House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 10 May 1571

Pages 88-89

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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In this section

Jovis, decimo Maii, 1571


1. The Bill against Collusions and Delays in Vouchers- - The first Reading.


1. The Bill G. - The first Reading.


1. 2. Addition to the Bill for the Maintenance of Navigation, twice read; and, with the Bill, ordered to be ingrossed.

River Welland.

3. The Bill for the River of Welland. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.


1. nova. The Bill for Preservation of Woods. - The first Reading; and committed unto Sir Nicholas Arnolde, Sir George Bowes, Sir Thomas Scotte, Mr. Humberston, Mr. Moore, Mr. Gayer, Mr. Wightman, Mr. Sampole, Mr. Wynchecombe, Mr. Robert Snagg, Mr. Bowyer, Mr. Cowper, and Mr. Fenner; to meet in the Temple Church, at Two of the Clock this Afternoon.

All the Bills last passed, except that for Sowthampton, are sent up to the Lords by Mr. Treasurer and others.


1. 2. Provisoes to the Bill against Vagabonds, twice read ; and committed unto Mr. Atkyns and others.


1. The Bill for the Severance of Sheriffs in the Counties of Norfolke and Suffolke. - The first Reading.


2. The Bill for Lostwythiell. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Privilege - Bribery.

Forasmuch as Thomas Longe, Gentleman, returned One of the Burgesses for the Borough of Westburye in the County of Wilteshire for this present Parliament, being a very simple Man, and of small Capacity to serve in that Place, hath this Day in open Court confessed, that he gave unto Anthony Garlande, Mayor of the said Town of Westbury, and unto one * Watts of the same Town, the Sum of Four Pounds for that Place and Room of Burgessship ; it is Ordered, by this House, that the said Anthony Garlande, and the said Watts, shall immediately repay unto the said Thomas Longe, the said Sum of Four Pounds ; and also that a Fine of Twenty Pounds be by this House assessed upon the Corporation or Inhabitants of the said Town of Westbury, to the Queen's Majesty's Use, for their said lewd and slanderous Attempt; and that the said Thomas Longe, his Executors and Administrators, shall be discharged against the said Anthony Garland and * Watts, their Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, of and for all Bonds made, by the said Thomas Longe, to any Person or Persons, touching the Discharge of the Exercise of the said Room or Place of Burgessship, in any wise.

Conference with Lords.

Mr. Solicitor and Mr. Doctor Vaughan pray from the Lords, that a Number of this House may be presently sent to confer with their Lordships, touching the Bill of Attainders, and the Bill against Bulls, &c. Whereupon are sent to them, Mr. Treasurer, Sir Thomas Smythe, Sir John Thynne, Sir Nicholas Arnold, Sir Christopher Haydon, Mr. Henneage, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Sampole, Mr. Popham, and Mr. Alforde.