House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 11 May 1571

Page 89

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, undecimo Maii, 1571

Persons sent for, &c.

It is Ordered, that a Pursuivant be sent with Letters from this House unto Anthony Garland, Mayor of the Town of Westbury in the County of Wilshire, and * Watts of the same Town, for their personal Appearance forthwith to be made in this House; and also to bring with them all such Bonds as Thomas Longe, Gentleman, lately returned One of the Burgesses for the same Town, standeth bounden in unto them, or either of them, or unto any other to their Use; and also then and there to answer unto such Matters, as at their Coming shall be objected against them by this House.


1. The Bill against Exactions of Collectors of the Tenths of the Clergy. - The First Reading.

Clerks convict.

1. 2. The Bill against Perjury in Clerks convict, twice read, and ordered to be ingrossed.


1. 2. The Bill for Continuance of the Severance of Sheriffs in sundry Shires, twice read, and ordered to-be ingrossed.


2. The Bill for Severance of the Sheriffs in the Counties ofNorfolke and Suffolk. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.


1. The Bill for Severance of the Sheriffs of the Counties of Beddford and Buckingham, - The first Reading.

Conference - Treasons.

All the Privy Council being of this House, Sir Henry Norryce, Sir Thom. Scotte, Sir John Thynne, Mr. Attorney of the Duchy, Mr. Attorney of the Wards, Mr. Servient Manwood, Mr. Stokes, Mr. Bell, Mr. Mounson, Mr. Thom. Snag, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Norton, Mr. Dalton, and Mr. Rugby, are appointed to confer amongst themselves, this Afternoon, at the Star-chamber, touching the Bill of Treasons, and then afterwards with the Lords, upon further Appointment.

Fraudulent Gifts, &c.

LL. 2. The Bill against fraudulent Gifts and Conveyances. - The second Reading.


Q. 3. The Bill for Morice Rodney Esquire. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Post Meridiem.


1. The Bill for Dorchester. - The first Reading.


1. The Bill for paving the Street without Aldgate. - The first Reading.


1. The Bill for the Twelve Shires of Wales. - The first Reading.

Plymouthe. &c. Havens.

1. The Bill for Maintenance of the Havens of Plymouthe and Dartmowthe, &c. - The first Reading; and committed unto Sir John St. Leger, and others.


The Bill against the Usurpation of Tinners in the County of Devon. - The first Reading; and committed to the said Sir John St. Leger, and others.


1. The Bill for Cordwainers. - The first Reading.


1. The Bill for the Town of Ippeswiche. - The first Reading.


1. The Bill for the Woolstedd Weavers,- - The first Reading.


1. The Bill against Clothworkers. - The first Reading.

Salopp, &c.

1. The Bill for the Counties of Salopp and Hereforde, - The first Reading.