House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 09 February 1642

Pages 422-423

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Mercurii, 9 Feb. 1641.



ORDERED, That the Business of Offering of a Speech to be printed in Sir Simonds D'Ewes his Name, be referred to the Committee for Printing: And that Bennet be summoned to attend that Committee.


Ordered, That the Committee for Poll-money shall have Power to . . . . the several Certificates of the Pollmoney, that come from the several Counties, to the Knights and Burgesses of the several Counties, as Subcommittees to the Grand Committee, to consider of, and examine the State of the Accounts; and to report unto the Grand Committee.

Leave of Absence.

Sir Edm.Fowell has Leave to go into the Country.

Vaughan's Cause.

Ordered, That Mr. Peard shall report Mr. Edw. Vaughan's Cause To-morrow Morning, so soon as the House shall be set.

Person sent for.

Resolved, upon the Question, That John Bennett shall be forthwith sent for, as a Delinquent, by the Serjeant at Arms attending ...for venting false Speeches, and selling them to be printed; pretending they were spoken by Members of this House.

Payment to Ingram, &c.

Ordered, That Sir Ro. Pye and Mr. Wheeler do pay unto Sir Arth. Ingram and Sir Tho. Barrington, the Monies formerly ordered to be employed in Plate, and to be bestowed upon Mr. Calamyn and Mr. Marshall, and has been since so laid forth by them.

Preachers appointed.

Ordered, That Sir A. Ingram and Sir Tho. Barrington shall desire Mr. Calamy and Mr. Marshall to preach at the Fast, before the House of Commons, at St.Margarett's, Westminster, on this Day Fortnight.

Bespeaking Arrows.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Informations, to examine this Business of bespeaking a Hundred thousand Arrows.

Yorke Petition.

The humble Petition of the Gentry, Ministry, and Commonalty of Cleveland, in the County of Yorke, addressed "To the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons of the House of Parliament," was this Day read, in hæc Verba;

Whereas we know no other Means, under God, to divert the just Judgements which he hath executed against the Church of the Laodiceans, for their Lukewarmness in Religion, or against the Church of Thyatira, for keeping Seducers, nor to prevent our imminent Dangers, but by a most necessary and speedy Executing of the Laws of God and the King; we do therefore desire to certify, that we are resolved to live and die in the Faith of our Protestant Religion; knowing no other Means of our Salvation: And that we will defend it with our Life and Goods: Which, that we may with our Abilities be encouraged in performing, We humbly, above all Things, desire, that We may be secured; a happy Reformation afforded; and the Laws of God and the King, without Favour or Delay, justly put in Execution against Papists.

And your Petitioners shall daily pray, &c.

This Petition being read, Mr. Speaker gave Order to Mr. Bellassis to return Thanks to the Petitioners; and to acquaint them, that this House has read their Petition, and does approve of it.

Examination of May.

Mr. Adrian May, being formerly summoned, did appear here at the Bar; and being asked many Questions concerning Hull, - the Reasons of his going thither; made a Narrative of the whole Matter; and, in Sum, said, That he was commanded by his Majesty to go to Hull, to see in what Condition the Town stood; and whether the Garison were admitted; and upon what Terms: But he absolutely denied, that he had any Order to go to the Lord Dunbarr, or that he once named him: And being asked sundry Questions, of divers Words that should be spoken in his Presence, concerning some Members of both Houses, he utterly denied that, to his Remembrance, he ever heard any such Words spoken.

That this Information concerning Mr. Adrian Maye's providing those Four hundred Horse-arms, and sending them to Hull, be referred to the Committee for Informations; and, that in the mean time Mr. May be dismissed.

Securing Recusants.

Ordered, That the House be resolved into a Committee to proceed with the Bill for securing the Persons of Recusants.

Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.

Traders in Bullion, &c.

The humble Petition of the Merchants trading with the Subjects of the King of Spaine, in Bullion and Coin.

Ordered, That a Committee shall * * * *

Sir H. Vane, Mr. Chan. Exchequer, Mr. Green, Sir Ro. Harley, Mr. Pym, Mr. Rolle, Mr. Martin, Mr. Spurstoe, Sir Ro.Pye, Alderman Pennington, Mr. Jenning;

This Committee is appointed to take the Petition of the Merchants trading with the Subjects of the King of Spaine in Bullion and Coin: And are to confer with such Merchants, or other Persons, as they shall think fit, about it; and to report their Opinions of this Business to the House: And are to meet To-morrow, at Eight of Clock, in the Treasury-chamber: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, &c.

Militia, &c.

Mr. Pierepoint reports the Reasons to be given to the Lords, why this House cannot yield to the Lords Amendments to the Ordinance concerning the Forts and Militia of the Kingdom.

1. That in this Clause of the Ordinance, such as should not yield Obedience are only to answer their Neglect and Contempt.

The not Obeying of this Ordinance is the not Obeying the King, Lords, and Commons: That, to answer their Neglect and Contempt in Parliament, they must answer it to the King, the Lords, and Commons: And these Words "and not otherwise," doth mean, No Punishment can be inflicted on the Disobedient, but by an Act of Parliament.

2. That his Majesty hath had ill Advice; though we hope of better: But such Advice may be given him, not to concur in punishing such as neglect and contemn; and may thereby encourage ill-affected Persons: So that this Ordinance, provided with so much Care for the Preservation of his Majesty and the Kingdom, may prove .. effectual.

3. This is an Ordinance of both Houses; and the not Obeying of this Authority is a Contempt of the Authority of both Houses; and therefore the Contempt ought to be answered in both Houses.

4. The Necessity of this Danger requireth speedy Obedience, and that the People may not be in doubt where to answer, whether to One House or both: And we, conceive the Lords would have them know, that if they do * * they do not only contemn them, but the House of Commons also: The House of Commons are confident, that your Lordships, in this Ordinance, have the same Affection with them, for the Safety of the King, Kingdom and People: That these unhappy Differences about Words and Expressions, in a Business of this high Consequence, may expose us to a Censure abroad, whereby we may suffer more than for the present can be imagined.

And therefore, for these Reasons, this House is of Opinion, that the Words "Commons and Lords" should be inserted.


Lord Ruthyn, according to the Order of Yesterday, went up to the Lords for a free Conference concerning their Lordships Additions to the Ordinance for the Forts and Militia.

Forces for Ireland.

Sir Philip Stapilton offered, from the Scotts Commissioners, certain Heads for a Commission to be granted to the Marquis of Argile, for the Transportation of Fifteen hundred Men into Ireland: And

It is Ordered, That these Heads be referred to the Committee formerly appointed to consider of the Commission for Carrickfergus: And they are likewise to consider of what other Heads they shall think fit for this Commission; and to get a Draught of a Commission prepared, and to present it to the House: And are to meet To-morrow, at Eight of Clock, in the Inner Court of Wards.

Col. Hill.

Ordered, That the Committee concerning Colonel Hill do meet To-morrow Morning, at Eight of Clock, in the usual Place.


Lord Ruthyn brings Answer, That the Lords will give a present Meeting, as is desired.

Letters referred.

Ordered, That these Letters from Colonel Butler be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs.

Suffolk Petition.

Some of the Inhabitants of Suff", this Day preferred a Petition to this House, being called in to the Bar: Which being done, they withdrew.

And then their Petition was read.-

Transporting Wools, &c.

Ordered, That the Bill for Transportation of Wools and Woolfells, be reported To-morrow Morning.-

Suffolk Petition.

The Petitioners were again called in, and Mr. Speaker told them, "That the House is very sensible of the Grievances you suffer under: Their Endeavour hath been and shall be to the uttermost, to give you a speedy Redress: They take Notice of One Particular in your Petition, which is, That there had many more come up, had it not been in Obedience to an Order of this House; the which they like very well."

They acquainted the House likewise, with a Petition they had to present to the Lords; and desired the Approbation of it, and Directions in it.

They withdrew.

And then their Petition was read, and they called in; and Mr. Speaker told them, "The House approved of their Petition: And, for the Manner of Delivery of it, they leave it to your own Discretions."

Militia, &c.

Mr. Pierrepoint reports, That he had delivered the Reasons to the Lords; and the Lords have altered this Clause thus, "That such Persons as shall not obey in any of the Premises, shall answer their Neglect and Contempt to the Lords and Commons, in a Parliamentary Way."

This Addition was put to the Question; and assented unto.

Mr. Pierrepoint carried up the Ordinance, with the Assent of this House unto it.

He likewise carried up the Order of this House concerning * * * *

King's Message- Pym's speech concerning Ireland.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to consider of his Majesty's Message, concerning some Things delivered in a Speech by Mr. Pym, at a Conference, touching divers Papists passed over into Ireland, by Passes immediately under his Majesty's Hand, be continued: And that Colonel Butler be examined by That Committee.

Sir Wm.Lewis reports from That Committee, the Grounds whereupon those Passages were delivered by Mr. Pym, at the Conference aforesaid: Which was read; and, by Vote upon the Question, assented unto.

YOUR Majesty's most loyal and faithful Subjects the Commons now assembled in Parliament, have taken into their serious Consideration, the Message received from Your Majesty, the Seventh of this Instant February; and do acknowledge, that the Speech therein mentioned to be delivered by Mr. Pym, in a Conference, was printed by their Order; and that what was therein delivered, was agreeable to the Sense of the House: And, touching that Passage, wherein it is affirmed, that since the Stop upon the Ports against all Irish Papists, by both Houses, many of the chief Commanders, now in the Head of the Rebels, have been suffered to pass by Your Majesty's immediate Warrant, they present Your Majesty with this their humble Answer:

That they have received divers Advertisements, concerning several Persons, Irish and other Papists, which have obtained Your Majesty's immediate Warrant for their Passing into Ireland, since the Order of Restraint of both Houses; some of which, as they have been informed, since their Coming into Ireland, have joined with the Rebels, and been Commanders amongst them; and some others have been stayed, and are yet in safe Custody; particularly the Lord Delvyn and Four other Persons in his Company, whereof One is thought to be a Priest; one Colonel Butler, Brother to the Lord Montgarratt, now in Rebellion, and Sir Geo.Hamilton; all which are Papists; and One other, as is reported, being Son of the Lord Nettersfield, whose Father and Brother are both in Rebellion: The Particular Names of others we have not yet received, but doubt not, but, upon Examination, they may be discovered.

And Your Majesty's most faithful Subjects are very sorry, that the extreme Caution which Your Majesty hath used, hath been so ill seconded with the Diligence and Faithfulness of your Ministers; and that Your Royal Authority should be so highly abused; although, as it was expressed in that Speech by Mr. Pym, we believe it was by the Procurement of some evil Instruments too near Your Royal Person, without Your Majesty's Knowledge and Intention: And we beseech Your Majesty to take such Course, that not only Your Honour may be vindicated for the Time past, but Your Kingdom may be secured from the like Mischief for the Time to come.

Mr. Chancellor, Mr. Carew, Sir Dudley North, Mr. Strangewayes, are appointed to attend his Majesty, with this Answer, To-morrow Morning.


Mr. Pierrepoint reports, that the Lords do agree to the Order concerning setting forth a Fleet this Summer.

Lord Lieutenants.

The House fell into Consideration of the Nominating of Persons to be Lieutenants for the several Counties of the Kingdom, and to be intrusted with the Militia of the several Counties. Whereupon

It was Resolved, upon the Question, That there shall be but One Lieutenant in any One County, except in the City of London.

Ordered, That this Matter, concerning the Nominating of Lieutenants for every County, be resumed To-morrow Morning, at Ten a Clock.