Pages 414-415
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Sabbati, 5 Feb. 1641.
Papists Arrears, &c.
ORDERED, That the Committee for the Arrears of Papists, shall have Power to examine, what Indictments for Recusancy have been removed by Certiorari, since the Beginning of the Parliament, by what Judges granted, and by whose Solicitation; also what other Obstructions have hindered the Proceedings against them: And they are to sit, Tuesdays and Fridays, in the Star-chamber: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, and Writings.
Sir E. Deering's Books.
Ordered, That the Master and Wardens of the Company of Stationers shall have Power to search the Houses, where they shall be informed that Sir Edw. Deering's Books are printing, or to be sold; and seize them, and inform the House of the Names of the Printers.
Cockermouth Writ.
Sir Jo. Fenwick, returned to serve as a Burgess for the Town of Cockermouth in the County of Cumberland; and One of the Knights, for the County of Northumberland; chooseth to serve as Knight for the County of Northern berland:
It is thereupon Ordered, That Mr. Speaker issue forth his Warrant, directed to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, for a new Writ, for electing of another Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the said Town of * *
Irish Army Pay.
Ordered, That the Sum of Five thousand Pounds, now ready in Cash, Part of the Ten thousand Pounds designed for the present Payment of the Soldiers at Dublyn, shall be forthwith paid to Mr. Nico.Loftus, Deputy to Sir Adam Loftus, Treasurer at Wars for Ireland; to the end the same may be speedily transported, for the Use aforesaid.
Answer from the King.
A Message from the Lords, by Serjeant Finch and Mr. Page;
The Lords have commanded them to let you know, that the Lord Newport, Yesterday in the Afternoon, the Fourth of this Instant February, received this Answer from his Majesty, and acquainted this House this Morning, That the King will speedily return an Answer to the Petition, concerning the Lord Mandevile, and the Five Members of the House of Commons; and so that other Petition concerning the Militia of the Kingdom; both together.
1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act of Restitution of several Sums of Money, undully taken and exacted from the Subject by divers Vintners of the City of London, and others, on Wines retailed and vended within this Kingdom.
2da vice lecta est Billa prædicta; and, upon Question, committed unto the Committee for Customers, where Mr. Green has the Chair; and with the Addition of Mr. Mallory, Mr. Maynard, Mr. Gallion, Mr. Glyn, Sir Symonds D'Ewes, Mr. Pym, Sir H.Vane, Sir Jo. Evelyn, Sir Tho. Hutchinson, Mr. White, Sir Edw.Patheriche, Sir Edm. Montfort, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir H. Anderson, Sir Tho. Soame, Sir Harvey Bagott, Sir Wm. Sacile, Sir Arth. Haselrig, Sir Martin Lumley, Sir Ro. Coke: And are to meet on Monday Morning next, at Seven of Clock, in the Star-chamber: And have Power to call before them the Parties concerned in the Bill; and to hear what they can say for themselves; and to report their Answers to the House: And they have likewise Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records.
Bishops Temacol Jurisdictions.
A Message from the Lords by Sir Ro. Rich and Mr. Page;
The Lords have received this Bill, intituled, An Act for the Disenabling all Persons in Holy Orders to exercise any Temporal Jurisdiction or Authority, from this House: They have given it Readings, according to the Course of their House; and have agreed unto it, with these Amendments following:
The Amendments were; In the Fourteenth Line, after the Word "the," put out the Words following, till the Word "in," in the next Line; and, instead thereof, put in the Words "Fifteenth Day of February:' In the Twenty-ninth Line, put out the Words "Tenth Day of November;" and instead thereof, put in the Words "Fifteenth Day of February:" In the Sixteenth Line, after the Word "any," and before the Word "Suffrage" in the next Line, put in the Words "Seat or Place."
The Amendments were thrice read: And
It was Resolved, upon the Question, That the Bill should be thus amended.
Sir Ro. Harley is appointed to carry up this Bill to the Lords, so soon as they are set; and to tell the Lords, that this House is glad of the good Correspondence between both Houses; especially in a Business that tends so much to the Peace of the Kingdom: And to desire the Lords to move his Majesty, to pass this Bill with as much Expedition as might be; it being a Business that will give such great and general Satisfaction to his People.
Ordered, That the Committee for Monopolists, where Mr. Peard has the Chair, be revived; to sit on Tuesday next, at Eight of Clock, in the Star-chamber: And that this Business, concerning Mr. Long and Mr. Hooke, be referred to this Committee.
Lient of the Tower.
That the Lieutenant of the Tower be summoned to appear here presently.
Disarming Recusants.
Mr. Serjeant Wilde reports the Bill for the present Disarming of Popish Recusants, with some Additions and Amendments: The which Additions and Admendments were twice read; and upon the Question, recommitted to the same Committee: And they are to meet, on Monday Morning next, at Eight of Clock, in the Inner Court of Wards: And Mr. Maynard is added to this Committee.
Irish Army.
Sir Jo. Netersfield, * * *, Sir Geo. Hamilloun.
Ordered, That the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland be moved, to discharge all such as have Command in the Army of Ireland, That will not receive the Communion, and take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, except the Earl of Clanricard, and especially, that he remove Sir Jo. Nettersfield and Sir Geo. Hamilton from their Commands: And the Lord Folliate is recommended unto his Lordship, in the Place of Sir Jo. Nettersfield.
Preventing Tumults.
Mr. Glyn, Sir Wm. Lewis, Mr. Fines, Mr. Whittlock, Sir Philip Stapilton, Mr. Hampden, Mr. Maynard, Sir Tho. Barrington, Mr. Prideaux;
This Committee is to take into Consideration, what will be the fittest Way to prevent the extraordinary Convention of People: And are presently to withdraw, to prepare something, to be offered to this House, in this Business.
Sir G. Wentworth.
Ordered, That on Tuesday Morning next, the Consideration of Sir Geo. Wentworth's having a Command in Ireland shall be resumed.
Alien Artificers.
Ordered, That. . .Committee, concerning Alien Artificers, be revived; to sit on Monday Morning next, at Eight of Clock, in the Inner Star-chamber.
Securing Recusants.
That the Knights and Burgesses of the several Counties shall think of some Places, out of their County, for the Persons of Popish * *
Ordered, That the House be resolved into a Committee, to take into Consideration the Bill for securing the Persons of Recusants.
Mr. Reynolds called to the Chair.
Mr. Speaker resumed the Chair.
Preventing Tumults.
That the Citizens, that serve for the City, shall use their best Endeavours to prevent any Confluence of People, or tumultuous Assemblies; And that they shall acquaint such People * * * *.