House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 03 May 1604

Pages 197-198

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Jovis, 3o Maii, 1604

Labourers Wages.

B. FOR the Rating of Labourers Wages, reported by Mr. Nicholas Hyde, with Amendments; but, upon some Defect appearing, recommitted to the same Committees.


B. Touching the Taking of Apprentices, formerly committed to the same Committees: - To meet, for both. To-morrow in the Afternoon [b].

Person to be brought to the Bar, &c.

Mr. Wynch informeth the House, that the Sheriff of Shropshire, being formerly sent for, was now come to Town, and hath his Witnesses ready.

Ordered, The Return to be made, and the Sheriff to appear at the Bar on Saturday.

Aliens Children.

L. 2. B. To place the Children, born within this Realm, of foreign Parents, in Degree for the First Birth or Descent only, as Aliens made Denizens, and not otherwise: - Committed to Sir Tho. Smyth, Sir Rob. Wroth, Mr. Winch, Sir Edw. Hobby, Mr. Askwith, Sir Tho. Challoner,Mr. Wyseman, Mr. Gore, Sir Henry Billingsley, Mr. Overberry, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Fuller, the Burgesses of Norwich, Sir Francis Barrington, Mr. Prowse, Mr. Hadds, Sir Roger Aston: - To meet this Afternoon, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Losse's Estate.

L. 2. B. For the Sale of the Lands and Tenements of Sir Hugh Losse, Knight, for Payment of his Debts: - Upon this Second Reading, and the Question of Commitment, rejected.

Assert Lands.

L. 2. B. For the Establishment of certain Lands, called Assert Lands, in the Possessors and Owners thereof.

Mr. Serjeant Nicholls, of Counsel with the Possessors, heard at the Bar, according to former Order.

No Counsel for the King; but Sir Francis Bacon, of the King's Counsel, and One of the Members of the House (thereby holding the Place of a Judge) after the other Counsel retired, stood up to speak, and, by way of Preamble, said :

It is Part of a Judge's Oath, to give Counsel to no Man, but the King. This Oath of other Judges ought to guide us, sitting here in Place of Judges : And that he hath often wished, that there were some particular Oath devised for the Members of this House.

And so proceeded to Argument touching the Matter of the Bill.

After his Speech, the Bill was put to Question of Commitment; and committed to all the Privy Council of the House, Sir Geo. Carewe, Vice-chamberlain to the Queen, Sir Francis Bacon, Mr. Fuller, Sir Robert Wingfield, Sir Robert Wroth, Sir Valentine Knightley, Sir Rich. Molineux, Sir Chro. Perkins, Sir Henry Slingsby, Sir Rich. Browne, Sir Francis Barrington, Sir Jo. Savill, Sir Henry Mountague, Sir Geo. Moore, Mr. Solicitor, Mr. Serjeant Tanfield, Mr. Hitcham, Sir Rich. Haughton, Sir Henry Bromley, Sir Rob. Knollys, Sir Hen. Beaumount, Sir Francis Knollys, Sir John Hungerford, Mr. Hugh Beeston, Mr. Lawrence Hyde, Sir John Thynne, Sir Robert Nappier, Sir Roger Aston, Mr. Wyseman, Sir Rich. Verney, Sir Wm. Herbert, Sir Robert Cotton: - To meet on Tuesday next, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Promoter of this Bill.

It was a long Time not well understood by Mr. Speaker, or any other, who preferred and followed this Bill; at length it was discovered, that one Haynes paid Fees to Mr. Speaker's Servant. This Haynes was said to be Servant to Sir Tho. Leighton: Sir Tho. himself was thereupon consulted withal, and writ his Mind in a Letter to Mr. Speaker, as followeth [c]:

Mr. Speaker,

WHEREAS I am informed, that one Henry Haynes, my Servant, doth follow a Bill in the Parliament, concerning Assert Lands, and that he hath been with you about it; true it is, that he holdeth under me certain Assert Lands, whereof I have a Grant, among other Things, from the late Queen's Majesty, under the Great Seal of England: Wherefore I do disclaim, in the Prosecution of the same, as done without my Privity or Allowance ; for that I conceive, the same will rather prejudice my Estate therein, than any way amend or confirm the same : And I further assure you, upon my Knowledge, if this Bill should take Place, it will be the utter Overthrow of his Majesty's Game, in all or most of his Majesty's Forests and Chases within this Realm; besides the infinite Loss, which thereby will ensue to his Majesty, and his Successors : The Consideration whereof I leave unto your Wisdom. And so, with my very hearty Commendations. I rest this 28th of April 1604,

Your very loving Friend,

Tho. Leighton.

Labourers Wages.

B. For the Rating of Labourers Wages, reported the Second, from the Recommitment, by Sir John Heigham, with new Amendments ; which being Twice read, the Bill, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.


A Message, touching Conference with the Lords, as well touching the Articles against Purveyors, &c. as for the great Cause of the Union; considered on, and, upon Question, resolved in this Form :

That whereas we conceived, at the late Conference, their Lordships were desirous to have a Meeting, touching the Abuses of Purveyors, &c. and Matter of Purveyance ; we would be ready to give them Meeting on Thursday next, if their Lordships so liked ; and for the Matter of the Union, we would also be ready to confer, at their Lordships good Pleasure : The Number we desire to understand from their Lordships, and we would proportion ours accordingly.

Answ. That they would send by Messengers of their own.

Vernon's Case.

Sir Rob. Vernon's Case, appointed to be debated this Day, remembered, but not argued.


Sir John Crook, Mr. D. Swale, and Mr. D. Hone, come with Message from the Lords ;

That for the Matter of Purveyance, they will be ready to confer, with the Number of Thirty, this Afternoon, at Two a Clock, in the Council Chamber at Whytehall.

Union with Scotland.

For the great Cause of the Union, they have named Committees, Two Earls, Two Barons, Two Bishops, Two Judges, One of the King's learned Counsel; to meet on Saturday Morning, by Seven of the Clock, in the Painted Chamber.


Answ. That this House will send Sixty for the Matter of Purveyance; and are desirous, the Conference may be understood to be touching the Articles of the Abuses of Purveyors, preferred to the King.

Union with Scotland.

For the great Cause, they will select Twenty of this House; and be ready for both, at the Times and Places appointed by their Lordships.


Added to the Committee for Conference touching Purveyors, Mr. Staughton, Sir Lewis Lewknor.

Assert Lands.

Several Sorts of Assert Lands mentioned in the Argument touching that Bill:

By Commission,


The Justice of the Forest,

Justice in Eyre.