Pages 807-809
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Veneris, 14 Octobris, 1642.
Information against Long, &c.
Jo. Paul Green informs the House, That he had a Warrant * * * * he brought Eastwood, one that sold an Horse and Mare, and run from his Colours; and carried him before Justice Long, who did nothing unto him.
Ordered, That Justice Long be summoned to attend the House forthwith: And that the Headborough of Clerkenwell be summoned.
Riegate Lecturer.
Upon the humble Petition of the Minister, and others the Inhabitants of the Borough and Parish of Riegate in Com' Surrey, desiring that a Lecture formerly performed and frequented every Tuesday in the Forenoon, being their Market Day, and of late Years discontinued, might be revived, performed, and continued, by Mr. Jo. Hampton, Vicar of Riegate, and by the neighbouring Ministers whose Names are subscribed;
It is Ordered, That the said Lecture be revived, performed, and continued, by the Ministers presented, without the Lett or Interruption of any Man, accordingly.
Aspersions on Parliament, &c.
Mr. Whittacre reports from the Committee for Informations, many Aspersions laid by Mr. Hughes, Parson of Sheperton, upon the City, the Parliament, and his Majesty: Those upon the City were proved by Three Witnesses: Those upon the Parliament and his Majesty, by One Witness.
"There are younger Brothers, that if the King will give them Pillage, will make the round-headed Rogues shake:" And said also, "if he were as the King, he would take the Tower, and beat down the City about the Inhabitants Ears."
One saying, That he had heard there were Five or Six Men that the King would fain have; Mr. Hughes answered, "It was fit he should have them; for they were traitorly Rogues."
Francis Randall saith, That about a Year since he heard Mr. Hughes say, "That he did know that the King would venture his Crown upon the Papists Heads."
Person committed.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Hughes, Parson of Shepperton, be forthwith committed a Prisoner to the New Prison in Middlesex, there to remain during the Pleasure of the House.
Person sent for.
Resolved, upon the Question, That * Dale, the Under Sheriff of the County of Lincolne, be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms, for searching and breaking open divers Houses in the said County, contrary to Law.
Mr. Fiennes.
Mr. Fiennes his House * * * *.
Disposing of Prisoners.
Mr. Rigby, * Morley, * Holland, * Ven, * Fountaine, * Vassall, * Pye, * Whitacre, are appointed to consider of the fittest and most convenient way of disposing of such Prisoners as are taken by the Army, and are burthensome to the State, either by sending them to the Indies, or otherwise; and to treat with such Citizens, concerning this Business, as they shall think fit: And have Power to send for Parties, &c.
Bromston's Petition.
The humble Petition of Antony Bromston, Minister of Walmer in the County of Kent, concerning a Pension due unto him by the Bishop of Canterbury, and Sir H. Mennes, more immediately, was this Day read; and referred unto Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Wheeler, * Rigby, * Barrington, * Strickland, * White; or any Three of them: And are to meet To-morrow in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Court of Wards; and so from time to time, as they please: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c.
Irish Affairs.
A Letter from the Lord Forbes, of the Twenty-eighth of September, from Glyn Castle, wherein he refers himself to the Relation concerning the State of the War there; and concerning a French Gentleman, Merchant of a Ship that was taken by the Lord Forbes, in the River of Limmerick, that brought an Hundred Barrels of Powder, Wine, Salt, and other Provisions, for the Rebels.
Mr. Peters was called in; and made Relation of the Taking this Ship, of One hundred and Fifty Ton; and of other Ships laden with Ammunition, and other Necessaries, for the Rebels there.
The French Merchant himself was at the Door: And the House fell into Debate what should be done with the * *.
..Marten, .. Vassall, .. Rous, .. Lucas, .. Holland, .. Rigby, .. Vane junior, .. White, .. Rolle, are to consider of this Business concerning the French Merchant taken with a Ship's Lading of Ammunition, in the River of Limmerick, and sent up thence hither: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Records, &c.: And are to sit To-morrow, at Eight of Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.
Surrey Collection.
Ordered, That the Deputy Lieutenants, and other the Committees intrusted in the County of Surrey, for the Raising and Collecting the Monies and Plate upon the Propositions, be injoined, in their several Divisions, to advance that Service; and that they do use all possible Diligence forthwith to send to London, to the Treasurers at Guildhall, all such Sums of Money and Plate as are collected in the several Divisions in that County, and brought in upon the Propositions; and that they give an Account to the House of all their Doing and Proceedings herein, on Monday-come-sevennight.
Affairs at Worcester.
A Letter from the Committee at Worcester, concerning the Advancing the Service upon the Propositions; and to consider what is fit to be done with those that refuse to contribute; and concerning the Stopping of the Michaelmas Rents and Revenues of Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, notorious Delinquents, &c. was this Day read.
Message to Lords.
Sir Wm. Armyn carried up to the Lords, the Order for the Hundred Pounds to the Lady Baltinglasse; For the Monies for the Scotts Arms: The Order of the Third of September, concerning the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland: The Order for Posts in St. Martin's.
Member of Contributing
That when the House is called, that then those Members which have not contributed at all, or not according to their Promise, shall be considered of.
King's Revenue.
Upon Mr. Rows his Report from the Committee appointed to consider of his Majesty's Revenue;
It is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That the Master, Counsel, Receivers, and other Officers of the Court of Wards, whom it may concern, be required to make Stop of the Payment of these several annual Pensions following, payable out of his Majesty's Revenue arising out of that Court; viz. Two Pensions to the Duke of Richmond, One of Two thousand One hundred Pounds per Annum, another of One thousand Four hundred Pounds per Annum; to the Lord Willoughby of Eresby, One thousand Pounds per Annum; to the Lord Grandison, Five hundred Pounds; to the Earl of Bristoll, Two thousand Pounds per Annum; to Mr. Willmott, One thousand Pounds per Annum; to the Treasurers of the Navy, Six thousand Pounds per Annum.
The Question being put, Whether a Question should be now put, concerning the Allowance of a Pension of Two hundred Pounds per Annum to Sir John Farrall Knight;
It passed with the Negative.
Persons not contributing.
Resolved, upon the Question, That such Persons as shall not contribute to the Charge of the Commonwealth, in this Time of imminent Necessity, shall be held fit to be disarmed.
Resolved, &c. That such Persons as shall not contribute to the Charge of the Commonwealth, in this Time of imminent Necessity, shall be held fit to be secured.
Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs of the City of London shall forthwith search the Houses, and seize the Arms, belonging unto Mr. Nathanael Jefferson, Mr. Ansten, Mr. John Bedle, Mr. John Batty, Mr. Ralph Long, and Mr. Rob. Lewis, all of Bread-streete Ward; Mr. John Blunt, of Lime-streete Ward; Mr. Alderman Wright, of Coleman-streete Ward; Mr. Roger Drake, and Mr. John Walther, of Farrington Without; for that, as it appears by the Report from the Committee, they have not contributed as they ought, to the Charge of the Commonwealth, in this Time of imminent Necessity.
Sequestration of Delinquents Estates.
Resolved, &c. That the Fines, Rents, and Profits, of Archbishops, Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, and of such notorious Delinquents, who have taken up Arms against the Parliament, or have been active in the Commission of Array, shall be sequestered for the Use and Service of the Commonwealth. The Manner of the Sequestration is referred to the Committee for sequestring the Estate of the Lord Capell.
Mr. Browne, Mr. Rigbie, Mr. Prediaux, Mr. Pelham, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Corbett, Mr. Millington, are added to That Committee: And it is especially recommended to Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Corbett, and Mr. Rigby, to take Care of this Business: And are to meet this Afternoon at Three of the Clock, in the Inner Court of Wards; and so from time to time, as they shall think fit: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c.
King's Revenue.
Resolved, &c. That the King's Revenue arising out of Rents, Fines in Courts of Justice, Compositions for Wards, and the like, and all other his Majesty's Revenues, shall be brought in to the several Courts, and other Places, where they ought to be paid in; and not issued forth, or paid out, until further Order shall be taken by both Houses of Parliament.
Resolved, That a Conference shall be desired with the Lords To-morrow Morning: And that these Votes shall be Heads for this Conference.
Mr. Pym, and Sir Henry Vane junior, are appointed Managers of this Conference.
Suspected Persons.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Burgesses that serve for the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Borough of Southwarke, and to the Knights that serve for the County of Middlesex, to prepare an Order for the Restraining the Resort of all Strangers, and suspected Persons, into the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Suburbs, and Out-Parishes; and to present the Names of such Persons as they shall think fit to be intrusted with the Execution this Order.
State of the Kingdom.
Mr. Pym presented, from the Committee for the Defence of the Kingdom, a Declaration of the State of the Kingdom, at this present: Which is ordered to be read the first Business To-morrow Morning.
Gatehowse Prison.
Mr. White, appointed Keeper of the Prison of the Gatehowse, by both Houses, informeth the House, That, having the Charge of the Prison, he could not have the Keys, nor the Books.
The humble Petition of Mrs. Anne Weekes, concerning the Custody and Charge of the Gatehowse, assigned to some Trustees for her Maintenance, &c. and ordered to be referred to the Committee for the Prison of the Gatehouse: And that it be likewise referred to That Committee to inquire whether Mrs. Weekes were any way guilty of the Escape of Mr. Legg: And that in the mean time the Keys and Books belonging to the said Prison, be forthwith delivered into the Hands and Custody of Mr. Christopher White.
Merchant Strangers Loan.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired in the Order concerning the Merchant Strangers Money, to be paid towards the Brotherly Assistance.
Ordered, That Sir John Lenthall be required to lay Irons upon such of the Prisoners of the King's Bench, as shew themselves disorderly and mutinous.
Answer from Lords.
Sir Wm. Armyn brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to all the Orders carried up by him, but That concerning the Commissioners for the Affairs of Ireland to have Voices at the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland: To which they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Payment to Norris.
WHEREAS it appeareth, by the Letters of the Lords Justices, and Council of Ireland, dated the Thirteenth of September 1642, and directed to the Lords and others his Majesty's Commissioners for the Affairs of Ireland, grounded upon the Certificate of Sir Tho. Rotherham, and Sir F. Willoughby, Knights, that Tobias Norris of Dublyn, Merchant, did, at the Beginning of the Rebellion, provide so much Woollen Cloth as made Two hundred Twenty-five Suits of Cloaths, for Men, Women, Children, which were distributed to the poor English People that were stripped of all they had, and came naked to Dublyn: Which Cloth, together with the making it into such Suits, amounted to One hundred and Twelve Pounds, which they desired might be paid here in this Kingdom: It is thereupon this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That the said One hundred and Twelve Pounds be paid unto the said Tobias Norris, out of such Contribution Monies as are or shall be brought in, for the Relief of the poor People in Ireland, as a Part of that which is or shall be designed for the City of Dublyn.
Bandon Bridge Forces.
UPON the Petition of Abraham Savage, on the Behalf of the Town of Bandon Bridge; whereby, amongst other Things, it is desired, That Four Companies of Foot, and One Troop of Horse, which they have raised by themselves, and with them defended the said Town, and done many good Services upon the Rebels, at their own Charge, might now be taken into the Pay of this State by the Parliament; the which Petition was referred to the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland: And upon a Report from That Committee, this Day made: It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That the said Four Foot Companies so raised by the Town of Bandon Bridge, be received into the Pay of this State, according to the Rates and Allowances of other Foot Companies in that Kingdom, and according to their Musters from the First Day of November next coming: And that Mr. Francis Boyle be recommended to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to be Captain of One of those Foot Companies. And it is farther Ordered, That the said Troop of Horse, so raised and kept by that Town, be likewise received into Pay of this State, according to the Rates and Allowances of other Troops, and according to their Musters, from the said First Day of November next coming.
Payment to Saunderson.
UPON a Report this Day made from the Committee for the Affairs of Ireland, That, according to an Order of Reference from the House of Commons, they had taken into Consideration a Petition and Certificate under the Hands and Seals of the Mayor, and divers other Persons of Quality, in and near the City of Londonderry in Ireland, for Payment of a Thousand and Forty Pounds Sterling, unto James Saunderson of Edenburgh, Merchant, or his Assigns, for Twelve hundred Bolls of Oatmeal, which he delivered unto them, for the Relief of the Soldiers near thereabouts, at the Rate of Seventeen Shillings and Four-pence the Boll: Which Sum of One thousand and Forty Pounds they desire may be paid, according to an Order of Parliament; which warranteth Payment in like Case, within Thirty Days after the Sight here of such Certificate: This Certificate being shewn here upon the Fourth Day of this instant October, It is thereupon this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, That the said Sum of One thousand and Forty Pounds be paid to the said James Saunderson, or his Assigns, out of the Adventurers Money, in due Time, in Discharge of the said Twelve hundred Bolls of Oatmeal; and according to the Order of Parliament in that Behalf.