House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 07 March 1626

Pages 831-832

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, 7 Martii


L. 1a. AN Act for Explanation of a Clause in the Statute (intituled, An Act against Usury) made at Westmynster, in the 21th Year of the Reign of our late sovereign Lord King James, of England, &c.

Neale's Decree.

L. 1a. An Act for making void a Decree in the Exchequer Chamber, made in the Behalf of Sir Francis Neale, Knight, against Sir Edw. Fisher, Knight, and of all subsequent Orders thereupon, concerning a Barn, and certain Parcels of the Manor of Mickleton, within the County of Gloucester.

Clerk of the Market.

L. 1a. An Act for the better Ordering of the Office of the Clerk of the Market, and the Reformation of false Weights and Measures.

King's Revenue.

L. 2a. - King's Revenue. - Committed to Mr. Spencer, Sir Geor. More, Sir D. Digges, Sir Ben. Rudyard, Sir Tho. Grantham, Mr. Rolles, Sir Ro. Pye, Mr. Attorney Wards, Sir Wm. Slingesby, Sir M. Fleetewood, Sir H. Spiller, Mr. Langstone, Sir Wm. Spencer, Sir J. Fullerton, Sir H. Poole, Mr. Pymme, Sir H. Grimston, Sir Jo. Stradling, Sir A. Manwaring, Mr. Selden, Mr. Coryton, Sir Francis Barrington, Sir Rich. Gravenor: - Monday next. Exchequer Chamber, Two Clock.

Person sent for.

Mr. Roger Withrington to be presently . . for, to attend the select Committee for Religion, To-morrow, Two Clock, Star-chamber. - Resolved.


L. 3a. An Act for the Establishing and Confirmation of the Foundation of the Hospital of King James, founded in Charter-house, in the County of Middlesex, at the humble Petition, and only Costs and Charges, of Tho. Sutton Esquire, and of the Possessions thereof: - Upon Question, passed.


L. 3a. An Act for Explanation of a Branch of a Statute, made 3o Jac. intituled, An Act for the better Discovering and Repressing of Popish Recusants: - Upon Question, passed.


L. 3a. - Fishing. - Upon Question, passed.


L. 3a. - Barrington. - Upon Question, passed.

These Four Bills sent up to the Lords by Mr. Treasurer.

Scandalous Ministers.

Mr. Bisse reporteth the Bill against scandalous and unworthy Ministers (formerly re-committed) with some Amendments; which twice read. - Re-committed to the former Committee : - This Afternoon, in the Court of Wards, Two Clock, Sir Jo. Finch, Mr. Spencer, added to the Committee. - Delivered Sir Ro. Harley.

Fleford Prebend.

Mr. Keeling reporteth the Bill for Fleford Prebend, with Amendments; which twice read. - Engrossetur.

Naming Committees.

The Committee for preparing a Course for naming Committees to meet upon Thursday in the Afternoon, in the Court of Wards; and after, as often as they will, without any Adjournment.


L. 1a. An Act for the Increase of the Manufacture of good white Salt, and for Reformation - Upon Question, rejected.


L. 1a. An Act, that certain Clergymen should not be Justices of the Peace.


L. 1a. An Act taking away Nichils Accounts of Escheators, in Cities and Towns-corporate.

More's Patent.

Ordered, Mr. More shall bring in his Patent about Making of Salt, to the Committee for Grievances, Tomorrow.


Lord Chief Justice and Justice Yelverton bring a Message from the Lords; That they desire a Meeting with a Committee of this House, about Matters of great Importance, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Occasions of this House, upon Matter of great Importance: Their Number 40.

Answer returned; That we will presently send Answer to this Message, by Messengers of our own.

The Message: That, in respect of present Businesses of Importance, now in hand in this House, we cannot now give a present Meeting, as is desired; but will be ready this Afternoon, or at any other Time.

This Message sent by the Master of the Wards.

Council of War.

The Council of War called in; viz. Earl of Totnesse, Lord of Tilbury, Lord Grandison, Sir Jo. Ogle, Sir Ro. Maunsell; the other Two being Sick, which were here last Day.

Their Answer to the Question, last Day propounded to the Council of War, delivered in Writing by the Lords, and twice read by the Clerk.

Answer from the Lords.

Master of the Wards reporteth from the Lords ; That the Lords receive great Contentment in the Correspondence of this House: That the Lords will sit this Afternoon, and desire, this House will also sit this Afternoon, to expedite the Business: That the Lords will meet this Afternoon, at Three Clock.

House to sit.

Upon Question, this House will sit this Afternoon, and meet them at Three Clock. Which Answer returned to them by the Master of the Wards.

Council of War.

Answer given to the Lords of the Council of War, That the House hath heard their Answer, and is no way satisfied with it; but they will further consider of it, and they shall hear further from them, as there shall be Occasion.

Upon Question, Ordered, This Answer to be further considered of To-morrow Morning; and all the Lawyers of the House to be enjoined then to attend.


Mr. Treasurer, Master Wards, Secretary Cooke, Sir Wm. Herberte, Sir Tho. Denton, Lord Percy, Sir H. Fane, Sir O. Luke, Sir A. Ingram, Sir Francis Barnam, Mr. Wandesford, Sir Tho. Grantham, Mr. Attorney Wards, Sir Wm. Ermyn, Sir Jo. Savyle, Sir H. Poole, Sir Tho. Hobby, Sir Ben. Rudyard, Sir Wm. Spencer, Sir Geor. More, Sir Raphe Clare, Sir Francis Goodwyn, Sir Tho. Middleton, Sir Rowl. Cotton, Mr. Spencer, Mr Francis Finch, Sir Ro. Bell, Mr. Jo. Drake, Mr. Hele, Sir M. Fleetewood, Mr. Fynes, Sir Tho. Fanshaw, Lord Lamberte, Sir Tho. Lake, Sir Jo. Strangwayes, Sir Jo. Finch, Sir H. Herberte, Sir J. Fullerton, Sir Francis Barrington, Lord Burghurst, Sir Lewys Dyve, Sir D. Digges, Mr. Coventry, Sir Rich. Gravenor, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Tho. Barrington, Sir Rich. Buller, Sir Rich. Vaughan, Mr. Kirton, Mr. Bisse, Sir A. Forrest, Sir Wm. Hicks, Sir Ro. Quarlesse, Sir Ch. Howard, Mr. Pymme, Mr. Herberte, Sir Rich. Hutton, Sir A. Manwaring, Sir Jo. Cutts, Sir Jo. Heppesley, Sir A. St. John, Lord Mandevyle, Sir Nath. Rich, Sir Wm. Constable, Sir Jo. Butler, Sir Capell Bedelles, Sir H. Anderson, Sir Tho. Dacres, Mr. Coryton, Mr. Greene, Sir John Ellyott, Sir James Bagg, Sir Jo. Stradling, Sir Jo. Pickering, Sir Wm. Croftes, Sir Jo. Oglander, Sir A. Temple, Sir Geor. Rivers, Sir Tho. Morgan, Mr. Wm. Price, Sir Ew. Thelluall, Mr. Alford, Sir H. Spiller:

This Committee to attend the Conference with the Lords. Sir D. Digges, Sir Jo. Finch, Sir Nath. Rich, Mr. Pymme, Sir Tho. Hobby, Mr. Wandesford, specially trusted with taking the Notes, and to agree amongst themselves, who shall report.

Martis, 7o Martii - Post Meridiem

Administrations, &c.

L. 2a. AN Act concerning the Granting of Administrations, Disposing of the Goods unadministered, and of Money received for Commutation of Penance : - Committed to Mr. Wyld, Mr. Selden, Mr. Rolles, Sir H. Martyn, Mr. Sherland, Sir Ew. Thelluall, Mr. Hele, Lord Lambert, Mr. Bankes, Dr. Eden, Sir A. St. John, Sir Tho. Fanshaw, Dr. Turnor, Sir Lewys Dyve, Sir H. Poole, Mr. Crewe, Sir B. Hickes, Sir Francis Goodwyn, Mr. Greene, Mr. Newbery, Mr. Ball, Sir H. Anderson, Mr. Upton: - Friday next. Two Clock, Star-chamber.


L. 1a. An Act concerning the new-erecting and ordering of Inns.