House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 13 June 1604

Pages 237-238

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Mercurii, 13o Junii, 1604

Spiritual Causes.

L. 1. B. FOR Explanation of former Statutes concerning the Granting of Prohibitions and Consultations in spiritual Causes.


L. 1. B. For the Continuance and due Observation of certain Orders for the Exchequer, first set down and established by Virtue of a Privy Seal in the late Queen Elizabeth's Time.

Ecclesiastical Leases.

L. 2. B. For Avoiding of Multiplicity of Leases made by Archbishops, Bishops, &c. Committed to Mr. Solicitor, Sir Tho. Hobby, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. D. James, Sir Wm. Fleetwood, Sir Tymothie Whyttingham, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir John Savill, Sir Peter Manwood, Sir John Thynne, Mr. Fuller, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir Francis Barrington, Sir John Bennett, Sir John Boys: - To meet on Friday, in the Middle Temple Hall.


B. For the Relief of such as use the Handicraft of Skinners, reported from the Committee by Mr. Fuller, with Amendments; which were twice read; and the Bill, upon the Quest. usual, rejected.


B. For the Maintenance of Artillery, and Debarring of unlawful Games, reported by Mr. Wentworth, as not approved by the Committee : The Bill put to Question, and rejected.

Ly. Kildare.

B. Touching the Lady Kildare, thirdly read, with the Amendments inserted by the Committee; and upon the Question, passed.

Tonage and Poundage.

B. Touching a Subsidy of Tonage and Poundage, &c. being formerly, upon the third Reading, re-committed, was now returned by Sir Tho. Hobby.

A Proviso for Chester, offered by Mr. Laughton; which was twice read; the Question ot Commitment pressed, and made in the Affirmative only.

In this Interim, before the Negative. One stood up

and spake unto it; which was admitted for orderly, because no full Question without the Part negative.

The Question after made again, for the Proviso and other Alterations; and, upon the Question, the House divided:

With the Yea, 140.

the Noe, 127.

Difference, 13.

The Proviso, with other Alterations in the Bill, committed to the former Committee, with others added; viz. Mr. Brock, Sir Rich. Bulkley, Sir Rich. Leveson, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Sir Roger Aston, Mr. Dyett, Mr. Holt, Sir Francis Hastings, Sir Herbert Crofts., Sir John Savill, Sir Rob. Maunsell, Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Antho. Rowse, Sir Walter Rice: - To meet To-morrow Morning, in the Committee Chamber.

Homage, &c.

Added to the Committee in the Bill for receiving of Homage, &c. upon Sir John Hollis his Motion, Mr. Martin, Mr. Crewe, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Barnard Whytston, Mr. Tate, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Serjeant Shirley, Mr. Noy, Mr. Fanshawe, Sir John Savill, Mr. Brock, Sir Wm. Burlacye, Sir Geo. Smyth, Sir John Specott: - To meet on Friday, in the Middle Temple Hall.

Ecclesiastical Affairs.

Sir Francis Hastings reporteth the Travel of the Sub-committee appointed to search Precedents touching intermeddling with ecclesiastical Causes. Many Precedents and Laws were produced.

1. A Petition for Dispensation with some Ministers in Matters indifferent, &c. drawn by the Committee, he was commanded to offer to the House ; and delivered in the Petition.

2. They agreed, that Conference should be desired by [a] the Lords, for joining in the same Petition.

3. To desire, that the Submission of the Bishop, in Writing, may be sent down hither, and here recorded.

4. That the Books might be suppressed.

The Petition for Dispensation read in these Words:

To the King's most excellent Majesty. Most dread Sovereign :

Petition to the King.

FORASMUCH as your Majesty, out of your princely Favour, hath vouchsafed to signify your gracious Pleasure, that we should enter into Consultation of Things that concern the Establishment of true Religion in this Land, thereby, as by many other Ways, making evident Demonstration of your Majesty's most religious Affection and princely Wisdom in the Direction of these Causes; we have thought it expedient, rather, by this our humble Petition, to recommend to your Majesty's godly Consideration certain Matters of Grievance, resting in your royal Power and princely Zeal, either to abrogate or moderate, than to take the public Discussing of the same unto ourselves; to the End (if it so seem good to your Highness) we may, from the sacred Fountain of your Majesty's most royal and religious Heart, wholly and only derive such convenient Remedy and Relief therein, as to your princely Wisdom shall seem most meet.

The Matters of Grievance (that we be not troublesome to your Majesty) are these: The Pressing the Use of certain Rites and Ceremonies in this Church; as the Cross in Baptism, the Wearing of the Surplice in ordinary Parish Churches, and the Subscription required of the Ministers, further than is commanded by the Laws of the Realm ; Things which, by long Experience, have been found to be the Occasions of such Difference, Trouble, and Contention, in this Church, as thereby divers profitable and painful Ministers, not in Contempt of Authority, or Desire of Novelty, as they sincerely profess and we are verily persuaded, but, upon Conscience towards God, refusing the same, some of good Desert have been deprived, others of good Expectation withheld from entering, into the Ministry, and Way given to the ignorant and unable Men, to the great Prejudice of the free Course and fruitful Success of the Gospel, to the dangerous Advantage of the common Adversaries of true Religion, and to the great Grief and Discomfort of many of your Majesty's most faithful and loyal Subjects. In tender Compassion whereof, may it please your most excellent Majesty, of your Zeal towards the Gospel, to vouchsafe some gracious, princely, and favourable, Consideration of the Burden of these Grievances, under which this Church hath of long time groaned; in doing whereof, we are verily persuaded, your Majesty shall much more easily accomplish your religious Intendments; the One of settling the Peace of this Church, the other of planting a learned and faithful Ministry through this Realm; also your Majesty shall greatly comfort the Hearts of many grave and learned Ministers, give much Contentment to your Highness' most loving Subjects, purchase to your royal Person great Increase of Honour, and gain to Almighty God his most due and deserved Glory : Who ever keep your sacred Majesty under the Wings of his most mighty and blessed Protection.

Mercurii, 13o Junii, 1604.

The Petition opposed, disputed, and furthered, by divers: - Mr. Fuller, Sir John Hungerford, Mr. Tey, Sir Henry Beamount, Mr. Spycer, Sir Francis Hastings, Mr. Martin, Sir Edw. Hext, Sir John Hollis, Sir Barnard Whytston, Sir John Bennett, Mr. Yelverton.

Motion, that the Petition might be, to publish the Book of Common Prayer without Injunction of Rites.