House of Commons Journal Volume 7: 31 October 1651

Pages 33-34

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 7, 1651-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Friday, the 31st of October 1651.


Letters, &c. read.

A LETTER from Dundee, of the 23d Day of October 1651, from Wm. Clerk; with a Copy of the Earl of Arguile's Letter to Lieutenant-Colonel Monck of the 15th of October 1651; and a Paper, intituled, "Some general Heads of the Causes why the Lord contendeth with the Land; agreed to, after seeking the Lord, by the Commissioners of the General Assembly, 1650, &c." Which were all this Day read.

Delinquents Estates.

The House, according to former Order, resumed the Debate upon the Report from Goldsmith's-Hall, touching Money; being reported to the House on the 20th of August last; being directed to the Committee of the Army, and, intituled, "The humble Proposals of the Commissioners for Compositions, in order to the Opening and Quickening of the Receipts at Goldsmith's-Hall, to be humbly presented to the House:" Which were now read; and afterwards read in Parts.

The first Proposition being read;

Resolved, by the Parliament, That it be referred back to the Commissioners for Compounding, to certify the Names of such Delinquents as are intended within this Proposition: and which of them are in England, or beyond Sea; and the Names of such as have made Addresses to them, and desired to compound: And that they be returned with all convenient Speed.

Ordered, That the four next Propositions be referred back again to the Committee of the Army, upon the former Order of Reference to them; and that it be brought in again on this Day Sevennight.

Ordered, That the next Proposition be referred back again to the Committee of the Army, upon the former Order of Reference to them; and that it be brought in again on this Day Sevennight.

Col. Downes reports, from the Commissioners for Compounding, as followeth:

WE humbly crave Directions what to do in such Cases where Parties who, through Sickness, or some other Stop by the Hand of God, or by Fraud of others, and not by any wilful Neglect of their own, have not paid in their Fines by the Times limited; as in the Cases of Anthony Hastings, of Humberston, in the County of Leicester, Gent. Thomas Starkey, of Stretton, in the County of Chester, hereunto annexed; with divers others depending before us.

Sam. Moyer, Edw. Winslow, Ar. Squibb, Ric. Moore, John Berners.

Gell's Petition.

The humble Petition of Sir John Gell Bart. was this Day read.

Resolved, That Sir John Gell have Three Months further Liberty from his Imprisonment, upon the like Security as was formerly ordered.

The humble Petition of Lieutenant-Colonel Waldine Willington.

Army Arrears.

Resolved, That the Accompts of Lieutenant-Colonel Waldine Willington, for his Arrears, be referred to the Committee for Accompts at Worcester House, to examine and state the said Accompts according to the former Rules.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee of Accompts at Worcester House, to consider and take the Accompts of Colonel Lydcott, for his Arrears; and to examine the same, and state them according to the former Rule.

Resolved, That it be referred to the Committee of the Army, to consider of the Services of Colonel Lydcott, before he came into the established Pay; and to take into Consideration what is fit to be allowed him in respect thereof; and how Satisfaction may be given to him for the same: And to report it, with their Opinion, to the House.

Resolved, That the Accompts of Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Phips, for his Arrears, be referred to the Committee for Accompts at Worcester House, to examine and state the said Accompts according to the former Rules.

Resolved, That the Accompts of Captain Humfrey Brewster, for his Arrears and Disbursements, be referred to the Committee for Accompts at Worcester House, to examine and state the said Accompts according to the former Rules.

The House, according to former Order, adjourned itself to Tuesday Morning next, Eight of Clock.