House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 14 March 1581

Pages 133-134

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, 14o Martii, 1580


LL. 1. The Bill for Explanation of the Statute against Bankrupts. - The first Reading.

Ld. Compton, &c.

LL. 3. The Bill for Assurance of certain Lands unto the Lord Compton and Thomas Talbott Esquire. - The third Reading; and passed, upon the Question.


2. The Bill against secret Conveyances and deceitful Sales of Lands. - The second Reading; and committed unto Sir Thomas Sampole, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Atkyns, Mr. Nich. St. Leger, Mr. Lewknor, Mr. Auditor Thomson, Mr. Alforde, Mr. Cowper, Mr. Dodington, and Mr. Aeshe: To meet in the Middle-temple Hall, at Two of the Clock this Afternoon. - Delivered to Sir Thomas Sampole.


3. The Bill for better Prosecution of Hue-and-cry. - The third Reading.

Ld. Zowche.

Sir James Dyer Knight, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, having informed this House, touching the State of the Record, mentioned in the Bill for the Lord Zowche; and the said Lord Zowche also, with his Counsel, having been here likewise heard at the Bar; and the said Record having been here seen, and perused in this House, and read by the Clerk; it is Resolved, That Sir Thomas Sampole, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Harrington, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Lewkenor, and Mr. Cowper, do consider of the Decree heretofore made, in the Chancery, touching the said Matter, and of the Exemplification of the said Record : To meet To-morrow Morning, at Seven of the Clock in the Forenoon, in the Committee-chamber of this House; and afterwards to make Report.

Conference-Rejecting a Bill from Lords and substituting another.

Mr. Treasurer, touching the Committee Yesterday with the Lords, for the Bill of Maintenance of the Borders against Scotlande, declared, that their Lordships, in the Conference Yesterday, seemed to marvel much, that their

Lordships having first passed a Bill with them for the said Purpose, and sending it down to this House, this House would, without requiring further Conference with their Lordships, take upon them to make a new Bill for the same Matter, and not proceed with the said Bill thereof which came from their Lordships: And that their Lordships thought this House ought not so to have done; neither could well, by Warrant of any former Precedents of this House: And further, that some of the said Committees of this House then answered unto their Lordships, that this House had Cause to do as they did ; and might likewise well so do.

Preservation of Queen's Honour.

Mr. Vicechamberlain very excellently setting forth the great Benefits and Blessings of God upon this Realm, in the godly, most loving, and careful Government and Ministry of her Majesty; and withal, the great, earnest, most faithful and dutiful Zeal and Obedience of this House unto her Highness, no less in every particular Member of the same, than is or can be in any other Subject of this Realm whosoever, noble or other; as hath and may well appear by them all in their Actions; and also, taking Occasion of the Bill lately very gravely, carefully, and dutifully considered and dealt in by this House, for the due Care and Preservation of her Majesty's Honour, Fame, and Dignity, but nevertheless dashed by the Lords in the Higher House, and not in this House, nor in the Default of this House; moveth, that this House would yet, notwithstanding, for many great and weighty Respects, by him most excellently, amply and effectually, and no less aptly, declared, proceed to some such Course for due Provision, to the same End, of the Safety of her Highness's Honour, Fame and Dignity, as by some of this House, for that Purpose to be selected, shall seem fit and meet, to express and shew the faithful Hearts, careful Love, and dutiful Obedience of such thankful Subjects unto so gracious, provident and merciful a Prince: Whereupon are appointed all the Privy Council being of this House, Mr. Treasurer of the Chamber, Mr. Knight Marshal, Mr. Dr. Dale Master of Requests, Sir Thomas Sampole, Sir William Fitzwllliams, Sir Wm. Moore, Sir Thomas Shirley, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Sands, Mr. Atkyns, Mr. Cowper, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Norton, Sir Henry Gate, Sir George Turpen, Mr. Woolley, Mr. Beale, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Crooke, Mr. Nicholas St. Leger, Mr. Vyncent Skynner, Mr. Pister, Mr. Edward Lewknor, Mr. Diggs, Mr. Dalton, and Mr. Alforde: To meet at the Chequer-chamber, between One and Two ot the Clock this Afternoon, to confer for the Drawing of a Bill, against To-morrow Morning, for the Safety and Preservation of her Majesty's Honour, Fame, and Person, accordingly.

Earl of Arundell.

Q. LL. 3. The Bill for Restitution in Blood of Philip Earl of Arundell. - The third Reading ; and passed, upon the Question.