House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 23 August 1644

Pages 603-605

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Veneris, 23 Augusti, 1644.


Braybrooke Parsonage.

WHEREAS the Parsonage of Braybrooke, in the County of Northampton, is become void by the Decease of the late Incumbent Nicholas Bent; and that the Patron, Sir Edw. Griffin, in Arms against the Parliament, is Patron of the said Living; and that Jonas Uty, Master of Arts, an orthodox Divine, is in the same Living by way of Sequestration: And whereas the House is of Opinion, that where Livings become void, of which Delinquents are Patrous, that, in such Cases, the Gift of such Livings is in the Houses of Parliament: It is Ordered, That Sir Arth. Heselrig and Mr. Niclas do bring in an Ordinance for the Settling of the said Mr. Uty in the said Living.

Delinquents Courts.

Ordered, That Mr. Grimston and Mr. Niclas do bring in an Ordinance for the keeping of Delinquents Courts.

Allott's, &c. Goods.

The humble Petition of Captain Wm. Allott and Thomas Kynnaston, Citizens of London, was read.

Ordered, That the Goods of the Petitioners, being Persons well affected to the Parliament, be no longer detained from them, but be delivered forthwith to the Petitioners: And that it be recommended to Colonel Mitton, or such as command in Chief at Oswestree, to take some Course for raising the Monies for which the said Goods are detained, upon the Town of Oswestree; for that the House is of Opinion, that these Goods ought not to be included in the Composition for the Town's Delinquency.

Exchange of Prisoners.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Jo. Temple, Sir Wm. Parsons, Sir Robert Meredith, and Sir Adam Loftus, now Prisoners in Ireland, shall be exchanged for such Persons as the House shall approve of.

Giles, Cripplegate Parish.

The humble Petition of the Inhabitants of Giles, Cripplegate, London and Middlesex, whose Names are subscribed, concerning the dividing of that Parish, was this Day read: And

It is Ordered, That the Petitioners shall have Liberty to bring in an Ordinance for dividing the said Parish, and erecting of a new Church.

Military Affairs.

Resolved, &c. That Colonel Middleton shall be forthwith commanded to use his utmost Endeavour for the streightening the King's Quarters; for diverting his Forces; for assisting of my Lord General, and keeping good Intelligence with him.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired herein.

Mr. Poole is appointed to carry up this Vote; and to acquaint the Lords, that Care will be taken for the sending of this Order presently away, and for bringing of an Account. He likewise carried up the Ordinance for enabling Sir Wm. Waller to command the Forces under him, in Chief, as Major General.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Dr. Heath;

The Lords have received a Petition from the County of Warwick, that there are Reasons at the End of the Petition, that may induce them to grant. They desire this House to concur in referring this Petition to the Committee appointed for Staffordshire Petition.

They desire the Concurrence of this House in granting a Pass to one Edm. Church to go into Holland.

Warwick Petition.

The Petition was read; and, upon the Question, ordered to be referred to the Committee of Lords and Commons appointed to consider Staffordshire Petition, as is desired by the Lords.

Answer from Lords.

Mr. Poole brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Order concerning Colonel Middleton; and that they will take Order, that it shall be presently sent away: And, as to the Order concerning Sir Wm. Waller, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Miscarriages of Officers.

A Letter from Wem, from the Committee there of Julii 25, One thousand Six hundred and Forty-four, concerning some Miscarriages of some of the Earl of Denbigh's Officers, complained of by that Committee, was this Day read; and ordered to be referred to the Committee appointed for Staffordshire Petition.

Pass to go to the King.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker shall grant his Pass to a Servant of the French Resident to go the King.

Letter to King of Portugall.

Mr. Solicitor reported from the Committee of both Kingdoms, a Letter, in Latin, to be sent to the King of Portugall.

Answer to Lords.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do agree to refer the Warwickshire Petition, as is desired: And as to the Pass for Mr. Edm. Church, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Sir W. Waller.

A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Whittfield and Serjeant Finche;

The Lords have returned an Ordinance concerning Sir Wm. Waller, which they this Day received from this House; to which they agree, with one Amendment; viz. in leaving out these Words, "as Major General," and instead thereof, in putting in these Words, "under his Excellency."

The Amendment was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.

Leave of Absence.

Ordered, That Mr. Moyle shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Sir W. Waller.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do agree to the Amendment to the Ordinance concerning Sir Wm. Waller.

Report deferred.

Ordered, That Mr. Ashe do proceed with his Report To-morrow, the first Business peremptorily, concerning the Fines of such as come in upon the Declaration.

Scotch Army.

Ordered, That the Letter, of August 20, from the Committees of both Houses, from Sunderland, concerning Provisions to be made for the Scotts Armies in the North, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee at Goldsmiths Hall.


Mr. Green reports the Amendments to the Ordinance concerning Fishery: The which were read twice; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto: And the Ordinance, so amended, upon the Question, passed: And Ordered, That the Lords * * * *.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Dr. Heath;

Propositions for Peace.

The Lords have returned the Propositions for Peace; which they agree to, with some Amendments.

The Amendments were read; and assented unto.


Ordered, That Mr. Strode do, on Monday next, bring in the Ordnance for taking away of Wardships.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, to bring in a Proposition for taking away of Wardships.

Ordered, That Sir Hen. Heyman do, from this House, acquaint the Lord Say with what this House has done concerning the Wardship of the Heir of Colonel Dixwell, who died in the Parliament's Service: And that it is the clear Sense and Opinion of this House, that such Gentlemen as die in the Parliament's Service, that their Heirs should be freed from Wardship and Composition, or any other Damage that may ensue thereupon; and to desire his Lordship, that nothing may be done to the Damage of those Heirs whose Ancestors die in the Parliament's Service.

Propositions of Peace.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do agree to the Amendments to the Propositions of Peace.


Mr. Serjeant Wilde to report the Ordinance concerning Worcestershire.


The Propositions concerning Windesore Garison.


Mr. Green to report from the Committee of the Navy.

Convoy for Fishery.

Whereas divers Fishermen now intending to set forth to the Sea for the Fishing of Herring, have been Petitioners unto the Parliament, for some Ships of War to be set forth to the Seas during this Herring Season, to convoy and preserve the said Fishermen from Pirates, and other Sea Rovers; and, for the defraying the Charge of the said Men of War, have humbly desired that a Duty of Three Shillings upon every Last of Herring, containing Ten thousand Herrings to every Last, may be imposed upon all Herrings which shall be taken this Season, to be paid by the Taker; and Five Shillings upon every Last, to be paid, at the first Landing, by the Buyer, to be employed for and towards the Maintenance and Payment of the said Men of War: It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That every Fisherman that shall fish for Herrings this Season, shall pay for every Last of Herrings, each Last containing Ten thousand Herrings, by him so taken, the Sum of Three Shillings; and for every Last of Herrings such Fisherman shall sell at Sea, he shall pay the Sum of Five Shillings, over and above the said Three Shillings; and shall give a Certificate, under his Hand, in Writing, to such Person or Persons to whom he shall sell any Herring, that he hath received the said Duty of Five Shillings; which shall be a Discharge unto every such Buyer: And that every Fisherman so selling Herring at Sea, shall make an Account thereof, upon Oath, at his coming on Shore, of all such Herring as he hath so sold; and pay the said Duty, according to the Tenor of this Ordinance: And if any Fisherman shall bring on Shore any Herring to dry or barrel them to his own Use, that then every such Fisherman shall pay, for every Last he shall so land, the Sum of Five Shillings, over and above the said former Three Shillings. And it is further ordained, That every Person whatsoever, who shall, during this next Season of Herring Fishing, buy any Herring, and land the same to barrel or dry, shall, at the Landing the said Herrings, pay after the Rate of Five Shillings for every Last by him so bought: All which several Sum or Sums of Money due by the first Taker or Buyer of such Herrings, shall be paid unto Miles Corbett Esquire, Recorder of the Town of Yarmouth in the County of Norfolk, and Edward Owner Esquire, Burgess of the Commons House of Parliament for the said Town, and Thomas Crane and Richard Ferryes, Merchants, now Bailiffs of the said Town of Yarmouth, or to such Person or Persons as they shall depute for this Service, under the Hands and Seals; who are hereby authorized to give an Oath to all such Fishermen, and Takers of Herring, touching the Quantity of their Herring they shall so take or sell; and, for Default of the Payment of the several Sums in this Ordinance mentioned, shall have Power to levy the same by way of Distress, and the Goods of the Party so refusing to pay the same: All which Monies so received and collected, shall be paid for the Satisfaction of such Ships of War as shall be employed for the safe Conduct, Preservation and Defence of the said Fishermen, during the Time of this Fishing Season. And it is further ordained, That the Committee of the Navy shall have Power to contract for such a convenient Number of Ships for this Service as they shall think fit, not employing above the Number of Three hundred Mariners in the said Service.