House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 06 June 1626

Page 867

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, 6o Junii

Merton Col.

MERTON College Bill, - Thursday next.

Asteley's Nat.

Mr. Spencer reporteth Asteley his Bill, with Amendments. - Engrossetur.


L. 1a. - Hackett.

Letter to Cambridge.

Some Exceptions being taken to the Letter to be sent to Cambridge; Master of the Wards, Mr. Chancellor Duchy, Sir Tho. Lake, Sir Jo. Ellyott, Sir B. Rudyard, Sir Nath. Rich, Sir D. Digges, Sir Tho. Hobby, Mr. Dr. Eden, Mr. Pymme, Mr. Littleton, to meet in the Court of Wards, Two Clock; and the House to sit at Five a Clock.

Isle of Canvee.

Bill for Canvee Island, - Thursday next, in the Afternoon, former Place.

Leave of Absence.

Leave given to Mr. Poyninges More, for Sickness, to go out of the Town for a few Days.

Report to be made.

Thursday next, for the Report from the Committee for Privileges, for Warwicke, and other Business there depending.


A Letter read, from the Inhabitants of Lincolne, concerning Articles delivered by the Clerks of Assise unto the High Constables, &c. whereby great Trouble and Charge to the Country.

This referred to the Committee for Grievances; and they to make a Sub-committee, to examine it, and to report to the grand Committee.


The Petition, against Recusants in Authority, ingrossed, read, and allowed to be presented to his Majesty : To be delivered by the Privy Council of the House, and Sir J. Fullerton.

Leave of Absence.

Sir Jervys Clifton hath Leave to go down, in respect of his Wife's Sickness; and to return with all Speed.

Persons sent for.

The Surgeons to be sent for, to attend the Committee for Ships, and Shipping.

General Fast.

The Report for the general Fast, to be To-morrow Morning.


Bill for Continuance and Repeal of Statutes, - Thursday Afternoon.

Causes, Evils, and Remedies.

The Committee for Causes, Evils, and Remedies, to sit upon Friday next.


The House turned into a grand Committee, about the Remonstrance.

Martis, 6o Junii

Buying Offices.

BILL against buying and selling Offices, - To-morrow in the Afternoon, in the Exchequer Court.


Courts of Justice : - Saturday in the Afternoon.

Letter to Cambridge.

Mr. Pymme reporteth from the Committee, for the Letter to Cambridge, about the Election of the Duke of Buckingham: Which being twice read; Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer delivereth a Message from the House [a];

Message from the King.

that the King, having taken Knowlege hereof, hath commanded him to signify his Pleasure, that the House forbear to send this Letter.

Resolved, To defer the further Consideration of this Message till To-morrow, Ten Clock.