Pages 818-820
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Sabbati, 22 Octobris, 1642.
Commission of Array.
MR. Browne is appointed to carry up the Declaration to the Lords, concerning the Commission of Array; and to desire it may be printed. And
It is Ordered, That Mr. Browne have Thanks from this House, for the great Pains he has taken in this Declaration.
Plymouth Committee.
Mr. Waddon has Leave to go into the Country to Plymouth. And the House doth Order, That his Name shall be inserted among the other Committees; and have the like Power with them, for the Business of the Propositions.
Suspected Persons.
* Pye, Mr. Wheeler, * Bell, * Whittacre, * Rigby, shall instantly go about the City of Westminster, and the Suburbs; and make Search after Strangers, and suspected Persons, and Persons disaffected to the Parliament; and take a List of their Names, and their Lodgings; and take some Course for their Securing and Disarming.
E. of Warwick to be Captain General.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Earl of Warwick be nominated and appointed Captain General of the Forces to be raised in these Parts, for the Defence of the Parliament, the City of London, and the Counties adjacent, without any Diminution or Derogation of the Authority and Power granted to the Earl of Essex.
Ordered, That the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.
Ordered, That the Preparing and Drawing of this Commission be referred to the former Committee that drew the Commission for the Earl of Pembroke: And Mr. Browne to be added to this Committee.
Suspected Persons.
Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Rous, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Bell, Sir Ro. Pye, Mr. Jennour, Mr. Spurstoe, Mr. Ashe, Mr. Corbett, Sir Wm. Armyn, all the Citizens of London that serve in this House, are appointed to withdraw; to consider of some fit Way, How all suspected and illaffected Persons may be disarmed and secured; and to do and propound any thing else that they shall think necessary, for the Peace and Security of the Kingdom.
Printing a Book.
Ordered, That none other, besides Nicolas Bourne Stationer, shall print the Book called, " A Safeguard from Shipwreck to a prudent Catholick, with Animadversions upon the same; " ordered to be printed and published by this House.
Defence of Devon, &c.
Upon Information of divers Members of the House of Commons, serving for the several Boroughs of the Counties of Devon and Cornwall, that there is present Use of some small Ships and Vessels to transport Men and Ammunition unto some Parts of Cornwall, for the Safety and Defence of that County;
It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, That the Deputy Lieutenants of the Counties of Devon and Cornewall, or any Four of them, shall have Power to take up such convenient Vessels for that Service, as they shall think fit, and what thereof shall be allowed unto the Owners of such Ships, out of the Customs of some of those Western Ports, or otherwise as the Parliament shall direct.
And.. is also Ordered, That Two Ships, the Fellowship and Mary of Bristoll, now in the Service of the King and Parliament, and riding at Anchor there, be employed; the Fellowship to remain in Milford Haven, for Defence of that Harbour; the Mary to be joined with some other small Ships, to lie from Mildford to the Land's End; to prevent the Landing of Welch or Irish in those Parts.
And it is further Ordered, That the Happy Entrance, One of his Majesty's Ships, be appointed to lie on the Southern Coast, for the Defence of those Parts.
And it is lastly Ordered, That such Monies as the Deputy Lieutenants and Committees of the Counties of Devon and Cornwall shall borrow and expend for the Defence and Safety of those Counties, shall be repaid out of the Monies that come in upon the Propositions in these Counties: And if they shall not be sufficient for the Payment of what is so borrowed and expended, that then they shall have the Publick Faith.
Stepney Volunteers.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth nominate and approve of Mr. Benjamin Cranley, to be Captain under the Command of the Earl of Warwick, of such Volunteers as he shall raise within the Parish of Stepney.
Sheriff of Surrey, &c.
Ordered, That the Examination of the Business ... the High Sheriff of Surrey, and the other Gentlemen of that County, sent for on Saturday last, be referred to the Committee for Informations.
Members Subscriptions.
Ordered, That, by Tuesday next peremptorily, those Members of the House that have promised to bring in any Monies upon the Propositions, shall bring them in: And that then the Names of all such as have not brought in their Monies according to their Promise, shall be returned to the House.
Prisoner discharged.
Ordered, That Mr. Riddington, Curate of Salford, who was sent up a Prisoner, for having Libels found about him, be forthwith discharged.
Ordered, That Mr. Shepherd, Clerk, sent up from out of Oxfordshire, by a Warrant from my Lord Say, for Malignancy, be forthwith discharged.
County Associations.
Mr. Pym reported, from the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom, the Declaration concerning the present State of the Kingdom, encouraging all well-affected Subjects to enter into a strict Association of mutual Assistance against the common Danger: And likewise the Form of an Association.
The Declaration was read; and, Clause by Clause, debated; and, at length, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto.
In the mean time that the Declaration was reading and debating, Sir H. Mildemay went up to the Lords, to desire their Lordships to sit awhile.
Sir H. Mildmay brings Answer; The Lords will sit awhile, as is desired.
Stopping Ships in the Thames.
Ordered, That the Marshal of the Admiralty, the Searchers, and other Officers of the Port of London and Gravesend, do stop the going forth of any Ships or Vessels in the River of Thames, between London and Gravesend, until the House takes farther Order.
Mr. Vassall went up, to desire the Lords Concurrence in an Order to this Effect.
Mr. Vassall brings Answer; The Lords do agree.
And it is referred to the Committee appointed to consider of disarming Malignants, to prepare an Order to this Purpose.
State of the Kingdom, &c.
Lord Ruthen went up to the Lords, to desire a Conference, concerning the present State and Condition of the Kingdom.
He likewise carried up to the Lords, for their Concurrence, the Order for some Ships to be aiding to the Counties of Devon and Cornewall; and for Re-payment of such Monies as shall be expended by them, for the Defence and Safety of these Counties.
E. of Warwick to be Captain General.
A Copy of the Commission to be granted to the Earl of Warwick, to enable him to be Captain General of all the Forces to be raised within the Cities of London and Westminster, and Counties adjacent, was this Day read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto; and ordered to be delivered unto the Lords, at this Conference.
Mr. Pym reports, That he had delivered the Declaration at the Conference: Which was read.
He had likewise delivered the Commission to the Earl Warwick: Which was not read.
Persons refusing to contribute.
Sir Wm. Armyn reports, from the Committee of the Lords and Commons, the Names of divers Persons that refused to contribute to the common Cause, in this Time of Danger. And
It is thereupon Ordered, by the and Commons, That the Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the Sheriffs, shall forthwith search the Houses, seize the Arms, and secure the Persons of Sir Wm. Cowper, in Bishopsgate Ward; Sir Thomas Hammersley, and Dame Mary Hammersley, in Aldgate Ward; Mr. Wiseman, in Bishopsgate Ward; Mr. Hull, Mr. Ralph Coppinger, of Farrington-Within; Mr. Tho. Harvey, Mr. Matthew Jenkinson, Mr. Wm. Topham, Mr. Walter Oxten, Mr. Edw. Stephenson, in Candlewick Ward; because, as it appears, by the Report from the Committee, they have not contributed to the Charge of the Commonwealth, in this Time of imminent Necessity.
Denton's, &c. Delinquency.
Upon a Letter, out of the County of Bucks, that Sir Alexander Denton, Mr. Stafford, and Sir Robert Banastre, did very ill Offices in that County, in discouraging and dissuading the Train Bands to continue upon their Guards, upon the Passages, for the Defence of the County; to the great Disservice and Prejudice of the Peace of that County and the Commonwealth;
It was Resolved, upon the Question, That Sir Alexander Denton, Mr. Stafford, and Sir Robert Banastre, be forthwith sent for, as Delinquents: And that the Sheriff and Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Bucks be required to give their best Assistance for the Apprehending of them: And that they seize their Horses, Arms, and other warlike Ammunition.
Peace of Buckingham.
Mr. Whittlock, Mr. Winwood, and Mr. Fountaine, are desired forthwith to go into the County of Bucks, to employ their Endeavours for advancing the Service of the Commonwealth, in that County, and preserving the Peace thereof.
Oath of Association.
The Form of the Oath of Association was read: And, after some Debate thereupon, it was re-committed unto Mr. Rous, Mr. Bagshaw, Mr. Glyn, Mr. Pym, Mr. Rigby, Mr. Browne, Mr. Marten, Sir H. Vane junior: Who are appointed to review and consider of this Oath of Association: And are to meet upon Monday Morning, at Seven of Clock, in the Inner Court of Wards; and to bring it in on Monday Morning, so soon as the House sits.
Buckingham County.
Mr. Fountaine is appointed to write a Letter to the Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Bucks, by Order of this House, to acquaint them what Provisions and Preparations, are made here; and to desire them to encourage the Country, to stand to their Guard: And Mr. Fountaine is excused from going down.
Committee to the City.
Sir Ralph Verney, Sir H. Mildmay, Mr. Marten, Sir Tho. Eversfield, Sir Jo. Wray, Mr. Trenchard, Mr. Rigby, Lord Ruthen, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Middleton, are added to the Committee appointed to go into London, in regard that many of the Committees formerly appointed are absent.
Stay of Ships in the Thames.
Mr. Rigby carried up to the Lords, the Draught of the Order for Stay of the Ships upon the River of Thames: And
Brings Answer; That the Lords agree unto it:
And is appointed to carry it with him into London.
Listing Horses.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Riche and Mr. Page;
The Lords have sent Three Orders for Searching of Stables, and listing the Number of Horses, within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Liberties, and within the Counties of Middlesex and Surry: To the which they desire the Consent of this House.
The Orders were read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto.
Ordered, That the Execution of the Order agreed upon by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament, this present 22th of October, for the Searching of the Stables, and listing the Number of Horses, within the City of Westminster, and the Liberties thereof, be referred to Mr. Whittacre, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Bell, Mr. White, and Mr. Bond; to join with the Justices of Peace, to whom only the said Order doth refer the Care; or, in their Defect, to put it in Execution Themselves: And they are likewise hereby authorized to require and command the Constables, and other inferior Officers, to be aiding and assisting unto them, for the better Execution and Performance of the said Order.
Answer to Lords.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House doth assent unto the Three foresaid Orders.
Listing Horses.
THE Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, being credibly informed of his Majesty's Approach to the Parliament, and the City of London, with his Army; and by former Declarations gives us just Cause to suspect their Intentions are to destroy both Parliament and City; They believe it necessary for their present Safety, and the Defence of the said City, that all the Stables within the City of Westminster, and the Liberties thereof, may be forthwith searched; and the Number of Horses therein to be listed; declaring and promising upon the Publick Faith, to satisfy and pay for all such Horses as shall miscarry in the Use of them; and the rest to return unto the Owners of them, when this Action shall be past, and this Danger over. And this forthwith to be put in Execution by the Justices of Peace for Westminster; to see it performed by such Persons as they will be accountable ... to both Houses of Parliament.
THE Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, being credibly informed of his Majesty's Approach to the Parliament, and the City of London, with his Army; and by former Declarations gives us just Cause to suspect their Intentions are to destroy both Parliament and City: They believe it necessary, for their present Safety, and the Defence of the said City, .... that are in the Stables of the City of London, and Liberties thereof, may be forthwith searched, and the Number of Horses therein to be listed; declaring and promising, upon the publick Faith, to satisfy and pay for all such Horses as shall miscarry in the Use of them; and the rest to return unto the Owners of them, when this Action shall be past, and this Danger over. And this forthwith to be put in Execution by the Militia of the City of London, or by such fit Persons as they shall depute for the Service.
THE Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled, being credibly informed of his Majesty's Approach to the Parliament, and the City of London, with his Army; and by former Declarations gives us just Cause to suspect their Intentions are to destroy both Parliament and City; They believe it necessary, for their present Safety, and the Defence of the said City, that all the Stables within the Suburbs of the said City, within the Counties of Middlesex and Surrey, may be forthwith searched; and the Number of Horses therein to be listed; declaring and promising, upon the Publick Faith, to satisfy and pay for all such Horses as shall miscarry in the Use of them; and the rest to return to the Owners of them, when this Action shall be past, and this Danger over. And this forthwith to be recommended to the Lord Lieutenants, Deputy Lieutenants, and Justices of the Peace of the said Counties; to see it performed by fit Persons; as they will be accountable to both Houses of Parliament.