House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 10 February 1642

Pages 423-425

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Jovis, 10 Feb. 1641.


Hesketh's Estate.

2d vice lecta est Billa, AN Act concerning the Settling of Hesketh's Lands, in Com' Lancastr'&c.

Upon Question, committed unto Mr. Sutton, Sir Ro. Harley, Mr. Kirby, Sir Tho. Smyth, Mr. Jo. Moore, Mr. Ashton, Sir Tho. Ingram, Mr. Noble, Sir ph. Musgrave, Sir Jo. Francklyn, Mr. Shuttleworth, Mr. Sands, Mr. Whitehead, Sir Patr. Curwyn, Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Tomkins, Mr. Whistler, Mr. Cage, Mr. Martin, Sir Tho. Widdrington, Mr.Millington, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Peard, Knights and Burgesses of Lancaster: And are to meet on Wednesday morning next, at Eight of Clock, in the Star-chamber: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c.

Gun-makers, &c. Petition.

Ordered, That the Petition of the Gun-makers and Bandileer-makers of London be referred to the Committee for Gunpowder and Ammunition.

White's Ship, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. White, Master of the Ship freighted with Arms, that came from Berwick, shall have Liberty and Power to unlade his whole Freight; and to deliver the said Arms and Ammunition to the Master and Officers of the Ordnance, by Indenture; and that his Ship be forthwith discharged; and that the Horse-arms be presently delivered forth to Mr. Jepson, for the Service of Munster, according to his Majesty's Warrants, grounded upon the Desires of both Houses.

Pressing Soldiers; and Bishops Votes.

Lord Herbert reports his Majesty's Answer to the Two Bills concerning the Pressing of Soldiers, and the Bishops Votes:

"His Majesty, having read the Desires of both Houses, returns this Answer; That One of the Bills being of great Weight, and the other not having been yet seen, either by His Majesty, or His Council, He will take yet some farther Time: But is resolved to return as speedy an Answer as the Importance of the Business will permit."

Lincolne Petition.

The House being informed that divers Knights and Gentlemen of the County of Lincolne were at the Door, and had a Petition to deliver to this House; they were called in; and did present a Petition to this House:

Then they withdrew:

And their Petition being read;

They were again called in: And Mr. Speaker told them, in the Name of the House, "That they did find a great Expression of Affection and Zeal to his Majesty's Service, and the Commonwealth, and, in particular, to this House; for which they return you Thanks: And, for the Particulars expressed in the Petition, they are now in Consideration of them, and hope to give you a speedy and satisfactory Answer."


Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth allow of Colonel Cromwell to be a Colonel in this Service of Ireland.

Resolved, That this House doth allow of Sir James Barantine to be a Colonel in this Service of Ireland.

Resolved, That this House doth allow of Sir Jo. Pawlett to be a Colonel in this Service of Ireland.

Oxford Petition.

The House being informed that divers Knights and Gentlemen of the County of Oxon were at the Door, and had a Petition to present to the House; they were called in; and presented their Petition:

Which being done, they withdrew:

And their Petition being read;

They were again called in; And Mr. Speaker told them, in the Name of the House, "That the House had read their Petition; and find in it an Expression of great Care and Affection to the King and Commonwealth in general, and to this House in particular; for which they return you Thanks; and will continue their Endeavours, and hope to bring them to good Effect, for easing your Grievances."

Oxford Petition to Lords.

They likewise presented a Copy of a Petition they intended to present to the Lords; and desired the Approbation of this House unto it; and their Directions for their Delivery of it.

And then they again withdrew.

And the Copy of that Petition being read;

They were again called in: And Mr. Speaker told them, in the Name of the House, "That they do very well approve of this Petition; and for the Manner of Delivery of it to the Lords, they leave you to your own Discretions."

Lord Lientenants.

Resolved, upon the Question, That no Lieutenant may have above Two Shires in England under his Command.

Resolved, That the Earl of Holland shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of Berkeshire.

Resolved, That the Earl of Bolingbrooke shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Bedford.

Resolved, That the Lord Pagett shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Bucks.

Resolved, That the Lord North shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire.

Resolved, That the Lord Strange shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire, and of the County of the City of Chester.

Resolved, That the Lord Robarts shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Cornewall.

Resolved, That the Lord Gray of Warke shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Cumberland.

Resolved, That the Earl of Rutland shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Derby.

Resolved, That the Earl of Bedford shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lientenant of Deconshire, and of the County of the City of Exon.

Resolved, That the Earl of Salisbury shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of Dorsettshire, and of the County of the Town of Poole.

Resolved, That Sir H. Vane the elder shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Durham.

Resolved, That the Earl of Warwick shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Essex.

Resolved, That the Lord Chandois shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of Gloucestershire, and of the County of the City of Gloucester.

Resolved, That the Earl of Pembroke shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of Hantshire, of the Town and County of Southampton, and of the Isle of Wight.

Resolved, That the Earl of Salisbury shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Herts.

Resolved, That the Lord Dacres shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Heref'.

Resolved, That the Lord Mandevile shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Huntington.

Pressing Soldiers; and Bishops Votes

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Rich and Mr. Page;

The Lords appointed to attend his Majesty, for his Royal Assent to the Two Bills for the Pressing of Soldiers; and for the Disenabling of all Persons in Holy Orders to exercise any temporal Jurisdiction, &c; they have brought this Answer:- Which was the same that the Lord Herbert delivered in the Morning.

Lord Lieutenants.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Earl of Leicester shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Kent, and of the City and County of Canterbury.

Resolved, That the Lord Wharton shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Lancaster.

Opening Letters.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Rich and Mr. Page;

The Lords have commanded us to let you know, that the Searcher of London hath stayed some Letters, out of which it is thought some Discovery might be made: Their Lordships had appointed Seven of their House, and desire, that a proportionable Number of this House might be nominated, to be at the Opening of these Letters; and to report them to the Parliament.

Sir H. Vane, Mr. Pym, Sir Jo. Evelyn, Mr. Hollie, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Arthur Goodwyn, Mr. Martin, Mr. Oldsworth, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir Simonds D'Ewes, Mr. Selden, Lord Cranborne, Sir Wm. Lewis, Sir Ph. Stapilton;

This Committee is to meet with a Committee of the Lords, to be present with them at the Opening of the Letters stayed by the Searcher of London.

Answer to Lords.

Answer returned, by the same Messengers ;

The House has considered their Lordships Message; and have appointed a proportionable Number, as is desired.

Popish Catechisms.

Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir H. Vane junior, are appointed to go to the Lord Primate of Ireland, to desire him, from this House, to deliver unto them the Two Popish Catechisms imprinted in Latin and Irish, to present them to the House.

That no Member of the House go out without Leave, till the Members sent to the Primate of Armagh return.

Northampton Petition.

The House being informed that there were divers Gentlemen of the County of Northampton at the Door, that desired to present a Petition to this House; they were called in; and did present their Petition to this House; and the Copy of a Petition they desired to present to the Lords : But first, they desired the Approbation of this House unto it.

After they delivered these, they withdrew.

And the Petitions were read.

And they were again called in; and Mr. Speaker told them, " That the House does perceive a great deal of Care and Affection expressed in your Petition, to the Publick; and a great deal of Respect to this House: They have read your Petition to the Lords ; and do approve of it, and leave it to your own Discretions, for the Delivery of it."

Lord Lieutenants.

Resolved, That the Earl of Stamford shall be nominated by this House to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Leicester.

Resolved, That the Earl of Holland shall be nominated by this House to be the Lord Lieutenant of the County ofMidd'