House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 05 June 1626

Pages 866-867

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Lunae, 5o Junii

Pigott's Bankruptcy.

L. 1a. AN Act to make Rich. Pigott, the elder, liable unto the Statutes touching Bankrupts, to the Intent, that his Creditors and Sureties may be relieved against him for their just Debts and Engagements;

Sir E. Fisher.

Sir Edw. Fisher's Bill - Friday next, in the Afternoon, in the former Place.


L. 1a. - Bulkeley.

Asteley's Nat.

Asteley his Bill, - To-morrow, Seven Clock, Court of Wards.

Wagstaffe's Estate.

Wagstaffe's Bill, - To-morrow, Two Clock, in the former Place. Sir H. Poole, Sir Wm. Strode, and the Burgesses of Sussex, added to the Committee.


Bill Marriages, - To-morrow Afternoon. All, that will come, to have Voice.

Cloth Trade.

L. 2a. An Act for the better Vent and Sale of white Cloths: Committed to Sir H. Poole, Sir Ro. Points, Sir H. Whyteheade, Burgesses Five Ports, Mr. Sherfeild, Mr. Rolles, Sir Jo. Jackson, Sir Edw. Peyton, Sir Rich. Buller, Sir B. Hickes, Mr. Rich.... Sir George More, Mr. Long: And all, that will come, to have Voice: - Wednesday, Two Clock, Exchequer Chamber.

Defaulters at Call of the House.

Mr. Standish, being absent upon Friday, and present on Saturday Morning, spared, upon Question: So Sir Jo. Backhowse, being also here upon Saturday Morning.

Mr. Delbridge likewise, being here present this Morning, is, upon special Reasons alleged for his Absence upon Friday...

Leave of Absence.

Sir Jo. Cutts hath Licence to go into the Country, for his Health.

Defaulters at Call of the House.

Mr. Browne, sent for on Whitson Tuesday, for his Wife's Sickness, and returning again upon Saturday last, excused, upon Question.

Mr. Owen, stayed by attending Mr. Blonden, a Member of this House, fallen sick upon the Way, and now present here, spared, upon Question.

Upon Question, whosoever shall be absent at the Call of the House, not having asked Leave openly in the House after Nine of the Clock, to pay 10 l. at the least, for his Default.

2ly, Upon Question, all such Members of the House, who, by Information to the House (without a Call of the House) shall appear to absent the Service of the House, by so going out of Town, to incur the like Penalty. These Penalties to be disposed, as the House shall direct.

Conference - Privileges.

The House turned into a grand Committee, about the Conference with the Lords. Upon a Report from this Committee, Ordered, upon Question, That this Committee shall have Power to take further into Consideration of the Things referred to the grand Committee for righting our Privileges, or of whatsoever was by them referred to any Sub-committees ; and those Sub-committees to make Report to this grand Committee.

Upon Question, this Committee also hath Power to take Consideration of the Heads for the Conference, which was before agreed by the House ; and to make such Use thereof, as they shall see fit. And this Committee hath also Power to consider of Heads, and to frame a Declaration to be made to his Majesty.

Ordered, This grand Committee shall presently sit : And so did.

D. of Buckingham elected Vice-chancellor of Cambridge.

Mr. Herberte reporteth from the Committee, that it conceiveth, this House hath just Cause of Offence, at the Choice of the Duke to be Vice-chancellor of Cambridge; and do think fit, that a Letter be written to the Corporation of the University of Cambridge, to signify this Dislike, and require them to send some to the House, to inform them.

Upon Question, a Letter to be written to the University of Cambridge, by Name of their Corporation, to signify unto them, that this House hath taken just Offence at their

Election of the Duke to be their Chancellor; and to require them to send some, instructed, and authorised, to inform, and give Account to, this House, of the Manner of their Proceedings in the said Election; and that, if any other will come to give Information, they shall be heard. These to be here upon Monday next.

And further, Resolved, If any will, in the mean time, come, and inform, or complain, they shall be heard.