Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 101-150

Pages 41-60

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 101-150

Writ wanting; inq. 3 Nov., 1 Hen. VII.
One Henry Plombe, clk., gave the under-mentioned manor of Langford, late belonging to Richard, son and heir of Hugh Methwold, to Richard Methwold named in the writ, and Joan his wife, who survives, for the term of their lives, with remainder to Richard their son in tail, with remainder to their daughters Elizabeth and Joan in tail, with remainder to Robert Methewold of Little Elyngham, in tail, with remainder to Katharine Herryson and Elizabeth Methewold, sisters of the said Robert, in tail, with remainder to the right heirs of Richard Methewold the father.
By deed dated 3 Oct., 20 Edw. IV, Henry Heydon, now knight, Henry Spolman, and William Bardwell, gave the under-mentioned manor of Stewkey Hall, late belonging to Richard Holdych of South Pekenham, esq., to Richard Methewold, gent., named in the writ, Robert Wyngefeld, knt., Edmund Bedyngfeld, esq., now knight, William Grey and Richard Sayeve of Mundforth, to the use of the said Richard for 20 years from Midsummer then last, with remainder to Alice Sayeve, widow, and Alice, wife of William Nawton, daughters and heirs of Richard Holdych, in tail, with remainder to Richard Holdych of Dudlyngton, esq., in tail, with remainder to Margaret, Agnes, and Katharine, his sisters, in tail, with remainder to Thomas Beweper, in tail, with remainder to the right heirs male of Robert Barney, knt., in tail male, with remainder to John, son and heir of Edmund Bedingfeld, knt., Robert, son and heir of Richard Southwell, John, son and heir of John Fyncham of Fyncham, William, son and heir of William Bardwell the younger, Thomas, son and heir of William Grey, and Thomas Dereham, for sale and distribution of the proceeds among them.
He died at Langford, 24 Oct., 1 Hen. VII. Richard Methewold, aged 19 and more at his death, is his son and heir. His relict Joan, and Richard Sayeve, are the executors of his will.
NORF. Manor and advowson of Langford, with appurtenances in Langford, Stanford, and Bodney, worth 100s., held of John Hevenyngham, knt., by service of 1 1/2d. yearly.
Manor called ‘Stewkey Hall,’ in South Pekenham, the advowson of the church of All Hallows there, and the leet called ‘Stowedele Lete,’ with its appurtenances in North and South Pekenham, Howton, Hale, Asshell, Great Cressingham, and South Walton, worth 5 marks, held of the Earl of Arundell, by service of 1/4 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (105.) E. Series II. File 603. (13.)
Writ 14 June, 1 Hen. VII; inq. Thursday after All Hallows, 2 Hen. VII.
The said William, son and heir of William Curson of Brightwell, died 21 Aug., A.D. 1485, 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee. Elizabeth Curson, aged about 1 1/2 years, is his daughter and heir.
SUFF. Manor of Brightwell, worth 20l., held of Richard Caundysshe, as of the manor of Grymston alias Grymston Hall, within the hundred of Colneys, by service of one knight’s fee, and 60s. rent. See deed enrolled in Common Pleas, Easter Term, 4 Hen. IV.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (106.) E. Series II. File 603. (10.)
103 EDMUND PISTOR, gent.
Writ 6 Nov., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 1 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
John Wallop, John Whythed, William Froste, and William Ascheley gave the under-mentioned manor and lands to him and Alice his wife, who survives, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Nicholas Pistor his father.
He died 14 Nov., 1 Hen. VII. William Pistor, aged 4 and more, is his son and heir.
HANTS. Manor of Upulden, or Upelden, or Upeldene, worth 20s., held of George Nevyll, knt., Lord Bergevenny, as of the manor of Assheley, co. Hants, by fealty and suit of court.
A messuage and 100a. land in Kynges Somborne, worth 13s. 4d., held of the Prior of St. Swythin of Winchester, by fealty only.
A water mill in Bosyngton, worth 20s., held of the said Prior, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (107.)
Writ 16 Dec., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 24 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died on the Thursday before Corpus Christi day, 2 Ric. III, seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee. John Cornwalis, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
ESSEX. Manor of Botelers in Batlisden, with its appurtenances in Leyndon, Nevyngdon, Ramesden, and Fobbyng, worth 20 marks, held of Thomas, Bishop of London, as of Stortford Castle, by fealty and 18d. yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (108.)
105 JOHN BOLOUR, the elder.
Writ wanting; inq. 11 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 17.
HANTS. A fourth part of the manors of Nyton and Chale, worth 6l., held of Edward Wodefyeld, knt., by fealty, and suit of court of the manor of Newport.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (109.)
106 JOHN NOREYS, esq.
Writ 18 Feb., inq. 10 Aug., 1 Hen. VII.
He enfeoffed William Norreys, knt., William Radmyld and Robert Horne, esqs., William Norreys, gent., and Roger Frelond, of the under-mentioned lands together with lands in Kent, on trust, to permit the said Robert Horne or his executors to receive 200 marks in which the said John was indebted to him, and thereafter on trust for the use of the said John and his last will. By his will he directed that the said William Norreys, knt., William Norreys, gent., and Roger Frelond should take the issues and profits of the premises for the satisfaction of his other debts. The said 200 marks are as yet unpaid.
He died 10 Oct., 1 Hen. VII. Edmund Norreys, aged 3 and more, is his son and heir.
BUCKS. A tenement, 40a. arable, 10a. pasture, 2a. meadow, and 2a. wood in Bledlowe, worth 40s., held of the Dean and Chapter of St. Stephen’s, Westminster, by fealty and 2s. 6d. rent.
Sixty acres of land, 10a. pasture, and 3a. meadow in Prince Risborough, Monken Risborough, Longewyke, Elmer, and Aston, worth 60s., held of the King, as of the honor of Walyngford, by fealty, suit of court, and 20s. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (110.)
Writ 3 June, inq. 11 Aug., 1 Hen. VII.
He died 1 Oct. last, seised of the under-mentioned lands in fee. Joan Fayrewell, aged 8 and more, is his daughter and heir.
BUCKS. A messuage, a cottage, and 8a. meadow in Chepyng Wycombe, worth 13s. 4d., held of the Dean and Canons of the College of St. George within the castle of Wyndesore, in free burgage, by fealty, and 10s. rent.
Six acres of meadow in Lowdewater, worth 6s. 8d., held of John Stokton, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (111.)
108 RALPH BULMER, knt.
Writ 26 July, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 28 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manors and lands to William Hilton, Christopher Conyerse, and Ralph Bewyse, knts., and their heirs for ever.
He died on Midsummer eve last. William Bulmer, aged 21 and more on the feast of St. George the Martyr last is his next heir.
YORK. Manor of Wilton, 6 messuages, 2 cottages, and 20 bovates of land therein; 3 messuages, 8 bovates of land, and 20s. rent in Weste Cotun; 3 messuages, 2 bovates of land, 40a. pasture, and 10s. rent in Lakneby; 3 messuages, 2 cottages, 7 bovates of land, and 30s. rent in Lasyngby; and 2 bovates of land in Lyverton; worth 20l.; held of the King, as of the manor of Shereff Hoton, by service of 10l. and fealty only.
Manor of Bulmer, and 12 messuages, 30 bovates of land, and 40a. pasture in Welburne within that manor, worth 15l., held of John Towcottes, as of the manor of Towcottes, service unknown.
A third part of the manor of Sutton in Holdernes, worth 30l., held of the manor of Hedone in Holderness, which is in the King’s hands by reason of the minority of Edward, son and heir of Henry, late Duke of Buckingham.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (113.)
Writ 15 March, inq. 3 May, 1 Hen. VII.
William Esfeld, clk., gave the under-mentioned manors and advowson to John Hynde and Elizabeth his wife, and their issue, with remainder in default to John Colepepyr, John Preston, Robert de Tey, Clement Spyce, Robert Rykedon, John Bassett, Elias de Bokkyng, and Richard Thorp, clk., and the heirs of Richard for ever. The said Elizabeth died, and afterwards the said John Colepepyr, John Bassett, and Elias died, and the survivors released their right in the premises to the said John Hynde, at whose death the said manors and advowson descended to the said John Wrytell, as his cousin and heir, viz. son of Joan, daughter of John, son of the said John Hynde, who was seised thereof accordingly in his demesne as of fee tail, by virtue of the said gift.
He died 12 Oct. last. John Wrytell, aged one month, is his son and heir.
KENT. Manor of Langeport, worth 8l., held of the Archbishop of Canterbury, as of the manor of Aldyngton, service unknown.
Manor of Old Rumpney, worth 4l., held of the said Archbishop, as of the said manor, service unknown.
Manor of Rungeweld, worth 7l., held of the lord of the manor of Kyngeston by Bereham, service unknown.
Manor and advowson of Charleton by Dovor, worth 6l., held of the same, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (114.)
110 JOHN SCOTTE, knt.
Writ wanting; inq. 28 Sept., 2 Hen. VII.
He died on the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist last, seised in fee jointly with his son William, and others, of the under-mentioned manor. The said William Scotte, esq., aged 26 and more, is his son and heir.
SUSSEX. Manor of ‘La Moote,’ held of Katharine Hastyngys, late the wife of William, Lord de Hastyngys, knt., service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (115.)
Writ 3 June, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Sept., 2 Hen. VII.
He suffered a recovery of the under-mentioned manor and land, Hilary Term, 1 Ric. III, to Henry Colet, knt., by the name of Henry Colet, citizen and alderman of London, vouching to warranty Richard Whytyngham, esq., who vouched to warranty John Verney, knt., and Margaret his wife, who vouched to warranty Denis Guyer, who made default, &c.
He died 22 Aug., 1 Hen. VII. The said Margaret, wife of John Verney, knt., aged 30 and more, is his cousin and heir, viz. daughter and heir of Robert Whytyngham, knt., his brother.
BUCKS. Manor of Weston Turvyle, otherwise called ‘Hyde maner,’ 200a. land, 200a. meadow, 200a. pasture, and 20s. rent, in Weston Turvyle, Halton and Broughton, worth 10l., held of the said John and Margaret Verney, in her right, as of the manor of Salden, by fealty.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (116.)
Writ 15 April, inq. 23 Sept., 1 Hen. VII.
John Sothayke, his father, by deed dated on the feast of the Assumption, 20 Hen. VI, gave the under-mentioned lands to Thomas Lambson, clk., who survives, his heirs and assigns for ever. The said Thomas has taken the issues and profits of the premises from that time to the present, and received the King’s letters patent of pardon for acquiring the said lands, 30 Sept., 8 Edw. IV.
He died 7 April last. Nicholas Sothayke, aged 28 and more, is his next heir.
CUMB. Fourteen messuages, worth 12d. each, 12 carucates of land, worth 13s. 4d. each, 60a. meadow, worth 12d. each, 22a. wood, of no value, but the herbage worth 20s., and 200a. pasture worth 1/2d. each, in Skelton, held of the King in chief by service of 1/12 of a knight’s-fee, and rendering 21d. yearly for cornage to the King’s exchequer of Carlisle.
Two messuages in Kyrk Andres, worth 4s. each, held of the King in chief, by a cornage-rent of 6d.
A messuage in Wigton, worth 3s. 4d., held of the King by 5s. rent, payable to the said exchequer by the hand of the sheriff; it is parcel of the purpresture of the King’s forest of Ingelwodd.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (117.)
113 JOAN, late the wife of THOMAS WALWEN, esq.
Writ 12 Dec., inq. 6 Aug., 1 Hen. VII.
By deed dated at Much Marcle, the Saturday before St. Luke the Evangelist, 16 Hen, VI, Thomas Wallewen of Stoke, Richard Taillour, rector of Stoke Thomas Wyche, vicar of Dormyngton, and John Haukyns, gave the under-mentioned manor of ‘Audeleys,’ and manor and advowson of Sutton Frene, to Richard Wallewen of Much Marcle for life, with remainder to Thomas Wallewen, his son and heir, and the said Joan his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default to the right heirs of Richard.
She died on the eve of St. Clement last, seised of the under-mentioned manor of Dormyngton in fee. Fulk Wallewen, aged 40 and more, is her son and heir by the said Thomas.
HEREF. Manor called ‘Audeleys’ in Much Marcle, worth 12l., held of John Balom, service unknown.
Manor and advowson of Sutton Frene, worth 12 marks, held of William, Earl of Huntyngton, by service of keeping the castle of Huntyngton in time of war.
Manor of Dormyngton, worth 12l., held of the heirs of Hubert son of Peter, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. I. (118.) E. Series II. File 405. (2.)
Writ 1 Dec., inq. 19 Aug., 1 Hen. VII.
Henry Gatton, clk., Rector of the church of Barton, and Henry Tykyll, gent., gave the under-mentioned manor of Adloxton to the said John and Lora his wife (as in No. 2). She has taken the issues and profits of the said manor since his death.
He died 12 Oct., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manor of Haloughton in fee. William Blount, aged 7 and more, is his son and heir.
One John Merston, of Broke by Braunston, co. Rutland, yeoman, his receiver, has taken the issues and profits of the said manor of Haloughton since his death.
LEIC. Manor of Haloughton, worth 13l. 6s. 8d., held of the King in chief, as of the fee of Peverell, by service of 1/3 of a knight’s fee.
Manor and advowson of Adloxton, 7 messuages, 40a. meadow, 160a. pasture, 100a. land, and 40a. wood in Adloxton, Leicester, and Desford, worth 4l., tenure unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (119.) E. Series II. File 1111. (1.)
Writ 3 June, inq. 11 Aug., 1 Hen. VII.
He died on the day of St. Matthew the Apostle last, seised of the under-mentioned manor and lands in fee. John Baldewyn, aged 16 and more, is his brother and heir.
BUCKS. A manor called ‘Otterarsfee,’ a messuage, 45a. land, and 10a. meadow in Aylesbury, worth 50s., held of the King in socage, by service of finding litter for the King’s bed, to wit, in summer, grass or herb and 2 grey geese, and in winter straw, and 3 eels, thrice in a year, if the King should come thrice in a year to Aylesbury.
A messuage called ‘Le Crowne,’ and 43a. land and meadow in Aylesbury, worth 60s. 8d., held of Thomas, Lord Ormond, knt., by service of 10s. 9d. yearly.
A tenement in Aylesbury between the messuage of William Chalfunt, and the messuage formerly John Grove’s, worth 6s. 8d., held of the said Lord Ormond, by service of 3s. yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (120.)
116 JOAN BARRE, widow.
Writ 25 Sept., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
She died seised in fee tail of the under-mentioned manors of Hannam and Upton, and of the under-mentioned messuage and carucate of land in Churcheley and Pokulchurche.
By deed dated 20 Jan., 35 Hen. VI, Hugh Selwyke and Henry Quarell demised the under-mentioned fourth part of the manors of Teynton and Kylcote to John Barre, knt., and the said Joan, then his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the said John in tail, with remainder to Isabel, Countess of Devon, his daughter and Thomas Bourgchier, the elder, knt., her husband, and the heirs of her body, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John Barre, (as in No. 7).
She was seised in her demesne as of frank tenement of the under-mentioned messuages and lands in Mechell Dene, &c., and in Monmouth and Chepstowe, in dower from Robert Greindour, esq., late her husband, the reversion whereof belongs to his heirs.
By their deed dated St. George’s day, 7 Hen. V, Thomas Sergeant and William Grey gave the under-mentioned manors of Clourewall, Noxton, and Nasse, to the said Robert Greindour, and Joan his wife, and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs. He died without male issue, and Alice Beynam, aged 30 and more, now wife of Thomas Baynam, esq., is his cousin and heir, viz. daughter of William Walwyn, son of Joan, sister of the said Robert Greindour.
Her death and heirs as in No. 7.
GLOUC. Manor of Hannam, worth 20 marcs, held of John Blounte, lord of Bitton, service unknown.
Manor of Upton Channe, worth 10l., held of the Earl of Stafford, service unknown.
A messuage and a carucate of land in Churcheley, and Pokulchurche, worth 4 marks, held of the Bishop of Bath, by knight-service.
A fourth part of the manors of Teynton and Kylcote, worth 6 marks, held of Richard Ferrers, esq., service unknown.
Twenty messuages, 30 tofts, 100a. land, 100a. meadow, 100a. wood 100a. pasture, and 20l. rent in Mechell Dene, Abynhale, Litell Dene, Ley, Seynt Briavell, Lidney, Aure, Hurst, and BlidestoAve, worth 40l., held of the Abbot of Flaxley, service unknown.
Manors of Clourewell, Noxton, and Nasse in the forest of Dene, worth 40l., held of the Abbot of Flaxley and the Prior of Monmouth, service unknown.
MARCHES OF WALES. Ten burgages in Monmouth, worth 20s., held of the Prior of Monmouth, service unknown.
Ten burgages in Chepstowe, worth 40s., held of William Herbert, knt., Earl of Huntyngdon, as of Chepstowe castle, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (121.) E. Series II. File 337. (8.)
117 JOHN ROGERS, esq.
Writ 20 April, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 28 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manors and lands to Henry Sharp, clk., John Wolmet, clk., Richard Say, Ingram More, John Cryps, and John Elys, chaplain, to the use of himself and the Lady Anne his wife, who survives, with remainder to his heirs and assigns. The said feoffees received the King’s letters patent of pardon for acquiring the premises, 8 May, 1 Hen. VII.
He died 14 March last. Anne, aged 30 and more, the wife of John Brocas, esq., and Elizabeth Rogers, aged 8 and more, are his daughters and heirs.
DORSET. Manor of Athelyngton, worth 20l., held of the King, by fealty, and a rent of 8 …
Manor of Pymour, worth 6 marks, held of the Bishop of Salisbury, by fealty and a pair of white gloves yearly.
A messuage, 30a. land, and 20a. meadow and pasture in Nethir Worth, of the clear yearly value of 20s., held of the said Bishop in socage, by the rent of a red rose.
One hundred acres of land, meadow, and pasture in Asshe, held of the said Bishop by fealty and . . rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (122.)
Writ imperfect; inq. 24 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 1 Oct., 19 Edw. IV, John Pokeswell, Richard [Tu]rges, John Turnour, clk., John Hill of Shepton Malet, and John Butler, of Wandestree, demised the under-mentioned manors to him for life, with remainder to William his son, and his wife Iseult, and the heirs and assigns of William.
He died 14 Sept., 1 Hen. VII. The said William Martyn, aged 40 and more, is his son and heir.
SOMERS. The manors of Forham and Wandstree, with their appurtenances in Shepton Malet and Wandstree, the former held of the Earl of Huntingdon, as of the manor of Shepton Malet, and the latter of the Abbot of Abbotesbury, services unknown; worth respectively 6 marks and 10 marks.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (123.)
Writ imperfect; inq. 28 Oct. 2 Hen. VII.
He died 14 Sept., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee. His heir, as in No. 118.
DORSET. Manor of Athelhampston, worth 30l., held of the Prior of Christ Church, Twyneham, co. Hants, in socage, by the rent of a rose on Midsummer day, at the Prior’s manor of Pudelton.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (124.)
120 THOMAS HILL, knt.
Writ 10 July, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He enfeoffed Ralph Tylney and Richard Walker, grocers, and others, of the under-mentioned manor, to hold to them and their heirs for ever.
He died 23 Sept. last. William Hill, aged 24 and more, is his son and heir; cf. No. 32.
HUNT. Manor of Wassynglee, with court and view of frankpledge in Great Stivecle, Huntyngdon, and Little Styvecle, worth 10 marks, held of the King, as of the honor of Huntyngdon, by the rent of a red rose, if required.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (125.)
Com. 30 April, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 20 March, 20 Edw. IV, Nicholas Frauncez, his father, gave the under-mentioned manor of Combeflory and moiety of the manor of Bradford to Richard Warre, William Hanwell, and Richard Levermore, now deceased, and Robert Stowell, John Cheyne of Pynne, John More, and John Garnek, who survive.
By deed dated 22 March, 20 Edw. IV, Robert Stowell, Richard Warre, and the others above mentioned, gave the manor of Garberston to Ellen, then wife of the said Nicholas, who survives, for the term of her life.
He died 30 May last. Nicholas Frauncez, aged 7, is his son and heir.
SOMERS. Manor of Combeflory, worth 100s., held of the Bishop of Winchester, as of the manor of Taunton, by knight-service.
A moiety of the manor of Bradford, worth 6 marks, held of the said Bishop, as of the said manor, by knight-service.
Manor of Garberston, worth 5 marks, held of the Bishop of Bath, as of the manor of Welyngton, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (126.)
Writ 13 June, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 10 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated …., 7 Edw. IV, Roger Dreycott-on-le-moors gave the under-mentioned manors to him and Elizabeth his wife, who survives, and his heirs.
He died 27 March, 1 Hen. VII. John Slawghter, aged 16 and more, is his son and heir.
GLOUC. Manor and advowson of Over Slawghter, worth 12 marks, held of the prioress of Syon, by knight-service, suit of court every three weeks, and 6s. rent.
Manor of Colde Aston, and a messuage and 8 virgates of land in Colde Aston, worth 4 marks, held of the Lord Urmonde, by knight-service and 5s. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (127.) E. Series II. File 337. (10.)
Writ de Amotus, 13 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 10 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
The said Richard Forster of Little Sobburry, co. Glouc., esq., died 10 March, 20 Edw. IV, seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee. Richard Forster of Little Sobburry, aged 24 and more, is his son and heir.
GLOUC. A messuage, a virgate of land, and 6a. meadow, with a certain place of land appropriated from the waste, at Sherigge and Hennefelde within the manor of Pokilchurche, which William Westerley, late burgess of the city of Bristol, and Amice his wife, formerly held of John, Bishop of Bath and Wells, by fealty and 40s. rent, yearly value 4 marks.
A messuage and 3 1/2 virgates of land in Pokilchurche, worth 4l., held of the said Bishop, as of the said manor, by fealty and 31s. 4d. rent.
Manor of Sobburry, worth 20 marks, held of Richard, late Duke of York, as of the lordship of Somerforde Keynes, by service of 1/4 of a knight’s-fee.
Manor of Hempton, worth 10l., held of John, Bishop of Worcester, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (128.) E. Series II. File 337. (9.)
124 THOMAS HAMPDEN, of Hampden.
Writ 22 Sept., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 2 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
Richard, sometime Earl of Revers, and Richard Drayton, esq., demised the under-mentioned manors and lands to the said Thomas Hampden, of Hampden, co. Bucks, esq., and Margery his wife, who survives, and the heirs male of their bodies. They had issue John Hampden, esq.
He died 21 Aug., 1 Hen. VII. The said John, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
ESSEX. Manor and advowson of Theydon ‘atte the mounte’ worth 20l.; the manor of Hyll Halle, worth 7l.; 1,200a. land, four score acres of meadow, 100a. pasture, and 100a. wood in Theydon aforesaid, called ‘Bardevyles,’ worth 28s.; a croft of land called ‘Oteryscrofte,’ worth 2s.; and 16a. land, 24a. pasture, and 20a. wood in Theydon Garnon, held of the feoffees of Richard, late Duke of York, as of the honor of Rayley, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (129.)
Writ 21 Nov., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 26 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died on the last day of May last, seised of the under-mentioned services in fee. Nicholas Fraunceys, aged 7, is his son and heir.
DEVON. One William Grede was seised of a messuage and 300a. land in Talaton, which he held of the said John Fraunceys by military service, and a rent of 9s. 5d. payable yearly at Easter and Michaelmas; and the said John Fraunceys held the said messuage and land of Peter, Bishop of Exeter, as of the manor of Crydyton, by military service. The clear yearly value of the premises is 40s.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (130.)
Writ de Amotus 15 Nov., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 7 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died on the feast of St. Peter, 2 Ric. III, seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee. Thomas Derherste, aged 3 and more, is his next heir.
GLOUC. Manor of Rewardyne, with certain lands and tenements in Bigmore, of the clear yearly value of 10 marks, held of Thomas Baynham, service unknown.
A messuage, and a water-mill in Ebley, worth 3l., held of the Earl Daroundell, service unknown.
Manor of Feldecourt in Hardewyke, worth 20 marks, held of the Lord Clynton, service unknown.
A messuage in Gloucester, worth 40s., held of the monastery of St. Peter’s, Gloucester.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (131.) E. Series II. File 337. (4.)
127 JOHN NORES, esq.
Writ 19 Nov., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 31 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 106.
KENT. Manor of Goldstanstone, alias Goldstone, worth 15l., held as to three-fourths of Thomas Bourgchier, late Archbishop of Canterbury, in right of his church, by service of a knight’s fee and a half, and as to the residue of John, Earl of Oxford, as of the manor of Flete, co. Kent, service unknown.
Manor of Polder, worth 20l., held of the Prior of Bilsyngton, co. Kent, service unknown.
Manor of Nelnes, or Nelmes, beside Sandwich, worth 100s., held of the said Archbishop, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (132.)
Writ 15 Dec, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 14 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 10 Sept., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned lands. Thomas Heron, aged 27 and more, is his next heir.
GLOUC. Fifteen messuages, 80a. land, and 20a. meadow in Tedbury, worth 30 marks, held of Thomas Cokesey, knt, by fealty and 6s. 8d. rent.
A messuage, 20a. land, and 20a. meadow in Charleton beside Tedbury, worth 20s., held of the Abbess of Gotistowe, service unknown.
A messuage and 16a. land and meadow in Seynt Leonardes Upton beside Gloucester, worth 20s., held of the Abbot of St. Peter’s, Gloucester, by fealty and suit of court.
A meadow called ‘Luddismore,’ worth 13s. 4d., held of the Prior of Bruton, by fealty and suit of court.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (133.) E. Series II. File 337. (2.)
Writ 22 Nov., inq. 4 Oct., 1 Hen. VII. Delivered to the Court, 21 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
One Thomas Eston demised the under-mentioned manors and lands to him, and Anne his wife, who survives, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies. She received the King’s pardon for acquiring the premises by letters patent, dated 20 April, 1 Hen. VII.
He died 26 Sept., 1 Hen. VII. John Druell, aged 13 and more, is his son, and heir.
HERTS. Three manors in Clothale, called ‘Hawvylles maner,’ and ‘Botlees maner, worth 60s., and ‘Hokys maner,’ worth 40s., with the advowsons of the church of Clothale, and of the hospital of St. Mary Magdalen there, beside Baldok, held, the manors of ‘Hawvylles’ and ‘Botlees’ of the King, as of Dovor castle, co. Kent, by castleguard, viz. by payment of 20s. every 24 weeks, and by service of 1/30 of a knight’s fee; and the manor of ‘Hokys,’ of one John Botlee, service unknown.
Two messuages in Baldok, worth 20s., held of the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (134.)
130 JOHN SUGGEWES, gent.
Writ 13 Dec., inq. 6 Aug., 1 Hen. VII.
The said John Suggewas died on Midsummer eve, 2 Ric. III, seised of the under-mentioned manors, messuages, and lands in fee. His cousins and heirs are (1) Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Meye, esq., (2) Robert Aunesham, son and heir of Katharine, sister of the said Elizabeth, (3) Anne, wife of Roger Acton, sister of the said Elizabeth, and Katharine, the said Elizabeth, Katharine, and Anne, being the daughters and co-heirs of Alice Falke, one of the sisters and co-heirs of the said John Suggewas; and (4) Robert Bevyle son and heir of Margaret, the other sister and co-heir of the said John. They are all of the full age of twenty-one and more, save the said Robert Aunesham, who is under age.
HEREF. Manors of Dudley and Grafton, worth 14 marks, held of the Bishop of Hereford, as of the manor of Berton, co. Heref., by service of 1/2 of a knight’s fee.
A messuage and two virgates of land in Eton Bishop, value unknown, held of the said Bishop, as of the said manor, by suit of court at the palace of Hereford.
A messuage and a half virgate of land in Lower Bolynghope, held of the said Bishop, as of the said manor, by suit of court at the said palace.
A messuage and virgate of land in Clehungre, held of Thomas Bouchier, knt., in right of his wife Isabel, Countess of Devon, daughter and heir of John Barre, knt., as of the manor of Clehungre, by suit of his court of Clehungre, and 3s. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (135.) E. Series II. File 405. (5.)
Writ 10 Dec, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 27 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 22 Aug., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee. John Bewefo, alias Beaufo, aged 2 and more, is his son and heir.
OXFORD. A messuage and 20a. land in Cornewell, worth 5s., held of the King in chief.
A toft and three virgates of land in Cornewell, worth 10s., held of the Earl of Warwick, service unknown.
Manor of Salford, worth 5l., and the advowson of the church of St. Mary, Salford, held of the said Earl, service unknown.
Manor of Kenkeham, worth 5l, held of the said Earl, service unknown.
Manor of Berford St. John the Baptist, and four virgates of land in Yelbery, worth 6l., held of John, Duke of Suffolk, as of the barony of Oyly, by service of 1/2 of a knight’s fee.
A messuage and a virgate of land in Berford, called ‘le Sklatte place,’ worth 6s. 8d., held of William Pebbeworth, service unknown.
A messuage and curtilage of land in Dadynton, worth 4s., held of the Prior of Burencestre, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (136.) E. Series II. File 775. (11.)
132 THOMAS YONGE, gent.
Writ 28 June, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 25 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 20 May last, seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee. William Yonge, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
BERKS. Manor of Southbury in Est Hanney, worth 4 marks, held of the Abbot of Abendon, as of the castleguard of Wyndesore, by service of 20s. yearly for all service.
Four acres of land in West Hanney, worth 3s., held of the Warden of the College of St. Mary of Winchester in Oxford, by 2s. rent, for all service.
Four acres of meadow in Grove, worth 4s., held of the Lord Fitzwaren, service unknown.
A messuage and two virgates of land in Garford, worth 6s. 8d., held of the said Abbot, by 2s. rent, for all service.
A messuage and five virgates of land in Radley, worth 20s., held of the said Abbot, by 17s. 5d. rent, for all service.
A messuage and two virgates of land in Kenyngton, worth 6s. 8d., held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
Two cottages and two curtilages thereto adjoining in Abendon, worth 6s., held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (137.)
Writ 12 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 27 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 13 May, 2 Ric. III. John Forster, the younger, aged 15 and more, is his son and heir.
MIDDX. At the time of his death Richard Chaunry and William Horn, citizens and aldermen of London, held, for the term of their lives, with reversion to the said Robert, a messuage, a garden, and 5a. land in Totenham of Richard Rysley, knt., and Thomasine his wife, in her right, as of the manor of Totenham, service unknown.
He was seised in fee, jointly with John Elryngton of Hakeney, gent., Walter Wheler, gent., and John Forster, clk., of a cottage and garden in the street at Totenham, held of the said Richard and Thomasine Rysley, service unknown; John Elryngton, and the others, survive, and are seised of the premises in fee to the use of the said Robert and his heirs. The said messuage, cottage, &c., are of the clear yearly value of 20s.
He died seised in fee of 9 messuages and 5 gardens in the town of Westminster, without the close of the King’s palace of Westminster, which Richard Umfrey held and holds for a term of years, held of the Abbot of the monastery of St. Peter’s, Westminster, service unknown.
He was seised jointly with Walter Wheler, Thomas Elryngton, gent., John Forster, clk., and William Gisburn, clk., who survive, to the use of him and his heirs, of a messuage, 30a. land, and 10a. wood, in the parish of Hendon, held of the said Abbot, service unknown.
He was seised in fee jointly with John Elryngton, Walter Wheler, and John Forster, clk, who survive, to the use of him and his heirs, of a messuage and garden and 3 crofts of land and meadow, containing 16a., in the said parish of Hendon, held of the said Abbot, service unknown. The said messuages, &c., in Westminster and Hendon are of the clear yearly value of 100s.
He was similarly seised, with the said John, Walter, and John, of 31a. land in Tolyngton and Holewey, worth 5 marks, held of the Prioress of Clerkenwell, service unknown,
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (138.)
134 JOHN SCOTTE, knt.
Writ wanting; inq. 4 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manor to Edward Ponyngez, knight, then esquire, William Scotte, John Digges, John Isaak, and Ralph Cook, esqs., John Aldy, Nicholas Burton, Thomas Blakham, Nicholas Tondovere, John Warner, Richard Seynt Nicholas, Thomas Lawraunce, and John at Stok, their heirs and assigns for ever.
Death and heir as in No. 110.
ESSEX. Manor of ‘Seynte Cleres,’ otherwise called ‘Est Tylberys,’ with its appurtenances in the parishes of Est Tylbery, Coryngham, and Stanford-in-le-Hope, worth 20 marks, held of the Prior of Botle, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (139.)
Writ 12 Aug., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 21 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 23 March, 1 Hen. VII. Philip Botiller, aged 14 and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. He held no lands.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (140.)
Writ wanting; inq. Thursday, 10 Aug., 1 Hen. VII, before John Beaufitz, escheator. Cf. No. 27.
He was seised, together with one William Rose, of 10 messuages, 60a. land, &c., in Warrwyke, Coton, and Myton, as under-mentioned, and they enfeoffed William Harewell, John Norwood, John Beverley, clk., Walter Graunte, Thomas Hawe, and Thomas Whalley thereof, to the use of his will; he was also seised of 2 other messuages, 40a. land, &c., in the same places, which he gave to the same feoffees to the like use.
He died on the feast of St. Nicholas the Bishop in winter last, seised in his demesne as of frank tenement, as tenant by the curtesy after the death of Margaret his wife, daughter and heiress of Nicholas Metley of Merston, of the under-mentioned manors of Merston and Wolston; and seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Edmondscote, and the other under-mentioned messuages and lands. Alice and Ann his daughters, aged 18 and 16, and John Beaufo, aged 2 and more, son and heir of Joan his eldest daughter, are next heirs to the said John and Margaret.
WARW. Manor of Merston, worth 10 marks, held of the King in chief, by service of 1/2 of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Wolfricheston, alias Wolston, worth 6 marks, held of the Earl of Arundell, by knight-service, quantity unknown.
Manor of Edmondscote, worth …, held of the honor of Winchester by 1/6 of a knight’s-fee. It has lain unoccupied and no rents have been received from it since his decease, the right and title to it being in dispute.
One hundred acres of arable, 40a. pasture, and 24a. meadow in Newbold Comyn, worth 6 marks, held of the said honor, by service of 1/6 of a knight’s fee.
Ten messuages, 3 cottages, 9 gardens, 2 enclosures, 3 crofts, 100a. arable, and 26a. meadow in ……, Hardwyke, and Myton, worth 6 marks, held of the Earl of Warwick, service unknown.
Five messuages, 200a. arable, 20a. meadow, and 40a. …….. in Bretford, worth 6 marks, held of the said Earl, service unknown.
A messuage, a cottage, a garden, 20a. ….. and 10a. pasture in Long Ichyngton, worth 20s., held of Gerard Dodynsels, by knight-service, quantity unknown.
…… a. arable, 6a. meadow, and 8a. pasture in Cobyngton, worth 20s., held of the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, by knight-service, quantity unknown.
Ten acres of wood in Baddesley Clynton, worth 20d., held of Nicholas Brome, esq., by knight-service, quantity unknown.
Six acres of land in Honyley, worth 6s., held of Simon Mountford, knt., service unknown.
Four acres of meadow in Bynley, worth 6s., held of the Abbot of …., by knight-service, quantity unknown.
Four acres of meadow in Branndon, worth 6s., held of Henry Wylloughby, esq., service unknown.
Ten messuages, 60a. land, 20a. pasture, and 10a. meadow in Warrwyke, Coton, and Myton; worth 60s.; also 2 other messuages, 40a. land, 20a. pasture, and 20a. meadow in the same places, worth 40s., which belonged to John Boffeton, and John Illesley; held of the said Earl, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (141a)
137 MARGERY, late the wife of EDMUND HUNGERFORD, knt.
Writ 28 June, 1 Hen. VII; inq. 30 Oct., 2 Hen VII.
William Lovell, knt., Lord Lovell, Burnell, and Holand gave the under-mentioned manor to the said Edmund and Margery, and the heirs of their bodies, to hold of him and his heirs by fealty only.
She survived the said Edmund, and died 27 March last. Thomas Hungerford, aged 30 and more, is their son and heir.
OXFORD. Manor of Rowlond Ryght, worth 5 marks.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (141b.) E. Series II. File 775. (17.)
138 JOHN SCOTTE, knt.
Writ 16 Nov., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 19 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manors and advowson to John Fogge, knt., John Digges, esq., John Isaak, esq., and Vincent Fynche, their heirs and assigns for ever.
Death and heir as in No. 110.
KENT. Manor and advowson of Orlanston, worth 40 marks, held of the King, as of the honor of Boulogne, by service of 2 knight’s fees.
Manor of Capell, worth 15l., held of Thomas Bourghchier, late Archbishop of Canterbury, in right of his church, as of the manor of Lymmynge, now in the King’s hands, during voidance of the see, service unknown.
Manors of Halle and Mede, worth 40l., held of the said Archbishop, as of the manor of Aldyngton, now in the King’s hands, during voidance of the see, service unknown.
Manor of Hayton, worth 20l., held of the Prior of Monks Horton, as of the manor of Horton, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (142.)
139 JOHN HALS, esq.
Writ 12 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 30 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
Richard Hals, the elder, John Wenyngton, clk., and Richard Quyntrell gave the under-mentioned manors to the said John, and Elizabeth his wife, who survives, and their heirs and assigns for ever.
He died 22 Aug., 1 Hen. VII. The jurors know not who is his next heir.
OXFORD. Manors of Serseden, and Norton Bruyn, worth 10l., held of the Earl of Warwick, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (143.)
140 JOHN TWYNYHO, esq.
Writ 2 March, I Hen, VII; inq. 30 Oct., 2 Hen VII.
William Twynyho, John Tame, and Edmund Langeley, esqs., William Adams, and John Buckelond, were seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands, to the use of the said John his heirs and assigns.
He died 30 Sept., 1 Hen. VII. Dorothy Morton, aged 18 and more, is his daughter and heir.
OXFORD. Manor of Godefelowes Court, and 2 messuages, 300a. land, and 24a. meadow in Nether Fylkyng, worth 4 marks, held of William Byrll, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (144.) E. Series II. File 775. (14.)
Writ 25 Oct., 1 Hen. VII; inq. Saturday before All Hallows, 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 95.
BERKS. Twelve messuages, and 60a. arable in Beche Hill, in the parishes of Stratfeld Say, Shenyngfeld, and Stratfeld Mortemer, worth 40s., held of the Earl of March, as of the manor of Stratfeld Mortemer, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (145.) E. Series II. File 775. (1.)
Writ 18 Oct., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 30 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 20 Oct., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee. Tristram Storke, aged 20 1/2 years at his death, is his brother and heir.
OXFORD. Manor of Burton Ynge, worth 5 marks, held of George Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, as of the manor of Bampton, by free service of 40d., payable to the said Earl yearly, other services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (146.) E. Series II. File 775. (15.)
Writ 18 Oct., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 7 June, 20 Edw. IV., William Hatclyfe, John Forster, and Simon Rale, alias Rawlyn, enfeoffed Peter Baunfelde, John Bykonyll, and John Hymerford, esqrs., and John Awater, of the under-mentioned messuage and tenements in Blanforde, which had previously belonged to John Storke, grandfather of the said John named in the writ; and by his writing dated 8 Nov., 1 Ric. III, the said John Storke the grandson, as heir to his said grandfather, released his right in the premises to the said feoffees; who, by their deed dated II May 1 Hen, VII, demised them to Margaret, wife of the said John the grandson, who survives, and the heirs of the bodies of the said John and Margaret, with remainder to the right heirs of John.
By his writing dated 20 Oct., 2 Ric. III, he charged the under mentioned lands and tenements in Bradforde and Undirdowne with an annuity of 40s. in favour of John, son and heir apparent of Peter Baunfelde, esq.
He died 9 Oct., 1 Hen. VII, seised in fee of the said lands and tenements in Bradforde and Vndirdowne, and the under-mentioned tenement in Warham and land in Lye. His heir as in No. 142.
DORSET. A messuage and 6 tenements in Blanforde Forum, worth 40s., held of John Rogers, as of the manor of Brianston, service unknown.
Six tenements in Bradforde Abbat, worth 15s., 30a. arable in Undirdowne, worth 36s. 8d., and 120a. arable, and 80a. pasture in Lye, worth 4l., held of the Abbot of Sherborne by knight-service.
A tenement in Warham, worth 5s., held of the Prior of Shene, in socage, by 1d. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (147.)
Writ 8 Nov., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 24 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 12 Oct., 1 Hen. VII. Roger Cheverell, aged 16 and more, is his son and heir.
SOMERS. He held no lands.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (148.)
Writ 8 Nov., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 26 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 12 May, 7 Edward IV, Walter Cheverell gave the under-mentioned manor of Lofford to the said John, and Margery his wife, who survives, and the heirs of their bodies.
By deed dated 20 Jan., 14 Edw. IV, John Parker, clk., William Parker, and Henry Clerke gave the under-mentioned lands in Mayden Neuton to the said John and Margery, and the heirs and assigns of John.
John Russell, esq., and John Smyth of Catstoke gave the under-mentioned lands in Evershot to the said John and Margery, and his heirs and assigns.
By deed dated 20 Dec., 22 Edw. IV, he enfeoffed William Filoll, John Trenchard, John Wyke the younger, Christopher Martyn, James Russell, and Thomas Moleyns, of the manor of Sterthill, and of the other under-mentioned lands to the use of his will.
Death and heir as in No. 144.
DORSET. Manor of Loveford, alias Lofford, worth 10l., held of William Martyn, esq., by the rent of a pair of white gloves yearly, for all service.
A messuage, 40a. land, 10a. meadow, 20a. pasture, and 4a. wood in Mayden Neuton, worth 5 marks, held of John Russell, esq., service unknown.
A messuage, 30a. land, 12a. meadow, and 40a. pasture in Evershot, worth 4 marks, held of the Lord Fitzhugh, as of the manor of Frome St. Quintin, service unknown.
Manor of Up Sterthill, and 120a. land and pasture in Nether Sterthill, worth 10l., held of Robert More, esq., service unknown.
Four messuages, 100a. land, and 20a. meadow in Blanford Forum and Stokehyde, worth 6l., held of John Trenchard, esq., service unknown.
One hundred acres of land in Well in the parish of Bemyster, worth 5 marks, held of William Hody, as of the manor of Pillesdon, by 4s. rent.
A messuage and 80a. land meadow and pasture in Watercombe, worth 20s., held of the Abbot of Byndon, service unknown.
Eighty acres of land in Warmewell, worth . . s., held of Roger Neuburgh, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (149.)
146 JOAN, late the wife of MARTIN JACOB.
Writ 3 Feb., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 4 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
The said Martin and Joan were seised in fee in her right of the under-mentioned manors, and they enfeoffed Robert Warre, esq., Philip Pyme, Robert Noris, clk., and John Cokkes thereof, who together with the said Martin and Joan, by indenture dated 11 Jan., 1 Edw. IV, demised the manor of Brompton Rafe to Master Thomas Overey and Roger Pym to hold for the lives of the said Martin and Joan, with remainder after their decease to William Jacob their son, and Elizabeth his wife, who survives, and the heirs of the bodies of the said William and Elizabeth, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Joan. And afterwards the said Martin died, and after his death the said Master Thomas Overey and Roger Pym, together with the said Joan by virtue of her widow’s estate, by indenture bipartite, dated 30 July, 15 Edw. IV, confirmed the estate of the said William and Elizabeth in the said manor.
She died 10 Sept., 1 Hen. VII. John Jacob, aged 8 and more, is her cousin and heir, viz. son of the said William Jacob, by the said Elizabeth his wife.
SOMERS. Manor of Brompton Rafe, worth 100s., held of the heirs of Philip Beamonde in socage, by suit of court of the manor of ….
Manor of Tholond, worth 10l., held of the heirs of James Roggers in socage, by suit of court of the manor of Healle.
Manor of Hulkeshey, worth 6l., held of Nicholas Bluet, as of the manor of North Pedirton in socage, by 20d. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (150.)
Writ 18 Oct., 1 Hen. VII; inq. 20 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 3 Nov., 1 Ric. III, he gave the under-mentioned manor of Trent to Peter Bampfelde, William Brokewey, and Thomas Dayfote, who by deed dated … Feb., 1 Ric. III, gave it to him and Margaret his wife and their issue, with remainder to his right heirs; and being so seised the said John and Margaret gave a messuage and lands in … then in the occupation of one William Stegge, to one John Bykonyll, esq., and his assigns for the term of his life, by indenture dated on the feast of the Assumption, 2 Ric. III.
By deed dated 11 May, 1 Hen. VII, Peter Baunfelde and others demised the under-mentioned lands in Charlton, Horsyngton, Chiriton, Wylcaulton, and Montague to the said John and Margaret (as in No. 143).
He gave the under-mentioned tenement in Chiltrun Domer to Tristram Storke ……
He died . . . ., 1 Hen. VII. Tristram Storke, aged 20 1/2, is his brother and heir.
SOMERS. Manor of Trent, held of ….., as of the ….. of Trowbrigge, in socage, by 12d. rent.
A curtilage, 120a. arable, 140a. pasture, and 40a. meadow in Charlton Caunvyle, worth 10l., held of the heirs of the Earl of Salisbury in socage, by a rent of ….
A curtilage, 100a. arable, 40a. pasture, and 60a. meadow in Horsyngton, worth 6l., held of …… Gorges in socage, by 1d. rent.
A tenement and 8a. arable in North Chiriton, worth 2s. 4d., held of Henry Roggers, as of the manor of North Chiriton, by a rent of …
Two acres of meadow in Wylcaulton, worth 5s., held of the Prior of Sto ……., service unknown.
A tenement, 20a. arable, and 5a. pasture in Montague, worth 20s., held of Thomas Ch ……. in socage.
A tenement in Chiltrun Domer, worth 14s., held of ……, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (151.)
148 JOHN STOURTON, of Stourton, knt.
Writ and inq. 14 June, 1 Hen. VII.
He died 8 Oct. last. Edward Stourton, aged 2 and more, is his son and heir.
ESSEX. He held no lands.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (152.)
Writ wanting; inq. 1 May, ….., delivered into Court, 27 May, 1 Hen. VII.
John Hampden, his father, gave the under-mentioned manor of Kymbell to Edmund Brud[enell], …….., John Croxford, clk., and John Hester, to hold to them and their assigns for the term of his life, with remainder thereafter to the said Thomas, his son and heir, and Sibyl, daughter of R[ichard] Bedford, late of Chynnore, then his wife, who survives, and the heirs of the body of the said Thomas.
He gave the under-mentioned manor of Mauntell to Thomas Gate, Thomas Copcote, and William Brusewode, clk., to the use of his will.
He died 22 Aug. last. Richard Hampden, aged 24 and more, is his son and heir by the said Sibyl.
BUCKS. Manor of Great Kymbell, worth 20 marks, held of John, Earl of Oxford, as of the manor of Bulbek, co. Bucks, by knight-service.
Manor of Mauntell in the parish of Little Missenden, worth 6 marks, held of the King in chief, by service of 1/7 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (154.)
Writ 26 Nov., inq. 24 May, 1 Hen. VII.
William Seynt George, knt., his father, gave him and Anne his wife the under-mentioned manors and moieties of manors in Kyngston, Shepreth, and Foxston, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies.
George Grey, knt., Lord de Ruthin, Thomas Grey, knt., Robert Chamberleyn, knt., John Hudelston, knt., John Sapcot, esq., John Rotherham, esq., William Sapcot, esq., and Thomas Burgoyn, gent., enfeoffed Thomas, Archbishop of York, John Sturgeon, and John Cokeyn, esqs., of the under-mentioned manors of Papworth and Gamelyngey, except a messuage and a curtilage called ‘Struttes,’ parcel of the said manor of Gamelyngey, to hold to them and their heirs and assigns, to the use of Margaret Seint George, who survives, late the wife of William Seynt George, knt., for the term of her life, with remainder to the use of the said Richard.
He died 9 Oct. last, seised of the under-mentioned manors of Hatle and Tadlowe in fee. Thomas Seint George, aged 14 and more, is his son and heir.
CAMB. Manor of Hungre Hatle, worth 20l., held of Walter Lokton, and Ellen his wife, in her right, as of the manor of Berg …., by service of 1/3 of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Tadlowe, worth 18l., held of Cicely, Duchess of York, as of the honor of Clare, service unknown.
Manor of Bauncys in Kyngston, and moieties of the manors of Dengeyns in Shepreth, and of Foxston, held of the Prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown.
Manor of Papworth Everard, worth 8l., held of William, Earl of Derby, Lord Stanley, and Margaret his wife, in her right, as of the honor of Richmond, by service of one knight’s fee.
Manor of Gamelyngey, called ‘Avenell maner,’ worth 20l., held of the King, as of the honor of Boulogne, service unknown.
A messuage and curtilage called ‘Struttes,’ parcel of the said manor of Gamelyngey, worth 3s. 4d.
C. Series II. Vol. 1. (155.)