House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 04 February 1643

Pages 954-957

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Sabbati, 4 Februarii, 1642.


Judges to stay Proceedings.

ORDERED, That the Judges be required to stay the Proceedings concerning the Bailing or Delivery of Samuel Masson, Exuperius Turner, Charles Brooke, and divers others, until Wednesday next.

Committee to meet.

Ordered, That Mr. Maynard, Mr. Hill, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Bagshaw, do meet this Afternoon at Two of Clock, in the Court of Wards, to mend the Returns.

Williams' &c. Claims.

Upon the humble Petition of Thomas Williams and Thomas Bowen, of Lanvihangell Brinpabtan, in the County of Brecon, Drovers.

It is Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom do grant their Warrant to the Treasurer at Wars, to accept and satisfy the Bills of Exchange of One hundred and Thirty-one Pounds, from Mr. Tho. Pury, payable to Thomas Bowen and William Price, for so much taken up by the said Mr. Pury, for the Service of the said County of Gloucester, as appears by the Acquittance under Mr. Purye's Hand, of the Twelfth of December: And likewise the Bill of Exchange of Two hundred and Thirty-five Pounds, from Colonel Massie, payable to Thomas Williams, and Price, as appears by the Receipt under the said Lieutenant Colonel Massie his Hand, and under the Hand of the Earl of Stamford.

Absent Members.

Upon the Report from the Committee concerning Members absent;

It is Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Snow be presently admitted into the House.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Fanshawe be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent; for his Contempt, and Neglect to the House, in not appearing upon the Summons of the House.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Tho. Coke be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent; for his Neglect, and Contempt, in not appearing upon the Summons of the House.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Selden, the Lord Monson, Serjeant Euers, and Mr. Potter, do attend the House on Wednesday next, peremptorily, at the farthest; and to continue their Service here.

Searching Ships.

Mr. Clevell, that had a Warrant from the House to search the East India Ships for Gold or English Coin, was called in to the Bar: That, coming aboard One of them (the Sea Flower), the Purser denied him to search.

Fisher, the Purser of the Sea Flower, was called in; and demanded, Whether there did not come One with an Order to search: Says, That One shewed him Two Papers; but he knew not that it was an Order of the House: And

It is Ordered, That the said Mr. Fisher be dismissed: And that the Ships be searched according to the Order.


Mr. Serjeant Wilde reports the Ordinance for taxing all Non-contributors upon the Propositions, as likewise such as have not contributed according to their Proportions: Which was read; with the Addition of One Proviso; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto.

Resolved, &c. That a Proviso shall be added to this Ordinance, for Discharging of such Counties as already have had the like Ordinance for Assessing of Monies, and have put the same in Execution.

Message to Lords.

Sir Robert Harley is appointed to carry up to the Lords the Ordinance concerning Colonel Ven, touching the Prisoners committed to his Custody at Windesore Castle; to put them in mind of the Information this House has received of a Ship of Newcastle, that has transported Thirty Pilots into Denmarke; to put the Lords in mind of the Earl of Warwick's Commission; and the Ordinance of Addition to the Committees of Warwickshire; and concerning the publick Confession; concerning the Fast.


Sir Robert Harley brings Answer, The Lords do agree to the Ordinance concerning Warwickshire: And as to the Commission to my Lord of Warwick; the Order concerning the Fast; and the Order concerning Colonel Ven; they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Riche and Mr. Page.

Payment to Wray.

The Lords do agree to the Order brought up unto them, concerning the Thousand Pounds to be paid to Sir Christ. Wray:


They do likewise desire a present free Conference, by Committees of both Houses, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniencey of this House, concerning the Commission to the Earl of Warwick; and concerning the Ordinance touching the Prisoners at Windesore.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That the House has considered their Lordships Message; and will give a present Meeting at a free Conference, as is desired.

Mr. Strode, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Pym, Sir H. Mildmay, are appointed Managers and Reporters of this Conference.

Oats at the Mewes, &c.

Ordered, That Sir Jo. Clotworthy be added to the Committee appointed to dispose of the Oats at the Mewes, or the King's Stables at Whitehall.

That the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland take Care for the Transporting of them into Ireland.

Southampton Forces.

An Ordinance for the Raising of Two Troops of Horse, and One Regiment of Dragooners, within the County of Southampton: and for Assessing of Monies upon Malignants, disaffected Persons, Papists, Bishops, Deans, Deans, and Chapters, &c. towards the Maintenance of the said Forces, was this Day read: And,

Upon the Putting of the Question, for the Passing of it,

The House was divided, and the Yeas went forth.
Mr. Knightley, Tellers for the Yea, 20.
Sir Jo. Wray, Tellers for the Noe, 41.
Sir Wm. Strickland,
So that the Question passed with the Negative.

Payment at Guildhall.

Ordered, That the Parson, Churchwardens, and Vestrymen, of the Parish Church of St. Andrew's Holborne, do immediately deliver to the Treasurers of Money and Plate, at Guildhall, London, the Sum of Six hundred Pounds, Part of the Stock pertaining to the said Church, and now in their Custody or Dispose: Which Money shall be repaid, upon the Publick Faith, at such Time as the Parishioners there shall have Occassion to use it, and shall desire it.

Advancing Money.

ORDERED, by the and Commons, That if any Person or Persons shall be willing to advance any Sum of Money, for some few Days, for the present necessary Supply of the Army; and shall pay in the same to the Treasurers in Guildhall, London; that then the same Person shall receive the same again, either out of the Monies subscribed upon the Declaration and Order of the Seventh of January last, for new Subscriptions, in the Parish where such Person shall dwell; or out of the next Monies to be received by the said Treasurers, upon the said new Subscriptions. And it is Ordered, That the said Treasurers shall give Acquittances under their Hands for the Sum of Money such Person shall advance, and pay in, as aforesaid; to the Intent (the same being shewn to the Collectors or Inhabitants of the Parish, where such Person advancing shall dwell) the same Collectors or Parishioners may pay the same to the Person advancing, and not carry in the same to Guildhall: And the said Treasurers shall give, to the Person advancing, Acquittances for such Sums of Money, and for such particular Persons subscribing in That Parish, as shall be certified unto them the said Treasurers by the Person so advancing as aforesaid, until the Sum so advanced shall be satisfied.

Long's Loan.

WHEREAS the Committee of Lords and Commons, for Advance of Monies, did borrow of Walth. Long, a Member of this House, the Sum of Fifteen hundred Pounds, which was promised to be paid him out of the first Monies that should come in: But many pressing Occasions have fallen out since; upon which Orders have issued forth for the Payment of all the Monies which have come in since: Therefore this House doth now Order, That the Treasurers appointed to receive the Plate and Money, at Guildhall, London, do repay unto the said Walth. Long the foresaid Sum of One thousand Five hundred Pounds, out of the first Money which shall come in upon the Plate sent to the Tower to be coined; or out of such other Monies as shall come in upon the Subscriptions, or Assessments, in the mean Time.

Yarmouth Watch.

An Ordinance for the better keeping and guarding the Watches in the Town of Yarmouth, for the better Defence and Guard of the said Town, was this Day read; and, by Vote, upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Payments for Service of Ireland.

Ordered, That the Treasurers for the Adventurers Monies for Ireland do forthwith pay unto Mr. Nich. Loftus, or his Agents here, the Sum of Five hundred Sixty-three Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Two Pence; to be by by him paid over unto the Mayor of Bristoll, or Mr. Tho. Hutchins his Assignee, in full Satisfaction of the Disbursements made by the said Mayor, for the Service of the Lord Kerrie's Regiment: And that so much thereof be defalked out of the Soldiers and Officers Pay, as by the Establishment is to be defalked.

Ordered, That the Receivers of the Adventurers Money for Ireland do pay unto Nicolas Loftus, Deputy Treasurer at Wars, or his Agent, Six hundred and Twenty-five Pounds Nine Shillings; to be by him paid over to William Osbourne of Youghall, Merchant, or his Assignees, for Wheat, Butter, and Beef, delivered at Youghall, as appears upon the Certificate from Jo. Fountain Commissary, attested by the Lord Dungarvon.

Ordered, That the Receivers of the Adventurers Money for Ireland do, at Six Months End, pay unto Nicolas Loftus, or his Agent, Seven hundred Pounds; to be by them paid over unto Jo. Vernon, or his Assignee, for Two thousand Swords, to supply Four Regiments in Ulster: The which Sum of Seven hundred Pounds is to be defalked out of the Soldiers Pay of those Regiments that shall receive them, in such Proportion as is usual.

Ordered, That the Receivers of the Adventurers Money do, at Six Months End, pay unto Mr. Nicholas Loftus, or his Agents, Two hundred and Eighty Pounds; to be by them paid over unto Captain Whittscott, or his Assigns, for Twenty Butts of Sack, delivered to Colonel Mervyn, upon his and other Colonels Account, in Part of their Pay.

Ordered, That the Receivers of the Adventurers Money for Ireland do, out of the said Monies, at Six Months End, pay the Sum of Two hundred and Fifty Pounds to the Treasurer at War, or his Agents, to be by them paid over to Vanden Beinde, or his Assigns, for One hundred Pair of Pistols, to be sent to the Stores in Ulster, for the English Regiments: To be defalked out of the Pay of those Soldiers that shall receive the said Pistols, in such due Proportions as is usual.

Ordered, That the Receivers of the Adventurers Monies for Ireland do pay out of the said Monies, at One Month's End after the Date hereof,.... to Mr. Fletcher and George Margitts, for Eleven Ton of English Match.

Ordered, That the Sum of Sixty-two Pounds Four Shillings and One Peny, out of the Adventurers Money for Ireland, be forthwith paid to Mr. Pennoyer, for Victual, &c. delivered into Mr. Freke's Castle, certified by Mr. Brooke, Mr. Denny, and Mr. Browne: And to be defalked out of the Soldiers Pay.

Ordered, That the Sum of Five hundred and One Pounds Ten Shillings and Five Pence, be forthwith paid by the Receivers of Monies for Ireland, out of the said Monies, unto Mr. Wm. Pennoyer, Merchant, for Victual and Arms delivered at Bandon Bridge, certified by the Provost and Burgesses of the said Town: To be defalked out of the Soldiers Pay.

Ordered, That the Sum of Three hundred and Thirteen Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Eight Pence, be forthwith paid by the Receivers of the Adventurers Money for Ireland, out of the said Monies, unto Mr. Wm. Pennoyer, Merchant, for Victual and Provision delivered at Kinsale, as is certified by the Governor of the Fort and Town: To be defalked out of the Pay of the Officers and Soldiers in That Fort and Town.

Ordered, That the Sum of Thirty-four Pounds be forthwith paid by the Receivers of the Adventurers Monies for Ireland, unto Mr. Jo. Burston, of Corke, Merchant, or his Assigns, for Necessaries delivered at Corke, as appears by Letters from the Lord Inchequin.

Ordered, That the Sum of Two hundred and Eighty Pounds be, at Six Months End, paid by the Receivers of the Adventurers Monies, out of the said Monies, unto Captain Whittscott, or his Assigns, for Twenty Butts of Sack delivered here unto George Wood, Commissary, upon the Account of the Regiments of Sir Jo. Clotworthy, Sir Wm. Stuart, Sir Robert Stuart, and Colonel Mervyn, in Part of the Pay of the said Regiments.

Ordered, That the Sum of Three hundred and Fiftynine Pounds Seven Shillings be, on the Sixteenth of this instant February, paid by the Receivers of the Adventurers Money for Ireland, out of the said Monies, to Henry Paman Haberdasher; for Caps delivered by Contract with the Commissioners for Ireland, as is certified by Commissary Wood.

Ordered, That the Sum of Three hundred and Fiftynine Pounds Seven Shillings, be forthwith paid by the Receivers of the Adventurers Money for Ireland, out of the said Monies, unto Edm. Hunt; for Caps delivered by Contract with the Commissioners for Ireland, as is certified by Mr. Wood the Commissary.

Ordered, That the Sum of Nine hundred Pounds Four Shillings, at Three and Three Months, be, by the Receivers of the Adventurers Money for Ireland, paid to Thomas Downes, or his Assigns; for Herrings, and other Victual, delivered at Dublyn, as appears by the Certificate of Sir Philip Percivall.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth well approve of the Act of the Lords Justices of Ireland, in procuring the Inhabitants of the City of Dublyn to bring in their Plate, to satisfy, in Part, the Necessities of the Army; and in engaging the Credit of the State there, for the Payment of those Inhabitants, for such Plate.

Resolved, &c. That that Part of the Report, which concerns Sir Ph. Percevall, shall be re-committed to the same Committee.

Prisoners at Windsor.

Mr. Pym reports the free Conference with the Lords; 1. Part of it was concerning the Securing of Prisoners at Windsor; which they did agree unto, with the Addition of these Words, "or his Excellency the Earl of Essex."


The Second Part was concerning the Ordinance for an Admiral at Sea. They approve of the Thing as necessary; but conceived the Fleet might go on in a Preparation by the Commissioners for a few Days.

The Lords did withdraw; and returned again with this Resolution,

1. That they conceived it might be without Prejudice to the Fleet, if, for Three or Four Days, the Passing of this Ordinance was deferred.

Ordered, That, on Tuesday next, the House take into Consideration the Report this Day made concerning the Ordinance for the Earl of Warwicke to command this Summer's Fleet in Chief.

Suffolk Association, &c.

Resolved, That Sir Natha. Barnardiston, Sir Ph. Parker, Sir Wm. Playters, Sir Roger North, and Mr. Heveningham, be injoined forthwith to repair into the County of suffolk: And that all the Deputy Lieutenants shall subscribe the Warrants for the Association.

Person sent for in custody.

Resolved, That Sir Tho. Bendish be sent for, in safe Custody, to attend this House.

Leave of Absence, &c.

Sir Wm. Drake shall have Liberty to go into the Low Countries, for Recovery of his Health: And that he shall, notwithstanding, continue a Member of this House, without any Prejudice in regard of this his Absence; And that he shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant for his Transportation, with Two Servants, and his Trunks, in the usual Manner.

Alborne Chace.

Ordered, That the Earl of Pembroke shall have an Order of Protection, to preserve his Chace of Alborne from Destruction, or any Spoil... Waste, by tumultuous and riotous Assembling together of Multitudes.

Prisoner discharged.

Ordered, That Coppinger, that writ the abusive Letter to Mr. Coke the Apothecary, be, upon his humble Petition, forthwith discharged.

Examining Holborne's Apprentice.

Ordered, That Examination of the whole Business concerning the Apprentice of Holborne, committed, be referred to the Committee where Mr. Pym hath the Chair formerly appointed to receive such Information as shall be given by Mr. Bond: And Mr. Glyn is added to this Committee.

Coal Trade.

Resolved, &c. That an Ordinance be drawn upon the Certificate from my Lord Mayor, concerning Newcastle Coal: And that Twenty-three Shillings a Chaldron be allowed till Easter next, at the Wharf; and afterwards at Twenty Shillings the Chaldron: And that there be an Inhibition for the Transportation of Coals out of any Port of England, to any foreign Dominions.

Rutland, &c. Assessment.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed for Subscriptions of Money, Plate, and Horse, in the several Counties of Ruthland, Nottingham, and Lester, do forthwith, after the Receipt of this Order, call before them the Collectors of the Subsidy upon the Bill of Four hundred thousand their several Counties respectively; and take Account of them, What Sums of Money have been collected by them; and what Monies do remain in any of their Hands: And such Monies as any of them shall be found to have in their Hands, they are hereby required to pay the same unto Two of the said Committee for Subscriptions, chosen for that Purpose by the major Part: Whose Acquittances unto the said Collectors shall be their sufficient Discharge, for so much as they shall pay in accordingly: And the said Treasurers chosen by the said Committee, in every several County respectively, as aforesaid, are hereby required to send the said Monies so received, with what Safety and convenient Speed they may, unto Sir Gilbert Pickeringe and Mr. John Crue, residing in the City of Northampton: Whose Acquittances for such Money as they receive, shall be their sufficient Discharge. And it is likewise Ordered, That Sir Gilbert Pickeringe and Mr. Crue do forthwith return all such Monies as they shall receive, by virtue of this Order, unto the Treasurers of the Chamber of London: And if any of the said Collectors shall refuse to pay in such Sums of Money, as aforesaid, the said Committee of the said County respectively are to return the Names of them unto this House, that so they may take a Course to punish them according to their Demerits.

Horses seized.

Ordered, That Sir Arth. Heselrig shall have the Four Horses belonging to Dr. Wilson, a Delinquent, seized by Captain Turnor; he paying the said Captain Turnor the Charges.