House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 24 August 1644

Pages 605-606

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Sabbati, Augusti 24, 1644.



MR. Serjeant Wilde reports from the Committee the Ordinance concerning Worcestershire; which was only the leaving out of Two Clauses.

The Amendments were put to the Question, and assented unto; and the Ordinance ordered to be ingrossed; and read the Third time, being ingrossed.

Leister Committee.

Ordered, The Committee for Leister do sit on Monday next, Two Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Military Affairs.

A Letter from Ilchester, of August 21, from Lieutenant General Middleton, relating the Service he has done, by breaking the Levies of the King near Bristol, and dispersing their Forces; and likewise setting forth the great Wants in the King's Army, &c. was this Day read.

Pressing Soldiers.

Ordered, That Mr. Rigby do bring in an Ordinance for enabling the Committees in the several and respective Counties, to press so many Men in their several Counties, as shall be appointed by both Houses, for Recruit of Sir Wm. Waller's Regiments; observing the Limitations in the Ordinance for Pressing.

Gloucestershire Forces.

Resolved, &c. That Four thousand Pounds shall be forthwith provided for Colonel Massy, for the Service of the Forces in Gloucestershire.

Resolved, &c. That whatsoever Fine shall be set upon Mr. Dutton, or the Lord Campden, or what Monies shall be otherwise raised out of their Estates by way of Composition or Sale; the first Four thousand Pounds thereof shall be employed for the Service of the Forces in Gloucestershire under Colonel Massy: And that the Consideration of this Business be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.

Lady Campden's Legacy.

An Ordinance for the disposing of a Legacy of the Lady Campden, was this Day read the First and Second time; . . . . Mr. Rigby, * White, * Widdrington, * Reynolds, * Baynton, * Clottworthy, * Grimston, * Wilde, * Buller, * Maynard, * Gourdon, * Hallowes, * Allanson, and to the Committee of the West, or any Four of them: And are to meet this Afternoon, in the Inner Star Chamber: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records: And

It is Ordered, That Captain Fare shall have Fifty Pounds out of the Monies that shall come in upon this Ordinance.

Irish Affairs.

Mr. Crew presented, from the Committee of both Kingdoms, a late Declaration and Oath of Confederacy, entered into by the Irish; a late Declaration by the Irish; a Relation of the late Expedition made by General Major Munro, with the Army of the united British Protestants within the Province of Ulster, in the Kingdom of Ireland, begun Junii 27, and ended Julii 15, 1644, and ordered to be read on Monday next.

Trading to Enemies Ports.

Mr. Green reported from the Committee, the Amendments to the declaratory Ordinance of the Ordinance concerning the Surprizal of foreign Ships trading to the Enemies Ports: The which were twice read; and assented unto; and the Ordinance passed; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords, for their Concurrence, by Sir H. Mildmay.


Mr. Green reports the Amendments to the Ordinance for the Victualler, formerly sent down from the Lords: The which Amendments were twice read, and assented unto: And

Ordered, That a Conference be desired with the Lords hereupon.

Mr. Green to manage the Conference.

Ordinances to be read Thrice.

Ordered, That whatsoever Ordinance shall be committed by this House, shall, after the Return from the Commitment, be read the Third time, before it pass from hence, to be sent to the Lords.

Mr. Speaker to put the House in mind of this Order.

Ship St. Jaques.

Mr. Green reported the State of the Duynkirke Ship St. Jaques, stranded at Shoreham; and likewise a Representation of Don Alonzo de Cardenas, Ambassador to the King of Spaine.

Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to consider what Salvage is fit to be allowed to Sir Wm. Waller's Soldiers, for Salvage and Conservation of the Ship St. Jaques, and Goods stranded at Shoreham.

Resolved, &c. That the Ship St. Jaques, of Duynkirke, and Goods, stranded at Shoreham, shall be freed from any Arrest or Restraint laid on them, or either of them, by the Houses of Parliament: And it is likewise referred to that Committee, to consider of the State of the Business concerning the Arrest laid upon the Ship Jaques of Duynkirke, by Mr. Thomson and Company.

Ship Margaret.

It is further Ordered, That the Representation of the King of Spaine's Ambassador, concerning the Ship Margaret of St. Malloe, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of the Navy; who are to report the State of it to the House.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Dr. Heath;

That the Lords have appointed Monday come Sevennight for the further Hearing of the Bishop of Canterbury; and that they have assessed the Lord Stanhope of Harrington, at the Sum of One thousand Pounds, for his Fifth, and Twentieth Part; and desire that the same may be assigned to the Earl of Stamford, upon Account, towards Satisfaction of his Arrears, his Lordship having suffered much in his Estate.

Lord Stanhope's Assessment.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth concur with the Lords in assigning the One thousand Pounds assessed upon the Lord Stanhope of Harrington for his Fifth, and Twentieth Part, to the Earl of Stamford, upon Account, towards Satisfaction of his Arrears, his Lordship having suffered very much in his Estate.

Answer to Lords.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do take Notice of the further Hearing of the Bishop of Canterbury to be on Monday come-Sevennight next; and do agree to the Assigning of my Lord Stanhope's Fifth, and Twentieth Part, to the Earl of Stamford, upon Account, towards Satisfaction of his Arrears.

Lord Lieutenant of Rutland.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth nominate and approve of the Earl of Kent to be Lord Lieutenant of the Country of Rutland.The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Message to Lords.

Sir Robert Pye carried up to the Lords the Ordinance concerning the Fishery; and the Name of Sir Isaac Sedley, of St. Clere, to be one of the Deputy Lieutenants and Committees of the County of Kent; the Vote for the Earl of Kent to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Rutland; and the Order of Indemnity to divers Gentlemen of the County of Yorke.

Baynton's Goods, &c.

Ordered, That Sir Edw. Baynton shall have restored unto him all such Goods as were seized of his in the Isle of Wight; and that all Restraint, formerly laid upon them, be taken off.

Receipts and Issues.

Ordered, That Mr. Vassall, Sir Walter Erle, Mr. Grimston, Sir Wm. Lewes, Sir Edw. Hungerford, Mr. Ashherst, Sir Hen. Heyman, Sir Jo. Trevor, Sir Hen. Mildmay, Sir Tho. Soame, Sir Wm. Litton, Mr. Blakiston, be added to the Committee, appointed on Wednesday last, to consider of the Receipts and Issues, &c. of the Monies that come in to the State: And that that Committee shall have Power to make Sub Committees.

Money for Stores.

An Ordinance for raising Monies for making Provisions for the Stores, was this Day read the First and Second time; and referred to Mr. Prideaux, and Sir Walth. Erle, and Mr. Scawen, presently to withdraw, and to consider of it.

Ordnance Accounts.

Upon Mr. Scawen's Report from the Committee appointed to consider of the Office of the Ordnance;

It is Resolved, &c. That the Committee for the Accounts of the Kingdom, shall forthwith take the Accounts of the Officers of the Ordnance, upon Oath, for all such Sums of Money as have been imprest to them, or have otherwise come to their Hands, of the States; and also of all Arms and Ammunition by them delivered out of the Stores.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Ro. Pye brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Ordinance concerning the Fishery; to Sir Isaac Sedley of St. Clere, to be Deputy Lieutenant and Committee of the County of Kent; to the Earl of Kent, to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Rutland; and to the Order of Indemnity to divers Gentlemen of the County of Yorke.

Earl of Westmorland's Composition.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree with the Committee in taking a Thousand Pounds of the Earl of Westmorland, by way of Composition, he having already paid Two thousand Pounds.

Yorke, &c. Committees.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Matthew Bointon, Sir Rich. Darley, Col. Jo. Lambert, Mr. Edward Haltenbie, Mr. Robert Johnson Clerk, Sir * Mauleverer, Sir Wm. St. Quintin, Mr. Jo. Allured, Mr. St. Nicholas, Mr. Jo. Wasthall, Mr. Jo. Anlaby, shall be indemnified, and saved harmless, for what they have done as Committees for the Service of the Parliament in the County of Yorke, and in the Town and County of the Town of Hull.

Ordnance Stores.

Ordered, That a perfect and true Remain shall be forthwith taken, of the whole Quantities of Armour, Ordnance, Powder, Shot, Saltpetre, and of all other Munition whatsoever, and of other Provisions and Things concerning the same, appertaining to the State, and now are, or ought to be, under the Charge of the Officers of the Ordnance or Armoury; as well remaining within the Tower of London, as in any other of his Majesty's Castles, Forts, Stores, Store-houses, Wharfs, or in any of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels; or in any of the Armies of the King and Parliament; or in any Cities, Towns or Places fortified; or in any other Place whatsoever.

And it is further Ordered, That the Committee for the Office of the Ordnance shall take care to see this Service speedily and effectually performed: And are to give Orders and Directions for the doing thereof, as they shall think fit: And have Power to appoint and authorize such Persons as they shall make Choice of to take the said Remain, or any Parcel thereof; and to do any Act or Thing, tending to the better and more speedy Execution of the Service; and to allow such Persons such Sums of Money, as to them shall seem fitting, for their Travel, Charge, and Expence, in the Service, to be paid out of the Office of the Ordnance.

Delinquents Estates.

Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall, to prepare an Ordinance for selling of so much of the Estates of the Delinquents this Day presented from that Committee, as may stand with the Rules, Limitations, and Instructions, formerly given.

Business deferred.

Ordered, That on Monday Morning, the City Propositions, and the Ordinance concerning Hospitals, to be read.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Sir Roger North shall have the Leave of this House to go into the Country.

Publick Stores.

Mr. Prideaux reported the Amendments to the Ordinance for preparing Monies to make Provisions for the publick Stores: Which were read: And,

Ordered, upon the Question, That the monthly Allowance of those Provisions should be Two thousand Pounds; and the Time of Continuance Six Months. Assented unto; and ordered to be sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.

Stationers Company.

Ordered, That the Petition from the Company of Stationers, be read on Monday Morning next.

Ordnance Stores.

The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, taking into Consideration, That a timely Provision ought to be made for Arms and Ammunition, do Ordain, That the Commissioners of Excise, out of the Receipts of the Excise, do monthly pay (accounting Twenty-eight Days to the Month) unto Sir Walter Erle Knight, Lieutenant of the Ordnance, the Sum of Two thousand Pounds, for the Intents and Purposes before-mentioned: The said Payments of Two thousand Pounds by Month, to begin from the Ninth of July last past; and so from thenceforth to be constantly paid unto the said Sir Walter Erle, or his Assigns, for and during the Space of Six Months: Whose Receipts shall be a sufficient Discharge unto the Commissioners of Excise for the same, and every Part thereof.