House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 10 June 1626

Pages 869-870

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Sabbati, 10 Junii

Remonstrance on Tonnage and Poundage.

THE Committee, for penning a Remonstrance concerning Tonnage and Poundage, to meet upon Monday in the Afternoon : And Sir H. Poole, all the Merchants of the Port Towns, Mr. Sherland, Sir Jo. Pickering, Sir H. Anderson, Mr. Whitaker, added to the Committee.

Ly. Dale.

Lady Dale's Bill, - Tuesday : And Sir Jo. Pickering, Mr. Wm. Whitaker, Sir Ew. Thelluall, Mr. Nich. Jordaine, and Mr. Escort, added.

Privilege - Member excommunicated.

Sir Geor. Moore informeth the House that he was present at an High Commission Court, where Seven Bishops present; and knoweth that then all the Proceedings against Sir Ro. Howard, from the First of February, 22o Jac, were frustrated, and made void. And Sir H. Martyn affirmed, that the Order of the House there read, and allowed ; and all ordered to be there done accordingly.

Tuesday next, for full Satisfaction to be given to this House, of the Performance of the Order concerning Sir Ro. Howard; and then the Order . . . .

Suspected Recusant.

Mr. Pymme reporteth from the Committee for Religion, concerning the Schoolmaster of Aburgeny. - That he was about Eighteen Years sithence a Recusant suspected, and convented sithence before the Bishop, but cleared : His Wife a Recusant, and her Friends; and hath divers Scholars, Sons of Popish Recusants. -

Affirmed by divers Gentlemen of Worth, that he himself is very conformable; a very good Schoolmaster; hath brought his Wife to Church, and to receive the Communion ; and hath .....

Upon Question, Morgan Lewys, this Schoolmaster, to be discharged from further Attendance, only with an Admonition from the Committee for Religion, for catechising his Scholars: Which he promiseth.

Ly. Bulkeley.

L. 2a. - Bulkeley. - Committed to the Knights and Burgesses of Wales, and Cheshyre, and Lancashyre, Mr. Sherland, Sir George Moore, Sir H. Poole, Mr. Bisse, Mr. Cl. Cooke, Mr. Newbery, Mr. L. Whitaker, Mr. Nich. Jordayne, Mr. Keeling, Sir Nich. Saunders, Mr. Jo. Drake, Mr. Francis Finch: - Tuesday next, in the Afternoon. Notice to the Lady Bulkeley, and Serjeant Davenport; and Counsel to be heard of all Parts, if they will.

Avoiding Suspicion of Members.

Mr. Coryton reporteth the Bill for avoiding Suspicion of Partiality in any the Members of the Commons House of Parliament, with Amendments; which twice read. -


Cloth Trade.

Sir H. Poole reporteth the Bill for the Venting of white Cloths, with some Amendments; which twice read. - Re-committed : - Presently, in the Committee Chamber.


Bill for nichilling Accounts in Corporations, - Tuesday next. Mr. Sherland and Mr. Whitby added to the Committee.

Bill for Discovery of Popish Recusants, and of Church Papists, - Monday Afternoon, Court of Wards.

Defaulters Fines.

The forfeited Sums of 10l. to be paid to the Clerk; and to be paid before Thursday next, except they shall in the mean time make an Excuse, allowed by the House: and Wednesday next appointed for their Excuses.

Mr. Whitson, upon Question, spared his 10l.

Grand Committee.

The Grand Committee for the Declaration to sit presently.

Leave of Absence.

Mr. Rudhall licensed to go into the Country, upon the Sickness of his only Brother.

Duke of Buckingham's Answer.

Mr. Baron Trevor and Sir Ch. Caesar bring with them from The Lords, the Copy of the Duke's Answer: And further signify, that the Duke hath made a Request to their Lordships, which they recommend to this House, that we would proceed with, all Expedition in our Reply to this Answer, that so they might proceed on with the Business.

The Messengers dismissed without any Answer.

House to sit.

Ordered, The House shall sit again at Two Clock.

Duke of Buckingham.

Ordered, All the Gentlemen, employed in delivering the Charge against the Duke, with the Aggravations, shall bring in all their Parts in Writing.


Upon the Report from the Committee about the Declaration, Resolved, upon Question, That the grand Committee, and Sub-committee, should have Power to send for the Roll of Parchment in the Rolls, concerning the Declaration made from the Duke of Buckingham to both Houses of Parliament. 21o Jac.

2ly, That this Grand Committee, or Sub-committee, shall have Power to send for the Lord Digby, or his Counsel, to make good, by Proof, that Point, which concerneth the Abuse of this House.

Grand Committee.

The grand Committee, for the Declaration, to sit at the rising of the House.