House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 13 October 1642

Pages 806-807

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Jovis, 13 Octobris, 1642.


Leave of Absence.

SIR Wm. Playters has Leave to go into the Country.

Obnoxious Printing.

Ordered, That the Printing of the Pamphlet, under the Name of "The Scotts Declaration," be referred to the Committee for Printing; to inquire after the Author and Printer: And that the true Copies of these Declarations be printed.

King's Servant.

The humble Petition of Thomas Atkinson, his Majesty's Servant, and Chariot Man, appointed by the King and Queen to attend the Duke of Gloucester, and Princess Eliz. at St. James.

Ordered, That Mr. Holland, and the rest of the Officers of the Prince's Houshold, be required to satisfy this Pe titioner, according to the Desires of the Petitioner, out of the Monies for the Prince's Houshold; and that this shall be a Discharge upon their Account, they taking Course that Certificate be made into the Exchequer that the same is paid unto him in the Houshold; to the end it may not be double paid.

Privilege-Seandul on a Member.

This Acknowledgment subscribed by Mr. Darell's own Hand, was by himself voluntarily offered to the House.

"Whereas I Henry Darell did report, That Mr. Pym took a Bribe of Thiry Pounds; I do seriously confess, I never had any true Ground for it; and am heartily sorry, that I should report so false an Untruth; and humbly crave Pardon for this my great Folly and Offence, in reporting the same Words; and am so far from justifying of them, that I am willing to give such Satisfaction to this Honourable House, and to Mr. Pym in particular, as to this House shall seem fitting; and refer myself wholly to your Mercy, it being my first Offence; and hope that it shall be hereafter a Warning to me, ever to commit the like. Henry Darell."

Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Henry Darell shall make this Acknowledgment here at the Bar presently: And, on the First Day of the next full Term, that he shall make the same Acknowledgment at the King's Bench Bar, the Chancery Bar, the Common Pleas Bar, and the Exchequer Bar, the Courts sitting.

Mr. Darrell was called in; and demanded whether this Acknowledgment were his own, and under his Hand. He did acknowledge it to be his, and under his own Hand. And then, kneeling, Mr. Speaker pronounced the Sentence aforesaid: And, in Part of Performance thereof, he did, upon his Knees, make this Acknowledgment; and read it upon his Knees.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Darrell shall be bailed, upon such Bail as this House shall allow, in the mean time, until he has performed the rest of the Sentence; and, upon Certificate thereof, to be discharged.

A Member's Subscription.

Mr. Jo. Taylor of Bristoll declares, That he will freely give Fifty Pounds to this common Cause; and, if Occasion shall be, that hereafter, according as he shall be enabled, he will give more.

Assembly of Divines.

Mr. Corbett reports from the Grand Committee, the Bill for calling an Assembly of Divines, to be consulted with by the Parliament, for Settling of Church Government, &c. with some Alterations and Amendments: The which were twice read; and the Names of the Divines likewise twice read; and assented unto, with some Alterations; and the Bill re-committed to Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Corbett, and Mr. Wheeler: And are to withdraw, to meet upon it presently.

The Alterations are these that follow:

* * * *

Message to Lords.

Sir Wm. Armyn carried up to the Lords, the Order concerning the Payment of the Monies for the Arms to be sent into Scotland, instead of those that are sent into Ireland; and the Order for the Hundred Pounds to the Lady Baltinglasse.

Military Affairs.

A Letter from the Lord General, and the rest of the Committees, of the Eleventh of October, concerning his Majesty's advancing with his Army; was this Day read.

Essex, &c. Collections.

Ordered, That Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Toll, Sir Tho. Dacres, Sir Samuel Ofeild, and Mr. Drake, Mr. Morley, and the Members of this House, that are Committees for Sussex, for the raising of Horse, Money, or Plate, Mr. Gurdon, Sir Hen. Heyman, and Mr. Brown, shall go into the several Counties of Essex, Norfolke, Hertford, Sussex, and Surrey; and use all possible Diligence forthwith to send to London, to the Treasurers at Guildhall, all such Sums of Money, and Plate, as is collected in those Counties, and brought in upon the Propositions: And the Deputy Lieutenants, Treasurers, and Collectors, for those Counties, are required to give their best Assistance, in the Sending up of the same, as aforesaid.

Comm of Customs.

Upon Sir H. Vane's Report from the Committee of the Navy;

"It was Resolved, upon the Question, This Committee taking into their Consideration the State of the Customs, and the Offices belonging thereunto, do conceive it will much conduce to the Advance of the Service, and saving the Purse of the Commonwealth, in the Regulation of the Customs, that some Person of especial Trust, Confidence, Skill, and Knowledge, in those Affairs, should be added to the present Collectors and Commissioners, who are Five in Number; and that the Allowances intended to be distributed amongst them, not to be exceeded by the Addition now propounded."

"Resolved, &c. That it is the Opinion of this Committee, That Mr. Green be the Person to be added as Collector and Commissioner of the Customs, to the Number of the present Collectors and Commissioners.


THE Lords and Commons, in Parliament, taking into their Consideration the State of the Customs, and the Officers belonging thereunto; and finding that it will much conduce to the Advance of the Service of the Commonwealth, in the Regulation of the said Customs, that some Person of especial Trust and Confidence, and of Skill and Knowledge in these Affairs, should be added to the present Commissioners, especially in these Times of Distemper, which are found to have too great an Influence in those Affairs; and the said Lords and Commons, reposing especial Trust and Confidence in the Wisom, Integrity, and Care, of Giles Green Esquire, One of the Members of the House of Commons; do therefore Order, and be it Ordained, That the said Giles Green be a Commissioner for the Managing of the said Customs, and be added to the present Commissioners and Collectors: Who is hereby required and authorized, together with the said Commissioners, to give all Diligence to the Advancement of that Service, so nearly importing the Good and Safety of the Commonwealth.

Ordered, That Sir Hen. Vane do carry up this Order to the Lords, to desire their Concurrence.

Suffolk's, &c. Pay.

Ordered, That Captain Tho. Howard Suffolk shall have the Sum of Sixty-four Pounds and Four Shillings paid unto him for his personal Entertainment in the North, in that late Expedition.

Ordered, That Captain Berry shall have the Monies due unto him, for his personal Entertainment in the late Expedition into the North.

Person committed.

Charles Metcalfe, a Sailor, employed in the Ship Mayflower, for endeavouring to make a Mutiny in that Ship, was called to the Bar. And, in regard he acknowledged his Offence, the House ordered, That he should only be committed to the Marshalsey, there to remain during the Pleasure of this House.

Disarming Germain.

Ordered, That the Sheriff of the County of Suffolke, and the Deputy Lieutenants of that County, or any Three of them, do forthwith disarm Sir Tho. Germain Knight; and bring the same Arms to St. Edmond's Bury; to be there kept, in the Magazine there, for the Defence of that County and Town: And that a sure Watch be kept there Day and Night, for Safeguard.

Prisoner discharged.

Resolved, &c. That * Martin shall be discharged from any further Restraint or Imprisonment.

St. Peter's, Cornhill, Lecturer.

Upon the humble Petition of sundry of the Parishioners of St. Peter's, Cornhill, London, this Day read in the House of Commons, desiring to have Mr. Marmaduke James, an orthodox Divine, their Lecturer upon Sundays, in the Afternoons; and that Mr. Edmund Broome, likewise an orthodox Divine, may preach the Lecture upon Thursdays in the Forenoon; It is this Day Ordered, by the said House, That the said Mr. Marmaduke James shall be their Lecturer at St. Peter's aforesaid, to preach every Sunday in the Afternoon: And it. . also Ordered, That Mr. Edmund Broome shall preach the Lecture every Thursday in the Forenoon: And that they hold it fit, he shall have therefore the Stipend that was formerly given to maintain that Lecture. And it is further Ordered, That Dr. Fairfax, the Parson of St. Peter's aforesaid, shall permit the said Mr. Marmaduke James, and the said Mr. Edmund Broome, the free Use of his Pulpit, to preach the Lectures, as aforesaid, without any Interruption or Hindrance by him the said Dr. Fairfax, or by any, from, by, or under, him.

Payment for Arms.

It is this Day Ordered, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the Chamberlain of the City of London shall, out of the Remainder of the One hundred thousand Pounds lent by the several Companies of the City of London, for Ireland, or out of the Remainder of the Strangers and Mariners Money, lent by them for the same Purpose, pay unto the Treasurer at Wars for Ireland, or his Agents, the Sum of Ten thousand Three hundred Sixteen Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence; which is for Six thousand Musquets and Bandaliers, and Four thousand Pikes, and Ten thousand Swords and Belts, according to the Treaty now agreed upon between the English and Scotts Commissioners, for the Scottish Army in Ireland; and are to be bought and provided by Thomas Cunyngham, Merchant of Compre .., or his Assigns, in Holland; and by him to be delivered, upon his own Adventure, within the Town of Leith in Scotland, unto our Brethren of the Kingdom of Scotland, or such Agents as they shall appoint: And the said Sum of Ten thousand Three hundred Sixteen Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence is to be paid to the said Thomas Cunyngham, or such as he shall appoint, for the said Arms, in Manner and Form following; that is to say, The Sum of Three thousand Four hundred Thirtyeight Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Nine Pence forthwith in Hand, and more, within One Month after Certificate produced from our Brethren of Scotland, that all the Arms above-mentioned are safe delivered at the Place above specified, and well-conditioned, according to Agreement; the Sum Three thousand Four hundred Thirty-eight Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Nine Pence, and more, at Two Months End, after the last recited Payment is due, and ought to be paid; the Sum of Three thousand Four hundred Thirty-eight Pounds Seventeen Shillings and Ten Pence: And that the said Treasurer, or his Agents shall pay the aforesaid Sums, by virtue of this Order from both Houses (being, in all, the Sum of Ten thousand Three hundred Sixteen Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Four Pence, afore-mentioned), unto George Henly and John Hawkeridg, at the several Days and Times before-mentioned. And they are likewise Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, to pay unto Thomas Cunyngham, or his Assigns, for the said Arms, the several Sums, as are above-mentioned.