House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 04 May 1604

Pages 198-199

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, 4o Maii, 1604


COMMITTEES adjourned.


B. For the Preservation of Wood and Timber, returned into the House from the Committee, as not fit to pass ; having assigned Mr. Gawyn, One of the Committees, to bring in a new Bill against the Waste of Wood in Glass-works only.


Committees added in the Bill for taking away Clergy for some Kind of Manslaughter, upon the Motion of Mr. Bond the Preferrer of it; viz. Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Serjeant Dodridge, Mr. Irby, Mr. Winch, Mr. Lawrence Hyde, Mr. Nicholas Hyde, Mr. Jones, Mr. Cheek, Sir Antho. Rowse, Sir Tho. Ridgeway, Mr. Speccott, Mr. Peard: - To meet with the rest on Monday, in the Middle Temple Hall.

Blindlie Church.

L. 1. B. For the Erecting of a Parish Church, for the Ease of the Inhabitants of the Two Boroughs, called Blindlie Boroughs, in the County of Surrey, and for the Making of them a Parish.


L. 2. B. For the true Employment of Relief appointed for the Poor: - Committed to Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Tho. Hobby, Sir Tho. Bishop, Sir Francis Barrington, Sir Edward Lewknor, Mr. Eure, Sir John Boys, Sir Henry Billingsley, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Mr. Moore, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Hadds, Sir Henry Beamount : - To meet on Monday, in the Middle Temple Hall.

Bruce's &c. Nat.

L. 1. B. For the Naturalizing of Sir Edward Bruce, Knight, Lord of Kinlosse, his Wife and Children ; and for Confirmation of Letters Patents made unto him. - Committed to the Lord Clynton, Sir John Savill, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Parkinson, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir Rob. Nappier, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Timothy Whyttingham, Sir John Scott, Mr. Yelverton, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Geo. Carewe, Sir Wilfryde Lawson, Sir John Bennett, Mr. Serjeant Snig, Sir Jo. Thynne, Mr. Geo. Blinco, Sir Jo. Hollis, Sir Tho. Beamount, Mr. Francis Moore, Mr. Hyde, Mr. Ravenscroft, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Sir Edw. Stafford, Sir Herbert Crofts, Mr. Serjeant Dodridge, Mr. Brock, Mr. John Moore, Sir Henry Beamount, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Roland Litton, Mr. Johnson, Sir Tho. Hobby, Mr. Serjeant Barker :

- To meet on Wednesday, in the Exchequer Chamber.

The Letters Patents of Confirmation ordered to be brought in at the Committee, and there perused.

Petition to the King for Royal Assent to a Bill.

A Petition tendered, and read in the House, to be ex hibited to his Majesty, for his Royal Assent to Sir Tho. Shirleyes Bill presently to be had. Upon the Reading, it was not approved, nor thought fit by the House to proceed in that Manner, being, as was conceived, some Impeachment to the Privilege of the House.

The Petition was in this Form.

MOST humbly beseech Your most excellent Majesty, Your Commons of this Court of Parliament : That whereas Sir Thomas Shirley, being elected a Burgess for this Parliament, and repairing to London, to attend the same, was unduly, and unlawfully, contrary to the ancient, and accustomed Privileges thereof, Four Days before the same Parliament began, arrested, and is still detained in Execution from the due Attendance of the public Affairs of this Kingdom : And whereas Your House of Commons, to avoid all Peril of Prejudice, either to the Plaintiff, in respect of his Execution, or to such as have had him in Custody, in respect of his Enlargement, hath, according to the Tenor of ancient Precedents in Parliament, remaining of Record, framed, and passed, and presented to the Lords of the Higher House of Parliament, a Bill for that Purpose; and they have accordingly passed the same Bill, for the Indemnity of the said Plaintiff, and of the said Keepers : May it please Your most excellent Majesty, to the Intent your said Court of Parliament may enjoy * ancient Privileges, without any private Man's Prejudice, to give your Royal Assent to the said Bill, as in the like Cases your Majesty's Predecessors, the Kings of this Realm, have often done ; and, for that the Service of the said Sir Thomas Shirley is needful in the Commons House, during this present Session of Parliament, that Your Majesty would vouchsafe, out of Your Grace and Clemency, to signify under Your Highness' Hand, upon this Petition, that Your Majesty will give Your Royal Assent to the said Bill, in the End of the Parliament.

Privilege- Arrest of a Member.

By this Occasion, a Question was resolved on, and made, whether Sir Tho. Shirley shall be presently delivered ? - Resolved.

Ordered, upon this Question, That a Writ of Habeas Corpus shall presently be awarded, for the Bringing of his Body, being Prisoner in the Fleet, into the House Tomorrow, at Eight a Clock in the Morning ; and a Warrant containing the Effect of the Order, under the Hand of Mr. Speaker, directed to the Clerk of the Crown accordingly.

Vernon's Case.

The Case between Sir Rob. Herbert, and Sir Wm. Herbert, argued by Sir Rob. Nappier, Sir John Boys, Mr. Hoskins, Sir Edw. Hobby, Mr. Overberry, Mr. Dyett.

The Bill put to the Question of Commitment; and, upon the Question, the House divided

With the Noe, 202.

Yea, 130.

Difference 52 [a].

Upon another Question for ingrossing, the Bill rejected.

Union with Scotland.

The select Committee of Twenty, named for Conference with the Lords, touching the Matter of the Union.

Every Committee named alone, and a several Question made upon his Name; viz. All the Privy Council of the House, Mr. Serjeant Tanfield, Mr. Serjeant Dodridge, Mr. Serjeant Hobart, Sir Tho. Hesketh, Attorney of the Wards, Sir Francis Bacon, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Daniel Dun, Mr. D. Steward, the Lord Buckhurst, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Arthure Atye, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Thomas Holcroft, Sir Fr. Hastings, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Nath. Bacon.

These Committees are appointed to confer with certain Committees of the Higher House, touching the Frame of a Bill to be offered to this Parliament, for enabling certain Commissioners, to be named, to treat touching an Union of the Two Kingdoms; and are to meet To-morrow Morning, at Seven a Clock, in the Painted Chamber.


L. 2. B. Against converting Victualling-houses into Inns.: - Referred to the Committee in the Bills touching Alehouses. [b].

Message from the King.

Mr. Speaker delivereth from the King, that his Majesty had taken Notice of their Purpose to attend him, to give Satisfaction touching Matter of his Letter lately sent by Sir Roger Aston. He approveth their good Meanings in that; and, if they had come, would have explained himself, and endeavoured to have given them Satisfaction; but sithence they have resolved to forbear, he alloweth, in his gracious Judgment, their Course, because he taketh it to proceed from their Love, and therefore giveth it the Precedency in his Thoughts.

Thanks on Message.

Motion, That Thanks might be presented to his Highness for this Message.