House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 17 March 1626

Pages 837-838

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Page 837
Page 838

In this section

Veneris, 17o Martii


THE Committee for ..... D. Digges, his Motion, -

Two Clock, Saturday.

King's Revenue : - Two Clock, on Monday.

Welch Butter Bill, - Saturday, Two Clock, Exchequer Chamber.

Ward's Estate.

L. 1a. An Act to enable James Ward, alias Farmor, to sell and dispose a Messuage, and certain Lands, in the Parish of Ibstocke, within the County of Leicester, for and towards Payment of his Debts, and Provision of his younger Children.

Ld. Aburgeny.

L. 2a. Aburgeny: - Committed to Mr. Mallett, Sir Jo. Jackson, Sir Geor. Fane, Sir Jo. Stradling, Sir Tho. Hobby, Mr. Lowther, Sir H. Poole, Sir Humfrey Lyne, Sir A. St. John, Sir Cl. Throckmorton, Mr. Palmes, Sir Jo. Finch, Sir Jo. Oglander, Sir Tho. Lucy, Sir A. Temple, Sir Edw. Scott, Sir Wm. Owen, Sir Tho. Grantham, Sir Nich. Saunders, Sir Geor. More, Sir W. Covert, Sir Geor. Ryvers, Mr. Lyndesey, Mr. Kirton, Mr. Beast, Sir Wm. Croftes, Sir H. Bellingham; Monday sevennight, Two Clock, Exchequer Chamber.


Monday next. Nine Clock, to read ingrossed Bills.

Newport Election.

Sir Jo. Finch reporteth from the Committee for Privilege, for Newport in Cornewall, Mr. Willyams' Case. -

Three Indentures of returned; One dated 18o Jan. the other 12 Jan.

The 2d is by the Inhabitants and Freeholders, for Mr. Willyams. He deserted the Cause; and therefore the Committee of Opinion, that the Indenture for Mr. Willyams should be withdrawn, being with the Clerk of the Crown, and the other Two, viz. . . Hungayte, and Mr. Gewen, to serve by the Two other Indentures. - Upon Question, Ordered.

Oxford Election.

Sir Jos. Finch also reporteth the Case for Oxford, concerning the Election of Sir Tho. Edmonds. -

The Case thus, 17o Jan. last, a Convocation called, and some Letters commendatory read : "Recording to the Use, some Speech used by Mr. Vice Chancellor. The -

The Masters, some of them cried "Placet;" some, " Non :" But none named. They moved, by the Vice Chancellor, to name One : They cried " Ad scrutinium."

- The Grant, 1o Jac. .... eisdem modo et forma, as in other Towns. Their Manner of Scrutiny being by their Names in Writing, or in aurem of the Proctor. The Vice Chancellor -

That the Committee, super totam materiam, agreed, the Election of Sir Tho. Edmonds void. - Upon Question, so resolved in the House; and a new Writ. -

That Vaad, in the Opinion of the Committee, justly committed by the Vice Chancellor for Misdemeanors.

Defence of the Kingdom.

The Speaker left his Chair.

Messengers being come from the Lords, the Speaker took his Chair.

Mr. Justice Yelverton and Mr. Serjeant Tho. Crew bring a Message from the Lords -

This Message: That they formerly sent to this House a Message, about the general Defence of the Kingdom : That they then made some Propositions, but have not heard from the House sithence: Therefore, the Cause being of Importance, they desire an Answer.

The Messengers withdrawn, and called in again, Answer returned by them : We will send Answer by Messengers of our own.

The Message, formerly drawn by the Committee, and presented and allowed by the House ....

Embargo in France.

Mr. Newbery reporteth from the Committee about the French Merchants Petition. - That the Committee informed by Letters, that the King had given Order for Release of the Embargue there, but from Roane a Letter come that no Discharge; yet Hope of it. Stay of the French Goods here moved, but disliked ; for that they have not the tenth Part of Goods here, as ours there. So Letters of Mart moved, but rejected. A Petition to his Majesty, for a general Relief, agreed upon; and whether to send to the Lords to join; 14 for it, 15 against it.

The Form of the Petition, in Writing, delivered in, and read ; and altered in some Words; and re-committed to a select Committee.

Upon Question, to desire a Conference with the Lords, touching the French Merchants Petitions, Yesterday committed.

Upon Question, a select Committee to be named, to consider of the Heads of the Conference with the Lords. -

Sir Jo. Ellyott, Sir Wm. Beecher, Sir Tho. Hobby, Mr. Kirton, Sir Ro. Pye, Mr. Chancellor Exchequer, Mr. Secretary Cooke, Sir H. Martyn, Sir S. Weston, Sir D. Digges, Sir Jo. Savyle, Mr. Newbery, Sir Wm. Ermyn, Mr. Pymme, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir Francis Goodwyn, Mr. Coryton, Sir Wm. Spencer, Sir Tho. Lake, Mr. Selden, Sir P. Hayman, Mr. Chancellor Duchy, Mr. Sherland:

- Four Clock this Afternoon, Court of Wards.

Raleighe's Restitution.

Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Serjeant Tho. Crew bring from the Lords, a Bill, for Restitution in Blood of Mr. Cary Raleighe.


Mr. Selden's Report, concerning Sir Ro. Howard's Excommunication ....

Ecclesiastical Courts.

Bill of Citations, - Two Clock To-morrow, in the Court of Wards, Mr. Rolles, and Sir H. Berkeley, and Sir H. Martyn, added to the Committee.


Bill against Concealments, - upon Monday next, Two Clock, in the former Place.