Pages 415-419
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Lunæ, 7 Feb. 1641.
University College.
THAT the Committee for the Bill concerning University College, do sit on this Day Se'nnight, by Eight of Clock in the Morning, in the usual Place.
Ordered, That. . . .for Mr. Holles, and Capt. Ogle, do meet on Wednesday Morning next, at Eight of Clock, in the usual Place.
Ordered, That Sir Gilbert Gerard be added to the Committee for the Poll-money: And that he be appointed to be in the Chair.
Prisoner discharged.
Ordered, That Martin Eldred, now Prisoner in the Gate-house, be a former Order of this House, for composing scandalous Pamphlets, and selling them to be printed, be discharged from any farther Imprisonment.
Merchant Adventurers.
That the Committee for the Merchant Adventurers, where Mr. Whittlock has the Chair, be revived; and do sit on Friday Morning next, at Eight of Clock, in the Star-chamber.
Monmouth Magazine.
That the Magazine of the County of Monmouth, now in the Town of Monmouth, be removed from thence to the Town of Newport, in the said County; and that the Care hereof be recommended to those Justices of Peace that subscribed the Information given unto this House.
Contribution for Ireland.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edwara Leech * *
The Lords have made a Draught of a Commission, to accompany the Bill of Contribution for the Relief of the poor distressed Subjects of Ireland; the which they desire you to give what Expedition you can.
Rex, &c. Dilectis et Fidelibus nostris, A.B. &c. Salutem. Sciatis * * * *
Mr. Whistler, Mr. Browne, Serj. Wilde, Mr. Lane, Mr. Hill, Mr. Cage, Mr. Pury, Mr. Corbett;
This Committee is to peruse the Draught of the Commission sent from the Lords, to accompany the Bill of Contribution; and to consider what farther is fit to be added unto it.
E. of Kildare.
Ordered, That the Desire of the Earl of Kildare, for a Command in this Expedition for Ireland, be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, to recommend the same unto the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.
Bishops Temporal Jurisdiction.
Sir Robert Harley, according to the Order on Saturday last, carried up the Bill for disenabling all Persons, in Holy Orders, to have any Temporal Jurisdiction.
Wigan Parish.
Mr. Ellis reports the Bill for dividing the Parish of Wigan, with some Amendments and Additions: The which Amendments and Additions were twice read: And the Bill, with the Additions and Amendments, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.
Seizing Arms, &c. at Hull.
That the Arms brought in a Ship from Newcastle to Hull, and directed to Mr. Henry Delves in Cheshire, be seized and detained at Hull, by Mr. Hotham's Directions, in the Magazine there, until he shall receive Order from this House; and the Ship and Master likewise be stayed: And that Mr. Hotham have Thanks returned him, from this House, for his Care and Diligence herein: And that Sir Tho. Smyth and Mr. Moore, Members of this House, do writer to Mr. Delves, to give an Account to this House whether he sent for Four hundred Horse-arms, and upon what Occasions. And it is farther Ordered, That Mr. Hotham do cause the Master of the Ship to be examined upon Oath, or any other, concerning the Coquet, which this House conceives to be a false Coquet; and other Matters concerning this Business: And that Sir H. Anderson and Mr. Blakiston do write to Newcastle, concerning these Arms, to be informed of the whole Matter.
Mayor of Hull.
Resolved, That the Mayor of Hull shall be called in, and discharged.
He was called in accordingly: And Mr. Speaker told him, that he understands, the Town is now in better Condition than it was when he was summoned to attend the Houses: That they understood of the good Obedience of the Town to the Orders of both Houses: And did require him to comply with Mr. Hotham; and be assistant unto him in the Execution of such Orders and Commands as they shall receive from this House, by Mr. Hotham.
Sir Wm. Savile is appointed to go to the Lords, and to acquaint them with the Letter sent from Mr. Hotham; and likewise with the Order this House has conceived in this Business; and to desire their Lordships Concurrence herein.
Person to attend.
Ordered, That Mr. Adrian May be forthwith summoned to attend this House presently.
Bishops Temporal Jurisdiction.
Sir Robert Harley brings Answer, that he had delivered the Bill concerning the Bishops Votes; and that their Lordships had appointed Two Lords of their House to attend his Majesty presently, with this Bill.
Arms assigned to the Scotts.
Resolved, That this House doth agree, that those Arms formerly assigned to the Scotts and remaining at Berwick, shall be delivered unto them; and that also Four thousand Musquets, and Two hundred Pikes, shall be presently delivered unto them; and the Residue of the Arms, due by the Agreement, shall be delivered at May-day.
Scotch Army, &c.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, to consider of the convenientest and most proper Way to raise the Nine Troops of Horse assigned to the Scotts.
Resolved, That there shall be Nine Troops of Horse, consisting of Sixty in a Troop, besides the Officers, shall be raised for the Scotts.
Resolved, That a Hundred Horse shall be allowed for the Guard of the General of the Scotts Army, besides the Nine Troops.
Resolved, That Five-and-twenty hundred Pounds shall be deposited in the Hands of the Scotts, upon Account, as a Stock for the Providing of a Thousand Horse, for the Artillery and Baggage for the Scotts Army.
Resolved, That this House doth give Consent to that Part of the Proposition, of drawing out, upon Occasion, a Fourth Part only of the Scotts Army.
That this House doth give Consent to the Scotts Proposition, of giving Conditions to such Towns and Men as they shall take, with this Addition "according to the Course of War."
That this House doth give Consent to the Proposition, concerning the Scotts being answerable for what they shall do to the King, and Parliament only; and giving Account to the King, Parliament, and Lieutenant of Ireland, for the Time being.
That the Lord Marquis of Argile shall have a particular Commission granted unto him, for the present Transporting of Fifteen hundred Men, being part of the Ten thousand Men to be sent into Ireland; and that they shall enter into Pay upon their First Muster in Ireland.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, to consider of the Mustering of the Scotts, and of the Persons fit to be intrusted therewith.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee, formerly appointed to consider of the Commission to transport the Two thousand Five hundred Scotts, to consider of a particular Commission, to be granted to the Marquis of Argile, for the present Transporting of One thousand Five hundred Men into Ireland; and also of a general Commission for transporting Men into Ireland.
Ordered, That Sir Rob. King do attend the Committee for Irish Affairs; and receive Directions not to pay any Commanders, but from the Delivery of their Commission, and Raising of their Men.
A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant * * * *,
King's Answer to Petition, &c.
That the Lords have sent us with this *
That the Lords have received a Letter from the Lord Keeper, and in it inclosed his Majesty's Answer to the Petition of both Houses; and likewise a Note inclosed, concerning the Princess' going into Holland: They have sent Copies of them.
House to sit.
The Lords have resolved to sit this Afternoon, at Three of Clock; and desire this House would do the like.
Answer returned by the same Messenger; That the House will sit this Afternoon, at Three of Clock, as is desired.
King's Answer to Petitioners.
RIGHT trusty and well-beloved Counsellor, We greet. . . well: Our Will and Command is, that you forthwith deliver to be read in Parliament, these Papers inclosed; whereof the One is in Answer to the several Propositions presented to Us, the Second of February current, from both Houses of Parliament. Given at Our Court at Windsor, the Sixth of February, in the Seventeeth Year of Our Reign.
To Our right trusty and right well-beloved Counsellor, Edward Lord Littleton, Our Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England.
"His Majesty, having well considered the Two several Petitions, presented unto Him, on Wednesday the Second of this Month, from both Houses of Parliament; and being desired to express how willing He is to apply a Remedy, not only to our Dangers, but even to our Doubts and Fears; He therefore, to that Petition which concerns the Forts and Militia of the Kingdom, returns this Answer:"
"That when He shall know the Extent of Power, which is intended to be established in those Persons whom you desire to be the Commanders of the Militia in the several Counties; and likewise, to what Time it shall be limited That no Power therein shall be executed by His Majesty alone, without the Advice of Parliament: then He will declare, that, for the Securing you from all Dangers, or Jealousies of any, His Majesty will be content to put in all the Places, both in the Forts, and Militia in the several Counties, such Persons as both the Houses of Parliament shall either approve or recommend unto Him; so that you declare before unto His Majesty, the Names of the Persons whom you approve or recommend: Unless such Persons shall be named, against whom He shall have just and unquestionable Exceptions."
"To the other Petition, concerning the Members of either House, His Majesty returns this Answer: That, as He once . . . . that he had Ground enough to eccuse them, so now His Majesty finds as good Cause wholly to desert any further Prosecution of them: And, for a further Testimony of His Majesty's real Intention towards all his loving Subjects, some of whom haply may be involved in some unknown or unwilling Errors; for the better Composing and Settling of Fears and Jealousies, of what kind soever; His Majesty is ready to grant as free and general Pardon, for the full Contentment of all His loving Subjects, as shall, by the Approbation of both Houses of Parliament, be thought convenient for that Purpose."
Queen's &c. going to Holland.
"His Majesty being very much pressed by the States Ambassadors, to send the Princess his Daughter immediately into Holland; and being likewise earnestly desired by his Royal Consort, the Queen, to give Her Majesty Leave to accompany her Daughter thither, hath thought fit to consent to both Desires; and to make this His Majesty's Consent, and her Majesty's Resolution, known to His Parliament."
Lieut. of the Tower.
Resolved, That this House shall insist upon their former Desire to the Lords, of joining with this House in an humble Petition to his Majesty, for putting Sir Jo. Coniers to be Lieutenant of the Tower.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for that drew the Petition unto his Majesty, concerning the Tower and Forts, to prepare a Petition, to be carried up to the Lords, concerning the Making Sir Jo. Coniers Lieutenant of the Tower.
Answer from the King.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committees for Militia; and Committee that drew the Petition concerning the Five Members; to consider of his Majesty's Answer now received from his Majesty; to consider what is fit to be done thereupon; and likewise to consider whether it be fit to add any thing to the Resolutions of the House, concerning the Militia.
Mr. Fines, Mr. Maynard, Mr. Cage, * * * *
Yorke Magazine.
Ordered, That the Lord Mayor of the City of Yorke shall receive the Magazine for the County of Yorke into some convenient Place in that City, if the Sheriff and Justices of Peace of the County of Yorke shall think fit to remove the same thither; and to permit the said Sheriff and Justices of Peace, from time to time, to have free Access to the said Magazine, or any Part thereof, as make use of the said Magazine, or any Part thereof, as they shall think fit, for the Defence of the said County. And it is further Ordered, That if the said Sheriff, and Justices of Peace, shall think fit to remove the said Magazine to any other Town or Place, that then such Town or Place shall be required to permit the said Magazine to be brought thereinto; and from time to time, to permit the said Sheriff, and Justices of Peace, to have Access to the same, to dispose and make use of the same, as they shall think fit, for the Defence of the said County.
Prisoner discharged.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Captain Hen. Thomas, now Prisoner in the Compter, in Wood-street, London, being there committed for Speaking of dangerous Words against some Members of this House, shall, upon Consideration of his humble Petition now read, be discharged from any further Imprisonment concerning the same.
Town of Hull.
Sir Wm. Savile reports, that the Lords do concur with this House in their Desires concerning Hull.
Distressed Irish.
Ordered, That the Committee appointed to receive the Monies given by the Members of this House, for the Relief of the poor distressed People that are come out of Ireland, do send to the several Ministers and Churchwardens of the several Parishes in and about London, to certify this House, what Sums of Money are collected, in their several Parishes, for the Relief of the poor distressed People of Ireland; and to require them to bring in such Monies, as they have received, to this Committee; who are hereby authorized to receive the same; as also any other Monies that shall come from any other Parishes in the Country: And
It is further Ordered, That the said Committee shall pay the Sum of Two hundred Pounds to Mr. John Moore, a Member of this House, to be conveyed to the Mayor of Liverpoole, to be distributed by him and the Officers of that Place, for the Relief of those poor distressed People that are come out of Ireland thither: And likewise to pay the Sum of One hundred Pounds to Sir Hugh Owen, a Member of this House, to be conveyed to Milford Haven, to be distributed there, for the Relief of the distressed People that are come out of Ireland to that Place: And further Ordered, That the Sum of One hundred Pounds shall be paid to Mr. Rous, to be distributed for the Relief of those distressed People that are come out of Ireland into the County of Cornwall.
Irish Affairs.
A Letter from Archi. Stewart and others, directed to the Marquis of Argile, dated at Colraine, 28° Januarii, in Ireland, and delivered to the Committee that sat, 3° Februarii, at Merchants Taylors Hall in London, praying Assistance from the Marquis of Argile with his Regiment, by Reason of the Mac Donnells Revolt to the Rebels.
Provisions for Army in Ireland.
Instructions for Walter Frost, Gentleman, Commissary for Victuals to be provided for the Magazine at Chester, for his Majesty's Army of Ireland, was this Day read; and assented unto: And Mr. Frost is ordered to make Provision, according to these Instructions.
Instructions for Walter Frost, Gentleman, Commissary for Victuals to be provided for the Magazine at Chester, for his Majesty's Army of Ireland.
1. YOU shall, with as much Speed as conveniently you can, provide Victual for Ten thousand Men, for Three Months, after the Rate of Four-pence the Day for every Man, in Bread, Beef, Butter, Cheese: Wherein you shall be carefull of the Goodness and Wholsomness of the Provision; and likewise of the Prices, that they be as cheap as the Markets will afford.
2. You shall, as near the Prices will bear, provide for every Man after the Proportion of one Pound of Bread, one Pound of Beef, or, in lieu thereof, Half a Pound of Cheese, or Fish, as near the Value thereof as you can; and One Quarter of a Pound of Butter, for every Day.
3. You shall provide some convenient Place, in the City of Chester, where the Provisions may be safely kept, till they be sent to Dublyn, and such other Parts of Ireland, as you shall, from time to time, receive Directions from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, or the Lords Justices and the Council for that Kingdom, or from such other Commissioners, or Council, as shall be established by his Majesty and the Parliament here.
4. Because it is to be feared that there may be some present Want in Dublin and Drogeda, you shall forthwith send some Relief to those Places to be delivered to such Persons as shall be thereunto appointed by the Lord Lieutenant, or by the Lords Justices and Council of Ireland; to be accounted as Part of the Provision for the Three Months, as aforesaid.
Provisions for Army in Ireland.
5. You shall be careful to send with all such Provision as you shall send to Ireland, a perfect Invoice thereof to the Party appointed to receive the same; as likewise a Duplicate of the same Invoice to the Lord Lieutenant, or, in his Absence from Dublyn, to the Lords Justices and Council there, both which shall be signed by your Hands; expressing the Number, Weight, or Measure of every Cask: And you shall take of the Master, or Purser, of the Ship wherein they shall be transported, a Bill of Lading, whereby he shall be bound to deliver the same, in good Condition, to such Officer in Dublyn, or any other Places in Ireland, as shall be appointed to receive it; to whom likewise, the Invoice shall be delivered, and the Prices of all the several kinds of Victuals sent, together with the Charges, which are to be added to the Price: Of which the said Officer appointed to receive and deliver the same, is to give an Account to the Treasurers at Wars, that a proportionable Abatement may be made out of Soldiers Wages.
6. The Officer appointed to receive the said Provision, is to give the Master of Ship, or Purser, that shall take Charge of the Delivery of any such Provision, a Certificate of the Delivery, which he is to send unto you, for your Discharge: And likewise the said Officer is to send into England, to such Commissioners or Officer as shall be appointed thereunto, a Certificate of all such Provision as he shall receive from you: And you likewise are to send up another Certificate, under your Hand, that so there may be a Ground for the Charge and Discharge of the same, in your several and respective Accounts.
7. You shall, for the present, send some Provisions of Wheat, Meal, or Biscuit, or which of them you can soonest procure: But, for the time to come, you shall observe such Direction therein, as you shall receive from the Lord Lieutenant, or the Lords Justices and Council, in Ireland.
8. And, because there will necessarily fall out, there will be some Waste in these Provisions, the Officer, appointed to receive and deliver the same, shall take special Care to observe what that Waste is, that so it may be added to the Price, as is most just: But, if the Price will thereby be so inhanced, that the Soldiers will not be able to bear it; it is to be certified to such as his Majesty and the Parliament shall appoint to take care of the Affairs of Ireland, that so some other Course may be taken in that Behalf.
9. You shall likewise provide Four thousand Quarters of good merchantable Oats, to be sent to such Places in Ireland, as shall be appointed by the Lord Lieutenant, or Lords Justices and Council there; or by such Commissioners and Counsellors, as shall be here established for the Affairs of Ireland; to be delivered at the Rate they cost, with the Charges added, that so a proportionable Abatement may be made of the Wages of the said Horse: Which Oats are to be delivered to such Officers in Ireland, as the Lord Lieutenant, or Lords Justices and Council, shall appoint to receive the same. And you are to observe the like Course for sending Invoice of the same into Ireland, and Certificates to London, as is formerly directed in the Case of the other Provision, for the better keeping the Account.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Clerk to Mr. Frost, Commissary for the Magazine of Victuals, and other Provision to be made at Chester, shall have Two Shillings per Diem allowed unto him, for his Wages.
Ordered, That all Mayors, Justices of Peace, and other Officers, be aiding and assisting to Mr. Frost, Commissary for the Magazine of Victuals, and other Provision, to be made at Chester, in the Making and Providing of the same.
Earl of Antrime.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, to take into Consideration the Informations given, concerning the Earl of Antrime, and what further Proof shall be given, concerning the Matters informed of against him.
Irish Commissioners.
The Commission and Instructions, authorizing a certain Number of Members of both Houses, to manage divers of the Affairs of Ireland, was read; and, upon the Question, assented unto.
Irish Commissioners.
THAT We, taking into Our Care the Peace and good Government of Our Kingdom of Ireland, and the Protection of Our Royal Subjects there, the Suppression of all the Rebels and Traitors, and re-establishing Religion and Justice, have, by the Advice of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, appointed you to be Our Commissioners and Council residing here in England, for advising, ordering, and disposing, all things concerning the Government and Defence of that Kingdom, according to such Instructions and Directions as are hereunto annexed, and such other Instructions, as you shall, from time to time, receive from Us, by the Advice of our Lords and Commons, in Parliament: And do hereby authorize you, any or more of you, for the Execution of the same accordingly: Requiring all our Officers and loving Subjects of Our Kingdom of England and Ireland, to be obedient, aiding, and assisting to you in that Behalf.
You shall, in the first Place, be careful to inform and advise as how the true reformed Protestant Religion may best be maintained, practised, and professed in that Kingdom; Idolatry, Ignorance, and Superstition diminished and suppressed; and to perform and execute all things requisite for the Effecting thereof, according to the Laws and Statutes of that Kingdom, with such Gentleness and Moderation, that all Our loving Subjects who have been seduced and misguided, may discern Our Princely Care, not only to protect their Persons and Estates, according to the Rules of Justice and the Laws of that Kingdom, but likewise to provide for their Souls and Consciences, to be instructed in the Ways of Salvation.
You shall take care that such Aids and Contributions as shall be granted in Parliament for the Defence of Ireland shall be levied and paid in such manner as shall be appointed by Law; and that the general Treasurers, Receivers, and likewise all Collectors, and other Officers and Ministers, be duly charged, and brought to Account for the same.
You shall give Warrant and Direction for the Disposing of the said Monies, for the Payment of such Forces of Horse and Foot, and other Officers of the Army, both English, Scottish, and Irish, according to such List and Establishment as shall be ordered, and agreed to by both Houses of Parliament; and of all other necessary Charges and Provisions for the Supply and Maintenance of the same; as also, of all extraordinary Allowance which shall be needful for Intelligence, and other necessary and occasional Service, for the Prosecution of the War against the Rebels: And you shall be careful, that our Treasurer at Wars for Ireland, and all other, to whose Trust or Disposing any Money concerning the Affairs of Ireland shall be committed; to account for the same in the due and usual Manner.
You shall take Account of all Muster-masters, Commissaries, and other Officers, that the full Number of Men, Horses, and Foot, and other Officers, entertained and in Pay, for our Service in Ireland, be duly employed for the Defence of that Kingdom, and Suppression of the Rebels, without Allowance of Dead-pays, or of the unnecessary Absence of any of them: And, as the same Force shall decay, or be diminished, you shall take care, that the same be reinforced and recruited.
You shall give Warrant and Direction, for the Providing of Victuals and Cloths for our Army and Garisons, and also Oats and Provender for Horses, at the cheapest Rates: And that the same be conveyed over, and kept in such Magazine and Stores, as shall be most convenient for their Supply and Relief: And that a proportionable Price be defalked for the same out of their Wages and Pay, as shall be just and reasonable.
You shall provide Arms, Munition, and all other Materials and Necessaries, for the Use of our Armies in Ireland, to be conveyed to our several Stores in that Kingdom, under the Charge and Account of the Master of our Ordnance, and of his Deputy and Under Officers there: And you shall, as often as you shall see Cause, require an Account thereof; and, by the best Means you can, shall prevent all Waste, Negligence, and Corruption, in disposing the same.
You shall take care, that necessary and convenient Shipping be provided for Transportation of all such Men and Horses, and other Provisions, out of this Kingdom into Ireland: And that such Ships as shall be appointed for the Guard of that Kingdom, shall be employed accordingly; and that the Captains, and other Commanders of those Ships, do their Duty: And you shall, by all due Means, prevent all unprofitable Consumption either of their Time or Victual.
You shall, with your uttermost Care and Diligence, endeavour and provide, that all Articles and Agreement, made or to be made with the Commissioners of Our Kingdom of Scotland by Consent and Advice of our Parliament, be duly observed on both Parties; and that Payment be made to Our Subjects of Scotland, according to those Agreements: And you shall, from time to time, advise Us, and Our Parliament, how those Aids and Supplies, which are to be entertained from thence, may be employed and disposed for the best Service and Advantage of this Crown, in subduing the Rebels, and Setting of Religion and Peace in that Kingdom.
You shall, from time to time, advertise our Lieutenant of Ireland, the Council, and other Governors and Commanders there, what you conceive to be needful for the Prosecution of the War, in the best Manner, for the Defence of That our Realm of Ireland, and Ease of the great Charges and Expenses, which, by Occassion of this Hebellion, lie upon Our loving Subjects of This Kingdom.
You shall so order and provide, that you be duly informed of the State of that Kingdom, of the Proceedings of our Armies and Forces there, that so you may be the better enabled to represent the same to Us, and to Our Lords and Commons in Parliament; together with your own Opinion and Advice, what shall be further necessary to be done for Our Service, and the Good of Our Kingdoms.
You shall observe and pursue all such other Directions and Instructions as you shall receive from Us, by the Counsel and Consent for Our High Court of Parliament.
Ordered, That Mr. Pym shall have Power to report unto the Committee for Irish Affairs, That this House has assented unto this Commission and Instructions: And that this House has given Power to their Committee, to nominate such as they shall think fit to be Commissioners named in this Commission: And to desire, that the Lords Committees may have the like Power.
That the Committee shall have Power to add an Article to these Instructions, for examining the Exaction of Treasurers, Commissaries, and other Officers.
Corn, &c. for Ireland.
Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer reported, That his Majesty had granted a Warrant for a Privy Seal, full to the Desires of this House, for the Transportation of Corn, Victual, and Cloathing into Ireland, Custom-free, in both Kingdoms.
Mr. Warrick is desired to expedite this Business, as much as in him lies.
Losses by Storms.
That it be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, to consider of the Losses that have been occasioned by these late Storms that have happened to the Officers and Soldiers, in transporting the Victual and Ammunition.
That Sir Wm. Brereton shall take care to make a new Supply of such Provision, as was formerly made by Order of this House, for the Transportation of the Fifteen hundred Foot of the Lord Lieutenant's Regiment at Chester, and is since made unserviceable by the late Storms.
Earl of Thomond.
That the Petition of the Earl of Thomond be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs.
Resolved, That to the former Resolutions of this House concerning the Militia, it shall be added "That such Persons as shall not obey in any of the Premises, shall answer their Neglect and Contempt to the Lords and Commons in Parliament, and not otherwise, nor elsewhere."
Resolved, That his Majesty's Answer to the Petition of both Houses, concerning the Forts and Militia of this Kingdom, is a Grant thereof, when That Power, and the Time of Continuance of it, and the Names of the Persons that are to have that Power, are declared to his Majesty.
Resolved, That the Power of recommending and altering such Persons as shall be trusted with the Forts and Power aforesaid, shall continue, until, by the Advice and Desires of both Houses of Parliament, it shall be altered.
Ordered, That these Words, "and other Officers," shall be added to the former Resolutions of this House, concerning the Militia.
Resolved, That the Power of the Militia, voted in this House with these Additions, shall be forthwith sent up to the Lords, to desire them to join with this House in it.
Irish Army, Pay.
Ordered, That the Sum of Five thousand Pounds, ordered on Saturday last to be paid to Mr. Loftus, for Payment of the Soldiers at Dublyn, shall be paid unto him out of the Monies remaining in the Hands of the Treasurers of the Four first Subsidies: And the said Treasurers are ordered to pay the same accordingly.
Ordered, That Sir Rob. Pye do go up to the Lords; to desire a Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, concerning the Scotts Propositions; and the Message sent from the King concerning the Militia of the Kingdom.
And Mr. Fynes and Sir Philip Stapleton are appointed Managers of the First Part of the Conference; and Mr. Perepointe Manager of the Second Part of the Conference.
And he is to carry the Votes of this House, concerning the Militia, with the Additions this Day made to the former Votes.
Hollister's &c. Petition.
The humble Petition of Edward Hollister, Robert Jones, Sisly Rumsey, Edward Harry, David Kenkins, and divers others, Inhabitants in the County of Monmouth, being this Day read;
It was Resolved, upon the Question, and Ordered accordingly, That it be referred to Walter Rumsey, Wm. Herbert, and Edward Morgan, Esquires, or any Two of them, to examine the Matters complained of in their Petition; and to certify this House of the Truth thereof: And, in the mean time, all Proceedings, by way of Indictment or otherwise, against the Petitioners, concerning the Matters mentioned in their Petition, are ordered to be stayed accordingly.
Pressing Soldiers.
Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leeche and Doctor Bennett;
The Lords desire a present Conference, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, by a Committee of both Houses, upon the Bill for Pressing of Soldiers.
Answer returned by the same Messengers: That this House will give a present Meeting, as is desired.
Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Martyn, Sir Rob.Coke, Mr. Nicholas, Mr. Corbett, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.
Scotts Propositions, &c.
Sir Rob.Pye brings Answer, that the Lords will give a present Meeting, concerning the Scotts Propositions; and the Tower; and Militia of the Kingdom.
Bringing up Winter, &c. from Scotland.
Ordered, That the Commissioners that are to treat with the Commissioners of Scotland, do move the Scotts Commissioners to write into Scotland, that Captain Winter and his Clerk and Footman, all now apprehended in Scotland, be brought in safe Custody to Barwicke: Where the Mayor of Barwicke is required to take Charge of them: And the Sheriff of Northumberland is required to convey them in safe Custody through that County: And all other Sheriffs, through whose Counties the said Persons are to pass towards London, shall have the like special Care, in the safe Bringing up of the said Persons to the House of Commons.
Ordered, That the Scotts Commissioners be likewise moved to write, that the Persons that give the Information against Captain Winter and his Two Servants, may also come up to testify the same.
Trial of the Bishops.
Ordered, That Mr. Long do go to the Lords with this Message; To desire the Lords to put off the Day for the Twelve Bishops Trial a while longer; their Lordships knowing the important Affairs of the Kingdom, at this time, that hinders this House from taking the same into Consideration.
Examining Taffe.
Ordered, That Mr. Pym do speedily take the Examination of Colonel Taffe, to the end that he may be bailed or dismissed, if no other Matter appear upon his Examination to the contrary.
Information against Browninge.
Ordered, That the Committee for Intelligence do take into Consideration the Information against Mr. Browninge, a Minister.
Ordered, That the Speech put forth in the Name of Mr. Hollis be referred to the Committee for Printing.
Sir E. Deeringe.
Ordered, That Sir Edw. Deeringe be required to deliver to this House, such Writings, Books, and other Things, as are in his Custody, as being in the Chair for the Committee for Printing.
Pressing Soldiers.
Serjeant Wilde reports the Bill for Pressing of Soldiers, from the Conference, with some Amendments: The which were twice read; and Ordered, that upon the Question, That the Bill should be amended accordingly.