House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 01 June 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, primo Die Junii, 1604

Browne's Nat.

THE Bill for the Naturalizing of Wm. Browne, Anne Browne, and Barbary Browne, Children of Sir Wm. Browne Knight, Lieutenant-governor of his Majesty's cautionary Town of Ulishing: - The first Reading.


The Bill for the Providing of a learned and godly Ministry:-First Reading.


The Bill for the Redressing of certain Inconveniences in the Statute of 21 H. VIII ca. 13. intituled, An Act against Pluralities of Benefices, for Taking of Farms by spiritual Men, and for Residence: - First Reading.

Hats, &c.

The Bill for the better Making of Hats and Felts, brought in from the Committee, by Mr. Johnson, with Amendments; and ordered to be ingrossed, upon the Question.

Seditious, &c. Books.

The Bill for Reformation of Abuses, in bringing into this Land, Printing, Buying, and Selling, of seditious, popish, vain, and lascivious Books: - First Reading.


The Bill for Reformation of Abuses by Informers upon penal Statutes: - Second Reading, and committed to Sir Wilfryde Lawson, Sir Roger Wilbraham, Sir Jo. Savill, Mr. Johnson, Sir Tho. Freak, Mr. Winch, Mr. Fuller, Serjeant Shirley, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir H. Beamount, Mr. James, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Tho. Strickland, Mr. Askwith, Sir H. Wytheringtm, Sir Jerome Bowes, Sir Charles Cornwallys, Mr. Serjeant Snig, Sir Herbert Crofts, Mr. Tho. Fanshawe: - Tuesday, Temple Hall.

Privilege - Objectionable Publication.

Book. - All the Privy Council, Sir Roger Wilbram, Sir Edwyn Sandys, Sir Wm. Paddye, Mr. Yelverton, Sir Oliver St. John, Sir Tho. Ridgeway, Sir Tho. Hesketh, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir Fr. Bacon, Mr. Tey, Sir Rol. Litton, Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Arthure Atye, Serjeants at Law, Sir Jo. Heigham, Sir Henry Slingsby, Mr. Alford, Sir Nich. Saunders, Sir Fr. Barrington, Mr. Tho. Fanshawe, Mr. Holt, Sir Wm. Strowd, Sir Anthony Rowse. Sir Rob. Mansfield, Mr. Toby Matthewe, Sir Chro. Perkins, Mr. Hackwell, Mr. Nath. Bacon, Sir Edw. Grevill, Sir Jo. Savill, Sir Henry Billingsley, the Queen's Attorney, Sir Robert Oxenbridge, Sir Willian Killigree, Sir Tymothie Whittingham, Sir Edw. Herbert, Mr. Hare, Sir Tho. Hobby, Sir Rob. Moore: - Middle Temple, Parliament Chamber, this Afternoon.

These Committees are appointed, this Afternoon, in the Parliament House, to peruse and survey the Book, published by the Bishop of Bristowe, against such Objections, as were conceived by this House, touching the Matter of Union in Name; and to prepare themselves for the Conference with the Lords To-morrow, touching the same Book.


The Bill for avoiding Deceit, in Selling, Buying, or Spending, of corrupt Hops, brought in from the Committees, by Mr. Fuller, with Amendments; and, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.

Union with Scotland.

The Bill authorizing certain Commissioners of England to treat with Commissioners of Scotland, for the Weal of both Kingdoms: - Second Reading, and committed to the former great Committee, for Conference with the Lords. - Delivered to Sir Fr. Bacon. Like Winter Fruit, that ripens slowly. -

Peter and John, upon the Tiding of Christ buried;

John came first, but Peter entered in. -

Referred to the former Committees for Conference, touching the Union; and to meet here in the Parliament . . . and all other Committees to meet here, and other

Places, to be dispensed withal.

Sir G. Howme.

Bill, and Committees, for Confirmation to Sir Geo. Howme, delivered to Sir Henry Momtague.

Wardship, &c.

Sir Edwyn Sandys' Report to the Conference, touching the Wardship, on Saturday last, 26 Maii.

Sir Edwyn Sandys maketh Report of the Conference, touching the Wards. Said by Sir Edw. If the King did grant it, it was great Grace; if deny it, no Wrong.

Sir Edwyn Sandys his Directions set down in Writing.

- The Effect of his Speech to the Lords -

Reply, by the Lords:

1. Expostulation, or friendly Reprehension:

2. Answer to the Reasons :

3. Admonition. -

What we were, in what State we were, the 12th of March. That we would have given half that we had, to have that we now enjoy. -

Under what King: With what Stability: How we had spent our Time. - Privileges, Purveyors, Causes ecclesiastical. -

This Land into Three Parts: Frank Almoigne: Against foreign Enemies, Capite: Socage. -

Wardship, &c.

Matter of Wards not proper to England alone; Scotland, and some Parts of France, subject to it. -

The last Commission but only satisfactory to the People : - Brought in not above 4,000 l.

31,000 l. the Revenue of the Wards. -

1,000l. by Respite of Homage, Licence of Alienation, &c.

Ambassadors Conceit of the King, selling of our Prerogative.

Five Lords did concur in One Sense. - Sensi ex composto rem geri.

Reply: Marriage of Children no Prerogative: No Dishonour to take it away.

Sir Tho. Ridgeway: - A Survey of the Things done, to be taken by a select Committee; and to set down something, for Satisfaction to the King, to right his Majesty's Conceits.

Sir John Hollice concurreth.

Sir Oliver St John, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir Rowland Litton, Sir Wm. Stroud, Sir Edw. Stafford, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Tho. Hobby -

Mr. Speaker: - For a Petition to be made to the King, touching the Wards.

Quest. - Resolved, To give his Majesty Satisfaction, for the Proceedings of this House; and a Committee to be chosen, to set down in Writing, or do it by Speech, as they shall think fit.

To satisfy the King, by Petition, of the Reasons of their Proceeding, touching the Wards.

A select Number to be chosen, for the Doing of this.

The former Committees for the Wards, or a select Committee, for this Business, out of this to be chosen. -


The Matter of Merchants, not meddled in this Day. -


To give the King some Satisfaction, in our Proceeding, touching the Matter . . .