester, 338.
-, ……, …., knight, 150.
Warrewyk, co. Warw. See Warwick.
Warrington, Weryngton, co. Lanc., court of, 236.
Warter, Wartere, co. York, E.R., 242 (p. 223).
-, ……, prior of, 242 (p. 226).
Wartling, Wertelyngge, co. Sussex, 96 (p. 78).
Warton [in Rothbury parish], co. N’humb., 422 bis.
Warton, John de, Margaret daughter of, wife of William Hancokson of Scotforth, 26.
-, ……, Nicholas de, chaplain, 26.
Warwick, Warrewyk, co. Warw., inquisitions taken at, 166 (p. 146), 239, 326 (p. 309), 395.
-, ……, castle, 326 (p. 309).
-, ……, manor, 326 (p. 309).
-, ……, St. Mary’s parish, Wedgnock Park in, q.v.
Warwick, county, escheators in. See Bernard; Wyndesore.
-, ……, justices of assize in, 166 (p. 146).
Warwick, earl of, 166 (p. 146 bis), 212, 217 (p. 194), 226 (p. 201), 324, 337, 360.
-, ……, ….. See also Bello Campo.
Waryn, Wareyn, Richard, commission to, and inquisitions taken before, 12 (pp. 11–13).
-, ……, Robert, 139 (pp. 113, 115).
-, ……, Thomas, 79, 185.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth (de Sancto Omero), wife of, 185.
Waryner, Walter, 260.
-, ……. Cf. Warner.
Wascelyn, Richard, 263.
-, ……, …., John brother of, 263.
-, ……, Thomas, 257, 263.
Wasdale, Wacedale, Wacedalheved [in St. Bees parish], co. Cumb., 233 (p. 211), 374 (p. 358).
Washbourne, Waisbourne [in Halwell near Totnes], co. Devon, 119.
Washington, Wassyngton, co. Sussex, manor, 397 (p. 385).
Wastlesham, Wastlexham, co. Norf. See Waxham.
Water Wylughby, co. Linc. See Willoughby, Scott.
Water, Watre, Hugh atte, 160 (p. 138).
-, ……, Robert atte, 389.
-, ……, …., Margery wife of, 389.
Watercombe, Watercomb [in Warmwell parish], co. Dorset, 122 bis.
Wateringbury, Wotryngbury, co. Kent, 226 (p. 203).
Waterman, Robert, 259.
-, ……, …., Willelmina (Hare), wife of, 259.
Waterstock, Waterstok [co. Oxford], Gysors of, q.v.
Watford, co. N’hamp., 126 bis.
-, ……, manor, 126 bis.
-, ……, Silsworth in, q.v.
Watford, Walter de, citizen of London, 31.
-, ……, …., Isabel wife of, 31.
Wathe, co. Linc. See Waithe.
Watlass, Watlous [in Thornton Watlass parish], co. York, N.R., 160 (p. 139).
Watre. See Water.
Watte, John, 384.
Wattes, William, 375.
Wattisham, Wachesham, Wachisham, co. Suff., 114.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 114.
Watton, co. Leic. See Whatton, Long.
-, ……, co. Linc., prior of, 300.
-, ……, co. Norf., inquisition taken at, 326 (p. 307).
Watyndenne, Thomas, 223.
-, ……, …., Alice (Cundy), mother of, 223.
Waure. See Waver.
Wautham, Peter de, 195.
Wauton, Wawton, Andrew de, 171 (p. 150 bis).
-, ……. Cf. Walton.
Wauweyn, John son of John, 159.
Wavendon, Wavyndon, co. Buck., manor and advowson, 355 (p. 342).
Wavendon, Nicholas de, chantry chaplain, 197.
Waver, Waure, Robert de, 152.
-, ……, William, commission to, 96 (p. 75).
Waverley, Waverleye [in Farnham parish, co. Surrey], abbot of, 172.
Waverton [in Wigton parish], co. Cumb., 17 (pp. 19, 20), 52.
-, ……, hamlet, 233 (p. 211 ter), 374 (pp. 357, 358 bis).
Waverton, John de, 52.
Wavyndon, co. Buck. See Wavendon.
Wawton. See Wauton.
Waxham, Wastlesham, Wastlexham, Westlexham, co. Norf., 146 (p. 122), 457 (p. 432).
Wayland, Wailond, Waylond, co. Norf., hundred, 146 (p. 122), 326 (p. 307).
Waymouth, co. Dorset. See Weymouth.
Waynhop, co. N’humb. See Wainhope.
Wayte, Richard, 79.
-, ……, William, 88.
Weasenham, co. Norf., Kipton in, q.v.
Weaverthorpe, Wyverthorp, co. York, E.R., manor, 118.
Wedgnock Park, Weggenok [in St. Mary’s parish, Warwick], co. Warw., 326 (p. 309).
Wedon Pynkeny, co. N’hamp. See Weedon Lois.
Wedryngton. See Wydryngton.
Weedon Lois, Wedon Pynkeny, co. N’hamp., manor, 239.
Weekley, Wykele, co. N’hamp., manor, 425.
Weeting, Wetyngge [co. Norf.], Neve of, q.v.
Weeton, Wytheton by Harwood, co. York, W.R., 147 (g).
-, ……, Wescoe in, q.v.
Weetwood, Wetewod [in Chatton parish], co. N’humb., 242 (p. 228).
Weggenok, co. Warw. See Wedgnock Park.
Welbourn, Welburn, co. Linc., 424 (p. 408).
Welburn [in Bulmer parish], co. York, N.R., 125 (p. 99).
Welby, Richard de, 17 (p. 16).
-, ……, …., of Kirton in Holland, 233 (p. 207).
-, ……, …., of Wigtoft, 17 (p. 21).
Welcomstowe, Welcumstowe, co. Essex. See Walthamstow.
Welde, le, co. Essex, 255.
Welde, Richard atte, 43 (p. 38).
-, ……, William, 91.
-, ……, William atte, of Ongar, 184.
-, ……, …., Katharine daughter of, 184.
Weldon, co. N’hamp., 216.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 216.
-, ……, manor, 216.
-, ……, Basset of, q.v.
Wele, Walter de, 127 (p. 104).
Welford, Welleford, co. N’hamp., inquisition taken at, 126.
Welham, Hervey de, parson of Dalling-hoo, 72 bis.
Welhowe, co. Linc. See Wellow.
Well, Welle [in Ickham parish], co. Kent, 96 (p. 76).
-, ……, co. Linc., 314, 321 (pp. 293, 296).
-, ……, Welle, co. York, N.R., 160 (pp. 138, 139).
-, ……, hospital, advowson of, 160 (p. 142).
-, ……, Fagherwall in, q.v.
-, ……, Snape in, q.v.
-, ……, Thorpe Perrow in, q.v.
Wellbury, Wellis [in Offley parish], co. Hertf., manor, 81 (p. 60).
Welle, Well, Thomas brother of William atte, 387.
-, ……, John de, 321 (p. 293 bis).
-, ……, Maud de, 150.
-, ……, Thomas de, 461.
-, ……, William atte, 387.
-, ……, William de, 198.
-, ……, …., Joan daughter of, 198.
Welleford, co. N’hamp. See Welford.
Welleman, Alan, 388.
Welles, co. Somerset. See Wells.
Welles, the lord de, 248, 321 (p. 293).
Wellesbourne Mountford, Wellesborn Mountford, Wellesburn, co. Warw., 326 (p. 309 bis).
Wellis, co. Hertf. See Wellbury.
Wellow, Welhowe, co. Linc., abbot of, 127 (pp. 104, 105).
Wells, Welles, co. Somerset, inquisitions taken at, 23, 60, 368.
Welnetham, Whelnetham, co. Suff., manor, 322 (p. 297).
Weloc, Whelok [near Usk, co. Monmouth], wood, 332 (p. 321).
Welton [le Marsh], co. Linc., 321 (pp. 292, 296).
-, ……, Weltone, co. N’hamp., 126.
Welughby. See Wylughby.
Welyngton, Emery de, 72.
Wem, Weme, Wemme, co. Salop, manor and advowson, 324.
-, ……, market and fair, 324.
-, ……, Butler of, q.v.
Wenden Magna, co. Essex, manor, 217 (p. 193).
Wenden, Richard atte, 457 (p. 433).
-, ……, William atte, 457 (p. 433).
Wendout, John, 248.
-, ……, …., Robert son of, 248.
-, ……, Robert, 350.
Wenge, co. Buck. See Wing.
Wenhaston, Senaston, co. Suff., 72.
Wenlok, William de, 350.
Wensley, co. York, Bolton Kellow in, q.v.
-, ……, Bolton, Low, in, q.v.
-, ……, Redmire in, q.v.
Wensleydale, Wenseladale, co. York, N.R., 160 (p. 140).
Went, Wente, the river, co. York, ferry across and fishery in, 459.
Weobley, Webbeleye, co. Heref., Garnstone in, q.v.
Werk, co. N’humb. See Wark.
Werksop, co. Nott. See Worksop.
Werkworth, co. N’humb. See Warkworth.
Werkyngton, co. Cumb. See Workington.
Wertelyngge, co. Sussex. See Wartling.
Weryholm, le, in the suburb of Carlisle, 311 bis.
Weryngton, co. Lanc. See Warrington.
Wescoe, Westscogh [in Weeton parish], co. York, W.R., 147 (g).
Wesenham, John de, 193.
Wesseleye, William, chaplain, 306.
West, Isabel wife of William, 299.
-, ……, William, 182.
Westacre, co. Norf., priory, advowson of, 326 (p. 307).
Westbolton, co. York. See Bolton, West.
Westbourne, co. Sussex, Nutbourne in, q.v.
Westbradenham, co. Norf. See Bradenham, West.
Westbrook, Westbrok [in St. Helens parish], Isle of Wight, 183, 373.
Westbury [on Severn], co. Glouc., inquisition taken at, 116.
-, ……, Rodley in, q.v.
-, ……, Stantway in, q.v.
-, ……, Walmore in, q.v.
-, ……, co. Wilts, 177.
-, ……, Dilton in, q.v.
Westby [in Bassingthorpe parish], co. Linc., 415.
-, ……, Westeby [in Gisburn parish], co. York, W.R., 242 (p. 225).
Westchikerel, co. Dorset. See Chickerell, West.
Westcott, Westcote [in Swindon parish], co. Wilts, 28 bis.
Westcotun, co. York. See Coatham, West.
Westdean, Westden, Westdene by Sefforde, co. Sussex, manor, 404 (p. 391), 405.
Westden, co. Sussex. See Dean, West; Westdean.
Westdicheburn, co. N’humb. See Ditchburn, West.
Westeby, co. York. See Westby.
Westercrok, le, co. N’humb., 308 (p. 281).
Westerfield, Westerfeld [in Ipswich], co. Suff., 424 (p. 409).
Westerweles, le, co. N’humb., 308 (p. 281).
Westgrenewych, co. Kent. See Greenwich, West.
Westhacch, co. Wilts. See Hatch, West.
Westhaddone, co. N’hamp. See Haddon, West.
Westhakebourne, co. Berks. See Hagbourne, West.
Westhanyngfeld, co. Essex. See Hanningfield, West.
Westhawekeswell, co. York. See Hauxwell, West.
Westhoo, co. Camb. See Westoe.
Westlaton, co. York. See Lavton, West.
Westle [? West Lee, in Langdon, co. Essex], church, 92.
Westlevyngton, co. Cumb. See Westlinton.
Westlexham, co. Norf. See Lexham, West; Waxham.
Westlillyng, co. York. See Lilling, West.
Westlinton, Westlevyngton [in Kirklinton parish], co. Cumb., hamlet, 370.
Westlutton, co. York. See Lutton, West.
Westminster, co. Middx., inquisitions taken at, 56, 81 (p. 63), 350.
-, ……, abbot of, 127 (p. 103), 237, 299, 322 (p. 297), 325 (p. 301), 335 (p. 328 bis).
-, ……, Charing Cross in, q.v.
-, ……, church of St. Mary le Strand, atte Stronde, in, inquisitions taken at, 99, 354, 450.
-, ……, mayors of the staple of. See Horewode; Pyel.
-, ……, parish of St. Clement Danes in, 56, 99, 354.
-, ……, parish of St. Martin in the Fields in, 450.
Westmorland, lord of. See Clifford.
Westoe, Westhoo by Campes [in Castle Camps parish], co. Camb., 81 (p. 64).
Weston Turville, Weston Turvile, co. Buck., manor and advowson, 405.
-, …… Colville, Weston Collevill, Weston Colvill, co. Camb., ‘le Moignes’ manor in, 210.
-, …… Peverell, Weston [in St. Andrew’s, Plymouth], co. Devon, 119.
-, …… Corbett, Weston Corbet, co. Hants, manor and advowson, 127 (p. 101 bis).
-, ……, co. Linc., 17 (p. 16), 196, 233 (p. 207).
-, …… by Welland, Weston upon Welond, co. N’hamp., 216.
-, ……, …., manor, 216.
-, ……, …., vicar of, Thomas, 216.
-, …… [Edith], co. Rutland, 297.
-, …… [in Burford parish], co. Salop, 186, 331.
-, ……, hamlet, 456 (pp. 429 bis, 430).
-, …… under Lizard, Weston, Weston under Luseyord, co. Staff., manor, 421 bis.
-, ……, Market, Weston Markette, co. Suff., 7 (p. 5).
-, …… [under Wetherley], co. Warw., 321 (p. 295).
-, …… [in Bulkington parish], co. Warw., 321 (p. 295).
-, ……, co. York, W.R., Askwith in, q.v.
Weston, Joan de, 397 (p. 384 ter).
-, ……, Lambert de, knight, 233 (p. 207).
-, ……, Robert de, 186.
-, ……, …., Agnes wife of, 186.
-, ……, William de, 187, 390.
-, ……, …., Katharine (de Solrugge), wife of, 390.
Westow, Wyuestowe, co. York, 263.
Westpecham, co. Kent. See Peckham, West.
Westryn, Hugh, 29.
Westscogh, co. York. See Wescoe.
Westtudderlee, Westtuderle, Westudderlee, co. Hants. See Tytherley, West.
Westward, le, co. Cumb. See under Allerdale.
Westwell, co. Kent. 335 (p. 329), 404 (p. 392).
Westwode, John, Avicia (de Griston), wife of, 185.
Westwood, Westwode [in Preston next Faversham parish], co. Kent, manor, 404 (p. 392).
-, …… [in Haxey parish], co. Linc., 75 (p. 56).
-, ……, Westwode, co. Worc., prior of, 456 (p. 430).
Wetemore, co. Salop. See Whetmore.
Wetemore, William de, 456 (p. 429).
Wetenhal, Thomas de, knight, 399.
Wetewod, co. N’humb. See Weetwood.
Wethergrave, Nicholas, 163.
Wetwang, co. York, E.R., Fimber in, q.v.
Wetyngge, co. Norf. See Weeting.
Weye, the river. See Wye.
Weymouth, Waymouth, co. Dorset, borough, 332 (p. 317).
Whadden. See Waddon.
Whaddon, Waddon, co. Buck., manor, 332 (p. 317).
Whale, Louthrequale, Quale [in Lowther parish], co. Westm., 443 bis.
Whalton, Walton, co. N’humb., barony, 204, 205.
-, ……, Ogle in, q.v.
-, ……, Riplington in, q.v.
Whaplode, Quappelade, co. Linc., 17 (p. 15).
-, ……, Lyttelbury of, q.v.
Wharfe, Qwerf, the river, co. York, fishery in, 202 (p. 184).
Wharram Percy, Wharrom Percy, Wharrum, Wharrumpercy, co. York, E.R., 202 (p. 183).
-, …… …., church, advowson of, 147 (b), 202 (p. 182 bis), 242 (p. 222).
-, …… …., manor, 147 (b), 202 (pp. 181, 182 bis), 242 (pp. 222, 227), 406 (p. 395).
-, …… …., vicar of, named, 202 (p. 183).
-, …… …., Burdale in, q.v.
-, …… …., Towthorpe in, q.v.
Whasshe, William, of Grasby, 382.
Whatton, Long, Watton, co. Leic., 321 (p. 295).
-, ……, Whatton en la Vale, co. Nott., manor, 321 (p. 296).
Whatton, Richard de, parson of Widmerpool, 215.
Wheatley, Whetelay [in Ilkley parish], co. York, W.R., 242 (p. 223).
Wheldrake, Queldrik, co. York, E.R., 242 (p. 223).
Wheler, William, of Enfield, 256.
Whelnetham, co. Suff. See Welnetham.
Whelok, co. Monmouth. See Weloc.
Whenby, Quenby, co. York, manor, 160 (p. 137).
Wherstead, co. Suff., Thorrington in, q.v.
Wheston, co. Leic. See Whetstone.
Whetelay, co. York. See Wheatley.
Whetmore, Wetemore [in Burford parish], co. Salop, 456 (p. 428).
Whetstone, Wheston, Whetston [in Enderby parish], co. Leic., 321 (p. 295 ter).
Whetyndon, Luke de, 96 (p. 76 bis).
While, Wyle [in Pudleston parish, co. Heref.], manor, 12 (p. 13).
Whinfell, Quinffell, Whynfell [in Lorton parish], co. Cumb., 17 (p. 19), 233 (p. 210), 374 (p. 356).
-, ……, Whynnefell, co. Westm., foresters of, 328.
-, ……, East, Est Wynffell [in Kendal parish], co. Westm., 253.
Whippingham, Wippyngham, Isle of Wight, 183.
Whipsnade, Wypsnade, co. Bedf., 78.
Whissendine, Wyssendene, co. Rutland, manor, 302.
Whitbourne, Whitebourne [in Corsley parish], co. Wilts, 419.
Whitby, Whiteby, co. York, N.R., abbot of, 59.
-, ……., Aislaby in, q.v.
Whitchurch, Whitchurche [co. Buck.], 127 (p. 102).
-, ……, Whitcherch, Whitchirch, co. Warw., manor, 326 (p. 309 bis).
White Carr, Whytker [? in Huntington parish], co. York, 8.
White, Whyte, Hugh, chaplain, 145.
-, ……, John le, 187.
-, ……, …., Alice (de Boudon), wife of, 187.
-, ……, Philip, chaplain, 34.
-, ……, Robert le, 188.
-, ……, …., Agnes wife of, 188.
-, ……, Roger le, 159.
-, ……, Simon le, 188.
-, ……, William, 95, 384.
-, ……, …., Robert son of, 384.
-, ……, William (another), 388.
-, ……. Cf. Whyt; Wyte.
Whitebourne, co. Wilts. See Whitbourne.
Whiteby, co. York. See Whitby.
Whitechapel, alias St. Mary Matfelon, co. Middx., chapel, 98.
-, ……, Whitechapell [in Haydon Bridge chapelry, Warden parish], co. N’humb., 233 (p. 209), 374 (p. 361).
Whitele, co. Wilts. See Whitley.
Whitelwode, co. N’hamp. See Whittlewood.
Whiten, co. Linc. See Whitton.
Whitesom, co. Berwick. See Whitsome.
Whitewaye, Whitweye, Whyteweye, John, parson of North Crawley, 127 (pp. 101 ter, 102).
-, ……, William de, 457 (p. 433).
Whiteways, Whiteweye [in Houghton parish], co. Sussex, 457 (p. 433).
Whitewell. See Whitwell.
Whitewyk, co. Leic. See Whitwick.
Whitfote, Margery wife of John, 457 (p. 431).
Whitheved, Thomas, 96 (p. 78).
Whithors, Walter de, 379.
Whitingham, co. N’humb. See Whittingham.
Whitleigh, Whytelegh [in St. Budeaux parish], co. Devon, 119.
Whitley, Whitele [in Calne parish], co. Wilts, manor and advowson of chapel, 395.
Whitsome, Whitesom, co. Berwick, 231.
Whitstable, Wythstaple, co. Kent, manor, 81 (p. 62).
Whittingham, Whitingham, Whityngham, Whytyngham, co. N’humb., 200 (pp. 176 bis. 178, 180).
-, ……, Lorbottle in, q.v.
Whittington, Whityngton, co. Lanc., 338.
-, ……, Whitynton, co. Salop, Fitz Waryn of, q.v.
Whittlebury, Wittulbury, co. N’hamp., 355 (p. 344).
Whittlesford, Wliitlesforde, co. Camb., church, advowson of, 326 (p. 305).
Whittlewood, Wliitclwode, Wytlewode, cos. Buck. and N’hamp., forest, 355 (pp. 342, 344 bis).
Whitton, Whiten, co. Linc., 204.
-, ……, co. Salop, manor, 456 (p. 428).
Whitwell, Whitewell, parson of, 150.
-, ……, Whytewell, Isle of Wight, manor, 373.
Whitwell, Whitewell, Robert de, 415 bis.
Whitweye. See Whitewaye.
Whitwham, Whitwhamme, Whytwhamme [in Lambley parish], co. N’humb., 17 (p. 17).
-, ……, hamlet, 233 (p. 208), 374 (p. 361).
Whitwick, Whitewyk, Whytewyk, co. Leic., manor, 321 (p. 291 bis).
Whityngham, co. N’humb. See Whittingham.
Whityngton, co. Lanc. See Whittington.
Whitynton, co. Salop. See Whittington.
Whixall, Quixsale, co. Salop, 324.
Whorlton, Querlton, Qwerlton, co. York, N.R., 240 (p. 219 ter).
-, ……, castle, 240 (p. 219 bis).
-, ……, manor, 240 (p. 219 ter).
-, ……, Heathwaite in, q.v.
-, ……, Potto in, q.v.
-, ……, Swainby in, q.v.
-, ……, Trenholme in, q.v.
Whyn, Robert, 382.
Whynfell, co. Cumb. See Whinfell.
Whynnefell, co. Westm. See Whinfell.
Whyt, William, 202 (p. 183).
-, ……. Cf. White.
Whyte. See White.
Whytelegh, co. Devon. See Whitleigh.
Whytewell, Isle of Wight. See Whitwell.
Whyteweye. See Whitewaye.
Whytewyk, co. Leic. See Whitwick.
Whytker, co. York. See White Carr.
Whytton, Thomas de, 188.
Whytwhamme, co. N’humb. See Whitwham.
Whytyngham, co. N’humb. See Whittingham.
Wibtoft, Wybetoft [in Claybrooke parish], co. Warw., 321 (p. 295).
Wich, co. Worc. See Droitwich.
Wichford, co. Wilts. See Wishford.
Wick, Wike by Compton Daundo [in Compton Dando parish], co. Somerset, hamlet, 153.
Wicken, Wykes, co. Camb., manor, 129, 334.
Wickenby, Wykyngby, co. Linc., 242 (p. 222).
Wickham, West, Wykham, co. Camb., 81 (p. 64).
-, ……, …., parson of, named, 81 (pp. 61, 62).
-, ……, …., Streetly in, q.v.
-, ……, Childs, Wyckewan, co. Glouc., manor, 326 (p. 310).
Wickhambrook, co. Suff., Badmondisfield in, q.v.
Widehurst, Wygehest [in Marden parish], co. Kent, 9.
Widmerpool, Wydmerpole, co. Nott., parson of (named), 215.
Widworthy, co. Devon, Sutton Lucy in, q.v.
Wigborough, Woikeberge, Wygebergh, Wyghebergh, co. Essex, 332 (p. 318).
-, ……, manor, 96 (p. 78 bis).
-, ……, Wygebare [in South Petherton parish], co. Somerset, manor, 220.
Wigeton, co. Cumb. See Wigton.
Wigglesworth, Wykkesworth [in Long Preston parish], co. York, W.R., 242 (p. 226).
Wight, Isle of, 397 (p. 385).
Wight, Wyght, Walter de, 112 ter.
Wighthull, Robert de, 244.
Wigmore, Wyggemor, co. Heref., court of, 445.
Wigston Magna, Wygginston, Wykkyngeston, Wykyngeston, co. Leic., 81 (p. 62), 321 (p. 295 bis).
Wigtoft, Wyggetoft in Holand, Wygtoft, co. Linc., manor, 17 (p. 21), 428.
-, ……, Welby of, q.v.
Wigton, Wigeton, Wyggeton in Allerdale, Wygton, co. Cumb., 17 (p. 19), 233 (p. 211), 374 (p. 358).
-, ……, inquisitions taken at, 40, 52.
-, ……, leper hospital of Wytele Spitel near, advowson of, 374 (p. 360).
-, ……, manor, 17 (pp. 19, 20), 52, 233 (p. 210), 374 (p. 357).
-, ……, Aikhead in, q.v.
-, ……, Blaithwaite in, q.v.
-, ……, Highmoor in, q.v.
-, ……, Kirklands in, q.v.
-, ……, Lownthwaite in, q.v.
-, ……, Oulton in, q.v.
-, ……, Rosewain in, q.v.
-, ……, Waverton in, q.v.
Wike. See Wyke.
Wike, co. Somerset. See Wick.
Wilberfoss, Wylberfosse, co. York, E.R., prioress of, 242 (p. 226).
Wilbraham, Great, Great Wilburgham, co. Camb., 13.
-, ……, Little, Wylberham, co. Camb., 81 (p. 64).
Wilby, Wyleby, co. Norf., 213.
Wilby, Richard de, 386.
-, ……, …., Nicholas son of, 386
Wilcote, Wyvelcote, co. Oxford, manor, 142.
Wilesthorp, co. Linc. See Wilsthorpe.
Wilford, Wylford, Gervase de, 68, 278.
Wiliton, co. Bedf. See Willington.
Willeby. See Wylughby.
Willerby, co. York, E.R., Staxton in, q.v.
Willeson, John, 240 (p. 219).
William, rector of St. Michael Bassishaw, London, 281, 431.
William, Adam son of, clerk, 202 (p. 182 bis).
-, ……, John son of, 160 (p. 141).
William, William, 378.
Williames, Roger, 189.
Williameston, John de, 308 (p. 280).
Williamston, West, West Williamiston [in Carew parish, co. Pembroke], 117.
Willian, Wylye, co. Hertf., manor, 355 (p. 342).
Willington, Wiliton, co. Bedf., manor, 397 (p. 382).
Willoughby (by Alford), Willughby, Wilughby, co. Linc., 321 (pp.292, 296).
-, ……, Scott, Water Wylughby, co. Linc., 152.
-, ……, Silk, Wylughby, co. Linc., 321 (p. 293 bis).
-, ……, …., Silkby in, q.v.
Willughby. See Wylughby.
Wilmersele en Balme, co. York. See Womersley.
Wilsford, co. Linc., 424 (p. 408).
Wilsford, Richard de, 424 (p. 408).
Wilsthorpe, Wilesthorp, co. Linc., 321 (p. 292).
Wilstone, Wylsthorn [in Tring parish], co. Hertf., manor, 216 bis.
Wilton, Wylton [in Hale parish], co. Cumb., 233 (p. 211).
-, …… [in Hockwold parish], co. Norf., manor, 404 (p. 390), 405.
-, ……, co. Wilts, inquisition taken at, 404 (p. 389).
-, ……, abbess of, 173, 419 ter.
-, ……, Bishop, co. York, Bolton in, q.v.
-, ……, in Cleveland, Wylton in Clyveland, co. York, N.R., manor, 125 (pp. 98, 99), 160 (p. 137).
-, …… …., Lackenby in, q.v.
-, …… …., Lazenby in, q.v.
-, …… in Pickering Lythe, Wylton in Pikerynglyth, Pykerynglith, Pykerynglyth [in Ellerburn parish], co. York, N.R., castle of the manor, 202 (p. 183).
-, …… …., manor, 147 (a), 202 (pp. 181, 182, 183).
Wilton, Wylton, Nicholas de, parson of Great Givendale, 257.
-, ……, Richard de, churchwarden of the church of St. Agnes, Aldersgate, London, 294.
Wilughby. See Wylughby.
Wilughby, co. Linc. See Willoughby.
Wilwys, Geoffrey, 92.
Wincanton, Wyncaulton, co. Somerset, inquisitions taken at, 333 (pp.322, 324).
-, ……, church, 91.
-, ……, Marsh in, q.v.
-, ……, Suddon in, q.v.
Winceby, Wynceby, co. Linc., 321 (pp. 292, 296).
Winchcombe, Wynchecombe, co. Glouc., inquisitions taken at, 146 (p. 121), 166 (p. 146).
Winchester, Wyncestre [co. Hants], 360.
-, ……, inquisitions made at, 54, 343.
-, ……, bishop of, 400.
-, ……, ….. See also Edyndon; Wykeham.
-, ……, court, 321 (p. 291).
-, ……, St. Mary’s, abbess of, 172.
-, ……, St. Swithun’s, prior of, 400.
-, ……, Hyde near, q.v.
Winchester, earl of. See Despencer.
-, ……, honor, 296, 321 (p. 291).
Winderwath, Askeby Wynanderwath [in Great Asby parish], co. Westm., manor, 444.
Windsor, Wyndesore, Wyndesovere, co. Berks, writ dated at, 249.
-, ……, castle, guard of, 172.
-, ……, …., rent to, 228 (p. 203).
Winfarthing, Wynneferthyng, co. Norf., manor, 146 (p. 123).
Wing, Wenge, co. Buck., inquisitions taken at, 216, 348, 397 (p. 382).
Wingham, co. Kent, Deane in, q.v.
Winterbourne, Wynterbourne, Wynterbourne by Bristol, co. Glouc., church, perpetual chantry in, warden of, named, 325 (pp. 301, 302).
……, manor, 325 (p. 303).
-, ……, Sturden in, q.v.
Winteringham, Wintringham, Wyntryngham, co. Linc., 321 (pp. 293, 296).
Winterslow, Wynterslewe, co. Wilts, 419.
-, ……, manor, 131.
Winterton, Wynterton, co. Norf., leet and market, 424 (p. 411).
Winthorpe, Wynthorp, co. Linc., 150 bis, 321 (pp. 292 bis, 293, 296).
Wintringham, co. Linc. See Winteringham.
Wippyngham, Isle of Wight. See Whippingham.
Wirfauk, Roger, 90.
-, ……, …., John son of, 90.
Wirthorp, co. Linc. See Birthorpe.
Wisbeche, John de, vicar of Sellindge, 308 (p. 280).
Wishford, Little, Little Wichford, co. Wilts, 419.
Witham on the Hill, Wytham, co. Linc., 321 (p. 293).
-, …… …., Lound in, q.v.
-, …… …., Toft in, q.v.
-, ……, South, Southe Wyme, Southwythum, co. Linc., 321 (p. 294).
-, ……, …., manor, 218.
Witham, John de, 321 (p. 297).
-, ……. Cf. Wyttham.
Witley, Great, co. Worc., Redmarley in, q.v.
Witnesham, Wytnesham, co. Suff., manor, 322 (p. 298).
Witney, Wytteneye, co. Oxford, inquisitions taken at, 142, 146 (p. 121), 234 (p. 213), 360, 395.
Witton, Long, Langwotton [in Hartburn parish], co. N’humb., 205.
Wittulbury, co. N’hamp. See Whittlebury.
Wix, Wykes, co. Essex, Hempstall in, q.v.
Wlfreston, co. Suff. See Woolverstone.
Wlonkeslowe, co. Salop. See Longslow.
Wlrykby, co. Linc. See Worlaby.
Wobourne, co. Buck. See Wooburn.
Wodburne, co. N’humb. See Woodburn.
Wode, Neal atte, 74.
-, ……, Thomas, 128.
-, ……, William del, 381.
Wodebergh, co. Wilts. See Woodborough.
Wodebrigge, co. Suff. See Woodbridge.
Wodeburn, co. N’humb. See Woodburn.
Wodecok, John, John son of John son of, 263.
Wodecote, co. Warw. See Woodcote.
Wodeford, co. Essex. See Woodford.
Wodehale, Wodehall, co. Linc. See Woodhall.
Wodehall, co. Suff. See Woodhall.
Wodehall, John de, 150.
-, ……. Cf. Wodhall.
Wodehiwish, co. Devon. See Woodhuish.
Wodehous, co. York. See Hatfield Woodhouse.
-, ……, le, co. Salop. See Woodhouse.
Wodehouse, co. Devon. See Woodhouse.
Wodehull, Wodhull, John de, knight, 173.
-, ……, …., Isabel wife of, 173 bis.
-, ……, …., …., Elizabeth and Eleanor their daughters, 173.
-, ……, John de, 173.
-, ……, …., Eleanor wife of, 173.
-, ……, …., …, John their son, 173.
-, ……, William de, 173 bis.
Wodelok, John, 384.
-, ……. Cf. Wydelock.
Wodelonde, Walter de, knight, 12 (p. 13).
Woderoue, Thomas, 427.
-, ……, …., John son of, 427.
Wodestok, co. Oxford. See Wood-stock.
Wodeward, Robert le, 188.
Wodford, co. N’hamp. See Woodford.
Wodhall, le, co. York. See Woodhill.
Wodhall, Ranulf son of John de, 160 (p. 139).
-, ……. Cf. Wodehall.
Wodhous, John, clerk, 373.
Wodhouse, co. York. See Woodhouse.
Wodhull. See Wodehull.
Wodhull, co. Bedf. See Odell.
Woikeberge, co. Essex. See Wigborough.
Woking, Wokyng, co. Surrey, Cranstock in, q.v.
Woldbury, co. Kent. See Wouldham.
Wolde, co. N’hamp. See Old.
Wolde, John othe, 176.
Wolfedale, co. York. See Woodale.
Wolferston, Roger de, escheator in Essex, 62.
Wolfhampcote, Wolfhamcote, co. Warw., church, advowson of, 326 (p. 309).
Wolfurton, co. Salop. See Woofferton.
Wolle, co. Hunt. See Woolley.
Wollore, co. N’humb. See Wooler.
Wollore, David, clerk, 327 (p. 312).
Wolmer, Wolvemere, co. Hants, forest, 172.
Wolrig by Herbotill [? in Holystone parish], co. N’humb., 250.
Wolston, co. Buck. See Woolstone, Great.
-, ……, co. Devon. See Woolston.
Wolsyngton, co. York. See Ouston.
Wolvemere, co. Hants. See Wolmer.
Wombe, Robert, 261.
Womersley, Wilmersele en Balme [co. York, W.R.], lord of. See Newnarch.
Wondestre, co. Somerset. See Wanstrow.
Wooburn, Wobourne, co. Buck., 323.
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 323.
Woodale, Wolfedale [in Carlton High Dale, in Coverham parish], co. York, N.R., vaccary, 160 (p. 139).
Woodborough, Wodebergh, co. Wilts, fee and advowson, 326 (p. 304).
Woodbridge, Wodebrigge, co. Suff., inquisition taken at, 80.
Woodburn, Wodeburn [in Corsenside parish, co. N’humb.], Lisle of, q.v.
-, ……, East, Wodburne Parva [in Corsenside parish], co. N’humb., 250.
Woodcote, Wodecote by Warewyk [in Leek Wootton parish], co. Warw., 395.
Woodford, Wodeford, co. Essex, manor, 184.
-, ……, Wodford by Thrapston, co. N’hamp., 261.
-, ……, church, south aisle called St. Peter’s aisle built, 261.
-, ……, manor, 261.
-, ……, parish chaplain at, named, 261.
Woodhall, Wodehale, Wodehall, co. Linc., 150 bis.
-, ……, Wodehall, in Sudbury, co. Stiff., manor, 332 (p. 319).
Woodhill, le Wodhall [in Thirsk parish], co. York, N.R., 397 (p. 384).
Woodhorn, co. N’humb., Ellington in, q.v.
Woodhouse, Wodehouse [? in Ashcombe parish], co. Devon, 333 (p. 322).
-, ……, le Wodehous, in Shifnal, co. Salop, 369.
-, ……, Wodhouse [in Appletreewick, in Burnsall parish], co. York, W.R., 160 (p. 141).
Woodhuish, Wodehiwish [in Brixham parish], co. Devon, 333 (p. 322).
Woodnesborough, co. Kent, Summerfield in, q.v.
Woodstock, Wodestok, co. Oxford, park, services in, 360.
Woodton, Wotton by Topcroft, co. Norf., 457 (p. 432).
Woofferton, Wolfurton [in Richards Castle parish], co. Salop, 456 (p. 429).
Woolavington, Wullaviton, co. Sussex, 127 (p. 102).
Wooler, Wollore, co. N’humb., 160 (p. 136), 240 (p. 218), 242 (p. 230), 406 (p. 396).
Woolley, Wolle, co. Hunt., 332 (p. 318).
Woolston, Wolston [in West Alvington parish], co. Devon, 119.
Woolstone, Great, Wolston, co. Buck., manor and advowson, 355 (pp. 342, 343).
Woolverstone, Wlfreston, co. Suff., 424 (p. 409).
Wootton, Wotton, co. Oxford, hundred, foot soldiers of, 309.
-, ……, hundred court, 353.
-, …… Courtney, Wotton, co. Somerset, manor, 333 (p. 322).
-, …… Bassett, co. Wilts, Vasterne in, q.v.
Worcester, inquisitions taken at, 12 (p. 13), 145, 146 (p. 120), 166 (p. 147), 325 (p. 302), 326 (p. 306), 330, 366, 445.
-, ……, proof of age taken at, 260.
-, ……, bishop of, 145, 265, 325 (p. 303 bis), 326 (p. 304).
-, ……, castle, 326 (p. 306).
-, ……, St. Mary’s, prior of, 325 (p. 302).
Worcester, county, escheator in. See Perton.
-, ……, shrievalty of, 326 (p. 306).
Worfield, Worfeld, co. Salop, manor, 146 (p. 120).
Workington, Werkyngton, co. Cumb., parson of, named, 233 (p. 207).
-, ……, Clifton in, q.v.
Worksop, Werksop, Worsop, co. Nott., manor, 29.
-, ……, priory, advowson of, 29.
-, ……, …., prior of, 29.
-, ……, Gateford in, q.v.
Worlaby, Wlrykby, co. Linc., 242 (p. 222).
Worlington, Wrethelyngton, co. Suff., manor and advowson, 412.
Wormbrugg, Walter, 375.
-, ……, William, 186.
Wormele, William, 376.
Wormington, Dastynes Wormynton, co. Glouc., 166 (p. 147).
Worsop, co. Nott. See Worksop.
Worstede, Worsted, John, 298.
-, ……, …., churchwarden of St. Laurence, Old Jewry, London, 283.
-, ……, Simon de, citizen and mercer of London, 34.
Wortham, co. Suff., advowson, 114 bis. ……, manor, 114.
Worton, Nether, Netherorton, co. Oxford, 309.
-, ……, Over, Overton, co. Oxford, manor, 333 (p. 323).
Wotryngbury, co. Kent. See Wateringbury.
Wotton under Edge, Wotton, Wotton Unduregge, co. Glouc., proof of age taken at, 377.
-, …… …., Katharine lady of, 217 (p. 194).
-, ……, co. Norf. See Woodton.
-, ……, co. Oxford. See Wootton.
-, ……, co. Somerset. See Wootton Courtney.
Wotton, William de, 457 (p. 432).
Wouldham, Woldbury, co. Kent, 335 (p. 328).
Woundy, co. Monmouth. See Undy.
Wragby, co. Linc., inquisition taken at, 242 (p. 222).
Wramplingham, Wramplyngham, co. Norf., 7 (p. 6), 457 (pp. 431, 432).
Wrangdike, Wrangdyk, co. Rutland, hundred, 326 (p. 307).
Wrantham, co. Suff. See Wrentham.
Wratting, West, West Wrattyng, co. Camb., manor, 9.
Wray Barton, Wrey [in Moreton Hampstead parish], co. Devon, 332 (p. 322).
Wrench, Margaret wife of John, 270.
Wrentham, Wrantham, co. Suff., manor, 404 (p. 390).
Wresill, Wresil, Walter de, 257, 263.
-, ……, …., Agnes wife of, 257.
Wrethelyngton, co. Suff. See Worlington.
Wrey, co. Devon. See Wray Barton.
Wrighte. See Wryght.
Wrockwardine, Wrokwardyn, co. Salop, manor, 140.
Wroth, John, citizen of London, 256.
-, ……, …., the elder, 256.
-, ……, …., Margaret wife of, late wife of John de Enefeld, 256.
Wrottesleye, Hugh de, knight, 313 bis.
-, ……, …., Mabel wife of, daughter of Philip ap Rees, 313 bis.
-, ……, …., …., Hugh their son, 313.
Wroxstan, John de, chaplain, 1.
Wrybdon, co. Staff., 29.
Wryght, Wrighte, Wryghte, John le, 184.
-, ……, Richard le, 261.
-, ……, …., Roger brother of, 261.
-, ……, Roger le, 390.
-, ……, Stephen le, 184.
-, ……, Thomas le, 261.
-, ……, William, of Barton, parish chaplain of Barton on Humber, 382.
Wullaviton, co. Sussex. See Woolavington.
Wy, co. Kent. See Wye.
Wy, Walter de, 96 (p. 79).
Wyard, John, 456 (p. 428).
Wybetoft, co. Warw. See Wibtoft. Wycchewode, co. Oxford. See Wychwood.
Wyche, Richard atte, 388.
Wychwood, Wycchewode, co. Oxford, forest, keepership of, 249.
Wyckewan, co. Glouc. See Wickham, Childs.
Wycliffe, co. York, N.R., Thorpe in, q.v.
Wyclyff, John de, 160 (p. 140).
Wydelock, John, 95.
-, ……, …., John son of, 95.
-, ……. Cf. Wodelok.
Wydevill, John de, 74.
-, ……, Richard, 241.
Wydmerpole, co. Nott. See Widmerpool.
Wydryngton, Wedryngton, Roger de, 17 (p. 17), 233 (p. 209), 374 (p. 362).
Wydyton, John, 92.
-, ……, …., Katharine wife of, 92.
Wye, Wy, co. Kent, inquisition taken at, 327 (p. 312).
-, ……, manor, 9.
Wye, Weye, the river, co. Glouc., 140.
Wygebare, co. Somerset. See Wigborough.
Wygebergh, co. Essex. See Wigborough.
Wygehest, co. Kent. See Widehurst.
Wyggemor, co. Heref. See Wigmore.
Wyggetoft. See Wygtoft.
Wyggetoft, co. Linc. See Wigtoft.
Wyggeton, co. Cumb. See Wigton.
Wygginston, co. Leic. See Wigston.
Wyghebergh, co. Essex. See Wigborough.
Wyght. See Wight.
Wygmire, Joan, 106.
Wygode, Thomas, 387.
Wygtoft, co. Linc. See Wigtoft.
Wygtoft, Wyggetoft, John de, 428.
-, ……, Stephen de, 17 (p. 16).
Wygton, co. Cumb. See Wigton.
Wygton, Robert de, 182.
Wyke Regis, Wyke, co. Dorset, manor, 332 (p. 317).
Wyke, Wike, John de, 150.
-, ……, Nicholas, 85.
-, ……, Thomas de, clerk, 150.
Wykeham, Wykham [lost place, in Nettleton parish], co. Linc., 160 (p. 134).
Wykeham, William de, bishop of Winchester, 329.
-, ……, …., …., letter to, 360.
-, ……. Cf. Wykham.
Wykele, co. N’hamp. See Weeldey.
Wykes, co. Camb. See Wicken.
-, ……, co. Essex. See Wix.
Wykford, John de, chaplain, 133.
Wykham, co. Camb. See Wickham, West.
Wykham, John de, 242 (p. 226 bis).
Wykkesworth, co. York. See Wigglesworth.
Wykkyngeston, co. Leic. See Wigston Magna.
Wykwyk, John, 265.
Wykyngby, co. Linc. See Wickenby.
Wykyngeston, co. Leic. See Wigston Magna.
Wylberfosse, co. York. See Wilberfoss.
Wylberham, co. Camb. See Wilbraham.
Wyle, co. Heref. See While.
Wyle, John atte, 88.
-, ……, …., William son of, 88.
Wyleby, co. Norf. See Wilby.
Wyles, William, 90.
-, ……, …., Thomas son of, 90.
Wylford. See Wilford.
Wylham, John, 342.
Wylot, Richard, 88.
Wylsthorn, co. Hertf. See Wilstone.
Wylton. See Wilton.
Wylughby, co. Linc. See Willoughby.
Wylughby, Welughby, Willeby, Willughby, Wilughby, Richard de, knight, 428.
-, ……, …., Maud wife of, 428 ter.
-, ……, …., Hugh brother of, 428.
-, ……, John de, 150, 321 (pp. 292, 296 bis).
-, ……, Sir John de, 321 (p. 292).
-, ……, Richard de, 321 (p. 294).
-, ……, …., knight, the elder, 428 ter.
-, ……, Robert de, 321 (p. 293 n.).
-, ……, …., knight, lord of Eresby, 321 (p. 292 n.).
-, ……, Roger de, clerk, brother of Richard, 428.
-, ……, lady de, 321 (p. 293).
-, ……, lord de, 314, 321 (p. 294).
Wylye, co. Hertf. See Willian.
Wylynhale, co. Heref., hamlet, 408.
Wyme, Southe, co. Linc. See Witham, South.
Wymering, co. Hants, Hilsea in, q.v.
Wymersley, Wymerley, co. N’hamp., hundred, 302.
Wymondham, Wymundham, co. Norf., 7 (p. 6 ter), 457 (p. 432).
-, ……, inquisition taken at, 251.
-, ……, manor, 457 (pp. 431, 433).
-, ……, manor of Rusteyn in, 457 (p. 432).
-, ……, market, 7 (p. 6), 251.
-, ……, Grishaw in, q.v.
Wymondham, Adam, sheriff of London, return by, 304.
Wyncaulton, co. Somerset. See Wincanton.
Wynceby, co. Linc. See Winceby.
Wyncestre. See Winchester; Wynchestre.
Wynchecombe, co. Glouc. See Winchcombe.
Wynchestre, Wyncestre, John de, warden of a perpetual chantry in Winterbourne church, co. Gloucester, 325 (pp. 301, 302, 303).
Wyncheton, Richard de, 113.
Wyndesore, Richard de, 172.
-, ……, Roger de, 286.
-, ……, Clarice wife of Richard de, 172.
-, ……, James de, son of Richard and Juliana, Miles his son, 172 ter.
-, ……, John de, escheator in Warwickshire, 18.
-, ……, Juliana wife of Richard de, 172.
-, ……, William de, clerk, 322 (pp. 298, 299).
Wyndesore, Wyndesovere, co. Berks. See Windsor.
Wyndham, co. Sussex, half-hundred, 397 (p. 385).
Wynebaud, Geoffrey, 265.
Wynebold, Roger, 177.
Wynffell, co. Westm. See Whinfell.
Wynggefeld, Thomas de, bailiff ‘Straungge’ of the honor of Eye, 424 (p. 410).
Wynneferthyng, co. Norf. See Winfarthing.
Wynterbourne, co. Glouc. See Winterbourne.
Wynterslewe, co. Wilts. See Winterslow.
Wynterton, co. Norf. See Winterton
Wynteryngton, John de, 257.
Wynthorp, co. Linc. See Winthorpe.
Wyntreshulle, John, 127 (p. 101).
Wyntryngham, co. Linc. See Winteringham.
Wynwyk, John de, 41.
Wypsnade, co. Bedf. See Whipsnade.
Wyrcestre, Agnes wife of William de, 32.
Wyresdale, Lambert de, 26.
Wyrmsclif, co. Berwick, hamlet, 231.
Wyrynne, Wyrinne, Robert, or Robert de, 242 (p. 226 ter).
Wysman, Thomas, 95.
Wyssendene, co. Rutland. See Whissendine.
Wyte, John, 74.
-, ……. Cf. White.
Wytele Spitel, co. Cumb. See under Wigton.
Wytham, co. Linc. See Witham on the Hill.
Wytheton, co. York. See Weeton.
Wythop, Wythop in Braythwayt, co. Cumb., 443.
Wythstaple, co. Kent. See Whitstable.
Wytlewode, co. Buck. See Whittlewood.
Wytnesham, co. Suff. See Witnesham.
Wyttelbury, Joan wife of Aubrey de, 302.
-, ……, John de, son of Aubrey and Joan, 302.
-, ……, John de, knight, 302.
-, …… Thomas de, brother of John, 302.
Wytteneye, co. Oxford. See Witney.
Wytterig, Robert de, 381.
Wyttham, Linota de, 457 (p. 431).
-, ……. Cf. Witham.
Wytwahs, co. N’humb., 17 (p. 17).
Wyuestowe, co. York. See Westow.
Wyuestowe, John de, 257, 263.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth daughter of, 257.
-, ……, …., Matthew son of, 263.
Wyvelcote, co. Oxford. See Wilcote.
Wyvelescote, William, 375.
Wyverthorp, co. York. See Weaverthorpe.