Pages 945-946
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Veneris, 27 Januarii, 1642.
Ordinances of Assessment.
ORDERED, That the Two Ordinances concerning the Levying and Assessing of Monies, be referred to the Consideration of the Grand Committee.
Discharging Chichley.
Ordered, That at the next Message to the Lords, they be desired, that Mr. Chichley may not be discharged, before this House be first acaquainted therewith.
Prisoner to attend.
Ordered, That those Persons in whose Custody Dr. Gifford, of Basingshaw, London, now remains, do bring the said Dr. Gifford to attend the Committee for plundered Ministers on Tuesday next, at Two post meridiem, in the Exchequer Chamber.
Raising Money.
The House, according to an Order of Yesterday, was resolved into a Grand, Committee, to consider of Means for the Advancing and Raising of Monies for the great and pressing Occasions of the Kingdom.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Serjeant Wilde called to the Chair.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Leave to answer Bill in Chancery.
Ordered, That Mr. Pelham shall have Leave to answer in Chancery here in London to the Bill of Mr. Willoughby, Brother to the Lord Willoughby of Parham; and to examine Witnesses in the said Cause.
Scandalous Creed.
Mr. Vassall, Sir Robert Harley, Mr. Bosevile, Mr. Hill, are appointed to examine the Apprentice with whom the scandalous Creed was found.
Persons sent for in Custody.
Ordered, That Robinson, of Sundbury, and Tanner, and Carver, of Melford, be forthwith sent for in safe Custody, at his own Charges, for refusing to pay in their Monies according to their Subscriptions.
Message to Lords.
Mr. Glyn carried up to the Lords the Amendments to the Propositions: And was appointed to desire them to dispatch the Bill against scandalous Ministers: Carried up the Order for the Making of certain Persons Captains in the Liberties of the Tower: And was to desire that * * *.
Mr. Glyn brings Answer, That the Lords will have a Care of dispatching the Bill against scandalous Ministers. They do agree to the Nomination of the Captains; and will move the Earl of Holland to grant them Commissions accordingly: That as to Mr. Chichley the Lords do say that he is none of their Prisoner; That they being informed that Mr. Chichley, was come to Town, from the King's Army, to visit the King's Children, they sent a Servant of the Usher of their House to attend him, and to see, that he should do nor act any other Business; and that he should attend him, till he went out of Town.
Committee to attend the King.
A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Whitfield and Serjeant Glanville;
The Lords have named Four Lords of their Houses to attend his Majesty with the Propositions: And they desire that this House would appoint a Committee of a proportionable Number; and that they would send their Names; because they must be inserted in the Letter for the safe Conduct: This they desire may be speedily done, in regard they intend to send away the Messenger this Day. The Lords they have named are the Earls of Northumberland, Pembroke, Salisbury, and Holland.
Lord Wenman, Lord Dungarvon, Sir Wm. Litton, Sir Jo. Holland, Mr. Whittlock, Mr. Winwood, Mr. Pierrepointe, Mr. Waller, are appointed to attend his Majesty with the Propositions, together with a Committee of a proportionable Number of the Lords.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Sir Jo. Evelyn carried up to the Lords the Names of the Committee appointed to attend his Majesty with the Propositions.
Letter to the King.
Ordered, That the Messenger that goes for the Safe Conduct, may carry the Letter from the Mademoiselle de Rohan to his Majesty, formerly appointed to be carried by the Lady Sydentham, who is not yet gone.
Mr. Speaker left the Chair.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
The Tower.
Sir Wm. Armyn is added to the Committee for the Tower of London.
Irish Affairs.
A Letter from the Lords Inchiquin, and other the Commanders in Munster, from Cork, of the 13° of January; and another of the 19th of January; expressing the extreme Necessities of that Province; were this Day read: And
It is Ordered, That the Consideration of the Support of the War in Ireland, and relieving the Necessities thereof, be taken into Debate To-morrow Morning, peremptorily the first Business: And that Mr. Speaker put the House in mind hereof; and suffer no other Business whatsoever to intervene.
Ordered, That the Muster Rolls of the Army in Ulster be brought in To-morrow; and considered of.
Treasurers to attend.
Ordered, That the Treasurers at London, upon the Subscription Monies, do attend the House To-morrow Morning, to give an Account upon what Occasion the Two thousand Pounds assigned by Order to satisfy the Debt of Southampion, was diverted: And likewise to inform the House, what Monies have been issued, and upon what Warrants, since the Ordinance for Restraint of issuing any forth.
Payment to Pennoyer.
Ordered, That the Receivers of the Subscription Monies for Ireland do, at the End of Three Months after Certificate made unto the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, by Mr. Robert Berkeley, of the Receipt of One hundred Quarters of Wheat, Three hundred Quarters of Rye, and Nineteen Weigh of Cheese, for Supply of Sir Wm. Cole's Regiment, pay unto the Treasurer at Wars for Ireland, his Deputies, or Assigns, the Sum of Five hundred Pounds, to be by him or them paid over unto Mr. Pennoyer, in Discharge of those Provisions; which being delivered unto Mr. Rob. Berkeley, upon the Account of Sir Wm. Cole, to be afterwards defalked out of the Pay which is or shall be due unto that Regiment.
Apprehending Blinkhorne.
Ordered, That Mr. Blinkhorne, Accomptant to Sir Nich. Crispe, be forthwith apprehended, and brought to the House in Safe Custody; and his Books of Accompt, Bonds, and other Papers, of Accompt, immediately seized, and brought to the House.
Army Pay, &c.
Sir H. Vane, Sir Jo. Clotworthy, Mr. Cage, Mr. Trenchard, Sir H. Mildmay, Mr. Pierrepointe, Mr. Beddingfield, Sir Harbottle Grimston, Sir Gilbert Gerard, Lord Ruthen, Mr. Knightley, Mr. Pym, Mr. Green, Sir Edw. Partheriche, Mr. Vassall, Sir Robert Parkhurst, Sir Tho. Middleton, Mr. Rose, Sir Tho. Jervoise, Mr. Wheeler, Sir Tho. Dacres;
This Committee is appointed to inquire what Monies are come up from the several Counties, upon the Propositions, and what Monies are subscribed, that are not come in; and where the Stop is; and what Monies in the several Counties are diverted from coming hither, by maintaining particular Forces in their respective Counties; and to consider from what Times the Forces were taken into Pay by the Parliament, and how they may be paid: To consider what Arms and other Stores are already issued; and how the Army is armed and provided; and how Supplies may be made; and how the Stores, Arms, and Ammunition, may be well disposed, and issued to the best Advantage: And are to meet on Monday Morning next, at Seven of Clock, in the Inner Exchequer Chamber: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records.
Accounts of Customs.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Navy, to bring in a short and perfect State of the Accounts of the late Collectors of the Customs.
Collectors of Customs.
Ordered, That Sir Jo. Jacob, Sir Job Harby, and Sir Jo. Nulles, the late Collectors of the Customs, be forthwith summoned to attend the House, To-morrow Morning at Nine of Clock: And they are injoined to bring with them all such Bonds as they have taken for the Payment of the Duty of Customs.
Warrant to Earl of Lannerick.
Ordered, That the Earl of Lannerick, Principal Secretary to the State of Scotland, shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant for his safe and peaceable Coming out of that Kingdom to the King, where-ever he shall make his Residence, in as ample Manner as he had it to go thither.
Army Recruiting.
The House doth well approve of Sir John Conyers his Endeavour to recruit the Company of Captain Hume, his Nephew, in Holland, by taking up Volunteers here.