House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 13 June 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Mercurii, 13o Junii, 1604

Spiritual Causes.

THE Bill for the Explanation of former Statutes, concerning the Granting of Prohibitions and Consultations in spiritual Causes : - First Reading.


The Bill for the Continuance, and due Observation, of certain Orders for the Exchequer, first set down and established by virtue of a Privy Seal from the late Queen Elizabeth's Time : - First Reading.

Ecclesiastical Leases.

The Bill for the Avoiding of Multiplicity of Leases, made by Archbishops, and Bishops, of such Lands and Possessions as are belonging to their Archbishopricks or Bishopricks . - Second Reading, and committed. - Sir Tho. Hobby, Sir Wm. Fleetwood, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Yelverton, D. James, Sir Timothie Whittingham, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir Jo. Savill, Sir Peter Manwood, Sir Jo. Thynne, Mr. Fuller, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir Fr. Barrington, Sir Jo. Bennett, Sir Jo. Boys: - Friday, Temple.


Mr. Fuller bringeth in, from the Committee, the Bill for the Relief of such as use the Handicraft of Skinners, with Amendments; which being read; upon the Question, the Bill rejected.


The Bill for the Maintenance of Artillery, and Debarring of unlawful Games, returned by Mr. Wentworth, from the Committee, as not being allowed by the Committee ; and, upon the Question, rejected.

Ly. Kildare's Letters Patents.

The Bill for Confirmation of Letters Patents made to the Right honourable Charles Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral of England, Thomas Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain of the King's Household, Sir John Leveson and Sir John Trevor, Knights, for the Use and Benefit of the Lady Frances Dowager of Kildare, and now Wife of Henry, late Lord Cobham attainted: - Third Reading, with Amendments; and passed, upon the Question,

Tonage and Poundage.

The Bill of Tonage, &c. being, upon the third Reading, re-committed, brought in by Sir Tho. Hobby.; and a Proviso, for Chester, offered by Mr. Lawton. The Proviso twice read; urged to be put to the Question, but refused.

The former Committees to consider of it. - Not put to Question in the Negative, and therefore one suffered to speak after. -

Resolved, If there be not a negative Question put, no Question; and any, in the Interim, may speak. -

140 Yea: 127 Noe: Division.

Proviso committed, and other Alterations in the former Bill.

Added to the former Committee: Mr. Brock, Sir Rich. Bulkley, Sir Rich. Luson, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Sir Roger Aston, Mr. Diett, Mr. Holt, Sir Fr. Hastings, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir Jo. Savill, Sir Rob. Mansfield, Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Antho. Rowse, Sir Walter Rice: - To-morrow Morning, Committee Chamber.


Sir John Hollice' Motion. -

Added to the Committee of Homage: Mr. Martin, Mr. Crewe, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Bernard Whytston, Mr. Tate, Mr. Yelverton, Serjeant Shirley, Mr. Noye, Mr. Fanshawe, Sir Jo. Savill, Mr. Brock, Sir Wm. Burlacye, Sir Geo. Smyth, Sir John Specott: - Friday, Temple Hall.


Littleton: - Committees to Mr. Bromley.

Scandalous Ministers ; - To Sir Geo. St. Poll.

Gordon's Bill, - To Sir Jo. Thynne.

Brydewell: - To Mr. Fuller.

Stabbings : - To Mr. Duncombe.

Ecclesiastical Affairs.

Sir Francis Hastings reporteth, touching the Proceeding of Sub-committee, touching the Intermeddling with ecclesiastical Matters. -

Precedents, many found, and Laws. -

Petition to the King.

A Petition to his Majesty, for Dispensation with Ministers, drawn by the Committee. -

Conference with the Lords for their joining. -

3. The Submission, in Writing, to be desired from the Lords, to be recorded here. -

The Books to be prohibited.

The Petition, for Dispensation with some Ministers, for Matter of Subscription.

The Petition furthered by Mr. Fuller; opposed by Sir John Hungerford.

Mr. Tey, contra; - and that the first Printing, Prating, and Preaching, against the House. The Recording of the Submission not sufficient to answer and salve this.

Sir H. Beamount, pro; Mr. Spycer, pro; Sir Fr. Hastings, pro; Mr. Martin, Sir Edw. Hext, Sir Jo. Hollice, contra; Sir Bernard Whytston -

Sir John Bennett: - That the Petition might be, to publish the Book of the Common Prayer, without Injunction of Rites.

Mr. Yelverton. - Double Heart, and double Hand.