House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 04 May 1604 (2nd scribe)

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Veneris, 4o Die Maii, 1604

Coppices, &c.

THE Bill against the Turning of Coppices into Pasture or Tillage : - Committee adjourned till Monday, in the same Place.

Wood, &c.

The Bill for the Preservation of Wood and Timber, returned in by the Committee, as not fit to pass.

Mr. Gawyn ordered to bring in a Bill only against Glass-works.


Committees, upon the Motion of Mr.Bond, added in the Bill for taking away Clergy for some Kind of Manslaughter : Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Serjeant Dodridge, Mr. Irby, Mr. Winch, Mr. Lawrence Hyde, Mr. Nicholas Hyde, Mr. Jones, Mr. Cheek, Sir Antho. Rowse, Sir Tho. Ridgeway, Mr. Specott, Mr. Peard: - Adjourned till Monday in the Afternoon, in the Middle Temple.

Blyndlie Church.

The Bill for the erecting of a Parish Church, for the Ease of the Inhabitants of Two Boroughs, called Blyndlie Boroughs, in the County of Surrey, and for the Making of them a Parish : - The first Reading.


The Bill for the true Employment of Relief appointed for the Poor : - The second Reading, and committed - Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Tho. Hobby, Sir Tho. Bishop, Sir Fr. Barrington, Sir Edw. Lewknor, Mr. Evers, Sir John Boys, Sir H. Billingsley, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Mr. Moore, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Hadds, Sir H. Beamount: - Monday, Temple Hall.


Bill and Committees, for Reformation of Alehouses, delivered to Mr. Hext.

Bruce's Nat.

The Bill for the Naturalizing of Sir Edw. Bruce Knight, Lord of Kinlosse, and for Confirmation of Letters Patents made unto him : - The second Reading, and committed to the Lord Clynton, Sir Jo. Savill, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Parkinson, Sir Rob. Wingfield, Sir Rob. Nappier, Sir Geo. Moore, Sir Timothy Whittingham, Sir John Scott, Mr. Yelverton, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Geo. Carewe, Sir Wilfryde Lawson, Mr. Hyde, Sir John Bennett, Serjeant Snigge, Sir John Thynne, Mr. Blinco, Sir Jo. Hollice, Sir Tho. Beamount, Mr. Fra. Moore, Mr. Rainscroft, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Sir Edw. Stafford, Sir Herbert Crofts, Mr. Serjeant Dodridge, Mr. Brock, Mr. John Moore, Sir H. Beamount, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Rowland Litton, Mr. Johnson, Sir Tho. Hobby, Serjeant Barker: - Wednesday, Chequer Chamber. The Patents to be brought to the Committee.

Petition for Royal Assent to a Bill.

A Petition, to be offered to the King, for his Royal Assent presently for the Bill for the Security of Sir Tho. Shirleye's Creditors : But not thought fit, in regard of the

Privilege, to proceed in that Manner, by Petition. - Some Impeachment to the Privilege.

Whether Sir Tho. Shirley shall be presently delivered. -

Privilege - Arrest of a Member.

Ordered, upon the Question, That a Warrant for an Habeas Corpus, for Sir Tho. Sherley to be brought into the House tomorrow.


The Bill, and Committee, for the true Employment of the Relief appointed for the Poor, delivered to Sir Rob. Wroth, to be used at the Committee for Continuance.

Throckmorton's Writ of Error.

Sir Rob. Nappier, to the Matter of Sir Rob. Vernon. - Matters in Fact: - Matters in Law. - A common Recovery, 36 H. VIII, - Manors, 200 Mess' - Exemplification no Matter of Record, but a Matter of Evidence merely.

19 Eliz. the Writ of Error returned tarde.

Sir John Boys: - Amendment in Records, during the same Term. The Records in the Judges Breasts, in One Term.

Mr. Hoskins : - 37 Ass. - Whatever is past Help of Law, and contrary to Reason, is to be helped by Parliament.

Sir Edw. Hobby : - Luxurious Affection in the getting; in providing, very natural, for Bastards. -

Whether, in Equity, we ought not to leave Sir Rob. Vernon in the same State he was, before his Writ of Error brought; or, whether he shall not be enabled to bring his Writ of Error again.

Mr. Overberry. -

Mr. Dyett: - Nihil ineptius in lege, quam prologus.

Sir Rob. Vernon's Bill. - Two Questions : Whether the Bill should be committed: Whether ingrossed. Upon the Question rejected. - Noe, 202. Yea, 130.

Union with Scotland.

A Question made in the House of every one of their Names, and agreed. Not to gainsay the Speaker, in making the Question. -

All the Privy Council, Serjeant Tanfield, - Dodridge, - Hubbard, Mr. Attorney of the Wards, Sir Fr. Bacon, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Solicitor, Sir Dan. Dun, D. Steward, Mr. Wyseman, Lord Buckhurst, Sir Arth. Atye, Sir Edw. Hobby, Sir Tho. Holcroft, Sir Rob. Wroth, Sir Fr. Hastings, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Nath. Bacon: - To meet with the Lords To-morrow, at Seven a Clock in the Morning ; and to confer, touching the Framing of a Bill for, the Authorizing of Commissioners, Committees for the Union.

These Committees are appointed to confer with the Lords of the Higher House, touching the Frame of a Bill, to be offered to this Parliament, for enabling the Commissioners, to be named, to treat of the Union.

Message from the King.

Touching the King's Letter. -

A Message from the King, taking Notice of our Purpose to attend his Majesty, for Satisfaction. - He alloweth their Meaning: alloweth also their Forbearance; because proceedeth of Love, therefore he giveth that the Precedency. If they had come, he would have explained, and given them Satisfaction.

Thanks, for this Message, to be presented unto him.