House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 22 May 1604

Pages 221-222

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, 22o Maii, 1604


L. 1. B. FOR the well Garbling of Spices.


L. 2. B. For the true Measuring of Oats which shall be bought and sold within the Realm of England, and the Marches of Wales; - Committed to Sir Herbert Crofts, Mr. Johnson, Sir Edward Grevill, Sir Edmund Bowyer, Sir Jerome Horsey, Mr. Tate, Mr. Cole, Mr. Blinco, Sir John Thynne, Sir Edmund Ludlowe: - To meet Tomorrow Morning, in the Committee Chamber.


L. 2. B. For the true making of Mildernix, or Poll-davies, &c. reported from the Committee by [d] * * * with Amendments; which were twice read; and the Bill ordered to be ingrossed.

Tebolds' Estate.

B. To enable John Tebolds, Gentleman, to make his Wife a Jointure of certain of his Lands, and to sell some Part for Preferment of his younger Children: - Committed to Sir Peter Manwood, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Jones, Sir Michael Sandys, Sir John Leveson, Mr. Serjeant Shirley, Sir John Boys, Mr. Hadds: - To meet Tomorrow, in the Middle Temple Hall.


B. Touching Wherrymen and Watermen being formerly committed, returned from the Committee by Mr. Diggs,

L. 3. without any Amendment; and, upon a third Reading, and the Question, passed.

Tanners, &c.

B. Concerning Tanners, and Leather, thirdly read, and, upon the Question, passed.


Committees adjourned.

Prisoner discharged.

Moved by Sir Edward Hobby, That since he found the House much inclined to Mercy, that they would be pleased to extend their Mercy to Watkins, the poor Serjeant, that arrested Sir Tho. Shirley; who hath patiently endured the Censure and Punishment of the House a long Time, and is very penitent for his Offence.

The House, upon this Motion, was pleased to discharge him, without calling to the Bar, or other Submission.


The Lords Amendments of the Bill touching Process and Pleadings of the Court of Exchequer, twice read, and committed to the Perusal and View of Mr. Serjeant Hobart, Sir Edw. Hobby, and Sir Rob. Wroth: - To be presently dispatched in the Committee Chamber.


Moved, That whereas the Protonotaries of the Court of Common Pleas found themselves wronged by a Bill preferred into this House, for Registring of Judgments that may impeach Purchasers, &c. being now ingrossed, their Counsel might be heard at the Bar, upon the third Reading. Upon the Motion, it was ordered, That Counsel on all Parts interessed should be heard on Thursday next, at Eight a Clock in the Morning.

Nat. Bills.

Sir Francis Bacon reporteth from the Committee several Bills:

1. For the Naturalizing of the Duke of Leneux:

2. Sir Geo. Howme:

3. Sir Tho. Areskin:

4. Sir John Ramsey:

5. Victor Chantrell, and others :

6. Alexander Glover, and others:

Aliens Children.

7. B. For placing the Children of Aliens, &c.

Nat. Bills.

L. 3. B. For the Naturalizing of the Duke, &c. - Passed.

L. 3. B. For the Naturalizing of Sir Geo. Howme, &c. - Passed.

L. 3. B. For the Naturalizing of Sir John Ramsey, &c. - Passed.

B. For the Naturalizing of Sir Tho. Areskin, &c.- - Ingrossetur.

Aliens Children.

B. For placing the Children of Aliens, &c. disputed:

- Not fit for the Time : - Plus perturbare novitate, quam adjuvare utilitate. -

Many Factors for such as dwell in the free Towns of Germany, who have their Stocks divided; some in England, some in Italye, some in Germany, &c.

Nothing but Customs. - Let us cherish our Mother, not otherwise respect our Neighbour.

The Bill, upon the Question for Ingrossing, rejected.

Wardship, &c.

A Committee for Conference with the Lords, touching Matters of Wardship, &c. moved, and named : All the Privy Council being Members of the House, the Lord Clinton, the Lord Buckhurst, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Henry Nevill, Sir Francis Bacon, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Francis Moore, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Nath. Bacon, Sir Edw. Stafford, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir John Hollis, Sir Hugh Beeston, Sir Francis Hastings, Mr. Wentworth, Sir Tho. Crompton, Sir Edw. Mountague, Mr. Recorder of London, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Sir Daniel Dun, Mr. D. James, Sir Edw. Herbert, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Mr. Serjeant Dodridge, Sir Henry Billingsley, Sir John Thynne, Sir Edmond Bowyer, Sir Tho. Dunton, Sir Wm. Burlacye, Mr. Samuel Backhus, Sir Maurice Barkley, Sir Tho. Ridgeway, Sir John Savill, all the Serjeants at Law, Sir Rob. Oxenbridge, Sir Wm. Strowd, Sir Tho. Freak, Sir Tho. Hesketh, Mr. Pulleston, Sir Jerome Horsey, Sir John Harpur, Sir Tho. Beamount, Sir Edw. Tyrrell, Sir Francis Knollys, Sir Francis Popham, Sir Rich. Verney, Sir Wm. Wray, Sir Rich. Leveson, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Serjeant Tanfield, Mr. Lawrence Hyde, Sir Edw. Lewknor, Sir Petre Manwood, Sir Nicholas Saunders, Sir Roger Aston, Sir Edwyn Sandys, Mr. John Hare, Sir Jerome Bowes, Sir Henry Bromley, Sir John Scott, Sir Edw. Herbert, Sir Edw. Grevill, Sir John Leveson, Sir Henry Beamount.

These Committees are appointed to confer with the Lords on Friday next, at Two a Clock in the Afternoon, in Camera picta, touching Matters of Wardship, Respite of Homage, Licences of Alienation, primer Seisin, and other the Incidents; as also touching their Lordships joining with the House in Petition to his Majesty for Leave to treat, &c. and are first to meet this Afternoon in the Parliament house, there to prepare, furnish, and arm themselves with such Reasons and Arguments, as may induce the Proceeding in the said Petition, and give some Instruction in the Framing of the same.

Union with Scotland.

Certain Doubts and Differences conceived in the Act for enabling Commissioners, &c. opened by Sir Herbert Scotland. Crofts; and, upon his Motion, a Committee named to consider of them; viz. All the Privy Council of the House, Sir Francis Bacon, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Serjeant Dodridge, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Rob. Wroth, Mr. Serjeant Hobart, Sir Edwyn Sandys, Sir Maurice Berkley, Sir Rich. Spencer, Sir Edw. Mountague, Sir Herbert Crofts, Sir John Bennett, Mr. Francis Moore, Mr. Brock: - To meet this Afternoon [a].

Leave of Absence.

Certain Burgesses licensed to depart.