House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 01 June 1604

Pages 229-230

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, primo Junii, 1604

Browne's, &c. Nat.

L. 1. B. FOR the Naturalizing of William Browne, Anne Browne, and Barbara Browne, Children of Sir Wm. Browne Knight, Lieutenant Governor of his Majesty's Cautionary Town of Vlishing.


L. 1. B. For the Providing of a learned and godly Ministry.


L. 1. B. For the Redressing of certain Inconveniences in the Statute of 21 H. VIII. cap. 13o, intituled. An Act against Pluralities, &c.

Hats, &c.

B. For the better Making of Hats and Felts, reported by Mr. Johnson, with Amendments; which were twice read; and the Bill, upon Question, ordered to be ingrossed.

Popish Books.

L. 1. B. For Reformation of Abuses, in bringing into this Land, Printing, Buying, and Selling, of seditious, popish, &c. Books.


L. 2. B. For Reformation of Abuses by Informers upon penal Statutes: - Committed to Mr. Solicitor, Sir Tho. Strickland, Sir Wilfryde Lawson, Sir Roger Wilbraham, Sir John Savill, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Edw. Hobbye, Mr. Johnson, Sir Tho. Freak, Mr. Winch, Sir Henry Beamount, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Jeames, Mr. Serjeant Shirley, Mr. Askwith, Sir Henry Wytherington, Sir Jerome Bowes,

Sir Charles Cornwallys, Mr. Serjeant Snig, Sir Herbert Crofts, Mr. Tho. Fanshawe : - To meet on Tuesday next, in the Middle Temple Hall.

Privilege - Objectionable Publication.

A Committee moved, and named, to consider of the Book published by the Bishop of Bristowe ; viz. All the Privy Council of the House, Sir Roger Wilbraham, Sir Edwyn Sands, Sir William Paddy, Mr. Yelverton, Sir Oliver St. John, Sir Thomas Ridgeway, Sir Tho. Hesketh, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir Francis Bacon, Mr. Tey, Sir Roland Litton, Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Arthur Atye, all the Serjeants at Law, Sir John Heigham, Sir Henry Slingsby, Mr. Alford, Sir Nicholas Saunders, Sir Francis Barrington, Mr. Thomas Fanshawe, Mr. Holt, Sir Wm. Strode, Sir Antho. Rowse, Sir Rob. Maunsell, Mr. Toby Matthewe, Sir Chro. Perkins, Mr. Hackwill, Sir John Hollis, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir Edw. Grevill, Sir John Savill, Sir Henry Billingsley, the Queen's Attorney, Sir Rob. Oxenbridge, Sir William Killigrew, Sir Timothy Whyttingham, Sir Edw. Herbert, Mr. Hare, Sir Tho. Hobby, Sir Rob. Moore, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Herbert Crofts, Mr. Martin, Sir Henry Beamount, Mr. Hoskins, Sir Francis Hastings, Sir Hugh Beeston, Sir Edw. Stafford, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir John Bennett, Sir Rob. Wroth.

These Committees are appointed to assemble this Afternoon, in the Parliament House; there to peruse and consider of the Book published by the Bishop of Bristowe, in answer of such Objections as were conceived by the House against the Union in Name; and to prepare themselves for Conference to be had with the Lords, touching the Matter and Publishing of the said Book.


B. For avoiding Deceit in buying or spend ing corrupt Hops, &c. reported by Mr. Fuller, with Amendments ; which were twice read; and the Bill, upon Question, ordered to be ingrossed.

Union with Scotland.

L. 2. B. Authorising certain Commissioners of England to treat with Commissioners of Scotland, for the Weal of both Kingdoms: - Upon a second Reading, committed to the former great Committee, named for Conference with the Lords touching the Framing of this Bill.

This Bill likened to Winter Fruit; ripens slowly. -

Upon the Tydings of Christ buried, Peter and John came ; John came first, but Peter entered in.

The Committee to meet this Afternoon [a], in the Parliament-house; all other Committees deferred, and to give Place to this.

The Bill and Committees delivered to Sir Fr. Bacon.

Wardship, &c.

Sir Edwin Sandys entereth into a Report of the Conference with the Lords, touching the Matter of Wardship, &c.

[b] He related his own Speech to the Lords. By the way he said, if the King did grant it, it was great Grace; if deny it, no Wrong.

He recited the Directions for this Conference, formerly read in the House 26 Maii; which, he said, the Committees pursued.

The Reply by the Lords was threefold :

1. Expostulation, or friendly Reprehension.

2. Answers to the Reasons.

3. Admonition.

They put us in mind, what we were, in what State we were the 12th of March was Twelvemonth : That we would have given half that we had, to have that we now enjoy. -

Under what King we lived.; with what Stability; how we had spent our Time in Matters of Privilege, Purveyors, Ecclesiast.' -

Three Tenures only in this Land: Frank Almoigne, Capite, Socage. -

Wardship not proper to England alone ; Scotland, and some Parts of France, subject to it. -

The last Commission for compounding, but satisfactory to the People : - Brought in not above 4,000 l. -

The Revenue of the Wards 31,000 l.

Respite of Homage, Licences of Alienation, &c. l 0,000 l. -

What the Conceit of foreign Ambassadors would be of the King, in selling his Prerogative.

Five Lords did concur in One Sense.

Conclus. Sensi ex composto rem geri. Terent.

Replied by One: - Marriage of Children no Prerogative : - No Dishonour to take it away.

Much Dispute followed this Report, by sundry Members of the House : Sir John Hollis, Sir Oliver St. John, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir Roland Litton, Sir Wm. Strode, Sir Edw. Stafford, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Thomas Hobby.

Amongst others, moved by Sir Thomas Ridgeway, that a Committee might be named, to take a Survey of the Proceedings of the House, and to set down something in Writing, for his Majesty's Satisfaction; and to exhibit it unto him.

Mr. Speaker propounded a Petition to be framed, with Reasons of Satisfaction for the Proceeding in Matter of Wardship, &c.

These both resolved, upon Question; and the former Committee, named 22o Maii, for Conference with the Lords touching Wardships, &c. appointed to meet, with this Authority; viz. To take a Survey of all the Acts and Proceedings of the House, which have been excepted unto, or whereof any Misinformation hath been given unto his Majesty, from the Beginning of this Session; and to advise of such a Form of Satisfaction to be offered to his Majesty, either by Writing or otherwise, as may inform him in the Truth and Clearness of their Proceeding; thereby to free them from the Scandal of Levity and Precipitation, so often imputed unto them ; and particularly to consider of some Satisfaction touching the Proceeding in Matter of Wardship, &c. This being done, to make Report to the House, and from thence to receive further Direction.

To the former Committee were added, upon this Occasion, Sir Rob. Maunsell, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Martin, Mr. Hare, Sir Roland Litton, Sir Francis Barrington.

Upon the whole Matter, this Order following was conceived by the Clerk, being so directed :

Veneris 1o Die Junii, 1604.

THIS Day Sir Edwyn Sandys, making Report of the late Conference had with the Lords, according to a former Commission of this House, touching the Matter of Wardship, and other the Incidents thereunto, instead of Acceptation, and Assent to join in Petition to his Majesty, delivered from their Lordships no other then Matter of Expostulation, Opposition of Reason to Reason, Admonition, or precise Caution, in proceeding; which suiting with the Grounds of his Majesty's Speech subsequent, advisedly and of Purpose made upon that Occasion to the whole House, assembled by his Majesty's Direction at Whitehall, on Monday last (wherein many particular Actions and Passages of the House were objected unto them, with Taxation and Blame) summoned the Duty and Judgment of the House to consider, what were fittest to be done ; and amongst others, the Motion of Sir Thomas Ridgewaye, One of the Knights for Devonshier, induced the House to this Consideration ; that, since it appeared, his Majesty had made such an Impression of Mislike of the Proceedings of the House in general, as also, that the Grounds conceived, touching Wardship, and Matters of that Nature, seemed to be so weakened and impugned ; it were necessary and safe for the House, and dutiful and convenient in respect of his Majesty, instantly to advise of such a Form of Satisfaction, either by Writing, or otherwise, as might in full Humility inform his Majesty in the Truth and Clearness of the Actions and Intentions of the House, from the Beginning, thereby to free it from the Scandal of Levity and Precipitation ; as also of the Proceedings in particular, touching the said Matter of Wardship ; with this special Care, that a Matter, so advisedly

and gravely undertaken and proceeded in, might not die, or be buried, in the Hands of those that first bred it.

Free Trade.

The Dispute and Question in the Bill for free Trade, being formerly appointed this Day, deferred.