Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 151-200

Pages 60-91

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 151-200

Writ wanting; inq. 26 July, 1 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 12 Aug., 2 Ric. III, he enfeoffed William Waynflete and others of the under-mentioned manor of Penley, and lands, &c., in Ashton, Henton, Bulkyngton, Mere, Salisbury, and Stratford, to the use of his will, dated 18 Aug., 1484 (as in No. 18).
By deed dated 1 May, 7 Edw. IV, William Carent and Thomas Huse demised the under-mentioned manor of Bakehamton to him and Katharine his wife, by the names of John, son and heir of William, Lord Stourton, and Katharine, daughter of Maurice Berkeley, squire of the body to King Edw. IV, to hold, with the exception of the advowson of the free chapel of Bakehamton, to them and the heirs of the body of John, with remainder in default to the said William, Lord Stourton, his heirs and assigns.
By deed, dated 1 March, 7 Edw. IV, the said William Lord Sourton gave the under-mentioned manors of Wynterborne Madyngton, Ablyngton, and Alton, with lands there and in Stanmer, &c., the advowson of Alton and all villeins on the said manors excepted, to the said John and Katharine, and the heirs of the body of John, with remainder as above
He died 6 Oct. last. Francis, aged 45 weeks, is his son and heir.
WILTS. Manor of Penley, worth 20s., held of the rector of Edyngdon, service unknown.
Seven messuages, 4 carucates of land, 20a. meadow, and 40a. pasture in Stepul Aisshton, West Aisshton, Henton, and Bulkyngton, worth 40s., held of the Earl of Salisbury, service unknown.
Three messuage, 20a. land, 10a. meadow, and 6a. pasture in Mere, worth 20s., held of the Dean and Chapter of Salisbury, service unknown, and purchased by the said John of Edith Claymond.
A messuage called ‘Buntes Place,’ 12 cottages, 31a. arable, 10a. meadow, and 6a. pasture in New Sarum, Old Sarum, and Stratford-under-the-Castle-of-Old-Sarum, worth 4l., held of the Bishop of Salisbury, service unknown.
Manor of Bakehamton, and the advowson of the free chapel there, worth 10l., held of the Master of Fodryngay College, service unknown.
Manors of Wynterborne Madyngton, Ablyngton, and Alton, and certain lands, tenements, rents, and services in Stanmer, Chesyngbury, Wylton, Stoford, Neuton, and Quedhampton, and certain other lands in Wynterborne Madyngton, and Alton, and the advowson of the church of Alton; whereof the manor of Ablyngton, worth 10 marks, is held of William Rangeborne, the manor of Alton, worth 4l., of the Earl of Salisbury, and a messuage and 3 cottages, clear yearly value nil, in Wylton, and 5 messuages, 50a. land, and 5a. meadow in Stoford, Neuton, and Quedhamton, worth 13s. 4d., of the Abbess of Wylton, the services in each case unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (156.)
Writ wanting; inq. 26 April, … Hen. VII.
He died 13 Oct. last. John Wrytell, aged 6 weeks and more, is his son and heir.
ESSEX. William Esfeld, clk., gave the under-mentioned manors, advowson, messuages, and lands to John Hynde and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder (as in No. 109):—
Manor and advowson of Little Chissehull, worth 8l. 6s. 8d., held of the King, as of the honor of Boulogne, by knight-service.
Manor of Pycottes, worth 6l., held of the King, as of the said honor, by knight-service.
Manor of Little Canfeld, worth 9l., held of John, Earl of Oxford, service unknown.
Manor of Bradwell, by Coggeshall, worth 8l. 16s. 10 1/2d., held of the Abbot of St. Peter’s, Westminster, as of the manor of Feringbery, service unknown.
Two messuages, 3 mills, 800a. land, 32a. meadow, 72a. wood, l0l. rent, and a rent of 2 cocks and 20 hens in Bradewell, Feryng, Stystede, and Coggeshale, worth 17l. 13s. 4d.; and in Bokkyng, Cressyng, and Pateswyk, worth 6l. 13s. 4d.; and in Little Chishull and Great Chishull, worth 21l.; held, the lands, &c., in Bradwell, &c., of Henry, Earl of Essex, service unknown; lands, &c., in Bokkyng, &c., of the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem, in England, service unknown; and lands, &c., in Great and Little Chishull, of the said Earl of Oxford, service unknown.
William Hale and Richard Wolby gave the under-mentioned manor to John Hynde, the younger, in tail, with remainder in default to Joan Wrytell, daughter and heir of John Hynde, his elder brother, in tail, with remainder to Grisild, late the wife of John Hynde the elder, and Walter Wrytell, their heirs and assigns. On the death of the said John Hynde the younger, without issue, the said manor descended to the said John Wrytell, as son and heir of the said Joan:—
Manor of Standon Hall, with the advowson of the church of Standon, and 6 messuages, 80a. land, 40a. meadow, 40a. pasture, and 20a. wood in Standon, worth 15l. 7s., held of Jasper, Duke of Bedford, and Anne his wife, as of the hundred of Ongre, by 8d. rent for all service.
Henry, Earl of ….., Ralph Boteler, knt., late Lord Sudeley, William ….., and Thomas Drakes, gave the under-mentioned manors, advowson, and lands to John Hynde the younger, in tail, with remainder to Joan Wrytell, as above:—
Manor of Ramsey, in the hundred of Tendring, Avorth 15l. 10s. 6 1/2d., held of Anne Mountgomery, as of the manor of Great Tey, service unknown.
Manor and advowson of Wrabnase, worth 14l., held of the Abbot of St. Edmund’s Bury, service unknown.
Ten messuages, 10 gardens, 300a. land, four score acres of meadow, 100a. pasture, 60a. wood, and a marine water-mill in Ramsey, Bradfehle, Wykes, and Wrabnase, worth 20s., held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
A tenement, with a garden adjoining, together with a wharf over against it, in New Hithe, Colchester, worth 6l. 16s. 8d., held of the King in free burgage.
The said John Wrytel died seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages and lands:—
Five messuages, 200a. land, 20a. meadow, 100a. pasture, and 10a. wood in Great Eyston, or Eston, called ‘Blamsters,’ worth 10l., held of the heirs of the Lord Sterton, service unknown.
Two messuages, 100a. land, 10a. meadow, 20a. pasture, 5a. wood, and 6l. 12d. rent in Depdens, worth …, held of William Fynderne, knt., service unknown.
Three messuages, 30a. land, 10a. meadow, 20a. pasture, and 2a. wood in Chykwell, worth together with lands in Canfeld, 9l., held of John, Earl of Oxford, service unknown.
Two messuages, 20a. land, 6a. meadow, 7a. pasture, and 3a. wood, and lands called ‘Edwardes Tenement’ in Little Canfeld, Eston at Hill, and Little Reynis, with the advowson of the church of Little Reynis; whereof the lands in Little Canfeld are held of the said Earl of Oxford, service unknown, and the lands in Eston and Reynis, together with the said advowson, of the heirs of the Lord Storton, service unknown.
Walter Wrytell, John Barnewell, citizen and fishmonger, and John Shukburgh, were seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee, to the use of the said Walter, and gave it to Katharine, then wife of the said Walter, for the term of her life:—
Manor of Lampettes, with all the lands, &c., late belonging to Thomas Lampettes in Fiffyde and Moreton, worth 40s., held of the Lord Scrope, service unknown.
Henry, Earl of Essex, Walter Wrytell, and John Shukburgh, were seised of the under-mentioned manor, advowson, and lands in fee, to the use of the said Walter and his heirs, and gave them to the said Katharine for the term of her life:—
Manor and advowson of Bobynworth, alias Bobbynworth, three messuages called ‘Pykerels,’ ‘Reynkyns,’ and ‘BOles Croftes,’ and lands, &c., called ‘Hyerdes,’ ‘Pykerels,’ ‘[W]ylkyns,’ ‘Crowche Croftes,’ ‘Chamberleyns,’ ‘Pappys,’ and ‘Tylehouse’ in Bobynworth, High Ongre, and Northweld, worth 100s., held of Jasper, Duke of Bedford, and Anne his wife, service unknown.
Henry, Earl of Essex, William Bourgchier, and Thomas Bourgchier, knts., Robert Plomer, and John Woode, were seised of the under-mentioned manor, messuages, and land in fee, to the use of the said Walter Wrytell, and gave them to the said Katharine, who survives, for the term of her life:—
Manor of Asteleyns, 4 messuages, 2 tofts, 140a. land, 20a. meadow, 30a. pasture, and 5a. wood in Bobyngworth, Welde, Moreton, Magdalen Lauver, High Ongre, Fyffhyde, and Northweld Bassett, worth 66s. 8d., held of the said Duke and his wife, service unknown.
Richard Kyrby, esq., John Marion of Rothyng Aythorp, and John Veysy of Elsenham, were seised of the under-mentioned manor, advowson, and lands in fee to the use of the said Walter Wrytell and his heirs, and gave them to the said Katharine for the term of her life:—
Manor and advowson of High Lauver, 2 messuages, 100a. land, 40a. meadow, four score acres of pasture, 10a. wood, and 10s. rent in High Lauver, Magdaleyn Lauver, Harlowe, Machyng, Moreton, and Little Lauver, worth 4l., held of the said Duke and his wife, service unknown.
John Bryan, vicar of Navestok, co. Essex, John Bromehale, esq., and John Lamberd, of Chykwell, gave the under-mentioned manors and lands to Walter Goldyngham, knt., and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of the body of said Sir Walter, with remainder in default to Robert de Wrytell, his heirs and assigns for ever. The reversion of the said premises descended to John Wrytell, son and heir of the said John Wrytell, named in the writ, as cousin and heir of the said Robert de Wrytell, viz. son of the said John, his son (sic; cf. 15 Edw. IV, No. 32, inq. p.m. Walter Wrytell):—
Manors called ‘Westhatch’ and ‘Bukhurst,’ alias ‘Goldhurst,’ worth respectively 5 marks, and 3l., and 2 messuages, 20a. land, 6a. meadow, 7a. pasture, and 2a. wood in Chykwell and Berkyng, worth 16s., tenure unknown.
John Fray and John Bassett gave the under-mentioned manor of Mascalesbury to John Hynde, elder son of John Hynde, late citizen of London, to hold during the life of his mother Elizabeth Boteler, Lady Sudeley, with remainder after her decease to John Hynde the younger, his brother in tail, with remainder in default to the said John Hynde the elder in tail. The said John Hynde the elder was accordingly seised of the said manor in his demesne as of frank tenement during his mother’s life; and after the death of the said John Hynde the younger without issue, and after the death of the said Elizabeth, the said manor descended to the said John Wrytill, named in the writ, as cousin and heir of the said John Hynde the elder, viz. son and heir of Joan his daughter:—
Manor of Mascalesbury in White Rothyng, worth 11l. 13s. 4d., held of Jasper, Duke of Bedford, and Anne his wife, service unknown.
One John Grene, Robert Plummer, John Kyng of Donmowe, John Wode. and John Marion, were seised of the under-mentioned lands in fee to the use of the said John Wrytill and his heirs, and to the use of his will; the other findings as in No. 50:—
Certain parcels of land, meadow, pasture, and wood (detailed) in Halsted, Stansted, and Colne Engayne, worth 100s., held of Henry Bourghchier, Earl of Essex, as of the manor of Stansted, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (157.)
153 ANNE, late the wife of THOMAS ORMOND, knt.
Writ 29 Nov., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
The said Thomas and Anne were seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee in her right. He survived her, and is seised of the premises for life, as tenant by the curtesy.
She died 13 Nov. last. Anne, wife of James Selynger, esq., aged 23 and more, and Margaret, wife of William Bolyn, knt., aged 20 and more, are their daughters and heirs.
SOMERS. Manor of Est Cranmere, worth 6l., held of Edward, Earl of Warwick, a minor in the King’s custody, by fealty, and the service of a rose on Midsummer day.
Manor of Quarum, worth 11s. 9d., held of the King, as of the manor of Barnestaple, which is in the King’s hands by the forfeiture of Henry, late Duke of Exeter, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (158.)
154 ANNE, late the wife of THOMAS ORMOND, knt.
Writ 29 Nov., inq. 25 July, 1 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 153.
CORNW. A toft, 30a. land, 10a. meadow, and 8a. wood in Pounstoke, worth …., held of William Stoner, knt., as of the manor of Wolvedon, co. Cornwall, by fealty only.
A rent of 6d. issuing from a messuage and 40a. land in Kilhampton, the said messuage and land being held of Richard Girnon, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (159.)
155 ANNE, late the wife of THOMAS ORMOND, knt.
Writ wanting; inq. 26 July, 1 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 153.
DEVON. Manor of Rolston, worth 60s., held of John Arundell, esq., by fealty only.
Manor of Milton Damerell, worth …., held of William Courteney, knt., by knight-service.
Manors of Stepulton and Cokebury, worth 6l., held of William Courteney, knt., by knight-service.
Manor of Heghen, worth 4l., held of ……, by fealty only.
Manor of Hewissh, worth 6l., held of Henry Payne, by fealty, and service of 1d. yearly.
Manor of Yenstowe, worth 6l., and the advowson of the church of St. John Baptist, Yenstowe, held of Edward, Earl of Warwick, under age and in the King’s custody, as of the honor of Wynkelegh, by knight-service.
Manor of Ernescombe, worth 7l., held of the King, as of Toryton castle, in the King’s hands by the forfeiture of Henry, late Duke of Exeter, by service of 1/16 of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Westdowne, worth 60s., held of …., as of the …. of Bruggewater, by fealty only.
Manor of Clifford, worth 66s. 8d., held of Oliver Wise, by fealty only.
Manor of Shesterugge, worth 33s. 4d., held of Alice Wolecombe, by fealty only.
Manor of Hankeford, worth 10 marks, with its members in the parishes of Bokelond Bruer and Frystoke, held of Thomas Beamond, esq., by fealty only.
Manor of Horton, worth 60s., held of John Denys, of O[rleigh].
Manor of Yaddebury, worth 60s., held of Henry Pomerey, by fealty only.
Manor of Hals, worth 53s. 4d., held of …. Granvile, by fealty only.
Manor of Anery, worth 4l., held of John Gay, by fealty only.
Manor of Uppecote, in Widerigge, worth 20s., held of William Courteney, knt., by knight-service.
Manors of Reveton and Illerssh, worth 60s., held of George Nevill, Lord Bergavenney, by fealty only.
Manor of Roccombe, worth 33s., held of James ….
Manor of Viraworthy, with its members in the parishes of Suttecombe and Bradworthy, worth 60s., held of Thomas Beamound, esq., by fealty only.
Manor of Petris Merlond, with its members in the parishes of Merlonde and Bukelonde Filley, worth 53s. 4d., held of Edward, Earl of Devon, as of Plympton castle, by fealty only.
Manor of Litelham, and the advowson of the church of St. Swithin, Litelham, worth …., held of John Gay, by fealty only.
Manor of Uppecote in Welcom, worth 8s., held of William Cornewe, by fealty and 1/2d. rent, for all service.
Manor of Bukkissh, worth 50s., held of Thomas Fulford, knt., by fealty only.
Manor of Bewishill, with its members in the parishes of Kirke …. and Poughill, worth 40s., held of Alice Wolecomb, by fealty only.
A messuage and 30a. land in North Taweton, with the advowson of ….., belonging to the said messuage and land, worth 5s., held of Otho Gilbert.
The fourth part of a toft, 20a. land, and 1a. wood in Little Toryton, with a fourth part of the advowson of the church of St. Mary, Little Toryton, and the advowson of the chantry, or chapel, of St. Mary Magdalen, in Tadyporte, worth 2s. 6d., held of John Davyles, by fealty only.
The fourth part of a messuage called ‘le Scolehouse’ and an acre of meadow in Great Toryton, worth 16d., held of the King, as of Toryton castle, in the King’s hands, as above, by fealty only.
A rent of …. issuing out of 7 messuages, 7 carucates of land, 40a. meadow, 60a. wood, and 60a. gorse and heather in Raysshelegh, held of none, and of its nominal value only.
A rent of 5s. issuing from 1/2a. meadow in South Molton.
A rent of 4s. out of 2 ferlings land in Westlegh.
A messuage and …. land in Stoddisdon, worth 10s., held of John Speke, esq., by fealty only.
A messuage and 2 ferlings land in Brendisworthy, worth 13s., held of John Davyles, by fealty only.
Two messuages and 2 ferlings land in Shestelestre, worth 10s., held of Lady Anne Nevill, by fealty only.
A messuage and 3 ferlings land in Paysshcot, worth 26s. 8d., held of John Seyntclere, by fealty only.
A messuage and 2 ferlings land in Fenton, worth 13s. 4d., held of Richard Pomerey.
Ten messuages, 3 tofts, a dovecot, and 14a. land in Great Toryton, worth 40s., held of the King, as above, by fealty only.
A messuage, and ……, called ‘Wyke’ beside Toryton, worth 10s., held of the King, as above, by fealty only.
Two tofts, a barn, and 44a. land in Tadyport, worth 40s., held of John Davyles, by fealty only.
A toft and 2 ferlings land in Codeworthy, worth …, held of Thomas Stoweford, by fealty only.
A toft, and 10a. land in Wydefeld, called ‘Herberdys lond,’ worth 4s., held of William Wideslade, by fealty only.
A …. in Holdisworthy, worth 2s., held of John Codyng, by fealty only.
A messuage and a curtilage in Holdisworthy aforesaid, worth 5s., held of Thomas Cutclyff, by fealty only.
The fourth part of a toft, and 100a. land in Ilfardescombe, called ‘Mellecote,’ worth 20s., held of Oliver Wise, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (160.)
156 JOHN BOLOUR, the elder, esq.
Writ 28 Oct., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 9 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 9 Aug., 8 Edw. IV, Robert Stowell, Richard Warre, John Portman, John Porter, Richard Orchard, and Richard Burton, demised the under-mentioned manor of Stath and lands in Saltmore to him, and Thomasine his wife, who survives, with remainder to his heirs.
By deed dated 4 Sept., 1 Ric. III, he gave the under-mentioned manor of Lyllesdon to John Hugyn, now deceased, and John Portman, John Porter, and Richard Burton, who survive, to the intent that they should assign it to Thomasine his wife, if she survived him, as dower of all his lands in Somerset, Dorset, and Hants: also by the same deed
He gave the under-mentioned lands in Aysshewell, Chubworthy, and Twyny, to the said John Hugyn, John Portman, John Porter, and Richard Burton, to the intent that after his death they should give one moiety thereof to Thomas, and the other moiety to Robert Bolour, his younger sons, who survive, in tail; and lastly by the same deed
He gave the under-mentioned manors of Knoll and Chaffecomb to the said John Hugyn, and the others, for the payment of his debts and the marriage of his daughter (as in No. 17).
Death and heir as in No. 17.
SOMERS. A moiety of the manor of Stath, and a messuage and 300a. pasture in Saltmore, worth 20l., held of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Lyllesdon, worth 10l., held of the said Dean and Chapter, service unknown.
Twelve messuages, 60a. land, 12a. meadow, and 20a. pasture in Aysshewell, Chubworthy, and Twyny, worth 10 marks, held of John, Abbot of Mochelney, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Knoll, worth 6l., held of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Chaffecombe, worth 5l., held of the King, as of the honor of Gloucester, by 1/3 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II., Vol. 1. (161.)
Writ wanting; inq. Tuesday after St. Paul, viz. the last day of Jan., 1 Hen. VII.
He died the last day but one of May last. Thomas Dacre, aged 18 on the feast of St. Katharine the Virgin last, is his son and heir.
CUMB. He held at his death the under-mentioned manors in demesne as of fee tail, viz. to himself and the heirs male of his body, by the grant of Gilbert Haltoft and John Hussher:—
Manor of Blakeale, within which are a capital messuage; 40a. land, worth 6d. each; 20a. meadow, worth 8d. each; 16 messuages, with adjacent land and meadow, in the hands of divers tenants at will, worth 3s. each; 8 cottages, worth 12d. each; a park without deer, the herbage worth 20s.; the site of a water corn mill in ruins; a tenement called ‘Birnethuayte,’ with lands and meadow adjoining, occupied by Edward Patenson, worth 8s.; ‘Sproustane close,’ of no value; a rent of 3s. 4d. due from the citizens of Carlisle for the water of Caldieu, within the lordship of Blakeale, to the stream of the corn-mill of Carlisle; a quarry; a dovecot in ruins; and a court of no value above the steward’s expenses; held of the King, by service of 3s. 6 1/2d. to the exchequer of Carlisle for cornage by the hands of the sheriff, and monthly suit of the county of Cumberland; by service of 16s. 4d. to the said sheriff for encroachments in Inglewod; by service of 33s. 4d. for puture of a royal forest, viz. of the Forest of Inglewode; and by service of 4s. 4d. for puture of the King’s bailiffs of the ward of Cumberland.
Manor of Farlam, parcel of the manor of Irthyngton, within which are 12 messuages, with adjacent land and meadow, worth 22s.; a capital messuage, and adjoining it in demesne 40a., worth 2d. each; 12a. meadow, worth 4d. each; 100a. pasture, every 12a. worth 1/4d.; and 8a. wood, every 4a. worth 1/2d.; held of the manor of Irthyngton, service unknown.
Manor of Brakanthuayte, parcel of the manor of Irthyngton, within which are 4 messuages, with adjacent land and meadow, in the tenure of divers tenants at will, worth 6s. and no more, on account of the invasion of the Scots; a messuage at Aldbyfeld, with adjacent land and meadow, worth 12d. and no more, on account of the Scots’ war; and 8a. wood, every 6a. worth 1/2d.; held of the manor of Irthyngton, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Castel Cayrok, parcel of the manor of Irthyngton, within which are 8 messuages in the tenure of tenants at will, worth 6d. each and no more, because they are devastated by the Scots; 4 cottages, with adjacent lands, worth 12d. and no more, for the lastnamed cause, and a close heretofore appropriated in the common pasture there, of no value because it lies wholly wasted; held of the manor of Irthyngton, service unknown.
Manor of Staffull, within which are 9 messuages and 2 cottages, with land and meadow adjoining, in the tenure of divers tenants at will, worth 16d. each and no more, on account of the burning by the Scots; an annual rent of 8s. 6d. from divers free tenants; 100a. pasture and moor, every 20a. worth 1/4d.; and 20a. wood, every 6a. worth 1/2 farthing; and the said messuages, land, meadow, pasture, and wood are held of the said Humphrey Dacre, as of the manor of Kyrkoswald, by knight-service.
Manor of Glassenby, within which are 8 messuages with land and meadow adjoining, in the tenure of divers tenants at will, worth 18d. each; 100a. pasture, every 20a. worth 1/4d.; 40a. wood, every 4a. worth 1/4d.; and a messuage and a cottage in Merghangby, parcel of Glassenby, worth 16d.; and the said messuages, &c., are held of the King in chief, by homage and fealty, and 7s. 7d. rent to the exchequer of Carlisle by the hands of the sheriff.
He held at his death in demesne as of fee tail, to himself and his heirs male, by the gift and grant of William Marshall, clk., John Chafer, and Robert Louthiane, the under-mentioned manors and advowsons:—
Manor of Irthyngton, within which are the site of a certain manor, of no value in herbage or other profits; six score acres of demesne land, waste and uncultivated, whereof each acre used to be worth 2d., and now nothing, because they lie thoroughly wasted by the destruction of the Scots; 8a. meadow in demesne, formerly worth 2s., now nothing, for the reason last declared; a water corn mill which used to yield yearly 3 skeps of oatmeal, priced at 20s., and now nothing, because it lies wholly wasted, and has so lain a long time past; 8 messuages, wasted, with land and meadow adjoining, whereof each used to pay 6s. a year, and now each will pay only 6d. and no more, on account of the destructions of the Scots; and there used to be divers tenants at will, who used to hold divers lands and tenements there, and to pay 46s. 5d. for the same, and now for many years past the lands and tenements have lain waste and uncultivated, both for want of tenants and by the ravages of the Scots, and are worth nothing for herbage or otherwise on account of the plenitude of pasture there; and there are at Camokhill, parcel of the said manor, 4 wasted messuages, formerly worth 22s., and now nothing, from the said cause; the tenants at will at Little Cambok, parcel of the said manor, used to pay 78s. 3d., now the land lies wasted by the Scots; a messuage with land and meadow there, called ‘Hedeswod,’ is worth 6d.; at Naward, parcel of the said manor, is a castle; and at Brampton, parcel of the same, six score and two acres in demesne, worth formerly 61s., or 6d. each, and now the herbage of the whole is let for 3s. 4d. a year; also at Brampton, 36a. meadow in demesne, formerly worth 12d. each, and now the herbage fetches 10s. a year; tenants at will at Brampton used to pay 66s. 8d. for their holdings, which are now lying, and for 60 years past have lain, totally wasted and uncultivated by the destruction of the Scots; 20 messuages and cottages at Brampton, in Wodhous, Wra, Ternethuayte, Silverside, Bracanhill, Eseby, Bowetby, and Barkholme, formerly let for 4l. 4s. 4d. to tenants at will, now let for 8d. apiece, the best part of them being destroyed by the Scots; other lands there, let to tenants at will for 24s. 8d., have lain quite uncultivated for many years past from the same cause; a toll in Brampton, worth 6s. 8d., is now worth nothing; a water corn mill, called ‘Bowetbymylne,’ which used to give 5 skeps of oatmeal, at 33s. 4d. is now let for 2 skeps, at 6s. 8d.; a park in Brampton and a wood outside, called ‘Brigwod,’ brought 23s. 4d. for herbage, and are now let for 6s. 4d.; the herbage of a several pasture called ‘Geltesdale,’ in Irthyngton, which let for 60s., and now lets for 6s. 8d., on account of the plenitude of pasture; a close there called ‘Brerethuayte’ which gives 2s. for herbage; the fishing of the pools called ‘Tynyel-logh,’ and ‘Tauken-logh,’ worth 6d.; a new built house there called ‘Ternehouse’; in Comwhitton, parcel of Irthyngton, are 9 messuages with lands and meadow adjoining called ‘Husbondlandys,’ worth 16d. each; the escape, or evasion, of the beasts of Aynstaplyth to be had over a certain pasture parcel of the said manor of Irthyngton, called ‘Kynhenry,’ of the yearly value of 3s. 4d.; lands and tenements in Comwhitton, formerly demised to tenants at will for 66s. 8d. a year, now of no value on account of the Scots; with other like rents, &c. (specified), in Comwhitton, Corkeby, Hayton, Askerton, Walton Wod, Northmore, Fulwod, the several pasture called ‘le Grayvs’ and ‘Spaladam,’ Milnton, Northwod, Rocheburn, Prenquepotemore’ and Cumrewe; with the homage, fealty, and rents of divers free tenants, viz. the heirs of Peter Tylioll, knight, William Inglyssh, knight, and Richard Kirkbride, knight, for lands in Stapilton; the heirs of the said Peter for a moiety of Scaleby; the heirs of John Stapilton for lands in Stapilton; the heirs of Ralph Hastyngs, knight, for lands in Croglyn and Newbiggyng; the heirs of Brian Stapilton for lands in Ormesby; the heirs of William Wyndesore, knight, for lands in Fenton; the heirs of Girard Wethryngton, knight, for lands in Laverton, and Over Denton; Roland Vaux for lands in Trethremane and Torcrossoke; the heirs of Thomas de la More for lands in Talken, Cumcach, and Warthryoke; the heirs of Robert Newby and Thomas Blaterne, for lands in Blaterne; the heirs of Thomas Denton for lands in Nethre Denton; the heirs of John Edmayne for lands in Cumrewe; the heirs of William Stapilton for lands in Kircambok; the heirs of the said Roland Vaux for lands in Scalwra; the heirs of John Vaux for lands in Caterlen; the heirs of John Warwik, knight, for Barnardhowe; the heirs of John Scalwra for lands in Scalwra; the heirs of Gilbert Whelpdale for lands in Ormesby; the heirs of Robert de Lyversdale for lands in Kircambok; of Thomas Beauchamp for lands in Wamersike; and the heirs of Richard Louthre and Richard Berwys for lands in Castel Cayrok; also a fishery of lampreys in Eden water by Cumwhitton, a fishery of salmon between Irthyngfote and Polmergham in Eden water; lands in Great Corkeby by Warwikbrig, Little Corkeby, and West Farlan; coal mines in Tynyelfell, valueless on account of the Scots; lands in Leversdale; lands in Walton, called ‘Chestres’ and ‘Waldore,’ held of John Ridlegh by service of 21d.; and messuages, cottages, and land in Henteshagh and Mylnhouse, held of the Earl of Essex; and the said manor of Irthyngton is held of the King, by service of two knight’s fees.
Manor of Burgh on the Sands, within which are lands, &c. (specified), at Langbergh, Morehous, and Grekehill; at Dykefeld (a messuage called ‘Futor land’); at Bourestede; at Sandesfeld (a tenement called ‘Strangbowland’); a messuage called ‘Newland’; a close called ‘Warnehill’; lands at Grenrig; land called ‘Newhouseland,’ ‘Boureland,’ and ‘Galsehouseyng’; meadow called ‘le Firth’ and ‘Myres’; meadow called ‘Spilmanholme’; 8 messuages in Beaumont with land and meadow adjoining, worth 4s. in time of peace, and nothing now in time of war, with the advowson of the church of Beaumont, belonging to the said land in Beaumont; 2 parts of a fishery at Beaumont in Eden water, called ‘Newdraght,’ a newly occupied fishery called ‘Brighogarth,’ and 3 other fisheries; land at Ayketon, with the advowson of the church of Ayketon thereto belonging; lands in Wyganby and Thornby; the donation and nomination of a corrody for a poor man in the Hospital of St, Nicholas by Carlisle, worth 13s. 4d. a year; a piece of land near the Lepers’ house of Carlisle; rents, &c., due from free tenants viz. the heirs of William Legh, knight, for lands in Surlyngham, Isell, Plumbland, and Blencrake; John Midilton, knight, for lands in Beaucastell; Ewan Ogle, Lord de Ogle, for lands in Thuresby and Crofton; William Stapilton, knight, for lands in Bampton and Ughterby; William Herryngton, knight, Thomas Culwen, knight, and William Elys, for lands in Bownes and Brimstath; William Haryngton, knight, for lands in Drumburgh, Eston, Flynglandrig, and Beaumont; the heirs of Brian Whitrig for lands in Glassen and Whitrig, and Cumwhyntyn; John Skelton for lands in Bampton; William Martyndale, knight, for lands in Grynsdale, Newton, Alaneby, and Wilmourby; the heirs of William Stapilton for lands in Langbergh, and Thurstanefeld; the heirs of Richard Kyrkbride for lands in Overton and Kirkandres; the heirs of Clement Skelton for lands in Wiganby; the heirs of William Aglionby and William Byset for lands in Bourestede and Torreby; the heirs of Robert Somere for lands in Wilmourby; the heirs of Roger de Martyndale for lands in the same; the heirs of John Wilkynson for lands in Langbergh; Roland Vaux for lands in Morehous and Grekehill; the heirs of Robert Bristowe for lands in ‘le Morehous’; the heirs of Thomas Fox and the heirs of John Denton for lands in Perten and Mikilthuayte; Clement Skelton for lands in Bownes, Cardronok, and Aynthorne; and there are there courts held every three weeks, and three chief courts with the court of Polburgh called ‘Watercourt’; and the said manor of Burgh is held of the King in chief by homage and fealty and a rent of 10l. 2s. 8d. to the exchequer of Carlisle by the hands of the sheriff of Cumberland; 6s. 8d. to the hands of the escheator; and 3s. 4d. for puture of the King’s bailiffs of the ward of Cumberland.
Manor of Lasyngby, within which are rents of tenants at will, some of whom hold wastes on which they take clay for making earthen pots, and pay 6s. 8d. a year; a wood called ‘Baronwod’; a fishery in Eden under the Baronwod; and a court; and the said manor is held of the King by homage and fealty and by service of paying to the King’s exchequer of Carlisle by the hands of the sheriff 15d.
Manor and advowson of Kirkoswald, within which are a castle newly built; a dovecot within the same in ruins, and 2 gardens; certain lands; a park with deer; rent of free tenants; a rent of 9s. 3d. called ‘Gavilgeld’ from divers burgages; a tenement at Band-Harscogh; messuages at Kenerhugh; a corn mill; a fulling mill in ruins; and the advowson of the church of Kyrkoswald taxed at 100s.; and the said manor and castle are held of the King in chief by homage and fealty, and paying for cornage to the exchequer of Carlisle 13s. 4d.
He died seised in fee tail, to himself and the heirs male of his body, by the gift and grant of Thomas Brugham, and John Hethryngton, by fine levied in the King’s court, of,—
The advowson of the priory of Lanercoste, within the manor of Irthyngton, taxed at 100s. a year; and
The advowson of the church of Ayketon, within the manor of Burgh-on-Sands, taxed at 53s. 4d.
He died seised in fee tail, to himself and the heirs male of his body, of,—
The reversion of divers messuages, with lands and meadows belonging, in Cumrewe and Aldbifeld, held of him as of the manor of Irthynton, by homage fealty and 3s. 4d. rent; which Christine Whitfeld, now wife of Richard Kirkbride, holds for her life by feoffment from William Marshall, rector of Kirkoswald, and which the said William and Thomas Burgham lately had by feoffment from William Kellet.
He died seised in fee tail, to himself and the heirs male of his body, by feoffment from William Marshall, rector of Kyrkoswald, and William Cardoile the elder, of,—
Two messuages, with land and meadow, in Burgh-on-Sands, worth 6s. a year in time of peace, and now in time of war worth nothing; and a messuage and 60a. land, and 20a. meadow there, called ‘Sandesfeld’ and ‘Sandesarchard,’ worth in time of peace 13s. 4d., and now in war time worth nothing, held of the said Humphrey as of the manor of Burgh-on-Sands.
A close called ‘Kyrkethuayte’ in the forest of Inglewode, containing 20a. land and meadow; a messuage, 40a. land, and 2a. meadow in Thistilthuayte; and 20a. wood at Thistilthuayte, called ‘Storth’; worth 26s. 8d.; held of the King in socage, by service of 24s. 10d. a year.
Three burgages in the city of Carlisle, worth 6s. 8d., held of the King in burgage, at a rent of 3d.
Two messuages and 2 gardens in Fukholme, worth 5s., held of the King in socage, at 8d. rent.
A tenement in Beaucastell, with land and meadow, called ‘Poltraghaue,’ worth nothing, being destroyed by the Scots, held of John Midilton, knight, service unknown.
A messuage, land, and meadow at Kennerhugh, called ‘Remyson landys,’ worth 5s., held of the said Humphrey by 18d. rent, as of the manor of Kyrkoswald.
A cottage in Kirkland, with land and meadow, of no value because wholly laid waste, held of Christopher Moresby, knt., service unknown.
. A cottage in Ullesby, with land and meadow, worth 12d., held of John Crakanthorp, service unknown.
A cottage in Melmoreby, with land and meadow, worth 12d., held of William Threlkeld, service unknown.
A cottage in Ravenwik Scalez, with land and meadow, worth 16d., held of the Provost of Queen’s College, Oxford, service unknown.
A tenement in Prenquepotemore, called ‘Templegarth,’ lying waste, and unoccupied, and so valueless.
A messuage in Fenton, with land and meadow, destroyed by the Scots, held of the heirs of William Windesour, knight.
He died seised in fee tail, to himself and the heirs male of his body, by feoffment from William Marshall, rector of the church of Kyrkoswald, of the,—
Manor of Aynstaplyth, and a tenement there called ‘Bromehous’; and there are within the same a capital messuage; 40a. in demesne, &c.; a close called ‘le Parke’; rents; 8 cottages; 20 autumn works in reaping corn, price 1d. each to be paid on St. Cuthbert’s day in autumn; a water corn mill; a several fishery, worth 6d., in the water of Eden; and a court worth nothing above the expenses of the steward; and the said manor is held of Thomas Harryngton, knt, service unknown.
He died seised in demesne, jointly with Mabel his wife who survives, viz. to them and the heirs male of his body, by feoffment from Christopher Cancefeld, chaplain, and Richard Marshall, gent., by their deeds of feoffment dated 4 Oct., 1 Ric. III, of the under-mentioned manor and lands:—
Manor of Dacre, within which is the site of a capital messuage on which is newly built a certain tower; 30a. demesne land, worth 4d. each; 6a. meadow, worth 12d. each; a messuage newly built with a close called ‘Langfyt,’ and certain other acres of pasture and waste enclosed in it, worth 40s.; a walled-in park, the herbage whereof is worth 9l. over and above the keep of the deer and drawbacks; the site of a water corn mill in ruins; a fulling mill; 12 messuages, with lands and meadows adjacent, in the occupation of tenants at will, worth 3s. each; 8 cottages with curtilages, lands, and meadows adjacent, in the occupation of tenants at will, worth 20d. each; and a court which is worth nothing over and above the expenses and drawbacks.
In Souleby, parcel of the said manor of Dacre, there are 8 messuages and 8 bovates of land adjacent to them called ‘Husbandlandys,’ worth 40s.; and a wood called ‘Dun Mallok,’ containing 20a., worth 20s.
In Blencowe, parcel of the manor of Dacre, there are 3 messuages erected, with 9a. land and meadow adjacent, worth 20s.
In Modreby, parcel of the manor of Dacre, there is a cottage erected, worth 6s.
In Dacre there is the advowson of the church of Dacre, taxed at 66s. 8d.; and 60a. pasture, every 12a. worth 4d. The said manor of Dacre is held of Ralph, Baron of Graystok, knt., by homage, fealty, and 12d. rent.
Four cottages erected in Newbriggyng, with land and meadow adjacent, worth 3s. each, held of the said Baron of Graystok by homage, fealty, and service of 18d.
A messuage newly built in Mosedale, called ‘Bowscalez,’ with land and meadow adjacent, in the tenure of John Todhunter and others, worth 20s.; also 6 messuages in Mosedale with land and meadow adjacent in the occupation of tenants at will, worth 4s. 4d. each; and 300a. pasture, every 20a. worth 4d.; held of Henry, Earl of Northumberland, service unknown.
He died seised in fee of—
A tenement in Gillesland, called ‘Blatern,’ worth 6s. 8d., held of him the said Humphrey, as of the manor of Irthyngton, by service of 6d.
He died seised in fee by feoffment from Richard Salkeld of—
A tenement in Hayton in Gillesland, called ‘Barnardhowe,’ of no value, held of him, the said Humphrey, as of the manor of Irthyngton.
He died seised by feoffment from William Trump and Joan his wife of—
Two parts of the manor of Cumrewe, worth 6s. 8d., and no more on account of the Scottish war, held of him the said Humphrey by homage, fealty, and service of 20d., as of the manor of Irthyngton.
He died seised by feoffment from John Byrd of—
A tenement in Scallermanok, worth 2s., held of him the said Humphrey, as of the manor of Staffull, service unknown.
He died seised by feoffment from William Vyell of—
A burgage and 8a. land in Kirkoswald, worth 12d., held of him the said Humphrey, as of the manor of Kirkoswald, service unknown.
He died seised by feoffment from Richard Garth of—
Two tenements in Lasyngby, worth 4s., held of him the said Humphrey, as of the manor of Lasyngby, service unknown.
He died seised by feoffment from John Bowman of—
A tenement in Ayketon, with 30a. land and meadow adjacent, worth 2s., held of him the said Humphrey, as of the manor of Burgh-on-Sands, by service of 6d.
He died seised by feoffment from John Hogeson of—
A tenement in Partyn within the barony of Burgh, worth 2s., held of John Denton, by service of 2s. 10d.
He died seised of a purpresture in ‘le Baronwod’ by Cotehill in Lasyngby, containing 20a., worth 20d., held of him the said Humphrey, as of the manor of Lasyngby; and of—
A tenement with divers lands and meadows, late Hugh Bolton’s, in Lasyngby, worth 12d., held of the said manor.
He died seised in fee, to himself and his heirs, by feoffment from William Langrig, of—
A tenement, with land and pasture adjacent, called ‘Wodhows,’ within the lordship of Kyrkoswald, worth 3s., held of him the said Humphrey, as of the manor of Kyrkoswald, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (162.) E. Series II. File 112. (2.)
Com. 19 Feb., inq. 26 March, 2 Hen. VII.
A fine was levied Hilary Term, 20 Edw. IV, between John Bothe, Bishop of Exeter, John, Earl, of Wilts, William Dudley, clk., Richard Fouler, Henry Sotyll, William Cumberford, John Cornysshe, William Drayton, clk., Nicholas Stathom, Thomas Poutrell, and Thomas Hunt, querents, and Walter Blount, knt., Lord de Mountjoye, and Anne, Duchess of Buckingham, his wife, deforciants, of the manors of Barton, Sutton, Sapurton, Alkemonton, Bentley, Hatton, Languesdon, Bryghtrychefeld, Tottyngly, and Hasylwod, with their appurtenances, and of 28 messuages, a water-mill, 200a. land, 150a. meadow, 1,000a. pasture, and 20a. wood therein, to the use of the said Walter and his heirs. On the death of the said Walter the said John, Lord Mountjoy, entered on the premises, as his son and heir, and died seised thereof in fee.
He died 12 Oct., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned lands in Thurvaston in fee. William Blount, aged 7 and more, is his son and heir.
James Blount, knt., has taken the issues and profits of the said manors and lands since the death of the said John.
DERBY. Manor of Barton, in Barton, Hatton, and Bentley, worth 20l., held of the King, as of the honor of Tutbury, by service of one knight’s fee.
Manor of Alkemonton, worth 6l., held of the King, as of the said honor, by 1/3 of a knight’s fee.
A messuage and 60a. land in Hasilwood, worth 40s., held of the King, as of the said honor, by 1/10 of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Sutton, worth 20l., held of the King, as of the said honor, by service of one knight’s fee.
Two messuages, 120a. land, and 20a. meadow in Sapurton, worth 40s., held of the King, as of the said honor, by service of 1/4 of a knight’s fee.
Three messuages, 60a. land, and 12a. meadow in Languesdon; and a moiety of the manor of Bryghtrychefeld; worth 3l.; held of the King, as of the castle of High Peak, by fealty only.
Nine messuages, 100a. land, and meadow, and 40a. wood in Tottyngley, worth 6l., held of the King, as of the manor of Chesturfeld, by fealty only.
Four messuages, 8 tofts, 200a. land, 100a. pasture, and 20a. meadow, called the ‘Crown land’; and 4 messuages, 4 tofts, 100a. land, 60a. pasture, and 20a. meadow; in Over and Nedur Thurvaston; worth 4l.; held of the King, as of the honor of Tutbury, by service of one knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (2.)
Writ wanting; inq. 31 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 26 Sept., 1 Hen. VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Gonelsbury, Palyngeswyke, and Buttelers, of the under-mentioned land in Braynford, of 4 messuages and 40a. land in Acton, and of ‘Hamond Feld’ in Yelling; and seised in fee jointly with Joan his wife, who survives, of the other under-mentioned manor and land.
Henry Frowyk, aged 39 and more, is his son and heir.
MIDDX. Manors of Gonelsbury and Palyngeswyke, worth respectively 8l., and 6 marks; a close called ‘Hamondfeld’ in the parish of Yelling, worth 20s.; 4 messuages and 40a. land in Acton; 2 messuages, 30a. land, 20a. pasture, 10a. meadow, and 6a. wood in Acton; and 80a. land, sometime Edward Chalkhyll’s, in Acton and Willesdon; worth together 20 marks; held of the Bishop of London, service unknown.
Manor of Buttelers, worth 7 marks, held of the Dean of St. Paul’s, service unknown.
Twelve messuages and 10a. land in West Braynford, worth 20l., held of the Prioress of St, Helen’s within Bysshoppysgate, London, service unknown.
A messuage, 200a. land, 100a. pasture, 20a. meadow, and 30a. wood in South Mymmes, worth 15l., held of Roger Lewknore, knt., service unknown.
Manor of Flambardes in Harowe, formerly Edward Chalkhyll’s, worth 20l., held of the Archbishop of Canterbury, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (4.)
160 THOMAS HOO, esq.
Writ 17 Oct., inq. 3 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 8 Dec., 13 Edw. IV, Thomas Broket and John Pulter gave the under-mentioned manor to him in tail male, with remainder to Anne, wife of Geoffrey Boleyn, in tail. She died leaving issue William Boleyn, knt., her son and heir, who, on the death of the said Thomas without issue male, which happened 8 Oct. last, entered on the said manor, and is now seised thereof in fee tail.
HERTS. Manor of Offeley, in Offeley and Kokernhoo, worth 10 marks, held of Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (5.)
Writ of mandamus 20 Oct., inq. 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
He died on the feast of Easter, 11 Edw. IV, seised of the under-mentioned manors in fee. He had issue Ann, Elizabeth the wife of Thomas, Lord le Scrope of Masham, Margaret, Lucy the wife of Thomas Fitzwilliam, knt., and Isabel the wife of William Hodylston, esq. The said Anne took to husband William Stonor, knt., and after the death of the Marquess the said William and Anne entered on whatever belonged to them of the premises in her right as one of the daughters and heirs of the said Marquess, and were seised thereof in fee in her right, and had issue between them a son, John Stonor; and afterwards the said Anne died, and the said William survived her, and is seised of her said share, in his demesne as of frank tenement, as tenant by the curtesy. And the said Elizabeth, Margaret, Lucy, Isabel, and John Stonor are next heirs of the said Marquess, and are aged 22 and more, 20 and more, 18 and more, 16 and more, and 4 and more respectively.
N’TH’L’D. Manors of Seton de la Vale, Desyngton, and Blake Allerton, worth 20l., held of the Prior of Tynmoth, service unknown. James de la Vale has taken the issues and profits thereof since the Marquess died, by what right is not known to the jury.
Manors of Bedilsden, Horsley, Halowell, and Hertley, worth 40s., held of the King, by knight-service. The said James de la Vale has taken the issues and profits as above.
Manors of Newesom and Bellewell, worth 10l., held of John Heron, by 6d. rent yearly. The Prior of Tynmoth has taken the issues and profits thereof, as above.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (6.)
Writ wanting; inq. 28 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 28 Sept., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee. John Pope, son of Thomas Pope by Joan late his wife, sister of the said William, and Margaret wife of John Apsley, esq., his other sister, aged respectively 23 and 12 at his decease, are his next heirs. They entered on the premises 29 Sept., 1 Hen. VII, and obtained the King’s letters patent of pardon for all entries, &c., made prior to 7 Nov., 1 Hen. VII.
SURREY. A moiety of the manor of Bromlegh, alias Bramlegh, with its members and appurtenances in Bromlegh, Puttenham, West Clandon, and Dunsfolde, worth 12l., held of the King in chief, by service of one knight’s fee.
Manor of Weston in Shire, held of the Abbot of Nettele, Hants, in free socage, viz. by a rent of 8s. 8d. for all service.
Twenty-two acres of arable, 25a. pasture, 4 1/2a. moor, and 7a. wood in ‘le Warelond,’ or called ‘ Werelond,’ in the parishes of Albury, and Martirhill, worth 4d., held of John Gunttour, in free socage, viz. by a rent of 28s. yearly for all service.
A manor called ‘Dedyswell,’ in the parishes of Sende and Merrewe, worth 4l., held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
C. series II. Vol. 2. (7.)
Writ 9 Oct., inq. 12 June, 2 Hen. VII.
By deeds dated 6 Oct., 20 Edw. IV, he gave the under-mentioned manors to John Russell, Bishop of Lincoln, Thomas Chaundeler, clk., Richard and Thomas Crofte, John Hals, and Thomas Osbaldeston, esqs., Robert Brampton, gent., and Thomas Lewes, to the use of his will. Afterwards by writing indented dated 27 Sept., 2 Hen. VII, he directed his said feoffees to make a sufficient estate thereof immediately after his decease to Katharine, then his wife, for the term of her life, with remainder to William Harcourt, his son, in tail male, with remainder to Richard son of Christopher Harcourt in tail male, with remainder to Simon brother of Richard in tail male, with remainder to the heirs male of the body of Miles Harcourt, with remainder to his own right heirs.
He died 1 Oct. last. Miles Harecourt, aged 18 and more, is his cousin and heir, viz. son of Christopher his son and heir.
DORSET. Manor of Corfe Molen, worth 8l., held of the Abbot of Cerne, service unknown.
Manor of Corfe Hubert, worth 5l., held of the Abbot of Sherborne, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (8.)
Writ of Mandamus 18 Nov., inq. 31 Oct., delivered to the Court 27 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
One William Boteler gave the under-mentioned messuages, cottages, tofts, and land in Reresby to the said John, and Elizabeth his wife, who survives, and the heirs of John.
He died 21 Aug., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manor of Reresby, and the other under-mentioned messuages and lands in fee. George Kebeel, aged 13, is his son and heir. The said Elizabeth, and Thomas Kebeel, his brother, have taken the issues and profits of the said manor and lands since his death.
LEIC. Manor of Reresby, called ‘Chaumberlayns,’ 10 messuages, 5 cottages, 5 tofts, and 22 virgates of land in Reresby, worth 13l. 6s. 8d., held of Elizabeth, Duchess of Norfolk, as of the lordship of Segrave, service unknown.
Two messuages, a toft, 6 1/2 virgates of land, 20a. pasture, and 20a. meadow in Thursyngton, worth 6 marks, held of Thomas Kebeel, and the Prioress of Gracedieu, services unknown.
A messuage, 2 virgates of land, and 4a. meadow in Burton-on-le-Wold, worth 12s., held of the Prince, service unknown.
Two messuages, 4 virgates of land, and 10a. meadow in Sileby, worth 46s. 8d., held of the Earl of Notynghamme, service unknown.
A moiety of 3 messuages, 4 virgates of land, 5 tofts, 3a. land, and 3a. meadow in Saxilby, Retherby, and Quenyburgh, worth 4 marks, held of the Prince, service unknown.
A moiety of 10 messuages, 15 virgates of land, and 15a. meadow in Humberston, worth 15l., held of the Lord Grey, service unknown.
A moiety of 4 messuages, 7 virgates of land, 11s. rent, and a rent of 4 capons, 3 cocks, and 2 woodcock, in Leicester; 2 messuages whereof, and 4a. land, are held of the King, as of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown, 2 messuages and 4a. land of John, Earl of Oxford, service unknown, and the residue of the Bishop of Lincoln, service unknown.
A messuage called ‘le Dowfecote.’
Five tofts, 6 virgates of land, and 6a. meadow in Thurmaston, held of the said Bishop, service unknown. The premises in Leicester and Thurmaston are worth 10l. yearly.
A messuage, a cottage, a virgate of land, 6a. pasture, and 4a. meadow in Radecliff-on-Wreke, worth 35s., held of Ralph Shirley, and Thomas Kebeel, services unknown.
A moiety of a messuage, 7 1/2 virgates of land, and 12a. meadow in Little Assheby, worth 4 marks, held of the King, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (9.) E. Series II. File 1112. (1.)
Writ 23 June, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 26 April, 2 Hen. VII.
He enfeoffed William Parre, knt., Richard Pygot, serjeant-at-law, and Miles Metcalfe, now deceased, and Thomas Metcalfe, Thomas Midelton, and Brian Stapilton, gent., who survive, of the under-mentioned manor of Rughford.
By deed dated 20 Sept, 15 Edw. IV, he gave an annuity of 40s. out of the under-mentioned moiety of the manor of Askham to Guy Fairfax, serjeant-at-law, now knight, and one of the King’s Justices, for the term of his life, and subsequently enfeoffed William Stapilton, knt., Miles Willesthorp, esq., and John Pulleyn of the said moiety.
He died 28 March, 1 Hen. VII. Brian Stapilton, esq., aged 9 and more, is his son and heir.
YORK CITY. Manor of Rughford, worth 20 marks, held of Thomas Metham, knt., as of the manor of Thorp Arche, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Askham Bryan, worth 12l., held of William Earl of Notyngham, as of the manor of Thrisk, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (10.)
Writ 22 Oct., inq. 30 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
John Pynnok, John Graunger, and William Hill, alias Priour, were seised of the under-mentioned lands, which late belonged to John Mosyer, his father, to the use of the said Richard, his heirs and assigns, who having no heir willed them to the said William Hille his cousin, as is testified by William Pole and others.
He died 16 Oct., 2 Hen. VII. The said William Hille, aged 60 and more, is his cousin and next heir.
OXFORD. Lands in Burford and Kenkeham, worth 20s., held of the Earl of Warwick, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (11.) E. Series II. File 775. (16.)
Writ 9 Oct., inq. 26 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated at Wyghtham, 12 Jan., 2 Ric. III, he gave the under-mentioned manors, advowson, and land to Thomas Chaundler, Richard FitzJames, and Walter Hyll, clks., Robert Restewold, esq., Richard Halle, gent., Willam Petur, and John Cesson, clks., to the use of his will. Other findings as in No. 163.
BERKS. Manor and advowson of Wyghtham Phylyp, worth 4l., the manor of Sewekeworth, worth 5l., and 4 tofts, and 8 virgates of land in Wyghtham and Sewkworth, held of the Abbot of Abendon, as of the manor of Barton, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (12.) E. Series II. File 775. (3.)
Writ 9 Oct., inq. 27 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated at Fryth 22 Sept., 2 Hen. VII, he gave the under-mentioned manors and land to Richard Danvers, the elder, Thomas Osbaldeston, Richard Halle, Robert Brampton, gent., and Roger Ryddeley, and John Cesson, clks., to the use of his will.
He died 1 Oct. last. Miles Harecourt, aged 18 and more, is his cousin and heir, viz. son of Christopher his son and heir.
OXFORD. Manor of Chalgrave, called ‘Senclers,’ worth 66s. 8d., held of the Prince, as of the honor of Walyngford, service unknown.
Manor of Chalgrave, called ‘Argentynes,’ worth 60s., held of the Prince, as of the said honor, service unknown.
Two hundred acres of land, and 100a. pasture in Tylgarsley and Fryth, held of the Abbot of Eynesham, by fealty and 13s. 4d. rent.
A messuage and 14 virgates of land in Lye by Astalle, worth 40s., held of the Earl of Warwick, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (13.) E. Series II. File 775. (2.)
Writ 12 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 27 Sept., 2 Hen. VII.
The said Thomas Fermar, otherwise called Thomas Richardes, gave the under-mentioned messuage in Langford to Laurence Cokkys, clk., Edward Frank and John Harecourte, esqs., Humphrey Seymour, Richard Nasshe, John Rypon, and William Lokyn, to the use of himself, and his heirs and assigns for ever.
He enfeoffed Richard Distelyng, Robert Brownyng, John Pytte, John Cokkys, John Lacok, William Box, John Wylkyns, John Symkyns, William Brice, Thomas Holme, and Richard Martyn of the under-mentioned messuage and land in Water Eton, to the same use.
He died 16 Sept., 1 Hen. VII. John Fermar, aged 18 and more, is his son and heir.
BERKS. A messuage in Langford, worth 20s., held of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln, service unknown.
A messuage, 20a. arable, and 10a. meadow in Water Eton, worth 40s., held of William Trussell, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (14.) E. Series II. File 775. (10.)
Writ 12 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 26 Sept., 2 Hen. VII.
The said Thomas Fermar, alias Richardes, gave the under-mentioned manor of Chadelyngton, and the under-mentioned lands in Witteney, Cogges, Fylkyns, and Burford, to Laurence Cokkys, clk., and others (as in No. 169).
He enfeoffed Richard Distelyng and others (as in No. 169), of the under-mentioned lands in Clanfeld.
Death and heir as in No. 169.
OXFORD. Manor of Chadelyngton Est Ende, worth 40s., held of the Earl of Warwick, by service of 3 1/2d. rent.
Seven messuages and 20a. land in Witteney, worth 40s., held of the Bishop of Winchester, service unknown.
A messuage and 20a. land in Cogges, worth 20s., held of the Viscount Lovell, by 4d. rent.
A messuage and 20a. land in Fylkyns, worth 20s., held of the Prior of Hertford, service unknown.
A cottage in Burford, worth 6s. 8d., held of the Earl of Warwick, by service of 1d. rent.
Two messuages, 40a. land, and 6a. meadow in Clanfeld, held of Thomas Spannesby, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (15.) E. Series II. File 775. (9.)
171 RALPH PENNE, esq.
Writ 2 Nov., 1 Hen. VII; inq. Saturday after All Hallows, 2 Hen. VII.
He enfeoffed Humphrey Conyngesby, Richard Grotmore, William Skipwith, and Thomas Coke, of the under-mentioned manor of Pygottes, ‘Pennez Place,’ 70a. in Adenham, and a messuage and 20a. in Illestre, with the intention of saving harmless the said Humphrey, William, and Thomas, as also his executors, against John Penbury and Alice his wife, in respect of two bonds, the one of 400l. and the other of 100 marks; and further to the use of his will.
He enfeoffed John Verney, then esquire, now knight, and Humphrey Conyngesby, of the other under-mentioned manor or messuage, called ‘Charyngys,’ the messuages called ‘Eydons,’ ‘Wodes,’ and ‘Rolves,’ and of 40a. land and 12a. wood in the parish of Aldenham, and in the parishes of Illestre, Rugge, and Shelney, to the use of his will.
By his will, written with his own hand, he directed that the feoffees of his lands in the counties of Herts, Middlesex, and Surrey, should make a secure and legal estate thereof, immediately after his decease, to his executors, to the use of his will, viz. to pay his debts without delay; to build a chapel on Copthorn Hill; to purchase easements for the said chapel from the Roman Curia; to order a chantry of 12 marks yearly for the entertainment of a priest to pray for him for ever, 13s. 4d. to be for keeping his obit in Aldenham Church for ever; to provide lands and tenements, to the yearly value of 20s., for the repair of the church way between Illestre and Rylondgate, and when that should be in repair, for mending such ways in Aldenham as had most need of it; Richard Howell to have ‘le grete Whitys,’ to him and his heirs for ever; his land in London and Lambyth Merrshe to be sold, and 10l. to be given to each of his kinsmen Ferbyez; John Peke and Richard Grotmore to have annuities of 5 marks each for life; and 10s. to be given to each of his god-children. He appointed the said John Verney, knt., John Peke, Humphrey Conyngesby, and Richard Grotmore, his executors, and gave the residue of his lands and goods between the said John Verney and Humphrey Conyngesby for ever.
He died 3 Oct., 1 Hen. VII. John Robarth, aged 16 and more, is his cousin and heir.
HERTS. Manor of Pygottes, a messuage called ‘Pennez Place,’ and 70a. land in Aldenham, worth 14 marks, held of the Abbot of St. Peter’s, Westminster service unknown.
Manor, or messuage, called ‘Charynges,’ a messuage called ‘Wodes,’ and a messuage called ‘Rolnes,’ worth 8l., held of John Foster, as of the manor of Welde, service unknown.
A messuage called ‘Eydons,’ worth 4l., held of Robert Louth, service unknown.
A messuage, and 20a. land in Illestre, and 30a. parcel of the 40a. mentioned above, worth 40s., held of the Abbot of St. Albans, service unknown.
Ten acres, being the residue of the said 40a., and 12a. wood, worth 5s., held of William Stonore, as of the manor of Shelney Hall, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (16.)
172 THOMAS LYNDE, esq.
Writ 12 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 26 Sept., 2 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manor to Guy Farfax, knt., and Richard Pygot, serjeant-at-law, Thomas Fowler, Thomas Hampdene, Thomas Restwold of la Vache, John Gyfford, William Danvers, and Thomas Ramsey, to the use of himself, his heirs and assigns.
He died 22 Aug., 1 Hen. VII. John Lynde, aged 24 and more, is his son and heir.
OXFORD. Manor of Mapulderham Gurnay, worth 10l., held of the Earl of Warwick, by service of 1/4 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (17.) E. Series II File 775. (13.)
Writ of Mandamus 16 Oct., inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
One Lewis Robsart, deceased, enfeoffed John Arundell, clk., late Dean of the King’s free chapel of Wyndesore, of the under-mentioned manor, to the use of him, the said Lewis, and his heirs; and afterwards, with the assent of the said Lewis, and at his request, the said John Arundell enfeoffed John Fortescu, William Yelverton, and Thomas Brewes, knts., John Yelverton and John Reppys, now deceased, and John Groos and Nicholas Foster, who survive, thereof, to the use of the last will of the said Lewis, who by his will directed that his said feoffees should stand seised of the said manor to the Use of William Robsart, named in the writ, for the term of his life. And the said Lewis died, and the surviving feoffees were seised of the said manor in fee, and are now seised thereof on the further trusts of the said will.
The said William Robsart died, leaving no heir, 12 Oct., 2 Ric. III. William Tyndale, esq., has occupied the said manors since his death, and has taken the issues and profits thereof, but by what right the jurors do not know.
NORF. Manor of Rodenhale, worth 20 marks, held of the King in socage, as of the fee of Richmond, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (18.)
Writ 25 Oct., inq. 28 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
By letters patent of licence from King Edw. IV, he enfeoffed Thomas Staunton, citizen and mercer of London, John Smyth, clk., John Burgeys, clk., John Bracy the elder, ‘taulow chaundeler,’ and Roger Purpet, now deceased, and Thomas Motham, clk., and William Turner, clk., who survive, of the under-mentioned manors.
He died on the last day of July last. Thomasine, aged 26 and more, the wife of John Rysley, knt., is his daughter and heir.
MIDDX. Manor of Pembrokes, worth 20l., held of the King in chief, as of the honor of Huntyngdon, by service of a pair of silver-gilt spurs on the King’s taking knighthood, if demanded.
Manor of Mockynges, worth 6 marks, and a messuage, a dovecot, 108a. land, 13a. meadow, and 10 1/2a. wood in Tottenham and Edelmeton, worth 40s., held of the King in chief, as of the honor of Huntyngdon, by service of 1/9 of a knight’s fee, and without rent.
Manors of Breuses and Daubnes, worth 10 marks and 20 marks respectively, held of the King in chief, by knight-service, without any rent.
Liberties belonging to the said manors, viz. view of frankpledge, tumbrell, pillories, &c. (specified).
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (19.)
Writ of Mandamus 9 Oct., inq. Saturday after St. Simon and St. Jude, 2 Hen. VII.
He died 20 Sept., 2 Ric. III, seised of the under-mentioned manor and lands in fee tail. Giles, aged 35 and more, the wife of John Gryme, Christine, aged 34 and more, the wife of John Parowe, and Alice, aged 30 and more, the wife of John Wigge the younger, are his sisters and heirs.
Edith Lowthe, late the wife of Robert Louth the elder, has taken the issues and profits of the said manor, and John Gryme, John Parowe, and John Wigge have taken the issues and profits of the said lands since his decease.
HERTS. Manor of Rokesford in Hertyngfordbury, with the site of the manor, &c. (specified); and
One hundred acres of land, each acre worth 2d., and 20a. wood, each acre worth 1d., called ‘le Chamber’ and ‘Neuburi,’ in Aldenham, held of the heirs of John Wake, by service of a pair of gilt spurs once in each tenant’s lifetime.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (20.)
176 WILLIAM PECOK, of Theydon Garnon.
Writ of Mandamus 19 Oct., inq. 4 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
Thomas Bull of Reydon, co. Essex, and William Smyth of Stapilford Tany, demised the under-mentioned lands to Robert Tyng, and the said William Pecok, and their heirs for ever. The said Robert survived the said William and became solely seised of the premises in fee, and has taken the issues and profits thereof up to the present time.
He died on the last day of December, 14 Edw. IV. William Pecok, aged 24 and more, is his son and heir.
ESSEX. A messuage, four score acres of land, and 6a. meadow in Stanford Ryvers, Navestok, and Stapleford Tany, worth 40s., held of John, Earl of Wilts, as of the manor of Stanford Ryvers, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (21.)
Writ 18 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 29 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died on Christmas eve last, seised of the under-mentioned manor and lands in fee. William Barantyne, aged 5, is his son and heir.
WILTS. Manor and advowson of West Dene; 10 messuages, 4 virgates of land, 6a. meadow, and 40a. wood in West Dene; and 2 messuages and 60a. land in East Grymestede; worth 9l.; held of the King, by service of 1/10 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (22A.)
Writ 18 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 25 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 177.
HANTS. Manor of Popham, worth 10 marks, held of the Abbot of Hide, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (22b.)
Writ 4 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 12 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died on Christmas eve last. William Barantyne, aged 6 and more, is his son and heir, by Mary his wife.
BERKS. He held no lands.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (23.) E. Series II. File 775. (5.)
Writ 4 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 14 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
William Stonor, knt., and William Staveley, clk., gave the under-mentioned manor to him, and Mary his wife, who survives, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs.
Death and heir as in No. 179.
OXFORD. Manor of Churchehull, worth 40 marks, held of the King, by knight-service.
C. Series II., Vol. 2. (24.) E. Series II. File 775. (4.)
Com. wanting; inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
John Arundell, knt., and Katharine his wife, suffered a recovery to John Fogge, and others, of inter alia the under-mentioned manor of Chidiock, and a moiety of the manor of Ilouton, to secure the payment of a fine of 6,000 marks (as in No. 30). After receiving 2,000 marks, King Edw. IV assigned the residue of the fine to one Garard Camsion, to whom the said John paid a further portion. Then, at the request of the said John Arundell, one Richard Harcourt, knt., Thomas Stonore, and Edward Grymston, became bound to the said Garard, and others his nominees, for the payment of what still remained due; and Fogge, and the others, at John Arundell’s request, enfeoffed the said Harcourt, Stonore, and Grymston of the said manors. Subsequently Giles Daubney and John Riconyll paid a sufficient sum to Richard Harcourt’s hands to enable him to satisfy the said Garard of the whole residue of the debt, whereupon Harcourt and Grymston (Stonore being dead), enfeoffed the said Giles Daubney, and John Biconyll, together with William Huddesfeld, and William Hody, who survive, and Richard Tomes, now deceased, of the said manors, with the intent of saving harmless the said Giles and John in respect of the residue of the fine so discharged by them, and thereafter to the use of the will of the said John Arundell, and Katharine his wife. The said John Arundell by his will charged the said manors with the payment of his other debts, and the marriage of his daughters, and afterwards he died, and the said Katharine survived him, and inasmuch as the said manor, and all the under-mentioned moieties of manors were of her inheritance, she further charged them with the payment of her own debts.
Moreover the said Katharine being solely seised in fee after her husband’s death of moieties of the manors of Fifehuyde, Burcombe, and Melbury, she enfeoffed John Carmynowe, esq., Thomas Lymbery, William Menwynnek, Thomas Tregarthen the elder, and Richard Tomes thereof to the use of her will, viz. the payment of her debts, and the maintenance and marriage of her daughters.
The said Thomas Arundell, as son and heir of the said John and Katharine, charged the said manor and moieties of manors with the payment of his debts to a great amount, incurred on behalf of the King that now is and otherwise, &c. (as in No. 30).
DORSET. Manor of Chidiok, worth 40 marks, held of the Abbot of Mochelney, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Houton, worth 10 marks, held of the Abbot of Shirborn, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Fifehuyde Nevyle, or Fyfete Nevile, worth 100s., held of the Abbot of Cerne, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Burcombe, worth 40s., held of the said Abbot of Cerne, service unknown.
A moiety of the manor of Melbury Osmond, worth 40s., held of William Browenyng, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (25.)
Com. wanting; inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
John and Katharine Arundell suffered a recovery of the under-mentioned manors, which were of her inheritance, to John Fogge and others (as in No. 181).
Other findings as in No. 30.
SOMERS. Manor of Ile Brewers, worth 20l., held of the Abbot of Mochelney, service unknown.
Manor of Alvyneshey, worth 40 marks, held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
Manor of Pytney and Werne, worth 20l., held of the Abbot of Glastonbury, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (26.)
Writ 28 April, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
Katharine, his mother, to whom he was heir, enfeoffed John Biconyll who survives, and Thomas Dourisshe and Richard Tomes, now deceased, of the under-mentioned one-sixth of the manor of Westbury, to the use of her will; and by her will charged it with the payment of her own and her husband’s debts (as in No. 181).
WILTS. A sixth part of the manor of Westbury, worth 10l., held of Robert Wyloughby, knt., service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (27.)
Writ 15 Dec., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 183.
GLOUC. Manor of Frampton-on-Severn, worth 24 marks, held of the heirs of Richard, late Duke of York, father of King Edw. IV, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (28.) E. Series II. File 337. (7.)
Writ 9 Oct., inq. the last day of October, 2 Hen. VII.
He enfeoffed Drew Mompesson, Stephen Se … re, Giles Denys, clk., and Robert Stergrave, of the under-mentioned manors of Tyderley, Okeley, Estthrop, Deane, and Weston, who by deed gave the said manors to him, and Katharine his wife, who survives, his heirs and assigns.
He gave the under-mentioned manor of Hylle to his son Maurice, and Joan his wife, and the heirs of their bodies.
He died 1 Sept., 2 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned land in Lokerley in fee. The said Maurice, aged 26 and more, is his son and heir.
HANTS. Manor of Tyderley, worth 8 marks, held of John Barentyne, by fealty and the rent of a rose at Midsummer.
Manor of Okeley, worth 100s., held of John Poulet, esq., by fealty only.
Manor of Estthrop, worth 5 marks, held of William Putnam, by fealty and the rent of a gillyflower at Martlemas.
Manor of Deane, worth 60s., held of Thomas Tawke, by fealty only.
Manor of Weston Braybef, worth 100s., held of Nicholas Lisle, esq., by fealty only.
Two acres of land in Lokerley, which carry with them the office of bailiff, called ‘le West Bailly,’ in Bukholt, worth 10s., held of William, Earl of Arundell, by fealty only.
Manor of Hylle, worth 11 marks, 3s. 4d., held of the Prior of St. Denis in the said county, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (29.)
186 JOHN WALLOPE, esq.
Writ 28 Oct., inq. 2 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manor to Richard Wallop the elder, Thomas Vachelle, Henry More, and Nicholas Barnard, their heirs and assigns for ever.
He died 10 Sept., 2 Hen. VII. Richard Wallop, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
WILTS. Manor of Aldyngton, worth 100s., held of the Prioress of Almesburye, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (30.)
187 JOHN WALLOPE, esq.
Writ 9 Oct., inq. 26 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manor of Le Breton to John, son and heir of Thomas, Wayte and Anabilla his wife, and the heirs of his body, to hold of him, the said John Wallop, by fealty and 10l. rent; and the said John and Anabilla were seised thereof accordingly, he in fee tail, and she in her demesne as of frank tenement, and died so seised; and the manor descended to William Wayte, son and heir of the said John, who entered and is now seised thereof in fee tail, by reason of the said gift.
He gave all the other under-mentioned manors and lands, except the lands in Basyngstoke, to Maurice Berkeley, esq., Thomas Uvedale, Thomas Perkyns, John Whytehede, Thomas Wells, Robert Vauys, John Hamond, Thomas Hacker, or Hacket, clk., and William Bernard, of whom the survivors, viz. Whytehede, Wells, and Hamond, gave the said manors and lands to him and Joan his wife, who survives, with remainder, (1) as to the said manors, to the heirs of his body, with remainder in default to his right heirs; (2) as to the lands in Radnam, Appulshawe, Fyffyd, and Boltysham, to Robert Wallope, in tail; (3) as to the lands in Estwilde and Retherwyke, to Stephen Wallope in tail; and (4) as to the lands in Cossam, Wymeryng, and Pallysgrove, to William (Wallope) in tail.
He died 10 Sept., 2 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned messuages and land in Basyngstoke in fee. Richard Wallop, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
HANTS. Three messuages, 3 cottages, and 90a. land in Basyngstoke, worth 40s., held of the Bailiffs of Basyngstoke, by fealty and 18s. rent.
Manor of Fareley Mortymer, worth 10l., held of the Prior of St. Mary’s, Suthwyk, by fealty only.
Manors of Hacche and Clidesden, worth 10l., held of the Bailiffs of Basyngstoke, by fealty and 10s. rent.
Lands and tenements in Radnam, worth 10s., held of the Abbot of St. Peter’s, Gloucester, by fealty and 10s. rent.
Lands and tenements in Appulshawe, worth 3s. 4d., held of William Sandes, knt., by fealty and 2s. rent.
Lands and tenements in Fyffyd, worth 20d., held of John Daie, by fealty only.
Lands and tenements in Boltysham in the parish of Kingsclere, worth 20s., held of William Dyneley, by fealty only.
Lands and tenements in Estwilde and Rytherwyke, worth 40s., held of the Bishop of Winchester, by fealty and 3s. rent.
Lands and tenements in Cossam, Wymeryng, and Palesgrove, worth 6s. 8d. held of Constantine Darelle, by fealty only.
Manor of Soberton, worth 100s., held of the Bishop of Winchester, by fealty and 12d. rent.
The reversion of the manor of Le Breton, held of the Abbot of Letlee, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (31.)
Writ of Mandamus 23 Oct., inq. 4 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
One Robert Curson, esq., gave the under-mentioned manor to Henry Wentworth, knt., John Clanford, clk., John Cheke, John Talmage, and Thurstan Ischirwode, who since the death of the said William, and before, have occupied the said manor and taken the issues and profits thereof.
He died 22 Aug., 3 Ric. III. Mary Curson, aged 1 1/2 years, is his daughter and heir.
ESSEX. Manor of Lamborne, worth 10 marks, held of Jasper, Duke of Bedford, and Anne his wife, in her right, as of the hundred of Aunger, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (32.)
189 JOAN, late the wife of RICHARD FENYS DE DACRE, knt.
Writ 23 Oct., inq. Thursday after All Hallows, 2 Hen. VII.
A fine was levied in the quinzaine of Hilary, and recorded in the quinzaine of Easter, 25 and 26 Hen. VI, between Thomas Hoo the younger and Bartholomew Bolne, querents, and Thomas Dacre, knt., and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, of the under-mentioned manors and advowsons, to the use of the said Thomas and Elizabeth for life, with remainder as to the manors of Wrentham, Benacre, Hensted, Thorington, and Bourgh, to Robert Fenys, and Philippa his wife for their lives, without impeachment of waste, with remainder to the heirs of the body of the said Philippa, with remainder in default to Richard Fenys and Joan his wife for their lives, without impeachment of waste, with remainder to the heirs of the body of the said Joan. On the death of the said Thomas and Elizabeth Dacre the said Robert and Philippa Fenys entered on the said manors and were seised thereof according to the form and effect of the said fine, and the said Philippa died, after whose death the said Robert was seised thereof in his demesne as of frank tenement, until he was disseised by the said Richard and Joan, who became seised thereof accordingly in fee. And the said Richard died, and Joan survived him and was seised solely of the premises in fee, until the said Robert re-entered into possession of the manors of Wrentham, &c.; and he was seised at the time of the death of the said Joan, and long before, and up to the present time, of the said manors in his demesne as of frank tenement.
She died 8 March last. Thomas Fenys the younger, Lord Dacre, aged about 14 and more, is her cousin and heir.
SUFF. Manors of Northales, Cove, Bewflorry, Thorington, Bourgh-by-Grundesbourgh, Wrentham, Benacre, and Henstede, worth 60l., held of the King in chief, by knight-service.
The advowsons of Sibton Abbey and Blyburgh Priory.
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190 JOAN, late the wife of RICHARD FENYS DE DACRE, knt.
Com. de Certiorari 10 Jan., inq. Friday before the feast of the Purification, 2 Hen. VII.
The Commission recites the previous inq. (No. 189), and directs that, whereas the King is informed that the said Robert Fenys surrendered his interest in the premises to the said Richard and Joan, &c.
Henry Inglos, knt., William Garneys, John Bosse, Richard (or Robert) Bowet, clk., Henry Raynold, clk., and William Coove (or Cove), of North Cove, being seised in fee of the manor of Wrentham, gave to Amye, late the wife of William Bowet, knt., certain lands (detailed) in Benacre, Hensted, and Wrentham, parcel and members of the said manor, to hold together with the manor of South Cove, called ‘Bewflory’ (which she had by demise from John Colvyle, knt., Henry Bowet, clk., John Woodhows, esq., William Paston of P …., and John Bosse), for the term of her life, and 10 years over, with remainder to Elizabeth, daughter of the said William Bowet, knt., then wife of Thomas, son of Thomas Lord de Dacre, in tail. Also by the same deed the said Henry Inglos and the others demised the manor of Wrentham (with the above exceptions), the advowsons of … . and Benacre, and the manor of Burgh by Grundisburgh, and the said John Wodehous, William Garneys, John Bosse, William Paston, and one John Lancastre demised the manor of Thoryngton, called ‘Wymples,’ to the said Thomas and Elizabeth, and the heirs of her body.
After the death of the said Amy, and the expiration of the said term, a fine was levied (as in No. 189), of the under-mentioned manors and advowsons in Norfolk, Norwich, and Suffolk, and of the manors of Nevynton, Smythwyk, Standen, and Goldbrigge, co. Sussex, to the use of the said Thomas, by the name of Thomas Dacre, knt., and the said Elizabeth his wife, for their lives, with remainder as to the manors of Horsford, Burgh Seynt Margrett, and Great Hautboys, co. Norfolk, and Northales, Cove, and Bewflory, co. Suffolk, to Richard Fenys, esq., and Joan his wife, one of the daughters of the said Thomas and Elizabeth, and the heirs of the body of the said Joan, with remainder in default to Robert Fenys, esq., and Philippa his wife, the other daughter of the said Thomas and Elizabeth, and the heirs of the body of the said Philippa, with remainder in default to the right heirs of the said Elizabeth; and with remainder as to the manors of Herstperpoynt, Westmeston, Nevynton, Smythwyk, Standen, and Goldbrigge, co. Sussex, and Wrentham, Benacre, Hensted, Thoryngton, and Burgh by Grundesburgh, to the said Robert and Philippa, and the heirs of her body, with remainder to the said Richard and Joan, and the heirs of her body, with remainder to the right heirs of Elizabeth. On the death of the said Thomas and Elizabeth the said manors devolved as above, and the said Robert, in right of his said wife, was seised of the said manors of Wrentham, &c., and of the said lands in Benacre, Hensted, and Wrentham, formerly parcel of the manor of Wrentham. And the said Philippa died without issue, and the said Robert survived her and was seised of the premises in his demesne as of frank tenement. And whereas it was found by inq. (No. 189) that the said Richard and Joan unjustly disseised him, it is now found that after the death of the said Philippa disputes arose between the said Richard and Joan on the one hand and the said Robert on the other touching the said manors of Herstperpoynt, Wrentham, &c., till by the mediation of John Fortescu, knt., then chief justice of the King’s bench, John Prisott, justice of the common pleas, and other their friends, it was agreed between them that the said Robert should surrender all his interest in the premises in dispute to the said Richard and Joan, and the heirs of the body of the said Joan, and in consideration of this surrender should have of the said Richard and Joan the castle and manor of Burgham, co. Kent, the manor of Waynesworth, co. Surrey, and a rent of 44l. out of the manors of Wrentham, Northales, Cove, Thorynton, and Burgh. Wherefore the said Richard and Joan were seised of the manors of Wrentham, &c., in demesne as of frank tenement and fee tail respectively, and the said Joan died so seised.
NORF. Manors of Horsford, Burgh Seynt Margaretis, and Great Hautboys, and the advowsons of the Abbey of Langley and the Priory of St. … .
NORWICH. The advowson of the church of St. Michael, Mustowe.
SUFF. Manors of Northales, Cove, Bewflory, Thoryngton, Burgh-beside-Grundisburgh, Wrentham, Benacre, and Henstede; the advowsons of the churches of … and Benacre, and of Sybton Abbey, and Blytheburgh Priory.
SUSSEX. Manors of Herstperpoynt, Westmeston, Nevynton, Smythwyk, Standen, and Goldbrigge.
KENT. Castle and manor of Burgham.
SURREY, Manor of Waynesworth.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (33*.)
Writ 9 Oct., inq. Monday before All Hallows, 2 Hen. VII.
He died 20 Aug., 2 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee.
Joan Ade, aged 6 and more, is his cousin and heir, viz. daughter of William Ade, son of Joan Ade, sister of Richard Hemyngton, father of Joan Lorchun, alias Hemyngton, mother of the said John Lorchun.
CAMB. Manor of Campes in Long Stanton, worth 100s., held of John Cheyne, knt., as of the manor of Walwyns, by service of 1/4 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (34.)
Writ 8 Oct., inq. 31 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
Robert Stowell, esq., John Walshawe, and Roger Pym, gave the under-mentioned manor of Burton, and lands in Burton, Blerteshole, and Kyngeston, to him for the term of his life, with remainder to Richard Maudeley his heirs and assigns for ever.
They also gave the under-mentioned manor of Milton to him for life, with remainder to William Walshawe, his heirs and assigns for ever.
He died the Wednesday before Michaelmas last. John Walshawe, aged 30 and more, is his brother and heir.
SOMERS. Manor of Burton, 12 messuages, 3 cottages, 3 tofts, 400a. land, 300a. meadow, 400a. pasture, 6a. wood, and 20s. rent in Burton, Blerteshole, and Kyngeston Seymoure, worth 11l., held of the Abbess of Warrewell, co. Hants, by fealty and 35s. rent.
Manor of Milton, worth 10l., held of Richard, Prior of Warsprynge, co. Somers., as of the manor of Worle, by fealty and 12d. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (35.)
Writ 28 Oct., inq. 3 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 18 Oct., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manor and lands in fee. John Erneley, aged 4 and more, is his son and heir.
WILTS. Manor of Fostebury, 8 messuages, 500a. land, and 100a. wood in Fostebury, worth 16l., held of the Prior of Shene, service unknown.
Five messuages, 200a. land, and 6a. wood in Est Kenet, worth 4l. 10s. 8d., held of the Prioress of Ambrisbury, by service of 1d. yearly, for all service.
Two messuages, 40a. land, and 2a. wood in Chute, worth 17s., held of the said Prior, service unknown.
A messuage and 10a. land in Shipton, worth 7s., held of the said Prior, service unknown.
C. Series I. Vol. 2. (36.)
194 ROGER PYM, esq.
Writ 26 Oct., inq. the last day of October, 2 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manor to Alexander Pym in tail.
He died 3 Oct. last. Alexander Pym, aged 29 and more, is his son and heir.
SOMERS. Manor of Brymmore, worth 10 marks, held of the Earl of Northumberland, by knight-service.
C. Series II Vol. 2. (37.)
Writ 20 Oct., inq. 26 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
Thomas Bryan, knt., chief justice of the common pleas, Thomas Fitzwilliam, knt., recorder of the city of London, Thomas Heigham, John Bardefeld, Richard Heigham, Randal Lytilore, and Robert Leget, were seised of the under-mentioned messuages and land to the use of the said Humphrey, and his last will. By his will he directed his said feoffees to make estate thereof to Isabel his wife for the term of her life, with remainder to Richard his son in tail, with remainder to his daughters Emma, Anne, Katharine, and Elizabeth, with remainder to his right heirs.
He died 27 Aug. last. Richard Starky, aged 17 on the day of the Seven Sleepers last, is his son and heir.
MIDDX. Two messuages, 200a. land, 20a. meadow, 20a. pasture, 20a. wood, and 10s. rent in Shordyche, worth 7l., held of the Bishop of London, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (38.)
Writ 5 Nov., inq. Thursday after Martlemas, 2 Hen. VII.
He died the last day of June last, seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee. William Oteley, aged 18 and more, is his son and heir.
SALOP. Manor and advowson of Pecheford, worth 5 marks, held of William, Earl of Arundell, as of the manor of Counde, by socage, viz. fealty and 1d. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (39.)
Writ 29 Nov., inq. 12 Jan., 2 Hen. VII.
He enfeoffed William Boys, clk., rector of the parish church of Orchard, Richard Orchard, and Richard Burton of the under-mentioned messuages and land in Taunton, Sherford, and Mongton, and enfeoffed them, together with John Porter the younger, of the under-mentioned messuages and land in Bykenhill, Staple, and Fenhampton, and a third of three messuages in Taunton, to the use of his will.
He enfeoffed John Porter, Richard Orchard, Richard Burton, and Thomas Dygon, clk., of the under-mentioned manor of Orchard, who being seised thereof accordingly in fee demised it to him, and Edith his wife, who survives, and the heirs of his body, with remainder to Thomasine, wife of John Bolour, his sister, with remainder to Robert Cary, his heirs and assigns.
He died 23 Nov. last. John Portman, aged 12 and more, is his son and heir.
SOMERS, Sixteen messuages in Taunton, worth 12l., held of the King, as of the manor of Taunton, parcel of the temporalities of the bishopric of Winchester, in the King’s hands during voidance of the see, by fealty and 1d. rent, for all service.
Two messuages in Sherford, worth 20s., held of the King, as of the said manor, by fealty and the rent of a gillyflower, for all service.
Thirty acres of land and 20a. pasture in West Mongton, worth 26s. 8d., held of John, Abbot of Glastonbury, service unknown.
Three messuages, 100a. land, 6a. meadow, 100a. pasture, and 7a. wood in Bykenhill, worth 5l. 10s., held of the King in chief, by service of 1/3 of a knight’s fee.
Eight messuages and 60a. land in Staple, worth 3l. 12s., held of the Earl of Northumberland, service unknown.
Eight acres of land in Fenhampton, worth 13s. 4d., held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
A third part of 3 messuages in Taunton, worth 10s., held of the King, as of the said manor of Taunton, by fealty and 1/2d. rent, for all service.
Manor of Orchard beside Thurlebare, worth 18l., held of the King, as of the said manor of Taunton, by fealty and 6d. rent, for all service.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (40.)
Writ 5 Nov., inq. Thursday after Martlemas, 2 Hen. VII.
She died the Friday after the Beheading of St. John Baptist last, seised in fee tail, viz. to herself and Thomas Oteley sometime her husband, and the heirs of their bodies, of the under-mentioned manor and lands. Edward Oteley, aged 12 and more, is their son and heir.
SALOP. Manor of Eton, worth 4 marks, and a messuage in Webbescowe, and a messuage in Ballederton, worth 13s. 4d., held of William, Earl of Arundel, the manor by service of 1lb. of cummin for all service, and the said messuages by service of 6d.
A messuage in Beyston, worth 4s., held of Margaret, late the wife of Fulk Sprencheaux, by service of 2d. yearly.
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199 MARGARET, late the wife of JOHN PAKENHAM.
Writ of Mandamus 22 Oct., inq. 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
She died 5 Oct., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manors in fee. Edmund Pakenham, aged 6 and more, is her son and heir. Since her decease the premises have been occupied, and the issues and profits thereof taken by Thomas Arundel, knt., Lord Mawtravers, by what right or title the jury know not.
HANTS. A moiety of the manor of Bramshute, held of William Stanley, knt., and the Lady Elizabeth his wife, Lady Worcester, in her right, as of the manor of Alton, service unknown. Value not stated.
A moiety of the manors of Gatcombe, Whitewell, and Calbourne, in the Isle of Wight, worth 9l., 6l., and 5l. respectively, and severally held of Edward Widevile, knt., as of the lordship, or castle, of Carsbroke, service unknown.
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200 JOHN HUGFORD, esq.
Com. 17 Nov., inq. 10 Jan., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 26 Nov., 1 Hen. VII, seised in fee of the manor specified in the commission, which, since his decease, has been occupied and the issues and profits thereof taken by George Straunge, knt., Lord Straunge, though by what right or title the jury know not.
STAFF. Manor, or lordship, of Shenston, worth 47l.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (43.)